Boletín Forum UNESCO - Universidad y Patrimonio


Boletín Forum UNESCO - Universidad y Patrimonio
15 octubre 2011
Especialistas identifican a las
poblaciones de tortugas marinas
más amenazadas del mundo
29 septiembre 2011 | International news release
Universidad Politécnica de
Valencia (UPV) España
Isabel Tort Ausina
Clare Canning
Irene Fornes
Jose Joaquín Lorente
Lupe Navarro
Mª Luz Campos
Alessandro Malpasso
Marielle Richon
Montse Martínez
Jose Luis Montalvá
Manuel Jesús Ramírez
Concha de Soto
I.S.S.N. 1887 - 1372
Universidad Politécnica de
Camino de Vera s/n. 46022
Valencia. España
Tlf. 96 387 77 80
Fax. 96 387 77 89
E-mail: [email protected]
Los especialistas en tortugas marinas más destacados del mundo han descubierto
que cerca de la mitad (el 45%) de las poblaciones de tortugas marinas amenazadas del planeta se hallan en el norte del Océano Índico. El estudio determinó
asimismo que las amenazas más importantes a todas las poblaciones en cuestión
son las capturas accidentales durante la pesca de otras especies y la recolección
de huevos de tortugas para comerlos o la explotación comercial del carey.
El reciente informe, preparado por el Grupo de Especialistas en Tortugas Marinas de
la UICN (Unión Internacional de Conservación de la Naturaleza), apoyado por Conservation International (CI) y la National Fish y Wildlife Foundation (NFWF), constituye la primera evaluación completa del estado de todas las poblaciones de tortugas
marinas a nivel mundial. El estudio, ideado para servir de base a programas de conservación e investigación, evaluó el
estado de cada población de tortugas marinas y determinó las 11 poblaciones más amenazadas, así como las 12 poblaciones
en mejor estado.
“Este sistema de evaluación suministra una base de referencia para todas las tortugas marinas, gracias a la cual podemos medir el avance del proceso de recuperación de estas poblaciones amenazadas en el futuro,” explicó Roderic Mast,
Copresidente del Grupo de Especialistas en Tortugas Marinas, Vicepresidente de CI, y uno de los autores del estudio.
“Gracias a este trabajo, hemos aprendido mucho acerca de los éxitos y fracasos en materia de conservación de las tortugas, y ahora miramos hacia el futuro para reflejar las lecciones aprendidas en estrategias sólidas de conservación de las
tortugas marinas y sus hábitats.”
Cinco de las 11 especies de tortugas marinas más amenazadas del mundo viven en el norte del Océano Índico. Las poblaciones específicamente amenazadas de la tortuga caguama (Caretta caretta) y de la tortuga golfina o lora (Lepidochelys
olivacea) se hallan en el norte del Océano Índico, en aguas y playas de nidificación que se encuentran dentro de Zonas
Económicas Exclusivas de países tales como la India, Sri Lanka y Bangladesh. Otras áreas peligrosas para las tortugas
marinas son el este del Océano Pacífico (desde los Estados Unidos hasta Sudamérica) y el este del Océano Atlántico (frente
a las costas de África Occidental).
“Este informe confirma que la India alberga muchas de las tortugas más amenazadas del mundo”, dijo el Dr. B. C. Choudhury, Jefe del Departamento de Manejo de Especies Amenazadas del Wildlife Institute de la India (Instituto de Especies
Silvestres) y uno de los autores del estudio. “Este documento es una señal de alerta a las autoridades para que tomen
medidas más enérgicas de protección de las tortugas marinas y sus hábitats, para asegurar su supervivencia”.
El estudio determinó también cuáles son las 12 poblaciones más sanas del mundo: son éstas poblaciones numerosas y que
enfrentan amenazas relativamente limitadas. Cinco especies, entre ellas la tortuga carey (Eretmochelys imbricata) y la
tortuga verde (Chelonia mydas), cuentan con poblaciones prósperas que incluyen sitios de nidificación y zonas de alimentación en Australia, México y Brasil. El sudoeste del Océano Índico, Micronesia y la Polinesia Francesa albergan asimismo
poblaciones sanas de tortugas.
”Antes de realizar este estudio, todo lo que podíamos decir de las tortugas marinas es que seis de las siete especies están
amenazadas de extinción a escala mundial”, señaló el Dr Bryan Wallace, Director Científico del Programa de especies
marinas emblemáticas en CI, y autor principal del documento. “Ello no era muy útil para la conservación, porque no
nos ayudaba a establecer prioridades en las distintas regiones. Todas las tortugas marinas requieren acciones de conservación, pero este estudio nos ayudará a precisar mejor el blanco de nuestras acciones en las diversas regiones del
For more information please contact:
Maggie Roth, Communications Officer, IUCN
Tel: +1 202 518 2072, Mobile: +1 207 229 4726, [email protected]
NECROLOGICA - Wangari Maathai de
Kenia, ganadora del Premio Nobel de la
Paz en 2004 por su compromiso con el
medio ambiente, falleció el pasado 25 de
septiembre de 2011 en Nairobi - Kenia
Con gran tristeza la familia de la profesora Wangari Maathai
anunciaba su fallecimiento el 25 de septiembre, en ​​el Hospital de Nairobi, después de una prolongada y valiente lucha
contra un cáncer. Sus seres queridos estaban con ella en ese
La prematura partida de la profesora Maathai es una pérdida
muy grande para todos los que la conocían - como madre, compañera de trabajo, colega, modelo a seguir, y heroína, es de admirar su determinación para hacer del mundo
un lugar mejor.
+ info:
Patrimonio arqueológico
Patrimonio arqueológico
Prehistoric clay disks found at Noatak National Preserve in Northwestern Alaska Noatak National Preserve - Alaska - USA
When Mareca Guthrie packed her bags to join a team of archaeologists on an expedition to
the Noatak National Preserve in Northwest Alaska this summer, she made sure to bring some
art supplies along with the camping gear and obligatory mosquito head net. “I packed pencils
and even a watercolor set.”
The fine arts collection manager at the University of Alaska Museum of the North joined the
expedition to a prehistoric settlement on Feniak Lake to make sketches and take tracings of a
group of boulders adorned with petroglyphs, part of the foundation rocks used for several groups of ancient house pits.
+ info:
Sites palafittiques préhistoriques autour des Alpes
La série de 111 sites archéologiques palafittiques sur les 937 connus dans six pays autour des régions
alpines et subalpines de l'Europe est composée des vestiges d'établissements préhistoriques datant de 5
000 à 500 av. J.-C., qui sont situés sous l'eau, sur les rives de lacs ou le long de rivières ou de terres
+ info:
Jordanie : découverte des vestiges d'une cité-état datant de la période
Les archéologues ont mis au jour les vestiges d'une cité-état qui pourrait élargir
considérablement notre connaissance de la civilisation antique en Jordanie, dans les riches
terres agricoles de la vallée du sud du Jourdain. C'est à 14 km au nord-est de la mer Morte,
dans la vallée méridionale du Jourdain, que se trouve cet immense tertre. Les études et
fouilles récentes ont révélé qu'il renfermait une longue histoire d'occupation humaine datant
de l'époque islamique jusqu'à, au moins, la période chalcolithique (4500-3600 avant notre
Parfois appelée la "Reine de la vallée du sud de la Jordanie", cette zone est la plus importante parmi un groupe de sites
antiques qui, collectivement, parsèment cette vallée agricole et fertile. L'ensemble est situé à cheval sur les anciennes
routes commerciales et les sources d'eau, avec une vue imprenable sur la zone identifiée par un certain nombre de savants
comme étant la plaine du Jourdain. Il n'est donc pas étonnant que l'on y retrouve les traces d'une grande ville antique.
+ info:
Minneapolis Institute of Arts to Transfer Volute Krater to Italy - Minneapolis - Minnesota - USA
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts (MIA) has agreed to transfer a 5th century B.C. Greek volute krater acquired by the MIA
in 1983 to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) for delivery to Italy.
The MIA became concerned with the provenance of the object and contacted the Ministry for Cultural Assets and Activities
of the Italian Republic (Ministry). Both the Ministry and ICE HSI provided information about the krater to the Museum.
Working collaboratively with the Ministry and ICE HSI and after evaluating the information provided by the Comando
Carabinieri per la Tutela del Patrimonio Culturale, as well as its own research, the Museum determined that the krater
should be transferred to Italy.
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Patrimonio arqueológico
Interactive Dig Crete: Zominthos Project - Zominthos Crete - Greece
Explore the serenity of the highlanders on Minoan Crete.
The ancient Minoans are best known as seafarers, but
excavations at the site of Zominthos, nestled in a plateau on Mt.
Ida, Crete’s highest mountain, have shown that they were also
highlanders. This important second-millennium B.C. site, located
about 1,200 meters (nearly 4,000 feet) above sea level, lies on
the ancient route between the palace at Knossos, the Minoans’ primary administrative center, and the sacred Ideon Cave,
where many believe the legendary god Zeus was born and raised. Zominthos is the only mountaintop Minoan settlement
ever to have been excavated and after just a handful of large-scale dig seasons is already yielding groundbreaking
+ info:
Interactive Dig El Carrizal: Ayudemos a la Estación de trenes de Carrizal - Veracruz México
El Carrizal se ubica geográficamente en el Centro del Estado de Veracruz, al Norte de la Cuenca
hidrológica del Río Los pescados. Pertenece al Municipio Emiliano Zapata y es fácilmente
accesible desde las ciudades de Xalapa y Veracruz. Debido a la abundancia de recursos
naturales de la región no es extraño que el área sea famosa a nivel estatal por los baños
termales y numerosos balnearios, que representan un atractivo turístico para las familias
En el marco de nuestras actividades curriculares de la carrera de Arqueología de la Universidad Veracruzana (UV),
efectuamos labores de vinculación a la comunidad de Agua Caliente, a cargo del profesor Ernesto Fernández Panes. En
nuestro camino a dicha comunidad, notamos con algo de sorpresa los montìculos conservados a la entrada de El Carrizal ;
ubicado en el camino a Agua Caliente. Tres años después, investigando para nuestras tesis de posgrado, « descubrimos »
el sitio como uno de los pocos asentamientos del Formativo en el Centro-Sur de Veracruz ; además de contar con algunos
de los pocos yugos encontrados en contexto de excavaciones controladas.
+ info:
Interactive Dig Johnson's Island: Unlocking a Civil War Prison - Ohio - USA
Join archaeologist David Bush beyond the "dead line" at Johnson's Island, Ohio. This year,
our investigations are centered on Block 8 within the Prison Compound.
ARCHAEOLOGY joined Bush and his crew in 2002 as they headed into the field to excavate
barracks that once housed Confederate POWs. We returned to Johnson’s Island in 2006,
2007, and 2008 to follow investigations of the prison hospital, where work continues in
David Bush joined Heidelberg College’s Center for Historic and Military Archaeology in
1998 to focus exclusively on the Johnson’s Island Prisoner of War Depot. He is also chairman of the Friends and
Descendents of Johnson’s Island, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of this National Historic Landmark
+ info:
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) repatriates pre-Columbian bowl to
Belize's history is rich. Nearly 75 attendees gathered at the Embassy of Belize this past weekend
to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the country's independence from England. U.S. Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE) added to the celebration by returning a piece of history – a preColumbian feasting bowl, common to northern Belize – to the Belizean government.
The z-angle pre-Columbian feasting bowl was created by Mayan Indians. It is nearly 1800 years
old, dating back to 200 to 600 AD and was likely looted from a grave…
+ info:
Otzi, la momie des Alpes : 20 ans déjà - Un camp de gladiateurs mis à jour - L'origine du casque d'Astérix
- 2011 marque le vingtième anniversaire de la découverte d'Otzi, la momie retrouvée dans les Alpes.
- Une école de gladiateurs d'envergure remarquable a été décelée sur le site archéologique de Carnuntum, entre Vienne et
- Un casque celtique découvert au XIXème siècle près de Salzbourg est à l'origine des symboles que sont le casque
d'Astérix et le logo des cigarettes Gauloises.
+ info:
Conférence : Les dessous et tendances de la modélisation 3D en archéologie et patrimoine - Québec (Canada)
5 octobre 2011
à 11h30 à 13h30, à l'Université Laval, au LAMIC (local 3545 du pavillon Louis-Jacques-Casault)
(inscription obligatoire - voir plus bas!!)
Une présentation de l'Institut Technologies de l'information et Sociétés (ITIS), en collaboration avec le Laboratoire de
muséologie et d'ingénierie de la culture (LAMIC).
Il est aujourd’hui possible, virtuellement, de se promener dans la Rome antique grâce au projet Rome Reborn ou dans les
majestueux temples égyptiens de Karnak. Ces projets montrent l’importance que prennent les nouvelles technologies et la
modélisation 3D dans le domaine des Sciences humaines et sociales (Digital Humanities). (2 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:02:55]
Patrimonio arqueológico
Lors de cette conférence Midi-Innovation TI venez prendre le pouls des tendances et développements internationaux en
modélisation 3D dans les domaines du patrimoine et de l’archéologie. Venez également découvrir les possibilités de
collaboration engendrées par ces technologies, et ce, à partir de l’exemple de la Plate- forme Technologique 3D de
l’Université de Bordeaux 3, leader français en la matière.
Conférenciers :
• Robert Vergnieux, chercheur au CNRS et directeur d’Archéovision, le Centre national de ressources numériques 3D et de
la Plate-forme Technologique 3D de l’Université de Bordeaux 3
• Mathieu Rocheleau, étudiant au doctorat en Histoire à l’Université Laval et l’Université de Bordeaux 3.
De plus, Philippe Dubé, directeur du LAMIC, sera sur place afin de faire le lien entre ces initiatives internationales
présentées lors de la conférence et certaines initiatives prises par l’Université Laval dans le domaine.
+ info:
Conférence : Regards sur une Rome virtuelle ou quand la 3D fait renaître le passé - Québec (Canada) 3
Octobre 2011
à 19 h 30, à la Chapelle du Musée de l’Amérique française - 6$ pour les étudiants et 8$ pour l'Admission
Il est toujours possible aujourd’hui de se promener dans la Rome de l’Antiquité! Grâce à l’apport des technologies 3D, la
cité s’est ouverte au monde virtuel à travers des initiatives telles Rome Reborn. Mais comment les chercheurs d’ici et
d’ailleurs s’y prennent-ils pour recréer les merveilles du monde antique? En guise de réponse, nos conférenciers vous
proposent une incursion dans l’univers de la création de représentations visuelles 3D du passé, question de constater ses
pièges, de voir ses réussites et de saisir ses multiples possibilités.
• Robert Vergnieux, ingénieur de recherche hors classe au CNRS et directeur d’Archéovision, le Centre national de
ressources numériques 3D du patrimoine (Université de Bordeaux 3) qui comprend une Plateforme technologique 3D et
une cellule de transfert.
• Mathieu Rocheleau, étudiant au doctorat en Histoire à l’Université Laval et à l’Université de Bordeaux 3.
Cette conférence est une présentation de l’Institut Technologies de l’information et Sociétés (ITIS) de l’Université Laval et
du Musée de la Civilisation, en collaboration avec le Laboratoire de muséologie et d’ingénierie de la culture (LAMIC).
+ info:
Un peu de Néandertal en chacun de nous
Une équipe de biologistes du Département de pédiatrie de l'Université de Montréal a découvert qu'une partie de notre
chromosome X provient de l'homme de Néandertal. Damien Labuda, professeur à l'Université de Montréal et chercheur au
Centre de recherche du CHU Sainte- Justine s'intéresse à la génétique des populations afin de mieux comprendre les bases
génétiques des maladies héréditaires.
+ info:
Le squelette d'une reine maya découvert au Guatemala
En investiguant les décombres d’un édifice des ruines mayas de Nakum, au Guatemala, des
archéologues de l’université de Cracovie ont découvert deux tombeaux. Le premier rempli de trésors et
le second plus ancien, abritant le squelette d’une reine Maya enterrée il y a environ 2.000 ans. Une
découverte qui a bien étonné les archéologues alors que les dirigeants de cette ancienne civilisation
étaient plutôt des hommes.
+ info:
Jordan recovers 620 artifacts from Israel - Jordan
The Jordanian authorities have recovered 620 artifacts from Israel through US
mediation after 44 years of captivity, a senior official announced Tuesday.
The treasures, most of them date back to the early bronze age, were discovered by
the Jordanian Department of Antiquities in early 1960’s in southern Jordan Valley,
according to the acting head of the Department Fares Hmoud.
The artifacts were later loaned to an American archaeologist at the Albright Institute
of Archaeology in Jerusalem for further research but Israel seized the treasures when
it captured East Jerusalem from Jordan in the 1967, the official said…
+ info:
More of Bandelier National Monument Has Reopened - Bandelier - New Mexico - USA
Sections of Bandelier National Monument have reopened to the public. See list below for what's
open and for important details in planning your trip. MUCH of the park will remain CLOSED for
the foreseeable future. The Las Conchas Fire, which began on June 26, burned over 60% of the
park and altered much of the park landscape.
+ info:
Mexican archaeologists find human footprints in Chihuahua that may be 25,000
years old - Sierra Tarahumara - Chihuahua - Mexico
Five footprints from human feet, calculated to be between 4,500 and 25,000 years old, were
discovered in the Sierra Tarahumara, in Chihuahua. Specialists said that the foot prints could
belong to the first men who lived in this region that is today known as northern Mexico.
These are the first human footprints that have been found in Chihuahua and once their age
has been found out, they will be added to the few footprints from the first people that lived
in the American continent that are preserved in Mexico, particularly in Cuatro Ciénegas, (3 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:02:55]
Patrimonio arqueológico
Coahuila and in a ranch in Sonora.
+ info:
Alaska Field Report: Preservation in the Wild - National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Alaska - USA
Written by Brian R. Turner
Stewarding historic and cultural properties within Alaska’s vast network of public lands is not
only technically and physically challenging, it can be downright dangerous. On a recent field
visit to a remote site deep within the Misty Fjords National Monument, a floatplane dropped me
and three Forest Service employees on the shores of a pristine bay, about an hour’s flight from
the nearest road in Ketchikan…
+ info:
5th Annual Archaeological Institute of America and Boston Museum of Science Archaeology Fair
07 octubre - 08 octubre 2011 Boston, Massachusetts. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Archaeological Institute of America and Boston Museum of Science
Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected]
+ info:
L’Inrap (Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives) dégage la
tour Denis, au pied des remparts du Mont-Saint-Michel - France
Une équipe d’archéologues de l’Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives
vient d’achever une fouille au pied des remparts du Mont-Saint-Michel. Cette opération a
révélé les vestiges d’une tour des fortifications, la tour Denis, ouvrage édifié vers 1479 et
détruit en 1732. Prescrite et financée par la Direction des affaires culturelles de BasseNormandie, cette intervention s’inscrit dans le projet de rétablissement du caractère
maritime du Mont-Saint-Michel et de la restauration générale des fortifications.
+ info:
Le Salon noir - Emission radiophonique - France Culture - Rétrospective depuis 2007
209 documents
+ info:
The Archaeological Profession - Archaeology in Contemporary Europe
The upsurge in archaeological activities across Europe has changed the status and responsibilities of professionals within
the archaeological community. Such transformations have important implications in social, economic, educational and
scientific terms.
+ info:
Comparative Practices in Archaeology
Archaeologists use a range of methods and procedures to better identify and study the past - from the initial detection of
archaeological remains to their excavation and laboratory analyses, and from initial administrative documentation to final
report and publications. On all these practices, comparative 'state of the art' appraisals make it possible to share skills and
expertise, and provide guidance and recommendations.
+ info:
Archaeology and the crisis (Archaeology in Contemporary Europe)
Major changes in the global economy have affected and will continue to affect our lives.
Both at face value and as a collective syndrome, the 'crisis' clearly impacts on the practice of archaeology, on its
practitioners, and ultimately on the knowledge we produce about the past. This webpage proposes to monitor some of
these effects, on a country by country basis, on four overlapping themes:
(a) Research funding and priorities
(b) Professional employment and skills
(c) Conservation and public outreach, and
(d) Heritage management, policies and legislation
In seeking and submitting information on these themes, remember that:
- Each country have their initial conditions which need to be clearly understood.
- Each country is responding through different measures, with different anticipated and unforeseen effects.
- The 'crisis' can neither account for nor excuse everything that is going on: other processes and patterns need to be taken
on board.
Information in this website is open to comments, periodically updated and reviewed to highlight possible trends. This will
serve us to better grasp the immediate and long term effects of the crisis - and possibly contribute to archaeology's
bouncing back.
+ info:
La sédentarisation du chasseur-cueilleur en bord de Seine
Visite du site avec Cyril Marcigny, archéologue responsable d'opération Inrap. (4 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:02:55]
Patrimonio arqueológico
Implanté en vallée de Seine, au niveau de sa confluence avec l’Eure, le site d'Alizay était parcouru de chenaux attractifs
autour desquels divers groupes humains se sont installés durant la Préhistoire et la Protohistoire. Sur une trentaine
d'hectares, une équipe pluridisciplinaire tente de comprendre les modes d’occupation et les relations entre les hommes et
leurs milieux avant l'aménagement d'une carrière.
+ info:
Les steppes paléolithiques d'Havrincourt- Nord-Pas de Calais - France
Visite du site avec Emilie Goval, archéologue responsable d'opération, Inrap, Luc Vallin, Service régional de l'archéologie
du Nord-Pas-de-Calais, Benoit Clarys, archéologue et dessinateur, Patrick Auguste, chercheur au CNRS.
À Havrincourt, dans le Nord, les fouilles entreprises sur le tracé du futur canal Seine-Nord Europe vont révéler une période
méconnue de l’histoire régionale. Une première tranchée profonde donne des résultats encourageants et la découverte de
silex éveille la curiosité des chercheurs. Après plusieurs semaines de fouilles, les archéologues mettent en évidence la
présence de Néandertaliens dans la région, il y a 55 000 ans.
+ info:
L'Inp (Institut national du patrimoine) et l'Inrap (Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives)
scellent des liens autour de l'archéologie préventive et de la conservation du patrimoine
L’Institut national du patrimoine et l’Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives ont conclu, en août 2011,
une convention pour renforcer leur coopération. Cette accord marque la volonté des deux instituts, aux missions
scientifiques et pédagogiques convergentes, de collaborer durablement sur des activités de recherche, de formation et de
diffusion scientifique et culturelle de l’archéologie.
+ info:
Seventh season of Trinity Southwest University (TSU)'s Tall el-Hammam /Sodom Excavation Project - Jordan
January-February 2012 Jordania
Organizadores: TSU Administrative Center
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
CONFERENCE - Modern Conflict Archaeology Conference - University of Bristol
22 octubre 2011 Bristol. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: University of Bristol, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology.
Contacto: John Winterburn - [email protected]
+ info:
International Water Association (IWA) Specialized Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies in
Ancient Civilizations
22 marzo - 24 marzo 2012 Istanbul. Turquía
Organizadores: IWA Specialized Group on Water and Wastewater in Ancient Civilizations
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 oct 2011
+ info:
Nuevo número de la revista Cuba Arqueológica
Este nuevo número de Cuba Arqueológica. Revista digital de Arqueología de Cuba y el Caribe, está
dedicado a la memoria de tres destacados investigadores: el arqueólogo cubano Enrique Alonso (19402011), el arqueólogo puertorriqueño Ricardo Alegría (1921-2011) y el arqueólogo estadounidense Lewis
R. Binford (1930-2011). Quizá la mejor manera de homenajear a estos importantes baluartes de la
ciencia arqueológica es precisamente continuar profundizando en el conocimiento de nuestro pasado, con
vistas a afianzar la memoria histórica de nuestros pueblos. Es este número de la revista otro esfuerzo en
ese sentido, con artículos que aportan nuevos datos o interpretaciones sobre las islas antillanas, sobre las
sociedades precolombinas, los procesos tafonómicos o el arte rupestre. También están presentes estudios sobre la cultura
material de los esclavos cimarrones y de un contexto urbano de Buenos Aires, cerrando con un texto del importante sabio
cubano don Fernando Ortiz y una bibliografía de la antropología física antillana.
+ info:
Le bivouac préhistorique du Buhot, à Calleville (Eure)- France
Sous la direction de Miguel Biard et Stéphan Hinguant
Avec les auteurs : Claire Beurion, Miguel Biard, Valérie Deloze, Philippe Forré, Stéphan Hinguant, Farid
Collection « Recherches archéologiques ». Une coédition Inrap-CNRS Editions
Lors de la construction de l’autoroute A28 entre Rouen et Alençon, un gisement daté du Paléolithique (5 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:02:55]
Patrimonio arqueológico
supérieur final a été découvert et fouillé au Buhot. Ce site en bordure de la rivière du Bec est
remarquable à plusieurs titres : la rareté des sites de cette période en Haute-Normandie, son excellent
état de conservation ainsi que la qualité et l’originalité de l’assemblage lithique découvert (près de 5 000 outils de silex).
L’absence de restes de faune est palliée par des études géoarchéologique et techno-typologique, laquelle a permis de
percevoir les objectifs du débitage. De nombreux remontages et raccords associés à l’analyse des méthodes de taille et des
techniques de percussion contribuent à la compréhension des différentes séquences de la chaîne opératoire. Enfin, des
comparaisons régionales et extrarégionales établies avec des gisements de même nature complètent cette étude.
+ info:
Le cimetière Saint-Michel de Toulouse
Sous la direction de Didier Paya et Jean Catalo, Inrap
Avec les auteurs : Élodie Cabot, Fabien Callède, Jean Catalo, Sylvie Duchesne, Henri Molet, Didier Paya
Collection « Recherches archéologiques ». Coédition Inrap-CNRS Editions
Un vaste cimetière médiéval a été découvert, à Toulouse, à l’occasion des fouilles préventives qui ont eu
lieu à l’emplacement de la station de métro Palais-de-Justice, de la Cité judiciaire et des allées PaulFeuga. Une étude portant sur plus de 900 tombes a été menée, alliant les aspects anthropologiques,
taphonomiques, typologiques et chronostratigraphiques. Le but des auteurs dans cet ouvrage est d’aller au-delà de
l’histoire d’un quartier à travers les découvertes archéologiques, mais bien de se pencher sur la naissance et le
développement d’une zone funéraire alors aux marges de la ville médiévale et d’en tirer des conclusions sur l’évolution du
statut des cimetières, des pratiques funéraires et des populations inhumées.
+ info:
Fouilles et découvertes en Picardie - France
Par Jean-Luc Collart et Marc Talon
Editions Ouest-France/Inrap, juin 2011
La Picardie a marqué le point de départ des études paléolithiques en France grâce à la découverte, au
milieu du XIXe siècle, de traces de vie humaine vieilles de 300 000 à 450 000 ans dans les terrasses
alluviales de la Somme.
De nos jours, au rythme d’environ 150 interventions archéologiques par an, portant sur quelque 650
hectares, la Picardie est sans doute la région de France où l’ampleur de l’aménagement du territoire
favorise le plus les recherches au travers de l’archéologie préventive.
+ info:
Water History for our Times republished - International Hydrological Programme
By Fekri Hassan
This current book is the second IHP essay on water history. It draws on and accompanies the first volume
of the HWC series that will appear in autumn 2011, Water History and Humanity, edited by Vernon
Scarborough. Drawing from that volume’s more than forty outstanding chapters, extensive references,
including from conferences of the International Water History Association and from his lifelong intellectual
and academic commitment to water history, Fekri Hassan has formulated the co-evolutionary theory of the
historical transformations of water management that he describes in this truly remarkable essay.
We are convinced that this is not only an important contribution to a better understanding of the interaction of civilizations
with water today, but will also help to guide our actions toward the future.
+ info:
Palestine Exploration Quarterly - Volume 144
Print ISSN: 0031-0328 / Online ISSN: 1743-1301
Editor: David Jacobson (Palestine Exploration Fund, UK)
Palestine Exploration Quarterly (PEQ) is the peer-reviewed journal of the Palestine Exploration Fund, which
was established in 1865 as the first scholarly society dedicated to the scientific study of what was then
generally known as the Holy Land. In 1869, the Fund through its Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly
Statement aimed to illuminate the Bible for its readers with scholarly information about the land of the
+ info:
The Medieval Chantry in England and Wales - Journal of the British Archaeological Association - Volume 164
Published for the British Archaeological Association
ISBN: 978 1 907975 16 5
The Medieval Chantry in England and Wales is a special themed issue of Volume 164 of the Journal of the British
Archaeological Association. Subscribers to the journal will receive a paperback version of the issue as part of their
The subject is one that has attracted considerable attention from archaeologists and historians of art, architecture and
music over the last two decades, though relatively little has been published. The volume includes essays on the prehistory
of the chantry, music and the chantry priest, chantries in the parish, English royal chantry provision, the origins and early
development of the cage chantry, the chantries of William of Wykeham, textiles and commemoration, the Audley Chantries
at Hereford and Salisbury, the Spring Chantry at Lavenham, Abbot Islip at Westminster, and the Dissolution of the (6 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:02:55]
Patrimonio arqueológico
+ info:
The seventeenth Annual Report of the Network of Concerned Historians
The seventeenth Annual Report of the Network of Concerned Historians (NCH) contains news about the domain where
history and human rights intersect, especially about the censorship of history and the persecution of historians, archivists,
and archaeologists around the globe, as reported by various human rights organizations and other sources. It covers
events and developments of 2010 and 2011.
The fact that NCH presents this news does not imply that it shares the views and beliefs of the historians and others
mentioned in it.
The complete set of Annual Reports (1995–2011) was compiled by Antoon De Baets. Please send any comments to:
[email protected]
+ info:
Ir a arriba (7 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:02:55]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
Fellowships - European Grants to attend 19th EUROCLIO Annual
Conference in Antalya (Turkey) 1-7 April 2012. DEADLINE FOR
APPLICATIONS: 15 September 2011
From now on few days left before the deadline of 15 September 2011 to apply for
the THE COMENIUS (School Education) and GRUNTVIG(Adult Education) grants to
attend the 19th EUROCLIO Annual Conference. The applicants need to register
online for the 19th EUROCLIO Annual Conference "Looking at History Through a Variety of Lenses and Contact their
National Agencies (view here the full list) and apply for the grants with the reference number for: COMENIUS: NL-2012247-001 / GRUNDTVIG: NL-2012-248-001
+ info:
COMPETITIONS - Concours d'admission - Ecole doctorale francophone en sciences sociales - Université de
Bucarest - Roumanie - Date limite: 15 octobre 2011
L’École Doctorale Francophone en Sciences Sociales (EDSS) organise un concours d’admission ouvert à tout doctorant en
sciences sociales de l’Europe Centrale et Orientale, admis (ou en cours d’admission) en première année de thèse pour
l’année universitaire 2011-2012 dans une université membre de l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie.
+ info:
Appel à candidatures : Constitution d’une banque de donnée
régionale d’experts extérieurs au Bureau Moyen-Orient - Date
limite de candidature: 30 septembre 2011
La commission régionale d’experts (CRE) est un organe important du
Bureau Moyen-Orient de l’AUF, elle sélectionne ou donne un avis sur les
bénéficiaires de nos projets et suit les actions mises en œuvre par notre
bureau régional. Cette commission est appuyée par des experts
extérieurs afin de garantir une évaluation de qualité des dossiers
déposés. A cet effet, le bureau Moyen-Orient souhaite identifier les compétences régionales capables d’exercer cette
fonction d’experts couvrant tous les domaines.
+ info:
Volontariat international de la Francophonie : la promotion 2011
La liste des 50 candidats retenus pour participer à la promotion 2011 du programme de Volontariat international de la
Francophonie est désormais connue.
Les futurs volontaires seront contactés très prochainement par l’OIF en vue de participer à la formation de mise en route, à
Paris, du 26 septembre au 2 octobre 2011, avant leur déploiement dans les pays d’affectation, au sein des différentes
structures d’accueil.
+ info:
JOB OFFERS - Vice-Rector, Academic and Student Affairs - UNESCO-IHE Institute of Water Education - Delft,
The Netherlands - DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS : 1 October 2011
Established in 2003 as a UNESCO category 1 institute jointly by UNESCO and the Government of the Netherlands, UNESCOIHE for Water Education envisages a world in which people manage their water and environmental resources in a
sustainable manner, and in which all sectors of society, particularly the poor, can enjoy the benefits of basic services. The (1 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:03:18]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
UNESCO-IHE Institute is a graduate school that carries out research, education and capacity-building activities in the fields
of water, environment and infrastructure, is the largest international water education facility in the world, and is the only
institution in the United Nations system authorized to confer accredited MSc degrees.
The Vice-Rector, Academic and Student Affairs will lead UNESCO-IHE in fulfilling its United Nations and UNESCO mandates
to strengthen the capacity of the water and environmental sectors in developing countries and countries in transition
through education and research activities.
+ info:
FELLOWSHIPS - Appel à candidatures - Prolongement du programme Zhang Heng - Date limite de dépôt des
candidatures: 4 octobre 2011
Le programme Zhang Heng offre à un groupe de jeunes chercheurs ou ingénieurs français (âgés de moins de 40 ans) un
séjour d'une semaine organisé par le service pour la science et la technologie (SST) de l'Ambassade de France en Chine en
collaboration avec l'Académie des sciences de Chine (CAS) leur faisant découvrir la recherche effectuée en Chine dans leur
domaine. Le programme comprend des réunions générales d'informations sur la recherche, le développement et
l'innovation en Chine ainsi que des visites d'instituts chinois spécialisés dans un domaine retenu.
Pour l'année 2011, sept candidats français seront sélectionnés dans l'un des deux domaines retenus : "développement
durable et biodiversité" ainsi que "technologies et chimie vertes". La date limite de l'appel à candidatures a été repoussée
au 4 octobre 2011, pour une mission qui aura lieu du 19 au 27 novembre 2011.
+ info:
CONCURSOS - Concurso Internacional de fotografía digital 2011 - Miradas Cruzadas: Las
ciudades mediterráneas y los espacios de socialización. Fecha límite: 15 octubre 2011
Las ciudades mediterráneas son dinámicas, brillantes, abiertas a distintos géneros, culturas y
generaciones. Los lugares de encuentro son numerosos y de diferentes tipos: típicos espacios civiles
como los techos planos de las casas o los hammanes; espacios religiosos como mezquitas y
cementerios; áreas de recreación, tales como instalaciones deportivas y jardines; espacios
comerciales como los zocos; los espacios de paso tales como porches y calles; espacios para la
celebración de la familia como los patios de las casas y espcios para las celebraciones religiosas o
culturales, tales como las plazas públicas, etc.
Socializar es celebrar la vida y esto es parte de un espacio físico concreto, donde recrear la inmaterialidad del evento.
+ info:
COMPETITION - Australia ICOMOS Watermarks Photographic Competition. Deadline for applications: 17
October 2011
Water and the places connected with its heritage often make striking visual images, so Australia ICOMOS and the National
Trusts of Australia are pleased to announce a photography competition in association with the Watermarks, Water’s
Heritage conference. Entry is open to Australia ICOMOS members, members of state National Trusts and all conference
Entrants may submit up to a single print in each category, as well as a photo essay on one of the themes. Images may
have been taken in Australia or abroad by the entrant. The photos will be displayed at the Melbourne Convention and
Exhibition Centre throughout the conference, with awards presented at its close.
+ info:
JOB OFFER - Forum Coordinator (National Heritage Science Forum) - University College London (United
Kingdom) Deadline: 4 October 2011
The Centre for Sustainable Heritage at the Bartlett School of Graduate Studies, UCL is seeking to appoint a part-time
(50%) Coordinator for the National Heritage Science Forum, with the support of the AHRC/EPSRC Science and Heritage
Programme. The postholder will be responsible for establishing the secretariat of the National Heritage Science Forum with
the major task being to elicit funding for the future of the Forum.
The post is funded for 18 months in the first instance.
The postholder will have MSc/MA degree in heritage science, conservation science, conservation or another science and
heritage related discipline and possess an understanding of public and private sector funding mechanisms for research and
knowledge exchange. They will have an understanding of the heritage science discipline and experience in developing a
subscription-based organisation.
+ info:
JOB OFFER - The British Library: Preventive Conservation Voluntary Work Opportunity. London (United
Kingdom) Deadline 21 October 2011
This opportunity has been created to further the aim of the British Library in the field of Preventive Conservation via the
dissemination of key skills and techniques in this area. The successful individual will be given a unique learning opportunity
in a working national library with a view to applying the skills and knowledge obtained in their own field of work. The
volunteer will have the chance to learn and understand one of the core purposes of the British Library by working alongside
Library employees and to gain knowledge, identify and manage risks to collections; identify best practice for handling
material, disaster preparedness, integrated pest management, and creating and storing surrogate copies.
The volunteer will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses with a stipend of £5,000. Reasonable expenses will include
reimbursement for flights, obtaining a visa, accommodation, and subsistence whilst in London.
+ info:
JOB OFFER - Scientific research collaborator in Conservation - The Haute Ecole de Conservation-Restauration
Arc - Neuchâtel (Switzerland) Deadline 30 September 2011
Under the responsibility of the head of the department and the research coordinator and in association with the members (2 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:03:18]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
of the research team:
Initiation of research projects, in particular in the field of scientific, technical and horological objects conservation;
conducting research projects ; participate in research projects…
+ info:
AWARDS - Two Top Awards Given to Baojiatun Watermill in China and Sumda Chun
Gonpa in India for the 2011 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards
Baojiatun Watermill in Guizhou Province, China and Sumda Chun Gonpa in Leh, India have
been honoured with the Awards of Excellence in the 2011 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage
Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation.
The Award of Distinction went to the Altit Fort in Hunza, Pakistan. The two Awards of Merit
include the Serkhang Monastery in Qinghai Province, China and the Scriptures Hall of Wat
Thepthidaram Worawihan in Bangkok, Thailand.
+ info:
COMPETITIONS - Montpellier élue capitale française de la biodiversité - CONCOURS NATUREPARIF 2011 sur le
thème ''Biodiversité et planification urbaine''
Dans le cadre du concours organisé par Natureparif et récompensant les collectivités locales qui s'engagent dans la
préservation de la biodiversité, la ville de Montpellier (Hérault) a été élue capitale française de la biodiversité 2011.
Cette année, le thème du concours était ''Biodiversité et planification urbaine''. ''Le jury a apprécié les outils innovants
développés par la capitale languedocienne pour intégrer la nature et la biodiversité dans le tissu urbain'', indique
+ info:
AWARDS - The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) Searches For World's Most
Sustainable Businesses and destinations worldwide to apply for its 2012 Tourism for
Tomorrow Awards
The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is inviting tourism businesses and destinations
worldwide to apply for its 2012 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards.
Every year WTTC recognises the very best in sustainable tourism - its Tourism for Tomorrow
Awards are one of the highest accolades in the global Travel & Tourism industry…
+ info:
FELLOWSHIPS - Appel à candidats pour projets de mobilité pour des
stages professionnels à l'étranger dans le domaine des arts et de la
Le projet « Culture(s) en mouvement : la mobilité culturelle comme vecteur de
professionnalisation », proposé par ADCEI et décrit brièvement ci-dessous a
été sélectionné dans le cadre du programme européen Leonardo da Vinci «
Bourses de mobilité des Personnes sur le Marché du Travail ».
Il vise, comme son titre l'indique, à développer le niveau de professionnalisme
et d'insertion professionnelle des participants dans le secteur des arts et de la culture et, secondairement, dans les filières
d'emploi plus générales…
+ info:
COMPETITIONS - Concurso para diseño de un afiche promocional de la Convención sobre la Protección y la
Promoción de la Diversidad de las Expresiones Culturales (2005) de la UNESCO -Fecha limite: 14 de Octubre
La UNESCO convoca a diseñadores gráficos y artistas en general a un concurso para la creación de un afiche original para
promocionar la Convención sobre la Protección y la Promoción de la Diversidad de las Expresiones Culturales (2005) de la
El afiche se convertirá en una de las imágenes públicas a través de las cuales la UNESCO promocionará ese importante
instrumento normativo, y debe plasmar sus principios y objetivos principales, tal y como se recogen en su Preámbulo y
Artículo 1.
+ info:
suis particulièrement fier".
AWARDS - La médaille d'or du CNRS (Conseil national de la recherche scientifique)
attribuée à Jules Hoffmann pour ses travaux sur l'immunologie des insectes
Directeur de recherche émérite au C.N.R.S., biologiste de renommée mondiale, et
professeur à l'Université de Strasbourg, Jules Hoffmann a consacré ses travaux à
l'endocrinologie et à l'immunologie des insectes.
Laurent Wauquiez a déclaré : "Cette médaille illustre la capacité de la recherche française à
apporter des solutions aux grands problèmes de société, notamment dans le domaine de la
santé. Ce prix est une nouvelle illustration de l'excellence de la recherche française dont je (3 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:03:18]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
+ info:
AWARDS - Prix Le goût des sciences 2011 - France - Remise le 11 octobre 2011
Le ministère lance la troisième édition du prix "Le goût des sciences". Laboratoires publics,
privés, équipes de recherche, chercheurs, candidatez vite à la 3e catégorie du prix intitulée
"les scientifiques communiquent". Clôture des inscriptions le 21 septembre à minuit.
Créé en 2009, le prix "Le goût de sciences" valorise la communauté scientifique et met en
lumière les initiatives de vulgarisation scientifiques et les produits culturels qui visent à faire
comprendre au plus grand nombre l’enjeu des travaux menés au sein des laboratoires. Avec
ce prix, le ministère met en avant les chercheurs qui, tout au long de l’année, s’efforcent
relever un défi essentiel : réconcilier la science et la société. Il s’agit également d’encourager le goût pour les savoirs et les
vocations scientifiques.
+ info:
FELLOWSHIP - Harriet and Leon Pomerance Fellowship - Deadline 1 November 2011
Purpose: To support an individual project of a scholarly nature, related to Aegean Bronze Age
Archaeology. Preference will be given to candidates whose project requires travel to the
Mediterranean for the purpose stated above.
Requirements: Applicants must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or
Canada, or be actively pursuing an advance degree at a North American College or University.
Please note that all application materials (including references and transcripts) must be received
at the AIA by the November 1 deadline. Previous Pomerance Fellows are not eligible. At the
conclusion of the fellowship tenure, the recipient must submit a report on the use of the stipend to the Chair of the AIA
Fellowships Committee.
+ info:
GRANTS - Publication Preparation Grant - Archaeological Institute of America - Deadline 1
November 2011
Purpose: to assist scholars in preparing, completing, and publishing results of their research. This
grant supports the scholarly publication of already excavated archaeological material in a peerreviewed outlet. It is intended to assist in the final analysis, writing, and preparation for publication of
the results of research so that, by the end of the second year under the grant, a completed
manuscript (article or monograph) will be submitted for publication. Proposals must include a timetable for completion of the manuscript and specific plans for publication (including intended
publisher). Applicants may request funds to work on archaeological material of any period from anywhere in the world.
Material may already reside in international or North American museums or institutions, or still remain in storerooms on
+ info:
SCHOLARSHIP - Minority Scholarship in Classics and Classical Archaeology - The American Philological
Association - Deadline 14 December 2011
The Joint Committee on Minority Scholarships of the American Philological Association (APA) and the Archaeological
Institute of America (AIA) invites applications from minority undergraduate students for a scholarship to be awarded for
Summer 2012. The purpose of the scholarship is to further an undergraduate's preparation for graduate work in classics or
classical archaeology. Eligible proposals might include (but are not limited to) participation in classical summer programs or
field schools in Italy, Greece, Egypt, etc., or language training at institutions in the U.S, Canada, or Europe. The maximum
amount of the award will be $4,000.
+ info:
AWARDS - Graduate Student Travel Award - Archaeological Institute of America - Deadline 7 December 2011
Graduate Student Travel Grants are meant to assist graduate students presenting papers at the AIA Annual Meeting with
their travel expenses.
To submit an application for the Graduate Student Travel Award we ask that you please complete the online form, attach
your CV and a scanned copy of your student ID or fax attached documents to 617-353-6550. For more information, email
[email protected].
All applications must be received by December 7, 2010. Upon submission of your application you can expect to receive an
email receipt within 24 hours. If you do not receive an email confirmation, please contact Megan Bernard, the Annual Fund
Manager, at [email protected] to inquire about successful transmission. Accepted applicants will receive confirmation
by December 28, 2011.
+ info:
FELLOWSHIP - Anna C. & Oliver C. Colburn Fellowship - Deadline 15 January 2012
Purpose: To support studies undertaken at the American School of Classical Studies at
Athens, Greece for no more than a year.
Requirements: Applicant must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States or
Canada. Applicant must be at the pre-doctoral stage or have received a Ph.D within five
years of application. An applicant must apply concurrently to the ASCSA for associate
membership or associate student membership (see the the listing for the Fellowship on the
ASCSA website, at membership/grants/),
but an applicant may not be a member of ASCSA during the year of application. Please note that all materials for the AIA (4 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:03:18]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
application (including references and transcripts) must be received at the AIA by the January 15 deadline. Other major
fellowships may not be held during the requested tenure of the Colburn award, which is contingent upon the applicant’s
acceptance by the ASCSA. At the conclusion of the fellowship tenure, the recipient must submit a report on the use of the
stipend to the Chair of the AIA Fellowships Committee and the Director of the ASCSA.
+ info:
FELLOWSHIP - Helen M. Woodruff Fellowship of the Archaeological Institute of America and the American
Academy in Rome - Deadline 1 November 2011
A pre- or post-doctoral fellowship for study of archaeology and classical studies has been established by the Institute at the
American Academy in Rome. This fellowship, with other funds from the American Academy in Rome, will support a Rome
Prize Fellowship.
Applicant must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States. The AAR receives all applications. At the conclusion
of the fellowship tenure, recipients must submit a report to the Chair of the AIA Fellowships Committee and the President
of the AAR.
+ info:
FELLOWSHIP - Olivia James Traveling Fellowship - Archaeological Institute of America - Deadline 1 November
For travel and study to be conducted between July 1 of the award year and the following June 30. Preference will be given
to projects of at least a half-year's duration. The award is to be used for travel and study in Greece (the modern state),
Cyprus, the Aegean Islands, Sicily, southern Italy (that is, the Italian provinces of Campania, Molise, Apulia, Basilicata, and
Calabria), Asia Minor (Turkey) or Mesopotamia (that is, the territory between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, that is
modern Iraq and parts of northern Syria and eastern Turkey). Although the proposal may require travel outside these
areas, the majority of travel proposed must be within them. The award is not intended to support field excavation projects.
+ info:
FELLOWSHIP - Archaeological Institute of America and German Archaeological Institute Fellowship for Study
in the U.S. - Deadline 1 November 2011
The Archaeological Institute of America is pleased to announce the availability of a Fellowship for archaeologists employed
by the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI). The purpose of the Fellowship is to encourage and support scholarship of
the highest quality on various aspects of archaeology, and to promote contact between North American archaeologists and
DAI scholars.
The AIA offers post-doctoral research fellowships for use during the academic year (one for the fall and one for the spring)
at either The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) or The Joukowsky
Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.
+ info:
FELLOWSHIP - Archaeological Institute of America and German Archaeological Institute Fellowship for Study
in Berlin - Deadline February 2012
The German Archaeological Institute (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut or DAI) is pleased to announce the availability of
two research fellowships for AIA members who are working in North American institutions. The purpose of the fellowship
program is to encourage and support scholarship of the highest quality on various aspects of archaeology and to promote
contact between North American and German archaeologists.
In 2012, the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut will offer two post-doctoral research fellowships to scholars of archaeology
based in North America who wish to use the library facilities of the DAI in Berlin. Applicants need not be U.S., Canadian or
Mexican citizens.
+ info:
FELLOWSHIP - The Archaeology of Portugal Fellowship - Deadline 1 November 2011
To support projects pertaining to the archaeology of Portugal. These include, but are not limited to,
research projects, colloquia, symposia, publication, and travel for research or to academic meetings for
the purpose of presenting papers on the archaeology of Portugal.
Portuguese, American, and other international scholars are invited to apply. Please note that all
application materials (including references and transcripts) must be received at the AIA by the November
1 deadline.
At the conclusion of the project, recipients must submit a report to the Chair of the AIA Fellowships
Committee. Recipients are also expected to submit an abstract to the Program Committee within two years in order to be
considered for participation in the AIA Annual Meeting.
+ info:
GRANTS - Archaeological Institute of America Site Preservation Grant - Deadline 15 October 2011
This grant is intended to fund projects that uphold the AIA's mission to preserve and promote the world's archaeological
heritage for future generations. The goal of the grant, which carries a maximum value of $25,000 to be awarded over the
course of one to three years, is to maximize global preservation efforts and awareness through AIA support. The AIA is
targeting projects that not only seek to directly preserve archaeological sites, but those that also emphasize outreach,
education, and/or best practices intended to create a positive impact on the local community, students, and the discipline
of archaeology as a whole.
The AIA endeavors to stimulate archaeologists and cultural heritage institutions to work together to implement site
preservation. As the AIA encourages partnerships with other organizations to complement rather than duplicate efforts,
specific portions of larger preservation projects as well as stand alone projects will be considered…
+ info: (5 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:03:18]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
AWARDS - Remise des Palmes académiques à deux directeurs de l'AUF (Agence
universitaire de la Francophonie)
M. Michel Guerrero et M. Emile Tanawa, respectivement Directeur des ressources humaines et
Directeur du bureau régional d’Afrique de l’Ouest de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie,
reçoivent mercredi 21 septembre 2011, au nom du gouvernement français, les insignes de
Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes académiques.
Ils ont reçu cette distinction des mains de M. Bernard Cerquiglini, Recteur de l’Agence, au
cours d’une cérémonie tenue au siège de l’AUF à Montréal, en présence de plusieurs
personnalités de l’Agence, du corps consulaire de France à Montréal, ainsi que certains membres de la communauté
universitaire montréalaise.
+ info:
CITYVISION: International Ideas Competition Winners - Venice - Italy
The CITYVISION competition is an international ideas competition, which challenges
architects, engineers, designers, students and creative individuals to develop visionary urban
proposals with the intention of stimulating and supporting the contemporary city. Through
innovative ideas and methodologies, which can improve the connection between the historical,
present and future city, CITYVISION aims to foster a critical evolution of architectural
historiography. The host city for this round of entries was Venice, Italy. Browse through the
winning entries after the break.
The Judging Panel of the 2011 edition was composed of leaders of the architecture and design fields: 4 members and a
presiding president including BJARKE INGELS (BIG Architects) Copenhagen / New York Jury President, NERI OXMAN
(Material Ecology) New York, ELENA MANFERDINI (Atelier Manferdini) Los Angeles, MARIA LUDOVICA TRAMONTIN
(Università di Cagliari) Cagliari, BOSTJAN VUGA (Sadar Vuga) Ljubljana. The Jury selected a first and a second prize and
11 honorable mentions. Venice CITYVISION Competition had 250 registered groups (462 participants) and received 201
proposals from all five continents. During the competition a special prize has been added, FARM special prize, and Andrea
Bartoli (farm’s owner) selected the winner.
+ info:
AWARDS - Les images gagnantes des "British Wildlife Photography Awards" (photos)
Le jury du concours annuel "British Wildlife Photography Awards" a dévoilé ses grands gagnants. La
compétition, ouverte depuis 2009, sollicite chaque année les passionnés de photographie de GrandeBretagne à proposer leurs clichés de faune et paysages naturels capturés sur leur territoire. Quatre
catégories thématiques étaient à l'honneur : "Paysage vivant", "Grande-Bretagne invisible",
"Habitats"et "Faune urbaine" ainsi que deux catégories destinées aux photographes en herbe :
"Jeunesse" (pour les participants de 12 à 18 ans) et "Junior" (pour les moins de 11 ans).
+ info:
COMPETITIONS - CALL FOR TENDERS - Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)
System for the existing lecture hall inside the National History Museum - Tirana - Albania Deadline for submission of Sealed Tenders 19 October 2011
Country of Destination: ALBANIA; Reference Number: 225ALB4000/2011/3; Description: Heating,
Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System for the existing lecture hall inside the National
History Museum in Tirana, Albania; Deadline for Submission of Sealed Tenders: Wednesday, 19
October 2011, by 17.00 hours (Central European Time)
+ info:
Prizes - Deux lauréats pour un nouveau prix sur l'accessibilité aux handicapés dans
les musées et monuments historiques - Prix "Patrimoines pour tous, Patrimoines pour
Chacun" - France
Le 14 septembre 2011, le prix « Patrimoines pour tous, patrimoines pour chacun » a été remis
au Centre d’interprétation de l’architecture et du patrimoine du château Sainte-Suzanne en
Mayenne et au musée de Saint-Jean d’Angély en Charente Maritime. Créé en 2011 par la
Direction générale du patrimoine du ministère de la Culture, il récompense la mise en
accessibilité des musées et monuments historiques au profit des personnes handicapées.
Le Prix « Patrimoines pour tous, patrimoines pour chacun » a été décerné le 14 septembre 2011. Ce prix récompense la
mise en accessibilité des institutions culturelles au profit de personnes handicapées que ce soit au niveau moteur, visuel,
auditif ou mental. Il remplace le prix « Des musées pour tous », crée en 2007 par le ministère de la Culture, en
l’élargissant aux monuments et aux centres d’interprétation du patrimoine.
+ info:
Bids Open for 2012 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Cultural Heritage Awards - DEADLINE: 31 March 2012
Entries are now being accepted for the 2012 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation. The Awards
recognize the achievement of the private sector and public-private initiatives in conserving or restoring structures, places
and properties of heritage value in the region. The deadline is 31 March 2012.
Since the Awards were established in 2000, UNESCO has received 426 entries from 24 countries. A total of 140 projects
have received Awards for high achievement in conservation, while 5 projects have received the Jury Commendation for (6 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:03:18]
Premios, reconocimientos, becas, concursos y puestos de trabajo
+ info:
Ir a arriba (7 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:03:18]
Fédération de Russie: les ours polaires sous contrôle
La zone arctique du territoire de Krasnoïarsk (Sibérie orientale) sera l'objet d'un premier projet national de contrôle des
ours polaires en mer de Kara. Durant les deux prochaines années, des scientifiques russes, des responsables du Fonds
mondial pour la nature (WWF) et des représentants de l'organisation publique Conseil des Mammifères Marins et de la
réserve naturelle Grande Arctique recenseront, avec le soutien financier de la filiale locale de la société Norilski Nickel, les
ours polaires peuplant la mer de Kara. Ils étudieront leurs conditions de vie et les voies de migration. La nouvelle a été
annoncée ce mardi à ITAR-TASS par Alexeï Poponine, représentant du département des relations publiques de la société…
+ info:
Gorilla census for Bwindi kicks off - Bwindi Impenetrable Forest Uganda
Other key partners like ITFC and CTPH will be represented in the gorilla count.
IGCP and Marx planks are the key sponsors of this year’s census which will
span for a period of six weeks. The stage seems set as all the logistical
requirements needed for the census have now arrived and accounted for by the
For the next three days, the participants will be equipped with all the necessary
information and practices to enable them successfully count the gorillas. Key among them will be gorilla data collection,
sample collection, training on compass, GPS, and mapping among others…
+ info:
GRASP (Asociación para la Supervivencia de Grandes Simios) Acoge la
Decisión de los Estados Unidos para Revisar la Situación del
GRASP is hopeful that chimpanzees in the U.S. will soon receive the same
legal respect and protection as those in the wild in Africa
La Asociación para la Supervivencia de Grandes Simios (GRASP) acogió
favorablemente el reciente anuncio del gobierno de Estados Unidos de reevaluar el estado de conservación de chimpancés cautivos, una decisión que
podría cerrar una laguna polémica que muchos creen que obstaculizó los intentos de proteger a los simios.
El Servicio de Pesca y Vida Silvestre de los Estados Unidos (FWS) anunció en Agosto 31, que ha iniciado un revisión, si los
chimpancés cautivos deben ser cambiados de la posición actual de "amenazados" al estado de "en peligro de extinción".
Aunque los chimpancés están clasificados como "en peligro de extinción " en la naturaleza-y algunas sub especies se han
visto reducidas a unos pocos cientos en algunas regiones- el estimado de 2.150 chimpancés en los Estados Unidos esta
considerado de forma diferente, porque alguna vez fueron requeridos para experimentos bio-médicos.
+ info:
Une nouvelle espèce de crustacé en Méditerranée : Caprella tavolarensis
Parfois, les découvertes se font là où on les attend le moins... A l'image de Caprella tavolarensis, une nouvelle espèce de
crustacé amphipode, qui a récemment été trouvée par Nicolas Sturaro, chercheur du Laboratoire d'Océanologie de
l'Université de Liège. Cette espèce a été découverte dans le cadre de son projet de recherche qui n'a pas pour objectif de
découvrir de nouvelles espèces mais d'étudier le rôle écologique des zones protégées en mer Méditerranée.
+ info: (1 de 6) [14/10/2011 20:03:23]
TiHo ( Fondation de l'école vétérinaire de Hanovre) fonde un nouvel institut de recherche sur les animaux
sauvages - Hanovre - Allemagne
La Fondation de l'école vétérinaire de Hanovre (TiHo) a décidé d'élargir son spectre de recherche en se lançant dans l'étude
approfondie de la faune sauvage. Depuis longtemps déjà les scientifiques de la TiHo portent leur attention sur les animaux
terrestres non domestiqués observés dans la région (sangliers, perdrix, chats sauvages...). Désormais ils se concentrent
également sur les mammifères marins tels les phoques et les marsouins. Afin de fusionner ces deux domaines de
recherche, la TiHo fonde un nouvel institut pour étudier la faune sauvage terrestre et marine qui sera dirigé par Ursula
Siebert. Les recherches sur les mammifères marins s'effectueront dans la nouvelle annexe de la TiHo située dans la ville de
Büsum dans le Land de Schleswig-Holstein.
+ info:
Espèces exotiques envahissantes : les insectes forestiers rongent l'économie américaine
Les espèces exotiques envahissantes, qu'elles soient animales ou végétales, représentent l'une des principales menaces à
la biodiversité, devant même la pollution des milieux naturels. Leur introduction peut se faire par migration progressive,
due notamment au changement climatique, mais résulte plus souvent d'un transport, volontaire ou non, à l'occasion de
mouvement de biens ou de personnes.
+ info:
A través de sus 143 años de historia la Universidad Nacional de Colombia ha sido un baluarte fundamental en el estudio,
enriquecimiento y conservación del patrimonio cultrual, natural y ambiental del país. Bajo esta mirada nace el "Diplomado
Ecosistemas y Sociedades Neotropicales. Fronteras Nacionales, Fronteras del Conocimiento". Una apuesta institucional que
la Univerdidad Nacional de Colombia ofrece al país y al mundo. Una apuesta por Colombia, que pretende presentar a ojos
nacionales e internacionales la diversidad biológica, el valor cultural y la riqeuza étnica de nuestra tierra; desde la
perspectiva académica, investigativa y social.
La Universidad Nacional de Colombia, a través de sus profesores más expertos, llevará durante un mes a un grupo de 20
estudiantes a vivir de manera experimental y práctica cuantro ecosistemas estratégicos propios de la región tropical que
ocipa el país. De los páramos en los Andes Tropicales a las llanuras de las tierras bajas del Orinoco, pasando por la selva
del Amazonas para terminar en los arrecifes y bosques del manglar del Caribe insular.
+ info:
ONU urge a apoyar iniciativa Yasuní ITT como ejemplo de desarrollo sostenible
La iniciativa Yasuní ITT, que deja bajo suelo ecuatoriano millones de barriles de petróleo
para evitar las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, es un ejemplo de desarrollo
sostenible que merece el apoyo internacional.
Así lo afirmó hoy el Secretario General de la ONU durante una reunión de alto nivel sobre
ese proyecto, celebrada en el marco de la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas.
La iniciativa, lanzada hace cuatro años, pide a cambio de la conservación de la amazonía
7.000 millones de dólares para sustituir los beneficios que significaría para Ecuador la explotación de los yacimientos
petroleros. De esa cantidad, el país aporta la mitad y deja a los donantes internacionales el resto.
+ info:
Préservation de la biodiversité : le CAC 40 commence à y penser France
Publiée récemment, une étude fait le point sur l'engagement des
entreprises du CAC40 pour la préservation de la biodiversité et met en
avant la nécessité d'établir davantage de partenariats entre ces sociétés,
associations et monde de la recherche.
Après l'efficacité énergétique, la gestion des déchets ou celle de l'eau, la
thématique de la biodiversité s'intègre peu à peu dans les stratégies des
entreprises, mais reste encore en retrait. Afin de présenter les grandes tendances des démarches des entreprises en
matière de gestion de la biodiversité, le Cabinet Deloitte a conduit une étude sur les stratégies des entreprises du CAC40.
Une étude qui pourrait faire découvrir à certaines entreprises le type d'actions mises en place.
+ info:
Nagoya Protocol on
genetic resources
achieves 60
On the margins of the
sixty-sixth session of
the United Nations
General Assembly, six
more countries—Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Grenada, Madagascar, Niger and Serbia—have become the
latest signatories to the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits
Arising from Their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
This brings the total number of signatories to 60. The Protocol was opened for signature in February 2011.
These six signatories join 54 others that have previously given their commitment to take steps towards ratifying the (2 de 6) [14/10/2011 20:03:23]
Protocol. The Nagoya Protocol will enter into force 90 days after deposit of the fiftieth instrument of ratification. The pace
established by today’s signatures points to a clear momentum towards the early entry into force of the Protocol by the
eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, scheduled for October 2012.
+ info:
Biosphere reserve nominations and periodic reviews for 2012
The deadline for submission of new biosphere reserve nominations and periodic reviews is 30 September 2011. The MAB
National Committees are invited to submit biosphere reserve nominations (and/or extensions to existing biosphere
reserves) in hard copy with the original signatures of endorsement and original maps, and also in electronic form as well as
periodic review reports. Countries wishing advice may contact the MAB Secretariat or the Field Offices.
+ info:
COMPETITIONS - Montpellier élue capitale française de la biodiversité - CONCOURS NATUREPARIF 2011 sur le
thème ''Biodiversité et planification urbaine''
Dans le cadre du concours organisé par Natureparif et récompensant les collectivités locales qui s'engagent dans la
préservation de la biodiversité, la ville de Montpellier (Hérault) a été élue capitale française de la biodiversité 2011.
Cette année, le thème du concours était ''Biodiversité et planification urbaine''. ''Le jury a apprécié les outils innovants
développés par la capitale languedocienne pour intégrer la nature et la biodiversité dans le tissu urbain'', indique
+ info:
La UNESCO logra un consenso en torno a su acción en favor de la diversidad biológica
El martes 20 de septiembre de 2011 la Directora General de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova, firmó un
Memorando de Cooperación entre organismos, organizaciones y convenciones internacionales
sobre la aplicación del Plan Estratégico para la Diversidad Biológica 2011-2020 y la consecución
de las Metas de Aichi para la Diversidad Biológica. Firmaron el Memorando 26 entidades.
+ info:
Earth Resources and Biosphere Reserves. Call for Proposals
Organizadores: The International Geoscience Programme’s (IGCP)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 oct 2011
+ info:
First Plenary Meeting of Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
03 octubre - 07 octubre 2011 Nairobi. Kenya
Organizadores: UNEP is cooperating with UNESCO, FAO, UNDP
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
UNESCO and Nigerian Government to sign agreement on the creation of an international
biology centre to operate in 2012
The Nigerian government is about to sign an agreement with UNESCO (the UN Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization) for an international biotechnology centre that should begin operations in
Food safety, tropical disease research and the conservation of bioresources are all areas that it is
hoped the centre will strengthen, not just in Nigeria but, through collaborations and training, across
the whole of Africa.
The International Centre for Biotechnology, whose buildings are already near completion, is to be hosted by the University
of Nigeria, Nsukka, and will be a Category 2 institution, under the auspices of UNESCO.
+ info:
People's Trust for Endangered Species Newsletter - September 2011
In a constantly changing world where wildlife is under threat, many species are declining at an alarming rate. Since 1977
People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) has been helping to ensure a future for many endangered species
throughout the world. PTES is a registered charity with a board of trustees and thirteen employed staff members.
The scale of actual and potential loss of wildlife can seem overwhelming. How can we make a difference? At the Trust we
focus on specific problems and work to preserve endangered species in their natural habitats. We believe that successful
conservation is based on sound scientific evidence and advice with practical outcomes.
+ info:
La faune et la flore du Grand Site des Deux Caps - Cap Gris-Nez et Cap Blanc-Nez - Pas de Calais - France
Le Site des Deux Caps est un véritable écrin de nature pour la Région Nord-Pas de Calais. En effet, 80 % des espèces
végétales et animales de la région y sont présentes. (3 de 6) [14/10/2011 20:03:23]
Que ce soit en mer, sur la plage, sur les falaises, dans les dunes et les estuaires, cette nature préservée est à découvrir !
La végétation du Site des Caps est adaptée aux conditions rudes du milieu :
La forme rabougrie des arbustes tel que le lyciet, le troène, l’argousier, couché par le vent est caractéristique de la
végétation littorale soumise aux vents violents et aux embruns. On parle alors d’"anémomorphisme".
+ info:
Video - La Vie avant les dinosaures
Sébastien Steyer, paléontologue, est l'un des rares spécialistes qui étudie le Permien,
mystérieuse période qui s'étend de -250 millions d'années à -300 millions d'années, et où la
Terre ne formait qu'un seul méga-continent, la Pangée. C'est une période-clé à la fin de laquelle
90% des espèces vont disparaître brutalement. Ces vertébrés, qui vivaient avant les dinosaures
sont les premiers à fouler le sol. Ils demeuraient les grands oubliés de la paléontologie...
Sébastien Steyer nous emmène sur le site exceptionnel de Muse près d'Autun (Bourgogne), où il
mène ses passionnantes recherches en collaboration avec d'autres scientifiques, Georges Gand,
spécialiste de traces fossiles, Damien Germain, spécialiste d'amphibiens, Lemuel Anseaume, spécialiste de "poissons" et
Adèle Corvez, qui travaille sur les plantes fossiles.
Il nous présente également, dans la Galerie de paléontologie du Muséum de Paris, d'étonnants fossiles de cette grande
Pour comprendre l'évolution avec ses successions d'apparitions et d'extinctions d'espèces, il nous explique clairement les
dernières recherches menées en phylogénie. Enfin, il nous mène dans les coulisses de la paléontologie où, avec le
sculpteur numérique Marc Boulay, tous deux redonnent vie aux espèces disparues…
+ info:
O Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) divulga dados consolidados do PRODES ( Projeto de
Monitoramento do Desflorestamento na Amazônia Legal ) 2010 - Brazil
O Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) concluiu o mapeamento e o cálculo da taxa de desmatamento na
Amazônia Legal para o período de agosto de 2009 a julho de 2010. Medido pelo Projeto de Monitoramento do
Desflorestamento na Amazônia Legal (PRODES), o resultado final, obtido pela análise de 213 imagens Landsat, computou o
total de 7.000 km².
A taxa de desmatamento de 2009-2010 indica uma redução de 6,2% em relação ao período anterior (agosto de 2008 a
julho de 2009), em que foram medidos 7.464 km² de desmatamento.
+ info:
Forêt boréale ou tropicale : la distribution des espèces est la même partout
Des travaux publiés dans Science tendent à démontrer que les distributions d'espèces obéissent à des mécanismes
similaires, peu importe la situation géographique.
Selon une nouvelle étude internationale menée par 16 chercheurs, dont le professeur Mark Vellend [1] de l'Université de
Sherbrooke, la position géographique et l'altitude auraient une influence moins grande que prévue sur un facteur de
diversité des espèces d'arbres.
+ info:
30 septiembre 2011
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
2011 : Colloque des 20 ans de la conservation des ressources génétiques forestières
16 noviembre 2011 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Commission pour les Ressources Génétiques Forestières (CRGF)
+ info:
Publicaciones (4 de 6) [14/10/2011 20:03:23]
Sol vivant : Bases de pédologie - Biologie des sols
Auteur : Jean-Michel Gobat, Michel Aragno, Willy Matthey
Editeur : PPUR
ISBN-13: 978-2880745011
La science des sols intègre de plus en plus l’action des organismes vivants à son champ d’activité. Les rôles
irremplaçables de la racine, des bactéries, des champignons et des animaux dans la formation et le
fonctionnement des sols sont de mieux en mieux connus.
L’ouvrage est conçu en trois parties : la première fournit les connaissances essentielles de pédologie
générale, avec un accent particulier sur les aspects biologiques du sol. Elle présente successivement les constituants et les
propriétés du sol, puis leurs effets sur les processus de formation et d’évolution.
+ info:
Chauves-Souris de France, Belgique, Luxembourg et Suisse
Auteur : Laurent Arthur, Michèle Lemaire
ISBN-13: 978-2914817356
Editeur : Biotope
Avec ce livre, Laurent Arthur et Michèle Lemaire, deux des meilleurs spécialistes français,
synthétisent l'ensemble des connaissances nouvellement acquises sur les Chauves-souris en Europe.
Les 34 espèces de la zone francophone (dont 4 nouvelles découvertes ces dernières années) y font
l'objet de monographies détaillées avec cartes de répartition, sonogrammes...
Dans la pure tradition des ouvrages de la collection Parthénope, le lecteur y retrouve également des chapitres sur les
chauves-souris dans le règne animal, les rapports de l'espèce avec l'homme, son écologie, etc.
+ info:
Red Mundial de Reservas de Biosfera: lugares de desarrollo sostenible, 2010
La Red Mundial de Reservas de Biosfera es la mayor red de áreas protegidas del mundo. Su superficie
supera los cinco millones de kilómetros cuadrados, es decir, la mitad de Europa.
Una colección de datos sobre 563 reservas de biosfera en 110 países (hasta 2010) fue publicada con la
contribución del "Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino" de España.
+ info:
Lessons from Biosphere Reserves in the Asia-Pacific Region, and a Way Forward: a Regional
Review of Biosphere Reserves in Asia & the Pacific to Achieve Sustainable Development
This report provides the results of a quantitative and qualitative review of the biosphere reservesin Asia
and the Pacific through the UNESCO Man and Biosphere (MAB) Programme. The MAB Programme has been
in existence for 35 years and in the Asia-Pacific region, leading to the establishment of 105 biosphere
reserves in 28 countries, while additional reserves are being developed. There is therefore significant
accumulated wisdom and experience in the region, providing good opportunities for lessons learned,
identification of successes and failures, and assessments of common problems and solutions. This review
aims to identify these common knowledge factors in the region, with a specific aim to galvanize and focus the accumulated
acquired knowledge and experience in a well organized effort across the region and bring it to bear on the MAB program
going forward.
+ info:
Building Ecologically Harmonious Civilization
The content of the report has been divided in to five parts. It starts with general background
information on Wuyishan Biosphere Reserve (BR), and continues with the challenges faced in dealing
with contradictions between protection and development within the local community. Further describes
the joint protection measure unveils detailed information on various of methods for joint protection such
as setting up objectives, establishing proper organizations, engaging local communities and identifying
opportunities and barriers. In addition, this report provides in-depth views of role of science and
technology in solving the contradiction between conservation and development. Finally, it summarizes
the achievements and challenges that Wuyishan BR has been facing during its journey of building a well preserved and well
developed Biosphere Demonstration site where a harmonious and civilized demonstration area of ecological protection.
+ info:
Implementation of Man and Biosphere - MAB's Seville Strategy and Madrid Action Plan in
Biosphere Reserves - Report of the 11th Meeting of UNESCO-MAB East Asian Biosphere
Reserve Network
Original Language: English
Document code: CN/2010/SC/RP/3
The main theme of the meeting was “Implementation of MAB’s Seville Strategy and Madrid Action Plan
for Biosphere Reserves”. The meeting was opened by Prof. Xu Zhihong, the Chairperson of Chinese MAB
National Committee, Mr. Han Qunli, Director of UNESCO Tehran Office and Dr. Fang Maotian, the
Secretary General of Chinese National Commission for UNESCO with the various Provincial and Central Government
stakeholders in attendance. In total, there were five technical sessions including country case studies and other technical
sessions related to MAB.
+ info: (5 de 6) [14/10/2011 20:03:23]
Ir a arriba (6 de 6) [14/10/2011 20:03:23]
Patrimonio construido
Patrimonio construido
AD Classics: Villa Tugendhat - Mies van der Rohe - 1930 - Brno - Czech Republic
The Villa Tugendhat was commissioned by the wealthy newlyweds Grete & Fritz Tugendhat, a Jewish couple with family
money from textile manufacturing companies in Brno. The couple met Mies van der Rohe in Berlin in 1927, and was
already impressed by his design for the Zehlendorf house of Edward Fuchs. As fans of spacious homes with simple forms,
Mies’ free plan method was perfect for the Tugendhats’ taste; however, he was not their only interest in an architect for
their own home. They originally confronted Brno’s foremost modern architect at the time, Arnost Wiesner, but after visiting
various projects by each architect, the Tugendhats ultimately went with Mies.
+ info:
AD Classics: The Kreuzberg Tower - John Hejduk - 1988 - Berlin - Germany
In April of 2010 the architecture community gathered to protect one of the many at risk postmodern buildings of the
1980s. The new owners of the Kreuzberg Tower by John Hejduk drew negative attention from notable architects when they
began altering the building’s façade. The Kreuzberg Tower’s façade has now been restored, and the attention it received
reflects on its postmodern history, and the prominence of its important designer.
+ info:
AD Classics: Armenian Opera Theater - Alexander Tamanian - 1930-1953 - Yerevan - Armenia
Opened in 1933 and completed in its current state in 1953, the Armenian Opera Theater was designed by Armenian
architect Alexander Tamanian. The theater is one of Tamanian’s most profilic architectural works, which include a plethora
of Armenian architectural icons such as his hydroelectric station (1926), Republic Square (1926–1941) and many others.
The Opera Theater is located in Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan and functions as the primary performance hall in the city,
containing the Aram Khatchaturian concert hall, the National Theatre of Opera and the Alexander Spendiarian ballet. Sited
adjacent to Tamanian’s Republic Square and Cascade Stairwell, this magnificent structure is centrally located within
Yerevan proper and one of the most visible structures in the country.
+ info:
AD Classics: Bagsværd Church - Jørn Utzon - 1968-1976 - Bagsværd - Denmark
The Bagsværd Church by Jørn Utzon was completed in 1976. Though not his most famous work, the church is an example
of the architect’s inventive work at a different scale. Utzon designed the church with an unassuming exterior that merely
hints at the stirring forms he created inside.The Bagsværd Church was Utzon’s first work after returning to Denmark from
Austrailia and the Sydney Opera House, which he designed. It is located on the northern outskirts of Copenhagen in a
suburban setting. The church stands almost unassuming as a simple, modern structure amidst birch trees, with its back to
a local street.
+ info:
ISOS - Federal Inventory of Swiss Heritage Sites
1 May 2010 is of particular importance for the Federal Inventory of Swiss Heritage Sites (ISOS) as it marks the date when
the Federal Council introduced the final sites in the canton of St. Gallen to the ISOS, thereby completing the initial
inventory of Switzerland after 37 years. The ISOS is now valid throughout Switzerland.
While the inventory was being completed at one end of Switzerland, its reviewing began in other cantons. Work is
proceeding swiftly so that the remaining ISOS volumes can be published within the next few years.
+ info: (1 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:03:34]
Patrimonio construido
World Monuments Fund (WMF) news update - September 2011
World Monuments Fund is the leading independent organization dedicated to saving the world’s most treasured places.
Since 1965, in more than 90 countries, our experts have been racing against time, applying proven techniques to preserve
important architectural and cultural heritage sites around the globe.
Through partnerships with local communities, funders, and governments, we inspire an enduring commitment to
stewardship for future generations.
Nearly 85 percent of our revenue goes directly toward preservation projects, fieldwork, advocacy, and educational
+ info:
Lancement de la session 2012 du cycle Archictecture et maîtrise d'ouvrage. Septembre 2011
Le cycle architecture et maîtrise d’ouvrage (CAMO) a été conçu conjointement par l’association Architecture et Maîtres
d’Ouvrage (AMO) et l’École de Chaillot, département formation de la Cité de l’architecture & du patrimoine. Il offre aux
maîtres d’ouvrage la possibilité de développer leur culture architecturale en proposant des clés pour la compréhension des
processus d’aménagement de l’espace, et pour mieux travailler entre acteurs du projet de construction.
La cinquième session de cette formation vient de s’achever. Elle a réuni pendant six journées 33 maîtres d’ouvrage, privés
et publics, issus principalement des secteurs de l’immobilier et de l’aménagement.
+ info:
EUROMED-MONTADA - Taller para niños: Las cúpulas en la arquitectura tradicional
de Kairouan, Túnez (5 septIembre 2011)
Un taller para los más pequeños se ha llevado a cabo en Kairouan el mes de abril de 2011.
La actividad se ha desarrollado en la Escuela El Asswar en presencia de todo el equipo de
Montada Túnez y con la presencia de Montada Internacional. Veinte niños y niñas han
podido realizar en arcilla diferentes tipologías de cúpulas kairouanesas.
+ info:
Report on "Shared Built Heritage in Africa" symposium - ICOMOS - Castle of Good
Hope. Cape Town (South Africa) 02-08 July 2011
A thoroughly stimulating and thought provoking week was enjoyed by all attending the “Shared
Built Heritage in Africa” symposium from 2 to 7 July 2011.
The dramatic symposium venue was the Casteel De Goede Hoop (Castle of Good Hope) in Cape
Town. Site visits were equally inspiring to Groot Constancia, a stunning Cape Dutch House with
huge camphor laurel trees, Stellenbosch in the Cape Vinelands Cultural Landscape (which is on
the South African nominations list), Genadendal Moravian Mission Station, and a guided walk of
historic Cape Town noting management issues and less orthodox sites – one bar has ‘adapted’ stainless steel c1950s
caravans on the roof!. Bureau members took this opportunity to visit ‘Pinelands’ garden suburb (dating from the 1920s to
c1950s), and Robben Island World Heritage Site.
+ info:
AD Classics: David S. Ingalls Skating Rink - Eero Saarinen - 1958 - New Haven Connecticut - USA
Built in 1958, the David S Ingalls Skating Rink is characterized by a sweeping domed roof, was
designed by Yale graduate Eero Saarinen and is lovingly known as the Yale whale. This hockey
rink contains a span 200 feet long by 85 feet wide and does so with a natural sense of flow and
Though the rink is seemingly heavy and brutal it is truly a tensile structure. The main structure
comes from a 290 foot long central arched backbone of reinforced concrete. From this central
support the timber roof is “hung” on a cable net structure which gives it the signature double curve. Further cables running
from the central arch to the outer edges of the building help stabilize the structure against wind loads.
+ info:
AD Classics: Cosmic Rays Pavilion - Felix Candela - 1951 - Mexico City - Mexico
The Cosmic Rays Pavilion represents one of the first experiments with parabolic structures.
The double curved structure is made of a very thin layer of concrete, exemplifying its
structural and design capabilities. These mathematically complex structures define the
popular architecture of the pavilion’s designer Felix Candela.
Measuring 40 feet by 35 feet the pavilion, the structure contains two laboratory spaces
specializing in the measurement of cosmic rays and nuclear disintegration for the
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Ciudad Universitaria.
+ info:
AD Classics: Xanadu House - Roy Mason - 1983 - Kissimmee - Florida - USA
Heralded as “House of the Future”, the Xanadu House by Roy Mason is a domed structure
constructed completely form insulating polyurethane foam. The house was appropriately
built less than 30 miles away from Disney World’s “Land of Tomorrow” Epcot Center and the
two were opened only a few months apart.
The Xanadu House Project consisted of three show homes throughout the United States; the
other two were constructed in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin and Gatlinburg, Tennessee. The
point of the homes was to show the general public that this innovative structure could
provide a low cost modern home that could be built quickly and easily. The Kissimmee House was the most popular, (2 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:03:34]
Patrimonio construido
partially because of its size but also because of its prime location. At its high point the house was attracting 1000 visitors
per day.
+ info:
AD Classics: Yale Center for British Art - Louis Kahn - 1974 - New Haven Connecticut - USA
Across the street from Louis Kahn’s first significant piece of architecture stands his last. The
Yale Center for British Art was completed in 1974, the year of Kahn’s death and 23 years
after its neighbor, The Yale University Art Gallery was finished. A style and theoretical
change throughout a career is visible in one scene.
Unlike most galleries, the design prompt for the Yale’s British Art Gallery called for very
specific needs. Being part of an educational institution the agenda called for several learning
oriented spaces. The program consisted of stipulations for exhibition space and storage space for paintings, sculpture,
drawings and prints; a rare book collection; a research library; a photograph archive; an auditorium; classrooms;
workshops and offices; and conservation facilities.
+ info:
AD Classics: Koshino House - Tadao Ando - 1980-1984 - Ashiya - Hyogo - Japan
Tadao Ando’s design for the Koshino House features two parallel concrete rectangular confines.
The forms are partially buried into the sloping ground of a national park and become a
compositional addition to the landscape. Placed carefully as to not disrupt the pre-existing trees
on the site, the structure responds to the adjacent ecosystem while the concrete forms address
a more general nature through a playful manipulation of light. More about the Koshino House
after the break.
The northern volume consists of a two-storey height containing a double height living room, a
kitchen and a dining room on the first floor with the master bedroom and a study on the second floor. The southern mass
then consists of six linearly organized children’s bedrooms, a bathroom and a lobby. Connecting the two spaces is a below
grade tunnel that lies beneath the exterior stairs of the courtyard.
+ info:
AD Classics: Chandigarh Secretariat - Le Corbusier - 1951-1962 - Chandigarh India
Taking over from Albert Mayer, Le Corbusier produced a plan for Chandigarh on the foothills
of the Himalayas that conformed to the modern city planning principles of Congrès
International d’Architecture Moderne (CIAM), in terms of division of urban function, an
anthropomorphic plan form, and a hierarchy of road and pedestrian networks, Inherently,
the Secretariat building is the largest edifice in the Capitol Complex and is the headquarters
of both the Punjab and Haryana governments.
Le Corbusier’s plan for the capitol consisted of four buildings (or “edifices”) and six monuments arranged on a single site,
loosely conceptualized as three interlocking squares. Only three of these four buildings were ever realized (the High Court,
the Legislative Assembly, and the Secretariat) and were designed to represent the major functions of democracy — the
fourth building, the Governor’s Palace, was never built.
+ info:
AD Classics: Bavinger House - Bruce Goff - 1950-1955 - Norman - Oklahoma - USA
The mid-century modern movement found an odd yet welcoming home in the small town of
Norman, Oklahoma. One of its most notable contributors was organic aficionado Bruce Goff.
Goff came to popularity in the 1940’s as both instructor and practitioner of his eclectic brand of
architecture. Goff’s 1950′s Bavinger House is seen by many as the crowning achievement of his
extensive body of work.
The Bavinger House put a new twist on the naturalist modernism of Goff’s contemporaries.
Where Wright used flat planes and conventional floor plans, Goff introduced distinctive floor
plans, mixing materiality with eccentric spaces to produce a desired effect.
+ info:
AD Interviews: Peter Eisenman
Architect, educator, and theorist, internationally recognized Peter Eisenman was a part of an important generation of
architects and popularized amongst the general public when he was exhibited at the MoMA in 1969 as one of the New York
Five. Eisenman, along with Michael Graves, Charles Gwathmey, John Hejduk, and Richard Meier (Eisenman’s second
cousin) made up the ‘group of architects whose work, represented a return to the formalism of early modern rationalist
Eisenman earned a Bachelor of Architecture degree from Cornell University, a Master of Science in Architecture degree
from Columbia University, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Cambridge University (U.K). He founded an international think
tank for architecture, the Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies (IAUS), serving as director until 1982 and
simultaneously established his own architecture firm.
+ info:
Redevelopment of the West Wing, Central Government Offices - Hong Kong - China
Please find here in the link the reply of the Development Bureau - Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region Government to the Flash Info "Call for academic support 'Hong Kong
Government Hill at threat'" sent on 9 September 2011. (3 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:03:34]
Patrimonio construido
+ info:
President Lincoln's Cottage Shaken Up By August Earthquake - National Trust for
Historic Preservation - Washington D.C. - USA
When a 5.8 magnitude earthquake sent powerful tremors through Washington, D.C., on August 23, President Lincoln's
Cottage and historic buildings near the National Trust Historic Site sustained significant damage. The 1842 Gothic Revival
cottage, which served as a place of respite for Abraham Lincoln and his family during his presidency, and later for
presidents Rutherford B. Hayes and Chester A. Arthur, sustained interior damage estimated in the thousands of dollars,
while the 1850s Sherman Building, part of the Armed Forces Retirement Home campus, was hardest hit, with as much as
$17 million worth of damage.
+ info:
AD Classics: Menil Collection - Renzo Piano - 1982-1986 - Houston - Texas - USA
Most important Architectural additions to a city are those of spectacle, meant to stand out
and grab attention, such as Frank Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, or Daniel
Libeskind’s extension to the Denver Art Museum. But when Renzo Piano made his American
debut with the Menil Collection 25 years ago, the result was far from spectacle, but rather
more supplementary to an already established neighborhood scale.
Most important Architectural additions to a city are those of spectacle, meant to stand out
and grab attention, such as Frank Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, or Daniel
Libeskind’s extension to the Denver Art Museum. But when Renzo Piano made his American debut with the Menil Collection
25 years ago, the result was far from spectacle, but rather more supplementary to an already established neighborhood
+ info:
AD Classics: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation - Ruy Jervis d'Athouguia, Pedro Cid and
Alberto Pessoa - 1959-1969 - Lisbon - Portugal
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and Museum is one of the less well known architectural
gems in Portugal. The buildings are part of their own isolated campus in Palhavã, in the center
of Lisbon. Architects Ruy Jervis d’Athouguia, Pedro Cid and Alberto Pessoa designed the
campus and the buildings in memory of the foundation’s namesake, and both the foundation
and the buildings have only grown more respected over the decades. More on the buildings
after the break.
Ruy Jervis d’Athouguia, Pedro Cid and Alberto Pessoa received the commission for the Gulbenkian Foundation and Museum
after winning a competition in 1959. The competition invited three teams of three architects to propose their ideas for
buildings that would serve as a cultural center and museum for the late Calouste Gulbenkian’s impressive art collection.
The final designs were constructed in 1969.
+ info:
On Oikonomia: Saarinen's Ezra Stiles College Open After $55M Renovation - New Haven Connecticut - USA
NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT–Yale’s Ezra Stiles College, designed by Eero Saarinen and completed in
1961, reopened to students last month after a one-year, $55 million dollar renovation. The project was
the last in a complete overhaul of all the residential colleges at Yale, which started in 1998 and has
cost over $500 million (adjusted for inflation).
Students are happy with the work, praising the new brick pizza oven in the dining hall, shift from
single to suite-style rooms, and improved furniture and lighting. Jon Rubin ’12 told the Yale Daily News
(YDN) the renovated Stiles is “definitely a step up” from the college he lived in two years ago.
+ info:
AD Classics: Rothko Chapel - Philip Johnson, Howard Barnstone, Eugene Aubry and
Mark Rothko - 1971 - Houston - Texas - USA
In 1964 Mark Rothko was commissioned by John and Dominique de Menil (who are also
founders of the nearby Menil Collection that is housed in the Renzo Piano-designed Menil
Museum and Cy Twombly Gallery) to create a meditative space filled with his site-specific
paintings. The original architect assigned to work alongside Rothko was Philip Johnson, with
whom Rothko clashed over their distinct ideas for the building. Rothko would object to the
monumentality of Johnson’s plan as distracting from the artwork it was to house. For this
reason the Chapel would go through several revisions and architects working on the meditative space. Rothko continued
first with Howard Barnstone and then Eugene Aubry, but ultimately did not live to see the chapel’s completion in 1971. It
was after a long struggle with depression that Rothko committed suicide in his New York Studio on February 25th, 1970.
+ info:
AD Classics: Pearl Bank Apartments - Tan Cheng Siong - 1969-1976 - Chinatown Singapore
At the time of its completion in 1976, the Pearl Bank Apartment complex was the highestdensity and tallest residential structure in Singapore at 38 stories. The total height of the
horseshoe-shaped complex exceeded 430’ tall and was home for over 1,500 inhabitants.
Designed by Tan Cheng Siong of Archurban Architects & Planners, Pearl Bank served as a
beacon of contemporary residential design and acted as precedent to the subsequent highdensity urban development in Singapore and throughout southeast Asia. (4 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:03:34]
Patrimonio construido
Organizationally, the parti of the Pearl Bank Apartments is a ¾ cylindrical tower enveloping a west-facing interior courtyard
on the lower level. Not only did this orientation minimize solar heat gain from the afternoon sun, it also was vital to
capturing the magnificent views afforded at the top of Pearl’s Hill. The cylindrical shape of the tower suggested various
structural methods, including the ten arrayed shear walls whose mass serve as physical and acoustic separation between
adjacent units.
+ info:
Frank Lloyd Wright's Historic Park Inn Restored - Mason City - Iowa - USA
The restoration of The Historic Park Inn Hotel marks the culmination of efforts begun in
the 1970’s. The property was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1972
and various attempts at renovation were made over the years.
The $18.5 million restoration has restored the building to its 1910 appearance and into a
27-room boutique hotel. Public spaces in the hotel have also been restored, with period
appropriate furnishings throughout the hotel.
The Historic Park Inn Hotel is a perfect example of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Prairie School
design and the only commercial structure in the state of Iowa.
+ info:
28 Church Street Extension - S. Porobic Associates - Wellingborough - England
We were commissioned by the Borough Council of Wellingborough to remodel, extend and
refurbish Grade ll listed building at 28 Church Street, Wellingborough. The brief was to bring
back to life very dilapidated building and set the quality level for the rest of forthcoming
development. This small building, set in the heart of Conservation Area, was meant to act
as a catalyst for the Urban renewal of the town centre.
The building was originally part of church assembly buildings formed around All Hallows
Church, Grade l listed building dating from 12th century. The building itself is from 16th
century but majority of the edifice is from the early 19th century. At rear and the west, the site was defined by low quality
20th century extension and extensive overgrown landscaping. To the east the site was separated from the church by high
walls and high shrubs. The last use of the building was storage for the local theatre company.
+ info:
Le patrimoine bâti sur le Grand Site des deux Caps - Cap Gris-Nez et Cap Blanc-Nez - Pas de Calais - France
Avant la grande mode des bains de mer, le Site des Deux Caps n’était pas une destination touristique. Les gens de la mer,
pêcheurs et cueilleurs de coquillages menaient une vie rude.
+ info:
Torre Blancas - Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oiza - 1969 - Madrid - España
Les presentamos una selección de fotos de Flickr del edificio Torres Blancas en Madrid. Un edificio al que se
ha calificado como ‘obra maestra del organicismo’, y según la Wikipedia, Saénz de Oiza en este proyecto
aunó en una síntesis personal a Le Corbusier y Frank Lloyd Wright. De Le Corbusier, la idea de viviendas
con jardín en altura, como en los Inmuebles Villa, y de Wright, el esquema de la planta de la torre Price –
pero con una forma totalmente distinta. El edificio Torres Blancas es una de las buenas obras de Saenz de
Oiza, y no sólo un experimento de vivienda como los que abundaban en los ’60, lo que se demuestra con
una prueba irrefutable: el arquitecto vivió ahí hasta su muerte.
+ info:
AD Classics: Institut du Monde Arabe - Jean Nouvel - 1987 - Paris - France
In the early eighties Jean Nouvel in conjunction with Architecture-Studio won the competition
to design what would become the Institut du Monde Arabe. It was conceived during the Grands
Projets, a major development initiative headed by the French government. The IMA was
produced through collaboration with the countries of the Arab League and the French
government. Upon its completion in 1987, it quickly became a popular destination for the local
populace as well as tourists. More details after the break.
One of the main reasons behind the construction of this institute was to create a destination
devoted to the relationship of the Arab culture with France. Located at the threshold of the historical peripheries of Paris
along the River Seine, it responds to its immediate context both in plan and elevation. In plan it follows the curvature of
the road, whose form is dictated by the river.
+ info:
Patrimoine bâti du Grand Site de la Montagne Sainte Victoire - France
Représentatif de l’identité d’un territoire et de modes de vies ancestraux, le patrimoine bâti mérite une attention
particulière. Sur le périmètre du Grand Site, l’homme a construit une civilisation intimement liée à la nature. Jour après
jour, pierre après pierre, une histoire s’est ainsi construite, empreinte de ténacité et d’ingéniosité. Malheureusement,
l’usure du temps touche nombre de ces édifices.
Par exemple, le patrimoine bâti agricole tend à disparaître. Jadis en cultivant les terres, on maintenait les milieux ouverts,
aujourd’hui la déprise agricole, l’enfrichement des parcelles et leur conquête par la forêt de pins ont parfois fait disparaître
certains éléments architecturaux sous le couvert végétal.
Dans un espace occupé par les hommes depuis le Néolithique un certain nombre de traces : patrimoine archéologique,
religieux, agricole, vernaculaire et certains éléments monumentaux méritent une attention particulière.
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Patrimonio construido
Appel à recrutement 2012-2014 : Master « Architecture - Paysage » - Université d'architecture de Hanoi Vietnam - Date limite de candidature: 6 janvier 2012
Depuis janvier 2010, avec l’aide de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie et la collaboration de la France (l’École
nationale supérieure d’architecture de Toulouse, l’École nationale supérieure d’architecture et de paysage de Bordeaux,
l’École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Normandie), l’université d’Architecture de Hanoi a ouvert donc une formation
spécifique au paysage dans le cadre du master architecture.
Au cours de la formation, d’après la convention d’échanges signée entre l’université d’Architecture de Hanoi (UAH) et les
écoles partenaires, chaque promotion, les meilleurs étudiants partiront en France dans la deuxième année de leurs
parcours pour suivre la formation.
Diplôme d’Architecte, option Paysage, co-signé par les deux côtés français et vietnamien
+ info:
Seminário com Camila D'ottaviano - Condomínios Fechados - Os Pros e Os Contras - Universidade de Sao Paulo
10 octubre 2011 Sao Paulo. Brasil
Organizadores: Márcio Moraes Valença (Departamento de Políticas Públicas / Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos
Urbanos e Regionais – UFRN)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Puerta de Europa - Philip Johnson & John Burgee - 1989-1996 - Madrid (España)
Las Torres KIO de Madrid en realidad se llaman Torres 'Puerta de Europa' y recibieron ese
nombre porque fueron promovidas por la empresa Kuwait Investments Office (KIO) aunque
fueron terminadas finalmente por Caja Madrid. Diseñadas por los arquitectos estadounidenses
Philip Johnson y John Burgee en 1989, fueron los primeros rascacielos inclinados del mundo.
Las Torres KIO son dos torres de cristal, granito y metal, inversamente simétricas de 114
metros de altura repartidos en 27 plantas y destaca su inclinación de 15º respecto a la vertical.
El secreto de su construcción se basa en que la mayoría de su peso descansa sobre un eje
central de concreto y acero que estructura cada una de ellas, mientras que la parte 'inclinada' de cada una de las torres es
mucho más ligera.
+ info:
Leazar Hall Renovation & Additions - Cannon Architects - 2007 - Raleigh - North
Carolina - USA
This 62,000 sqf renovation and addition project is the first phase of an overall master plan for NC
State University’s College of Design. Leazar Hall, originally a Dining Hall (Circa 1912), had been
subdivided over the years into a maze of office and classroom spaces. This project restores the
three level (plus mezzanine) building into a single use building for studios, seminar / review
rooms, materials lab, and faculty offices. The project consisted of totally gutting the interior of
the building, including all engineering systems. Interior spaces were opened up to create the
program requirements for studios, materials lab (woodworking, metal, welding, finishing booths, CNC machines, etc.)
seminar rooms, review spaces, and offices. The north-south and east-west axes were opened up, creating circulation zones
and review spaces. New systems for plumbing, mechanical, fire protection and electrical were added within the existing
+ info:
AD Classics: Balfron Tower - Erno Goldfinger - 1967 - London - United Kingdom
The Balfron Tower by architect Erno Goldfinger is an iconic Brutalist residential high rise located in London’s
eastside Poplar borough. Designed in 1963 for the London County Council and completed in 1967 by the
Greater London Council, this social housing estate broke the traditions of typical residential architecture.
Conceived as a solution to sprawling suburbia, Goldfinger embraced verticality as the cure. More details
after the break.
Rising to 84 meters in height, the Balfron Tower dwarfs its immediate neighbors – the Carradale House,
and the Glenkerry House – all forming part of the Brownfield Estates also designed by Goldfinger. In a
drastic shift from the typical preconception of tower architecture, Goldfinger separated the services from the
accommodation by splitting the tower in two. Entry is gained via a concrete bridge that opens into the main lobby of the
slender service tower. The internal core houses the lifts and staircases, in addition to the utility functions such as laundry,
and waste disposal chutes. A pattern of thin windows breaks up the monolithic concrete exterior and provides ample
daylighting into the interior. A boiler room located at the top of the service tower cantilevers out slightly from the main
façade. This served to reduce the need for pumps as water could flow down to the flats by gravity.
+ info:
Save Ellis Island works to preserve buildings - New Jersey - USA
Save Ellis Island is the National Park Service fundraising and programmatic
non-profit partner for the rehabilitation of the twenty-nine remaining
buildings on Ellis Island, with the mission and mandate to raise the funds
necessary to create and sustain, within these buildings, the Ellis Island
Institute and Conference Center.
+ info:
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Patrimonio construido
BULLETIN DE L'ISPAN (Institut de sauvegarde du patrimoine national ) Numéro SPECIAL - Haïti
Monuments historiques d’Haïti élus au WMF Watch 2012
+ info:
Vermont tries to save historic buildings after Irene - Vermont - USA
The floodwaters of Tropical Storm Irene that ripped up roads and washed into living rooms
across Vermont took a dramatic toll on quaint old villages — filling white, steepled churches
with muck and knocking 19th-century clapboard houses off their foundations.
That's a big problem for a small state that cherishes its history.
The classic villages of clapboard and stone buildings hugging the state's rivers and streams
are the essence of Vermont and a big tourist draw. While Irene damaged many "individual
gems" with historical and architectural value, preservationists also fear the broader toll the
storm levied on entire neighborhoods deemed historically important by the state and federal governments.
+ info:
Exhibition: Building a Masterpiece: Santiago Calatrava and the Milwaukee Art Museum - Milwaukee Art
08 septiembre 2011 - 01 enero 2012 Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Milwaukee Art Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - James Frazer Stirling - Notes from the Archive. Crisis of Modernism - Staatsgalerie
01 octubre 2011 - 15 enero 2012 Stuttgart. Alemania
Organizadores: Staatsgalerie, the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal and the Yale Center for British Art, New
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Biennial Art Nouveau y Art Deco 2011
08 octubre - 30 octubre 2011 Bruselas. Bélgica
Contacto: Carina Sjörs - [email protected]
+ info:
Actas del X Congreso Internacional CICOP (Centro internacional para la conservación del patrimonio) 2010 Chile - REHABILITACIÓN DEL PATRIMONIO ARQUITECTÓNICO Y EDIFICACIÓN - Perspectivas contemporáneas
y nuevas dimensiones del pat
CICOP Chile y el Portal Todopatrimonio se complacen en anunciarles que las actas del X Congreso Internacional CICOP
2010: "Rehabilitación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Edificación: Perspectivas contemporáneas y nuevas dimensiones del
patrimonio" celebrado en 2010 y organizado por CICOP Chile, se encuentran disponibles online en el Portal Todopatrimonio.
El X Congreso Internacional de Rehabilitación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Edificación, organizado por CICOP Chile,
pretende ampliar y reanimar la reflexión, ya iniciada en congresos anteriores, respecto a la nueva mirada que demanda la
conservación del patrimonio físico y la memoria material e inmaterial de los pueblos en el proceso de readecuación desde
el voluntarismo y la desarticulación hacia la integración y la planificación estratégica, desde la imposición a la participación,
desde la pasividad al protagonismo.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (7 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:03:34]
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
New Historic Arctic Sea Ice Minimum 2011 - Arctic sea ice extent small as never before - University of Bremen
- Germany
Alerting message from the Arctic: The extent the the Arctic sea ice has reached on Sep. 8 with 4.240 million km2 a new
historic minimum (Figure 1). Physicists of the University of Bremen now confirm the apprehension existing since July 2011
that the ice melt in the Arctic could further proceed and even exceed the previous historic minimum of 2007. It seems to
be clear that this is a further consequence of the man-made global warming with global consequences. Directly, the
livehood of small animals, algae, fishes and mammals like polar bears and seals is more and more reduced…
+ info:
Les glaces de l'Arctique sont à leur plus bas niveau depuis 1972 - Université de Brême Allemagne
Samedi, des scientifiques allemands ont annoncé que l'étendue des glaces de l'Arctique se trouve
désormais à son niveau le plus bas depuis 1972, selon des mesures effectuées le 8 septembre dernier.
Alors que de nombreux scientifiques ne cessent d'alerter sur l'augmentation de la fonte des glaces, c'est
une nouvelle préoccupante qu'ont annoncée samedi des chercheurs de l'Institut de physique
environnementale de l'Université de Brême en Allemagne. Selon les dernières analyses qu'ils ont
effectuées, l'étendue des glaces de l'Arctique aurait atteint un niveau critique, le plus bas jamais
observé depuis le début des observations par satellite en 1972. Le 8 septembre dernier, les glaces du pôle Nord
n'enrobaient plus que 4,24 millions de kilomètres carrés.
+ info:
La UNESCO ayuda a los Pequeños Estados Insulares en la educación relativa al
cambio climático
El cambio climático constituye una amenaza real para los Pequeños Estados Insulares en
Desarrollo. En una reunión de expertos auspiciada por la UNESCO, que tendrá lugar en
Nassau (Bahamas) del 21 al 23 de septiembre, se abordará la función esencial de la
enseñanza para ayudar a que los pueblos del Caribe y de los océanos Índico y Pacífico se
adapten a este desafío.
La adaptación al cambio climático requiere que las personas comprendan por qué está
cambiando el clima y cómo lo hace, y las consecuencias que dichos cambios pueden tener para sus vidas. En esta reunión
de tres días de duración se prestará especial atención al papel fundamental que la educación desempeña, mediante el
aumento de la capacidad de adaptación de las comunidades y los países al cambio climático, al dotar a las personas de la
capacidad de adoptar decisiones bien fundamentadas.
+ info:
Cumbre del Clima para el Medio Ambiente (B4E) "Llegar a cero: Innovación, crecimiento y revolución
industrial limpia" Grupo de trabajo sobre "silvicultura y agricultura sostenibles". Londres, Reino Unido (12-13
Septiembre 2011)
Una cumbre de líderes mundiales y los negocios globales cerró ayer con el reconocimiento de que "el fracaso no es una
opción" en las conversaciones sobre el clima en Durban a finales de este año. NJ Mxakato-Diseko, embajador en Misión
Especial para la COP 17/CMP 7 , del Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales y Cooperación de Sudáfrica, que habló en
la clausura de la empresa para la Cumbre del Clima para el Medio Ambiente (B4E) en Londres, dijo que la falta de progreso (1 de 5) [14/10/2011 20:03:52]
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
en la UNFCCC (Convención Marco de Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático) las conversaciones podrían resultar en un
colapso " del sistema ". El Embajador también destacó la necesidad de los países desarrollados a comprometerse más con
los países en desarrollo y "desmitificar" la transición a una economía verde. Diseko Embajador dio la bienvenida a los
compromisos asumidos por los participantes en la Cumbre, que vio más de 250 negocios de alto nivel, las organizaciones
no gubernamentales y la sociedad civil líderes de la sociedad de 26 países presentó un documento en el que los planes de
los compromisos de la industria y la política pide que se acelere el cambio hacia una economía verde.
+ info:
Slowest to fastest: Extreme range in lichen growth rates supports their use as an indicator of climate change
in Antarctica
By Sancho, L.G., Allan Green, T.G.a, Pintado, A
Global temperature rise is suggested to be greater and more rapid in polar regions. There has been a clear temperature
rise of 0.056 °C y-1 in the Antarctic Peninsula and this has led to changes in higher plant extent and range. In the more
extreme environments of the main continent the vegetation is scattered and composed of lichens and mosses. There is
interest in the possible effects of global climate change on these communities acting through changes in temperature and
precipitation. Lichens have been extensively used to date the substrates on which they are growing using the techniques of
lichenometry. The slow growth and longevity of lichens particularly suites them for this use. We present evidence that
there appears to be a substantial (two orders of magnitude) cline in lichen growth rate from the warmer, wetter and more
productive Peninsula to the cold Dry Valleys at 77°S latitude. The differences in growth rate reflect the precipitation and
temperature regimes at the different sites. The large range in growth rates coupled with the simplicity of measuring lichen
growth using modern techniques suggests that this could be an excellent tool for the detection of climate change in
continental Antarctica. © 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
+ info:
Une dimension internationale des conséquences du changement climatique pour le Royaume-Uni
Pour le Royaume-Uni, les conséquences du changement climatique qui affecteront le reste du monde pourraient être aussi
importantes que l'impact direct sur les îles britanniques.
C'est la principale conclusion d'un rapport publié début juillet par l'Office gouvernemental pour la Science, à travers son
programme d'anticipation stratégique Foresight (voir ci-dessous). Alors que de nombreuses études scientifiques se sont
attachées à évaluer quel sera l'impact direct du changement climatique sur le Royaume-Uni et la plupart des politiques
gouvernementales à déterminer les moyens de le limiter et de s'y préparer, cette réflexion prospective met l'accent sur
une dimension internationale assez rarement mise en avant.
+ info:
Surveillance de l'environnement et compréhension des mécanismes climatiques : la France et l'Inde montent
en puissance
L'automne 2011 et le printemps 2012 verront la France et l'Inde lancer deux satellites conçus en collaboration, MeghaTropiques destiné à la recherche atmosphérique et Saral destiné à la surveillance de l'environnement. Grâce à ce nouveau
volet d'une collaboration spatiale féconde et entamée dès les années soixante, nos deux pays s'apprêtent à mettre à la
disposition de la communauté scientifique internationale un ensemble de données riche et inédit.
+ info:
Réunion autour du programme de recherche BIOACID sur l'acidification des océans - Brême - Allemagne (2630 septembre 2011)
Plus de 100 chercheurs spécialisés dans la recherche marine vont se rencontrer du 26 au 30 septembre à l'Université de
Brême. Le thème abordé sera l'augmentation du dioxyde de carbone dans l'atmosphère qui non seulement entraîne une
augmentation des températures mais également du taux d'acidité des océans. L'importance de ce phénomène et les fortes
conséquences qui en découlent ont commencé à retenir l'attention des spécialistes depuis quelques années déjà. Ils
craignent qu'une telle acidification entraîne une diminution de la résistance des récifs coralliens et autres mollusques
présentant un squelette ou une coquille calcaire. Le programme national de recherche BIOACID regroupe 14 instituts
partenaires ainsi que diverses entreprises travaillant dans le domaine de la technologie des capteurs. Sous l'égide de
BIOACID, se sont des biologistes, des chimistes et des physiciens experts du domaine marin, ainsi que des biologistes
moléculaires, paléontologues et mathématiciens qui discuteront de leurs nouvelles découvertes dans le domaine de
l'acidification des océans et d'informer leurs collègues sur les nouvelles techniques de mesures développées.
+ info:
Un nanosatellite pour surveiller la fonte de la banquise et aider la navigation sur l'océan Arctique
La société japonaise Weathernews Inc. a annoncé le 15 septembre avoir fixé une date pour le lancement de son
nanosatellite WNISAT-1, développé en partenariat avec la start-up nipponne AXELSPACE Corporation. Le lancement, en
piggyback sur une fusée Dneper-1, est prévu pour le 28 septembre 2012, depuis le Cosmodrome de Yasny en Russie…
+ info:
Le sud-est de la Styrie, un point chaud du réchauffement climatique - Autriche
Une étude menée par le centre Wegener de l'Université de Graz conclut que, au cours des dernières décennies, la
température moyenne a augmenté trois fois plus vite dans le sud-est de la Styrie que la moyenne mondiale.
+ info:
VIDEO: Le Trou d'ozone en Antarctique - De la découverte au rétablissement, un
Voyage Scientifique - UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) (2 de 5) [14/10/2011 20:03:52]
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
Alors que le trou de la coche d'ozone semblait être un problème résolu, en fin de compte,
son rétablissement n'est pas prévu avant des dizaines d'années et les effets et
interactions de l'appauvrissement de la couche d'ozone sur le changement climatique
commencent seulement à être compris.
Le 16 Septembre 2011, embarquez pour un voyage scientifique à travers l'histoire et la
science de la couche d'ozone, les actions entreprises pour faire face à cette menace majeure pour l'environnement et les
conséquences pour la couche d'ozone et le système climatique.
Ce documentaire au format court cherche des explications et réponses de la part des scientifiques les plus proches du
+ info:
Nouvelle plateforme de renseignements sur les futurs enjeux environnementaux - Université Leuphana de
Lunebourg - Basse Saxe - Allemagne
L'Institut des communications environnementales (INFU) de l'Université Leuphana de Lunebourg (Basse-Saxe) s'est lancé
depuis le 1er septembre 2011 dans la création d'une plateforme d'information sur les changements climatiques mondiaux.
Ce projet mené en coopération avec la bibliothèque de l'Université, sera financé pour une période de deux ans par la
fondation "Bernhard und Ursula Plettner". L'objectif est avant tout de permettre à un large public d'avoir plus facilement
accès aux résultats des recherches transdisciplinaires menées dans le domaine du changement climatique, de la perte de
biodiversité et de l'alimentation mondiale.
+ info:
Colloque international "Changement climatique : impacts et adaptations" - Paris - France ( 4 octobre 2011)
Le 4 octobre, à Paris, se tient le Colloque international intitulé "Changement climatique : impacts et adaptations". Créé en
2004, ce forum, axé autour de la problématique du changement climatique, a pour objectifs d'informer et de sensibiliser
mais aussi de créer une synergie entre les professionnels. Ainsi chaque année différentes communautés (scientifiques,
décideurs économiques, élus, collectivités, acteurs du développement durable, journalistes-météo) échangent et
+ info:
Comptes-rendus du French American Agriculture Symposium (F.A.A.S.) "Water and Climate Change" (11-12
mai 2010)
La synthèse des comptes-rendus de la rencontre franco-américaine sur l'agriculture "French American Agriculture
Symposium" (F.A.A.S.) va prochainement être diffusée sur sous la forme d'un rapport
d'Ambassade. Pour mémoire, il s'agit d'un événement organisé les 11 et 12 mai 2010 par la Mission pour la Science et la
Technologie du Consulat Général de France à Chicago, en partenariat avec le "Global Engineering Program" de l'Université
de Purdue dans l'Indiana. La rencontre, intitulée "Developing Partnership for sustainable Water management and
Agriculture in the context of Climate and Global change", abordait les thématiques de l'eau, de l'agriculture et du
changement climatique. Elle visait également à soutenir le développement d'actions collaboratives. Cet événement a
rassemblé près de 100 participants (51 experts et chercheurs américains, 5 internationaux et 43 français).
+ info:
Pourquoi les modèles climatiques sous-estiment le déclin de la banquise arctique ?
Depuis quelques décennies, la banquise arctique subit un déclin spectaculaire, qui va bien audelà des projections des modèles climatiques. La rapidité inattendue de cette disparition vient
d'être expliquée par des chercheurs du CNRS, de l'Université Joseph Fourier et du
Massachusetts institute of technology. Selon eux, les modèles climatiques sous-estiment la
vitesse d'amincissement de la banquise. Celle-ci est en réalité près de quatre fois plus rapide
que celle calculée par les modèles. À l'origine de ce biais, une "mauvaise" représentation de la
dérive des glaces de mer, et donc de leur évacuation vers le sud, à travers le détroit de Fram,
hors du bassin arctique. Permettant de corriger l'écart entre simulations et observations, une meilleure prise en compte de
ce mécanisme suggère la disparition de la banquise arctique estivale, bien avant la fin du siècle. Ces travaux sont publiés
dans la revue Journal of geophysical research le 29 septembre 2011.
+ info: conference on educating for climate change in Small Island States - Nassau Bahamas - 21-23 September 2011
Small islands are already facing the consequences of climate change with rising sea levels, and
an increase in extreme phenomena such as floods and hurricanes. It is against this background
that UNESCO is organizing a meeting of experts on education for climate change in Small
Developing Island States from 21 to 23 September in Nassau (Bahamas).
Davidson Hepburn, President of UNESCO’s General Conference, and Gretchen Kalonji, Assistant
UNESCO Director-General for Natural Sciences, will open the meeting. Some 100 school
curriculum developers, teachers, representatives of multilateral development agencies, educational networks and civil
society, most of them from Small Developing Island States (SIDS) in the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific and Indian Oceans,
will participate.
+ info:
Les éruptions volcaniques majeures ont un impact sur le climat plus important que prévu
Grâce à un équipement de pointe, les concentrations des nanoparticules volcaniques secondaires formées dans le panache (3 de 5) [14/10/2011 20:03:52]
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
d'un volcan à partir du dioxyde de souffre qu'il a émis ont pu être mesurées pour la première fois par des chercheurs du
Laboratoire de météorologie physique (L.A.M.P/OPGC, Université Clermont Ferrand 2 / CNRS) lors des deux passages dans
la basse atmosphère au-dessus du Puy de Dôme du panache du volcan Eyjafjallajokull. Ils ont ainsi pu mettre en évidence
que ces concentrations étaient très sous-estimées dans les modèles climatiques globaux. L'impact sur le climat des
éruptions volcaniques majeures serait dont plus important que soupçonné jusque-là.
+ info:
L'impact climatique de la colonisation des premières plantes terrestres au Dévonien modélisé pour la première
Déjà au Dévonien, il y a environ 400 à 350 millions d’années, la modification de l’albédo (réflectivité terrestre) due à la
colonisation des continents par les plantes a profondément changé le cycle de l’eau. La conséquence fut une baisse
massive de la quantité de CO2 atmosphérique, sans pour autant modifier la température moyenne du globe. Evénement
unique dans l’histoire de la Terre. C’est ce que montre une approche originale par modélisation, menée par une équipe de
chercheurs français et américain (*), publiée dans la revue Earth and Planetary Science Letters d'octobre 2011.
+ info:
PROMITHEAS - The Energy and Climate Change Policy Network Newsletter - Issue 30 - July - August 2011.
University of Athens (Greece)
The PROMITHEAS Newsletter has information about the network activities, recent and upcoming events regarding energy
and climate change policy issues.
The bimonthly newsletter of the PROMITHEAS Network is distributed free of charge to more than 22,000 recipients in one
hundred seventy (170) countries. It includes information about the network activities, its members and events concerning
energy and climate change research. Its content reflects the network views and the European Commission is not liable for
the information contained. Sponsorships for its circulation are welcome.
+ info:
Unprecedented Arctic ozone loss in 2011
Chemical ozone destruction occurs over both polar regions in local winter–spring. In the Antarctic, essentially complete
removal of lower-stratospheric ozone currently results in an ozone hole every year, whereas in the Arctic, ozone loss is
highly variable and has until now been much more limited. Here we demonstrate that chemical ozone destruction over the
Arctic in early 2011 was—for the first time in the observational record—comparable to that in the Antarctic ozone hole.
Unusually long-lasting cold conditions in the Arctic lower stratosphere led to persistent enhancement in ozone-destroying
forms of chlorine and to unprecedented ozone loss, which exceeded 80 per cent over 18–20 kilometres altitude. Our results
show that Arctic ozone holes are possible even with temperatures much milder than those in the Antarctic. We cannot at
present predict when such severe Arctic ozone depletion may be matched or exceeded.
+ info:
Convención Marco de Naciones Unidas sobre Cambio
Climático - Ciudad de Panamá (Panamá) 1-7 octubre
La secretaria ejecutiva de la Convención Marco de Naciones
Unidas sobre Cambio Climático, Christiana Figueres, brindó
hoy un panorama optimista de la reunión en Panamá
preparatoria de la Cumbre de Durban, Sudáfrica.
La funcionaria aseguró en rueda de prensa que han logrado
acá un avance significativo en la elaboración de textos, aunque pidió tiempo hasta el viernes para dar detalles.
Aclaró que el encuentro de Panamá, donde sesionan dos grupos de trabajo, no es para tomar decisiones, sino para
preparar la Cumbre de Durban, Sudáfrica, que se inaugurará el 28 de noviembre.
+ info:
Scientists still concerned about the latest Times Atlas map of Greenland - Scott
Polar Research Institute - University of Cambridge - United Kingdom
Last week scientists, including those from the Scott Polar Research Institute, identified a
major error in the press release accompanying the publication of the latest 13th edition of
the Times Comprehensive Atlas of the World. HarperCollins, the Atlas's publishers, claimed
that Greenland had lost 15% of permanent ice compared to their map from 1999. They
claimed 300,000 square kilometres of ice had been lost, an area the size of the United
Kingdom and Ireland.
The Cambridge scientists alerted the UK media to this error, and their international colleagues did likewise to global news
networks. Scientists around the world discussed the error openly via the e-mail discussion forum, Cryolist…
+ info:
La découverte d'effondrements sous-marins dans l'Arctique doit aider à comprendre les changements
Des chercheurs italiens et espagnols ont découvert d'importants effondrements sous-marins le long de l'Arctique, sur le
versant occidental de la mer de Barents qui pourraient permettre d'éclairer de nombreux aspects du changement
climatique. La découverte en cours de publication, a été présentée lors du congrès international Geoitalia 2011, organisé
par la Fédération Italienne des Sciences de la Terre à Turin du 19 au 23 septembre… (4 de 5) [14/10/2011 20:03:52]
Impacto del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio
+ info:
Le climat a changé et changera
Un nouveau modèle global développé par un consortium européen auquel participe le Cnr (Conseil National des
Recherches), permet d'estimer l'évolution future du système climatique et de mieux en comprendre les tendances
historiques. Depuis 1850 les eaux océaniques, jusqu'à une profondeur de 300 m, se sont réchauffées de presque un degré,
et la surface de la calotte glacière de l'Arctique a diminué de 3 millions de km2 ces dix dernières années…
+ info:
La Exposición “Los satélites, vigías del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio Mundial” en la Sede de la UNESCO
26 septiembre - 11 noviembre 2011 París. Francia
Organizadores: La exposición está organizada con la colaboración del socio espacial Planet Action, la Agencia Espacial
Europea, la NASA, el Centro Aereoespacial Alemán y BELSPO, con el apoyo de la Delegación Permanente de la UNESCO en
el Reino de Bélgica
Contacto: [email protected] / [email protected]
+ info:
Second Announcement released: 2011 International Conference on The Future of Venice and its Lagoon in the
Context of Global Change
13 noviembre - 15 noviembre 2011 Venecia. Italia
Organizadores: UNESCO Venice Office and the Municipality of Venice in collaboration with the Venice International
University, with the financial support of the Italian Government
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Climate Change and Adaptation for Water Resources in Yellow River Basin, China
Climate change is having profound impacts on water resources around the world, as evidenced by
changes in snowpack, sea level, and river flows. These changes are expected to continue in the future, in
forms of weather pattern changes, and increased risks of water-related disasters such as floods and
droughts. As "cradle of the Chinese civilization", the Yellow River is faced with tightened challenges of
climate change. It is estimated that from 1956 to 2000, runoff in the Yellow River basin has been
reduced by almost 8%. Similar reduction has been observed as well in regards to precipitation.
Reductions in both runoff and precipitation have decreased the amount of water supply in the Yellow
River basin. In contrast, water demands have been increasing derived from industrial and agricultural development, along
with rapid urbanization process in the basin area…
+ info:
Ir a arriba (5 de 5) [14/10/2011 20:03:52]
Patrimonio Cultural
Patrimonio Cultural
(en italiano) Giornate Europee del Patrimonio - anno 2011 - Tema: "L'Italia Tesoro d'Europa" - 24 - 25
September 2011
L’Italia aderisce, insieme ad altri 49 Stati Europei, alle Giornate Europee del Patrimonio 2011 che avranno luogo nel nostro
Paese il 24 e il 25 settembre, con lo slogan, ormai consolidato: “L’Italia tesoro d’Europa”.
Le Giornate, fin dalla loro istituzione nel 1954, sono state apprezzate da tutti i cittadini che, attraverso questo momento di
grande partecipazione, hanno avuto l’opportunità di conoscere lo straordinario patrimonio culturale europeo…
+ info:
OBRAS DE ARTE SAQUEADAS - Oficina Federal de la Cultura (Suiza)
En los últimos años, el interés público en las obras de arte saqueadas o saqueos durante la segunda guerra mundial se ha
incrementado dramáticamente en todo el mundo. En todo el mundo, investigadores y personas exploran las colecciones de
los archivos y museos para encontrar obras de arte que han perdido la pista desde su desaparición durante la Segunda
Guerra Mundial. Por su parte, los museos públicos y privados - en Europa y Estados Unidos - han comenzado a hacer
investigaciones en sus propias colecciones. Muchos países han establecido comisiones nacionales y grupos de trabajo para
estudiar los archivos, para examinar el origen de la obra o para procesar las solicitudes de saqueo de sus propietarios o de
sus herederos. Algunas organizaciones privadas y asociaciones están dedicadas a estas mismas tareas.
+ info:
Fonds de la Confédération et aides financières en faveur de la conservation des monuments historiques, des
sites archéologiques et des sites construits - Suisse
L'Office fédéral de la culture soutient, en accord avec les cantons, les mesures de conservation des monuments
historiques, des sites archéologiques et des sites construits.
De même, les projets de recherche, la formation et la formation continue des experts, les relations publiques et les
inventaires fédéraux sont financés et des aides sont accordées aux organisations nationales.
Les objets qui reçoivent une aide financière de la Confédération sont en règle générale soumis à une restriction de la
propriété fondée sur le droit public. Les mesures de protection sont inscrites au registre foncier sur demande des cantons.
+ info:
Etiqueta del Patrimonio Europea - 60 sitios en 17 países europeos
Hasta el momento, un total de 60 sitios en 17 países de la unión Europea han sido galardonados con la Etiqueta de
Patrimonio Europeo.
+ info:
Newsletter UNESCO/Kinshasa - RDC (République démocratique du Congo) - Journée mondiale du
Souvenir de la traite négrière et de son abolition (23 août 2011)
Page 6 A Kinshasa, le Bureau de l’Unesco a organisé le mardi 23 août 2011 un atelier sur les acquis du projet « La
Route de l’Esclave » en RDC, en collaboration avec les ministères de la Culture et des Arts, de
l’Enseignement Primaire, Secondaire et Professionnel, de l’Enseignement Supérieur et Universitaire, de la
Recherche scientifique ainsi que du Bureau Conjoint des Nations Unies aux Droits de l’Homme.
Pour rappel, la traite négrière transatlantique compte parmi les plus extrêmes violations des droits de
l’homme à travers l’histoire. Et dont la durée, l'étendue et l'ampleur de déshumanisation ont conduit à sa condamnation (1 de 10) [14/10/2011 20:04:10]
Patrimonio Cultural
+ info:
Fondation du Patrimoine - France - Newsletter bimensuelle N° 14 - 16/09/2011
La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine rural non protégé. Maisons,
églises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel… tous les types de patrimoine de proximité sont
éligibles à l'action de la Fondation. Aux côtés de l'Etat et des principaux acteurs du secteur, elle aide les propriétaires
publics et associatifs à financer leurs projets, permet aux propriétaires privés de défiscaliser tout ou partie de leurs
travaux, et mobilise le mécénat d’entreprise.
+ info:
Conferencias sobre patrimonio cultural - Montevideo - Uruguay - 3 de Octubre de 2011
En el marco del proceso de reflexión colectiva acerca de una nueva ley de Patrimonio Cultural y de la Reunión del Comité
del Patrimonio Cultural del MERCOSUR Cultural, tuvo lugar la jornada sobre patrimonio: . Ley, Territorio y Arte.
Se realizó en las instalaciones del viejo palacio Estévez, actual Edificio José Artigas, ubicado en la Plaza Independencia.
Con el apoyo de UNESCO acudieron importantes conferencistas especialistas en su materia:
-Dr. Sánchez Cordero, de México, especialista en el combate contra el tráfico ilícito de bienes culturales.
-Arq. Alfredo Conti, Vicepresidente de ICOMOS, quien abordará el tema del paisaje histórico cultural.
Se recogieron las propuestas de los concurrentes sobre temas y propuestas concretas a abordar por la nueva ley de
patrimonio cultural.
+ info:
World Monuments Fund (WMF) news update - September 2011
World Monuments Fund is the leading independent organization dedicated to saving the world’s most treasured places.
Since 1965, in more than 90 countries, our experts have been racing against time, applying proven techniques to preserve
important architectural and cultural heritage sites around the globe.
Through partnerships with local communities, funders, and governments, we inspire an enduring commitment to
stewardship for future generations.
Nearly 85 percent of our revenue goes directly toward preservation projects, fieldwork, advocacy, and educational
+ info:
Historypin app lets people create a "time machine" - United Kingdom
For people who have stood at a monument or scanned a landscape -- the Great Wall of China, for instance, or the U.S.
Grand Canyon -- and wondered how it looked 100 or more years ago, there is now an app for you. Historypin, on iOS and
Android platforms, strives to create a collection of memories about locations by counting on people to dig up and digitize
old photographs and other media of the places, along with personal recollections of the past.
Combined with modern pictures and memories, the app creates a story of a place for people to enjoy -- a sort of "time
machine in your pocket," its backers say.
+ info:
La UNESCO invita al lanzamiento de la campaña "Mucho Chile"
La Oficina Regional de Educación para América Latina y el Caribe (OREALC/UNESCO
Santiago), junto con la Radio Universidad de Chile y la Fundación Gonzalo Rojas, tienen el
agrado de invitarle al lanzamiento de la campaña “Mucho Chile”, que se realizará el lunes
26 de septiembre a las 12 hrs. en la Sala Master de la Universidad de Chile, ubicada en la
calle Miguel Claro 509, Providencia, Santiago.
El evento, abierto a todo público y a nuestros amigos de la prensa, será una presentación
de los principales contenidos de la campaña. La conducción estará a cargo de Denisse
Malebrán y Álvaro Escobar, además de la presencia del director de la oficina de la UNESCO en Santiago, Jorge Sequeira. El
evento contará con la presentación de la Orquesta Juvenil de Tirúa y una degustación de cocina mapuche a cargo del chef
José Luis Calfucura.
+ info:
Sambhar Master Plan: A heritage-based approach to wetland conservation through the
Ramsar Document on Culture and Wetlands in India - Sambhar - Jaipur district Rajasthan
The vast cultural significance of the town of Sambhar is directly related to Sambhar Lake. The
lake has been used as a source of salt production from the 6th century AD, which is also around
the time when historians pinpoint that the present-day town was founded by King Vasudev of
the Chauhan Dynasty. Over time, salt production of the lake, as well as the town itself, has
passed through the hands of Mughal and Rajput dynasties, and finally by the British in 1870 until
independence in 1947. These different influences have created a multi-dimensional urban fabric representing all these
phases. Sambhar also has a significant religious history. It is believed that the lake was a gift by Mata Shakambhari about
2500 years ago, and is an important religious site for both Hindus and Muslims.
+ info:
ICCROM and Government of Sharjah to Establish Regional Centre for Conservation United Arab Emirates
His Highness Dr Sheikh Sultan Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah,
received a visit from Mounir Bouchenaki, Director-General of ICCROM on 11 September 2011. At the (2 de 10) [14/10/2011 20:04:10]
Patrimonio Cultural
meeting an Agreement of Implementation was signed between the Government of Sharjah, UAE,
and ICCROM to establish a Regional Centre for the Management and Conservation of Cultural
Heritage in the Arab States, which will be based in the Emirate of Sharjah…
+ info:
World Monuments Fund announces two major grants for sites in the United-Republic of Tanzania and
World Monuments Fund (WMF) announced today that it has received two major grants from the U.S. Ambassadors Fund
for Cultural Preservation for projects at Phnom Bakheng in Cambodia and Kilwa Kisiwani in Tanzania.
Phnom Bakheng, built between the late-ninth and early tenth centuries as a state temple for a city later absorbed into
Angkor, is one of the oldest temples in the Angkor Archaeological Park. The award of $450,000 will complete a
conservation project begun in 2009 with a prior $1 million Ambassadors Fund grant. The temple is one of the most popular
at Angkor, especially at sunset, for the view it affords of Angkor Wat. Heavy foot traffic from tourists has created serious
conservation issues at the site, which are being addressed with the Ambassadors Fund support as well as an additional
$150,000 committed by WMF through its Robert W. Wilson Challenge to Conserve Our Heritage. In addition to conserving
the temple, WMF’s project, in collaboration with APSARA National Authority, is reviewing all needs at the site from
management of rainwater runoff to improving the visitor experience.
+ info:
Curso sobre nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al patrimonio cultural
Contacto: [email protected]
El Colegio Universitario San Gerónimo de La Habana, enclavado en el área más añeja de la
capital de Cuba, acoge hasta el venidero 30 de septiembre un curso sobre nuevas
tecnologías vinculadas a la museología y a la valoración del patrimonio cultural, que
pretende elevar el nivel de información de quienes desde La Habana Vieja trabajan en ese
Se trata de la primera iniciativa conjunta que se inserta en el proyecto de cooperación
Fortalecimiento de las entidades que promueven la puesta en valor del patrimonio cultural en La Habana Vieja mediante la
captación y el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías, financiado por la Unión Europea y ejecutado por la fundación TECNALIA,
de España; la Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana; la sociedad civil Patrimonio, Comunidad y MedioAmbiente; la Ècole d'Avignon; el Colegio Universitario San Gerónimo de La Habana y el comité cubano del Consejo
Internacional de Museos (ICOM).
+ info:
J. Paul Getty Trust and the Hellenic Republic Ministry of Culture Sign Agreement
Creating Framework for Cultural Cooperation. Los Angeles, California (USA)
Pavlos Yeroulanos, Minister of Culture and Tourism for the Hellenic Republic, and James
Cuno, President and Chief Executive Officer of the J. Paul Getty Trust, today signed a
memorandum of understanding that ensures a clear framework for cooperation between the
Hellenic Republic and the Getty Trust. The agreement builds on principles already
established between the Getty and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and strengthens the
opportunities for joint scientific research, exchange of cultural objects and the promotion of
Greek cultural heritage. The agreement also reconfirms the commitment of both parties to deterring the illicit traffic in
+ info:
Houston's Menil Collection Announces Return of Byzantine Frescoes to Cyprus in 2012 Houston - Texas(USA)
After more than two decades in Houston, the beloved Byzantine frescoes will go back to Cyprus in 2012.
While this moment is bittersweet, the story of these frescoes—from their rescue, to their long-term loan
to us, and now to their return—very much reflects the essence of the Menil Collection, its focus on the
aesthetic and the spiritual, and our responsible stewardship of works from other nations and cultures…
+ info:
BOLETIN DE ISPAN - Instituto de conservación del patrimonio nacional de Haití. No 28 - Septiembre 2011
Les agradecemos que animen a sus amigos a abonarse al BOLETIN DE ISPAN en la siguiente dirección: ispan.
[email protected]
El Instituto de Conservación del Patrimonio Nacional (ISPAN) es un organismo técnico autónomo del Ministerio de cultura y
comunicación. Tiene como misión realizar el inventario y la clasificación de sitios, monumentos y conjuntos históricos de la
República de Haití, llevar a cabo proyectos de protección, restauración y puesta en valor de monumentos, sitios y
conjuntos históricos, asegurar la dirección y el control de los trabajos de ejecución de dichos proyectos, ayudar a la
promoción y el desarrollo de actividades públicas o privadas destinadas a preservar el patrimonio nacional y, por último,
recopilar, organizar y difundir toda la información y documentación relativa al patrimonio arquitectónico y monumental,
nacional e internacional.
+ info:
23 août : Journée mondiale du Souvenir de la traite négrière et de son abolition - Bureau UNESCO
Kinshasa - République démocratique du Congo (RDC) - Page 6
AKinshasa, le Bureau de l’Unesco a organisé le mardi 23 août 2011 un atelier sur les acquis du projet « La
Route de l’Esclave » en RDC, en collaboration avec les ministères de la Culture et des Arts, de (3 de 10) [14/10/2011 20:04:10]
Patrimonio Cultural
l’Enseignement Primaire, Secondaire et Professionnel, de l’Enseignement Supérieur et Universitaire, de la
Recherche scientifique ainsi que du Bureau Conjoint des Nations Unies aux Droits de l’Homme.
Pour rappel, la traite négrière transatlantique compte parmi les plus extrêmes violations des droits de
l’homme à travers l’histoire. Et dont la durée, l'étendue et l'ampleur de déshumanisation ont conduit à sa
condamnation unanime.
+ info:
I reati contro i beni culturali diventano "questione di Stato" con il nuovo ddl - Italy
Dopo i recenti avvenimenti che hanno fatto balzare alla cronaca il danneggiamento di alcuni
beni culturali del Paese (da ultimo quello della Fontana del Moro a Piazza Navona a Roma), il
Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali ha colto l’attimo per predisporre un disegno di legge
per il conferimento al Governo della delega atta a riformare la disciplina sanzionatoria in
materia di reati contro il patrimonio culturale.
+ info:
UNESCO Venice Office supports innovation and excellence in heritage - Venice - Italy 22-24 September 2011
UNESCO Venice Office will be supporting, from 22 to 24 September 2011, the Best in Heritage
international conference, organized in Dubrovnik, Croatia, in partnership with Europa Nostra.
The Best in Heritage conference, under the chairmanship of Professor Tomislav Šola, brings
together international and professional institutions, in the Old City of Dubrovnik, a UNESCO
World Heritage Site, to survey the best and most innovative museums, conservation and
heritage projects, and consider heritage protection and museums as opportunities for
innovation and excellence.
+ info:
Seminario prevenciones para la seguridad física, contra robos y el tráfico ilícito de bienes culturales muebles e
inmuebles - Tandil (Argentina) 4-5 de Octubre de 2011
Coordinadora por Municipalidad de Tandil: Lic. Magdalena Conti
Coordinadora por CICOP, Arq. Graciela Di Iorio
Contacto: [email protected]
Los Museos, bibliotecas, centros culturales y emprendimientos comerciales que funcionan en edificios de valor patrimonial
son muchas veces considerados espacios ideales . Sin embargo en el momento de abordar la cuestión de la seguridad , el
tema se vuelve complejo por los propios condicionamientos de estas instituciones para cumplir tanto con la preservación
como con los servicios que deben brindar.
Cuando nos referimos a la seguridad en los museos, los primeros temas que surgen son robo e incendio. E inmediatamente
pensamos en las vitrinas , en los cerramientos , en los materiales combustibles , en los depósitos. Sin embargo , la
seguridad implica mucho mas. En el entorno , el edificio , son las colecciones y también las personas que trabajan en ellos.
+ info:
Exposición: Afrodescendientes, Guanabacoa-Cuba: Fotografías de Roberto Chile La Habana - Cuba - (23 de septiembre - 2 de Octubre 2011)
La exposición fotográfica “Afrodescendientes, Guanabacoa-Cuba” fue inaugurada el 23 de
septiembre en la Fototeca de Cuba, en el Centro Histórico de La Habana, donde
permanecerá hasta el 2 de octubre.
La muestra, conformada por 40 fotografías blanco y negro de mediano formato, fueron
tomadas por Roberto Chile entre diciembre de 2010 y mayo de 2011 en Guanabacoa. Se
presentó primero en Casa de América, Madrid, España, del 5 al 30 de junio del presente
año, posteriormente en la Casa Patria Grande Presidente Néstor Kirchner, Buenos Aires, Argentina, del 5 al 11 de
septiembre, y a partir del 20 de octubre se exhibirá, en la Casa Liceo Artístico Literario de Guanabacoa.
+ info:
Lettre d'information de la Fondation du Patrimoine n° 15 | 04/10/2011 - France
La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine rural non protégé. Maisons,
églises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel… tous les types de patrimoine de proximité sont
éligibles à l'action de la Fondation. Aux côtés de l'Etat et des principaux acteurs du secteur, elle aide les propriétaires
publics et associatifs à financer leurs projets, permet aux propriétaires privés de défiscaliser tout ou partie de leurs
travaux, et mobilise le mécénat d’entreprise.
+ info:
Fortress of Fortezza - Markus Scherer with Walter Dietl - 2009 - Franzensfeste - Italy
“Begun under Francis I in the year 1833 – completed by Ferdinand I in the year 1838”, reads the Latin
inscription over the gate of the fortress. In just five years, over 6,000 workers and soldiers built a blocking
position at one of the narrowest points in the Eisack valley. It has the dimensions of a small town and, with
a surface area of 20 hectares, is the largest fortification in the Alpine region. With this monumental
defensive work the Habsburgs hoped to halt the advance of the revolutionary changes provoked by the
French revolution. Designed by regimental engineer Franz von Scholl, it consists of three autonomous
sections: the upper, middle and lower fortress levels. It has clear and simple classicist lines; it is functional
and impregnable. As the military threat did not materialize in the decades following its construction, however, the fortress (4 de 10) [14/10/2011 20:04:10]
Patrimonio Cultural
rapidly lost its importance. By the end of the 19th century it was merely used as a powder depot. In 1918 Franzensfeste
came under Italian rule and was used by the army until 2003.
+ info:
Jean Nouvel Jewelbox Houses Historic Carousel - New York - New York State - USA
In 1922 the Philadelphia Toboggan Company made a classic 3-row carousel with 48 carved
horses and 2 chariots accompanied by wood carvings that are said to be among the finest of
their kind. This historic carousel, the first to be placed on the National Register of Historic
Places, re-opened to the public on September 16th. Jane’s Carousel, entirely restored including
original scenery panels, rounding boards, crests, center pole and platform is nestled between
the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges within a Jean Nouvel designed acrylic pavilion in Brooklyn
Bridge Park. Nouvel’s steel framed clear box can be opened on two sides providing an openaired experience. At night white shades can be drawn and the shadows of the 48 horses dance across the walls.
+ info:
Jeju University Cultural Heritage Center - poly.m.ur - Jeju - The Republic of Korea
The design of the new Jeju Cultural Heritage Centre started from an attempt to interpret the
cultural value of the traditional artifacts that are to be exhibited here with contemporary view.
poly.m.ur was intrigued by the fact that these artifacts are exemplary in showing the influence
of regional material on the life of early settlers, and they wanted their proposal to be seen as
an object which can symbolize the local characteristics shaped by the abundant availability of
basalt as raw material and the indigenous techniques of tool making.
While the use of basalt rock imagery of the overall appearance of the building was intended as
the simple yet most effective symbolism which can be associated with its specific locality, the ratio and rigor underlying the
con-struction of the geometry was metaphorical to the intellects presents in the indigenous culture.
+ info:
International museum experts meet to discuss common exhibit on Imagining the
Balkans - Turin - Italy - 5-6 October 2011
The UNESCO Venice Office will be organizing in Turin (Italy), on 5-6 October 2011, an
international expert meeting with museum directors from South-East Europe on “History,
memory and dialogue in South-East Europe: Exploring the identity of Nations”. The meeting is
organized in cooperation with the National Museum of the Italian Risorgimento (Museo
Nazionale del Risorgimento Italiano). organized as a follow-up to the previous encounters
organized in Thessaloniki (“National History Museums in Southeast Europe: learning history,
building shared memories”, Thessaloniki, Greece, 18-19 October 2010), and Berlin (“Best practices in museum
management: dealing with difficult heritage, educating on history”, Berlin, Germany, 27-28 January 2011), it seeks to
enhance cooperation and dialogue among the South-East European national history museums.
+ info:
Society for Oceanists
The Society for Oceanists is a group of people interested in the socio-cultural world of Australia, Melanesia
and the large Polynesian triangle. These lands, spread out over a vast maritime space, are places of memory
for the people who inhabit them and have created many different forms of social and cultural organizations.
The Society for Oceanists is a non-profit association that was created in 1945 at the Museum of Man in Paris.
It evolved from two old learned societies: the Society for Oceanian Studies, founded in Papeete (Tahiti), and
the Society for Melanesian Studies, founded in Nouméa (New Caledonia). Its headquarters are at the Quai
Branly Museum. The purpose of the Society for Oceanists’ activities is to facilitate and exchange views in
diverse areas that have as much to do with the human and social sciences as with natural sciences. These activities include
the organization of meetings and symposiums, as well the Society of Oceanists’ different published works and journal.
+ info:
CONFERENCE VIDEO - Université populaire du Quai Branly - L'espace en Occident et en Australie (Paris-France10 février 2011)
L'espace en Occident et en Australie - David Rabouin - Barbara Glowcewski
+ info:
II Foro Internacional ¿Es consumible el patrimonio cultural? - Universidad del Externado
19 septiembre - 21 septiembre 2011 Bogotá. Colombia
Organizadores: la Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá, a través del Instituto Distrital de Patrimonio Cultural, entidad adscrita a la
Secretaría de Cultura, Recreación y Deporte, en conjunto con las Universidades Externado, Nacional, Andes y Javeriana, el
Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia (ICANH), el Consejo Internacional de Monumentos y Sitios (ICOMOS), el
Consejo Distrital de Patrimonio Cultural, la Secretaría General y el Instituto Distrital de Turismo.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
History, memory and dialogue in South-East Europe: Exploring the identity of Nations - UNESCO Working
05 octubre - 06 octubre 2011 Turin. Italia (5 de 10) [14/10/2011 20:04:10]
Patrimonio Cultural
Organizadores: UNESCO Venice
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Watermarks: Water's Heritage Conference - Pre-Conference Tour
Call for Expressions of Interest 25 octubre - 27 octubre 2011 Melbourne, Victoria. Australia
Organizadores: The Australian Government and Australia ICOMOS
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 7 oct 2011
+ info:
2012 por
WMF (World
La Lista Watch
es el programa
importante de defensa del patrimonio del World Monuments Fund (WMF). Tiene como objetivo llamar la atención
internacional sobre los retos y peligros que enfrentan los sitios culturales alrededor del mundo. La Lista Watch brinda a los
nominadores y propietarios de los sitios incluidos, la oportunidad de crear conciencia en la opinión pública, incentivar su
gestión responsable, salvaguardarlos, así como promover la participación y colaboración local.
+ info:
First meeting in new project "History that Connects - Macedonia" - Skopje - Republic
of Macedonia - 18-21 September 2011
The first meeting in the new project “History that Connects – Macedonia”, which is kindly
funded by the Belgium Ministry of Foreign Affairs, took place between 18-21 September in
Skopje. Together with Project Coordinators Mire Mladenovski and Besnik Emini, an
implementation strategy was discussed, for the project to be in line with the Ministry’s Strategy
on Steps towards Integrated Education. For this purpose also meetings were held with the
Minister of Education Mr Kralev, with senior officers of the OSCE and USAID, as well as with the
Ambassador of Belgium to Macedonia, Mr Michielsen.
The Association of History Educators in Macedonia, ANIM, and EUROCLIO, the European Association of History Educators
have then been asked by the Macedonian Minister of Education Mr Kralev in Skopje on 19 September 2011 to make an
overall scan of the process of textbook production and publishing, resulting in a systematic analysis with guidelines on how
to improve it and propose concrete interventions in the process. They received this request in the framework of the
EUROCLIO/Belgium Ministry of Foreign Affairs Project History that Connects Macedonia.
+ info:
Prizes - Deux lauréats pour un nouveau prix sur l'accessibilité aux handicapés dans
les musées et monuments historiques - Prix "Patrimoines pour tous, Patrimoines pour
Chacun" - France
Le 14 septembre 2011, le prix « Patrimoines pour tous, patrimoines pour chacun » a été remis
au Centre d’interprétation de l’architecture et du patrimoine du château Sainte-Suzanne en
Mayenne et au musée de Saint-Jean d’Angély en Charente Maritime. Créé en 2011 par la
Direction générale du patrimoine du ministère de la Culture, il récompense la mise en
accessibilité des musées et monuments historiques au profit des personnes handicapées.
Le Prix « Patrimoines pour tous, patrimoines pour chacun » a été décerné le 14 septembre 2011. Ce prix récompense la
mise en accessibilité des institutions culturelles au profit de personnes handicapées que ce soit au niveau moteur, visuel,
auditif ou mental. Il remplace le prix « Des musées pour tous », crée en 2007 par le ministère de la Culture, en
l’élargissant aux monuments et aux centres d’interprétation du patrimoine.
+ info:
The majestic ruins of the Palace of Sans Souci, the modern town of Jacmel and the Gingerbread houses of Port-au-Prince
has been included on the 2010 World Monuments Watch in order to raise international awareness about this unique
architectural heritage.
+ info:
BULLETIN DE L'ISPAN (Institut de sauvegarde du patrimoine national ) Numéro SPECIAL - Haïti
Monuments historiques d’Haïti élus au WMF Watch 2012
+ info:
World Monuments Fund Announces 2012 Watch, Encompassing 67 Threatened Cultural-Heritage Sites Across (6 de 10) [14/10/2011 20:04:10]
Patrimonio Cultural
the Globe
At a press conference held at World Monuments Fund’s Empire State Building headquarters today, WMF President Bonnie
Burnham announced the 2012 World Monuments Watch. Since 1996, the biennial Watch has drawn international attention
to cultural-heritage sites in need of assistance, helping to save some of the world’s most treasured places. The 2012 Watch
includes 67 sites, representing 41 countries and territories.
+ info:
Rencontre sur "Historiographies sans frontières. Les migrations internationales saisies par les histoires
nationales (XIXe-XXe siècles)" - Cité nationale de l'histoiçre de l'immigration
04 octubre 2011 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Cité nationale de l'histoiçre de l'immigration
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
13èmes Rencontres des Grands Sites "Place & Organisation des activités commerciales sur les Grands Sites" Grand Site des ILes Sanguinaires - Pointe de la Parata
20 octubre - 21 octubre 2011 Ajaccio. Francia
Organizadores: Réseau des Grands Sites de France
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
CICOP (Centro Internacional para la Conservacion del Patrimonio - Argentina) - Seminario Series
Patrimoniales - Nuevos enfoques, nuevos desafíos
01 noviembre - 02 noviembre 2011 Buenos Aires. Argentina
Organizadores: CICOP Argentina
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
03 noviembre - 05 noviembre 2011 Tenerife. España
Organizadores: Fundación Centro Internacional para la Conservación del Patrimonio (CICOP)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Un vent de nouveautés pour l'édition 2011 du Salon International du Patrimoine Culturel
03 noviembre - 06 noviembre 2011 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Ateliers d’Art de France
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Historical Lab 3: Naturaleza, Creatividad y Producción en Art Nouveau en Milán
19 noviembre 2011 Regione Lombardia, Milán. Italia
Organizadores: La Réseau Art Nouveau Network
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Conférence - Les Tsiganes européens, entre mythologie et histoire - Cité nationale de l'histoire de
06 diciembre 2011 París. Francia
Organizadores: Caroline Douki, maître de conférence en histoire contemporaine, Université Paris 8
+ info:
International Conference on Traditional Knowledge for Water Resources Management
21 febrero - 23 febrero 2012 Yazd. Irán (República Islámica del)
Organizadores: Islamic Republic of Iran Ministry of energy, UNESCO - IHP, International Center on Qanats and Historic
Hydraulic Structures (ICQHS), ICID-CIID, UNESCO Tehran Cluster Office (UTCO) and Iranlan National Comission for
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
El ICQHS (International Centre for Qantas and Hydrological Structures) prepara conferencia acerca del
conocimiento tradicional en la gestión de los recursos hídricos
21 febrero - 23 febrero 2012 Yazd. Irán (República Islámica del)
Organizadores: ICQHS (International Centre for Qantas and Hydrological Structures)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info: (7 de 10) [14/10/2011 20:04:10]
Patrimonio Cultural
Virtual Palaces Workshop - Part II - Lost Palaces and their Afterlife. Virtual Reconstruction between Science
and Media
13 abril - 15 abril 2012 Munich. Alemania
Organizadores: ESF Research Networking Programme PALATIUM
Contacto: Krista De Jonge ([email protected]), Pieter Martens ([email protected]), and
Mario Santana Quintero ([email protected]).
+ info:
HERITAGE 2012 - 3rd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development
19 junio - 22 junio 2012 Porto. Portugal
Organizadores: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 oct 2011
+ info:
La tutela dei beni culturali in Giappone
presentazione dei volumi
Giappone. Tutela e conservazione di antiche tradizioni a cura di Olimpia Niglio e Koji Kuwakino
Il restauro in Giappone: architetture, città, paesaggi a cura di Giorgio Gianighian e Matteo Dario Paolucci
+ info:
Actas del X Congreso Internacional CICOP (Centro internacional para la conservación del patrimonio) 2010 Chile - REHABILITACIÓN DEL PATRIMONIO ARQUITECTÓNICO Y EDIFICACIÓN - Perspectivas contemporáneas
y nuevas dimensiones del pat
CICOP Chile y el Portal Todopatrimonio se complacen en anunciarles que las actas del X Congreso Internacional CICOP
2010: "Rehabilitación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Edificación: Perspectivas contemporáneas y nuevas dimensiones del
patrimonio" celebrado en 2010 y organizado por CICOP Chile, se encuentran disponibles online en el Portal Todopatrimonio.
El X Congreso Internacional de Rehabilitación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Edificación, organizado por CICOP Chile,
pretende ampliar y reanimar la reflexión, ya iniciada en congresos anteriores, respecto a la nueva mirada que demanda la
conservación del patrimonio físico y la memoria material e inmaterial de los pueblos en el proceso de readecuación desde
el voluntarismo y la desarticulación hacia la integración y la planificación estratégica, desde la imposición a la participación,
desde la pasividad al protagonismo.
+ info:
An Aboriginal Australian Genome Reveals Separate Human Dispersals into Asia
We present an Aboriginal Australian genomic sequence obtained from a 100-year-old lock of hair donated by an Aboriginal
man from southern Western Australia in the early 20th century. We detect no evidence of European admixture and
estimate contamination levels to be below 0.5%. We show that Aboriginal Australians are descendants of an early human
dispersal into eastern Asia, possibly 62,000 to 75,000 years ago. This dispersal is separate from the one that gave rise to
modern Asians 25,000 to 38,000 years ago. We also find evidence of gene flow between populations of the two dispersal
waves prior to the divergence of Native Americans from modern Asian ancestors. Our findings support the hypothesis that
present-day Aboriginal Australians descend from the earliest humans to occupy Australia, likely representing one of the
oldest continuous populations outside Africa.
+ info:
Denisova Admixture and the First Modern Human Dispersals into Southeast Asia and Oceania
It has recently been shown that ancestors of New Guineans and Bougainville Islanders have inherited a proportion of their
ancestry from Denisovans, an archaic hominin group from Siberia. However, only a sparse sampling of populations from
Southeast Asia and Oceania were analyzed. Here, we quantify Denisova admixture in 33 additional populations from Asia
and Oceania. Aboriginal Australians, Near Oceanians, Polynesians, Fijians, east Indonesians, and Mamanwa (a “Negrito”
group from the Philippines) have all inherited genetic material from Denisovans, but mainland East Asians, western
Indonesians, Jehai (a Negrito group from Malaysia), and Onge (a Negrito group from the Andaman Islands) have not.
These results indicate that Denisova gene flow occurred into the common ancestors of New Guineans, Australians, and
Mamanwa but not into the ancestors of the Jehai and Onge and suggest that relatives of present-day East Asians were not
in Southeast Asia when the Denisova gene flow occurred. Our finding that descendants of the earliest inhabitants of
Southeast Asia do not all harbor Denisova admixture is inconsistent with a history in which the Denisova interbreeding
occurred in mainland Asia and then spread over Southeast Asia, leading to all its earliest modern human inhabitants.
Instead, the data can be most parsimoniously explained if the Denisova gene flow occurred in Southeast Asia itself. Thus,
archaic Denisovans must have lived over an extraordinarily broad geographic and ecological range, from Siberia to tropical
+ info:
Connecting Europe Through History: Experiences and Perceptions of Migrations in Europe
On the 21st of March in 2010 a coach was taking 35 European history teachers from Nijmegen in (8 de 10) [14/10/2011 20:04:10]
Patrimonio Cultural
Netherlands to Kleve in Germany. Suddenly, all the mobile phones started bleeping. The group – taking
part in a year-long programme investigating migration teaching – had crossed a border.
For most, this was a normal part of being a European. For many others this was a special moment – they
were in a new borderless world. As Europe changes, the question before
history teachers, researchers, academics, policy-makers, and students, was could their teaching methods
also embrace new ideas and new methods – and move from national frameworks to a more global one.
+ info:
La ruta modernista de Cartagena - Coup de Fouet 17
La revista de la Ruta Europea del Modernisme
Una nueva revisión de nuestra propia evolución nos ha hecho darnos cuenta que había otro aspecto
fundamental de la realidad actual del Modernismo que no estábamos atendiendo, que es el de los muchos
esfuerzos que se están invirtiendo para restaurar y rehabilitar nuestro patrimonio común. Y precisamente
con la voluntad de corregir eso iniciamos ahora una nueva sección llamada, claro está, "Restauración".
Al fin y al cabo qué sentido tendría nuestra tarea si el resultado personal no fuera el de permitir al
verdadero protagonista del Modernismo, el patrimonio, recuperar la gloria resplandeciente que había
tenido antaño?
+ info:
Emile André, art nouveau et modernités
Par Doucet
Editeur : Honoré Clair
ISBN : 978-2-918371-09-0
A l’aube du siècle naissant, la Lorraine constitue le coeur battant de l’Art nouveau.
Connue sous le nom d’Ecole de Nancy, « l’Alliance provinciale des industries d’art » regroupe des
architectes, des industriels d’art et des artistes décorateurs comme Emile Gallé, Victor Prouvé, Louis
Majorelle, Antonin Daum ou encore Eugène Vallin… A leurs côtés, Emile André (1871-1933) est peut-être
l’un des artistes de cette école dont la renommée est aujourd’hui la plus discrète : certaines de ses réalisations comptent
pourtant parmi les oeuvres fondatrices de l’architecture Art nouveau.
Après des études à l’Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Paris, Emile André entreprend de nombreux voyages qui le conduisent
jusqu’en Perse : ils sont à l’origine de sa passion pour l’archéologie et la culture musulmane. En 1900, il s’installe à Nancy
en tant qu’architecte. Il y construit des villas luxueuses et excelle dans la création de pièces de mobilier, participant ainsi à
la quête d’un art total. Au lendemain de la Première Guerre mondiale, l’architecte se tourne vers le régionalisme, courant
majeur de la modernité de la première moitié du XXe siècle.
+ info:
Palestine Exploration Quarterly - Volume 144
Print ISSN: 0031-0328 / Online ISSN: 1743-1301
Editor: David Jacobson (Palestine Exploration Fund, UK)
Palestine Exploration Quarterly (PEQ) is the peer-reviewed journal of the Palestine Exploration Fund, which
was established in 1865 as the first scholarly society dedicated to the scientific study of what was then
generally known as the Holy Land. In 1869, the Fund through its Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly
Statement aimed to illuminate the Bible for its readers with scholarly information about the land of the
+ info:
The Medieval Chantry in England and Wales - Journal of the British Archaeological Association - Volume 164
Published for the British Archaeological Association
ISBN: 978 1 907975 16 5
The Medieval Chantry in England and Wales is a special themed issue of Volume 164 of the Journal of the British
Archaeological Association. Subscribers to the journal will receive a paperback version of the issue as part of their
The subject is one that has attracted considerable attention from archaeologists and historians of art, architecture and
music over the last two decades, though relatively little has been published. The volume includes essays on the prehistory
of the chantry, music and the chantry priest, chantries in the parish, English royal chantry provision, the origins and early
development of the cage chantry, the chantries of William of Wykeham, textiles and commemoration, the Audley Chantries
at Hereford and Salisbury, the Spring Chantry at Lavenham, Abbot Islip at Westminster, and the Dissolution of the
+ info:
The seventeenth Annual Report of the Network of Concerned Historians
The seventeenth Annual Report of the Network of Concerned Historians (NCH) contains news about the domain where
history and human rights intersect, especially about the censorship of history and the persecution of historians, archivists,
and archaeologists around the globe, as reported by various human rights organizations and other sources. It covers
events and developments of 2010 and 2011.
The fact that NCH presents this news does not imply that it shares the views and beliefs of the historians and others
mentioned in it.
The complete set of Annual Reports (1995–2011) was compiled by Antoon De Baets. Please send any comments to:
[email protected]
+ info: (9 de 10) [14/10/2011 20:04:10]
Patrimonio Cultural
Assessment Report and Recommendations for Action Plan for the Rehabilitation
of Earthquake-affected Cultural Heritage in West Sumatra, Indonesia
Jakarta, UNESCO Office Jakarta, 2010
ISBN: 978-979-19957-7-1
This book presents the result of careful assessments of the damaged Adityawarman
Museum and its ceramic collections, the city’s historic architecture and city planning in the
earthquake-affected areas.
Assessment Report and Recommendations for Action Plan for the Rehabilitation of
Earthquake-affected Cultural Heritage in West Sumatra.
The activities were carried out during the implementation of UNESCO's programme entitled “Emergency Support for the
Safeguarding of Cultural Resources in the earthquake affected areas in West Sumatra, Indonesia” in November-December
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Paisajes Culturales
Paisajes Culturales
Sigmund Stern Grove - 1932 - San Francisco - California - USA
Dedicated in 1932 on fourteen acres of land given by Rosalie M. Stern in honor of her husband
Sigmund, the outdoor concert venue is in the Sunset District in southwest San Francisco. Soon
after Stern’s donation, the city purchased fifty additional acres to the west which became Pine
Lake Park. The combined 64-acre rectilinear space is situated in a narrow natural basin, with
the park on the west side and amphitheater to the east on Stern’s donated land, where the
natural acoustics are well suited to the purpose.
+ info:
Online Exhibition - The Cultural Landscape Foundation 2011
Landslide: The Landscape I Love
This year’s diverse group of landscapes ranges from 90,000 acres
of cliffs and gorges to a small residential lot by the maverick
landscape architect James Rose and includes the Civil War-era
Wilderness Battlefield (Locust Grove, VA); Ladd’s Addition
(Portland, OR), the first planned community in the state. Each of
the landscapes is being championed by a tireless steward or group
of stewards working to protect our collective landscape legacy.
For the fourth time, the selected sites and, this year, their stewards, have been captured by nationally- recognized,
regional photographers. TCLF is also pleased to again have the support of Presenting Sponsor, The Davey Tree Expert
Company, and, for the first time, Land Trust Alliance, our Education Partner.
+ info:
Les paysages du Grand Site des Deux Caps - Cap Gris-Nez et Cap Blanc-Nez - Pas de Calais (France)
Le Site des Deux Caps possède sans conteste toutes les qualités pour figurer sur la liste prestigieuse des Grands Sites
Nationaux. La diversité de ses paysages, de ses ambiances et ses patrimoines naturel, historique, maritime et architectural
invitent à la découverte !
+ info:
Appel à recrutement 2012-2014 : Master « Architecture - Paysage » - Université d'architecture de Hanoi Vietnam - Date limite de candidature: 6 janvier 2012
Depuis janvier 2010, avec l’aide de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie et la collaboration de la France (l’École
nationale supérieure d’architecture de Toulouse, l’École nationale supérieure d’architecture et de paysage de Bordeaux,
l’École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Normandie), l’université d’Architecture de Hanoi a ouvert donc une formation
spécifique au paysage dans le cadre du master architecture.
Au cours de la formation, d’après la convention d’échanges signée entre l’université d’Architecture de Hanoi (UAH) et les
écoles partenaires, chaque promotion, les meilleurs étudiants partiront en France dans la deuxième année de leurs
parcours pour suivre la formation.
Diplôme d’Architecte, option Paysage, co-signé par les deux côtés français et vietnamien
+ info:
Observatoire photographique - Grand Site de la Montagne Sainte Victoire - France (1 de 3) [14/10/2011 20:04:12]
Paisajes Culturales
L’attribution du label « Grand Site de France » par le Ministère de l’Ecologie et du Développement Durable impose des
indicateurs d’évaluation notamment la mise en place d’un observatoire photographique du paysage. Celui-ci ayant pour
mission de « constituer un fond photographique qui permette d’analyser les mécanismes de transformations des espaces et
les acteurs qui en sont la cause de façon à orienter favorablement l’évolution des paysages »…
+ info:
Le label Grand Site de France décerné à la Baie de Somme - Des paysages et des
milieux naturels remarquables sur un territoire façonné par l'homme (France)
Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, Ministre de l’Ecologie, du Développement Durable, des Transports
et du Logement a signé le 3 juin la décision d’attribution du label « Grand site de France » au
Grand Site de la Baie de Somme.
L’attribution du label « GRAND SITE DE FRANCE » au Syndicat mixte Baie de Somme-Grand
Littoral Picard vient reconnaître la qualité de la gestion et de l’accueil du public dans le respect
de l’esprit des lieux et une logique de développement durable menée depuis près de 30 ans.
La Baie de Somme est le 10ème Grand Site de France.
+ info:
Tenth Council of Europe Meeting of the Workshops for the implementation of the European Landscape
Convention on "Multifunctional Landscapes"
20 octubre - 21 octubre 2011 Evora. Portugal
Organizadores: in co-operation with the Government of Portugal – Directorate General for Spatial Planning and Urban
Development of the Ministry of Agriculture, Sea, Environment and Spatial Planning.
Contacto: [email protected] .
FECHA LÍMITE: 10 oct 2011
+ info:
Journée d'étude - Pour une anthropologie des milieux sonores Musée du Quai Branly (12 13 mai 2011)
Ces journées portent sur des objets encore mal identifiés en sciences
sociales, si l’on en juge par la diversité des expressions pour les désigner :
« paysage sonore », « environnement acoustique », « ambiance » etc. Il
s’agira de réfléchir aux confins généralement attribués au sonore et
d’explorer des objets tels que les productions vocales dans les espaces
publics ou d’autres modes d’interactions sonores observables sur les
marchés, dans les îlots de quartiers, les gares etc. On abordera ces lieux comme de véritables dispositifs d’interaction
sociale qui impliquent des processus de perception sonore et des découpages singuliers de l’espace. Il s'agira d'interroger
certaines modalités de construction sensible de la vie sociale à partir d’objets se trouvant à l’interface de l’acoustique, de la
cognition et de l’anthropologie, et pour lesquels nombre d'artistes ont trouvé un terrain de création particulièrement
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Winter Tales: Depictions of Winter in European Art from Bruegel to Beuys - Kunsthistorisches
18 octubre 2011 - 08 enero 2012 Vienna. Austria
Organizadores: Kunsthistorisches Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Biography of John Francis Collins
John Francis Collins was born in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. His father William was a newspaper
columnist and his mother Florence was an artist and teacher. He learned to draw early in his childhood
and, as a teenager, became involved with horticulture working at local nurseries. He started a commercial
nursery in his parent’s backyard, growing trees and potted plants. At nineteen, he entered the landscape
architecture program at Pennsylvania State University where he received a B.L.A. in 1959. Collins entered
the Harvard Graduate School of Design, simultaneously working with his professor, Hideo Sasaki, as an
associate at Sasaki Walker and Associates. Upon achieving his M.L.A. in 1962, he was awarded the Charles
Eliot Traveling Fellowship resulting in an extended tour of Italy with his family.
+ info:
The Miller House and Garden
BY Bradley C. Brooks
Foreword by Maxwell L. Anderson
With its open layout and boundless glass walls, Miller House and Garden epitomizes American modernism
—in the unexpected location of south central Indiana, surrounded by honey locust trees and fields of (2 de 3) [14/10/2011 20:04:12]
Paisajes Culturales
+ info:
Indian Heritage Passport Programme: On the Chettinad Trail in Tamil Nadu; a Concept
The document gives meticulous listing of various aspects that constitute the overall cultural
landscape of the Chettinad region in a hope to guide the work of the Government of Tamil Nadu
in their future heritage-based tourism development.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (3 de 3) [14/10/2011 20:04:12]
Rutas e itinerarios culturales (rutas, canales, vías férreas, ríos, etc.)
Rutas e itinerarios culturales (rutas, canales, vías férreas, ríos, etc.)
Watermarks: Water's Heritage Conference - Pre-Conference Tour
Call for Expressions of Interest 25 octubre - 27 octubre 2011 Melbourne, Victoria. Australia
Organizadores: The Australian Government and Australia ICOMOS
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 7 oct 2011
+ info:
Saving History in New Jersey: Preservationists Hope for Victory on Victory Trail - Hopewell Township - New
Jersey - USA
Two hundred thirty-five years after George Washington crossed the Delaware River and triumphed in the Battle of Trenton,
another battle is raging nearby.
Preservationists in Hopewell Township, N.J., are at odds with Mercer County officials over the future of the historic Jacob's
Creek Bridge, an iron truss span located near the trail Washington followed to Trenton. The bridge is unstable and has
been closed to all automobile traffic since September 2009. County officials are conducting an engineering study for the
construction of an entirely new bridge, as well as working to introduce a new road alignment, which would destroy a
significant portion of Washington's Victory Trail.
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Elihu Vedder: Voyage on the Nile - Hudson River Museum
24 septiembre 2011 - 08 enero 2012 Yonkers, New York State. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: the Hudson River Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Conferencia: Rutas turísticas e itinerarios culturales "Entre la memoria y el desarrollo"
13 junio - 16 junio 2012 Québec. Canadá
Organizadores: Universidad de Laval, la Universidad de Quebec en Trois-Rivières, la Universidad de Paris 1 PanthéonSorbonne y el Centro de Turismo y Cambio Cultural de la Universidad de Leeds, Reino Unido con el auspicio de la Red
Internacional de la UNESCO / UNITWIN "Cultura - Turismo - Desarrollo"
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 5 ene 2012
+ info:
Publicaciones (1 de 2) [14/10/2011 20:04:13]
Rutas e itinerarios culturales (rutas, canales, vías férreas, ríos, etc.)
La ruta modernista de Cartagena - Coup de Fouet 17
La revista de la Ruta Europea del Modernisme
Una nueva revisión de nuestra propia evolución nos ha hecho darnos cuenta que había otro aspecto
fundamental de la realidad actual del Modernismo que no estábamos atendiendo, que es el de los muchos
esfuerzos que se están invirtiendo para restaurar y rehabilitar nuestro patrimonio común. Y precisamente
con la voluntad de corregir eso iniciamos ahora una nueva sección llamada, claro está, "Restauración".
Al fin y al cabo qué sentido tendría nuestra tarea si el resultado personal no fuera el de permitir al
verdadero protagonista del Modernismo, el patrimonio, recuperar la gloria resplandeciente que había
tenido antaño?
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Ir a arriba (2 de 2) [14/10/2011 20:04:13]
G-WADI organiza Taller de Capacitación sobre Impactos del Cambio Climático en
la Gestión de los Recursos Hídricos en Zonas Áridas y Semi-Áridas
Bajo la iniciativa de la Oficina de la UNESCO en Teherán y el PHI de Irán, el Taller
Regional de Capacitación de G-WADI, sobre Impactos del Cambio Climático en la Gestión
de los Recursos Hídricos en Zonas Áridas y Semi-Áridas, fue llevado a cabo en Teherán,
Irán, del 20 al 21 de Junio de 2011, con la presencia del Presidente del Consejo
Intergubernamental del PHI, el Profesor Soontak Lee; el Presidente del Comité Nacional
Iraní del PHI, Viceministro de Asuntos Hídricos y Aguas Residuales, Ministro de Energía, I.
R. de Irán, el señor Attarzade; el Secretario General de la Comisión Nacional Iraní ante la UNESCO, el Doctor Saeidabadi;
el Viceministro de Agricultura Jihad, el Doctor Salajaghe; el Director de la Oficina Multipaís de la UNESCO en Teherán, el
señor Qunli Han; miembros del Comité Nacional Iraní del PHI y representantes de Afganistán, China, India, Iran, Japón,
Kazakhstan y Pakistán.
+ info:
Fading borders: Growing Reforestation - Quisqueya Verde Programme - The
Dominican Republic
The visit of Mr. Gnacadja comes at a crucial time, especially when the reforestation efforts from
the Dominican government are gaining traction. The government has been promoting the
reforestation programs through its flagship national program called the Quisqeya Verde
Program. During his two-day visit on 7-8 July 2011, Mr. Gnacadja planted saplings in the fields
and met with local communities. The government plans to plant 30 million trees in 4 years
under the project.
This is part of the Ministry of Environment's "Green Border" initiative to promote ideas and actions on the border zone with
Haiti under the Quisqeya program. The initiative includes reforestation along the borders of Haiti and the Dominican
Republic and it involves the participation from the local communities in the region.
+ info:
UNCCD (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification): Stories from local communities
The United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification fosters the creation of an enabling environment that promotes
action at the local level, the implementation of a cooperation framework built upon partnership agreements and the
promotion of activities integrated into a coherent development strategy with a view to enhancing the involvement of civil
society in the intergovernmental and decision-making process.
To date, more than 900 civil society organisations have been accredited with observer status to the Conference of the
Parties. The participation of these entities in the implementation of the Convention and their contribution to the various
meetings is a necessary component of the successful implementation of the Convention through its Ten Year Strategic
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Publicaciones (1 de 2) [14/10/2011 20:04:15]
Ir a arriba (2 de 2) [14/10/2011 20:04:15]
Patrimonio Documental, Audiovisual y Digital. Archivos
Patrimonio Documental, Audiovisual y Digital. Archivos
Frick Art Reference Library photo archive records now accessible online - New York New York State - USA
Scholars in multiple disciplines around the world have long heralded the Photoarchive of the Frick
Art Reference Library as uniquely valuable to research that relates to object-oriented study of
works of art. Without this repository of an estimated 1.2 million images of works created by
more than 40,000 artists, curators, art dealers, and authors of monographic catalogues would be
hard pressed to find visual documentation of unpublished art and the preparatory studies,
versions, copies, or forgeries that relate to those and even to more famous works. In recent
years, the Frick’s Photoarchive has also played a key role in helping researchers compile provenance information about art
looted during World War II…
+ info:
Smithsonian Institution Archives Launches a New Website - Washington, D.C. - USA
The Smithsonian Institution Archives announces the launch of its new website,, with new features
and improved access to collections. First launched in 1995, the website has been redesigned to maximize public access to
the Archives’ rich collections that document the history of the Smithsonian and its role in the arts, science and culture of
the United States.
The Smithsonian Archives is the record keeper of the Smithsonian—collecting, preserving and making available the official
records of the Smithsonian’s 19 museums, nine research centers and the National Zoo.
+ info:
The British Museum is the first United Kingdom arts organisation to publish its collection
semantically - London - United Kingdom
The British Museum is committed to making its collection, and data relating to the collection, accessible to
a global audience both physically and virtually. Collection Online, the British Museum’s web database
implemented in 2007, already allows visitors to the Museum’s web site to search nearly 2 million object
records, a third of which currently include at least one digital image.
The British Museum has now released a Semantic Web version of the database complementing the
Collection Online search facility. The Museum is the first UK arts organisation to instigate a Semantic Web
version of its collection data. The new service brings the British Museum into the ‘linked data’ world and will allow software
developers to produce their own applications that can directly manipulate and reuse the data. It will also allow researchers
and scholars a way to search and find data more precisely and facilitate automatic updates.
+ info:
Articulo : Seguridad sobre el patrimonio documental en las bibliotecas
Tras un profundo análisis sobre el “estado del arte” en temas de seguridad en bibliotecas y
otros centros de documentación, se ha desarrollado una investigación sólida persiguiendo el
objetivo de esclarecer, analizar, fundamentar y edificar lo que hasta hoy no hay referencias de
que se haya realizado: un Plan de Seguridad completo y riguroso sobre los documentos y otros
valores depositados en las bibliotecas y centros de documentación.
El objetivo principal de la investigación consiste en generar y ampliar diferentes planes de
seguridad con el fin de aplicarlos directamente sobre los centros bibliotecarios y
específicamente sobre los propios acervos bibliográficos disponibles en los mismos escenarios.
Los planes de seguridad y prevención se generan en función de las variadas acciones del hombre, más o menos (1 de 4) [14/10/2011 20:04:23]
Patrimonio Documental, Audiovisual y Digital. Archivos
deliberadas que, sumadas a incidentes o desastres naturales imprevistos son los que originan los desastres en las
bibliotecas. En estos casos, al ser muchos de los accidentes irrecuperables, se generan pérdidas de identidad cultural y se
merman los conocimientos de civilizaciones pasadas. Es por ello por lo que se hace necesario disponer de planes de
seguridad con el propósito de reducir al máximo la siniestralidad.
+ info:
Dead Sea Scrolls Go Digital on New Interactive Website Created by the Israel Museum and Google - Israel
The Israel Museum welcomes you to the Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Project, allowing users to examine and explore these
most ancient manuscripts from Second Temple times at a level of detail never before possible. Developed in partnership
with Google, the new website gives users access to searchable, fast-loading, high-resolution images of the scrolls, as well
as short explanatory videos and background information on the texts and their history. The Dead Sea Scrolls, which
include the oldest known biblical manuscripts in existence, offer critical insight into Jewish society in the Land of Israel
during the Second Temple Period, the time of the birth of Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism. Five complete scrolls from the
Israel Museum have been digitized for the project at this stage and are now accessible online.
+ info:
Europeana's first interactive video: An interactive experience around the story
of an unlikely friendship during the First World War.
Europeana Remix is an interactive platform based on the film ‘Otto & Bernard’. This
short film was produced for the project Europeana Erster Weltkrieg, encouraging
families to share photos, letters and memorabilia of World War 1. Now the film forms
the basis of the Remix initiative, combining leading edge technology (Popcorn.js, the
HTML5 video framework) and a variety of resources from Europeana and across the
Europeana’s work on the First World War sets out to discover untold stories, to share them across borders, and to invite
responses from around Europe as we approach the centenary of the conflict. We encourage people to share ideas, stories,
comments and links on this platform.
+ info:
VIRTUAL EXHIBITION - Weddings In Eastern Europe - Europeana Connect
In traditional cultures, the wedding was one of the most important and complex of all social
ceremonies, with its own music repertoire. Although wedding ceremonies from Eastern
Europe were essentially similar, local customs varied from region to region, as well as from
country to country. Ceremonies and rituals reflected concerns with longevity, fertility,
prosperity and happiness. Despite inevitable changes wrought by time, globalisation and
industrialisation, remnants of earlier traditions of music and dance are still preserved in
Eastern European wedding ceremonies until today.
Cultural treasures preserved in the sound archives of Hungary, Lithuania, Poland and Slovenia provide a fascinating look
view at vanishing wedding traditions and rituals in Eastern Europe. These photos, videos and sound recordings reconstruct
a musical impression of a former time.
+ info:
Final section of Book of the Dead on view at Brooklyn Museum - New York - USA
This is one of the most important religious texts of the New Kingdom, in part because it is an
early version of the Book of the Dead, revealing the development of all later ones. The papyrus
is about twenty-five feet long, inscribed on both sides (a rare feature), and contains nearly one
hundred “chapters,” almost half of the total known group of Book of the Dead texts. Several of
the chapters are closer to those found in the Coffin Texts, the collection of funeral texts used in
the previous period…
+ info:
Lost part of Beethoven masterpiece lives again - Manchester University - Manchester - United Kingdom
A piece of music composed by Beethoven in 1799 and lost for over 200 years has been painstakingly reconstructed by a
Professor of Music at The University of Manchester.
Professor Barry Cooper’s reconstruction of the original slow movement of Beethoven’s String Quartet in G, Opus 18
Number 2, will be heard in something like its original form this week, in a performance by the University’s resident string
quartet Quatuor Danel.
The movement was composed in 1799 but was discarded a year later and lost when it was replaced by a new movement
now known to music lovers across the world.
It is almost certainly the first time, says Professor Cooper, that the piece will have been performed since Beethoven’s day.
Although the original movement is lost, detailed sketches survive for every one of its 74 bars, as was established in 1977
by Sieghard Brandenburg.
It is only since then, however, that it has become clear that Beethoven actually finished the movement and wrote it out at
the time.
+ info:
The Walters Art Museum Removes Copyright Restrictions from more than 10,000 Images - Baltimore Maryland - USA
The Walters Art Museum announces the launch of its redesigned works of art website with the removal of copyright
restrictions on more than 10,000 online artwork images through a Creative Commons license . In addition to being able to
download these images for free, the site introduces a new look and feel, and enhanced searching, tagging and community (2 de 4) [14/10/2011 20:04:23]
Patrimonio Documental, Audiovisual y Digital. Archivos
collections features. The website now has additional information about the artworks, including nearly a century of history
concerning exhibitions and conservation treatments. It is also substantially more accessible to users with disabilities due to
its increased compliance with the United States government’s internet accessibility standards.
+ info:
Une agence de l'ONU prédit la disparition des journaux d'ici 2040 - La Tribune de
Genève (Switzerland)
Les journaux traditionnels sur papier auront disparu dans le monde d’ici 2040 et seront
remplacés par des supports numériques a prédit l'Ompi (Organisation mondiale de la
propriété intellectuelle), agence de l’ONU basée à Genève.
Dans une interview au quotidien suisse La Tribune de Genève, Francis Gurry a déclaré que
"dans quelques années il n’y aura plus de journaux imprimés tels qu’on les connaît
C’est une évolution, ce n’est ni bien, ni mal, il y a des études qui annoncent leur disparition pour 2040, aux Etats-Unis ce
serait pour 2017".
+ info:
Siete nuevas incorporaciones al Registro Memoria del Mundo
Siete nuevas colecciones de documentos procedentes de Angola, Armenia, los
Estados Unidos Francia, Georgia, Kazajstán y Portugal se añadieron al Registro
Memoria del Mundo de la UNESCO.
El Comité Consultativo Internacional del Programa Memoria del Mundo aprobó
provisionalmente en mayo de 2011 la adición de estas colecciones, que debían ser
objeto de pequeñas modificaciones o aclaraciones antes de proceder a su
inscripción definitiva. Las modificaciones han sido aceptadas y la Directora
General de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova, ha aprobado la inscripción de los nuevos elementos.
El Registro Memoria del Mundo, cuenta actualmente con un total de 245 documentos y colecciones de documentos de todo
el mundo. Incluye todo tipo de materiales y soportes, como piedra, celuloide, pergamino, grabaciones de audio y otros.
+ info:
Historic alliance opens door to Academy Museum at Los Angeles County Museum of Art - California - USA
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) have taken a step
toward realizing a museum dedicated to motion pictures and the creation of a new and unique cultural center for the city of
Los Angeles. On Tuesday night (10/4), the Academy’s Board of Governors joined their LACMA counterparts in agreeing to
sign a memorandum of understanding to work in good faith in establishing the Academy’s movie museum in the historic
May Company building, currently known as LACMA West. The memo paves the way for the two organizations to discuss
details of a future contract and for the Academy to begin developing plans for fundraising, design, exhibitions, visitor
experience, and modifications to this historic site.
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Power|Play: China's Empress Dowager - Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
24 septiembre 2011 - 29 enero 2012 Washington D.C.. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Julia Margaret Cameron - Hans P. Kraus, Jr. Fine Photographs
04 octubre - 18 noviembre 2011 New York, New York State. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Hans P. Kraus, Jr. Fine Photographs
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition : La Mongolie entre deux ères. 1912-1913 - Musées et Jardin Albert Kahn
29 noviembre 2011 - 16 septiembre 2012 Boulogne Billancourt. Francia
Organizadores: Musées et Jardin Albert Kahn
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Publicaciones (3 de 4) [14/10/2011 20:04:23]
Patrimonio Documental, Audiovisual y Digital. Archivos
Implementing the Incident Command System at the Institutional Level: A Handbook for
Libraries, Archives, Museums, and Other Cultural Institutions
ISBN: 978-0-9829366-2-7
Every cultural repository needs two management structures: the day-to-day, business-as-usual
hierarchy, and a “supercharged” management structure that takes over temporarily during a crisis or
whenever looming events threaten to overwhelm normal business routines. Emergency responders have
used just such a supercharged structure for years: the Incident Command System (ICS).
Since its development in the early 1970s the ICS has been used to tackle a vast array of incidents,
including fires, floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes. The system has demonstrated that it can scale up to handle disasters
that mushroom over large areas and even multiple states. But the ICS was designed to scale down as well as up. Few
practitioners have addressed the question of how to use the ICS to manage an emergency within a single institution—until
+ info:
Paths to peace: India's voices in UNESCO; 64 years of UNESCO-India co-operation
© UNESCO New Delhi, 2009
ISBN: 9788189218331
UNESCO, an organisation that came up out of the devastation and horror of WW II, is wholly committed to
preserving and ensuring Peace in today’s world order. ‘That since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in
the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed’ reads the Preamble to the UNESCO
Constitution. Many a great men have dedicated their lives to maintaining and propagating peace. Amongst
them many Indian luminaries have used UNESCO as a convenient platform for propounding peace.
This Peace is however ever- changing, that is to say, the understanding of it, differs. Each generation throws up new
dimensions to it, and yet it is admirably universal and indispensible. This slim volume puts together the voices of eminent
Indians who advocated different paths to peace at different historical moments during the last six decades.
+ info:
The seventeenth Annual Report of the Network of Concerned Historians
The seventeenth Annual Report of the Network of Concerned Historians (NCH) contains news about the domain where
history and human rights intersect, especially about the censorship of history and the persecution of historians, archivists,
and archaeologists around the globe, as reported by various human rights organizations and other sources. It covers
events and developments of 2010 and 2011.
The fact that NCH presents this news does not imply that it shares the views and beliefs of the historians and others
mentioned in it.
The complete set of Annual Reports (1995–2011) was compiled by Antoon De Baets. Please send any comments to:
[email protected]
+ info:
Care and Handling of Manuscripts: Cultural Heritage Protection Handbook Series 2
Editor: Anna Paolini
Editorial assitants: Malda Jabbour, Lise Macdonald
Text by: Antonio Mirabile
Drawings by: Beatrice Beccaro Migliorati
This booklet is intended for all who collect and are fond of manuscripts, as well as those in charge of public
or private collections of manuscripts and rare books. The principles given here concerning the preservation
of manuscripts can also be applied to printed books and bound documents.
+ info:
Memory of the World: General Guidelines to Safeguard Documentary Heritage
Prepared for UNESCO by Ray Edmondson
© UNESCO, 2002
Like its original, this document is the result of a team effort. In February 2001, a special UNESCO Working Group met in
Bangkok, Thailand, under the auspices of the South East Asia-Pacific AudioVisual Archive Association (SEAPAVAA), to
establish the parameters of the document and develop its content. The members of the Group – Jon Bing, Richard
Engelhardt, Lygia Maria Guimaraes, Ingunn Kvisterøy and Dato’ Habibah Zon – not only contributed from their differing
geographic and cultural perspectives, but pooled their considerable collective experience of the Memory of the World
Programme. It was my privilege to serve as convenor of the Working Group and to subsequently distil its work and thought
into the text which is before you.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (4 de 4) [14/10/2011 20:04:23]
Arquitectura de tierra
Arquitectura de tierra
Congreso Internacional sobre Restauración de Tapia
21 junio - 23 junio 2012 Valencia. España
Organizadores: Universitat Politécnica de València y el Insituto Universitario de Restauración del Patrimonio
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 15 nov 2011
+ info:
Ir a arriba [14/10/2011 20:04:24]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
First meeting of High Panel on Science for Development
Renowned scientists, decision-makers and intellectuals from all over the world make up
UNESCO’s High Panel on Science for Development, which will hold its first meeting at the
Organization’s Headquarters on 15 and 16 September. Its role is to identify current challenges
in the social and natural sciences so as to help UNESCO fine-tune its response.
The Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, will open the meeting of the High Panel whose
members include Indira Samarasekera, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of
Alberta (Canada), José Sarukhán Kermez, National Coordinator of Mexico’s National
Commission for Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO); Ahmadou Lamine N’Diaye, President of the African
Academy of Science; Gong Ke, President of the University of Nankai (China); and Partha Dasgupta, Professor of
Economics, Cambridge University (UK).
+ info:
Inauguration du campus numérique francophone partenaire au Vanuatu
Le 25 août 2011 à Port-Vila (VANUATU) a eu lieu l’inauguration du campus numérique
francophone partenaire de l’Institut de formation des enseignants du Vanuatu (IFEV) par
Hon. Marcellino Pipite, ministre de l’Education et de la Francophonie et M. Ludovic
Levasseur, responsable de l’antenne de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) à
Port-Vila. Était également présent l’ensemble des directeurs généraux du ministère de
l’Education, ce qui démontre le fort intérêt pour cette structure qui, comme l’a précisé le
ministre pendant son discours, répond totalement aux besoins d’un archipel du Pacifique
pour lequel les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) représentent ouverture, rapidité de
communication et accès aux savoirs.
+ info:
Chaire Développement Humain Durable & Territoires - Ecole des mines de Nantes - Nantes - France
La Chaire, dirigée par Hélène COMBE est conçue comme un laboratoire collaboratif et un centre ressource "open source".
Elle propose un espace d'échanges, d'expérimentation et de capitalisation pour avancer, conceptuellement et
opérationnellement, vers la mise en oeuvre d'un nouveau modèle de développement.
Les travaux de recherche-action seront principalement centrés sur deux grand thèmes d'exploration complémentaires et
intimement liés, à savoir : "nouveaux rapports à l'économie et à la consommation" et "mondialisation par des territoires
responsables et solidaires", la question de l'évaluation en développement durable intervenant en filigrane.
+ info:
IBEROAMERICA: Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) - Portal of journals goes online
By María Elena Hurtado
A portal that boasts nearly a million scientific articles journals from Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal
will now be available online for free. The service, which will provide access to full texts, was launched at the Autonomous
University of Mexico (UNAM) on Tuesday.
+ info:
Volontariat international de la Francophonie : la promotion 2011 (1 de 9) [14/10/2011 20:04:30]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
La liste des 50 candidats retenus pour participer à la promotion 2011 du programme de Volontariat international de la
Francophonie est désormais connue.
Les futurs volontaires seront contactés très prochainement par l’OIF en vue de participer à la formation de mise en route, à
Paris, du 26 septembre au 2 octobre 2011, avant leur déploiement dans les pays d’affectation, au sein des différentes
structures d’accueil.
+ info:
See the Wild Wildlife Conservation Tours - Protected Endangered Wildlife Through Travel Conservation
We connect travelers and volunteers with wildlife conservation projects in places that most need the support. All of the eco
tours and volunteer expeditions listed on SEEtheWILD help generate income for endangered species protection and support
community development.
Every dollar you donate will help us acheive our non-profit mission of leveraging funding for our biodiversity conservation
partners through ecotourism. Donations are accepted through our sponsor, The Ocean Foundation.
+ info:
Lancement de la session 2012 du cycle Archictecture et maîtrise d'ouvrage. Septembre 2011
Le cycle architecture et maîtrise d’ouvrage (CAMO) a été conçu conjointement par l’association Architecture et Maîtres
d’Ouvrage (AMO) et l’École de Chaillot, département formation de la Cité de l’architecture & du patrimoine. Il offre aux
maîtres d’ouvrage la possibilité de développer leur culture architecturale en proposant des clés pour la compréhension des
processus d’aménagement de l’espace, et pour mieux travailler entre acteurs du projet de construction.
La cinquième session de cette formation vient de s’achever. Elle a réuni pendant six journées 33 maîtres d’ouvrage, privés
et publics, issus principalement des secteurs de l’immobilier et de l’aménagement.
+ info:
What do international students study? - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
By Yojana Sharma
International students prefer to study social sciences, business and law when they go abroad. But in non-English speaking
countries a higher proportion of international students are enrolled in education, humanities and the arts, according to
figures just released by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development.
The sciences attract fewer than 15% of international students even in countries popular for these subjects, such as
+ info:
Higher education needs a revolution - European Association for International Education
By Ard Jongsma
What does the unrest in the Arab world mean for higher education? In a new session type at the annual European
Association for International Education conference, the EAIE took on the challenge of trying to find answers to great
challenges beyond Europe.
Guided by David Wheeler, Editor at Large for The Chronicle of Higher Education, the 'Dialogue Session' panel took its
starting point in the 'Arab Spring' of 2011, noting that young people played a crucial role in the chain of revolutions that
have turned the region upside down since Tunisian street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi set himself ablaze in Sidi Bouzid…
+ info:
The world's talent pool is changing - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
By Yojana Sharma
Unabated expansion of higher education in developing countries and emerging economies has meant that the global
graduate talent pool is no longer predominantly in the US and Europe, according to the Paris-based Organisation for
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
Whereas one in four of the G20 and OECD countries' total pool of graduates is in the US, and another one in four is in the
main European countries, America and Europe are losing their talent advantage…
+ info:
EUROMED-MONTADA - Taller para niños: El riyad en la casa de Dellys, Argelia
(agosto 2011)
En la Maison des Jeunes de Dellys, el 18 de diciembre 2010, tuvo lugar el taller de
arquitectura tradicional para los más pequeños. La actividad versó sobre el riyad en la
arquitectura tradicional de la Kasbah de la ciudad. La casa con riyad es una tipología
significativa en el conjunto edificado, y tiene vínculos con la arquitectura nazarí. Se define
como un espacio abierto en la fachada posterior o lateral de la casa, rodeado de muros, en
el que se situaba el jardín-huerto, combinando la formación de parterres, plantaciones de
jazmín, incorporación de fuentes, además de árboles frutales como el naranjo o el limonero.
+ info:
EUROMED-MONTADA - Taller para niños: Las cúpulas en la arquitectura tradicional
de Kairouan, Túnez (5 septIembre 2011)
Un taller para los más pequeños se ha llevado a cabo en Kairouan el mes de abril de 2011.
La actividad se ha desarrollado en la Escuela El Asswar en presencia de todo el equipo de
Montada Túnez y con la presencia de Montada Internacional. Veinte niños y niñas han
podido realizar en arcilla diferentes tipologías de cúpulas kairouanesas.
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Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
Innovation et valorisation de la recherche - Du rôle des universités américaines dans le système national
Dans nos publications précédentes, nous avons à plusieurs reprises souligné l'importance qu'accorde le gouvernement
fédéral à la dynamique de l'entrepreneuriat. Pour l'exécutif américain, c'est un facteur garantissant une reprise
économique durable aux Etats-Unis. Le programme "Startup America" constitue une illustration de cette volonté ; il connaît
d'ailleurs un début de concrétisation avec une multitude d'initiatives en cours ("Innovation Corps", "Impact Investment
Fund", alliance public-privée "Startup America Partnership", etc.).
Aujourd'hui, nous avons choisi de braquer les projecteurs sur le rôle des universités. Vu de l'Europe, on ne réalise sans
doute pas assez le rôle et l'impact qu'ont les établissements universitaires sur la valorisation de la recherche américaine...
+ info:
EUROMED-MONTADA - La casa tradicional de Sousse, Túnez (17 abril 2011)
El 17 de abril de 2011 se realizó el taller internacional de arquitectura tradicional en Sousse,
en la Escuela Porte Nord, con la participación de unos treinta niños y niñas y todos los
colaboradores de Montada. Las maquetas realizadas de la casa tradicional de la medina de
Sousse facilitaron la comprensión de las diferentes alturas de las terrazas de la ciudad, así
como su configuración.
+ info:
A través de sus 143 años de historia la Universidad Nacional de Colombia ha sido un baluarte fundamental en el estudio,
enriquecimiento y conservación del patrimonio cultrual, natural y ambiental del país. Bajo esta mirada nace el "Diplomado
Ecosistemas y Sociedades Neotropicales. Fronteras Nacionales, Fronteras del Conocimiento". Una apuesta institucional que
la Univerdidad Nacional de Colombia ofrece al país y al mundo. Una apuesta por Colombia, que pretende presentar a ojos
nacionales e internacionales la diversidad biológica, el valor cultural y la riqeuza étnica de nuestra tierra; desde la
perspectiva académica, investigativa y social.
La Universidad Nacional de Colombia, a través de sus profesores más expertos, llevará durante un mes a un grupo de 20
estudiantes a vivir de manera experimental y práctica cuantro ecosistemas estratégicos propios de la región tropical que
ocipa el país. De los páramos en los Andes Tropicales a las llanuras de las tierras bajas del Orinoco, pasando por la selva
del Amazonas para terminar en los arrecifes y bosques del manglar del Caribe insular.
+ info:
JOB OFFER - The British Library: Preventive Conservation Voluntary Work Opportunity. London (United
Kingdom) Deadline 21 October 2011
This opportunity has been created to further the aim of the British Library in the field of Preventive Conservation via the
dissemination of key skills and techniques in this area. The successful individual will be given a unique learning opportunity
in a working national library with a view to applying the skills and knowledge obtained in their own field of work. The
volunteer will have the chance to learn and understand one of the core purposes of the British Library by working alongside
Library employees and to gain knowledge, identify and manage risks to collections; identify best practice for handling
material, disaster preparedness, integrated pest management, and creating and storing surrogate copies.
The volunteer will be reimbursed for reasonable expenses with a stipend of £5,000. Reasonable expenses will include
reimbursement for flights, obtaining a visa, accommodation, and subsistence whilst in London.
+ info:
Curso sobre nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al patrimonio cultural
Contacto: [email protected]
El Colegio Universitario San Gerónimo de La Habana, enclavado en el área más añeja de la
capital de Cuba, acoge hasta el venidero 30 de septiembre un curso sobre nuevas
tecnologías vinculadas a la museología y a la valoración del patrimonio cultural, que
pretende elevar el nivel de información de quienes desde La Habana Vieja trabajan en ese
Se trata de la primera iniciativa conjunta que se inserta en el proyecto de cooperación
Fortalecimiento de las entidades que promueven la puesta en valor del patrimonio cultural en La Habana Vieja mediante la
captación y el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías, financiado por la Unión Europea y ejecutado por la fundación TECNALIA,
de España; la Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana; la sociedad civil Patrimonio, Comunidad y MedioAmbiente; la Ècole d'Avignon; el Colegio Universitario San Gerónimo de La Habana y el comité cubano del Consejo
Internacional de Museos (ICOM).
+ info:
Construis ta cité médiévale - Un jeu pour découvrir la vie urbaine médiévale et les
différents acteurs de cette période historique
Les invasions barbares sont terminées, les populations deviennent sédentaires et l’Europe
retruve un peu de calme après des années de transformation et de nomadisme. Le 10e siècle
est là et c’est au joueur du 21e de fonder une cité.
Curiosphère, après nous avoir permis de concevoir une ville durant l'antiquité romaine, remet
le couvert avec cette fois l’Europe continentale du Moyen Âge. Les jeunes joueurs sont invités à
bâtir une cité médiévale à la lisière d'un bois et le long d'une rivière. Ils doivent respecter les
différentes époques du Moyen- Age, qui correspondent aux 5 niveaux du jeu. Pour progresser, il faut être capable
d'intégrer les particularités de l'architecture et de habitants.
+ info: (3 de 9) [14/10/2011 20:04:30]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
UK universities win most European Research Council (ERC) grants - United Kingdom
By Jan Petter Myklebust
British institutions will benefit most from the European Research Council's distribution of 480 young researcher grants
worth EUR670 million (US$924 million), just as European Union politicians are calling for research funding to be distributed
more widely to build capacity.
The United Kingdom will receive nearly twice as many grant holders as the second most successful country, Germany.
Cambridge University alone will receive EUR32 million.
The ERC-funded young researchers, who will receive an average of EUR1.4 million each for five years, will be hosted by 21
European countries out of 40 eligible states…
+ info:
CAMPAGNE CAMPUS RESPONSABLES - Une campagne initiée par Graines de Changement, en
partenariat avec le WWF (World Wildlife Fund) et le Comité 21 - France
Lancée en juin 2006, Campus Responsables est aujourd’hui le réseau des universités et des écoles
françaises qui s’engagent à mettre en œuvre le développement durable sur leur campus, et à faire émerger
ce sujet au niveau national.
Nous pensons que l’éducation est un levier prioritaire pour modifier les comportements de façon durable... à
fortiori pour les futurs décideurs dans les entreprises et les administration.
+ info:
Les festivités du 50e anniversaire de l'Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) à Montréal : un bilan très
Le 50e anniversaire de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, à Montréal, s’est voulu un moment combinant recherche
et festivités.
Pour débuter, un brunch associatif était organisé à l’hôtel Delta Centre-ville de Montréal réunissant les représentants des
universités membres de l’AUF et l’AUF afin de discuter de L’avenir des coopérations interuniversitaires dans une
perspective de développement.
+ info:
Colloque en marge du 50e anniversaire de l'AUF (Agence universitaire de la
Francophonie) sur le thème :« Le français, langue de l'innovation »
La langue française doit rester un support actif pour la diffusion des connaissances,
anciennes et nouvelles : pas seulement dans les humanités, mais également dans tous les
secteurs du savoir.
Le développement de la recherche et sa nécessaire visibilité ne doivent pas être
subordonnés à son expression dans une seule langue, pour l’instant l’anglais, devenue pour
un très grand nombre de chercheurs, d’enseignants et d’étudiants, un idiome second, de
simple communication. Ils ont besoin d’une langue qui favorise et encourage les créations conceptuelles et la formulation
de techniques originales, énonçables dans l’idiome utilisé depuis les premiers enseignements scolaires, offrant ainsi des
moyens d’expressivité précise.
+ info:
Appel à recrutement 2012-2014 : Master « Architecture - Paysage » - Université d'architecture de Hanoi Vietnam - Date limite de candidature: 6 janvier 2012
Depuis janvier 2010, avec l’aide de l’Agence universitaire de la Francophonie et la collaboration de la France (l’École
nationale supérieure d’architecture de Toulouse, l’École nationale supérieure d’architecture et de paysage de Bordeaux,
l’École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Normandie), l’université d’Architecture de Hanoi a ouvert donc une formation
spécifique au paysage dans le cadre du master architecture.
Au cours de la formation, d’après la convention d’échanges signée entre l’université d’Architecture de Hanoi (UAH) et les
écoles partenaires, chaque promotion, les meilleurs étudiants partiront en France dans la deuxième année de leurs
parcours pour suivre la formation.
Diplôme d’Architecte, option Paysage, co-signé par les deux côtés français et vietnamien
+ info:
Erasmus expands to help Arab Spring - The European Commission
By Brendan O’Malley
The European Commission announced on Tuesday that EUR66 million (US$90 million) will be allocated to extending the
Erasmus Mundus higher education programme to support European Neighbourhood countries, in response to the Arab
The initiative is aimed at achieving better understanding and mutual enrichment between the European Union and
neighbouring countries by creating possibilities for student and academic staff mobility - for example, the opportunity to
study in universities in EU member states - and exchange of knowledge and skills…
+ info:
Minister outlines knowledge hub plans - Mauritius
By Guillaume Gouges
Africa's most developed country, the small island state of Mauritius off the continent's east coast, has positioned itself to be
a regional knowledge hub. Higher education reforms are underway, new universities and campuses are being built and the
government and sector are working to attract 100,000 international students by 2020. University World News interviewed (4 de 9) [14/10/2011 20:04:30]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
Tertiary Education Minister Rajesh Jeetah about Mauritius' ambitious higher education plans.
+ info:
What role for the EU in an era of austerity?
How does the recession affect higher education in Europe and what impact will it have in the future? Public funding
represents on average 75% of European universities' income. The majority of European Union member states have
announced budget cuts in higher education. France and Germany have decided to invest in higher education. The Nordic
countries remain unaffected.
Budgetary cuts no doubt appear significant. But it is difficult to get a full measure of their magnitude without geographic
and longitudinal comparisons. For example, 70% of states in the US have experienced cuts in public spending allocated to
higher education, in comparison to 66% in the European Union…
+ info:
Cuts and culture hinder Bologna process - Spain
University leaders are warning that government funding cuts and inflexible policies are distorting Spain's attempts to
implement the Bologna Treaty, which seeks to set common academic standards and encourage greater student and staff
mobility across Europe.
One vice- chancellor said universities were being forced to implement the Bologna process 'Spanish style', due to spending
cuts and lack of funding for research. Other academics cited the enforcement of degree durations and cultural differences
as added factors.
+ info:
Hamburg to scrap tuition fees - Germany
By Michael Gardner
The City of Hamburg plans to do away with tuition fees as of the 2012 winter semester. This would leave Germany with
just two of its 16 federal states generally charging fees in public-funded higher education.
The Hanseatic City State of Hamburg has been ruled by a Social Democrat government since March this year.
With North Rhine-Westphalia no longer charging fees this winter semester and Baden-Württemberg's new Green-Social
Democrat government set to phase out fees, Hamburg's new policy would make Bavaria and Lower Saxony the last
German states still retaining fees for all students…
+ info:
L'Inp (Institut national du patrimoine) et l'Inrap (Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives)
scellent des liens autour de l'archéologie préventive et de la conservation du patrimoine
L’Institut national du patrimoine et l’Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives ont conclu, en août 2011,
une convention pour renforcer leur coopération. Cette accord marque la volonté des deux instituts, aux missions
scientifiques et pédagogiques convergentes, de collaborer durablement sur des activités de recherche, de formation et de
diffusion scientifique et culturelle de l’archéologie.
+ info:
The future of international student mobility
By Rahul Choudaha
International student mobility in the first decade of the 21st century has been transformed by two major external events,
9/11 and the recession of 2008. Today the rationale for international student recruitment has shifted from attracting talent
to make the student body more diverse, to seeking an additional source of revenue.
Recruitment practices have been evolving and responding to this new competitive landscape, as can be seen in the
increasing number of commercial entities offering recruitment services ranging from agents to websites.
+ info:
Progressing the Regional Programme: Peer-review of the educational material for HISTORIANA - Third
regional seminar - Becici (Montenegro) 25-27 November 2011
Representatives from all Former Yugoslavia, as well as contributors from Finland and Switzerland will actively engage
during the seminar. The seminar is co-organised with the History Teachers Association of Montenegro (HIPMONT), and will
focus on the peer-review of the drafts of 13 modules on selected sensitive and controversial history of 1900-1945,
discussing and sharing the preparation of lesson materials for inclusion in the Historiana framework, as well as sharing and
reflection on expertise involving the learning and teaching of sensitive and controversial issues.
Furthermore, the Regional Seminar will be a good opportunity to network, to build the capacity of the Albanian, Bosnian,
Croatian, Kosovar, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Serbian and Slovenian History Teachers Associations, as well as the overall
regional capacity and the capacity of individual professionals and to present the current state of history education issues of
the countries of Former Yugoslavia. The programme will be made available soon. Would you like to join the seminar as
observer and learn first-hand about the progress being made in the project?
+ info:
The Open University offers the undergraduate course 'Understanding Global Heritage' - United Kingdom
What is the nature and value of heritage? Why are certain objects, places and practices considered more worthy of
protection than others? This course will introduce you to the study of heritage and its function at local, regional, national (5 de 9) [14/10/2011 20:04:30]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
and global levels. You’ll develop a critical understanding of how heritage is created and consumed across different cultures,
and the roles heritage fulfils in contemporary and past societies. Using case material from around the world you’ll explore
the global scope of heritage, from the ways in which local communities use heritage to build their own sense of identity, to
the ways in which the state employs heritage in nation building.
+ info:
Heritage Studies Research Group at the Open University - United Kingdom
The aim of the Interfaculty Heritage Studies Research Group is to promote research into heritage studies
at the Open University, and to facilitate collaborations amongst staff involved in heritage research. The
group hosts regular seminars and conferences, and membership is open to all interested staff at the Open
University. The Interfaculty Heritage Studies Research Group is convened by Rodney Harrison (r.
[email protected]).
+ info:
The Open University offers postgraduate research opportunites in Heritage Studies - United
Several members of the Department of History contribute to the interfaculty and interdisciplinary Heritage
Studies Research Group, which also has links to the Empire and Postcolonial Research Group and the
Ferguson Centre. We invite proposals which take a critical approach to understanding the role of heritage
and its institutions (museums, heritage sites, trusts and government). Proposals may focus on the United
Kingdom, but proposals covering other regions – and particularly the colonial and postcolonial world, are
+ info:
The Open University offers a BA in History with 'Focus on Heritage Studies' - United Kingdom
You can take a number of different routes towards your qualification. The route illustrated below – focusing on heritage
studies – is a route many students are using, or have already successfully followed.
+ info:
The Open Society Foundation supports professional training of educators in Eastern Europe - European
Association of History Educators (EUROCLIO)
The Open Society has granted EUROCLIO the Exploring European History and Heritage Beyond Borders project which will
enable some colleagues from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, the Ukraine to actively
participate in professional training and development. This is a unique opportunity to work together and share experiences
with colleagues across borders.
For more information please contact [email protected].
+ info:
First meeting in new project "History that Connects - Macedonia" - Skopje - Republic
of Macedonia - 18-21 September 2011
The first meeting in the new project “History that Connects – Macedonia”, which is kindly
funded by the Belgium Ministry of Foreign Affairs, took place between 18-21 September in
Skopje. Together with Project Coordinators Mire Mladenovski and Besnik Emini, an
implementation strategy was discussed, for the project to be in line with the Ministry’s Strategy
on Steps towards Integrated Education. For this purpose also meetings were held with the
Minister of Education Mr Kralev, with senior officers of the OSCE and USAID, as well as with the
Ambassador of Belgium to Macedonia, Mr Michielsen.
The Association of History Educators in Macedonia, ANIM, and EUROCLIO, the European Association of History Educators
have then been asked by the Macedonian Minister of Education Mr Kralev in Skopje on 19 September 2011 to make an
overall scan of the process of textbook production and publishing, resulting in a systematic analysis with guidelines on how
to improve it and propose concrete interventions in the process. They received this request in the framework of the
EUROCLIO/Belgium Ministry of Foreign Affairs Project History that Connects Macedonia.
+ info:
Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2011-2012 - United Kingdom
The Times Higher Education World University Rankings were developed in concert with our rankings data provider,
Thomson Reuters, with expert input from more than 50 leading figures in the sector from 15 countries across every
continent. We believe we have created the gold standard in international university performance comparisons.
Our rankings of the top universities across the globe employ 13 separate performance indicators designed to capture the
full range of university activities, from teaching to research to knowledge transfer.
+ info:
Agenda (6 de 9) [14/10/2011 20:04:30]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
Máster en Urbanismo y Ordenación del Territorio 2011/2012
Toledo. España
Organizadores: Universidad de Extremadura
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Curso de Alta Formación en Gestion del Patrimonio Cultural: Territorio, ciudad bienes culturales e industrias
Primera sesión: 26 septiembre - 4 octubre 2011
Segunda sesión: 17-23 octubre 2011 Buenos Aires. Argentina
Organizadores: Universidad de Buenos Aires
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Colloque du 50e anniversaire de l'AUF : « La Francophonie des savoirs, moteur du développement » Université de Montréal
23 septiembre - 24 octubre 2011 Montréal, Québec. Canadá
Organizadores: L’AGENCE UNIVERSITAIRE DE LA FRANCOPHONIE (AUF) , Université du Montréal
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Taller - Planificación, Construcción y Monitoreo de Senderos de uso turístico
Modalidad: VIRTUAL 07 octubre - 17 noviembre 2011
Organizadores: Funsación ILAM
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 7 oct 2011
+ info:
Taller - Introducción al Registro y Documentación de Colecciones
Modalidad: VIRTUAL 07 octubre - 17 noviembre 2011
Organizadores: ILAM - Profesora: Lina Nagel Vega (CL)
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 7 oct 2011
+ info:
STEP (Sustainable Tourism Eco-Certification Program) Auditor and Consultant Training Course
12 noviembre - 17 noviembre 2011 Belle Isle Castle. Irlanda
Organizadores: STEP
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
9 ème rencontres du FFFOD (Forum Français pour la Formation Ouverte et à Distance)
14 noviembre - 16 noviembre 2011 Orléans. Francia
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Scottish Association of Teachers of History Autumn Conference
19 noviembre 2011 Scotland. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: University of Edinburgh
Contacto: Emma Andersson - [email protected]
+ info:
Colloque CIRUISEF ( Conférence Internationale des Responsables des Universités et Institutions Scientifiques
d'Expression Française )2011 - Partenariat Entreprises-Universités
21 noviembre - 24 noviembre 2011 Montpellier. Francia
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
First European Association of History Educators (EUROCLIO) and Yad Vashem development seminar
15 diciembre - 18 diciembre 2011 Jerusalem. Israel
Organizadores: EUROCLIO and Yad Vashem
Contacto: Jonathan Even-Zohar at [email protected]
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Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
The state of higher education and research in France (n°4 - december 2010)
As in previous editions, this 4th edition of The State of Higher Education and Research presents a
detailed overview, backed up by figures, of current developments within the French system, the
resources it deploys and its outcomes, situating it, wherever data permit, in relation to its
international counterparts.
+ info:
Art education in the Republic of Kazakhstan: perception of the national traditions and
rapprochement of the cultures; research paper
ISBN 978-601-80091-0-5
Editor: R.Muzafarov
This publication was prepared by the team of experts in arts education in collaboration
with Kazakhstan National Commission for UNESCO and ISESCO, and UNESCO Offices in
Almaty and Moscow. The contributors would like especially to thank for provided support
and sharing the information the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, the
Ministry of Culture of Kazakhstan; and the Secretariat of the Kazakh National Federation of
UNESCO Clubs, which carried out daily administrative support.
+ info:
Présentation du kit pédagogique sur les paysages du Val de Loire patrimoine
Le kit sera présenté le vendredi 14 octobre de 11h30 à 12h30 dans le cadre du parcours «
Enseigner l’histoire : débats, expériences, ouvrages et nouveaux outils » des rencontres
pédagogiques des Rendez-vous de l’Histoire de Blois.
L’inscription du Val de Loire sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial est une reconnaissance
internationale. Elle implique un engagement de tous que la Mission Val de Loire s’efforce de
fédérer. En partenariat avec l’Education nationale la mission Val de Loire a permis la
rédaction de fiches pédagogiques qui convient les équipes éducatives à s’emparer des programmes pour emmener les
lycéens sur les chemins de la culture et de la citoyenneté.
+ info:
Connecting Europe Through History: Experiences and Perceptions of Migrations in Europe
On the 21st of March in 2010 a coach was taking 35 European history teachers from Nijmegen in
Netherlands to Kleve in Germany. Suddenly, all the mobile phones started bleeping. The group – taking
part in a year-long programme investigating migration teaching – had crossed a border.
For most, this was a normal part of being a European. For many others this was a special moment – they
were in a new borderless world. As Europe changes, the question before
history teachers, researchers, academics, policy-makers, and students, was could their teaching methods
also embrace new ideas and new methods – and move from national frameworks to a more global one.
+ info:
Georgia project 'Tolerance Building Through History Education': Final event report - Tbilisi State
University - Georgia - 1-4 September 2011
NEARLY 100 HISTORY TEACHERS, TRAINERS, AND RESEARCHERS and other stakeholders, who for a majority
of them were involved during the past three years in the project Tolerance Building through History Education
in Georgia, came together between September 1st and 4th 2011 at Tbilisi State University. During this fourday event the core team of the project (authors, editors and coordinators) presented the results of a threeyear collaboration and shared with colleagues and stakeholders what they have been learning with this
+ info:
Environmental protection - Reorienting Teacher Education to Address Sustainable
Development: Guidelines and Tools
By Robert Steele / © UNESCO 2010
ISBN 978-92-9223-335-8 (Print version)
ISBN 978-92-9223-336-5 (Electronic version)
The guidelines in this document have been designed to try and provide teacher trainers
and teachers with some tools, one possible framework, and some processes for bringing
the environment into the realm of all subjects, not just those of science, as has traditionally
been the case.
+ info:
Incorporating Education for Sustainable Development into World Heritage Education: A
Teacher's Guide (8 de 9) [14/10/2011 20:04:30]
Educación, Formación, Juventud y Voluntariado
© UNESCO 2010 / All rights reserved
ISBN 978-92-9223-337-2 (Print Version)
ISBN 978-92-9223-338-9 (Electronic version)
Using the World Heritage Education Resource Kit as a key reference, the modules successfully
incorporate ESD concepts into World Heritage Education and vice versa. We hope that the teacher
education institutions in the Asia-Pacific region will find these materials useful and valuable, and will
adopt and adapt them to suit their respective situations.
+ info:
Education on Indonesian heritage: guides for elementary school teachers in Yogyakarta special
Sebagai langkah awal, bekerjasama dengan Erfgoed Nederland, Pusat Kurikulum Badan Penelitian dan
Pengembangan Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional, Kantor UNESCO Jakarta, dan Pusat Pelestarian Pusaka
Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada melaksanakan proyek perintisan Pendidikan Pusaka
untuk Sekolah Dasar di Indonesia dengan melibatkan tiga belas Sekolah Dasar di Daerah Istimewa
+ info:
Scientific Literacy and Natural Disaster Preparedness Reorienting Teacher Education to
Address Sustainable Development: Guidlines and Tools
By Lucille Gregario / © UNESCO 2010
ISBN 978-92-9223-327-3 (Print version)
ISBN 978-92-9223-328-0 (Electronic version)
This training guide is deliberately intended for science teacher educators as well as master teachers
conducting in-service workshops on “Scientific Literacy and Natural Disaster Preparedness” for pre-service
and in-service teachers and members of professional teachers’ associations. This guide will also assist
teacher training institutions to integrate the concepts into the pre-service teacher curriculum and school-based in-service
training activities.
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Financieros Hacen un Llamado a los Mercados de Carbono Basados en
Actividades de Silvicultura
Una coalición de las principales instituciones financieras del mundo, reunidos
por Naciones Unidas advierte en un reporte publicado el martes, contra
enormes perdidas económicas y ambientales que pudieran derivarse del
acuerdo de cambio climático, posterior a Kyoto, que no logran estimular la
inversión del sector privado en los esfuerzos para la reducción de la
deforestación y la degradación de los bosques.
Con el nuevo informe REDDY-Set-Grow Parte II: Recomendaciones para las negociaciones internacionales del cambio
climático, mas de 200 protagonistas del sector financiero unidos bajo una alianza con la Iniciativa Financiera del Programa
de Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente ( PNUMA FI) exhortan a los negociadores de los países en el Marco de la
Convención de Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (UNFCCC), para continuar con su compromiso anterior,
incorporado en los Acuerdos de Cancún 2010 , a una arquitectura de política internacional para la reducción de la
deforestación y degradación de los bosques en países en desarrollo ( esquema conocido como REDD+)
+ info:
Cumbre del Clima para el Medio Ambiente (B4E) "Llegar a cero: Innovación, crecimiento y revolución
industrial limpia" Grupo de trabajo sobre "silvicultura y agricultura sostenibles". Londres, Reino Unido (12-13
Septiembre 2011)
Una cumbre de líderes mundiales y los negocios globales cerró ayer con el reconocimiento de que "el fracaso no es una
opción" en las conversaciones sobre el clima en Durban a finales de este año. NJ Mxakato-Diseko, embajador en Misión
Especial para la COP 17/CMP 7 , del Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales y Cooperación de Sudáfrica, que habló en
la clausura de la empresa para la Cumbre del Clima para el Medio Ambiente (B4E) en Londres, dijo que la falta de progreso
en la UNFCCC (Convención Marco de Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático) las conversaciones podrían resultar en un
colapso " del sistema ". El Embajador también destacó la necesidad de los países desarrollados a comprometerse más con
los países en desarrollo y "desmitificar" la transición a una economía verde. Diseko Embajador dio la bienvenida a los
compromisos asumidos por los participantes en la Cumbre, que vio más de 250 negocios de alto nivel, las organizaciones
no gubernamentales y la sociedad civil líderes de la sociedad de 26 países presentó un documento en el que los planes de
los compromisos de la industria y la política pide que se acelere el cambio hacia una economía verde.
+ info:
National Park Service secures Petrified Forest 26,000 acres of private land - Phoenix - Arizona
The federal government is gaining control over an even larger expanse of rainbow-colored petrified wood,
fossils from the dawning age of dinosaurs and petroglyphs left by American Indian tribes who once lived in
eastern Arizona.
The National Park Service secured the first major private ranch within the Petrified Forest National Park
boundaries on Thursday, capping off negotiations that began years ago with the help of a conservation
group. Scientists say they're eager to explore the more than 26,000 acres that have remained largely
untouched and discover even more treasures.
+ info:
Une forêt virtuelle à gérer - jeu de simulation et de stratégie en ligne Forestia
Par Yvon Larose (1 de 3) [14/10/2011 20:04:34]
Réaliser des inventaires forestiers, récolter des arbres, approvisionner des usines, reboiser,
protéger un écosystème exceptionnel, voire combattre un feu de forêt: de nombreux défis
stimulants, inhérents à l’aménagement durable d’une forêt, attendent celui ou celle qui
s’inscrit au jeu de simulation et de stratégie en ligne Forestia.
Le jeu éducatif Forestia est diffusé depuis 2009 sur le portail Science en jeu. Ce jeu destiné
aux jeunes du primaire et du secondaire est adapté à l’utilisation en classe. Il est
commercialisé par la société montréalaise Creo inc. En deux ans, plus de 83 000 internautes l’ont visité, dont plus de 58
000 visiteurs uniques.
+ info:
Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation: Wood Forever Newsletter
This comprehensive programme couples the resolve of the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation to combat deforestation
with the technical expertise of The Forest Trust a global non-profit organisation that helps companies and communities
deliver Responsible Products that respect the environment and improve people’s lives.
Becoming a member of the Wood Forever programme means making a commitment towards an environmentally and
socially responsible approach to sourcing your wood products. By joining forces with Wood Forever, the Foundation and
The Forest Trust help to map your supply chain and analyse the associated risks. Together we have the means to write a
new, virtuous narrative for the story of wood being used by the yachting industry.
+ info:
Lecture: International Year of Forests 2011 - "Solutions to Deforestation: A Global Perspective from the United
Nations" - Bruce Museum
14 octubre 2011 New Haven, Connecticut. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Bruce Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Ecotourism Can Play Vital Role In Maintaining Healthy Forests
The continuing boom in ecotourism has the potential to save endangered forests or destroy them, depending on how
effectively tourism expansion is managed, an international partnership for forest conservation and improvement cautioned
The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), comprising 14 international organizations and secretariats, including FAO,
issued its view on the relationship between ecotourism and forestry today as the world celebrates the World Tourism Day
and the International Year of Forests.
+ info:
Asociación de Colaboración en materia de Bosques
La Asociación de Colaboración en materia de Bosques (ACB) es un acuerdo voluntario entre
14 organizaciones internacionales y secretarías con importantes programas relacionados con
Banco Mundial UICN).
La misión de la ACB es promover la ordenación, la conservación y el desarrollo sostenible de
todos los tipos de bosques y fortalecer el compromiso de las políticas a largo plazo para llevar
a cabo dicho propósito.
+ info:
Save the Sinharaja Rainforest Campaign - Sri Lanka
Sinharaja Forest Reserve is considered one of the most important natural habitats in Sri Lanka.
This majestic rainforest was deemed an International Man and Biosphere Reserve in 1978 and
deservedly designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1989. The forest offers a huge
diversity of species both flora and fauna with a large proportion of those being indigenous to
the country and some more specifically endemic to Sinharaja itself.
+ info:
El Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el
Desarrollo (PNUD) lanza una iniciativa para
salval el bosque Yasuni del Ecuador
El Fondo de Fideicomiso Yasuni Ishpingo Tambococha
Tiputini (ITT) ha sido establecido para recibir
contribuciones de una amplia gama de colaboradores
que apoyan la decisión histórica de Ecuador de
renunciar de manera permanente la extracción de los
yacimientos de petróleo Yasuní ITT (aproximadamente 846 millones de barriles), lo que permitirá a Ecuador hacer frente a
los retos del cambio climático y del desarrollo sustentable al cambiar la matriz energética del país a través de inversión en
proyectos energéticos renovables inclusivos ambientalmente amigable. Esta decisión histórica evitará la emisión de 407
millones de toneladas métricas de dióxido de carbono (CO2) que resultaría de la quema de esos combustibles fósiles,
protegeriendo una de las regiones más biodiversas del mundo y manteniendo el nivel de vida de los pueblos indígenas de
la zona. Ecuador solicita a los contribuyentes compensar el 50 por ciento de los ingresos a los que está renunciando, por
un valor de 3,6 billones de dólares (durante un periodo de 13 años), saldando así su contribución a los bienes globales.
+ info: (2 de 3) [14/10/2011 20:04:34]
O Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) divulga dados consolidados do PRODES ( Projeto de
Monitoramento do Desflorestamento na Amazônia Legal ) 2010 - Brazil
O Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) concluiu o mapeamento e o cálculo da taxa de desmatamento na
Amazônia Legal para o período de agosto de 2009 a julho de 2010. Medido pelo Projeto de Monitoramento do
Desflorestamento na Amazônia Legal (PRODES), o resultado final, obtido pela análise de 213 imagens Landsat, computou o
total de 7.000 km².
A taxa de desmatamento de 2009-2010 indica uma redução de 6,2% em relação ao período anterior (agosto de 2008 a
julho de 2009), em que foram medidos 7.464 km² de desmatamento.
+ info:
Forêt boréale ou tropicale : la distribution des espèces est la même partout
Des travaux publiés dans Science tendent à démontrer que les distributions d'espèces obéissent à des mécanismes
similaires, peu importe la situation géographique.
Selon une nouvelle étude internationale menée par 16 chercheurs, dont le professeur Mark Vellend [1] de l'Université de
Sherbrooke, la position géographique et l'altitude auraient une influence moins grande que prévue sur un facteur de
diversité des espèces d'arbres.
+ info:
2011 : Colloque des 20 ans de la conservation des ressources génétiques forestières
16 noviembre 2011 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Commission pour les Ressources Génétiques Forestières (CRGF)
+ info:
LECTURE - Bruce Museum Science Lecture Series: International Year of Forests 2011 - Bruce Museum
09 diciembre 2011 Greenwich, Connecticut. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Bruce Museum and Greenwich Tree Conservancy
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
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Genealogía y Heráldica
Genealogía y Heráldica
Europeana's first interactive video: An interactive experience around the story
of an unlikely friendship during the First World War.
Europeana Remix is an interactive platform based on the film ‘Otto & Bernard’. This
short film was produced for the project Europeana Erster Weltkrieg, encouraging
families to share photos, letters and memorabilia of World War 1. Now the film forms
the basis of the Remix initiative, combining leading edge technology (Popcorn.js, the
HTML5 video framework) and a variety of resources from Europeana and across the
Europeana’s work on the First World War sets out to discover untold stories, to share them across borders, and to invite
responses from around Europe as we approach the centenary of the conflict. We encourage people to share ideas, stories,
comments and links on this platform.
+ info:
La Academia Valenciana de Genealogía y Heráldica, en colaboración con la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, organiza el
VI Curso de Genealogía, Heráldica, Nobiliaria y Castellología que comienzó el día 4 de octubre y terminará el 29 de mayo
de 2012. Constará de 120 horas de duración, de las que 105 h. serán lectivas y las restantes se cubrirán de la siguiente
forma: 6 h. en visitas a Archivos, 6 h. en Seminarios y 3 h. que se aplicarán a la visita de un Castillo.
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Ir a arriba [14/10/2011 20:04:35]
Patrimonio Geológico
Patrimonio Geológico
Arctique : une expédition internationale à la recherche des mammouths
Un groupe international de chercheurs chargés de trouver des restes de mammouths sur l'île Wrangel et d'étudier l'état de
l'environnement en Arctique a quitté le port russe d'Arkhangelsk à bord du navire Professor Moltchanov, a annoncé le
président du Centre régional de la Société géographique de Russie Leonid Vassiliev…
+ info:
Avec le BRGM (Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières), participez à
l'inventaire du patrimoine géologique de la Martinique - France
Le BRGM réalise, en partenariat avec la DEAL de Martinique et sous l'égide du Conseil
Scientifique Régional du Patrimoine Naturel (CSRPN), une première phase d'inventaire du
patrimoine géologique régional de la Martinique. Jusqu'au 30 octobre 2011, professionnels et
amateurs éclairés volontaires peuvent participer à cet inventaire.
Ce travail a pour objectif le recueil, la structuration, et la validation, sous forme d'un inventaire
renseigné et informatisé, des données existantes ou à compléter, relatives au patrimoine
géologique de la Martinique.
Cet inventaire des sites et objets d'intérêt géologique majeur constituera le préalable indispensable à toute mesure de
protection et toute démarche de conservation ou de mise en valeur des richesses géologiques de la Martinique.
+ info:
Nueve nuevos sitios se incorporan a la Red Mundial de Geoparques
Durante la X Conferencia Europea de Geoparques, celebrada del 16 al 18 de septiembre en el
Parque Geo Norwegica (Noruega), la Mesa de la Red Mundial de Geoparques Nacionales aprobó
la incorporación de nueve nuevos sitios pertenecientes a 10 países. Esta Red, creada en 2004
bajo los auspicios de la UNESCO, cuenta ahora con un total de 87 geoparques diseminados en
27 países.
+ info:
Le département de Géologie Namurois met en évidence les connections hydrologiques des Grottes de Han
Grâce à une fructueuse collaboration entre le Département de géologie et le Domaine des grottes de Han, une étude
réalisée par Isabelle Bonniver, sous la direction du professeur Vincent Hallet, sur la "compréhension des processus
d'écoulement souterrain en milieu karstique" vient de livrer des conclusions interpellantes…
+ info:
Researchers from the University of Alberta report feathers in amber reveal dinosaur diversity - Edmonton Alberta - Canada
By Ryan C. McKellar1, Brian D. E. Chatterton, Alexander P. Wolfe and Philip J. Currie
The fossil record of early feathers has relied on carbonized compressions that lack fine structural detail. Specimens in
amber are preserved in greater detail, but they are rare. Late Cretaceous coal-rich strata from western Canada provide the
richest and most diverse Mesozoic feather assemblage yet reported from amber. The fossils include primitive structures
closely matching the protofeathers of nonavian dinosaurs, offering new insights into their structure and function. Additional
derived morphologies confirm that plumage specialized for flight and underwater diving had evolved in Late Cretaceous
birds. Because amber preserves feather structure and pigmentation in unmatched detail, these fossils provide novel (1 de 2) [14/10/2011 20:04:36]
Patrimonio Geológico
insights regarding feather evolution.
+ info:
Géoparc : le parc naturel régional du Massif des Bauges rejoint la liste du réseau
mondial des géoparcs nationaux - France
Le Réseau mondial des géoparcs nationaux, créé en 2004, compte neuf nouveaux sites,
répartis dans sept pays, dont un en France (Les Bauges), a annoncé l'Organisation des
Nations Unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture (Unesco) à l'issue de la 10eme
Conférence européenne des géoparcs qui était organisée du 16 au 18 septembre dans le
géoparc norvégien Gea Norwegica. ''Pour obtenir le label géoparc, les sites doivent présenter
un patrimoine géologique conséquent, être dotés d'une solide structure de gestion et d'une
stratégie de développement économique, s'appuyant notamment sur le tourisme durable, explique l'Unesco, ajoutant : ''Ce
réseau a été créé afin d'encourager la coopération entre experts et praticiens en matière de patrimoine géologique ou de
sa promotion''.
+ info:
Les éruptions volcaniques majeures ont un impact sur le climat plus important que prévu
Grâce à un équipement de pointe, les concentrations des nanoparticules volcaniques secondaires formées dans le panache
d'un volcan à partir du dioxyde de souffre qu'il a émis ont pu être mesurées pour la première fois par des chercheurs du
Laboratoire de météorologie physique (L.A.M.P/OPGC, Université Clermont Ferrand 2 / CNRS) lors des deux passages dans
la basse atmosphère au-dessus du Puy de Dôme du panache du volcan Eyjafjallajokull. Ils ont ainsi pu mettre en évidence
que ces concentrations étaient très sous-estimées dans les modèles climatiques globaux. L'impact sur le climat des
éruptions volcaniques majeures serait dont plus important que soupçonné jusque-là.
+ info:
IV Conferencia Internacional de peligrosidad, riesgo geológico e ingeniería sísmica y de desastres
08 mayo - 11 mayo 2012 Santiago de Cuba. Cuba
Organizadores: La Facultad de Construcciones y el Departamento de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad de Oriente
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 ene 2012
+ info:
RAPPORT DE LA RECHERCHE 2010/2011 - BRGM (Bureau de recherches géologiques et
Les réalisations scientifiques marquantes 2010 et les orientations stratégiques 2011.
+ info:
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Legislación, Convenciones, Cartas y Declaraciones
Legislación (nacional e internacional), Convenciones, Cartas y
Ratificación de Brunei Darussalam de la Convención para la Protección del Patrimonio
Mundial, Cultural y Natural (París, 16 de noviembre de 1972)
El 12 de agosto de 2011, Brunei Darussalam depositó ante la Directora General el instrumento de
ratificación de la Convención para la Protección del Patrimonio Mundial, Cultural y Natural.
De conformidad con su Artículo 33, la Convención entró en vigor para Brunei Darussalam tres meses después de la fecha
de depósito de este instrumento de ratificación, es decir, el 12 de noviembre de 2011.
+ info:
Ratificación por Brunei Darussalam de la Convención para la salvaguardia del patrimonio
cultural inmaterial (París, 17 de octubre de 2003)
El 12 de agosto de 2011, Brunei Darussalam depositó ante la Directora General su instrumento de
ratificación de la Convención para la salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural inmaterial.
Conforme a lo dispuesto en su Artículo 34, la Convención entrará en vigor para Brunei Darussalam tres meses después del
depósito de este instrumento, es decir el 12 de noviembre de 2011.
+ info:
OBRAS DE ARTE SAQUEADAS - Oficina Federal de la Cultura (Suiza)
En los últimos años, el interés público en las obras de arte saqueadas o saqueos durante la segunda guerra mundial se ha
incrementado dramáticamente en todo el mundo. En todo el mundo, investigadores y personas exploran las colecciones de
los archivos y museos para encontrar obras de arte que han perdido la pista desde su desaparición durante la Segunda
Guerra Mundial. Por su parte, los museos públicos y privados - en Europa y Estados Unidos - han comenzado a hacer
investigaciones en sus propias colecciones. Muchos países han establecido comisiones nacionales y grupos de trabajo para
estudiar los archivos, para examinar el origen de la obra o para procesar las solicitudes de saqueo de sus propietarios o de
sus herederos. Algunas organizaciones privadas y asociaciones están dedicadas a estas mismas tareas.
+ info:
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) repatriates pre-Columbian bowl to
Belize's history is rich. Nearly 75 attendees gathered at the Embassy of Belize this past weekend
to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the country's independence from England. U.S. Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE) added to the celebration by returning a piece of history – a preColumbian feasting bowl, common to northern Belize – to the Belizean government.
The z-angle pre-Columbian feasting bowl was created by Mayan Indians. It is nearly 1800 years
old, dating back to 200 to 600 AD and was likely looted from a grave…
+ info:
Minneapolis Institute of Arts to Transfer Volute Krater to Italy - Minneapolis - Minnesota - USA
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts (MIA) has agreed to transfer a 5th century B.C. Greek volute krater acquired by the MIA
in 1983 to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) for delivery to Italy.
The MIA became concerned with the provenance of the object and contacted the Ministry for Cultural Assets and Activities
of the Italian Republic (Ministry). Both the Ministry and ICE HSI provided information about the krater to the Museum.
Working collaboratively with the Ministry and ICE HSI and after evaluating the information provided by the Comando
Carabinieri per la Tutela del Patrimonio Culturale, as well as its own research, the Museum determined that the krater (1 de 4) [14/10/2011 20:04:40]
Legislación, Convenciones, Cartas y Declaraciones
should be transferred to Italy.
+ info:
Nagoya Protocol on genetic resources achieves 60 signatures
On the margins of the sixty-sixth session of the United Nations General
Assembly, six more countries—Congo, Democratic Republic of the
Congo, Grenada, Madagascar, Niger and Serbia—have become the
latest signatories to the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits
Arising from Their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
This brings the total number of signatories to 60. The Protocol was opened for signature in February 2011.
These six signatories join 54 others that have previously given their commitment to take steps towards ratifying the
Protocol. The Nagoya Protocol will enter into force 90 days after deposit of the fiftieth instrument of ratification. The pace
established by today’s signatures points to a clear momentum towards the early entry into force of the Protocol by the
eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, scheduled for October 2012.
+ info:
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and Turkish Republic reach agreement for transfer of top half
of Weary Herakles - Boston - Massachusetts - USA
Last evening, an agreement between the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA), and the General
Directorate for Cultural Heritage and Museums of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of
Turkey was signed, transferring ownership of the top half of the 2nd-century AD Roman Imperial
marble sculpture Weary Herakles to the Turkish government. Malcolm Rogers, Ann and Graham Gund
Director of the MFA, and Murat Suslu, Director General for Cultural Heritage and Museums, signed the
Memorandum of Understanding at the Museum.
The agreement acknowledged that the MFA acquired the object in good faith and without knowledge of any ownership or
title issues. It also provided for the transfer of the object, which took place after the signing.
+ info:
Jordan recovers 620 artifacts from Israel - Jordan
The Jordanian authorities have recovered 620 artifacts from Israel through US
mediation after 44 years of captivity, a senior official announced Tuesday.
The treasures, most of them date back to the early bronze age, were discovered by
the Jordanian Department of Antiquities in early 1960’s in southern Jordan Valley,
according to the acting head of the Department Fares Hmoud.
The artifacts were later loaned to an American archaeologist at the Albright Institute
of Archaeology in Jerusalem for further research but Israel seized the treasures when
it captured East Jerusalem from Jordan in the 1967, the official said…
+ info:
ONU urge a apoyar iniciativa Yasuní ITT como ejemplo de desarrollo sostenible
La iniciativa Yasuní ITT, que deja bajo suelo ecuatoriano millones de barriles de petróleo
para evitar las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, es un ejemplo de desarrollo
sostenible que merece el apoyo internacional.
Así lo afirmó hoy el Secretario General de la ONU durante una reunión de alto nivel sobre
ese proyecto, celebrada en el marco de la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas.
La iniciativa, lanzada hace cuatro años, pide a cambio de la conservación de la amazonía
7.000 millones de dólares para sustituir los beneficios que significaría para Ecuador la explotación de los yacimientos
petroleros. De esa cantidad, el país aporta la mitad y deja a los donantes internacionales el resto.
+ info:
Orientaciones prácticas ya están disponibles para los artículos 9, 10, 19 de la Convención 2005
La Convención de 2005 es un acuerdo internacional, jurídicamente vinculante, que garantiza que artistas,
profesionales y otros actores de la cultura y ciudadanos de todo el mundo puedan crear, producir,
difundir y disfrutar de una amplia gama de bienes, servicios y actividades culturales, incluidos los suyos
Artículo 9: Intercambio de la información y transparencia
Artículo 10: Educación y sensibilización del público
Artículo 19: Intercambio, análisis y difusión de la información
+ info:
Looters plunder $8.5M from Ivory Coast Museum - Abidjan Museum - Abidjan - Côte d'Ivoire
Looters stormed Ivory Coast's national museum during the country's bloody political crisis earlier this year, plundering
nearly $8.5 million worth of art including the institution's entire gold collection.
Five months later, the museum's gates still open and close at the posted hours, but empty display cases gather dust. A
lone set of elephant tusks sits in the dark in the museum's main exposition room.
+ info:
Seminario prevenciones para la seguridad física, contra robos y el tráfico ilícito de bienes culturales muebles e (2 de 4) [14/10/2011 20:04:40]
Legislación, Convenciones, Cartas y Declaraciones
inmuebles - Tandil (Argentina) 4-5 de Octubre de 2011
Coordinadora por Municipalidad de Tandil: Lic. Magdalena Conti
Coordinadora por CICOP, Arq. Graciela Di Iorio
Contacto: [email protected]
Los Museos, bibliotecas, centros culturales y emprendimientos comerciales que funcionan en edificios de valor patrimonial
son muchas veces considerados espacios ideales . Sin embargo en el momento de abordar la cuestión de la seguridad , el
tema se vuelve complejo por los propios condicionamientos de estas instituciones para cumplir tanto con la preservación
como con los servicios que deben brindar.
Cuando nos referimos a la seguridad en los museos, los primeros temas que surgen son robo e incendio. E inmediatamente
pensamos en las vitrinas , en los cerramientos , en los materiales combustibles , en los depósitos. Sin embargo , la
seguridad implica mucho mas. En el entorno , el edificio , son las colecciones y también las personas que trabajan en ellos.
+ info:
Museo de Brooklyn en EE.UU. devolvió a Costa Rica mil piezas precolombinas
Costa Rica will for the first time display a trove of artifacts, some believed to be more than
2,300 years old, after they were returned unbidden this month from the prestigious Brooklyn
Museum in New York.
The museum chose to return the pre-Columbian objects, which could help fill gaps in the
history of the isthmus nation where tens of thousands of ancient artifacts have been lost to
+ info:
Repatriation of the Wall Paintings of Agios Themonianos, Cyprus - Menil Collection
- Houston - Texas - USA
The wall paintings, dating to the 13th/14th century, were once part of the interior
decoration of the Church of Agios Euphemianos (also known as Agios Themonianos), in
currently occupied Lysi. In the fragments of the wall paintings preserved on the dome is
depicted Christ Pantocrator, surrounded by a frieze of angels as well as the Preparation of
the Throne attended by the Mother of God and St. John the Baptist. In the conch of the apse
the wall paintings depict the Mother of God attended by the Archangels Michael and Gabriel.
In 1972/1973, the Department of Antiquities carried out conservation of the wall paintings. Following 1974, the wall
paintings were violently removed by the Turkish invaders and eventually ended up in the possession of the Menil
+ info:
Handover and repatriation of skulls of deceased members of the Herero and Nama ethnic groups from Namibia
- Berlin - Germany
In the week of 26 September to 3 October, a Namibian delegation led by the Namibian Minister for Youth, Sport, and
Culture Kazenambo Kazenambo is visiting Germany. The delegation also includes other government representatives and
representatives from the Herero and Nama ethnic groups.
The reason for the visit by the Namibian delegation is the repatriation to Namibia of skulls of deceased members of the
Herero and Nama ethnic groups. The skulls had been transported to Germany during the period of German colonial rule…
+ info:
Conference Video - Réparations et restitutions - Université populaire du Quai Branly - Paris - France ( 18
novembre 2008)
Réparations et restitutions - Jacques Toubon - Stéphane Martin
+ info:
Immigration and Customs Enforcement and United States attorney return stolen
paintings to Poland
Nearly seven decades after they were stolen by the Nazis, the Julian Falat paintings "The Hunt"
and "Off to the Hunt" are back in the hands of their rightful owner, the people of Poland. At a
ceremony today at the Polish Consulate in New York, U.S. Immigration Customs and
Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the U.S. Attorney's Office for
the Southern District of New York, returned the paintings to Polish President Bronislaw
The oil on panel paintings returned today were stolen from the Polish National Museum in Warsaw, Poland, by the Nazis
during World War II.
+ info:
Publicaciones (3 de 4) [14/10/2011 20:04:40]
Legislación, Convenciones, Cartas y Declaraciones
Kit informativo sobre la Convención sobre la protección y la promoción de la diversidad de las
expresiones culturales (2005)
La Convención de 2005 es un acuerdo internacional, jurídicamente vinculante, que garantiza que artistas,
profesionales y otros actores de la cultura y ciudadanos de todo el mundo puedan crear, producir,
difundir y disfrutar de una amplia gama de bienes, servicios y actividades culturales, incluidos los suyos
+ info:
2003 UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and 2008 Operational
Directives in Persian
This first edition of the Operational Directives is subject to be improved, on the basis of the needs of the States Parties
when safeguarding their heritage, and of the experience acquired by the Committee in guiding the Convention’s
implementation. This evolving aspect of the Directives will provide the Convention with the necessary flexibility to adapt to
a fast changing world and an always evolving living heritage.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (4 de 4) [14/10/2011 20:04:40]
Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos
Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos
Reopening of the Museum der Kulturen Basel with designs by Herzog & de Meuron - Basel - Switzerland
New exhibition rooms with a separate entrance and an extravagant roof! The Museum der Kulturen is taking on a new
identity – in the heart of the medieval city of Basel. Modern, stylish exhibition rooms flooded with light invite you to stroll
and gaze.
+ info:
Another look at 3XN's Museum of Liverpool - 2011 - Liverpool - United Kingdom
Opened on July 19th the new Museum of Liverpool by 3XN serves as a meeting point for
history, the people of Liverpool, and visitors from around the globe. Featured on ArchDaily
in July (see the full project feature here) photographer José Campos recently shared with us
his photographs of this impressive museum.
+ info:
Small Wonder, Wilmington: This city in the second-smallest state boasts a huge trove
of historic landmarks - Wilmington - Delaware - USA
Every so often, a new city comes along to impress me, making me wonder: Where have you
been all my life?
That was my reaction to Wilmington, Del., a historic city I'd often seen from Amtrak or the
interstate but always passed through. Until recently, that is, when growing curiosity finally
lured me into town.
The largest city in the second-smallest state, Wilmington grew from a Swedish settlement in
1638 to an industrial port that made flour, textiles, railroad cars, ships—and gunpowder, which transformed a plucky clan
of French immigrants called the du Ponts into one of America's foremost families. They were to have an enormous
influence on the city's economy and culture.
+ info:
VIDEO - "Cities of Opportunity" Interview with Rem Koolhaas
In this video from Cities of Opportunity 2011, architectural superstar and OMA founder Rem Koolhaas shares his views on
the contemporary evolution of the city and his vision for the future of urban centers. Produced by accounting giant PwC (a.
k.a PricewaterhouseCoopers before their 2010 re-branding) and the Partnership for New York City, Cities of Opportunity
2011 “analyzes the trajectory of 26 cities, all capitals of finance, commerce, and culture and through their performance,
seeks to open a window on what makes cities function best.”
+ info:
Architecture City Guide: Lisbon - Portugal
This week, with the help of our readers, our Architecture City Guide is headed to Lisbon.
We put together a list of 12 modern/contemporary buildings that we feel provides a
good starting point. It is far from complete. There are dozens of other great buildings
that are not our list, and we are looking to add to the list in the near future. Please add
your favorites in the comment section below so we can add them on the second go
around. Again thank you to all our readers who sent in their suggestions and (1 de 4) [14/10/2011 20:04:43]
Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos
photographs. The city guides would not be possible without your help.
To check out other cities visit our world map or our Architecture City Guide page.
The Architecture City Guide: Lisbon list and corresponding map after the break.
+ info:
AD Classics: Oak Ridge New Town Master Plan - Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) 1942-1949 - Oak Ridge - Tennessee - USA
Many engineers, scientists, and other workers were recruited to East Tennessee during WWII
for the development of the Manhattan Project. Because of this growth, SOM was contracted to
design a master plan and home designs for the secret site planned by the U.S. Federal
Government. The Oak Ridge New Town Master Plan would become a foundation for urban
design projects not just for SOM, but for American standards as well.
+ info:
Architecture City Guide: Tokyo - Japan
This week, with the help of our readers, our Architecture City Guide is headed to Tokyo.
Similar to Berlin, Tokyo’s architecture is overwhelming modern due its destruction
during the 20th Century. We put together a list of 12 modern/contemporary buildings
that we feel provides a good starting point. It is far from complete. There are dozens of
other great buildings that are not our list, and we are looking to add to the list in the
near future. Please add your favorites in the comment section below so we can add
them on the second go around. The city guides would not be possible without your help.
+ info:
Seminário com REGINA LINS - Vazios urbanos nas cidades brasileiras
21 septiembre 2011 João Pessoa, PB. Brasil
Organizadores: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) - Centro de ciencias humanas, letras e arte (CCHLA)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
30 septiembre 2011 Buenos Aires. Argentina
Organizadores: Centro Internacional para la Conservación del Patrimonio (CICOP) - Argentina
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Puente Bac de Roda - Santiago Calatrava - 1992 - Barcelona - Cataluña
El Puente Bac de Roda está situado en el barrio de Sant Marti y comunica las calles
Bac de Roda y Felipe II, permitiendo el paso de automóviles y viandantes por encima
del ferrocarril. Construido en 1984, es una de las primeras obras con las que
comenzó a ganar relevancia internacional el hoy legendario arquitecto e ingeniero
civil Santiago Calatrava, Premio Nacional de Arquitectura 2007, Premio Príncipe de
Asturias de las Artes en 1999 y Doctor Honoris Causa 12 veces. El estilo del puente
resalta las estructuras de contención mostrando la labor de ingeniería junto a la estética arquitectónica. Para que puedas
atravesarlo también tú, ponemos a tu disposición hoteles y hostales a precios económicos en sus inmediaciones.
+ info:
National Parliament Principality of Liechtenstein - Hansjoerg Goeritz
Architekturstudio - 2008 - Vaduz - Liechtenstein
Following the success of the Hansjörg Göritz Architekturstudio in an international European
competition of the year 2000, seven years of planning and implementation are now completed.
Today the built exterior and interior spaces manifest not only his interpretation of democratic
separation of powers within the Alamannic cultural region of the Alps’ Rhine River valley. They
also stand for a conscious understanding of an architecture of urban contiguity, whereby the
original masterplan of Luigi Snozzi has been newly reinterpreted.
At the same time the pure and meticulous materialization of the new context rejects generic easy conventions, and strive
for an architecture of space and timelessness. It is this very elementary and sustainably durable quality that makes use of
non-renewable resources according to rigorous Minergy- Standards. In the plenum the sublime art of Sabine Laidig creates
a synthesis with this space creation of simplicity.
+ info:
En Londres construyen el puente solar más largo del mundo (Reino Unido)
Muchos auguran que una nueva revolución industrial está acercándose: la de las
energías renovables. Si todo el mundo empieza a utilizar las renovables en procesos
industriales y fabriles, en la producción de energía eléctrica, en la calefacción de los
hogares, de pronto tendremos un mundo lleno de energía sustentable. Claro que
todavía no estamos muy cerca, pero empezar a instalar monumentos, puede potenciar
el proceso. Con esa idea, y también la de producir un montón de electricidad, en
Londres se está instalando un largo puente repleto de paneles solares en su techo. (2 de 4) [14/10/2011 20:04:43]
Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Picturing the City: Downtown Pittsburgh, 2007-2010 - Carnegie Museum of Art
23 septiembre 2011 - 25 marzo 2012 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: the Carnegie Museum of Art
+ info:
Séminaire sur la question de la valorisation du patrimoine et sur le rôle des arts de la rue dans la diplomatie
21 octubre 2011 La Rochelle. Francia
Organizadores: L’Université de La Rochelle en partenariat avec le CAUE 17
Contacto: Adrien Guillot – [email protected]
+ info:
Historic Urban Landscapes Workshops on the Swahili Coast of Africa
Ilha (Mozambique) - Zanzibar (United-Republic of Tanzania) & Lamu (Kenya) 01 noviembre 2011
Organizadores: UNESCO
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
ICOMOS-TICCIH - La ciudad industrial del siglo XX en Latinoamérica; urbanismo y conjuntos de vivienda para
obreros, asociados a los proyectos industriales, durante el periodo 1920-1960"
17 noviembre - 18 noviembre 2011 San Luis Potosi. México
Organizadores: TICCIH Mexico
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Conferencai: Université populaire du Quai Branly - La ciudad de Japón y Europa
26 enero 2012 París. Francia
Organizadores: El Musée du Quai Branly
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Sustainable Cities and Society
ISSN: 2210-6707
Sustainable Cities and Society (SCS) publishes a wide range of original high quality papers covering
fundamental and applied research, critical reviews and case studies. It focuses on research and multidisciplinary work aiming to reduce the environmental and societal impact of future cities. The journal
covers topics including design, modelling, analytical tools, testing/experimental work, optimization,
environmental assessment, new codes, regulations, policy, economics, monitoring, post occupancy
evaluation and legislation related to sustainable cities. The journal will stimulate the exchange of ideas and knowledge
transfer on the development of sustainable cities.
+ info:
My Aleppo
Beyond the Arab world Aleppo is not perceived as a "metropolis" -at the same time, though, the city
with a five thousand year old history is one of the world's oldest cities. In this way, this volume is to
be understood as a special study about the development of the term metropolis. At the end of the
20th century, Aleppo was limited with its population of 20,000 inhabitants to the city center, which
was named a World Heritage site by the UNESCO. Today, the city of almost three million people is
the industrial and commercial capital of Syria, where, in a fascinating way, tradition and modernity,
and East and West meet.
+ info:
Local Cultural Policies Handbook - Steps, Tools and Case Studies
Contact : KPY-Cultural Policy and Management Research Center
İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi
In the planning and development of the cultural sphere on the city scale and the implementation of cultural projects and
programs, in addition to local governments and civil society, the participation of other public and private institutions, as
well as the city inhabitants is important in terms of devising plans with long term applicability and durable impact, and also
for inhabitants to espouse the process. Local Cultural Policies Handbook: Steps, Tools and Case Studies was compiled to
this end, to underline this priority, and contribute to discussions around local cultural policies in Turkey by presenting case
studies of plans and projects developed in a participatory and inclusive manner. (3 de 4) [14/10/2011 20:04:43]
Ciudades y centros históricos. Paisajes urbanos históricos
+ info:
Heritage Homeowner's Preservation Manual for the World Heritage Site of Vigan,
Corporate author: UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the
Pacific; Philippines. City Government of Vigan
Country: Thailand
Publ Year: 2010
ISBN ISSN: 978-92-9223-319-8 (print); 978-92-9223-320-4 (electronic)
The Vigan Heritage Homeowner’s Preservation Manual was launched by the city government
on October 6 in a simple ceremony but replete with symbolism. The event was made under the roof of one of the best
preserved ancestral homes, the Donato Heritage House, thru the graciousness of the present owner , Ms. Ma. Victoria P.
Important personalities who could be said to be the progenitors of the book along with Mayor Eva Marie S. Medina were on
hand at the coming out of the book. Dr. Richard Engelhardt and Engr. Ricardo Favis of UNESCO flew in from Bangkok,
Thailand for the launching which coincided also with the UNESCO National Workshop of World Heritage Site Managers. Each
participant was given a copy of the book which will serve to guide them in their own heritage conservation work. Architect
Fatima Rabang, Dean Maryrose Rabang and Dr. Gilbert Arce represented the University of Northern Philippines (UNP). The
United Architects Association of the Philippines (UAAP) was also well represented.
+ info:
Heritage-Based Sustainable Urban Development: Conference Papers
UNESCO Office New Delhi; Switzerland. Embassy (India)
Publ Year: 2010
ISBN ISSN: 978-81-89218-38-6
Heritage-based urban conservation is a rather young field of research and practice. In Switzerland, a
body of experience has been accumulated over the past, while in India; heritage preservation in
cities has a history of a short decade with single cases of earlier research. Both India and
Switzerland enjoy a decentralized governance system, with all the challenges and chances this may
represent for heritage conservation.
+ info:
Historic Districts for All - India: A Social and Human Approach for Sustainable Revitalisation;
Brochure for Local Authorities
To celebrate World Habitat Day and particularly its theme of this year Better City Better Life, the UNESCO
New Delhi office is pleased to announce the launch of the UNESCO/UN-HABITAT Brochure for Local
Authorities Historic Districts for All – India: A Social and Human Approach for Sustainable Revitalisation.
The Brochure is intended to promote and support the revitalisation of historic districts in India with a social
and human perspective in mind. Specifically, it aims to promote an interdisciplinary approach to urban
revitalisation that takes into account the principles of sustainable development, social equity and justice. It
intends to raise awareness among key decision-makers, particularly at state and local level, on the role they can play in
the balanced development of historical districts in order to prevent social exclusion, "gentrification", "ghettoisation" or
+ info:
Ir a arriba (4 de 4) [14/10/2011 20:04:43]
Patrimonio Científico, Astronómico, Tecnológico e Industrial
Patrimonio Científico, Astronómico, Tecnológico e Industrial
Le ciel devient plus proche de Moscou - Réouverture du Planétarium de Moscou - Fédération de Russie
Après 17 ans de reconstruction, le planétarium de Moscou rouvre ses portes aux visiteurs. Lieu emblématique de la
capitale soviétique, le théâtre stellaire est désormais muni d'équipements dernier cri.
Le planétarium de Moscou, le plus ancien de la Russie, a été inauguré le 5 novembre 1929. Les autorités de la capitale
soviétique avaient alors décidé de promouvoir l'astronomie afin de détourner l'attention du peuple des problèmes
quotidiens. Par conséquent, malgré la pauvreté et la situation très complexe qui régnait dans le pays, les gens avaient une
possibilité d'observer de près le ciel étoilé…
+ info:
ICOMOS-TICCIH - La ciudad industrial del siglo XX en Latinoamérica; urbanismo y conjuntos de vivienda para
obreros, asociados a los proyectos industriales, durante el periodo 1920-1960"
17 noviembre - 18 noviembre 2011 San Luis Potosi. México
Organizadores: TICCIH Mexico
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
International Water Association (IWA) Specialized Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies in
Ancient Civilizations
22 marzo - 24 marzo 2012 Istanbul. Turquía
Organizadores: IWA Specialized Group on Water and Wastewater in Ancient Civilizations
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 31 oct 2011
+ info:
Water History for our Times republished - International Hydrological Programme
By Fekri Hassan
This current book is the second IHP essay on water history. It draws on and accompanies the first volume
of the HWC series that will appear in autumn 2011, Water History and Humanity, edited by Vernon
Scarborough. Drawing from that volume’s more than forty outstanding chapters, extensive references,
including from conferences of the International Water History Association and from his lifelong intellectual
and academic commitment to water history, Fekri Hassan has formulated the co-evolutionary theory of the
historical transformations of water management that he describes in this truly remarkable essay.
We are convinced that this is not only an important contribution to a better understanding of the interaction of civilizations
with water today, but will also help to guide our actions toward the future.
+ info: (1 de 2) [14/10/2011 20:04:44]
Patrimonio Científico, Astronómico, Tecnológico e Industrial
Ir a arriba (2 de 2) [14/10/2011 20:04:44]
Patrimonio Intangible
Patrimonio Intangible
Ratificación por Brunei Darussalam de la Convención para la salvaguardia del patrimonio
cultural inmaterial (París, 17 de octubre de 2003)
El 12 de agosto de 2011, Brunei Darussalam depositó ante la Directora General su instrumento de
ratificación de la Convención para la salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural inmaterial.
Conforme a lo dispuesto en su Artículo 34, la Convención entrará en vigor para Brunei Darussalam tres meses después del
depósito de este instrumento, es decir el 12 de noviembre de 2011.
+ info:
Projet de recherche « Artisanat traditionnel » - Suisse
(informazioni anche in italiano)
Les savoir-faire liés à l'artisanat traditionnel font partie du patrimoine culturel immatériel au sens de la Convention. En
Suisse, de nombreux artisanats sont désormais des petits métiers ; pour beaucoup on ne les enseigne plus et on ne les
pratique guère. La recherche, la documentation et l'inventorisation sont des conditions essentielles de la sauvegarde du
savoir-faire de l'artisanat traditionnel au sein du patrimoine culturel immatériel. L'évaluation de la place qu'occupent les
métiers d'artisanat traditionnel au sein de l'économie et de la formation fait partie de cette recherche…
+ info:
Patrimoine culturel immatériel en Suisse: la liste des traditions vivantes prend forme
(informazioni anche in italiano)
Les offices culturels cantonaux ont fait parvenir à l’Office fédéral de la culture leurs propositions à l’inscription sur la « Liste
des traditions vivantes en Suisse ». Les 387 propositions déposées peuvent être consultées dès à présent sur www.bak. Une première sélection sera présentée à l’automne et l’inventaire mis sur Internet au
printemps 2012.
L’Office fédéral de la culture (OFC) a initié en septembre 2010 un projet d’inventaire du patrimoine culturel immatériel en
Suisse en collaboration avec les offices culturels cantonaux. 387 propositions ont été déposées, qui vont de l’artisanat
horloger suisse internationalement connu à la célébration de San-Giuseppe par la communauté italienne locale de
Laufenburg, et des cultures alpines au cabaret politique à Zurich.
+ info:
Liste des traditions vivantes en Suisse
En ratifiant le 16 octobre 2008 la Convention de l'UNESCO pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel immatériel, la Suisse
s'est engagée à dresser et à mettre à jour périodiquement un inventaire du patrimoine culturel immatériel de la Suisse.
L'inventaire est un point central de l'accord ; il permet d'identifier le patrimoine culturel immatériel et de définir des
mesures ciblées de sauvegarde et de promotion de certains éléments de ce patrimoine. Il est en outre l'une des conditions
à toute inscription sur les listes internationales de l'UNESCO « Liste représentative du patrimoine culturel immatériel de
l'humanité » et « Liste du patrimoine culturel immatériel nécessitant une sauvegarde urgente».
+ info:
La UNESCO invita al lanzamiento de la campaña "Mucho Chile"
La Oficina Regional de Educación para América Latina y el Caribe (OREALC/UNESCO
Santiago), junto con la Radio Universidad de Chile y la Fundación Gonzalo Rojas, tienen el
agrado de invitarle al lanzamiento de la campaña “Mucho Chile”, que se realizará el lunes
26 de septiembre a las 12 hrs. en la Sala Master de la Universidad de Chile, ubicada en la (1 de 4) [14/10/2011 20:04:47]
Patrimonio Intangible
calle Miguel Claro 509, Providencia, Santiago.
El evento, abierto a todo público y a nuestros amigos de la prensa, será una presentación
de los principales contenidos de la campaña. La conducción estará a cargo de Denisse Malebrán y Álvaro Escobar, además
de la presencia del director de la oficina de la UNESCO en Santiago, Jorge Sequeira. El evento contará con la presentación
de la Orquesta Juvenil de Tirúa y una degustación de cocina mapuche a cargo del chef José Luis Calfucura.
+ info:
La dernière classe d'inuit - Université Laval. City of Québec, Québec (Canada)
Par Renée Larochelle
Le 16 décembre prochain, Louis-Jacques Dorais, professeur au Département d’anthropologie
et spécialiste de la langue inuite, donnera son dernier cours avant de prendre sa retraite, lui
qui a enseigné au Département pendant presque 40 ans. Il ne pourra malheureusement pas
passer le flambeau à un autre enseignant puisqu’il est pratiquement le seul à enseigner
cette langue au Québec. «Le cours ne disparaît pas à cause d’un manque d’intérêt des
étudiants, mais parce que la relève en la matière est inexistante, explique Louis-Jacques
Dorais. Il y a bien quelques Inuits à Québec, mais ils ne possèdent aucune formation pour enseigner la langue.» À sa
connaissance, l’inuit n’est pas enseigné ailleurs au Québec qu’à l’Université Laval. «Il y a déjà eu – ou il y a peut-être
encore – des cours qui sont offerts à Ottawa, ainsi qu’à Iqaluit, la capitale du Nunavut, souligne ce docteur en sémantique
inuite. Sinon, il faut aller à Paris, où l’Institut des langues et civilisations orientales offre un programme de formation en
langue et culture inuites.»
+ info:
Table ronde - La voix des esprits : d'un monde à l'autre. Paris, France (22 septembre 2011)
Cultes de possession, état de transe sont des modes de communication avec l’au-delà où l’on fait appel aux
esprits divins, aux ancêtres, aux esprits d’animaux ou aux forces naturelles. Au travers d’exemples —
chamanisme de Corée, vaudou du Bénin, santeria de Cuba, nouveaux christianismes aux Etats-Unis… — il
s’agira de comprendre ces pratiques religieuses et leur place dans la société contemporaine.
+ info:
2011 Special Exhibition of Important Intangible Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Korea
19 septiembre - 28 septiembre 2011 UNESCO Headquarters, Paris. Francia
Organizadores: UNESCO
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
L'Estonie s'invite à la Maison des Cultures du Monde
14 octubre 2011 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Maison des Cultures du Monde
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
La gastronomía francesa honrada en la primera fiesta gastronómica "Fête de la Gastronomie" Francia. 23
September 2011
A partir del día 23 de septiembre toda Francia acompañará el ritmo de la primera fiesta gastronómica (Fête de la
Gastronomie), con eventos donde todos podrán comer y beber. La fiesta es en conmemoración al reconocimiento por
Unesco como “Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la humanidad”, donde desde noviembre de 2010 la comida gastronómica
de los franceses se convirtió en la primera tradición culinaria en formar parte de dicha lista. La fiesta de la Gastronomía
Francesa es como una manifestación popular que tiene por objetivo sensibilizar a un amplio público sobre la elección de
productos, la diversidad de las regiones y de las especialidades regionales.
+ info:
VIRTUAL EXHIBITION - Weddings In Eastern Europe - Europeana Connect
In traditional cultures, the wedding was one of the most important and complex of all social
ceremonies, with its own music repertoire. Although wedding ceremonies from Eastern
Europe were essentially similar, local customs varied from region to region, as well as from
country to country. Ceremonies and rituals reflected concerns with longevity, fertility,
prosperity and happiness. Despite inevitable changes wrought by time, globalisation and
industrialisation, remnants of earlier traditions of music and dance are still preserved in
Eastern European wedding ceremonies until today.
Cultural treasures preserved in the sound archives of Hungary, Lithuania, Poland and Slovenia provide a fascinating look
view at vanishing wedding traditions and rituals in Eastern Europe. These photos, videos and sound recordings reconstruct
a musical impression of a former time.
+ info:
Concluye en La Habana Taller "El patrimonio inmaterial y las comunidades de
afrodescendientes en América Latina" - La Habana - Cuba (20-22 de Septiembre de
Tras dos intensas jornadas de trabajo, concluyó en la capital cubana en la tarde del 22 de (2 de 4) [14/10/2011 20:04:47]
Patrimonio Intangible
septiembre el Taller “El patrimonio inmaterial y las comunidades de afrodescendientes en
América Latina”, evento que tuvo lugar en el Colegio Universitario San Gerónimo de La Habana,
con la participación de expertos de Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba,
Ecuador, Paraguay, Perú y Uruguay.
+ info:
La Revista ORALIDAD recuerda los 25 años de la Reunión sobre Tradiciones Orales en la capital
cubana - UNESCO La Habana - Cuba
A 25 años de la celebración en La Habana de la Reunión sobre Tradiciones Orales, encuentro precursor
organizado por la Oficina Regional de Cultura para América Latina y el Caribe de la UNESCO con el
propósito de definir una política sobre recolección de la tradición oral en América Latina y el Caribe,
establecer prioridades de acción y evaluar el trabajo realizado hasta el momento, dejamos constancia de
nuestro homenaje y gratitud a los expertos que participaron en este importante cónclave.
+ info:
Boletin Nº 12 del Centro Regional para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de America Latina CRESPIAL
El CRESPIAL fue creado en febrero de 2006, a partir de la suscripción en París del Acuerdo de Constitución del CRESPIAL,
firmado entre la UNESCO y el Gobierno del Perú con el objetivo de promover y apoyar acciones de salvaguardia y
protección del vasto patrimonio cultural inmaterial de los pueblos de América Latina. Al ser un Centro de Categoría 2,
cuenta con los auspicios de la UNESCO.
El CRESPIAL se plantea como propósito contribuir a la formulación de políticas públicas en los países de la Región, a partir
de la identificación, valoración y difusión de su cultura viva, acciones que redundarán en el enriquecimiento de la
diversidad cultural de Latinoamérica, y que están conformes con el espíritu de la Convención para la Salvaguardia del
Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial (2003).
+ info:
Exhibition 'Traditional Crafts, Enchanting Korean Beauty'
19 septiembre 2011 - 28 septiembre 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: UNESCO Headquarters
+ info:[showUid]=4537&cHash=68e227e7a4
Cycle de conférences sur les musiques d'Afrique Sub-Saharienne - Cité de la musique
27 septiembre 2011 - 07 febrero 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Cité de la musique
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Maoríes, sus tesoros tienen un alma - Musée du Quai Branly
04 octubre 2011 - 22 enero 2012 París. Francia
Organizadores: Musée du quai Branly
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
L'Apport des prêtres et religieux au patrimoine des minorités - Université Sainte-Anne - Pointe de l'Eglise
19 octubre - 21 octubre 2011 Nouvelle Ecosse. Canadá
Organizadores: la Chaire de recherche en oralité des francophonies minoritaires (COFRAM) et le Groupe de recherche en
études acadiennes (GRÉA) de l’Université Sainte-Anne (Nouvelle-Écosse)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Musique et rituels funéraires à travers le monde - Cité de la musique
03 diciembre 2011 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Cité de la musique
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Publicaciones (3 de 4) [14/10/2011 20:04:47]
Patrimonio Intangible
Art education in the Republic of Kazakhstan: perception of the national traditions and
rapprochement of the cultures; research paper
ISBN 978-601-80091-0-5
Editor: R.Muzafarov
This publication was prepared by the team of experts in arts education in collaboration
with Kazakhstan National Commission for UNESCO and ISESCO, and UNESCO Offices in
Almaty and Moscow. The contributors would like especially to thank for provided support
and sharing the information the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, the
Ministry of Culture of Kazakhstan; and the Secretariat of the Kazakh National Federation of
UNESCO Clubs, which carried out daily administrative support.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (4 de 4) [14/10/2011 20:04:47]
Lenguas y Toponimia
Lenguas y Toponimia
Projet de création du Trésor des associations lexicales de la francophonie - Université nationale de recherche
de Novossibirsk - Fédération de Russie
L’Université Nationale de Recherche de Novossibirsk (Russie) poursuit un projet de création du Trésor des associations
lexicales de la Francophonie.
La première étape de ce projet, consacrée au français « hexagonal » s’est achevée en 2009 et le dictionnaire des
associations verbales du français peut être consulté à cette adresse :
Ce dictionnaire prend place parmi les ouvrages analogues créés selon la méthode élaborée au sein de l’Institut de
Linguistique de Moscou : Dictionnaire les Associations du russe, des langues slaves, de l’espagnol et autres.
+ info:
La dernière classe d'inuit - Université Laval. City of Québec, Québec (Canada)
Par Renée Larochelle
Le 16 décembre prochain, Louis-Jacques Dorais, professeur au Département d’anthropologie
et spécialiste de la langue inuite, donnera son dernier cours avant de prendre sa retraite, lui
qui a enseigné au Département pendant presque 40 ans. Il ne pourra malheureusement pas
passer le flambeau à un autre enseignant puisqu’il est pratiquement le seul à enseigner
cette langue au Québec. «Le cours ne disparaît pas à cause d’un manque d’intérêt des
étudiants, mais parce que la relève en la matière est inexistante, explique Louis-Jacques
Dorais. Il y a bien quelques Inuits à Québec, mais ils ne possèdent aucune formation pour enseigner la langue.» À sa
connaissance, l’inuit n’est pas enseigné ailleurs au Québec qu’à l’Université Laval. «Il y a déjà eu – ou il y a peut-être
encore – des cours qui sont offerts à Ottawa, ainsi qu’à Iqaluit, la capitale du Nunavut, souligne ce docteur en sémantique
inuite. Sinon, il faut aller à Paris, où l’Institut des langues et civilisations orientales offre un programme de formation en
langue et culture inuites.»
+ info:
Élan-Afrique : consolider le francais en développant les langues africaines
Face aux difficultés d'apprentissage du français dans les écoles des Etats francophones d'Afrique et aux revendications en
faveur des langues nationales, une initiative qui touche déjà 8 états promeut la scolarisation bilingue. Mais comment
choisir la langue nationale, dans des pays où se côtoient parfois plusieurs dizaines de langues ? Et le français est-il une
langue d'ouverture, ou la manifestation d'une époque à jamais révolue ?
+ info:
Colloque en marge du 50e anniversaire de l'AUF (Agence universitaire de la
Francophonie) sur le thème :« Le français, langue de l'innovation »
La langue française doit rester un support actif pour la diffusion des connaissances,
anciennes et nouvelles : pas seulement dans les humanités, mais également dans tous les
secteurs du savoir.
Le développement de la recherche et sa nécessaire visibilité ne doivent pas être
subordonnés à son expression dans une seule langue, pour l’instant l’anglais, devenue pour
un très grand nombre de chercheurs, d’enseignants et d’étudiants, un idiome second, de
simple communication. Ils ont besoin d’une langue qui favorise et encourage les créations conceptuelles et la formulation
de techniques originales, énonçables dans l’idiome utilisé depuis les premiers enseignements scolaires, offrant ainsi des
moyens d’expressivité précise.
+ info: (1 de 2) [14/10/2011 20:04:48]
Lenguas y Toponimia
L'Apport des prêtres et religieux au patrimoine des minorités - Université Sainte-Anne - Pointe de l'Eglise
19 octubre - 21 octubre 2011 Nouvelle Ecosse. Canadá
Organizadores: la Chaire de recherche en oralité des francophonies minoritaires (COFRAM) et le Groupe de recherche en
études acadiennes (GRÉA) de l’Université Sainte-Anne (Nouvelle-Écosse)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Forum mondial de la langue française
02 julio - 06 julio 2012 Québec City, Québec. Canadá
Organizadores: l’Organisation internationale de la Francophonie en collaboration avec le gouvernement du Québec
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Ir a arriba (2 de 2) [14/10/2011 20:04:48]
Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas
Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas
Yao Ming Calls for a Shark Fin Ban in China
International conservation organization WildAid, Chinese basketball star and WildAid Ambassador, Yao Ming, and leading
Chinese entrepreneur Zhang Yue have joined forces with British entrepreneur, Sir Richard Branson and his non-profit
foundation Virgin Unite, in a global campaign to save sharks. Branson and Yao filmed public service announcements in
support of WildAid’s shark campaign drawing attention to the increasing demand for shark fin soup and the devastating
effect this demand is having on global shark populations. The messages will broadcast across national and international
media via WildAid’s pro-bono media network, beginning today and are available at…
+ info:
Une nouvelle espèce de crustacé en Méditerranée : Caprella tavolarensis
Parfois, les découvertes se font là où on les attend le moins... A l'image de Caprella tavolarensis, une nouvelle espèce de
crustacé amphipode, qui a récemment été trouvée par Nicolas Sturaro, chercheur du Laboratoire d'Océanologie de
l'Université de Liège. Cette espèce a été découverte dans le cadre de son projet de recherche qui n'a pas pour objectif de
découvrir de nouvelles espèces mais d'étudier le rôle écologique des zones protégées en mer Méditerranée.
+ info:
TiHo ( Fondation de l'école vétérinaire de Hanovre) fonde un nouvel institut de recherche sur les animaux
sauvages - Hanovre - Allemagne
La Fondation de l'école vétérinaire de Hanovre (TiHo) a décidé d'élargir son spectre de recherche en se lançant dans l'étude
approfondie de la faune sauvage. Depuis longtemps déjà les scientifiques de la TiHo portent leur attention sur les animaux
terrestres non domestiqués observés dans la région (sangliers, perdrix, chats sauvages...). Désormais ils se concentrent
également sur les mammifères marins tels les phoques et les marsouins. Afin de fusionner ces deux domaines de
recherche, la TiHo fonde un nouvel institut pour étudier la faune sauvage terrestre et marine qui sera dirigé par Ursula
Siebert. Les recherches sur les mammifères marins s'effectueront dans la nouvelle annexe de la TiHo située dans la ville de
Büsum dans le Land de Schleswig-Holstein.
+ info:
Réunion autour du programme de recherche BIOACID sur l'acidification des océans - Brême - Allemagne (2630 septembre 2011)
Plus de 100 chercheurs spécialisés dans la recherche marine vont se rencontrer du 26 au 30 septembre à l'Université de
Brême. Le thème abordé sera l'augmentation du dioxyde de carbone dans l'atmosphère qui non seulement entraîne une
augmentation des températures mais également du taux d'acidité des océans. L'importance de ce phénomène et les fortes
conséquences qui en découlent ont commencé à retenir l'attention des spécialistes depuis quelques années déjà. Ils
craignent qu'une telle acidification entraîne une diminution de la résistance des récifs coralliens et autres mollusques
présentant un squelette ou une coquille calcaire. Le programme national de recherche BIOACID regroupe 14 instituts
partenaires ainsi que diverses entreprises travaillant dans le domaine de la technologie des capteurs. Sous l'égide de
BIOACID, se sont des biologistes, des chimistes et des physiciens experts du domaine marin, ainsi que des biologistes
moléculaires, paléontologues et mathématiciens qui discuteront de leurs nouvelles découvertes dans le domaine de
l'acidification des océans et d'informer leurs collègues sur les nouvelles techniques de mesures développées.
+ info:
La réapparition rapide des récifs après la plus grande extinction de tous
les temps (1 de 3) [14/10/2011 20:04:51]
Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas
Après l'extinction qui a marqué la fin de l'ère primaire, il y a 252,6 millions
d'années, les récifs à animaux multicellulaires ont mis moins de deux millions
d'années pour réapparaître et se diversifier. Jusqu'à présent, on pensait que ce
temps de récupération avait été d’une dizaine de millions d'années. Ces résultats
ont été obtenus par une équipe internationale menée par quatre chercheurs
français du laboratoire Biogéosciences (CNRS/Université de Bourgogne) et du Laboratoire de géologie de Lyon : Terre,
planètes et environnement (CNRS/Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1/ENS Lyon). Ils seront publiés le 1er octobre dans la
revue Nature Geoscience.
+ info:
Un estudio realizado a bordo de Tara en enero 2011 revela la presencia de plástico
en las aguas antárticas
Los científicos del Algalita Marine Research Foundation, Long Beach, California, en
colaboración con Tara Expeditions, dan a conocer su descubrimiento de una importante
contaminación por plástico en las aguas antárticas, 9 meses después de la navegación de
Tara en la Antártida como parte de la expedición Tara Oceans. Todas las muestras recogidas
en esta campaña en el Océano Antártico contenían plástico, desde 956 hasta 42826
fragmentos de plástico por kilómetro cuadrado alrededor de las estaciones de muestreo. Las
muestras fueron tomadas en capas de la superficie del océano y demuestran que este tipo de contaminación es ahora
detectable en todos los rincones del planeta.
+ info:
Name a worm at Museum's Science Uncovered event - Natural Museum of
History - London - United Kingdom- (23 September 2011)
This worm needs a name! It is a new species and visitors to the Museum's Science
Uncovered event on 23 September 2011 can help suggest a name for this and 4 others.
What would you call a deep-sea worm that lives off the rotting carcass of a whale?
Whatever your imagination comes up with, bring your suggestions along to the Science
Uncovered event tonight at the Natural History Museum and get the chance to name a
+ info:
Shark populations along Great Barrier Reef in decline - John Cook University - Queensland - Australia
Sharks are in big trouble on the Great Barrier Reef and worldwide, according to an Australian-based team who have
developed a world-first way to measure rates of decline in shark populations.
“There is mounting evidence of widespread, substantial, and ongoing declines in the abundance of shark populations
worldwide, coincident with marked rises in global shark catches in the last half-century,” say Mizue Hisano, Professor Sean
Connolly and Dr William Robbins from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies and James Cook University…
+ info:
Attaque de requin à La Réunion : tuer dix requins ne résoudra pas le problème
En réponse à l’attaque mortelle survenue lundi, la préfecture a ordonné le «
prélèvement » de dix requins. Pour FNE et son association réunionnaise la SREPEN, la
pêche punitive n’est pas la solution.
Sur les côtes de la Réunion, conformément à la décision du préfet, la chasse est
ouverte. Or on sait par expérience que les pêches préventives ou punitives, peu
importe le nom qu'on leur donne, ne sont en aucun cas une solution permettant de
protéger efficacement les usagers de la mer du « risque requin ». Par ailleurs, les
requins sont déjà l’objet de captures mal maîtrisées.
+ info:
Especialistas identifican a las poblaciones de tortugas marinas más amenazadas del
mundo - UICN (Unión Internacional de Conservación de la Naturaleza)
Los especialistas en tortugas marinas más destacados del mundo han descubierto que cerca de
la mitad (el 45%) de las poblaciones de tortugas marinas amenazadas del planeta se hallan en
el norte del Océano Índico. El estudio determinó asimismo que las amenazas más importantes a
todas las poblaciones en cuestión son las capturas accidentales durante la pesca de otras
especies y la recolección de huevos de tortugas para comerlos o la explotación comercial del
+ info:
Chroniques du plancton - 2010, série de films courts
Cette série de films courts tournée en haute définition dévoile tout un éventail d'organismes
planctoniques collectés en Méditerranée et dans l'Océan Indien durant la première année
d'expédition de la goélette Tara. Trois sortes de planctons sont montrés ici : propulsé par huit
rangées de peignes, Pleurobrachia (1 min 35) déploie deux longs tentacules pour pêcher des
crustacés ; il s'agit de l'espèce la plus ancienne connue à avoir développé… (2 de 3) [14/10/2011 20:04:51]
Biodiversidad Marina y de Costas
+ info:
World's Largest Shark Sanctuary Declared in Central Pacific - Marshall Islands
The Republic of the Marshall Islands is now home to the world’s largest shark sanctuary. The Nitijela, the Marshallese
parliament, unanimously passed legislation this week that ends commercial fishing of sharks in all 1,990,530 square
kilometers (768,547 square miles) of the central Pacific country’s waters, an ocean area four times the landmass of
+ info:
Un lien établi entre la raréfaction du saumon et les poux de mer
Une nouvelle étude codirigée par Brendan Conners [1], chercheur à l'Université Simon Fraser de Vancouver, vient de faire
le lien entre des infestations de fermes de saumon en Colombie-Britannique par des poux de mer et la diminution des
saumons sauvages roses et coho dans le Nord de l'Ile de Vancouver.
+ info:
6th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (Hong Kong)
14 diciembre - 16 diciembre 2011 Kowloon, Hong Kong. China
Organizadores: The University of Hong Kong
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
L'encyclopédie du littoral - Conservatoire du littoral (France)
Cet ouvrage retrace, région après région, site après site, le chemin parcouru depuis les toutes
premières acquisitions du Conservatoire du littoral. Il dresse le portrait de ces territoires d’exception
dont les qualités biologiques, culturelles, sociales et économiques inspirent l’action de l’établissement,
aujourd’hui garant de la protection de 138 000 hectares parmi les plus beaux paysages de nos rivages.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (3 de 3) [14/10/2011 20:04:51]
Patrimonio Cultural marítimo y militar/defensivo
Patrimonio Cultural marítimo y militar/defensivo
Interactive Dig Johnson's Island: Unlocking a Civil War Prison - Ohio - USA
Join archaeologist David Bush beyond the "dead line" at Johnson's Island, Ohio. This year,
our investigations are centered on Block 8 within the Prison Compound.
ARCHAEOLOGY joined Bush and his crew in 2002 as they headed into the field to excavate
barracks that once housed Confederate POWs. We returned to Johnson’s Island in 2006,
2007, and 2008 to follow investigations of the prison hospital, where work continues in
David Bush joined Heidelberg College’s Center for Historic and Military Archaeology in
1998 to focus exclusively on the Johnson’s Island Prisoner of War Depot. He is also chairman of the Friends and
Descendents of Johnson’s Island, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of this National Historic Landmark
+ info:
Odyssey Confirms Discovery of SS Gairsoppa Shipwreck. Tampa, Florida (USA)
Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. (Nasdaq:OMEX) announced today that it has confirmed the identity and location of the
shipwreck site of the SS Gairsoppa nearly 4,700 meters below the surface of the North Atlantic, approximately 300 miles
off the coast of Ireland in international waters. The SS Gairsoppa was a 412-foot steel-hulled British cargo ship that was
torpedoed by a German U-boat in February 1941 while enlisted in the service of the United Kingdom (UK) Ministry of War
Transport. Contemporary research and official documents indicate that the ship was carrying £600,000 (1941 value) or 7
Million total ounces of silver, including over 3 Million ounces of private silver bullion insured by the UK government which
would make it the largest known precious metal cargo ever recovered from the sea. In 2010, the UK Government
Department for Transport awarded Odyssey, through a competitive tender process, the exclusive salvage contract for the
cargo of the SS Gairsoppa. Under the salvage agreement Odyssey will retain 80% of the net salved value of the silver
bullion recovered under the contract.
+ info:
Fortress of Fortezza - Markus Scherer with Walter Dietl - 2009 - Franzensfeste - Italy
“Begun under Francis I in the year 1833 – completed by Ferdinand I in the year 1838”, reads the Latin
inscription over the gate of the fortress. In just five years, over 6,000 workers and soldiers built a blocking
position at one of the narrowest points in the Eisack valley. It has the dimensions of a small town and, with
a surface area of 20 hectares, is the largest fortification in the Alpine region. With this monumental
defensive work the Habsburgs hoped to halt the advance of the revolutionary changes provoked by the
French revolution. Designed by regimental engineer Franz von Scholl, it consists of three autonomous
sections: the upper, middle and lower fortress levels. It has clear and simple classicist lines; it is functional
and impregnable. As the military threat did not materialize in the decades following its construction, however, the fortress
rapidly lost its importance. By the end of the 19th century it was merely used as a powder depot. In 1918 Franzensfeste
came under Italian rule and was used by the army until 2003.
+ info:
The National Maritime Museum Reopens After Refurbishment - Amsterdam
- The Netherlands
Het Scheepvaartmuseum, the National Maritime Museum, is open again! With a 3D
projection on the walls of our building the Arsenal, we returned our museum to the
public on Saturday evening 1 October. Hundreds enjoyed the show and the closing (1 de 2) [14/10/2011 20:04:53]
Patrimonio Cultural marítimo y militar/defensivo
Saturday’s Grand Opening concluded a week of opening festivities. Guest of honor
was Queen Beatrix, who visited two exhibitions. She arrived in style on her ship De
Groene Draeck (‘the Green Dragon’), "a sporting and generous gesture," according to director-general Willem Bijleveld.
Deputy Mayor Eric van der Burg called it “a true tour de force” that Het Scheepvaartmuseum was the last big Amsterdam
museum to close for renovations and the first to reopen. State Secretary for Culture Halbe Zijlstra said the Netherlands
should be proud of a museum "that reflects the Dutch maritime history in every way possible”.
+ info:
Park Avenue Armory unveils design for multi-year project by Herzog and De
Meuron - New York - New York State - USA
Park Avenue Armory today unveiled the designs by Herzog & de Meuron for the renovation,
restoration, and transformation of one of the country’s most important landmarks into a new
kind of cultural facility and institution. The multi-year project reinvigorates the original
design of the historic building, which includes the 55,000-square-foot Wade Thompson Drill
Hall and an array of period rooms by some of the most innovative designers of the 19th
century, while advancing the Armory’s mission, dedicated to the creation and presentation of
visual and performing art that cannot be realized within the limitations of traditional performance halls and white-wall
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Masterpieces of Civil War Portraiture from the Burns Collection - Robert Anderson Gallery
28 septiembre - 12 noviembre 2011 New York, New York State. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Robert Anderson Gallery
+ info:
CONFERENCE - Modern Conflict Archaeology Conference - University of Bristol
22 octubre 2011 Bristol. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: University of Bristol, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology.
Contacto: John Winterburn - [email protected]
+ info:
Ir a arriba (2 de 2) [14/10/2011 20:04:53]
Patrimonio Moderno y Contemporáneo
Patrimonio Moderno y Contemporáneo
AD Classics: The Kreuzberg Tower - John Hejduk - 1988 - Berlin - Germany
In April of 2010 the architecture community gathered to protect one of the many at risk postmodern buildings of the
1980s. The new owners of the Kreuzberg Tower by John Hejduk drew negative attention from notable architects when they
began altering the building’s façade. The Kreuzberg Tower’s façade has now been restored, and the attention it received
reflects on its postmodern history, and the prominence of its important designer.
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AD Classics: Villa Tugendhat - Mies van der Rohe - 1930 - Brno - Czech Republic
The Villa Tugendhat was commissioned by the wealthy newlyweds Grete & Fritz Tugendhat, a Jewish couple with family
money from textile manufacturing companies in Brno. The couple met Mies van der Rohe in Berlin in 1927, and was
already impressed by his design for the Zehlendorf house of Edward Fuchs. As fans of spacious homes with simple forms,
Mies’ free plan method was perfect for the Tugendhats’ taste; however, he was not their only interest in an architect for
their own home. They originally confronted Brno’s foremost modern architect at the time, Arnost Wiesner, but after visiting
various projects by each architect, the Tugendhats ultimately went with Mies.
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AD Classics: Armenian Opera Theater - Alexander Tamanian - 1930-1953 - Yerevan - Armenia
Opened in 1933 and completed in its current state in 1953, the Armenian Opera Theater was designed by Armenian
architect Alexander Tamanian. The theater is one of Tamanian’s most profilic architectural works, which include a plethora
of Armenian architectural icons such as his hydroelectric station (1926), Republic Square (1926–1941) and many others.
The Opera Theater is located in Armenia’s capital city of Yerevan and functions as the primary performance hall in the city,
containing the Aram Khatchaturian concert hall, the National Theatre of Opera and the Alexander Spendiarian ballet. Sited
adjacent to Tamanian’s Republic Square and Cascade Stairwell, this magnificent structure is centrally located within
Yerevan proper and one of the most visible structures in the country.
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AD Classics: Bagsværd Church - Jørn Utzon - 1968-1976 - Bagsværd - Denmark
The Bagsværd Church by Jørn Utzon was completed in 1976. Though not his most famous work, the church is an example
of the architect’s inventive work at a different scale. Utzon designed the church with an unassuming exterior that merely
hints at the stirring forms he created inside.The Bagsværd Church was Utzon’s first work after returning to Denmark from
Austrailia and the Sydney Opera House, which he designed. It is located on the northern outskirts of Copenhagen in a
suburban setting. The church stands almost unassuming as a simple, modern structure amidst birch trees, with its back to
a local street.
+ info:
Appeal by DOCoMoMo (International Committee for Documentation & Conservation of buildings, sites &
neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement) Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music - Japan
The Aichi Geidai (the Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music), designed by one of Japan’s leading architects of
the modern era, was founded in 1966. The worth of the Aichi Geidai is not only its architectural importance but also its
surrounding natural habitat of over 45 hectares of land containing endangered species of flora and fauna. This uniquely
valuable campus is now in danger and is about to disappear. We are collecting petition signatures on the web to protest
the demolition of the campus, which is already in progress. We appeal to the following authorities to STOP and
RECONSIDER the renovation project at once. Ministry of the Environment. Ministry of Education,Culture, Sports, Science & (1 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:04:57]
Patrimonio Moderno y Contemporáneo
Technology in Japan, Aichi Prefectural Government, Public University Corporation. Please click on the left button and go to
the online petition site.
+ info:
Neubau Depot und Verwaltung RUHR MUSEUM - Scheidt Kasprusch Architekten - 2010
- Zollverein - Essen - Germany
An extreme restraint for all structural addition within the context of the world heritage – the
colliery of Zollverein with all architectural qualities and inestimable historic values – is
indicated. The course of the design for the new depot of the Ruhr Museum was based on
serenity and mastery.
Clear geometry and decreased material selection were ways and methods for the design. On
the one hand, the building is positioned into the correct context, on the other hand it abstracts
and sublimates this context.
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AD Classics: Xanadu House - Roy Mason - 1983 - Kissimmee - Florida - USA
Heralded as “House of the Future”, the Xanadu House by Roy Mason is a domed structure
constructed completely form insulating polyurethane foam. The house was appropriately
built less than 30 miles away from Disney World’s “Land of Tomorrow” Epcot Center and the
two were opened only a few months apart.
The Xanadu House Project consisted of three show homes throughout the United States; the
other two were constructed in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin and Gatlinburg, Tennessee. The
point of the homes was to show the general public that this innovative structure could
provide a low cost modern home that could be built quickly and easily. The Kissimmee House was the most popular,
partially because of its size but also because of its prime location. At its high point the house was attracting 1000 visitors
per day.
+ info:
AD Classics: Yale Center for British Art - Louis Kahn - 1974 - New Haven Connecticut - USA
Across the street from Louis Kahn’s first significant piece of architecture stands his last. The
Yale Center for British Art was completed in 1974, the year of Kahn’s death and 23 years
after its neighbor, The Yale University Art Gallery was finished. A style and theoretical
change throughout a career is visible in one scene.
Unlike most galleries, the design prompt for the Yale’s British Art Gallery called for very
specific needs. Being part of an educational institution the agenda called for several learning
oriented spaces. The program consisted of stipulations for exhibition space and storage space for paintings, sculpture,
drawings and prints; a rare book collection; a research library; a photograph archive; an auditorium; classrooms;
workshops and offices; and conservation facilities.
+ info:
AD Classics: David S. Ingalls Skating Rink - Eero Saarinen - 1958 - New Haven Connecticut - USA
Built in 1958, the David S Ingalls Skating Rink is characterized by a sweeping domed roof, was
designed by Yale graduate Eero Saarinen and is lovingly known as the Yale whale. This hockey
rink contains a span 200 feet long by 85 feet wide and does so with a natural sense of flow and
Though the rink is seemingly heavy and brutal it is truly a tensile structure. The main structure
comes from a 290 foot long central arched backbone of reinforced concrete. From this central
support the timber roof is “hung” on a cable net structure which gives it the signature double curve. Further cables running
from the central arch to the outer edges of the building help stabilize the structure against wind loads.
+ info:
AD Classics: Cosmic Rays Pavilion - Felix Candela - 1951 - Mexico City - Mexico
The Cosmic Rays Pavilion represents one of the first experiments with parabolic structures.
The double curved structure is made of a very thin layer of concrete, exemplifying its
structural and design capabilities. These mathematically complex structures define the
popular architecture of the pavilion’s designer Felix Candela.
Measuring 40 feet by 35 feet the pavilion, the structure contains two laboratory spaces
specializing in the measurement of cosmic rays and nuclear disintegration for the
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Ciudad Universitaria.
+ info:
AD Classics: Chandigarh Secretariat - Le Corbusier - 1951-1962 - Chandigarh India
Taking over from Albert Mayer, Le Corbusier produced a plan for Chandigarh on the foothills
of the Himalayas that conformed to the modern city planning principles of Congrès
International d’Architecture Moderne (CIAM), in terms of division of urban function, an
anthropomorphic plan form, and a hierarchy of road and pedestrian networks, Inherently,
the Secretariat building is the largest edifice in the Capitol Complex and is the headquarters
of both the Punjab and Haryana governments. (2 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:04:57]
Patrimonio Moderno y Contemporáneo
Le Corbusier’s plan for the capitol consisted of four buildings (or “edifices”) and six monuments arranged on a single site,
loosely conceptualized as three interlocking squares. Only three of these four buildings were ever realized (the High Court,
the Legislative Assembly, and the Secretariat) and were designed to represent the major functions of democracy — the
fourth building, the Governor’s Palace, was never built.
+ info:
Another look at 3XN's Museum of Liverpool - 2011 - Liverpool - United Kingdom
Opened on July 19th the new Museum of Liverpool by 3XN serves as a meeting point for
history, the people of Liverpool, and visitors from around the globe. Featured on ArchDaily
in July (see the full project feature here) photographer José Campos recently shared with us
his photographs of this impressive museum.
+ info:
NEWS - AD Classics: Shrine of the Book - Armand Phillip Bartos and Frederick John
Kiesler - 1965 - Jerusalem - Israel
The Shrine of the Book (Hebrew: ‫רפסה לכיה‬‎ Heikhal HaSefer) is a wing of the Israel Musem
near Givat Ram in Jerusalem, constructed in 1965. The building houses the Dead Sea Scrolls,
discovered between 1947 and 1956 in and around the Wadi Qurman.
The building was the result of an elaborate seven-year planning process funded by the
family of David Samuel Gottesman, a Hungarian philanthropist who purchased the scrolls as
a gift to the newly founded state of Israel. One architect, American
philanthropist-cum-designer Armand Phillip Bartos, was chosed because he was married to Gottesman’s daughter. The
other appointed architect, Frederick John Kiesler, had previously recieved funding from Gottesman to install the “Endless
house” at the Museum of Modern Art. The architectural team also included the well-connected Gezer Heller, brother-in-law
to Ibbi Hammer, future chief banker for the State of Israel and daughter of the Chief Rabbi of Budapest. Israelis objected
to the choice of non-Israeli architects, especially Kiesler.
+ info:
AD Classics: Bavinger House - Bruce Goff - 1950-1955 - Norman - Oklahoma - USA
The mid-century modern movement found an odd yet welcoming home in the small town of
Norman, Oklahoma. One of its most notable contributors was organic aficionado Bruce Goff.
Goff came to popularity in the 1940’s as both instructor and practitioner of his eclectic brand of
architecture. Goff’s 1950′s Bavinger House is seen by many as the crowning achievement of his
extensive body of work.
The Bavinger House put a new twist on the naturalist modernism of Goff’s contemporaries.
Where Wright used flat planes and conventional floor plans, Goff introduced distinctive floor
plans, mixing materiality with eccentric spaces to produce a desired effect.
+ info:
AD Classics: Koshino House - Tadao Ando - 1980-1984 - Ashiya - Hyogo - Japan
Tadao Ando’s design for the Koshino House features two parallel concrete rectangular confines.
The forms are partially buried into the sloping ground of a national park and become a
compositional addition to the landscape. Placed carefully as to not disrupt the pre-existing trees
on the site, the structure responds to the adjacent ecosystem while the concrete forms address
a more general nature through a playful manipulation of light. More about the Koshino House
after the break.
The northern volume consists of a two-storey height containing a double height living room, a
kitchen and a dining room on the first floor with the master bedroom and a study on the second floor. The southern mass
then consists of six linearly organized children’s bedrooms, a bathroom and a lobby. Connecting the two spaces is a below
grade tunnel that lies beneath the exterior stairs of the courtyard.
+ info:
Pablo Serrano Museum extension - José Manuel Pérez Latorre - 2011 - Zaragoza - Spain
Wojtek Gurak, a friend of ArchDaily and photographer, recently shared with us his photographs of the Pablo
Serrano Museum in Zaragoza, Spain. The expansion of the Museum, designed by José Manuel Pérez
Latorre, was completed in March of this year. The expansion triples the size of the original museum that
opened in 1994. Check out more photos after the break.
+ info:
Museum Closure Exposes Financial Risk of Signature Architecture - American Folk Art Museum New York - New York State - USA
NEW YORK–Although the American Folk Art Museum has avoided dissolution thanks to a cash infusion
from trustees and the Ford Foundation, the institution’s ongoing financial troubles raise difficult questions
about the relationship between signature architecture and cultural capital.
The museum’s former home on 53rd Street opened in 2001 after a renovation by Billie Tsien and Tod
Williams. To finance the construction, the museum borrowed $32 million by issuing bonds through the
city’s Trust for Cultural Resources, a public benefit corporation that helps cultural institutions borrow
money for capital projects. The payments on the bonds were significant, about $3 million a year, and in 2009, the museum
defaulted on the debt. (3 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:04:57]
Patrimonio Moderno y Contemporáneo
Despite early optimism, the American Folk Art Museum’s renovation project did not raise attendance or donations to the
levels needed. Last year, as it ran a nearly $4 million deficit, the museum raised just $3.3 million from donors. As we
reported in May, the museum was forced to sell its building on West 53rd Street to the Museum of Modern Art to pay off
the debt. Before opening, consultants predicted the building would draw 255,000 visitors a year by 2005. In 2011, the
museum only attracted the equivalent of 160,000 per year.
+ info:
AD Classics: Menil Collection - Renzo Piano - 1982-1986 - Houston - Texas - USA
Most important Architectural additions to a city are those of spectacle, meant to stand out
and grab attention, such as Frank Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, or Daniel
Libeskind’s extension to the Denver Art Museum. But when Renzo Piano made his American
debut with the Menil Collection 25 years ago, the result was far from spectacle, but rather
more supplementary to an already established neighborhood scale.
Most important Architectural additions to a city are those of spectacle, meant to stand out
and grab attention, such as Frank Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, or Daniel
Libeskind’s extension to the Denver Art Museum. But when Renzo Piano made his American debut with the Menil Collection
25 years ago, the result was far from spectacle, but rather more supplementary to an already established neighborhood
+ info:
Architecture City Guide: Lisbon - Portugal
This week, with the help of our readers, our Architecture City Guide is headed to Lisbon.
We put together a list of 12 modern/contemporary buildings that we feel provides a
good starting point. It is far from complete. There are dozens of other great buildings
that are not our list, and we are looking to add to the list in the near future. Please add
your favorites in the comment section below so we can add them on the second go
around. Again thank you to all our readers who sent in their suggestions and
photographs. The city guides would not be possible without your help.
To check out other cities visit our world map or our Architecture City Guide page.
The Architecture City Guide: Lisbon list and corresponding map after the break.
+ info:
Frank Lloyd Wright's Historic Park Inn Restored - Mason City - Iowa - USA
The restoration of The Historic Park Inn Hotel marks the culmination of efforts begun in
the 1970’s. The property was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1972
and various attempts at renovation were made over the years.
The $18.5 million restoration has restored the building to its 1910 appearance and into a
27-room boutique hotel. Public spaces in the hotel have also been restored, with period
appropriate furnishings throughout the hotel.
The Historic Park Inn Hotel is a perfect example of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Prairie School
design and the only commercial structure in the state of Iowa.
+ info:
AD Classics: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation - Ruy Jervis d'Athouguia, Pedro Cid and
Alberto Pessoa - 1959-1969 - Lisbon - Portugal
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and Museum is one of the less well known architectural
gems in Portugal. The buildings are part of their own isolated campus in Palhavã, in the center
of Lisbon. Architects Ruy Jervis d’Athouguia, Pedro Cid and Alberto Pessoa designed the
campus and the buildings in memory of the foundation’s namesake, and both the foundation
and the buildings have only grown more respected over the decades. More on the buildings
after the break.
Ruy Jervis d’Athouguia, Pedro Cid and Alberto Pessoa received the commission for the Gulbenkian Foundation and Museum
after winning a competition in 1959. The competition invited three teams of three architects to propose their ideas for
buildings that would serve as a cultural center and museum for the late Calouste Gulbenkian’s impressive art collection.
The final designs were constructed in 1969.
+ info:
On Oikonomia: Saarinen's Ezra Stiles College Open After $55M Renovation - New Haven Connecticut - USA
NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT–Yale’s Ezra Stiles College, designed by Eero Saarinen and completed in
1961, reopened to students last month after a one-year, $55 million dollar renovation. The project was
the last in a complete overhaul of all the residential colleges at Yale, which started in 1998 and has
cost over $500 million (adjusted for inflation).
Students are happy with the work, praising the new brick pizza oven in the dining hall, shift from
single to suite-style rooms, and improved furniture and lighting. Jon Rubin ’12 told the Yale Daily News
(YDN) the renovated Stiles is “definitely a step up” from the college he lived in two years ago.
+ info:
AD Classics: Pearl Bank Apartments - Tan Cheng Siong - 1969-1976 - Chinatown Singapore
At the time of its completion in 1976, the Pearl Bank Apartment complex was the highest (4 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:04:57]
Patrimonio Moderno y Contemporáneo
density and tallest residential structure in Singapore at 38 stories. The total height of the
horseshoe-shaped complex exceeded 430’ tall and was home for over 1,500 inhabitants.
Designed by Tan Cheng Siong of Archurban Architects & Planners, Pearl Bank served as a
beacon of contemporary residential design and acted as precedent to the subsequent highdensity urban development in Singapore and throughout southeast Asia.
Organizationally, the parti of the Pearl Bank Apartments is a ¾ cylindrical tower enveloping a west-facing interior courtyard
on the lower level. Not only did this orientation minimize solar heat gain from the afternoon sun, it also was vital to
capturing the magnificent views afforded at the top of Pearl’s Hill. The cylindrical shape of the tower suggested various
structural methods, including the ten arrayed shear walls whose mass serve as physical and acoustic separation between
adjacent units.
+ info:
AD Classics: Rothko Chapel - Philip Johnson, Howard Barnstone, Eugene Aubry and
Mark Rothko - 1971 - Houston - Texas - USA
In 1964 Mark Rothko was commissioned by John and Dominique de Menil (who are also
founders of the nearby Menil Collection that is housed in the Renzo Piano-designed Menil
Museum and Cy Twombly Gallery) to create a meditative space filled with his site-specific
paintings. The original architect assigned to work alongside Rothko was Philip Johnson, with
whom Rothko clashed over their distinct ideas for the building. Rothko would object to the
monumentality of Johnson’s plan as distracting from the artwork it was to house. For this
reason the Chapel would go through several revisions and architects working on the meditative space. Rothko continued
first with Howard Barnstone and then Eugene Aubry, but ultimately did not live to see the chapel’s completion in 1971. It
was after a long struggle with depression that Rothko committed suicide in his New York Studio on February 25th, 1970.
+ info:
AD Classics: Oak Ridge New Town Master Plan - Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) 1942-1949 - Oak Ridge - Tennessee - USA
Many engineers, scientists, and other workers were recruited to East Tennessee during WWII
for the development of the Manhattan Project. Because of this growth, SOM was contracted to
design a master plan and home designs for the secret site planned by the U.S. Federal
Government. The Oak Ridge New Town Master Plan would become a foundation for urban
design projects not just for SOM, but for American standards as well.
+ info:
AD Classics: Institut du Monde Arabe - Jean Nouvel - 1987 - Paris - France
In the early eighties Jean Nouvel in conjunction with Architecture-Studio won the competition
to design what would become the Institut du Monde Arabe. It was conceived during the Grands
Projets, a major development initiative headed by the French government. The IMA was
produced through collaboration with the countries of the Arab League and the French
government. Upon its completion in 1987, it quickly became a popular destination for the local
populace as well as tourists. More details after the break.
One of the main reasons behind the construction of this institute was to create a destination
devoted to the relationship of the Arab culture with France. Located at the threshold of the historical peripheries of Paris
along the River Seine, it responds to its immediate context both in plan and elevation. In plan it follows the curvature of
the road, whose form is dictated by the river.
+ info:
Puerta de Europa - Philip Johnson & John Burgee - 1989-1996 - Madrid (España)
Las Torres KIO de Madrid en realidad se llaman Torres 'Puerta de Europa' y recibieron ese
nombre porque fueron promovidas por la empresa Kuwait Investments Office (KIO) aunque
fueron terminadas finalmente por Caja Madrid. Diseñadas por los arquitectos estadounidenses
Philip Johnson y John Burgee en 1989, fueron los primeros rascacielos inclinados del mundo.
Las Torres KIO son dos torres de cristal, granito y metal, inversamente simétricas de 114
metros de altura repartidos en 27 plantas y destaca su inclinación de 15º respecto a la vertical.
El secreto de su construcción se basa en que la mayoría de su peso descansa sobre un eje
central de concreto y acero que estructura cada una de ellas, mientras que la parte 'inclinada' de cada una de las torres es
mucho más ligera.
+ info:
Torre Blancas - Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oiza - 1969 - Madrid - España
Les presentamos una selección de fotos de Flickr del edificio Torres Blancas en Madrid. Un edificio al que se
ha calificado como ‘obra maestra del organicismo’, y según la Wikipedia, Saénz de Oiza en este proyecto
aunó en una síntesis personal a Le Corbusier y Frank Lloyd Wright. De Le Corbusier, la idea de viviendas
con jardín en altura, como en los Inmuebles Villa, y de Wright, el esquema de la planta de la torre Price –
pero con una forma totalmente distinta. El edificio Torres Blancas es una de las buenas obras de Saenz de
Oiza, y no sólo un experimento de vivienda como los que abundaban en los ’60, lo que se demuestra con
una prueba irrefutable: el arquitecto vivió ahí hasta su muerte.
+ info:
Leazar Hall Renovation & Additions - Cannon Architects - 2007 - Raleigh - North
Carolina - USA (5 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:04:57]
Patrimonio Moderno y Contemporáneo
This 62,000 sqf renovation and addition project is the first phase of an overall master plan for NC
State University’s College of Design. Leazar Hall, originally a Dining Hall (Circa 1912), had been
subdivided over the years into a maze of office and classroom spaces. This project restores the
three level (plus mezzanine) building into a single use building for studios, seminar / review
rooms, materials lab, and faculty offices. The project consisted of totally gutting the interior of
the building, including all engineering systems. Interior spaces were opened up to create the
program requirements for studios, materials lab (woodworking, metal, welding, finishing booths, CNC machines, etc.)
seminar rooms, review spaces, and offices. The north-south and east-west axes were opened up, creating circulation zones
and review spaces. New systems for plumbing, mechanical, fire protection and electrical were added within the existing
+ info:
Puente Bac de Roda - Santiago Calatrava - 1992 - Barcelona - Cataluña
El Puente Bac de Roda está situado en el barrio de Sant Marti y comunica las calles
Bac de Roda y Felipe II, permitiendo el paso de automóviles y viandantes por encima
del ferrocarril. Construido en 1984, es una de las primeras obras con las que
comenzó a ganar relevancia internacional el hoy legendario arquitecto e ingeniero
civil Santiago Calatrava, Premio Nacional de Arquitectura 2007, Premio Príncipe de
Asturias de las Artes en 1999 y Doctor Honoris Causa 12 veces. El estilo del puente
resalta las estructuras de contención mostrando la labor de ingeniería junto a la estética arquitectónica. Para que puedas
atravesarlo también tú, ponemos a tu disposición hoteles y hostales a precios económicos en sus inmediaciones.
+ info:
AD Classics: Balfron Tower - Erno Goldfinger - 1967 - London - United Kingdom
The Balfron Tower by architect Erno Goldfinger is an iconic Brutalist residential high rise located in London’s
eastside Poplar borough. Designed in 1963 for the London County Council and completed in 1967 by the
Greater London Council, this social housing estate broke the traditions of typical residential architecture.
Conceived as a solution to sprawling suburbia, Goldfinger embraced verticality as the cure. More details
after the break.
Rising to 84 meters in height, the Balfron Tower dwarfs its immediate neighbors – the Carradale House,
and the Glenkerry House – all forming part of the Brownfield Estates also designed by Goldfinger. In a
drastic shift from the typical preconception of tower architecture, Goldfinger separated the services from the
accommodation by splitting the tower in two. Entry is gained via a concrete bridge that opens into the main lobby of the
slender service tower. The internal core houses the lifts and staircases, in addition to the utility functions such as laundry,
and waste disposal chutes. A pattern of thin windows breaks up the monolithic concrete exterior and provides ample
daylighting into the interior. A boiler room located at the top of the service tower cantilevers out slightly from the main
façade. This served to reduce the need for pumps as water could flow down to the flats by gravity.
+ info:
AD Interviews: Steven Holl - Museum of Ocean and Surf - Biarritz - France
A preview of the interview we did with Steven Holl. In this part he describes the recently opened Museum of Ocean and
Surf in Biarritz, France.
The design by Steven Holl Architects in collaboration with Solange Fabiao is the winning scheme from an international
competition that included the offices of Enric Miralles/Benedetta Tagliabue, Brochet Lajus Pueyo, Bernard Tschumi and
Jean-Michel Willmotte.
+ info:
Gucci 90th anniversary celebrations culminate with the opening of the Gucci Museo Florence - Italy
A year of events in celebration of Gucci’s 90th anniversary will culminate with the official public opening
of the GUCCI MUSEO inside the historic Palazzo della Mercanzia located in Florence’s Piazza Signoria.
A permanent exhibition from its rich and culturally significant archive, preserved and amplified
throughout the years, will be juxtaposed with contemporary art installations supported by the Pinault
Foundation. An icon store, bookshop, caffè and gift shop complement the exhibition spaces to create a
destination location for visitors.
+ info:
Agenda (6 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:04:57]
Patrimonio Moderno y Contemporáneo
Exhibition: Building a Masterpiece: Santiago Calatrava and the Milwaukee Art Museum - Milwaukee Art
08 septiembre 2011 - 01 enero 2012 Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Milwaukee Art Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Modernism in Miniature: Points of View - The Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA)
22 septiembre 2011 - 08 enero 2012 Montréal, Québec. Canadá
Organizadores: The Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - James Frazer Stirling - Notes from the Archive. Crisis of Modernism - Staatsgalerie
01 octubre 2011 - 15 enero 2012 Stuttgart. Alemania
Organizadores: Staatsgalerie, the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal and the Yale Center for British Art, New
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Ir a arriba (7 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:04:57]
Agreement signed between the University of Milan and the Ministry of Education,
Universities and Research: The Mountain University in Edolo (Italy)
On 28th July 2011 the Minister for University Education Mariastella Gelmini and the Rector of the
University of Milan Prof. Enrico Decleva signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the
development of the Edolo Campus of the University of Milan as a university Centre of excellence,
which will be called the " Mountain University " and which will act as a national reference point for
the analysis and study of all topics concerning mountain areas…
+ info:
Le sud-est de la Styrie, un point chaud du réchauffement climatique - Autriche
Une étude menée par le centre Wegener de l'Université de Graz conclut que, au cours des dernières décennies, la
température moyenne a augmenté trois fois plus vite dans le sud-est de la Styrie que la moyenne mondiale.
+ info:
Anna Giorgi eletta Presidente dell'ISCAR( International Scientific Committee on Research
in the Alps) Comitato Scientifico Internazionale di Ricerca Alpina
Lunedì 19 settembre 2011 presso l’ateneo milanese, si è svolta l’assemblea dell’International
Scientific Committee on Research in the Alps - ISCAR.
Il Comitato Scientifico Internazionale di Ricerca Alpina promuove la cooperazione internazionale nella
ricerca sulle tematiche strategiche per le alpi e le aree montane Nel 2000, ISCAR è stato riconosciuto
dalla Conferenza delle Alpi come osservatore ufficiale della Convenzione delle Alpi. In questa
funzione, ISCAR fornisce competenze scientifiche e di ricerca negli organismi ufficiali della
Convenzione delle Alpi.
Il comitato è composto da delegati provenienti da Francia, Austria, Germania, Italia, Slovenia e Svizzera (
+ info:
La haute vallée du Rhône creusée d’environ un kilomètre par les glaciers en 1
million d’années.
En utilisant une nouvelle méthode de datation, la thermochronométrie 4He/3He, des
chercheurs de l’Institut des Sciences de la Terre de Grenoble (CNRS-Insu, Université Joseph
Fourier), en collaboration avec un chercheur du Berkeley Geochronology Center (USA), ont
quantifié et daté le creusement de la haute vallée du Rhône, dans le Valais suisse. Ils
montrent que la vallée s’est creusée, par l’action des glaciers, de 1 à 1½ km depuis un
million d’années. Ils apportent ainsi une nouvelle approche de l’analyse des reliefs. Ces
travaux sont en cours de publication dans la revue Nature Geoscience.
+ info: plateformes glaciaires du Canada se fractionnent rapidement
Les plateformes glaciaires du Canada changent à un rythme inattendu, leur étendue ayant diminué de presque 50% au
cours des six dernières années. Cet été seulement, la plateforme de Serson a presque entièrement disparu, et celle de (1 de 2) [14/10/2011 20:04:58]
Ward Hunt s'est fracturée. Il en est résulté une perte de près de trois milliards de tonnes de glace, ce qui correspond à
environ 500 fois la masse de la grande pyramide de Gizeh.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (2 de 2) [14/10/2011 20:04:58]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Getty Museum Embarks on Conservation Project of Berthouville
Treasure - J. Paul Getty Museum - Los Angeles - California - USA
The J. Paul Getty Museum announced today that one of the most prominent
holdings of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France's Cabinet des Médailles in
Paris, the Berthouville Treasure, has begun a three-year-long process of
conservation and technical research at the Getty Villa. This rare cache of
approximately 95 ancient Roman silver objects was discovered in March 1830
by a farmer plowing his field near the village of Berthouville in Normandy. An
extraordinary group of luxury vessels—including bowls and pitchers, many with figural decoration, as well as two silver
statuettes of the Roman god Mercury—the objects are associated with a nearby sanctuary of the god Mercury and date to
the first through third centuries A.D. Four large, late antique silver missoria (plates) belonging to the Cabinet are also part
of the conservation project.
+ info:
Sackler Gallery Receives Leading Collection of Tibetan Buddhist Art - Arthur M. Sackler Gallery - Washington D.
C. - USA
An important collection of Tibetan Buddhist art in the U.S. has been given to the Smithsonian’s Arthur M. Sackler Gallery.
Julian Raby, director of the Freer and Sackler Galleries, announced the gift in the presence of the Dalai Lama and the
donor, Alice S. Kandell of New York, July 16 in Washington, D.C.
Kandell, a child psychologist, author and photographer with a lifelong interest in Himalayan culture, carefully built the
collection—including a magnificent shrine room containing hundreds of Tibetan Buddhist bronzes, paintings and objects—
over four decades.
+ info:
Reopening of the Museum der Kulturen Basel with designs by Herzog & de Meuron - Basel - Switzerland
New exhibition rooms with a separate entrance and an extravagant roof! The Museum der Kulturen is taking on a new
identity – in the heart of the medieval city of Basel. Modern, stylish exhibition rooms flooded with light invite you to stroll
and gaze.
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Le ciel devient plus proche de Moscou - Réouverture du Planétarium de Moscou - Fédération de Russie
Après 17 ans de reconstruction, le planétarium de Moscou rouvre ses portes aux visiteurs. Lieu emblématique de la
capitale soviétique, le théâtre stellaire est désormais muni d'équipements dernier cri.
Le planétarium de Moscou, le plus ancien de la Russie, a été inauguré le 5 novembre 1929. Les autorités de la capitale
soviétique avaient alors décidé de promouvoir l'astronomie afin de détourner l'attention du peuple des problèmes
quotidiens. Par conséquent, malgré la pauvreté et la situation très complexe qui régnait dans le pays, les gens avaient une
possibilité d'observer de près le ciel étoilé…
+ info:
Museum of Liverpool now open - Liverpool - England - United Kingdom
This new museum tells the story of Liverpool with diverse exhibits housed in a stunning building.
The Museum of Liverpool reflects the city's global significance through its unique geography, history and culture. Visitors
can explore the how the port, its people, their creative and sporting history have shaped the city. (1 de 18) [14/10/2011 20:05:12]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
The museum opened on 19 July 2011 in a purpose-built landmark building on Liverpool's famous waterfront.
+ info:
The Walters Art Museum announces major gift of 300 works from the John Bourne arts of the Ancient
Americas collection - Baltimore - Maryland - USA
The Walters Art Museum announces today a major gift from John Bourne of Santa Fe, N.M, including 70 artworks from the
Ancient Americas and approximately 230 additional planned gifts. He will also provide a $4 million bequest from his estate
to help endow a center for the study, conservation, interpretation and display of the arts of the Ancient Americas.
+ info:
El Kimbell Art Museum adquiere uno de los "Sacramentos" de Poussin - Fort Worth,
Texas (USA)
El Kimbell Art Museum ha anunciado hoy una de las adquisiciones más importantes de su
historia: El sacramento de la Ordenación de Nicolas Poussin (Cristo presentación de las llaves a
San Pedro). La pintura es de la famosa primera serie de Poussin de los siete sacramentos, que
ha sido aclamado universalmente desde su creación, como un hito en la historia del arte. La
serie fue encargada por el prestigioso coleccionista romano Cassiano dal Pozzo entre 1636 y
1642. En 1785, el cuarto duque de Rutland compró las pinturas y las llevó a Inglaterra, después
Sir Joshua Reynolds, presidente de la Royal Academy of Arts, declaró: "Creo que de todas ésta debe ser considerada como
la mayor obra de Poussin, sin duda uno de los más grandes pintores que han existido. "
+ info:
Milwaukee Art Museum acquires John Singleton Copley masterpiece - Milwaukee - Wisconsin USA
El Milwaukee Art Museum ha adquirido el retrato de Alice Hooper, una de las principales pinturas de arte
colonial de América de John Singleton Copley (1738-1815). Copley es reconocido como uno de los
grandes artistas americanos de la época y uno de los primeros pintores nativos en lograr el éxito tanto
dentro como fuera de su país.
Alice Hooper, pintada por Copley alrededor de 1763, representa a la hija de diecisiete años de edad del
hombre más rico de Marblehead, Massachusetts, Robert "King" Hooper. El padre de Alice encargó este
retrato para conmemorar el compromiso de su hija de Jacob Fowle, Jr.
+ info:
Edgar Allan Poe Museum could close - Baltimore - Maryland - USA
Of all the cities that claim a connection to the troubled author Edgar Allan Poe, Baltimore likes to think its case is
strongest. Poe's family is from Baltimore, his literary career began in the city, he died a mysterious death at a Baltimore
hospital and his body was buried here in 1849.
But the city that named its NFL team after his poem "The Raven" may soon lose a key physical connection to Poe. The
Edgar Allan Poe House and Museum, where the writer lived for four years in the early 1800s, is in danger of closing next
year, due to budget cutbacks by the city.
+ info:
The British Museum is the first United Kingdom arts organisation to publish its collection
semantically - London - United Kingdom
The British Museum is committed to making its collection, and data relating to the collection, accessible to
a global audience both physically and virtually. Collection Online, the British Museum’s web database
implemented in 2007, already allows visitors to the Museum’s web site to search nearly 2 million object
records, a third of which currently include at least one digital image.
The British Museum has now released a Semantic Web version of the database complementing the
Collection Online search facility. The Museum is the first UK arts organisation to instigate a Semantic Web
version of its collection data. The new service brings the British Museum into the ‘linked data’ world and will allow software
developers to produce their own applications that can directly manipulate and reuse the data. It will also allow researchers
and scholars a way to search and find data more precisely and facilitate automatic updates.
+ info:
L'Association des musées méconnus de la méditerranée a pour but d'œuvrer au dialogue des civilisations et au
rapprochement des cultures du pourtour méditerranéen.
C'est dans cette région stratégique que se joue, en partie, l'équilibre entre les trois religions monothéistes.
L'association a pour objectif de :
- Favoriser les liens indispensables entre les civilisations, les croyances et les convictions, faire reculer les replis identitaires
et les risques d'intolérance mutuelle,
- Favoriser le dialogue entre les cultures grâce à une meilleure connaissance de l'histoire de la civilisation méditerranéenne,
- Favoriser l'apprentissage du « vivre-ensemble » entre les différentes communautés.
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Neubau Depot und Verwaltung RUHR MUSEUM - Scheidt Kasprusch Architekten - 2010
- Zollverein - Essen - Germany
An extreme restraint for all structural addition within the context of the world heritage – the
colliery of Zollverein with all architectural qualities and inestimable historic values – is
indicated. The course of the design for the new depot of the Ruhr Museum was based on (2 de 18) [14/10/2011 20:05:12]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
serenity and mastery.
Clear geometry and decreased material selection were ways and methods for the design. On
the one hand, the building is positioned into the correct context, on the other hand it abstracts
and sublimates this context.
+ info:
El Rijksmuseum de Ámsterdam (Países Bajos) encuentra un retrato oculto de Goya
El Rijksmuseum de Ámsterdam ha descubierto una obra oculta de Goya, pintada por él
mismo, bajo el Retrato de Ramón Satué (1823). La figura ahora encontrada fue ejecutada
entre 1809 y 1813. El hallazgo ha sido posible gracias a una nueva técnica que combina rayos
X y fluorescencia, desarrolada conjuntamente por las universidades de Ámberes (Bélgica) y la
Universidad Técnica de Delft, en Holanda.
El nuevo escáner utilizado "analiza todas las capas de la tela casi sin tocarla para elaborar el
mapa completo de la obra", según el Rijksmuseum. Los expertos creen que Goya pudo haber
pintado en la obra oculta al propio José Bonaparte. Pero el rostro que ha aparecido bajo la cara de Satué "no está bastante
claro como para afirmarlo". La figura revelada con la nueva técnica llevaba un uniforme francés de la guerra de la
independencia española.
+ info:
The De Morgan Centre re-opens - London - United Kingdom
THE DE MORGAN FOUNDATION owns an unparalleled collection of work by the late 19th and early 20th ceramicist William
De Morgan and his artist wife Evelyn. Both highly esteemed in their fields, they were key participants at the beginning of
the still influential Arts and Crafts Movement.
Since 2002 the Foundation’s collection of over 1000 ceramics and 500 paintings and drawings have been exhibited to great
acclaim at the De Morgan Centre in South West London. After an extensive period of refurbishment, the Centre reopened
to the public on Thursday 15th September 2011.
Please use this website to explore their collection and learn more about our future plans. We appreciate your interest and
+ info:
Tate announces one of the most successful years ever - Tate Galleries - United Kingdom
Tate and its family of galleries have had one of the most successful years ever, and have managed to maintain their
independent income in the face of recession and government cuts. At its annual press conference today, Tate announced
total visitor figures of 7.4 million to its four galleries between 1 April 2010 and 31 March 2011 and 19 million unique users
to its award-winning website. This makes Tate the most popular arts organisation in the world after the Louvre in Paris.
+ info:
Nashville museum on African American Music planned - Nashville - Tennessee - USA
The National Museum of African American Music will stand as an international iconic cultural museum dedicated to the vast
contributions African Americans have made in music.
NMAAM will be an educational facility, national tourist destination and economic development engine for Nashville and the
state of Tennessee. Ultimately, the Museum will tell the phenomenal story of African American music, both nationally and
internationally, including important music history that occurred in Nashville, Tennessee.
+ info:
Minneapolis Institute of Arts to Transfer Volute Krater to Italy - Minneapolis - Minnesota - USA
The Minneapolis Institute of Arts (MIA) has agreed to transfer a 5th century B.C. Greek volute krater acquired by the MIA
in 1983 to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) for delivery to Italy.
The MIA became concerned with the provenance of the object and contacted the Ministry for Cultural Assets and Activities
of the Italian Republic (Ministry). Both the Ministry and ICE HSI provided information about the krater to the Museum.
Working collaboratively with the Ministry and ICE HSI and after evaluating the information provided by the Comando
Carabinieri per la Tutela del Patrimonio Culturale, as well as its own research, the Museum determined that the krater
should be transferred to Italy.
+ info:
Polish Jewish museum to open in April 2013 - Warsaw - Poland
An ambitious museum devoted to the 1,000-year history of Poland's Jews will open on the
anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising, officials said Monday.
Some 500,000 visitors are expected each year to the Museum of the History of Polish Jews
to view multimedia exhibits on the life and culture of Jews in Poland, their fate in the
Holocaust and the present day, as Jewish culture is being gradually revived.
+ info:
The Barnes Foundation opens new home for collection 19 May 2012 - Philadelphia - Pennsylvania - USA
The Barnes Foundation announced today that it has surpassed the $200 million fund-raising target for construction of its
new facility on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway in Philadelphia.
The foundation, which has struggled financially in its longtime location in Merion, also reported that it has seen rapid
growth in museum membership - from 400 members two years ago to over 10,000 now.
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Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Details of £1 million worth of schemes
announced by the Art Fund - United Kingdom
As part of the Art Fund’s commitment to boost
funding for museums and galleries by over 50% by
2014, this month we’ve announced the details of
schemes worth £1 million that will help improve
collections and curatorial expertise across the UK.
Ranging from RENEW, a £600,000 initiative to help
build new collections, to two schemes aimed at helping museums, galleries and individuals develop their curatorial skills.
+ info:
Ouverture du nouveau Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits à Bruxelles - Belgique
Le 23 septembre 2011, un deuxième musée des Lettres et Manuscrits a ouvert ses portes à Bruxelles, dans
les Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert. Gérard Lhéritier, fondateur du musée parisien éponyme, a créé ce
nouveau lieu pour accueillir un fonds de 80 000 écrits de femmes et hommes célèbres, appartenant à «
Aristophil », sa société. La première exposition temporaire est consacrée à l’écrivain belge Georges
+ info:
L'American Folk Art Museum de New York sauvé par des dons de dernière minute - New
York - NY - USA
La fermeture de l’American Folk Art Museum était programmée suite aux énormes difficultés
financières rencontrées par le musée ces derniers mois. Des dons ont permis in extremis de
sauver l’institution.
C’est un sursis inespéré pour l’American Folk Art Museum. Alors que les dettes qu’il peine à
rembourser depuis des mois allaient avoir raison de l’institution, le musée a finalement décidé
mercredi 21 septembre de maintenir ouverts ses bâtiments de Lincoln Square. Ce répit est
possible grâce à des bienfaiteurs de dernière minute parmi lesquels on compte plusieurs trustees ainsi que la fondation
+ info:
Dead Sea Scrolls Go Digital on New Interactive Website Created by the Israel Museum and Google - Israel
The Israel Museum welcomes you to the Dead Sea Scrolls Digital Project, allowing users to examine and explore these
most ancient manuscripts from Second Temple times at a level of detail never before possible. Developed in partnership
with Google, the new website gives users access to searchable, fast-loading, high-resolution images of the scrolls, as well
as short explanatory videos and background information on the texts and their history. The Dead Sea Scrolls, which
include the oldest known biblical manuscripts in existence, offer critical insight into Jewish society in the Land of Israel
during the Second Temple Period, the time of the birth of Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism. Five complete scrolls from the
Israel Museum have been digitized for the project at this stage and are now accessible online.
+ info:
New Taipei City Museum of Art Proposal - Zerafa Architecture Studio - Taipei Taiwan - China
The New Taipei City Museum of Art (NCArt) should propose a new paradigm for celebrating
art in Taipei, one that brings lifestyle, art, recreation and education together to celebrate
the vibrant cultural identity of the community. The fusion of art with all aspects of one’s
daily experience is driven by ideas about the intrinsic relationship between art and life
relevant in Taiwan’s popular contemporary culture. The new museum seeks to embody
these ideas and provide an iconic venue for the spontaneous unfolding of contemporary life.
The project site is in an existing park, located at the meeting of the Yingge and Dahan rivers, is one that immediately
reveals a dynamic juxtaposition between the constructed nature (the park environment) and the density and “urban” scale
of the surrounding hillside context. The somewhat auspicious relative condition of these two abstract realities, both organic
yet man-made, provides the perfect setting for this museum.
+ info:
NEWS - AD Classics: Shrine of the Book - Armand Phillip Bartos and Frederick John
Kiesler - 1965 - Jerusalem - Israel
The Shrine of the Book (Hebrew: ‫רפסה לכיה‬‎ Heikhal HaSefer) is a wing of the Israel Musem
near Givat Ram in Jerusalem, constructed in 1965. The building houses the Dead Sea Scrolls,
discovered between 1947 and 1956 in and around the Wadi Qurman.
The building was the result of an elaborate seven-year planning process funded by the
family of David Samuel Gottesman, a Hungarian philanthropist who purchased the scrolls as
a gift to the newly founded state of Israel. One architect, American
philanthropist-cum-designer Armand Phillip Bartos, was chosed because he was married to Gottesman’s daughter. The
other appointed architect, Frederick John Kiesler, had previously recieved funding from Gottesman to install the “Endless
house” at the Museum of Modern Art. The architectural team also included the well-connected Gezer Heller, brother-in-law
to Ibbi Hammer, future chief banker for the State of Israel and daughter of the Chief Rabbi of Budapest. Israelis objected
to the choice of non-Israeli architects, especially Kiesler.
+ info: (4 de 18) [14/10/2011 20:05:12]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Pablo Serrano Museum extension - José Manuel Pérez Latorre - 2011 - Zaragoza - Spain
Wojtek Gurak, a friend of ArchDaily and photographer, recently shared with us his photographs of the Pablo
Serrano Museum in Zaragoza, Spain. The expansion of the Museum, designed by José Manuel Pérez
Latorre, was completed in March of this year. The expansion triples the size of the original museum that
opened in 1994. Check out more photos after the break.
+ info:
Another look at 3XN's Museum of Liverpool - 2011 - Liverpool - United Kingdom
Opened on July 19th the new Museum of Liverpool by 3XN serves as a meeting point for
history, the people of Liverpool, and visitors from around the globe. Featured on ArchDaily
in July (see the full project feature here) photographer José Campos recently shared with us
his photographs of this impressive museum.
+ info:
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, and Turkish Republic reach agreement for transfer of top half
of Weary Herakles - Boston - Massachusetts - USA
Last evening, an agreement between the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFA), and the General
Directorate for Cultural Heritage and Museums of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of
Turkey was signed, transferring ownership of the top half of the 2nd-century AD Roman Imperial
marble sculpture Weary Herakles to the Turkish government. Malcolm Rogers, Ann and Graham Gund
Director of the MFA, and Murat Suslu, Director General for Cultural Heritage and Museums, signed the
Memorandum of Understanding at the Museum.
The agreement acknowledged that the MFA acquired the object in good faith and without knowledge of any ownership or
title issues. It also provided for the transfer of the object, which took place after the signing.
+ info:
National Museum of American History Receives Peace Corps Objects - Washington D.C. USA
In a ceremony today, Peace Corps director Aaron S. Williams donated objects from Peace Corps
volunteers to the political history collections at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American
The Peace Corps is marking its 50th anniversary and gathered this collection by reaching out to its
membership for objects representing the experiences of volunteers stationed around the world. The
donation includes documents, brochures, posters and correspondence, a congratulatory letter from
the White House signed by President John F. Kennedy and the sign that hung at the original Peace Corps office in Ghana,
the first country to host Peace Corps volunteers.
+ info:
Looters plunder $8.5M from Ivory Coast Museum - Abidjan Museum - Abidjan - Côte d'Ivoire
Looters stormed Ivory Coast's national museum during the country's bloody political crisis earlier this year, plundering
nearly $8.5 million worth of art including the institution's entire gold collection.
Five months later, the museum's gates still open and close at the posted hours, but empty display cases gather dust. A
lone set of elephant tusks sits in the dark in the museum's main exposition room.
+ info:
Museum Closure Exposes Financial Risk of Signature Architecture - American Folk Art Museum New York - New York State - USA
NEW YORK–Although the American Folk Art Museum has avoided dissolution thanks to a cash infusion
from trustees and the Ford Foundation, the institution’s ongoing financial troubles raise difficult questions
about the relationship between signature architecture and cultural capital.
The museum’s former home on 53rd Street opened in 2001 after a renovation by Billie Tsien and Tod
Williams. To finance the construction, the museum borrowed $32 million by issuing bonds through the
city’s Trust for Cultural Resources, a public benefit corporation that helps cultural institutions borrow
money for capital projects. The payments on the bonds were significant, about $3 million a year, and in 2009, the museum
defaulted on the debt.
Despite early optimism, the American Folk Art Museum’s renovation project did not raise attendance or donations to the
levels needed. Last year, as it ran a nearly $4 million deficit, the museum raised just $3.3 million from donors. As we
reported in May, the museum was forced to sell its building on West 53rd Street to the Museum of Modern Art to pay off
the debt. Before opening, consultants predicted the building would draw 255,000 visitors a year by 2005. In 2011, the
museum only attracted the equivalent of 160,000 per year.
+ info:
Emiezan los trabajos de restauración del mural de Joan Miró del Museo Ultrich
de Wichita. Kansas (USA)
‘Hombres pájaros’, un mural de 125 metros cuadrados realizado por Joan Miró para la
Universidad Estatal de Wichita ha comenzado a desmontarse de la fachada principal del
museo de esa institución educativa para someterlo a un profundo proceso de
restauración. La bellísima secuencia de seres fantásticos que el artista español diseñó en
1978 se caía a pedazos, por lo que la dirección del museo puso en marcha la operación
‘Miró Go!’ para recaudar los 3 millones de dólares necesarios para salvar el mural. (5 de 18) [14/10/2011 20:05:12]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
+ info:
Houston's Menil Collection Announces Return of Byzantine Frescoes to Cyprus in 2012 Houston - Texas(USA)
After more than two decades in Houston, the beloved Byzantine frescoes will go back to Cyprus in 2012.
While this moment is bittersweet, the story of these frescoes—from their rescue, to their long-term loan
to us, and now to their return—very much reflects the essence of the Menil Collection, its focus on the
aesthetic and the spiritual, and our responsible stewardship of works from other nations and cultures…
+ info:
The Metropolitan Museum of Art launches new website - New York - New York
State - USA
Since becoming Director, I have stressed two priorities: scholarship and accessibility. Our
new website, which launched today, certainly embodies both of these aims, featuring
complete listings of the Museum's catalogued collections, an interactive map—with
descriptions of every gallery in the Main Building and at The Cloisters—suggested
itineraries to help you plan your visit, special content for Members, and much more. Of
course, favorite sections still remain, like the constantly evolving Heilbrunn Timeline of Art
History and Connections, which takes us on personal journeys through the collection.
As a global collection for a global audience, the Met is proud to offer this resource for the millions of people around the
world who visit our site each year. Whether you're seeing it for the first time or you've been a fan since our last launch in
1999, I hope the changes we've made bring you to—and the Met—often.
+ info:
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Receives $17.2 Million from Private Estate - Washington D.C. - USA
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum received a gift of $17.2 million from the estate of Eric F. Ross of Palm
Beach, FL, and West Orange, NJ. It is the largest single gift to the institution. Eric and his late wife, Lore, both of whom
were refugees from Nazi Germany, donated more than $12 million to the institution during their lifetimes. In total, they
have contributed more than $30 million to the Museum.
This gift will support the Museum’s endowment fund, which will provide vital permanent resources to secure the Museum’s
future and global impact, ensuring that the timeless lessons of the Holocaust remain a transformative force in the 21st
century. Over the next eight years, the Museum aims to raise an additional $200 million for its endowment fund.
+ info:
Name a worm at Museum's Science Uncovered event - Natural Museum of
History - London - United Kingdom- (23 September 2011)
This worm needs a name! It is a new species and visitors to the Museum's Science
Uncovered event on 23 September 2011 can help suggest a name for this and 4 others.
What would you call a deep-sea worm that lives off the rotting carcass of a whale?
Whatever your imagination comes up with, bring your suggestions along to the Science
Uncovered event tonight at the Natural History Museum and get the chance to name a
+ info:
VIRTUAL EXHIBITION - Weddings In Eastern Europe - Europeana Connect
In traditional cultures, the wedding was one of the most important and complex of all social
ceremonies, with its own music repertoire. Although wedding ceremonies from Eastern
Europe were essentially similar, local customs varied from region to region, as well as from
country to country. Ceremonies and rituals reflected concerns with longevity, fertility,
prosperity and happiness. Despite inevitable changes wrought by time, globalisation and
industrialisation, remnants of earlier traditions of music and dance are still preserved in
Eastern European wedding ceremonies until today.
Cultural treasures preserved in the sound archives of Hungary, Lithuania, Poland and Slovenia provide a fascinating look
view at vanishing wedding traditions and rituals in Eastern Europe. These photos, videos and sound recordings reconstruct
a musical impression of a former time.
+ info:
Journée de la Culture : Musée des Ursulines : Petit cours de politesse à l'usage des demoiselles du XIXe siècle
- Quebec City, Quebec (Canada) 2 Octobre 2011
Dans le cadre de la 15e édition des Journées de la culture qui aura lieu du vendredi 30 septembre au dimanche 2 octobre
2011, la population est invitée à prendre part à l’activité Petit cours de politesse à l’usage des demoiselles au Musée des
Ursulines de Québec.
Vous y ferez la rencontre de deux personnages : une religieuse qui dispense des leçons de politesse et une élève finissante
qui s’apprête à faire son entrée dans le grand monde.
Chacune à sa manière, chacune selon son point de vue, elles mettent de l’avant les principes de savoir-vivre à respecter
pour une demoiselle du 19e siècle. Des usages à observer à table à l’art de la conversation, venez découvrir avec nous le
monde fascinant de l’étiquette à l’époque victorienne. Certains de ces principes, d’un autre temps, trouvent tout de même
leur pertinence dans la société actuelle.
Contact : [email protected] (6 de 18) [14/10/2011 20:05:12]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
+ info:
Seminario prevenciones para la seguridad física, contra robos y el tráfico ilícito de bienes culturales muebles e
inmuebles - Tandil (Argentina) 4-5 de Octubre de 2011
Coordinadora por Municipalidad de Tandil: Lic. Magdalena Conti
Coordinadora por CICOP, Arq. Graciela Di Iorio
Contacto: [email protected]
Los Museos, bibliotecas, centros culturales y emprendimientos comerciales que funcionan en edificios de valor patrimonial
son muchas veces considerados espacios ideales . Sin embargo en el momento de abordar la cuestión de la seguridad , el
tema se vuelve complejo por los propios condicionamientos de estas instituciones para cumplir tanto con la preservación
como con los servicios que deben brindar.
Cuando nos referimos a la seguridad en los museos, los primeros temas que surgen son robo e incendio. E inmediatamente
pensamos en las vitrinas , en los cerramientos , en los materiales combustibles , en los depósitos. Sin embargo , la
seguridad implica mucho mas. En el entorno , el edificio , son las colecciones y también las personas que trabajan en ellos.
+ info:
VIDEO - The Elegant Image Exhibition - New Orleans Museum of Art - Louisiana - USA
It's a rare opportunity to see some of the oldest religious works of art in the world.
"The Elegant Image," an exhibit of artifacts from India primarily from the private collection of Siddharth K. Bhansali, is on
view now at the New Orleans Museum of Art.
Art collector Doctor "Sid" Bhansali joined the Eyewitness Morning News on Monday.
"The Elegant Image", the collection of Siddharth K. Bhansali, is on exhibit at the New Orleans Museum of Art through
October 23.
+ info:
John Singer Sargent's An Interior in Venice and Elizabeth Allen Marquand on view in
Princeton through December 11, 2011 - Princeton University Art Museum - New Jersey
PRINCETON, NJ--Continuing a practice--which dates to the 1930s--of partnering with other
leading museums to present single-painting “masterpiece exhibitions,” John Singer Sargent’s An
Interior in Venice (1899) is on view at the Princeton University Art Museum. The distinguished
painting by Sargent (1856–1925), Europe’s most fashionable portraitist of the age, enters into a
conversation with the Museum’s own Elizabeth Allen Marquand (1887), offering a unique
opportunity for visitors to gain special insights into the artist’s remarkable career. An Interior in Venice is on loan from the
Royal Academy of Arts, London, and on view in Princeton through Sunday, December 11, 2011.
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John James Audubon Paintings on Display at Daytona Beach Museum - Florida USA
John James Audubon’s monumental Birds of America, which included 435 hand colored
engravings, was issued in four volumes between 1826 and 1838. The massive publication
includes life-size representations of nearly five hundred species of North American birds.
Although Audubon was not the first to attempt such a comprehensive catalog, his work
departed from the conventional scientific illustration, which showed lifeless specimens
against a blank background, by presenting birds as they appeared in the wild. When his
pictures were first published, some naturalists objected to Audubon’s use of dramatic action and pictorial design, but these
are the qualities that set his work apart and make it not only an invaluable record of early American wildlife but an
unmatched work of American art…
+ info:
Richard Meier & Partners Design for the New Royal Alberta Museum Edmonton - Alberta - Canada
Richard Meier & Partners have released their final design submission for the new Royal
Alberta Museum in Canada. Considered as one of the four finalists the firm, although not
chosen as the winning entry, proposed “a timeless work of architecture that would
engage the ongoing discourse of civility and urban place making while establishing a
forward-looking museum destination and technologically advanced educational facility.
While we are disappointed we won’t be working in Edmont this year, we are continuing
to expand or work overseas. We thank the jury for their consideration,” commented design partner-in-charge Bernhard
+ info:
EXPOSICIÓN - Retratos de la Belle Époque - Caixa Forum
20 julio - 09 octubre 2011 Barcelona. España
Organizadores: Caixa Forum Barcelona
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
History, memory and dialogue in South-East Europe: Exploring the identity of Nations - UNESCO Working
05 octubre - 06 octubre 2011 Turin. Italia (7 de 18) [14/10/2011 20:05:12]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Organizadores: UNESCO Venice
Contacto: [email protected]
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5th Annual Archaeological Institute of America and Boston Museum of Science Archaeology Fair
07 octubre - 08 octubre 2011 Boston, Massachusetts. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Archaeological Institute of America and Boston Museum of Science
Contacto: [email protected] and [email protected]
+ info:
Final section of Book of the Dead on view at Brooklyn Museum - New York - USA
This is one of the most important religious texts of the New Kingdom, in part because it is an
early version of the Book of the Dead, revealing the development of all later ones. The papyrus
is about twenty-five feet long, inscribed on both sides (a rare feature), and contains nearly one
hundred “chapters,” almost half of the total known group of Book of the Dead texts. Several of
the chapters are closer to those found in the Coffin Texts, the collection of funeral texts used in
the previous period…
+ info:
Museo de Brooklyn en EE.UU. devolvió a Costa Rica mil piezas precolombinas
Costa Rica will for the first time display a trove of artifacts, some believed to be more than
2,300 years old, after they were returned unbidden this month from the prestigious Brooklyn
Museum in New York.
The museum chose to return the pre-Columbian objects, which could help fill gaps in the
history of the isthmus nation where tens of thousands of ancient artifacts have been lost to
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Jeju University Cultural Heritage Center - poly.m.ur - Jeju - The Republic of Korea
The design of the new Jeju Cultural Heritage Centre started from an attempt to interpret the
cultural value of the traditional artifacts that are to be exhibited here with contemporary view.
poly.m.ur was intrigued by the fact that these artifacts are exemplary in showing the influence
of regional material on the life of early settlers, and they wanted their proposal to be seen as
an object which can symbolize the local characteristics shaped by the abundant availability of
basalt as raw material and the indigenous techniques of tool making.
While the use of basalt rock imagery of the overall appearance of the building was intended as
the simple yet most effective symbolism which can be associated with its specific locality, the ratio and rigor underlying the
con-struction of the geometry was metaphorical to the intellects presents in the indigenous culture.
+ info:
The National Maritime Museum Reopens After Refurbishment - Amsterdam
- The Netherlands
Het Scheepvaartmuseum, the National Maritime Museum, is open again! With a 3D
projection on the walls of our building the Arsenal, we returned our museum to the
public on Saturday evening 1 October. Hundreds enjoyed the show and the closing
Saturday’s Grand Opening concluded a week of opening festivities. Guest of honor
was Queen Beatrix, who visited two exhibitions. She arrived in style on her ship De
Groene Draeck (‘the Green Dragon’), "a sporting and generous gesture," according to director-general Willem Bijleveld.
Deputy Mayor Eric van der Burg called it “a true tour de force” that Het Scheepvaartmuseum was the last big Amsterdam
museum to close for renovations and the first to reopen. State Secretary for Culture Halbe Zijlstra said the Netherlands
should be proud of a museum "that reflects the Dutch maritime history in every way possible”.
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Current exhibits at the International Spy Museum - Washington D.C. - USA
The Museum features the largest collection of international espionage artifacts ever placed on public display. Many of these
objects are being seen by the public for the first time. These artifacts illuminate the work of famous spies and pivotal
espionage actions as well as help bring to life the strategies and techniques of the men and women behind some of the
most secretive espionage missions in world history. The mission of the International Spy Museum is to educate the public
about espionage in an engaging way and to provide a context that fosters understanding of its important role in and impact
on current and historic events. The Museum focuses on human intelligence and reveals the role spies have played in world
events throughout history. It is committed to the apolitical presentation of the history of espionage in order to provide
visitors with nonbiased, accurate information.
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Handover and repatriation of skulls of deceased members of the Herero and Nama ethnic groups from Namibia
- Berlin - Germany
In the week of 26 September to 3 October, a Namibian delegation led by the Namibian Minister for Youth, Sport, and (8 de 18) [14/10/2011 20:05:12]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Culture Kazenambo Kazenambo is visiting Germany. The delegation also includes other government representatives and
representatives from the Herero and Nama ethnic groups.
The reason for the visit by the Namibian delegation is the repatriation to Namibia of skulls of deceased members of the
Herero and Nama ethnic groups. The skulls had been transported to Germany during the period of German colonial rule…
+ info:
Repatriation of the Wall Paintings of Agios Themonianos, Cyprus - Menil Collection
- Houston - Texas - USA
The wall paintings, dating to the 13th/14th century, were once part of the interior
decoration of the Church of Agios Euphemianos (also known as Agios Themonianos), in
currently occupied Lysi. In the fragments of the wall paintings preserved on the dome is
depicted Christ Pantocrator, surrounded by a frieze of angels as well as the Preparation of
the Throne attended by the Mother of God and St. John the Baptist. In the conch of the apse
the wall paintings depict the Mother of God attended by the Archangels Michael and Gabriel.
In 1972/1973, the Department of Antiquities carried out conservation of the wall paintings. Following 1974, the wall
paintings were violently removed by the Turkish invaders and eventually ended up in the possession of the Menil
+ info:
AD Interviews: Steven Holl - Museum of Ocean and Surf - Biarritz - France
A preview of the interview we did with Steven Holl. In this part he describes the recently opened Museum of Ocean and
Surf in Biarritz, France.
The design by Steven Holl Architects in collaboration with Solange Fabiao is the winning scheme from an international
competition that included the offices of Enric Miralles/Benedetta Tagliabue, Brochet Lajus Pueyo, Bernard Tschumi and
Jean-Michel Willmotte.
+ info:
Dreams for National Slavery Museum caught in bankruptcy - Fredericksburg Virginia - USA
Exploring one of the country's darkest chapters, the United States National Slavery Museum
was supposed to open four years ago on 38 acres along the Rappahannock River in
Fredericksburg, Virginia.
Plans for the 100,000-square-foot museum were elaborate: a 450-seat theater, full-scale
replica slave ship and hundreds of donated relics such as the leg irons forebears of many
Americans wore during the long, cruel voyage from West Africa…
+ info:
Immigration and Customs Enforcement and United States attorney return stolen
paintings to Poland
Nearly seven decades after they were stolen by the Nazis, the Julian Falat paintings "The Hunt"
and "Off to the Hunt" are back in the hands of their rightful owner, the people of Poland. At a
ceremony today at the Polish Consulate in New York, U.S. Immigration Customs and
Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the U.S. Attorney's Office for
the Southern District of New York, returned the paintings to Polish President Bronislaw
The oil on panel paintings returned today were stolen from the Polish National Museum in Warsaw, Poland, by the Nazis
during World War II.
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Piece by Piece, Afghanistan reclaims its history
While everyone else is worrying about Afghanistan's future, a dedicated band of men and
women is gathering up its past, hoping that a growing museum collection will show the
world Afghan culture is more sophisticated than the tide of news reports suggest.
Kabul's rebuilt National Museum, near the haunting remains the bombed-out royal palace, is
running out of secure rooms to house centuries-old Buddhas, gold and silver coins from
antiquity and other rare artefacts.
+ info:
International museum experts meet to discuss common exhibit on Imagining the
Balkans - Turin - Italy - 5-6 October 2011
The UNESCO Venice Office will be organizing in Turin (Italy), on 5-6 October 2011, an
international expert meeting with museum directors from South-East Europe on “History,
memory and dialogue in South-East Europe: Exploring the identity of Nations”. The meeting is
organized in cooperation with the National Museum of the Italian Risorgimento (Museo
Nazionale del Risorgimento Italiano). organized as a follow-up to the previous encounters
organized in Thessaloniki (“National History Museums in Southeast Europe: learning history,
building shared memories”, Thessaloniki, Greece, 18-19 October 2010), and Berlin (“Best practices in museum
management: dealing with difficult heritage, educating on history”, Berlin, Germany, 27-28 January 2011), it seeks to
enhance cooperation and dialogue among the South-East European national history museums.
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Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Toledo Museum Acquires Masterwork by Dutch Artist Frans Hals - Toledo - Ohio - USA
The Toledo Museum of Art (TMA) has acquired a stunning example of portraiture by Dutch Master Frans Hals with the
purchase of Family Portrait in a Landscape. Scholar Gregory Martin referred to the painting as ―an extraordinary picture
for the 1620s that underlines Hals’s inventive genius. Nothing like it—for breadth and relaxed tone—had been painted in
the Netherlands before.ǁ
Family Portrait in a Landscape (early 1620s) is a large work (60 x 64 ¾ inches/151 x 163.6 cm) that will take its place in
the Great Gallery near Rubens’s The Crowning of St. Catherine and Guercino’s Lot and His Daughters, the Museum’s most
recent Old Master acquisition, which came into the collection in 2009.
+ info:
El Museo del Prado exhibirá la primera pintura documentada de Goya durante un
período de seis años. Madrid (España)
Se trata de Aníbal vencedor, propiedad de la Fundación Selgas-Fagalde, que permanecerá
en depósito durante seis años en el Prado en virtud del convenio marco formalizado hoy
entre ambas instituciones. Gracias a este depósito, el Museo completará al menos
temporalmente una de las escasas lagunas cronológicas que se dan en su propia colección
del artista, la más importante del mundo. La obra se podrá visitar en la sala 35 a partir de
mañana junto a los apuntes para la misma incluidos en el Cuaderno italiano
+ info:
The Walters Art Museum Removes Copyright Restrictions from more than 10,000 Images - Baltimore Maryland - USA
The Walters Art Museum announces the launch of its redesigned works of art website with the removal of copyright
restrictions on more than 10,000 online artwork images through a Creative Commons license . In addition to being able to
download these images for free, the site introduces a new look and feel, and enhanced searching, tagging and community
collections features. The website now has additional information about the artworks, including nearly a century of history
concerning exhibitions and conservation treatments. It is also substantially more accessible to users with disabilities due to
its increased compliance with the United States government’s internet accessibility standards.
+ info:
Israel Museum Announces Plans to Refine and Strengthen its Collections - Jerusalem
Jerusalem, September 30, 2011 – Following the first comprehensive evaluation of its nearly 500,000 object collection since
its founding in 1965, the Israel Museum announced today that it will de-accession a group of 39 works as part of a
carefully focused plan to refine and strengthen its holdings. Proceeds from the sales, which will be conducted by Sotheby’s
this coming November through February in New York and London, will benefit the acquisition funds of the Museum’s
Modern Art Department. The collection review and complete collection re- installation that followed it were central
elements of the Museum’s campus renewal project, completed in July 2010, which included the creation of new galleries,
orientation facilities, and public spaces.
+ info:
Gucci 90th anniversary celebrations culminate with the opening of the Gucci Museo Florence - Italy
A year of events in celebration of Gucci’s 90th anniversary will culminate with the official public opening
of the GUCCI MUSEO inside the historic Palazzo della Mercanzia located in Florence’s Piazza Signoria.
A permanent exhibition from its rich and culturally significant archive, preserved and amplified
throughout the years, will be juxtaposed with contemporary art installations supported by the Pinault
Foundation. An icon store, bookshop, caffè and gift shop complement the exhibition spaces to create a
destination location for visitors.
+ info:
Por primera vez en 30 años, el Museo San Luis reune los "Nenúfares" de Monet.
Missouri - EE.UU.
El Museo de Arte de Cleveland le prestará uno de los cuadros de nenúfares de Claude Monet
a dos organizaciones de Misurí para que, por primera vez en 30 años, se exhiba junto a
otros dos similares.
La pintura irá un año a préstamo al Museo de Arte de San Luis y el Museo de Arte Nelson
Atkins de Kansas City, informó el diario The Plain Dealer de Cleveland.
Los tres cuadros alcanzan 14 metros (42 pies) de ancho cuando se juntan. Monet los creó
como un tríptico, pero luego de su muerte en 1926 se vendieron por separado.
La exhibición se hará entre el 9 de abril y el 7 de agosto en Kansas City y de septiembre a enero en San Luis.
Los tres cuadros irán a Cleveland en 2015 como parte de una exposición planeada para el centenario del museo, al año
La última vez que los cuadros se reunieron fue en 1980, cuando formaron parte de una gira por las mismas tres ciudades.
+ info:
Prizes - Deux lauréats pour un nouveau prix sur l'accessibilité aux handicapés dans
les musées et monuments historiques - Prix "Patrimoines pour tous, Patrimoines pour
Chacun" - France
Le 14 septembre 2011, le prix « Patrimoines pour tous, patrimoines pour chacun » a été remis (10 de 18) [14/10/2011 20:05:12]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
au Centre d’interprétation de l’architecture et du patrimoine du château Sainte-Suzanne en
Mayenne et au musée de Saint-Jean d’Angély en Charente Maritime. Créé en 2011 par la
Direction générale du patrimoine du ministère de la Culture, il récompense la mise en
accessibilité des musées et monuments historiques au profit des personnes handicapées.
Le Prix « Patrimoines pour tous, patrimoines pour chacun » a été décerné le 14 septembre 2011. Ce prix récompense la
mise en accessibilité des institutions culturelles au profit de personnes handicapées que ce soit au niveau moteur, visuel,
auditif ou mental. Il remplace le prix « Des musées pour tous », crée en 2007 par le ministère de la Culture, en
l’élargissant aux monuments et aux centres d’interprétation du patrimoine.
+ info:
La « Sainte Anne » de Vinci menacée - Musée du Louvre - Paris - France
Quelle main serait assez délicate pour toucher sans l’abîmer un des chefs-d’œuvre absolu de la peinture
occidentale ? Qui pourrait se mesurer au génie de Léonard de Vinci et à l’infinie subtilité de sa technique
picturale ? Enterré depuis 1994 sur ordre du ministère de la Culture, le dossier de la restauration de La
Vierge, l’Enfant Jésus et sainte Anne est ressorti des abîmes du Louvre, à Paris. À l’issue d’une journée
d’études autour du panneau, organisée en juin 2009, en présence d’éminents spécialistes de Léonard, tels
que l’historien et paléographe Carlo Pedretti ou le peintre chercheur et historien de l’art Jacques Franck,
qui a décrypté et reconstitué la mystérieuse technique du sfumato, le directeur du département des
Peintures du musée, Vincent Pomarède, a ouvert la boîte de Pandore.
+ info:
Park Avenue Armory unveils design for multi-year project by Herzog and De
Meuron - New York - New York State - USA
Park Avenue Armory today unveiled the designs by Herzog & de Meuron for the renovation,
restoration, and transformation of one of the country’s most important landmarks into a new
kind of cultural facility and institution. The multi-year project reinvigorates the original
design of the historic building, which includes the 55,000-square-foot Wade Thompson Drill
Hall and an array of period rooms by some of the most innovative designers of the 19th
century, while advancing the Armory’s mission, dedicated to the creation and presentation of
visual and performing art that cannot be realized within the limitations of traditional performance halls and white-wall
+ info:
Historic alliance opens door to Academy Museum at Los Angeles County Museum of Art - California - USA
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) have taken a step
toward realizing a museum dedicated to motion pictures and the creation of a new and unique cultural center for the city of
Los Angeles. On Tuesday night (10/4), the Academy’s Board of Governors joined their LACMA counterparts in agreeing to
sign a memorandum of understanding to work in good faith in establishing the Academy’s movie museum in the historic
May Company building, currently known as LACMA West. The memo paves the way for the two organizations to discuss
details of a future contract and for the Academy to begin developing plans for fundraising, design, exhibitions, visitor
experience, and modifications to this historic site.
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Shakespeare Staging the World - The British Museum
19 julio 2011 - 25 noviembre 2012 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: The British Museum and in collaboration with the Royal Shakespeare Company
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Jewels, Gems, and Treasures: Ancient to Modern - Museum of Fine Arts
19 julio - 25 noviembre 2011 Boston, Massachusetts. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Museum of Fine Arts of Boston
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition: Building a Masterpiece: Santiago Calatrava and the Milwaukee Art Museum - Milwaukee Art
08 septiembre 2011 - 01 enero 2012 Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Milwaukee Art Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Ingres at the Morgan - The Morgan Library and Museum
09 septiembre - 27 noviembre 2011 New York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Morgan Library and Museum and the Rita Marcus Fund
Contacto: [email protected]
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Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
EXHIBITION - Prince Albert: Portrait of a Man
09 septiembre - 06 noviembre 2011 Veste Coburg, Bavaria. Alemania
Organizadores: European Museum of Moderm Glass. Part of the Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg
+ info:
EXHIBITION - The Art of the Anatolian Kilim: Highlights from the McCoy Jones Collection - De Young Fine Arts
10 septiembre 2011 - 10 junio 2012 San Francisco, California. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: De Young Fine Arts Museum
Contacto: [email protected].
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Infinite Jest: Caricature and Satire from Leonardo to Levine - The Metropolitan Museum of Art
13 septiembre 2011 - 04 marzo 2012 New York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Schiff Foundation. The catalogue is made possible by the Charles
Bloom Foundation
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Terres d'Afrique / Retour d'Afrique - Musée de Sèvres
14 septiembre 2011 - 02 enero 2012 Sèvres. Francia
Organizadores: Musée de Sèvres
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition - Des jouets et des hommes /Of Toys and Men - Musée du Grand Palais
14 septiembre 2011 - 23 enero 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: Musée du Grand Palais et Musée des Arts Décoratifs
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - White Gold: the true cost of cotton - International Slavery Museum
16 septiembre 2011 - 02 septiembre 2012 Liverpool. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: International Slavery Museum and with the Environmental Justice Foundation
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Achachis y Bordados: Storytelling Embroideries from Chijnaya, Peru - University of Richmond
16 septiembre - 09 diciembre 2011 Virginia. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: University of Richmond Museums
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Jacques Gruber et L'Art Nouveau - L'Ensemble Poirel
16 septiembre 2011 - 22 enero 2012 Nancy. Francia
Organizadores: Musée de l'École de Nancy et le Centre Technique Municipal de Nancy. Avec le soutien de : Ministère de la
culture et de la communication, Direction régionale des affaires culturelles de Lorraine, Conseil régional de Lorraine
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - A Pioneering Collection: Master Drawings from the Crocker Art Museum - The Frances Lehman
Loeb Art Center
16 septiembre - 11 diciembre 2011 Poughkeepsie, New York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Francisco Goya: Los Caprichos - Nassau County Museum
17 septiembre - 27 noviembre 2011 Roslyn Harbor, New York State. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Landau Traveling Exhibitions, Los Angeles, CA, in association with Denenberg Fine Art, West Hollywood, CA.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Rubens, Van Dyck & Jordaens: Flemish painters from the Hermitage. The Hermitage Amsterdam
17 septiembre 2011 - 16 marzo 2012 Amsterdam. Países Bajos
Organizadores: The Hermitage Amsterdam and the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and the Dutch (12 de 18) [14/10/2011 20:05:12]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Ministry of Finance
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Story and Symbol: Dutch and Flemish Paintings from the Collection of Dr. Gordon and Adele
Gilbert - Museum of Fine Arts
17 septiembre - 04 diciembre 2011 St. Petersburg, Florida. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Museum of Fine Arts
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Degas and the Ballet: Picturing Movement - Royal Academy of Arts
17 septiembre - 11 diciembre 2011 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Royal Academy of Arts
+ info:,677,MA.
EXHIBITION - Time Exposures: Picturing a History of Isleta Pueblo in the 19th Century - Smithsonian National
Museum of the American Indian
17 septiembre 2011 - 10 junio 2012 New York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian and the Pueblo of Isleta
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Life & Luxury: The Art of Living in Eighteenth-Century Paris - The Museum of Fine Arts Houston
18 septiembre - 11 diciembre 2011 Houston, Texas. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: J. Paul Getty Museum in association with the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Human Evolution: The First 200 Million Years - Penn Museum
18 septiembre 2011 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Penn Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - The Prado at the Meadows: Ribera in a New Context - Meadows Museum
18 septiembre 2011 - 15 enero 2012 Dallas, Texas. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Meadows Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - The Invention of Glory: Afonso V and the Pastrana Tapestries - The National Gallery of Art
18 septiembre 2011 - 08 enero 2012 Washington, D.C.. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: the National Gallery of Art, Washington, and the Fundación Carlos de Amberes, Madrid
+ info:
Johan Maurits & Frans Post: Two Dutchmen in Brasil - The Rijksmuseum
20 septiembre - 21 noviembre 2011 Amsterdam. Países Bajos
Organizadores: The Rijksmuseum
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Heroic Africans: Legendary Leaders, Iconic Sculptures - The Metropolitan Museum of Art
21 septiembre 2011 - 29 enero 2012 New York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, The Ceil & Michael E. Pulitzer
Foundation, Inc., and the National Endowment for the Arts
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
John Martin: Apocalypse - Tate Britain
21 septiembre 2011 - 15 enero 2012 London. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Tate Britain nad the Laing, Newcastle
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Modernism in Miniature: Points of View - The Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA)
22 septiembre 2011 - 08 enero 2012 Montréal, Québec. Canadá
Organizadores: The Canadian Centre for Architecture (CCA)
Contacto: [email protected] (13 de 18) [14/10/2011 20:05:12]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
+ info:
EXHIBITION - David, Delacroix, and Revolutionary France: Drawings from the Louvre - The Morgan Library and
23 septiembre - 31 diciembre 2011 New York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Morgan Library and Museum and Musée du Louvre
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Charles Dickens at 200 - The Morgan Library and Museum
23 septiembre 2011 - 12 febrero 2012 New York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Morgan Library and Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Edge of Empires: Pagans, Jews, and Christians at Roman Dura-Europos - Institute for the Study
of the Ancient World - New York University
23 septiembre 2011 - 08 enero 2012 New York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Institute for the Study of the Ancient World - New York University
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Picturing the City: Downtown Pittsburgh, 2007-2010 - Carnegie Museum of Art
23 septiembre 2011 - 25 marzo 2012 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: the Carnegie Museum of Art
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Fra Angelico and the Masters of Light - The Jacquemart-André Museum
23 septiembre 2011 - 01 septiembre 2012 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: The Jacquemart-André Museum is being held in partnership with major Italian museums – including the
Uffizi Gallery – and internationally famous collections
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Elihu Vedder: Voyage on the Nile - Hudson River Museum
24 septiembre 2011 - 08 enero 2012 Yonkers, New York State. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: the Hudson River Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Ford Madox Brown: Pre-Raphaelite Pioneer - Manchester Art Gallery
24 septiembre 2011 - 29 enero 2012 Manchester. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Manchester Art Gallery
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Power|Play: China's Empress Dowager - Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
24 septiembre 2011 - 29 enero 2012 Washington D.C.. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Arthur M. Sackler Gallery
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Unfolding Stories: Culture and Tradition in American Quilts - Fenimore Art Museum
24 septiembre - 31 diciembre 2011 Cooperstown. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Fenimore Art Museum and Jacqueline M. Atkins
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Perino del Vaga in New York Collections - Metropolitan Museum of Art
27 septiembre 2011 - 05 febrero 2012 New York. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: guest curator Linda Wolk-Simon, the Charles W. Engelhard Curator and Department Head, Department of
Drawings and Prints at The Morgan Library & Museum, and Andrea Bayer, Curator in the Metropolitan Museum’s
Department of European Paintings
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Masterpieces of Civil War Portraiture from the Burns Collection - Robert Anderson Gallery (14 de 18) [14/10/2011 20:05:12]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
28 septiembre - 12 noviembre 2011 New York, New York State. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Robert Anderson Gallery
+ info:
EXHIBITION - The Peredvizhniki: Pioneers of Russian Painting - Nationalmuseum
29 septiembre 2011 - 22 enero 2012 Stockholm. Suecia
Organizadores: Nationalmuseum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Columbus Views - Columbus Museum of Art
Spring 2012 30 septiembre 2011 - 01 marzo 2012 Columbus, Ohio. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Columbus Museum of Art
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - From Renaissance to Rodin: Celebrating the Tanenbaum Gift - Art Gallery of Ontario
01 octubre 2011 - 01 marzo 2012 Toronto, Ontario. Canadá
Organizadores: Art Gallery of Ontario
+ info:
Invention of the Picture: Early Italian Masters through Botticelli - Bucerius Kunst Forum
01 octubre 2011 - 08 enero 2012 Hamburg. Alemania
Organizadores: Bucerius Kunst Forum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - 'Something of Splendor': Decorative Arts from the White House - The Renwick Gallery
01 octubre 2011 - 06 mayo 2012 Washington D.C. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: The Renwick Gallery and in collaboration with the White House Historical Association
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - A Day in Pompeii - Museum of Science
02 octubre 2011 - 12 febrero 2012 Boston, Massachusetts. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Museum of Science
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - The Prints of Martin Lewis: From the Collection of Dr. Dorrance Kelly - Bruce Museum
02 octubre 2011 - 26 febrero 2012 Greenwich, Connecticut. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Bruce Museum and by a private donation and the Charles M. and Deborah G. Royce Exhibition Fund.
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Monet's Water Lilies - Saint Louis Art Museum
02 octubre 2011 - 22 enero 2012 Missouri. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Saint Louis Art Museum, the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, and The Cleveland Museum of Art
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Maoríes, sus tesoros tienen un alma - Musée du Quai Branly
04 octubre 2011 - 22 enero 2012 París. Francia
Organizadores: Musée du quai Branly
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Julia Margaret Cameron - Hans P. Kraus, Jr. Fine Photographs
04 octubre - 18 noviembre 2011 New York, New York State. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Hans P. Kraus, Jr. Fine Photographs
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Vermeer's Women: Secrets and Silence - Fitzwilliam Museum
05 octubre 2011 - 15 enero 2012 Cambridge. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: Fitzwilliam Museum
Contacto: [email protected] (15 de 18) [14/10/2011 20:05:12]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Claude Lorrain: The Enchanted Landscape - Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology University of Oxford
06 octubre 2011 - 08 enero 2012 Oxford. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: University of Oxford
+ info:
Role of Museums in Education and Cultural Tourism Development - UNESCO Training and Experts Meeting
18 octubre - 21 octubre 2011 Kiev. Ucrania
Organizadores: UNESCO
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:[showUid]
EXHIBITION - Winter Tales: Depictions of Winter in European Art from Bruegel to Beuys - Kunsthistorisches
18 octubre 2011 - 08 enero 2012 Vienna. Austria
Organizadores: Kunsthistorisches Museum
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - Honen and Shinran: Treasures Related to the Great Masters of the Kamakura Buddhism - Tokyo
National Museum
25 octubre - 04 diciembre 2011 Tokyo. Japón
Organizadores: Tokyo National Museum
+ info:
Exposición - Samurai - Armadura de Guerrero - Musée du Quai Branly
08 noviembre 2011 - 29 enero 2012 París. Francia
Organizadores: El Musée du Quai Branly
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
EXPOSICIÓN: El Hermitage en el Prado - El Museo del Prado
08 noviembre 2011 - 25 marzo 2012 Madrid. España
Organizadores: Museo del Prado, the State Hermitage Museum and Acción Cultural español (AC / E)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Colloque international - s'exposer au musée. La représentation muséographique de Soi - Musée du Quai Branly
29 noviembre - 30 noviembre 2011 Paris. Francia
Organizadores: le Musée du Quai Branly
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exhibition : La Mongolie entre deux ères. 1912-1913 - Musées et Jardin Albert Kahn
29 noviembre 2011 - 16 septiembre 2012 Boulogne Billancourt. Francia
Organizadores: Musées et Jardin Albert Kahn
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Exposición - Del Greco a Goya: obras maestras del Museo del Prado - Museo de Arte de Ponce
22 marzo - 09 julio 2012 Ponce, Puerto Rico. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Museo de Arte de Ponce
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Publicaciones (16 de 18) [14/10/2011 20:05:12]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
Cultural Heritage Protection Booklet 5th tome Management of Collections in
Museum Storage
A museum’s storage area is a vital part of any museum and generally contains the larger
part of the collection. It also plays an essential role in the development of a museum and
its programmes as it is closely linked with other activities, such as research, consultation,
exhibitions, conservation and loans. The storage area guarantees the preservation of and
accessibility to the collection, and as a result the proper care and management of
collections in storage is an important challenge for museums if they are to maintain their
roles as centres of knowledge, research and inspiration.
+ info:
MUSEUM International Goes Mobile!
iPhone Application Now Available !
To access MUSEUM International in Chinese search « » in your iTunes Store.
Discover also the new Chinese e-Edition: Africa: A Continent of Achievements:
+ info:
MUSEUM International in Russian
The Russian edition of MUSEUM International is published by Panorama under the aegis of the Hermitage Museum in Saint
UNESCO pursues a long-standing collaboration with the Russian Federation. The Journal provides a new space for the
exchange of expertise between Russian experts and international networks.
Through this partnership, MUSEUM International will allow experts from the region to benefit from, and engage in, the
international dialogue about museums and cultural heritage.
Sharing information and common objectives in different languages contribute to the overarching goal of increased human
understanding within the Organization's commitment to promoting access to knowledge and multilingualism.
For more information, please contact: [email protected]
+ info:
Implementing the Incident Command System at the Institutional Level: A Handbook for
Libraries, Archives, Museums, and Other Cultural Institutions
ISBN: 978-0-9829366-2-7
Every cultural repository needs two management structures: the day-to-day, business-as-usual
hierarchy, and a “supercharged” management structure that takes over temporarily during a crisis or
whenever looming events threaten to overwhelm normal business routines. Emergency responders have
used just such a supercharged structure for years: the Incident Command System (ICS).
Since its development in the early 1970s the ICS has been used to tackle a vast array of incidents,
including fires, floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes. The system has demonstrated that it can scale up to handle disasters
that mushroom over large areas and even multiple states. But the ICS was designed to scale down as well as up. Few
practitioners have addressed the question of how to use the ICS to manage an emergency within a single institution—until
+ info:
Museos e inclusión Social
ICOM España / Revista digital
Acaba de publicarse el segundo número de ICOM CE Digital, "Museos e Inclusión social" Coordinado
por Pedro Lavado, y con la participación de 14 museos, se ha publicado el segundo número de la
revista digital del Comité Español de ICOM, que en esta ocasión está dedicado a la accesibilidad en
los museos españoles.
+ info:
Protección del patrimonio cultural: seguridad en los museos
Editor: Anna Paolini
Asistente editorial: Malda Jabbour, Lise Macdonald
Texto: Adalberto Biasiotti
Dibujos: Beatrice Beccaro Migliorati
Este Manual muestra de manera didáctica, con profusión de imágenes sencillas y textos puntuales, las
diversas situaciones y riesgos de distinta naturaleza que deben evitarse dentro del museo y sus
exposiciones, a efectos de la protección del patrimonio expuesto.
+ info:
Documentation of Artefacts' Collections: Cultural Heritage Protection Handbook Series 3
Editor: Anna Paolini
Editorial assistants: Malda Jabbour, Lise Macdonald
Text by: Matthew Stiff
Drawings by: Beatrice Beccaro Migliorati
This booklet is intended for all who collect and are fond of items of social, artistic and/or historical significance, as well as
those in charge of public or private collections of such items.
This booklet focuses on principles of documentation. Certain measures are directed towards institutions with equipment
and personnel not within the means of private individuals. (17 de 18) [14/10/2011 20:05:12]
Museos, Museología y Patrimonio mueble
+ info:
Disaster Risk Management for Museums: Cultural Heritage Protection Handbook Series 4
Editor: Lise Macdonald
Text by: Barbara O. Roberts, Jane K. Hutchins
Drawings by: Aleksandar Dzoni-Sopov
The purpose of this publication is to guide museum staff through the ongoing cycle of awareness,
emergency planning, communication and actions that will reduce damage to cultural heritage in an
emergency situation.
Protecting people is the highest priority. Once life safety issues have been addressed, safeguarding
cultural property is part of the professional mission of staff working to protect and preserve collections and reestablish
business continuity.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (18 de 18) [14/10/2011 20:05:12]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
Chaire Développement Humain Durable & Territoires - Ecole des mines de Nantes - Nantes - France
La Chaire, dirigée par Hélène COMBE est conçue comme un laboratoire collaboratif et un centre ressource "open source".
Elle propose un espace d'échanges, d'expérimentation et de capitalisation pour avancer, conceptuellement et
opérationnellement, vers la mise en oeuvre d'un nouveau modèle de développement.
Les travaux de recherche-action seront principalement centrés sur deux grand thèmes d'exploration complémentaires et
intimement liés, à savoir : "nouveaux rapports à l'économie et à la consommation" et "mondialisation par des territoires
responsables et solidaires", la question de l'évaluation en développement durable intervenant en filigrane.
+ info:
First meeting of High Panel on Science for Development
Renowned scientists, decision-makers and intellectuals from all over the world make up
UNESCO’s High Panel on Science for Development, which will hold its first meeting at the
Organization’s Headquarters on 15 and 16 September. Its role is to identify current challenges
in the social and natural sciences so as to help UNESCO fine-tune its response.
The Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, will open the meeting of the High Panel whose
members include Indira Samarasekera, President and Vice-Chancellor of the University of
Alberta (Canada), José Sarukhán Kermez, National Coordinator of Mexico’s National
Commission for Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO); Ahmadou Lamine N’Diaye, President of the African
Academy of Science; Gong Ke, President of the University of Nankai (China); and Partha Dasgupta, Professor of
Economics, Cambridge University (UK).
+ info:
Gorilla census for Bwindi kicks off - Bwindi Impenetrable Forest Uganda
Other key partners like ITFC and CTPH will be represented in the gorilla count.
IGCP and Marx planks are the key sponsors of this year’s census which will
span for a period of six weeks. The stage seems set as all the logistical
requirements needed for the census have now arrived and accounted for by the
For the next three days, the participants will be equipped with all the necessary
information and practices to enable them successfully count the gorillas. Key among them will be gorilla data collection,
sample collection, training on compass, GPS, and mapping among others…
+ info:
Slowest to fastest: Extreme range in lichen growth rates supports their use as an indicator of climate change
in Antarctica
By Sancho, L.G., Allan Green, T.G.a, Pintado, A
Global temperature rise is suggested to be greater and more rapid in polar regions. There has been a clear temperature
rise of 0.056 °C y-1 in the Antarctic Peninsula and this has led to changes in higher plant extent and range. In the more
extreme environments of the main continent the vegetation is scattered and composed of lichens and mosses. There is
interest in the possible effects of global climate change on these communities acting through changes in temperature and
precipitation. Lichens have been extensively used to date the substrates on which they are growing using the techniques of
lichenometry. The slow growth and longevity of lichens particularly suites them for this use. We present evidence that (1 de 6) [14/10/2011 20:05:16]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
there appears to be a substantial (two orders of magnitude) cline in lichen growth rate from the warmer, wetter and more
productive Peninsula to the cold Dry Valleys at 77°S latitude. The differences in growth rate reflect the precipitation and
temperature regimes at the different sites. The large range in growth rates coupled with the simplicity of measuring lichen
growth using modern techniques suggests that this could be an excellent tool for the detection of climate change in
continental Antarctica. © 2007 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
+ info:
Les parcs scientifiques et technologiques en Espagne
"I+D+i" lit-on souvent en Espagne, comprendre " R&D et innovation " ; MICINN est un
ministère, celui de la science et de l'innovation.
L'innovation : une priorité rappelée constamment par les autorités espagnoles, une
incantation ou une rengaine diraient des mauvaises langues. Mais les faits sont là, qui
justifient une telle priorité : si la crise frappe aussi durement l'Espagne c'est qu'à la crise
financière internationale s'est ajouté l'éclatement d'une bulle immobilière propre. Ainsi, entre
2007 et 2009, le budget de l'Etat excédentaire de 2% est devenu déficitaire de 11 et le
chômage a doublé, passant de 10 à 20%…
+ info:
National Park Service secures Petrified Forest 26,000 acres of private land - Phoenix - Arizona
The federal government is gaining control over an even larger expanse of rainbow-colored petrified wood,
fossils from the dawning age of dinosaurs and petroglyphs left by American Indian tribes who once lived in
eastern Arizona.
The National Park Service secured the first major private ranch within the Petrified Forest National Park
boundaries on Thursday, capping off negotiations that began years ago with the help of a conservation
group. Scientists say they're eager to explore the more than 26,000 acres that have remained largely
untouched and discover even more treasures.
+ info:
Sambhar Master Plan: A heritage-based approach to wetland conservation through the
Ramsar Document on Culture and Wetlands in India - Sambhar - Jaipur district Rajasthan
The vast cultural significance of the town of Sambhar is directly related to Sambhar Lake. The
lake has been used as a source of salt production from the 6th century AD, which is also around
the time when historians pinpoint that the present-day town was founded by King Vasudev of
the Chauhan Dynasty. Over time, salt production of the lake, as well as the town itself, has
passed through the hands of Mughal and Rajput dynasties, and finally by the British in 1870 until
independence in 1947. These different influences have created a multi-dimensional urban fabric representing all these
phases. Sambhar also has a significant religious history. It is believed that the lake was a gift by Mata Shakambhari about
2500 years ago, and is an important religious site for both Hindus and Muslims.
+ info:
Bolivie : le gouvernement suspend son projet routier à travers une réserve naturelle
Lundi, après de nouveaux affrontements entre des manifestants indigènes et la police, le président
bolivien Evo Morales a annoncé la suspension du projet routier auquel s'opposent les indigènes
d'Amazonie. Le projet ne sera pas relancé avant que ne s'achève un débat national.
+ info:
L'interdiction d'exploitation des ressources en Antarctique a une inertie énorme
Alors qu'un rapport d'un institut australien remet en cause le statut actuel de l'Antarctique, Michel Rocard, ambassadeur de
France pour les pôles, revient sur la gouvernance du continent blanc et les craintes soulevées par ce rapport.
+ info:
OBITUARY - Kenya's Wangari Maathai, Nobel Peace Price winner in 2004 for her commitment to
the environment, passes away on 25 September 2011 - Nairobi - Kenya
It is with great sadness that the family of Professor Wangari Maathai announces her passing away on 25th
September, 2011, at the Nairobi Hospital, after a prolonged and bravely borne struggle with cancer. Her
loved ones were with her at the time.
Professor Maathai's departure is untimely and a very great loss to all who knew her - as a mother, relative,
co-worker, colleague, role model, and heroine; or who admired her determination to make the world a
more peaceful, healthier, and better place.
+ info:
El Día Mundial del Sobregiro es el 27 de septiembre
El Día Mundial del Sobregiro representa un hito desafortunado: es el día en el que la humanidad comienza a vivir más allá
de sus medios ecológicos. Después de ese día, entramos al equivalente del gasto deficitario, utilizando recursos a ritmo
más rápido de lo que el planeta puede regenerar en un año calendario. El idea viene de new economics foundation, una
organización basado en Inglaterra. (2 de 6) [14/10/2011 20:05:16]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
Globalmente, ahora requerimos el equivalente de 1.3 a 1.5 planetas para mantener nuestros estilos de vida. Puesto de
otra forma, en menos de 9 meses la humanidad habrá utilizado los servicios ecológicos que la Tierra puede regenerar en
12 meses.
+ info:
Greenpeace celebra su 40 aniversario
… Ya no se pueden tolerar las refriegas entre políticos que desperdician las oportunidades para
llegar a un acuerdo sobre cómo evitar las peores consecuencias del cambio climático. Se
necesitan líderes con visión de futuro, que tomen acciones audaces para frenar el cambio
climático y protejan a aquellos con mayor posibilidad de sufrir sus consecuencias. Se necesitan
ciudadanos que responsabilicen de sus actor a políticos y líderes empresariales.
Greenpeace cuenta con oficinas en más de 40 países y en todos los continentes, con activistas
de todo el mundo y de todas las culturas unidos por una causa común – verdaderos guerreros
del arco iris. Greenpeace tiene 11,6 millones de simpatizantes y 2,8 millones de donantes y dispone de una flota de barcos
que le permite proteger el medio ambiente en las regiones más vulnerables del plantea como la alta mar, la selva tropical
de la Amazonía y el Ártico…
+ info:
More of Bandelier National Monument Has Reopened - Bandelier - New Mexico - USA
Sections of Bandelier National Monument have reopened to the public. See list below for what's
open and for important details in planning your trip. MUCH of the park will remain CLOSED for
the foreseeable future. The Las Conchas Fire, which began on June 26, burned over 60% of the
park and altered much of the park landscape.
+ info:
John James Audubon Paintings on Display at Daytona Beach Museum - Florida USA
John James Audubon’s monumental Birds of America, which included 435 hand colored
engravings, was issued in four volumes between 1826 and 1838. The massive publication
includes life-size representations of nearly five hundred species of North American birds.
Although Audubon was not the first to attempt such a comprehensive catalog, his work
departed from the conventional scientific illustration, which showed lifeless specimens
against a blank background, by presenting birds as they appeared in the wild. When his
pictures were first published, some naturalists objected to Audubon’s use of dramatic action and pictorial design, but these
are the qualities that set his work apart and make it not only an invaluable record of early American wildlife but an
unmatched work of American art…
+ info:
First Regional Meeting on the Legal, Institutional and Policy Aspects of Coastal Aquifer Management in the
Mediterranean - UNESCO: International Hydrological Programme - Paris (France) 3-4 October 2011
UNESCO-IHP is organizing the First Regional Meeting on the Legal, Institutional and Policy Aspects of Coastal Aquifer
Management in the Mediterranean, to be held at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on 3-4 October 2011. This event is
organized in the framework of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded MedPartnership - UNESCO-IHP’s Subcomponent on “Management of Coastal Aquifers and Groundwater”. The objectives of the activity are to identify gaps and
to provide recommendations for legal, institutional and policy reforms in the participating countries regarding coastal
aquifers management in view of the implementation of the Barcelona Convention and related protocols (LBS, Biodiversity
and ICZM). In this first meeting, national legal experts from the 12 participating countries and regional experts will meet in
order to review and assess the existing policy, legal and institutional frameworks for coastal groundwater management in
the Mediterranean.
+ info:
CAMPAGNE CAMPUS RESPONSABLES - Une campagne initiée par Graines de Changement, en
partenariat avec le WWF (World Wildlife Fund) et le Comité 21 - France
Lancée en juin 2006, Campus Responsables est aujourd’hui le réseau des universités et des écoles
françaises qui s’engagent à mettre en œuvre le développement durable sur leur campus, et à faire émerger
ce sujet au niveau national.
Nous pensons que l’éducation est un levier prioritaire pour modifier les comportements de façon durable... à
fortiori pour les futurs décideurs dans les entreprises et les administration.
+ info:
Alaska Field Report: Preservation in the Wild - National Trust for Historic Preservation
- Alaska - USA
Written by Brian R. Turner
Stewarding historic and cultural properties within Alaska’s vast network of public lands is not
only technically and physically challenging, it can be downright dangerous. On a recent field
visit to a remote site deep within the Misty Fjords National Monument, a floatplane dropped me
and three Forest Service employees on the shores of a pristine bay, about an hour’s flight from
the nearest road in Ketchikan…
+ info:
Scientists still concerned about the latest Times Atlas map of Greenland - Scott (3 de 6) [14/10/2011 20:05:16]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
Polar Research Institute - University of Cambridge - United Kingdom
Last week scientists, including those from the Scott Polar Research Institute, identified a
major error in the press release accompanying the publication of the latest 13th edition of
the Times Comprehensive Atlas of the World. HarperCollins, the Atlas's publishers, claimed
that Greenland had lost 15% of permanent ice compared to their map from 1999. They
claimed 300,000 square kilometres of ice had been lost, an area the size of the United
Kingdom and Ireland.
The Cambridge scientists alerted the UK media to this error, and their international colleagues did likewise to global news
networks. Scientists around the world discussed the error openly via the e-mail discussion forum, Cryolist…
+ info:
Unprecedented Arctic ozone loss in 2011
Chemical ozone destruction occurs over both polar regions in local winter–spring. In the Antarctic, essentially complete
removal of lower-stratospheric ozone currently results in an ozone hole every year, whereas in the Arctic, ozone loss is
highly variable and has until now been much more limited. Here we demonstrate that chemical ozone destruction over the
Arctic in early 2011 was—for the first time in the observational record—comparable to that in the Antarctic ozone hole.
Unusually long-lasting cold conditions in the Arctic lower stratosphere led to persistent enhancement in ozone-destroying
forms of chlorine and to unprecedented ozone loss, which exceeded 80 per cent over 18–20 kilometres altitude. Our results
show that Arctic ozone holes are possible even with temperatures much milder than those in the Antarctic. We cannot at
present predict when such severe Arctic ozone depletion may be matched or exceeded.
+ info:
Conference vidéo - La contribution autochtone au respect de l'environnement ? - Université populaire du Quai
Branly - Paris - FRance (30 septembre 2008)
La contribution autochtone au respect de l'environnement ? - Philippe Laburthe-Tolra - Jean-Christophe Victor
+ info:
O Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) divulga dados consolidados do PRODES ( Projeto de
Monitoramento do Desflorestamento na Amazônia Legal ) 2010 - Brazil
O Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) concluiu o mapeamento e o cálculo da taxa de desmatamento na
Amazônia Legal para o período de agosto de 2009 a julho de 2010. Medido pelo Projeto de Monitoramento do
Desflorestamento na Amazônia Legal (PRODES), o resultado final, obtido pela análise de 213 imagens Landsat, computou o
total de 7.000 km².
A taxa de desmatamento de 2009-2010 indica uma redução de 6,2% em relação ao período anterior (agosto de 2008 a
julho de 2009), em que foram medidos 7.464 km² de desmatamento.
+ info:
Avis de l'autorité environnementale sur le futur parc national des Calanques - Bouches du Rhone (France)
Le projet de charte du Parc national des Calanques, soumis à l'avis de l'Ae avec son rapport d'évaluation
environnementale, a été élaboré par le groupement d'intérêt public (GIP) des Calanques, chargé de préfigurer
l'établissement public du futur parc. L'Ae a examiné la charte et son rapport d'évaluation environnementale au regard de la
délimitation proposée pour le coeur du parc et l'aire optimale d'adhésion : cette délimitation ne relève pas formellement de
son avis mais détermine le cadre d'application de la charte.
L'Ae a bien noté que le projet de charte comme le projet de délimitation résulte d'une concertation entre l'Etat, les
collectivités territoriales et les parties prenantes, dans un contexte très complexe associant un patrimoine naturel
exceptionnel, la proximité d'une très grande agglomération, une très forte fréquentation et des attentes sociales très
+ info:
World Monuments Fund Announces 2012 Watch, Encompassing 67 Threatened Cultural-Heritage Sites Across
the Globe
At a press conference held at World Monuments Fund’s Empire State Building headquarters today, WMF President Bonnie
Burnham announced the 2012 World Monuments Watch. Since 1996, the biennial Watch has drawn international attention
to cultural-heritage sites in need of assistance, helping to save some of the world’s most treasured places. The 2012 Watch
includes 67 sites, representing 41 countries and territories.
+ info:
Coopération: Projet germano-russe pour une gestion durable des ressources naturelles en Sibérie occidentale
Le Ministère fédéral de l'enseignement et de la recherche (BMBF) va financer à hauteur totale de 3,8 millions d'euros le
projet germano-russe SASCHA [1] durant les cinq prochaines années. Ce projet est destiné à étudier les effets mutuels du
changement climatique et de l'évolution dans l'utilisation des sols en Sibérie occidentale sur les fonctions des écosystèmes.
Parmi ces fonctions figurent l'approvisionnement en eau potable, la fertilité des sols, ainsi que la mise à dispositions
d'espaces naturels pour les espèces animales et végétales en voie de disparition. L'institut en géoécologie de l'Université
Wilhelm de Westphalie (WWU) de Münster (Rhénanie-du-Nord-Westphalie) est le coordinateur de ce projet et recevra 1,8
million d'euros issus des 3,8 millions consacrés par le BMBF à cette initiative.
+ info: (4 de 6) [14/10/2011 20:05:16]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
Appel à projets de recherche 2011 de la plateforme RDI (Recherches, Données, Information) du Plan Loire
Grandeur nature - France
Dans le cas de la plateforme Recherche, données, information du Plan Loire Grandeur nature, des travaux de recherche
bénéficient de soutiens financiers spécifiques. L’appel à projets de recherche 2011 porte sur la « Continuité écologique des
cours d’eau et services rendus par les écosystèmes, en relation avec les vulnérabilités significatives que connaît le bassin
de la Loire et ses affluents ».
FECHA LÍMITE: 17 oct 2011
+ info:
30 septiembre 2011
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
13èmes Rencontres des Grands Sites "Place & Organisation des activités commerciales sur les Grands Sites" Grand Site des ILes Sanguinaires - Pointe de la Parata
20 octubre - 21 octubre 2011 Ajaccio. Francia
Organizadores: Réseau des Grands Sites de France
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Le Parc inter-régional du Marais Pointevin édite « 2004-2012, le Parc en actions » - France
Le Parc du Marais poitevin vient d'éditer un bilan de ses actions réalisées durant la période de 2004 à 2012.
Soutenu tout particulièrement par les Régions Pays de la Loire et Poitou-Charentes, le Parc œuvre pour la
préservation de la biodiversité de la 2ème Zone Humide de France et le développement de son économie.
Dans ce guide, le Parc présente les actions qu'il a réalisées, accompagnées, soutenues. Ce bilan ne se veut
pas exhaustif mais il démontre le travail du Parc à travers des actions concrètes.
+ info:
Restauration écologique
Auteur : Andre F. Clewell, ames Aronson
Editeur : Actes Sud
ISBN: 9782742790616
L'explosion démographique, la surexploitation des ressources naturelles, l'urbanisation galopante et le
réchauffement climatique ont, depuis une centaine d'années, largement contribué à ravager notre
environnement. Aujourd'hui, pourtant, une discipline nouvelle et encore peu connue, la restauration
écologique, offre aux hommes l'opportunité de pouvoir "réparer" les écosystèmes que leurs activités ont
endommagés ou détruits.
+ info:
Acuíferos Transfronterizos en Asia: una Evaluación e Inventario preliminares
Documentos Técnicos en Hidrología – Oficina de la UNESCO en Beijing, Oficina de la UNESCO en Yakarta,
y la Agencia Regional para la Ciencia en Asia y el Pacífico
La publicación es una compilación de documentos de investigación preparados como una contribución a
un inventario de acuíferos transfronterizos en Asia bajo el tema UNESCO-PHI VII sobre la Gestión de
Acuíferos Internacionalmente Compartidos. Tal y como lo haría un atlas regional, este volumen presenta
información hidrogeológica y otra información crucial para el futuro sostenible de los acuíferos
transfronterizos en la región.
El volumen está organizado en tres partes: a) condiciones de las aguas subterráneas en Asia, b) inventario de los más
relevantes acuíferos transfronterizos y, c) estudios de caso a nivel cuenca/país.
La publicación también presenta el contexto de hecho generado dada la Resolución de la Asamblea General de las Naciones
Unidas en torno a la Ley sobre Acuíferos Transfronterizos (A/RES/63/124) introducida por un experto de la Comisión de
Derecho Internacional de las Naciones Unidas.
+ info:
Universalism and Ethical Values for the Environment
Jasdev Singh Rai; Celia Thorheim; Amarbayasgalan Dorjderem and Darryl Macer
ISBN 978-92-9223-301-3 (Print Version)
ISBN 978-92-9223-302-0 (Electronic version)
This report stems from the work of the first working group established under the framework of the Ethics
and Energy Technologies in Asia and Pacific project. The project adopted the name Ethics and Climate
Change in Asia and the Pacific (ECCAP) in 2009, as it was clear that international attention through (5 de 6) [14/10/2011 20:05:16]
Patrimonio Natural y Medio ambiente
UNFCCC and UNESCO was focused on facing climate change. The aim of the ECCAP project is not to
formulate universal economic or political plans of how to deal with these issues. Rather, the working groups of the project
aim to increase awareness and discussion of the complex ethical dilemmas related to energy, climate change and the
environment, and to identify scientific data, and available ethical frameworks of values and principles for policy options
that have proven useful in facing the challenges in certain communities and countries. This report examines the existing
ethical principles in international texts, and the world views that communities around the globe have.
+ info:
Incorporating Education for Sustainable Development into World Heritage Education: A
Teacher's Guide
© UNESCO 2010 / All rights reserved
ISBN 978-92-9223-337-2 (Print Version)
ISBN 978-92-9223-338-9 (Electronic version)
Using the World Heritage Education Resource Kit as a key reference, the modules successfully
incorporate ESD concepts into World Heritage Education and vice versa. We hope that the teacher
education institutions in the Asia-Pacific region will find these materials useful and valuable, and will
adopt and adapt them to suit their respective situations.
+ info:
Environmental protection - Reorienting Teacher Education to Address Sustainable
Development: Guidelines and Tools
By Robert Steele / © UNESCO 2010
ISBN 978-92-9223-335-8 (Print version)
ISBN 978-92-9223-336-5 (Electronic version)
The guidelines in this document have been designed to try and provide teacher trainers
and teachers with some tools, one possible framework, and some processes for bringing
the environment into the realm of all subjects, not just those of science, as has traditionally
been the case.
+ info:
Scientific Literacy and Natural Disaster Preparedness Reorienting Teacher Education to
Address Sustainable Development: Guidlines and Tools
By Lucille Gregario / © UNESCO 2010
ISBN 978-92-9223-327-3 (Print version)
ISBN 978-92-9223-328-0 (Electronic version)
This training guide is deliberately intended for science teacher educators as well as master teachers
conducting in-service workshops on “Scientific Literacy and Natural Disaster Preparedness” for pre-service
and in-service teachers and members of professional teachers’ associations. This guide will also assist
teacher training institutions to integrate the concepts into the pre-service teacher curriculum and school-based in-service
training activities.
+ info:
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Investigación sobre física y química de materiales
Investigación sobre física y química de materiales
Historical Lab 3: Naturaleza, Creatividad y Producción en Art Nouveau en Milán
19 noviembre 2011 Regione Lombardia, Milán. Italia
Organizadores: La Réseau Art Nouveau Network
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Ir a arriba [14/10/2011 20:05:17]
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
Getty Museum Embarks on Conservation Project of Berthouville
Treasure - J. Paul Getty Museum - Los Angeles - California - USA
The J. Paul Getty Museum announced today that one of the most prominent
holdings of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France's Cabinet des Médailles in
Paris, the Berthouville Treasure, has begun a three-year-long process of
conservation and technical research at the Getty Villa. This rare cache of
approximately 95 ancient Roman silver objects was discovered in March 1830
by a farmer plowing his field near the village of Berthouville in Normandy. An
extraordinary group of luxury vessels—including bowls and pitchers, many with figural decoration, as well as two silver
statuettes of the Roman god Mercury—the objects are associated with a nearby sanctuary of the god Mercury and date to
the first through third centuries A.D. Four large, late antique silver missoria (plates) belonging to the Cabinet are also part
of the conservation project.
+ info:
El Rijksmuseum de Ámsterdam (Países Bajos) encuentra un retrato oculto de Goya
El Rijksmuseum de Ámsterdam ha descubierto una obra oculta de Goya, pintada por él
mismo, bajo el Retrato de Ramón Satué (1823). La figura ahora encontrada fue ejecutada
entre 1809 y 1813. El hallazgo ha sido posible gracias a una nueva técnica que combina rayos
X y fluorescencia, desarrolada conjuntamente por las universidades de Ámberes (Bélgica) y la
Universidad Técnica de Delft, en Holanda.
El nuevo escáner utilizado "analiza todas las capas de la tela casi sin tocarla para elaborar el
mapa completo de la obra", según el Rijksmuseum. Los expertos creen que Goya pudo haber
pintado en la obra oculta al propio José Bonaparte. Pero el rostro que ha aparecido bajo la cara de Satué "no está bastante
claro como para afirmarlo". La figura revelada con la nueva técnica llevaba un uniforme francés de la guerra de la
independencia española.
+ info:
Sambhar Master Plan: A heritage-based approach to wetland conservation through the
Ramsar Document on Culture and Wetlands in India - Sambhar - Jaipur district Rajasthan
The vast cultural significance of the town of Sambhar is directly related to Sambhar Lake. The
lake has been used as a source of salt production from the 6th century AD, which is also around
the time when historians pinpoint that the present-day town was founded by King Vasudev of
the Chauhan Dynasty. Over time, salt production of the lake, as well as the town itself, has
passed through the hands of Mughal and Rajput dynasties, and finally by the British in 1870 until
independence in 1947. These different influences have created a multi-dimensional urban fabric representing all these
phases. Sambhar also has a significant religious history. It is believed that the lake was a gift by Mata Shakambhari about
2500 years ago, and is an important religious site for both Hindus and Muslims.
+ info:
Curso sobre nuevas tecnologías aplicadas al patrimonio cultural
Contacto: [email protected]
El Colegio Universitario San Gerónimo de La Habana, enclavado en el área más añeja de la
capital de Cuba, acoge hasta el venidero 30 de septiembre un curso sobre nuevas (1 de 4) [14/10/2011 20:05:19]
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
tecnologías vinculadas a la museología y a la valoración del patrimonio cultural, que
pretende elevar el nivel de información de quienes desde La Habana Vieja trabajan en ese
Se trata de la primera iniciativa conjunta que se inserta en el proyecto de cooperación
Fortalecimiento de las entidades que promueven la puesta en valor del patrimonio cultural en La Habana Vieja mediante la
captación y el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías, financiado por la Unión Europea y ejecutado por la fundación TECNALIA,
de España; la Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de La Habana; la sociedad civil Patrimonio, Comunidad y MedioAmbiente; la Ècole d'Avignon; el Colegio Universitario San Gerónimo de La Habana y el comité cubano del Consejo
Internacional de Museos (ICOM).
+ info:
Emiezan los trabajos de restauración del mural de Joan Miró del Museo Ultrich
de Wichita. Kansas (USA)
‘Hombres pájaros’, un mural de 125 metros cuadrados realizado por Joan Miró para la
Universidad Estatal de Wichita ha comenzado a desmontarse de la fachada principal del
museo de esa institución educativa para someterlo a un profundo proceso de
restauración. La bellísima secuencia de seres fantásticos que el artista español diseñó en
1978 se caía a pedazos, por lo que la dirección del museo puso en marcha la operación
‘Miró Go!’ para recaudar los 3 millones de dólares necesarios para salvar el mural.
+ info:
BOLETIN DE ISPAN - Instituto de conservación del patrimonio nacional de Haití. No 28 - Septiembre 2011
Les agradecemos que animen a sus amigos a abonarse al BOLETIN DE ISPAN en la siguiente dirección: ispan.
[email protected]
El Instituto de Conservación del Patrimonio Nacional (ISPAN) es un organismo técnico autónomo del Ministerio de cultura y
comunicación. Tiene como misión realizar el inventario y la clasificación de sitios, monumentos y conjuntos históricos de la
República de Haití, llevar a cabo proyectos de protección, restauración y puesta en valor de monumentos, sitios y
conjuntos históricos, asegurar la dirección y el control de los trabajos de ejecución de dichos proyectos, ayudar a la
promoción y el desarrollo de actividades públicas o privadas destinadas a preservar el patrimonio nacional y, por último,
recopilar, organizar y difundir toda la información y documentación relativa al patrimonio arquitectónico y monumental,
nacional e internacional.
+ info:
Connecticut College's steel house by Winslow Ames getting chance to shine again New London - Connecticut - USA
Shedding paint flakes the size of dinner plates, the rusty steel house huddled in a corner of
Connecticut College's campus appeared for years to be more of an eyesore than a historic
As one of few 1930s steel houses of its type still standing nationwide, though, the
prefabricated cottage holds a pedigree on par with many better-known architectural jewels
— and now it's getting its chance to shine again.
+ info:
Frank Lloyd Wright's Historic Park Inn Restored - Mason City - Iowa - USA
The restoration of The Historic Park Inn Hotel marks the culmination of efforts begun in
the 1970’s. The property was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1972
and various attempts at renovation were made over the years.
The $18.5 million restoration has restored the building to its 1910 appearance and into a
27-room boutique hotel. Public spaces in the hotel have also been restored, with period
appropriate furnishings throughout the hotel.
The Historic Park Inn Hotel is a perfect example of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Prairie School
design and the only commercial structure in the state of Iowa.
+ info:
Fortress of Fortezza - Markus Scherer with Walter Dietl - 2009 - Franzensfeste - Italy
“Begun under Francis I in the year 1833 – completed by Ferdinand I in the year 1838”, reads the Latin
inscription over the gate of the fortress. In just five years, over 6,000 workers and soldiers built a blocking
position at one of the narrowest points in the Eisack valley. It has the dimensions of a small town and, with
a surface area of 20 hectares, is the largest fortification in the Alpine region. With this monumental
defensive work the Habsburgs hoped to halt the advance of the revolutionary changes provoked by the
French revolution. Designed by regimental engineer Franz von Scholl, it consists of three autonomous
sections: the upper, middle and lower fortress levels. It has clear and simple classicist lines; it is functional
and impregnable. As the military threat did not materialize in the decades following its construction, however, the fortress
rapidly lost its importance. By the end of the 19th century it was merely used as a powder depot. In 1918 Franzensfeste
came under Italian rule and was used by the army until 2003.
+ info:
Harbor Brain Building - C+S Associati - 2011 - Venice - Italy
HBB architectural design intercepts the atmosphere of the Venice Arsenale: a sequence of void spaces
temporararily occupied by objects (the ships) which had to be built, repaired or were simply housed.The
program for the building is that to become the harbour station housing the computers which control the (2 de 4) [14/10/2011 20:05:19]
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
seaport trafic at the new Venice openings following the atcuation of the MOSE project, a kind of brain to
manage the trafic, exactly what we called the HBB. Habour Brain Building.
Despite for some meeting rooms and offices, the real inhabitants of this space are the computers, able to
manage the trafic during the opening or closing of the port openings. A hulk made of corten iron is
designed inside the square space of the original existing ‘teza’ of the Arsenale after demolishing the internal partitions and
compressing all the techniological and terminal installations inside the new volume and in an underground space.
+ info:
The National Maritime Museum Reopens After Refurbishment - Amsterdam
- The Netherlands
Het Scheepvaartmuseum, the National Maritime Museum, is open again! With a 3D
projection on the walls of our building the Arsenal, we returned our museum to the
public on Saturday evening 1 October. Hundreds enjoyed the show and the closing
Saturday’s Grand Opening concluded a week of opening festivities. Guest of honor
was Queen Beatrix, who visited two exhibitions. She arrived in style on her ship De
Groene Draeck (‘the Green Dragon’), "a sporting and generous gesture," according to director-general Willem Bijleveld.
Deputy Mayor Eric van der Burg called it “a true tour de force” that Het Scheepvaartmuseum was the last big Amsterdam
museum to close for renovations and the first to reopen. State Secretary for Culture Halbe Zijlstra said the Netherlands
should be proud of a museum "that reflects the Dutch maritime history in every way possible”.
+ info:
Jean Nouvel Jewelbox Houses Historic Carousel - New York - New York State - USA
In 1922 the Philadelphia Toboggan Company made a classic 3-row carousel with 48 carved
horses and 2 chariots accompanied by wood carvings that are said to be among the finest of
their kind. This historic carousel, the first to be placed on the National Register of Historic
Places, re-opened to the public on September 16th. Jane’s Carousel, entirely restored including
original scenery panels, rounding boards, crests, center pole and platform is nestled between
the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges within a Jean Nouvel designed acrylic pavilion in Brooklyn
Bridge Park. Nouvel’s steel framed clear box can be opened on two sides providing an openaired experience. At night white shades can be drawn and the shadows of the 48 horses dance across the walls.
+ info:
28 Church Street Extension - S. Porobic Associates - Wellingborough - England
We were commissioned by the Borough Council of Wellingborough to remodel, extend and
refurbish Grade ll listed building at 28 Church Street, Wellingborough. The brief was to bring
back to life very dilapidated building and set the quality level for the rest of forthcoming
development. This small building, set in the heart of Conservation Area, was meant to act
as a catalyst for the Urban renewal of the town centre.
The building was originally part of church assembly buildings formed around All Hallows
Church, Grade l listed building dating from 12th century. The building itself is from 16th
century but majority of the edifice is from the early 19th century. At rear and the west, the site was defined by low quality
20th century extension and extensive overgrown landscaping. To the east the site was separated from the church by high
walls and high shrubs. The last use of the building was storage for the local theatre company.
+ info:
Leazar Hall Renovation & Additions - Cannon Architects - 2007 - Raleigh - North
Carolina - USA
This 62,000 sqf renovation and addition project is the first phase of an overall master plan for NC
State University’s College of Design. Leazar Hall, originally a Dining Hall (Circa 1912), had been
subdivided over the years into a maze of office and classroom spaces. This project restores the
three level (plus mezzanine) building into a single use building for studios, seminar / review
rooms, materials lab, and faculty offices. The project consisted of totally gutting the interior of
the building, including all engineering systems. Interior spaces were opened up to create the
program requirements for studios, materials lab (woodworking, metal, welding, finishing booths, CNC machines, etc.)
seminar rooms, review spaces, and offices. The north-south and east-west axes were opened up, creating circulation zones
and review spaces. New systems for plumbing, mechanical, fire protection and electrical were added within the existing
+ info:
Save Ellis Island works to preserve buildings - New Jersey - USA
Save Ellis Island is the National Park Service fundraising and programmatic
non-profit partner for the rehabilitation of the twenty-nine remaining
buildings on Ellis Island, with the mission and mandate to raise the funds
necessary to create and sustain, within these buildings, the Ellis Island
Institute and Conference Center.
+ info:
La « Sainte Anne » de Vinci menacée - Musée du Louvre - Paris - France
Quelle main serait assez délicate pour toucher sans l’abîmer un des chefs-d’œuvre absolu de la peinture (3 de 4) [14/10/2011 20:05:19]
Restauración y técnicas de conservación
occidentale ? Qui pourrait se mesurer au génie de Léonard de Vinci et à l’infinie subtilité de sa technique
picturale ? Enterré depuis 1994 sur ordre du ministère de la Culture, le dossier de la restauration de La
Vierge, l’Enfant Jésus et sainte Anne est ressorti des abîmes du Louvre, à Paris. À l’issue d’une journée
d’études autour du panneau, organisée en juin 2009, en présence d’éminents spécialistes de Léonard, tels
que l’historien et paléographe Carlo Pedretti ou le peintre chercheur et historien de l’art Jacques Franck,
qui a décrypté et reconstitué la mystérieuse technique du sfumato, le directeur du département des
Peintures du musée, Vincent Pomarède, a ouvert la boîte de Pandore.
+ info:
Call for tenders - Preparation of the Technical Design - Restoration Conservation Project for the Church of
Annunciation of Gracanica Monastery
Deadline for submission of Sealed Tenders 8 November 2011 Kosovo, Serbia
Organizadores: UNESCO
Contacto: Sinisa Sesum - [email protected]
+ info:
International Event - Lucca. LU.BE.C. 2011, quando tecnologia e beni culturali si incontrano
20 octubre - 22 octubre 2011 Lucca. Italia
Organizadores: Promo P.A. Fondazione
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Jornada de Conservación y Restauración
26 noviembre 2011 Castellón. España
Organizadores: Museo de BBAA de Castellón, España
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Actas del X Congreso Internacional CICOP (Centro internacional para la conservación del patrimonio) 2010 Chile - REHABILITACIÓN DEL PATRIMONIO ARQUITECTÓNICO Y EDIFICACIÓN - Perspectivas contemporáneas
y nuevas dimensiones del pat
CICOP Chile y el Portal Todopatrimonio se complacen en anunciarles que las actas del X Congreso Internacional CICOP
2010: "Rehabilitación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Edificación: Perspectivas contemporáneas y nuevas dimensiones del
patrimonio" celebrado en 2010 y organizado por CICOP Chile, se encuentran disponibles online en el Portal Todopatrimonio.
El X Congreso Internacional de Rehabilitación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Edificación, organizado por CICOP Chile,
pretende ampliar y reanimar la reflexión, ya iniciada en congresos anteriores, respecto a la nueva mirada que demanda la
conservación del patrimonio físico y la memoria material e inmaterial de los pueblos en el proceso de readecuación desde
el voluntarismo y la desarticulación hacia la integración y la planificación estratégica, desde la imposición a la participación,
desde la pasividad al protagonismo.
+ info:
Studies in Conservation - The Journal of the International Institute for Conservation of Historic
and Artistic Works - Volume 57
Print ISSN: 0039-3630 / Online ISSN: 2047-0584
Editor-in-Chief: Dr C L Reedy (University of Delaware, USA)
Studies in Conservation is the premier international peer-reviewed journal for the conservation of historic
and artistic works. The intended readership includes the conservation professional in the broadest sense
of the term: practising conservators of all types of object, conservation, heritage and museum scientists,
collection or conservation managers, teachers and students of conservation, and academic researchers in
the subject areas of arts, archaeology, the built heritage, materials history, art technological research and material culture.
+ info:
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Pintura Rupestre
Pintura Rupestre
Des œuvres d’art rupestre réalisées par des enfants de trois ans il y a 13 000 ans
Grotte de Rouffignac - Dordogne - France
Des archéologues américains ont découvert que certains dessins de la grotte de Rouffignac en
Dordogne étaient l’œuvre d’enfants de 3 à 7 ans. Ces tracés digitaux, vieux de 13 000 ans et
recouvrant parfois l’ensemble d’une cavité, posent la question de la place des jeunes dans la
société magdalénienne. Les résultats de ces recherches ont été présentés le 2 octobre 2011, par
Jessica Cooney, à l’Université de Cambridge.
Dans le cadre de la conférence internationale « Le travail des enfants dans le passé », le 2
octobre 2011 à l’Université de Cambridge, l’archéologue Jessica Cooney a présenté les résultats de son étude sur les
dessins des grottes de Rouffignac en Dordogne. Selon elle, ces œuvres ont été réalisées par de jeunes enfants, il y a 13
000 ans. En effet, une nouvelle technique a été mise au point pour déterminer le sexe et l’âge des artistes, en fonction de
la largeur des doigts de la main. A Rouffignac, les scientifiques ont pu identifier les traces de 4 garçons et filles, âgés de 3
à 7 ans.
+ info:
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Turismo: Turismo Cultural y Ecoturismo
Turismo: Turismo Cultural y Ecoturismo
See the Wild Wildlife Conservation Tours - Protected Endangered Wildlife Through Travel Conservation
We connect travelers and volunteers with wildlife conservation projects in places that most need the support. All of the eco
tours and volunteer expeditions listed on SEEtheWILD help generate income for endangered species protection and support
community development.
Every dollar you donate will help us acheive our non-profit mission of leveraging funding for our biodiversity conservation
partners through ecotourism. Donations are accepted through our sponsor, The Ocean Foundation.
+ info:
What is Sustainable Travel? - Sustainable Travel International (STI)
Sustainable Travel International (STI) is a global leader in sustainable tourism development. The 501(c)
(3) non-profit organization’s mission is to promote sustainable development through responsible travel by
providing programs that help travelers, businesses and destinations protect the environment, preserve
cultural heritage and promote economic development.
STI is dedicated to taking a holistic approach to addressing sustainable development within the travel and
tourism industries by providing solutions-oriented programs that generate tangible results and affect longlasting change.
+ info:
AWARDS - The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) Searches For World's Most
Sustainable Businesses and destinations worldwide to apply for its 2012 Tourism for
Tomorrow Awards
The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is inviting tourism businesses and destinations
worldwide to apply for its 2012 Tourism for Tomorrow Awards.
Every year WTTC recognises the very best in sustainable tourism - its Tourism for Tomorrow
Awards are one of the highest accolades in the global Travel & Tourism industry…
+ info:
Ecotourism Can Play Vital Role In Maintaining Healthy Forests
The continuing boom in ecotourism has the potential to save endangered forests or destroy them, depending on how
effectively tourism expansion is managed, an international partnership for forest conservation and improvement cautioned
The Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), comprising 14 international organizations and secretariats, including FAO,
issued its view on the relationship between ecotourism and forestry today as the world celebrates the World Tourism Day
and the International Year of Forests.
+ info:
Le patrimoine bâti sur le Grand Site des deux Caps - Cap Gris-Nez et Cap Blanc-Nez - Pas de Calais - France
Avant la grande mode des bains de mer, le Site des Deux Caps n’était pas une destination touristique. Les gens de la mer,
pêcheurs et cueilleurs de coquillages menaient une vie rude.
+ info:
TOURISM AND THE MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS (MDGs) - United Nations World Tourism Organization
(UNWTO) (1 de 3) [14/10/2011 20:05:22]
Turismo: Turismo Cultural y Ecoturismo
Tourism accounts for 45 percent of the exports of services of least-developed countries and is a major job generator for
many of the world’s most vulnerable populations. Indeed, in 2009, emerging economies received 410 million international
tourism arrivals, a 47 percent share of the global total, and US$306 billion in international tourism receipts, 36 percent of
the global total. As such, the industry can play a significant role in the achievement of the MDGs, in particular MDG 1 Eradication of Poverty, MDG 3 - Gender Equality, MDG 7 - Environmental Sustainability, and MDG 8 - Global Partnerships
for Development.
+ info:
Taller - Planificación, Construcción y Monitoreo de Senderos de uso turístico
Modalidad: VIRTUAL 07 octubre - 17 noviembre 2011
Organizadores: Funsación ILAM
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 7 oct 2011
+ info:
Role of Museums in Education and Cultural Tourism Development - UNESCO Training and Experts Meeting
18 octubre - 21 octubre 2011 Kiev. Ucrania
Organizadores: UNESCO
Contacto: [email protected]
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EUROMED - MONTADA TUNISIE - Colloque international : Patrimoine, tourisme et développement
Inscription libre et gratuite (Places limitées par la capacité de la salle) 01 noviembre - 02 noviembre 2011 Sousse. Túnez
Organizadores: Projet Montada
Contacto: Wided Majdoub - [email protected]
+ info:
REHABIMED - Coloquio Internacional: Patrimonio, turismo y desarrollo. Los desafíos del patrimonio como
recurso identitario, turístico y económico en Túnez
01 noviembre - 02 noviembre 2011 Sousse. Túnez
Organizadores: EUROMED - Programa MONTADA
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
STEP (Sustainable Tourism Eco-Certification Program) Auditor and Consultant Training Course
12 noviembre - 17 noviembre 2011 Belle Isle Castle. Irlanda
Organizadores: STEP
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
CALL FOR PAPERS - International Conference onTourism and Sustainable Development at World Heritage
Sites: Libreville and LOPE National Park
Extended deadline for abstracts: 28 November 2011 01 junio - 08 junio 2012 Gabón
Organizadores: Omar Bongo University (Libreville, Gabon), Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris, France),
Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)
Contacto: Maria [email protected] ; [email protected]
+ info:
Aide à la conception des aménagements cyclables
Editeur : Territorial Editions
ISBN version numérique : 978-2-35295-919-9
Un ouvrage de : Association des départements et régions cyclables
La conception des aménagements cyclables fait maintenant l'objet d'une culture partagée. Ce cahier
technique a pour objet de fournir des éléments de réflexion aux concepteurs d'aménagements et
d'itinéraires cyclables pour apporter la meilleure réponse possible aux besoins des usagers.
+ info:
Ir a arriba (2 de 3) [14/10/2011 20:05:22]
Turismo: Turismo Cultural y Ecoturismo (3 de 3) [14/10/2011 20:05:22]
Patrimonio Subacuático. Arqueología subacuática
Patrimonio Subacuático. Arqueología subacuática
Affaire Odyssey : un tribunal américain confirme la propriété de l'Espagne sur le
trésor sous-marin
Le 21 septembre 2011, le tribunal d’Atlanta a statué sur le sort du trésor sous-marin du navire
Mercedes. Depuis 4 ans, les autorités espagnoles et la société américaine Odyssey se battent
pour la propriété d’un butin retrouvé dans l’épave de ce galion espagnol du XIXe siècle. C’est
donc à l’Espagne que revient l’intégralité de la découverte. Les responsables d’Odyssey
comptent faire appel de la décision.
+ info:
Actividades extraídas del mundo de la arqueología subacuática
Con motivo del próximo X Aniversario de la Convención para la Protección del Patrimonio
Cultural Subacuático (2001) el mundo de la arqueología subacuática se está viendo animado
por importantes eventos.
Como evento de clausura del año, la UNESCO, en cooperación con la Universidad Católica de
Leuven, Bélgica, está preparando un gran coloquio científico y un encuentro regional de la UE.
Celebrará así el aniversario de la Convención de 2001 y tendrá lugar en Bruselas entre el 13 y
15 de diciembre de 2011.
+ info:
Odyssey Confirms Discovery of SS Gairsoppa Shipwreck. Tampa, Florida (USA)
Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. (Nasdaq:OMEX) announced today that it has confirmed the identity and location of the
shipwreck site of the SS Gairsoppa nearly 4,700 meters below the surface of the North Atlantic, approximately 300 miles
off the coast of Ireland in international waters. The SS Gairsoppa was a 412-foot steel-hulled British cargo ship that was
torpedoed by a German U-boat in February 1941 while enlisted in the service of the United Kingdom (UK) Ministry of War
Transport. Contemporary research and official documents indicate that the ship was carrying £600,000 (1941 value) or 7
Million total ounces of silver, including over 3 Million ounces of private silver bullion insured by the UK government which
would make it the largest known precious metal cargo ever recovered from the sea. In 2010, the UK Government
Department for Transport awarded Odyssey, through a competitive tender process, the exclusive salvage contract for the
cargo of the SS Gairsoppa. Under the salvage agreement Odyssey will retain 80% of the net salved value of the silver
bullion recovered under the contract.
+ info:
la efectiva protección del patrimonio cultural sólo se puede lograr a través de la cooperación a nivel
nacional e internacional. para poder impedir el saqueo del patrimonio subacuático y su consecuente
introducción en el tráfico ilícito de bienes culturales se trabaja conjuntamente con instituciones como las
marinas nacionales, las autoridades portuarias, las aduanas, los institutos de estudios marinos, los
centros de conservación de material arqueológico y los museos, así como también las entidades
relacionadas con el buceo recreativo, que están en permanente contacto con el mundo sumergido y
pueden ser los mejores aliados para su protección. el patrimonio cultural subacuático nos pertenece a
todos y debemos preservarlo para las generaciones futuras.
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Patrimonio Subacuático. Arqueología subacuática
Israeli lifeguard Avi Afia rescues sunken treasure from the Mediterranean sea near
Tel Aviv
Israeli lifeguards plunged into the Mediterranean sea this month on an unusual rescue
mission: to pull out an ancient ship's anchor.
Lifeguard Avi Afia first spotted the tip of the anchor on a daily swim five years ago. It was
peeking out from the sandy ocean floor about 150 feet (60 meters) from the coast.
It wasn't until this month that the sands shifted to reveal the treasure in its entirety: a
nearly 7-foot (2.1 meter), 650-pound (300 kilogram) iron anchor, probably a spare in the
belly of a Byzantine ship that crashed and sank in a storm about 1,700 years ago, said archaeologist Jacob Sharvit of
Israel's Antiquities Authority.
+ info:
Formation régionale – cours avancé sur la préservation du patrimoine culturel subaquatique, Parc national de
Khao Laem Ya-Moo Koh Samet
19 octubre - 26 octubre 2011 Rayong. Tailandia
Organizadores: bureau de l’UNESCO à Bangkok
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
International Scientific Colloquium on the factors impacting underwater cultural heritage at the Royal Library
of Belgium
13 diciembre - 14 diciembre 2011 Brussels. Bélgica
Organizadores: UNESCO on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Convention on the Protection of Underwater
Cultural Heritage (2001)
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Underwater Cultural Heritage in Oceania (en inglés)
El Océano Pacífico contiene una fuerte abundancia de rastros sumergidos de existencia humana. Se
extiende sobre tres continentes: Asia, Australia y América. Sus archipiélagos e islas se estiran sobre
una gran distancia y muchos de ellos fueron poblados por seres humanos desde sus principios y
experimentaron procesos de cambio substancial por el colonialismo europeo. Los sitios subacuáticos
en Oceanía atraviesan la historia de la humanidad de la Edad de Piedra a la era atómica.
+ info:
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Actividades de la Directora General de UNESCO sobre Patrimonio
Actividades de la Directora General de UNESCO sobre Patrimonio
Irina Bokova expresa su sincero pésame por la muerte de Wangari Maathai
La Directora General de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova, expresó su profundo pesar y su más sentido
pésame por la pérdida de la Sra. Wangari Maathai, que falleció el 25 de septiembre de 2011 a los
71 años de edad.
La profesora Wangari Maathai fue la primera africana galardonada con el Premio Nobel de la Paz,
que le fue concedido en 2004 en reconocimiento de su trabajo en favor del desarrollo sostenible,
la democracia y la paz. La infatigable labor en defensa de esos valores que llevó a cabo por
medio del Movimiento Cinturón Verde, que fundó en 1977, y de otras muchas actividades le valió
también una candidatura a ser nombrada en 2009 Mensajera de la Paz de las Naciones Unidas.
+ info:
Irina Bokova introduce los océanos como uno de los grandes temas de trabajo del Grupo de Gestión Ambiental
de las Naciones Unidas
El lunes 19 de septiembre de 2011 la Directora General de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova, participó en la reunión de altos
cargos del Grupo de Gestión Ambiental de las Naciones Unidas, encuentro al que también asistieron otros jefes de
organismos y programas de las Naciones Unidas y el Secretario General de la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el
Desarrollo Sostenible ‘Rio+20’, Sr. Sha Zukang.
+ info:
La UNESCO logra un consenso en torno a su acción en favor de la diversidad biológica
El martes 20 de septiembre de 2011 la Directora General de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova, firmó un
Memorando de Cooperación entre organismos, organizaciones y convenciones internacionales
sobre la aplicación del Plan Estratégico para la Diversidad Biológica 2011-2020 y la consecución
de las Metas de Aichi para la Diversidad Biológica. Firmaron el Memorando 26 entidades.
+ info:
La UNESCO y el Perú conectados por la cultura
El martes 20 de septiembre de 2011, la Directora General de la UNESCO, Irina Bokova, y
Rafael Roncagliolo Orbegoso, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores del Perú, se reunieron en Nueva
York al margen del sexagésimo sexto periodo de sesiones de la Asamblea General de las
Naciones Unidas.
Su entrevista se centró en la valiosa participación del Perú en los órganos rectores de la
UNESCO y en sus convenciones en el ámbito de la cultura. Se debatieron asimismo las
actividades del país en relación con la diversidad cultural y la cultura para el desarrollo.
+ info:
UNESCO to resume cooperation with Libya
The Director-General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova, has welcomed the U.N. General Assembly’s recognition of Libya’s National
Transitional Council as the country’s legitimate government and announced that UNESCO is looking forward to placing its
expertise at the disposal of the new authorities.
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Actividades de la Directora General de UNESCO sobre Patrimonio
Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism President Discusses
Heritage and Inter-Religious Dialogue with the DirectorGeneral - UNESCO - 30 September 2011
Citing their common interest in promoting solidarity and dialogue
between cultures and religions, the Venerable Jaseung, President of
the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism and UNESCO Director-General
Irina Bokova discussed opportunities for further collaboration during
a meeting on 30 September 2011.
UNESCO and the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism signed a Memorandum of Understanding in September 2010 and a
funds-in-trust agreement for the rehabilitation of public secondary schools in Haiti. The Director-General expressed thanks
for this contribution, which was “highly appreciated by the people of Haiti and UNESCO”.
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Patrimonio Vernáculo
Patrimonio Vernáculo
EUROMED-MONTADA - La casa tradicional de Sousse, Túnez (17 abril 2011)
El 17 de abril de 2011 se realizó el taller internacional de arquitectura tradicional en Sousse,
en la Escuela Porte Nord, con la participación de unos treinta niños y niñas y todos los
colaboradores de Montada. Las maquetas realizadas de la casa tradicional de la medina de
Sousse facilitaron la comprensión de las diferentes alturas de las terrazas de la ciudad, así
como su configuración.
+ info:
EUROMED-MONTADA - Taller para niños: El riyad en la casa de Dellys, Argelia
(agosto 2011)
En la Maison des Jeunes de Dellys, el 18 de diciembre 2010, tuvo lugar el taller de
arquitectura tradicional para los más pequeños. La actividad versó sobre el riyad en la
arquitectura tradicional de la Kasbah de la ciudad. La casa con riyad es una tipología
significativa en el conjunto edificado, y tiene vínculos con la arquitectura nazarí. Se define
como un espacio abierto en la fachada posterior o lateral de la casa, rodeado de muros, en
el que se situaba el jardín-huerto, combinando la formación de parterres, plantaciones de
jazmín, incorporación de fuentes, además de árboles frutales como el naranjo o el limonero.
+ info:
Le patrimoine bâti sur le Grand Site des deux Caps - Cap Gris-Nez et Cap Blanc-Nez - Pas de Calais - France
Avant la grande mode des bains de mer, le Site des Deux Caps n’était pas une destination touristique. Les gens de la mer,
pêcheurs et cueilleurs de coquillages menaient une vie rude.
+ info:
Patrimoine bâti du Grand Site de la Montagne Sainte Victoire - France
Représentatif de l’identité d’un territoire et de modes de vies ancestraux, le patrimoine bâti mérite une attention
particulière. Sur le périmètre du Grand Site, l’homme a construit une civilisation intimement liée à la nature. Jour après
jour, pierre après pierre, une histoire s’est ainsi construite, empreinte de ténacité et d’ingéniosité. Malheureusement,
l’usure du temps touche nombre de ces édifices.
Par exemple, le patrimoine bâti agricole tend à disparaître. Jadis en cultivant les terres, on maintenait les milieux ouverts,
aujourd’hui la déprise agricole, l’enfrichement des parcelles et leur conquête par la forêt de pins ont parfois fait disparaître
certains éléments architecturaux sous le couvert végétal.
Dans un espace occupé par les hommes depuis le Néolithique un certain nombre de traces : patrimoine archéologique,
religieux, agricole, vernaculaire et certains éléments monumentaux méritent une attention particulière.
+ info:
Renovation of a Farmhouse - EXiT architetti associati - 2011 - Oderzo - Treviso Italy
A wide rural building located in Treviso countryside, used mainly as a farmhouse, had to be
restored and converted into a family house. The first step was to remove. To remove the
annexes and all elements that had been added through the years to the original structure,
such as the wall plugs used to close the arches and the interior divisions that hid the original
dimensions. Inner spaces were re-organized following a new hierarchy based on the pre- (1 de 2) [14/10/2011 20:05:27]
Patrimonio Vernáculo
existing spatial values of the building plan that had never been exploited due to the discontinuous and fragmented use of
spaces and depots…
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Patrimonio mundial
Patrimonio mundial
Ratificación de Brunei Darussalam de la Convención para la Protección del Patrimonio
Mundial, Cultural y Natural (París, 16 de noviembre de 1972)
El 12 de agosto de 2011, Brunei Darussalam depositó ante la Directora General el instrumento de
ratificación de la Convención para la Protección del Patrimonio Mundial, Cultural y Natural.
De conformidad con su Artículo 33, la Convención entró en vigor para Brunei Darussalam tres meses después de la fecha
de depósito de este instrumento de ratificación, es decir, el 12 de noviembre de 2011.
+ info:
Gorilla census for Bwindi kicks off - Bwindi Impenetrable Forest Uganda
Other key partners like ITFC and CTPH will be represented in the gorilla count.
IGCP and Marx planks are the key sponsors of this year’s census which will
span for a period of six weeks. The stage seems set as all the logistical
requirements needed for the census have now arrived and accounted for by the
For the next three days, the participants will be equipped with all the necessary
information and practices to enable them successfully count the gorillas. Key among them will be gorilla data collection,
sample collection, training on compass, GPS, and mapping among others…
+ info:
La cultura "mangiata" dal degrado e dal cemento
La medaglia appuntata sul petto non basta a preservare i tesori nostrani. E’ impietoso,
infatti, il quadro che Legambiente ha presentato nel suo dossier “Unesco all’Italiana”: da
nord a sud, sotto politiche di destra e sinistra, il nostro Paese rischia, secondo le ultime
analisi, di uccidere un’abbondante fetta della sua memoria storica. Dei 45 siti riconosciuti
dall’Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l’educazione la scienza e la cultura (UNESCO)
patrimonio dell’Umanità, ben 23 sono soggetti a degrado, abbandono o alla longa manus
cementificatrice delle ecomafie.
+ info:
Sites palafittiques préhistoriques autour des Alpes
La série de 111 sites archéologiques palafittiques sur les 937 connus dans six pays autour des régions
alpines et subalpines de l'Europe est composée des vestiges d'établissements préhistoriques datant de 5
000 à 500 av. J.-C., qui sont situés sous l'eau, sur les rives de lacs ou le long de rivières ou de terres
+ info:
Neubau Depot und Verwaltung RUHR MUSEUM - Scheidt Kasprusch Architekten - 2010
- Zollverein - Essen - Germany
An extreme restraint for all structural addition within the context of the world heritage – the
colliery of Zollverein with all architectural qualities and inestimable historic values – is (1 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:05:31]
Patrimonio mundial
indicated. The course of the design for the new depot of the Ruhr Museum was based on
serenity and mastery.
Clear geometry and decreased material selection were ways and methods for the design. On
the one hand, the building is positioned into the correct context, on the other hand it abstracts
and sublimates this context.
+ info:
The World Heritage Centre and HISTORY to raise awareness about preservation across the globe
As the World Heritage Convention's 40th Anniversary approaches in 2012, UNESCO's World Heritage Centre and
HISTORY® are partnering to increase awareness about heritage preservation worldwide. As part of the alliance, HISTORY
will provide a monetary donation along with production services and marketing support to UNESCO's World Heritage Centre
for a three year period. The announcement was made on Monday 12 September at the Tower of London (a World Heritage
site) by Dr. Libby O'Connell, SVP Corporate Outreach and Chief Historian for HISTORY and Petya Totcharova, Chief of the
Europe and North America Unit at the World Heritage Centre.
+ info:
World Monuments Fund announces two major grants for sites in the United-Republic of Tanzania and
World Monuments Fund (WMF) announced today that it has received two major grants from the U.S. Ambassadors Fund
for Cultural Preservation for projects at Phnom Bakheng in Cambodia and Kilwa Kisiwani in Tanzania.
Phnom Bakheng, built between the late-ninth and early tenth centuries as a state temple for a city later absorbed into
Angkor, is one of the oldest temples in the Angkor Archaeological Park. The award of $450,000 will complete a
conservation project begun in 2009 with a prior $1 million Ambassadors Fund grant. The temple is one of the most popular
at Angkor, especially at sunset, for the view it affords of Angkor Wat. Heavy foot traffic from tourists has created serious
conservation issues at the site, which are being addressed with the Ambassadors Fund support as well as an additional
$150,000 committed by WMF through its Robert W. Wilson Challenge to Conserve Our Heritage. In addition to conserving
the temple, WMF’s project, in collaboration with APSARA National Authority, is reviewing all needs at the site from
management of rainwater runoff to improving the visitor experience.
+ info:
Israel supports the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation - Oswiecim - Poland
The government of Israel has joined in supporting the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation’s Perpetual Fund project. Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced that the support will amount to 3,600,000 new shekels, or about $1,000,000.
The goal of the Foundation is to finance a long-term program for conserving the authentic Memorial. The overarching value
inspiring the effort is maintaining the maximum authenticity and legibility of the post-camp space for future generations…
+ info:
Another look at 3XN's Museum of Liverpool - 2011 - Liverpool - United Kingdom
Opened on July 19th the new Museum of Liverpool by 3XN serves as a meeting point for
history, the people of Liverpool, and visitors from around the globe. Featured on ArchDaily
in July (see the full project feature here) photographer José Campos recently shared with us
his photographs of this impressive museum.
+ info:
Shark populations along Great Barrier Reef in decline - John Cook University - Queensland - Australia
Sharks are in big trouble on the Great Barrier Reef and worldwide, according to an Australian-based team who have
developed a world-first way to measure rates of decline in shark populations.
“There is mounting evidence of widespread, substantial, and ongoing declines in the abundance of shark populations
worldwide, coincident with marked rises in global shark catches in the last half-century,” say Mizue Hisano, Professor Sean
Connolly and Dr William Robbins from the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies and James Cook University…
+ info:
Save the Sinharaja Rainforest Campaign - Sri Lanka
Sinharaja Forest Reserve is considered one of the most important natural habitats in Sri Lanka.
This majestic rainforest was deemed an International Man and Biosphere Reserve in 1978 and
deservedly designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1989. The forest offers a huge
diversity of species both flora and fauna with a large proportion of those being indigenous to
the country and some more specifically endemic to Sinharaja itself.
+ info:
Algeria - Valuable partner of the AWHF (African World Heritage Fund)
We are pleased to announce that Algeria has made a contribution of 60 000 USD to the
Endowment Fund of the African World Heritage Fund. This is the initial contribution of the
total Algerian pledge of 600 000 USD. The contribution to the Endowment Fund follows
continued support that Algeria has given the AWHF. The Algerian Ministry of Culture has
been invaluable in the way they have contributed to the Nomination Training Courses for
Arabic-speaking African countries. The AWHF has since 2008 been organizing training
courses in English, French, Portuguese and now also in Arabic, with the aim to assist African
countries in the preparation procedures of nominating a heritage site for inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List as
a cultural or natural heritage site. (2 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:05:31]
Patrimonio mundial
+ info:
Volubilis Visitor Center - Kilo Architectures - 2011 - Meknes Morocco
Set within the most visited archaeological site in the Kingdom of
Morocco, this project seeks to enhance the historical and symbolic
significance of this unique UNESCO World Heritage site. The site is an
exceptionally well-preserved example of an ancient Roman colonial town
and one of several antique sites in Morocco. Due to the lack of urban
development in the immediate surroundings, the site today closely
resembles what the Romans saw in their time. In order to highlight the dramatic visual impact of the antique ruins upon
entry to the site, the volume of the museum is embedded into the hillside so that visitors do not initially perceive its
+ info:
Harbor Brain Building - C+S Associati - 2011 - Venice - Italy
HBB architectural design intercepts the atmosphere of the Venice Arsenale: a sequence of void spaces
temporararily occupied by objects (the ships) which had to be built, repaired or were simply housed.The
program for the building is that to become the harbour station housing the computers which control the
seaport trafic at the new Venice openings following the atcuation of the MOSE project, a kind of brain to
manage the trafic, exactly what we called the HBB. Habour Brain Building.
Despite for some meeting rooms and offices, the real inhabitants of this space are the computers, able to
manage the trafic during the opening or closing of the port openings. A hulk made of corten iron is
designed inside the square space of the original existing ‘teza’ of the Arsenale after demolishing the internal partitions and
compressing all the techniological and terminal installations inside the new volume and in an underground space.
+ info:
CITYVISION: International Ideas Competition Winners - Venice - Italy
The CITYVISION competition is an international ideas competition, which challenges
architects, engineers, designers, students and creative individuals to develop visionary urban
proposals with the intention of stimulating and supporting the contemporary city. Through
innovative ideas and methodologies, which can improve the connection between the historical,
present and future city, CITYVISION aims to foster a critical evolution of architectural
historiography. The host city for this round of entries was Venice, Italy. Browse through the
winning entries after the break.
The Judging Panel of the 2011 edition was composed of leaders of the architecture and design fields: 4 members and a
presiding president including BJARKE INGELS (BIG Architects) Copenhagen / New York Jury President, NERI OXMAN
(Material Ecology) New York, ELENA MANFERDINI (Atelier Manferdini) Los Angeles, MARIA LUDOVICA TRAMONTIN
(Università di Cagliari) Cagliari, BOSTJAN VUGA (Sadar Vuga) Ljubljana. The Jury selected a first and a second prize and
11 honorable mentions. Venice CITYVISION Competition had 250 registered groups (462 participants) and received 201
proposals from all five continents. During the competition a special prize has been added, FARM special prize, and Andrea
Bartoli (farm’s owner) selected the winner.
+ info:
Forum de restitution des assises de la Loire et de l'estuaire - Val de Loire - Nantes et Angers - France (13
octobre 2011)
Cette journée de restitution des 8 ateliers thématiques est organisée le jeudi 13 octobre 2011 à l’Hôtel de région à Nantes
et à l’espace régional à Angers. Organisés de mai à juillet 2011, ces ateliers avaient rassemblé 180 acteurs, élus,
institutionnels, représentants du monde économique et associatif.
+ info:
Le CESER Centre ( Conseil économique, social et environnemental régional de la région Centre) rend son avis
sur le projet de Plan de gestion - Val de Loire - France
Lors de la séance plénière du 23 septembre 2011, le Conseil économique, social et environnemental régional (CESER) de la
région Centre a adopté à l’unanimité un avis sur le plan de gestion, rendu suite à une saisine du Conseil régional.
Le CESER prend « acte positivement de cette démarche et de son indéniable nécessite puisque l’obtention de ce label se
devait d’aller de pair avec l’assurance que soient pérennisées les qualités qui l’avaient justifie ». Il reconnaît dans la
version actuelle « un document fort bien construit pour présenter une problématique complexe, un document illustre par
des exemples d’actions dont l’intérêt pédagogique est indéniable. »
+ info:
La carte interactive du Val de Loire s'enrichit - Val de Loire - France
La carte interactive du site qui propose de découvrir le patrimoine du Val de Loire s’enrichit de
nouvelles données : les fouilles archéologiques de l’INRAP, les 61 membres de l’association Châteaux de la Loire – Vallée
des rois, et le périmètre du Parc naturel régional Loire-Anjou-Touraine. Prochainement, l’itinéraire de La Loire à Vélo
devrait être disponible.
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Patrimonio mundial
L’Inrap (Institut national de recherches archéologiques
préventives) dégage la tour Denis, au pied des
remparts du Mont-Saint-Michel - France
Une équipe d’archéologues de l’Institut national de recherches
archéologiques préventives vient d’achever une fouille au pied
des remparts du Mont-Saint-Michel. Cette opération a révélé
les vestiges d’une tour des fortifications, la tour Denis,
ouvrage édifié vers 1479 et détruit en 1732. Prescrite et
financée par la Direction des affaires culturelles de Basse-Normandie, cette intervention s’inscrit dans le projet de
rétablissement du caractère maritime du Mont-Saint-Michel et de la restauration générale des fortifications.
+ info:
Deux nouvelles brochures de la Fondation du patrimoine sur le Val de Loire patrimoine mondial
Après le Loiret, la Fondation du patrimoine publie des brochures consacrées à la préservation et la réhabilitation du bâti
traditionnel dans le Val de Loire patrimoine mondial pour les départements du Loir-et-Cher et de l’Indre-et-Loire.
Après une présentation de la Fondation du patrimoine et du patrimoine bâti des vals concernés, ces brochures fournissent
des conseils pour la réhabilitation (matériaux de construction, façade, toiture, abords).
+ info:
UNESCO World Heritage Centre Information - Success Stories
* Anti-poaching at Niokolo Koba National Park
Niokolo Koba National Park in Senegal, one of the largest protected areas in
West Africa, received financing to help maintain anti-poaching monitoring
patrols and protect species such as chimpanzees and the rare giant eland, the
world's largest antelope.
* Post-Earthquake Technical Assistance in Haiti
Funding was provided to support technical assistance to assess damage to the
National History Park - Citadelle, Sans Souci, Ramiers in Haiti, following the devastating earthquake in January 2010. The
Citadelle is one of the major tourist attractions in Haiti and critical to the local economy.
* Support for Tsunami Recovery in Galápagos Islands
The powerful tsunami resulting from the devastating March 11th 2011 earthquake off the coast of Japan struck the
Galápagos Islands several hours later, damaging a number of coastal buildings. Funding from the World Heritage Centre's
Rapid Response Facility helped repair and re-equip the Charles Darwin Research Station's marine conservation centre.
+ info:
Le classement des meubles du Palais Stoclet : une possibilité confirmée en appel Bruxelles (Belgique)
En 2008 et en 2011, en premier instance puis devant le Conseil d’Etat, le classement des
meubles du Palais Stoclet par la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale avait par deux fois été jugé
possible. Suite au recours introduit par trois des quatre héritières de la famille Stoclet, la Cour
d’appel de Bruxelles vient une nouvelle fois de donner raison à la Région. Dans son arrêt du 23
septembre 2011, la compétence de la Région bruxelloise « pour protéger et classer au titre de
monument, non seulement un bien immobilier, mais également les biens culturels ou éléments
décoratifs qui font partie intégrante d’un bâtiment classé » a été confirmée.
+ info:
UNESCO alerts Thailand for possible emergency assistance for Ayutthaya World
Heritage property
UNESCO Bangkok has alerted the Thai authorities as to the possibility of requesting Emergency
Assistance for the Ancient City of Ayutthaya in Thailand that is now affected by heavy flooding.
As water levels continue to rise, the World Heritage property of Ayutthaya, which occupies the
western half of the inner island of Ayutthaya, now faces the threat of inundation. Monuments
and temples on the outside perimeter of the site (technically not part of the World Heritage
property), including the spectacular Wat Chaiwattanaram on the opposite bank of the river,
have already been flooded for days.
+ info:
Discours du Président de la République française - Parc National des Causses et cévennes - 5 octobre 2011
… En acceptant, au mois de juin dernier, de classer les Causses et les Cévennes au patrimoine mondial, l'UNESCO n'a pas
seulement rendu hommage à l'âpre beauté de la terre cévenole, elle a voulu aussi honorer le rapport si particulier
qu'entretiennent ici l'esprit et la matière.
Derrière l'étonnante diversité de vos paysages, au creux de vos vallées, au sommet de ces Causses à la beauté presque
lunaire, à l'ombre des châtaigniers qui jouent un tel rôle ici, aux côtés des chênes verts ou des pins maritimes, il y a, dans
ces Cévennes, une unité que j'oserais qualifier de spirituelle tant elle semble englober la terre et le ciel…
+ info: (4 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:05:31]
Patrimonio mundial
Appel à projets de recherche 2011 de la plateforme RDI (Recherches, Données, Information) du Plan Loire
Grandeur nature - France
Dans le cas de la plateforme Recherche, données, information du Plan Loire Grandeur nature, des travaux de recherche
bénéficient de soutiens financiers spécifiques. L’appel à projets de recherche 2011 porte sur la « Continuité écologique des
cours d’eau et services rendus par les écosystèmes, en relation avec les vulnérabilités significatives que connaît le bassin
de la Loire et ses affluents ».
FECHA LÍMITE: 17 oct 2011
+ info:
Call for tenders - Preparation of the Technical Design - Restoration Conservation Project for the Church of
Annunciation of Gracanica Monastery
Deadline for submission of Sealed Tenders 8 November 2011 Kosovo, Serbia
Organizadores: UNESCO
Contacto: Sinisa Sesum - [email protected]
+ info:
La Exposición “Los satélites, vigías del cambio climático sobre el Patrimonio Mundial” en la Sede de la UNESCO
26 septiembre - 11 noviembre 2011 París. Francia
Organizadores: La exposición está organizada con la colaboración del socio espacial Planet Action, la Agencia Espacial
Europea, la NASA, el Centro Aereoespacial Alemán y BELSPO, con el apoyo de la Delegación Permanente de la UNESCO en
el Reino de Bélgica
Contacto: [email protected] / [email protected]
+ info:
EXHIBITION - A Day in Pompeii - Museum of Science
02 octubre 2011 - 12 febrero 2012 Boston, Massachusetts. Estados Unidos de América
Organizadores: Museum of Science
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Cinéma d'animation à l'Abbaye de Fontevraud - Résidence d'automne
04 octubre 2011 Fontevraud. Francia
Organizadores: Abbaye de Fontevraud
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
Historic Urban Landscapes Workshops on the Swahili Coast of Africa
Ilha (Mozambique) - Zanzibar (United-Republic of Tanzania) & Lamu (Kenya) 01 noviembre 2011
Organizadores: UNESCO
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
BIENAL DEL MILENIO REINO DE GRANADA. Arte Contemporáneo y Patrimonio
02 noviembre - 22 diciembre 2011 Granada. España
Organizadores: Universidad de Granada y la Asociación ARTES con la colaboración del Consorcio para la conmemoración
del primero Milenio de la fundación del Reino de Granada.
Contacto: Clara Ruíz - [email protected]
+ info:
Second Announcement released: 2011 International Conference on The Future of Venice and its Lagoon in the
Context of Global Change
13 noviembre - 15 noviembre 2011 Venecia. Italia
Organizadores: UNESCO Venice Office and the Municipality of Venice in collaboration with the Venice International
University, with the financial support of the Italian Government
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
"I know where I'm going" Remote Access to World Heritage Sites Conference - Final programme
23 noviembre - 24 noviembre 2011 Edinburgh. Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
Organizadores: The University of Edinburgh's Inspace
Contacto: [email protected]
+ info:
CALL FOR PAPERS - Second International Workshop on "UNESCO World Heritage: Economic and policy issues"
- Silvia Santagata Research Center
24 enero - 25 enero 2012 Reggia di Venaria, Turin. Italia (5 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:05:31]
Patrimonio mundial
Organizadores: Silvia Santagata Research Center
Contacto: [email protected]
FECHA LÍMITE: 1 nov 2011
+ info:
CALL FOR PAPERS - International Conference onTourism and Sustainable Development at World Heritage
Sites: Libreville and LOPE National Park
Extended deadline for abstracts: 28 November 2011 01 junio - 08 junio 2012 Gabón
Organizadores: Omar Bongo University (Libreville, Gabon), Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris, France),
Universitat de Barcelona (Spain)
Contacto: Maria [email protected] ; [email protected]
+ info:
My Aleppo
Beyond the Arab world Aleppo is not perceived as a "metropolis" -at the same time, though, the city
with a five thousand year old history is one of the world's oldest cities. In this way, this volume is to
be understood as a special study about the development of the term metropolis. At the end of the
20th century, Aleppo was limited with its population of 20,000 inhabitants to the city center, which
was named a World Heritage site by the UNESCO. Today, the city of almost three million people is
the industrial and commercial capital of Syria, where, in a fascinating way, tradition and modernity,
and East and West meet.
+ info:
15 YEARS OF ICC (International Coordinating Committee) - 15 years of International
Cooperation for Conservation & Sustainable Development - Angkor (Cambobia)
Published by the UNESCO Office in Phnom Penh, this book covers 15 years of activities of the International
Coordinating Committee for the Safeguarding and Development of the Historic Site of Angkor (ICCAngkor)
+ info:
Présentation du kit pédagogique sur les paysages du Val de Loire patrimoine
Le kit sera présenté le vendredi 14 octobre de 11h30 à 12h30 dans le cadre du parcours «
Enseigner l’histoire : débats, expériences, ouvrages et nouveaux outils » des rencontres
pédagogiques des Rendez-vous de l’Histoire de Blois.
L’inscription du Val de Loire sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial est une reconnaissance
internationale. Elle implique un engagement de tous que la Mission Val de Loire s’efforce de
fédérer. En partenariat avec l’Education nationale la mission Val de Loire a permis la
rédaction de fiches pédagogiques qui convient les équipes éducatives à s’emparer des programmes pour emmener les
lycéens sur les chemins de la culture et de la citoyenneté.
+ info:
Heritage Homeowner's Preservation Manual for the World Heritage Site of Vigan,
Corporate author: UNESCO Office Bangkok and Regional Bureau for Education in Asia and the
Pacific; Philippines. City Government of Vigan
Country: Thailand
Publ Year: 2010
ISBN ISSN: 978-92-9223-319-8 (print); 978-92-9223-320-4 (electronic)
The Vigan Heritage Homeowner’s Preservation Manual was launched by the city government
on October 6 in a simple ceremony but replete with symbolism. The event was made under the roof of one of the best
preserved ancestral homes, the Donato Heritage House, thru the graciousness of the present owner , Ms. Ma. Victoria P.
Important personalities who could be said to be the progenitors of the book along with Mayor Eva Marie S. Medina were on
hand at the coming out of the book. Dr. Richard Engelhardt and Engr. Ricardo Favis of UNESCO flew in from Bangkok,
Thailand for the launching which coincided also with the UNESCO National Workshop of World Heritage Site Managers. Each
participant was given a copy of the book which will serve to guide them in their own heritage conservation work. Architect
Fatima Rabang, Dean Maryrose Rabang and Dr. Gilbert Arce represented the University of Northern Philippines (UNP). The
United Architects Association of the Philippines (UAAP) was also well represented.
+ info:
Incorporating Education for Sustainable Development into World Heritage Education: A
Teacher's Guide
© UNESCO 2010 / All rights reserved (6 de 7) [14/10/2011 20:05:31]
Patrimonio mundial
ISBN 978-92-9223-337-2 (Print Version)
ISBN 978-92-9223-338-9 (Electronic version)
Using the World Heritage Education Resource Kit as a key reference, the modules successfully
incorporate ESD concepts into World Heritage Education and vice versa. We hope that the teacher
education institutions in the Asia-Pacific region will find these materials useful and valuable, and will
adopt and adapt them to suit their respective situations.
+ info:
2008 Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention in Persian
The World Heritage Committee , the main body in charge of the implementation of the Convention, has developed precise
criteria for the inscription of properties on the World Heritage List and for the provision of international assistance under
the World Heritage Fund .
These are all included in a document entitled 'Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage
Convention'. This document has been revised by the Committee to reflect new concepts, knowledge or experiences.
+ info:
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Documento sin título
Forum UNESCO - Universidad y Patrimonio (FUUP) es un proyecto de la UNESCO para la realización de actividades para la protección y salvaguarda del
patrimonio cultural, a través de una red informal de instituciones de educación superior. FUUP está bajo la responsabilidad común del Centro de
Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO y la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV) España. Este sitio web no es un sitio oficial de UNESCO, sino un sitio
web creado y gestionado por la UPV en el marco del proyecto FUUP.
Inicio - Enlaces - Contacto
UNESCO – Centro de Patrimonio Mundial (WHC)
7, place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris 07 SP (FRANCIA)
Tel: +33 1 45 68 10 25
Fax: +33 1 45 68 55 70
E-mail: [email protected]
Programa Universidades:
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV)
Camino de Vera, s/n 46022
Valencia (ESPAÑA)
Tel: +34 96 387 77 80
Fax: +34 96 387 77 89
E-mail: [email protected]
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