June 12, 2016 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton


June 12, 2016 - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Eleventh Sunday
in Ordinary Time
June 12, 2016
Volume 2
Number 29
(Part 6)
pg 4-5
SETON Sunday News
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church - A Missionaries of the Holy Spirit Community
2 | The SETON Sunday News | Eleventh Sunday, 06/12/16
The Readings Today
Today’s readings are about God’s unlimited mercy. In the first reading we hear about David’s repentance and God’s gifts bestowed on
him (2 Sam 12:7-10, 13). Perfection is beyond us, and, in fact, thinking we have it can lead to legalism and judgmentalism (read second
reading: Gal 2:16, 19-21). What matters is faith and repentance. No sin is too great for God’s mercy. In today’s Gospel, Jesus
acknowledges the love of the woman who washes his feet with her tears (Luke 7:36-8:3). This gives us hope, but it also reminds us to
show mercy to others.
Daily Spiritual Nourishment
Mon., June 13: 1 Kings 21:1-16; Matt 5:38-42
Memorial of Anthony of Padua, priest and doctor of the church
I say to you, offer no resistance to one who is evil. The Gospel isn’t
calling us to be submissive doormats for those who wish to harm us,
but to resist returning evil and violence with violent revenge.
Tues., June 14: 1 Kings 21:17-29; Matt 5:43-48
Be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect. When Jesus asks
us in Matthew’s Gospel to “be perfect” our modern sensibilities hear
an unreachable goal. Ok… let us then start with what Luke’s Gospel
says: “be merciful as your Father is merciful.” Is this a more doable
Wed., June 15: 2 Kings 2:1, 6-14; Matt 6:1-6, 16-18
Your Father who sees in secret will repay you. If God offered me
my deepest desires, and those desires would not be discernible by
others or influence their opinion of me, for what would I ask in the
secret of my heart?
Roberto Saldivar, M.Sp.S., Pastor
Mario Rodriguez, M.Sp.S., Vicar
Jorge Gomez del Valle, M.Sp.S., Vicar
Santos Mendoza, M.Sp.S., Brother
Craig Lundberg, Deacon
Shannon Everist,
Pastoral Asst. for Administration
Lori Lowery, Secretary
Thurs., June 16: Sir 48:1-14; Matt 6:7-15
In praying, do not babble like the pagans, who think they will be
heard because of their many words. Can we put it this way: “Mean
what you say, and say what you mean!”
Fri., June 17: 2 Kings 11:1-4, 9-18, 20; Matt 6:19-23
Where your treasure is, there also will your heart be. Trust in God’s
grace and goodness is far more valuable than any physical comforts.
We must always pray that God may help us live more simply and
share generously of everything with which we are blessed.
Sat., June 18: 2 Chr 24:17-25; Matt 6:24-34
Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.
Sufficient for a day is its own evil. I doubt today’s reading is telling
us to always live by the “Don’t worry! Be happy!” motto.
Unfortunately, we often waste a great deal of energy and sleep over
things we cannot control. We spend so much attention on worrying
about possible “what if” scenarios that we fail to recognize and
enjoy the gifts of God’s grace in front of us today.
Our Shared Vision
Enliven Faith
Embrace our Ethnicities
Enhance Spirituality
Office Hours:
Mon. - Thu. 9 am - 4:30 pm
(Closed 12:30-1:30pm)
Mass Times:
Mon.-Sat. 9 am / Saturday vigil - 5:00 pm
Sunday: 9 am, 11 am,
1 pm (Spanish) & 5 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturday - 3:30 - 4:45 pm
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament:
Mon — Fri, 10 am — 9 pm
How to reach us:
Phone: (425) 481-0303
Fax: (425) 485-8510
2316 180th St S.E., Bothell, WA 98012
P.O.Box 12429, Mill Creek, WA 98082
Web Site: www.easbothell.or g
Facebook web link:
Email: [email protected] g
myParish app, St Elizabeth Ann Seton
Officers and Councils
The Pastoral Council
Gerry Apin, Jenifer Arulnathan,
Eduardo Cardona, Jean Dellino,
Paul Gallagher, Bob Kennedy,
Jim Krieger, Alice Paine
The Leadership Team
Jonald Alejandro, Ana May Apin, Rolfson
Augustine, Shannon Everist, Marcia Gimenez,
Heidi Gogal, Dc. Craig Lundberg,
Steve Robinson
The Finance Council
Richard Carlson,
Bill Dunnigan, Shannon Everist
The Seton Sunday News Bulletin
Fr. Roberto Saldivar, MSpS, publisher
Marcia Gimenez, associate publisher
Deacon Craig Lundberg, executive vice president
Phone: 425-481-9358
Monday thru Friday:
10am - 5pm
Stephanie Matheny,
Administrative Assistant
Rosamaría García, Bilingual Assistant
Stephanie Moran, Early Childhood/
Stephen Kramp, Life Teen
Susie King, The Edge
Calendar of Events
Daily Readings
From Fr. Mario
Intentional Disciples
Pastor’s Corner
Sección en Español
Vocational Awareness
P A S T O R ’ S Corner
oday is the eleventh Sunday of
Ordinary Time and our readings invite us
to reflect on sin… all of a sudden these
readings make us feel as if we were in
the middle of the Lenten season: “I
confess my faults to the LORD, and you
took away the guilt of my sin… Lord,
done” (responsorial Psalm).
Nonetheless, they fit nicely with the
Year of Mercy, which reminds me that
we started the year of Mercy reflecting
on Pope Francis’ invitation and we even
made a commitment to be pastorally
merciful during this time (see bulletin on
December 13th, Third Sunday of
Advent). Now we are about halfway
through the Year of Mercy. How have
we actually fulfilled what we promised?
I personally made a commitment to bring
this message into my homilies. But I
must admit that we agreed on providing
more opportunities for confession and it
has not been the case.
Eleventh Sunday, 06/12/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 3
Through my priesthood years I have
experienced this to be true of every
sincere penitent that comes to
confession. Jesus’ words strike a cord…
Those who don’t go to confession to ask
for forgiveness love little.
The purpose of the Year of Mercy for
Pope Francis is not just a one-time event.
Pope Francis desire is that we think
about our faith and our Christian life
with mercy in the background. Jesus’
mission is all about mercy through
forgiveness and healing. Mercy must be
made visible in us too if we consider
ourselves followers of Christ. I think it is
timely that we remember the prayer our
The readings today invite us to the
sacrament of reconciliation, for it is in
the celebration of this sacrament that we
experience God’s mercy. When was the
last time your went to confession? I find
Jesus’ words to Simon very inspiring:
“I tell you, her many sins have been
forgiven because she has shown great
love. But the one to whom little is
forgiven, loves little” (Gospel).
the Holy Spirit have been restructuring
their mission. The General Chapter
brought a clear vision to the provinces
and it was at our Provincial Chapter that
this vision came to fruition through our
Last weekend I was at all Masses proposed four lines of action.
announcing the new priests coming to St.
In the near future a copy of the
Elizabeth Ann Seton. Fr. Gerardo Provincial Document will be available
Alberto (Superior), Fr. Jose Ugalde and for parishioners interested in learning
Fr. Armando Hernandez together with Fr. about it. Our Provincial Chapter has
Mario Rodriguez will become the new given all of us guidelines for the pastoral
community for these coming pastoral work of each parish. These guidelines
and goals must be fully implemented by
For months now the Missionaries of 2019, when all parishes will evaluate
Holy Father composed for the Year of
“Lord Jesus Christ, […] You are the
visible face of the invisible Father, of the
God who manifests his power above all
by forgiveness and mercy: let the Church
be your visible face in the world, its Lord
risen and glorified. You willed that your
ministers would also be clothed in
weakness in order that they may feel
compassion for those in ignorance and
error: let everyone who approaches
them feel sought after, loved, and
forgiven by God.
Send your Spirit and consecrate every
one of us with its anointing, so that the
Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace
from the Lord, and your Church, with
renewed enthusiasm, may bring good
news to the poor, proclaim liberty to
captives and the oppressed, and restore
sight to the blind.
We ask this through the intercession
of Mary, Mother of Mercy, you who live
and reign with the Father and the Holy
Spirit for ever and ever. Amen.”
My friends, let us make the shift and
begin focusing our understanding of
what it means to be a Catholic not on
judgment and condemnation, or on
trying to live up to a set of moral
standards with little flexibility. Christ is
our model and Pope Francis reminds us
of this.
their progress and compliance.
As a parish we are very excited
because we start this pastoral scenario
with a very strong footing. I am
confident that this community with the
new priests arriving in July will bring the
parish family to a wonderful new growth
which will, God willing, bear abundant
Your Brother In Christ,
Fr. Roberto Saldivar, M.Sp.S.
4 | The SETON Sunday News | Eleventh Sunday, 06/12/16
Intentional Disciples Pray
Rising very early before dawn,
Jesus left and went off to a deserted place, where he prayed.
Mark 1:35
To explore this Sunday’s topic let’s start by answering
three important questions:
 What is prayer?
 How important is prayer to you?
 What is difficult about prayer?
Jesus prayed! Have you ever stopped to think
about that? Jesus Christ, fully God and fully
human, prayed. Jesus prayed at the beginning of
his public ministry. He prayed when his ministry
got hectic. He prayed over the children. He
prayed for his disciples. Jesus prayed when the
end was near. And Jesus taught his disciples how
to pray. Few of us would argue about the
importance of prayer to the life of a disciple. Yet,
most of us recognize that our own prayer lives
could use some work. This Sunday we’ll focus on
deepening our prayer lives.
At the core of prayer is a relationship. Jesus was
in a relationship with his Father, and his prayer
was an expression of that relationship. In fact, the
Trinity is a divine relationship: three persons,
one God. If we want to understand prayer, we
have to focus on relationship. Everything we
know about relationships teaches us how to pray,
and how not to pray. For example, sometimes we
are only compelled to turn to prayer when we are
in need. Now, imagine a relationship that you
only turned to when you needed something. It
wouldn’t be much of a relationship, would it?
A Relationship requires that we bring all of
ourselves: our hopes, our dreams, our fears, and
our anxieties. Relationships require speaking and
listening, and, sometimes, simply being together.
Relationships develop over time, and deepen
through shared experience. Relationships require
time and energy, and relationships give us
renewed energy and peace, courage and
Elizabeth Ann Seton understood this well when she
wrote: “We must pray without ceasing, in every
occurrence and employment of our lives - that prayer
which is rather a habit of lifting up the heart to God as
in a constant communication with Him.”
Once Elizabeth Ann Seton pointed out why it is hard for
us to pray. In “Mother Seton’s Last Writings,” she
directed the Sisters to LOOK UP and to remember the
presence of God in order to avoid distraction, thus she
First, it requires a constant guard over our senses What sort of interior life would you lead if every time
the door opens, or if any one passes you, you must
look up - if you must hear what is said though it does
not concern you - or if you remain silent, and in your
modest attention to your duty, what would be your
interior life, if you let your thoughts wander from
God? - I once heard a silent person say, that she was
listening to everything round her, and making her
Judas reflections on all that was said or done. - And
another, that she delighted in silence because she
could be thinking of her dear people.
We have a great saint who can direct us to prayer. In
her “Gospel of Matthew Notebook,” she directed
individuals to focus on the presence of God in their
prayers and in their mission. She emphasized that their
every action of itself would become a prayer if they
lived and acted in the presence of God:
When you are at Prayers or Adoration [of the
Blessed Sacrament], be before the tabernacle like
an angel if it was clothed with a human body – if
you could always remember your good angels
watchful care to catch your prayers and thoughts
which must be presented to God by him, and
accounted for what they are, how many distractions
it would save you - and when from spiritual
exercises you again return to duty of exterior cares .
. . every action of itself a Prayer, being done for his
glory and love, and as a penance and satisfaction for
your sins. Some happy Souls, offer hour after hour
for the souls of others, who they desire to assist in
this world or the next.
Eleventh Sunday, 06/12/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 5
Now let’s meditate on the
following scripture passages:
 Rising very early before dawn,
Jesus left and went off to a
deserted place, where he prayed.
Mark 1:35
 Jesus went up on the mountain
by himself to pray.
Matthew 14:23a
 Then children were brought to
Jesus that he might lay his hands
on them and pray.
Matthew 19:13a
said to his disciples, "Sit here
while I go over there and pray."
He took along Peter and the two
sons of Zebedee, and began to
feel sorrow and distress. Then he
said to them, "My soul is
sorrowful even to death. Remain
here and keep watch with me."
He advanced a little and fell
prostrate in prayer, saying, "My
Father, if it is possible, let this
cup pass from me; yet, not as I
will, but as you will."
Matthew 26:36-39
 The report about Jesus spread all  Therefore I tell you, all that you
place, and when he had finished,
ask for in prayer, believe that
the more, and great crowds
one of his disciples said to him,
you will receive it and it shall be
assembled to listen to him and to
"Lord, teach us to pray just as
yours. Mark 11:24
be cured of their ailments, but he
John taught his disciples."
would withdraw to deserted  But I say to you, love your
Luke 11:1
places to pray. Luke 5:15-16
enemies, and pray for those who
 Again, amen, I say to you, if two
 Once when Jesus was praying in
of you agree on earth about
children of your heavenly Father,
solitude, and the disciples were
anything for which they are to
with him, he asked them, "Who
pray, it shall be granted to them
bad and the good, and causes
do the crowds say that I am?"
by my heavenly Father.
Luke 9:18
Matthew 18:19
unjust. Matthew 5:44-45
 About eight days after Jesus said
 Then Jesus told them a parable
this, he took Peter, John, and  "When you pray, do not be like
about the necessity for them to
the hypocrites, who love to stand
James and went up the mountain
pray always without becoming
and pray in the synagogues and
to pray. While he was praying
weary. He said, "There was a
on street corners so that others
his face changed in appearance
judge in a certain town who
and his clothing became dazzling
neither feared God nor respected
you, they have received their
white. Luke 9:28-29
any human being. And a widow
reward. Matthew 6:5
in that town used to come to
 Then Jesus came with them to a
him… Luke 18:1-8
place called Gethsemane, and he  Jesus was praying in a certain
Let’s get serious about prayer….
This week Recap: each day reread some of the passages above
and underline phrases that speak to you. Pick a phrase and write
it on a slip of paper. Think about it and pray during the day.
Final reflection questions:
What struggles do you have in your prayer life?
 Do you bring your desire to prayer?
 Do you seek to know God’s desire in prayer?
Jesus, let us hear your call anew.
Bless us with the courage to respond.
Clear away all barriers.
Send your Holy Spirit and
make us your disciples.
Jesus, Savior of all People… Save them!
6 | The SETON Sunday News | Eleventh Sunday, 06/12/16
Sección en Español
Mensaje del Párroco
Hoy es el Decimoprimer Domingo del
Tiempo Ordinario y las lecturas nos
invitan a meditar acerca del pecado… de
repente las lecturas nos hacen sentir que
estamos en el medio de la Cuaresma
“Confesaré al Señor mi culpa, y tú
perdonaste mi culpa y mi pecado…
Perdona, Señor, mi culpa y mi
pecado” (Salmo responsorial).
Sin embargo, van muy bien con el
Año de la Misericordia, y esto me
recuerda que comenzamos el año de la
Misericordia meditando la invitación del
Papa Francisco, e incluso hicimos un
compromiso de ser más misericordiosos
pastoralmente durante este tiempo (ver
Boletín del 13 de Diciembre, 3er
Domingo de Adviento). Vamos por la
mitad del Año de la Misericordia.
¿Cuánto de lo que prometimos hemos
cumplido? Personalmente, hice el
compromiso de incorporar este mensaje a
mis homilías. Pero también es cierto que
oportunidades para la confesión, y eso no
ha ocurrido.
que poco se le perdona, ama poco”. parte de la oración que el Papa redactó
para este año de la Misericordia:
A lo largo de mis años como
sacerdote he comprobado que este punto
es verdad en cada penitente sincero que se
acerca a la confesión. Las palabras de
Jesús tocan fondo…Quienes no se
confiesan, entonces aman poco.
El objetivo del Año de la Misericordia
no es simplemente de un momento. El
Papa Francisco desea que nos pensemos
nuestra fe y nuestra vida cristiana con la
misericordia como trasfondo. La misión
de Jesús es la misericordia a través del
perdón y la sanación. La misericordia
debe hacerse visible también en nosotros
Manda tu Espíritu y conságranos a
si nos consideramos seguidores de Cristo. todos con su unción para que el Jubileo de
Creo que es apropiado que recordemos la Misericordia sea un año de gracia del
Señor y tu Iglesia pueda, con renovado
entusiasmo, llevar la Buena Nueva a los
pobres proclamar la libertad a los
prisioneros y oprimidos y restituir la vista
a los ciegos.
Te lo pedimos por intercesión de
María, Madre de la Misericordia, a ti que
vives y reinas con el Padre y el Espíritu
Santo por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.”
Las lecturas de hoy nos invitan al
Sacramento de la Reconciliación, porque
es al celebrar este sacramento que
experimentamos la misericordia de Dios.
¿Cuándo fue la última vez que te
confesaste? Me parece que las palabras de
Jesús a Simón son muy bonitas:
Mis amigos, hagamos el cambio y
comencemos a concentrar nuestro
entendimiento de qué significa ser
católico no en juicios y acusaciones, o en
tratar de vivir de acuerdo a reglas de
moral sin flexibilidad alguna. Cristo es
nuestro modelo y el Papa Francisco nos lo
Yo te digo: sus pecados, que son
muchos, le han quedado perdonados,
porque ha amado mucho. En cambio, al
El fin de semana pasado estuve en
todas las Misas anunciando los nombres
de los nuevos sacerdotes que vienen a
Sta. Elizabeth Ann Seton. El P. Gerardo
Alberto (Superior), P. José Ugalde, P.
Armando Hernández, junto P. Mario
Rodríguez serán la nueva comunidad
estos próximos años pastorales.
“Señor Jesucristo, […] Tú eres el
rostro visible del Padre invisible, del Dios
que manifiesta su omnipotencia sobre
todo con el perdón y la misericordia: haz
que, en el mundo, la Iglesia sea el rostro
visible de Ti, su Señor, resucitado y
glorioso. Tú has querido que también tus
ministros fueran revestidos de debilidad
para que sientan sincera compasión por
los que se encuentran en la ignorancia o
en el error: haz que quien se acerque a
uno de ellos se sienta esperado, amado y
perdonado por Dios.
Desde hace varios meses los
Misioneros del Espíritu Santo han estado
trabajando para reestructurar su misión.
El Capítulo General dio a las Provincias
una visión clara, y en el Capítulo
Provincial esta visió se vio plasmada en
cuatro líneas de acción.
implementación en el año 2019, tiempo
en el que tendremos una evaluación de
parroquia porque estamos en una muy
buena disposición para emprender este
trabajo pastoral. Yo sé que esta
Próximamente el Documento del comunidad con sus nuevos sacerdotes los
Capítulo Provincial estará disponible llevarán a esta dinámica que, Dios
para los feligreses que estén interesados mediante, traerá muchos frutos.
en leerlo. El Capítulo Provincial nos ha
dado lineamientos para el trabajo
pastoral de las parroquias. Las parroquias Tu hermano en Cristo,
plena P. Roberto Saldivar, MSpS
Eleventh Sunday, 06/12/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 7
Love for Jesus in the Eucharist
—————Fr. Mario Rodriguez, MSpS—————
Last week, as I was celebrating the Eucharist, I had an inspiration and a profound experience. During the
Homily I had talked about Jesus touching the widow’s son, and the young man coming back to life. This man who
was dead, had come back to life by the power of Jesus; he was again active among the people who loved him. Jesus
has the power of giving life and help us LIVE deeply. And I was at the moment of Consecration meditating that the
same Jesus who had touched that young man was now touching me. I was touching Jesus in His Body and His
Blood, but in reality I was the one being touched by Him. Jesus Himself touches us when we receive Him, and it HE
who comes to bring healing to us from all our wounds. In the Eucharist we experience again the God of life and the
giver of strength so we can fight. He is the god of HOPE, who walks with us and never leaves us alone.
It is Jesus Himself who touches every man and woman who has an encounter with HIM. And I was reminded
of something Fr. Felix used to say “Our spirit should be, then, a spirit of love towards the Eucharistic Jesus. Let us
always keep our hearts inside the Tabernacle, next to the heart of fire of our Jesus, so our heart can also be all fire
and all love. We must profess a passionate love for our Jesus in the Eucharist.”
I invite you to have an encounter with Jesus in the
Eucharist and recognize that you are a sinful human
being, like me, and in much need of Jesus’ love.
Recognize your need to be touched and transformed by
Jesus Christ. Devote more time to prayer and to
spending time with Him.
Amor a Jesus Eucaristía
La semana pasada mientras estaba celebrando la
Eucaristía, me llegó un pensamiento y una experiencia
muy profunda. En la Homilía había hablado de Jesús
que tocaba al hijo de una mujer y éste resucitaba. Este
hombre que estaba muerto, por el poder de Jesús había
regresado a la vida; estaba de nuevo activo entre los que lo amaban. Jesús tiene el poder de dar la vida y de hacer
VIVIR profundamente. Y yo estaba en la consagración pensando que ese Jesús que había tocado a ese joven, era el
mismo que me tocaba a mí. Yo estaba tocando a Jesús en su cuerpo y en su sangre, pero en realidad yo estaba
siendo tocado por Él. Jesús es quien nos toca cuando lo recibimos y es ÉL quien viene a sanarnos de todas nuestras
heridas. En la Eucaristía volvemos a experimentar al Dios de la vida y de la fuerza para luchar. Es el Dios de la
ESPERANZA quien camina con nosotros y no nos abandona.
Es Jesús quien toca a todo hombre y mujer que se encuentra con ÉL. Y me hizo recordar el texto del P. Félix
que nos decía: “El espíritu nuestro, pues, es un espíritu de amor a Jesús Sacramentado. Guardemos constantemente
nuestro corazón en el Sagrario, junto al Corazón de fuego de nuestro Jesús, para que también sea todo fuego y
amor. Debemos tener un amor muy apasionado por nuestro Jesús en la Eucaristía”.
Te invito a encontrarte con Jesús en la Eucaristía y reconocerte, como yo, un ser humano pecador y necesitado
del amor de Jesús. Reconoce tu necesidad de ser tocado y transformado por Cristo Jesús. Dale más tiempo a la
oración y al estar con él.
8 | The SETON Sunday News | Eleventh Sunday, 06/12/16
Vocation Awareness
HE HAS A JOB that puts him in touch with dozens of inter esting people
each week: He smiles over coffee while a 95- year-old woman reminisces about
her first date in 1920; he discusses Marxism with a world-class philosopher after
a lecture.
Each day when he gets out of bed, he knows his work will make a difference.
People knock on his door when they learn their spouses are sick, even dying.
When they don’t have the money to buy winter coats for their small children. Or
when their parents have kicked them out of the house.
He does his best to do something for them all, but he gets back even more.
This is not a thankless job. Real appreciation is expressed in hugs, smiles and
simple thankyous.
His co-workers are well-trained and knowledgeable in their fields. And they
are supportive, never competitive. They laugh a lot with him. Sometimes they
cry with him. But they are always caring.
This job has brought out in him all sorts of hidden talents. He hadn’t known
what a flair he had for public speaking; now, after every talk, there are pats on
the back. He hadn’t known how much he liked children; now hundreds of kids
know he’s ticklish behind the knees. This is not a dead-end job. He is learning
every day.
He is a priest. Does his job sound good to you?
Serra for priestly and religious vocations
This week please pray for
Jonathan Cheever, St. Mark Church,
Theology II, Mundelein Seminary
For information on becoming a Religious
Priest Missionary of the Holy Spirit or a
Diocesan Priest contact one of the
following people:
Serra Club: Arthur Adams
Youth Minister: Stephen Kramp
Priests: Fr. Roberto Saldivar, M.Sp.S.
Fr. Mario Rodriguez, M.Sp.S.
Monday June 13
Clase Estudio Bíblico
St. 4
Tuesday June 14
Women’s Fellowship
Rosary for Life
Adoration/Bible Study
Wednesday June 15
Thursday June 16
Cascade Serra Mass and Meeting
Ch, Seton House
St. 7
St. 1
St. 2
Luz y Vida—Gpo de Oración 7pm
Colon Center
Friday June 17
Simbang Gabi
St. 7
Grupo de Jóvenes
Youth Room
Saturday June 18
St. 6
Masquerade Dinner Dance 6:30pm
Sunday June 19—Father’s Day
Knights Pancake Breakfast
After 9/11am Masses
RCIA Inquiry
St. 4
The Archdiocese of Seattle’s 14th Annual Quo Vadis Days
will take place at Camp Don Bosco near Carnation,
Washington, June 26-29, 2016. The camp is free due to the
generous contributions of the Serra Club, Knights of
Columbus, and private donors.
Quo Vadis Days is a 3-day camp for young Catholic men
to learn more about the priesthood, to deepen their faith,
and to better discern God’s call in their lives.
If you are interested, or even just curious, contact Ken
Christie (425-776-3967) or Arthur Adams (425-948-7635)
with Serra Club.
Catholic Daughters of America would like to thank all
who applied for the CDA scholarships of 2016. You all did a
great job! Please apply again next year! We will be starting
earlier in March next year and are making some changes in the
We have selected 2 winners for the scholarship of $300.00
each. The winners are Gerric Apin Jr. and Agustin Castro.
Congratulations to you both!
Eleventh Sunday, 06/12/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 9
Y o u t h Section
The emptiness of Me, Myself and I part 2 of 2
by Leah Murphy (taken from www.LifeTeen.com)
When Single Life Becomes a Chance to Learn Selfless Life
Happiness, ultimately, is found in relationship — first in
relationship with God and second in relationship with people.
God, who in His Trinitarian essence (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
participating in an eternal exchange of Love; see CCC 253-260),
is relationship, made us in His divine image, so that we might
know the authentic joy that it is to give ourselves away.
There are three important things we can and should do in order
to avoid this effect of selfish singleness:
1. Know that authentic happiness comes from a relationship
with God, so seek Him before all else. Sure, other events,
possessions, and experiences might allow us to feel good
momentarily, but authentic happiness that persists, even when
things don’t always feel good, is found in an authentic pursuit of a
relationship with God.
2. Make real, selfless commitments because one day, if you
have any interest in being in any kind of serious relationship with
another person, you’re going to need to know what it means to be
courageous enough to commit. Maybe you make a weekly
commitment to volunteer at a soup kitchen, or commit to playing
with your younger siblings for an hour each day, or commit to
waking up ten minutes earlier than you need to so you can spend
that time in prayer… There are infinite opportunities to be selfless
and it’s in committing to these opportunities that we can let our
time as single people be a time to grow; this is because when we
make these commitments, we’re making them, not out of a
preexisting obligation (we’re single and we technically don’t need
to commit anything to anyone), but because we genuinely want to
give of ourselves.
3. Share in your dating friends’ joy! It can be so easy as a single
person, to believe that our friends who are dating or in serious
relationships are no longer able to participate in normal
friendships with us. But that’s just simply not true — sure our
friendships with them might take on a different look, but we can
still share in the joy our friends find in their relationships; and
why wouldn’t we want a little more joy in our lives?!
Thank you for another wonderful year!
There are no more sessions until the fall!!
June 24/25 SCREAM - overnight fun
event for those going into 6th -9th.
July 11-15- Transformers - Service Day
Camp for all middle school youth.
Permission slips for both these activities can be found in the
RE office or on the website. For more information, call
Susie King 425-481-9358 x34
Ty p o l o g y
I know that being single is a
confusing, and sometimes lonely
experience. BUT even more than
that, it is undoubtedly a time for
growth, as we grow into who we
are as individuals — doing and
experiencing the things we want
— and also as we grow into what
it means to be made in God’s
image — giving ourselves away
in relationship with God and with
Trust me, I’m the first to admit
that it can be tempting to buy into
the “me, myself, and I” anthem
and get carried away with taking
care of me and only me. But
refusing to want or need anyone else and chasing after all of the
fake, shiny things that we want in the name of singlehood, while
losing sight of the goodness of relationship will only lead us
through a cycle of artificial highs and very lonely lows. Don’t
waste this time getting caught up in selfishness and bitterness.
Use your single time to become the person you were made to be
— a person that is free from all selfishness, free from all
bitterness, and free to authentically love. #LiveSingleWell
Saturday June 4, Youth from all over the Archdiocese met at St
James Cathedral for Mass and a special blessing from Archbishop
Peter Sartain. SEAS was there as well.
 Those of you
clamoring for
another pie
fundraiser, don’t worry—we plan to sell pies again in a
few weeks to raise funds for our teens volunteering at 4US
events this summer. Patience, patience!
 Teens interested in joining our parish groups participating
in Steubenville Northwest, Ignite Your Torch, or 4US,
contact SK right away at [email protected].
10 | The SETON Sunday News | Eleventh Sunday, 06/12/16
HAPPENING Here and elsewhere
Fifth Month of Developing Baby
Spiritual Adoption Program:
spiritually adopted baby weighs over 1
pound now, and his mother can feel his
movement. Before this time, he was too
small for her to feel. Although he swam
with ease in his watery world, he needed
to be big and strong enough to kick hard against the outside wall
and dent it - - the inside wall of the uterus has little feeling. We
are mid-way through the pregnancy now. Your prayers have
helped your baby’s mother continue with her pregnancy and seek
the help she needs.
Starting Tuesday, June 14 SEAS Pro-Life will be hosting the
pro-life rosary every Tuesday at noon in the church during
the summer. Everybody welcome.
Prayer Vigil: We invite you to join us in a pro-life effort to put an
end to abortion. We will be gathering for a PRAYER VIGIL every
third Saturday of EACH month in front of Planned Parenthood in
Everett from 8:30 am to 10:00 am. Next Prayer Vigil will be
Saturday, June 18. We also encourage you to first attend Mass at
7:30 at St. Mary Magdalen parish in Everett: 8517 7th Ave SE,
Everett, WA 98208. See you there.
Contact Karen Salvati at (425) 327-8700 if you have questions
and/or are interested in volunteering with our pro-life group.
Your parish is here to assist you and your family as you
go through difficult transitions and losses. Don’t hesitate to
call on us for support and assistance. Help us do what Pope
Francis asks of us “to become involved by word and deed in
people’s daily lives’ and be ‘supportive, standing by people
every step of the way.’ (The Joy of the Gospel)
Information in the narthex:
[email protected].
Sisters of St Joseph of Peace Summer Retreat, “God’s
Great Gift of Mercy”
Presented by Fr. Marlin Connole
July 8-15, 2016
St. Mary-on-the-Lake, 1663 Killarney Way, Bellevue, 98004
$350.00, includes lunch, dinner and coffee breaks
To register or for more information contact Linda Hanson
at 425-467-5499 or e-mail [email protected]
Volunteer(s) needed for part time (2-3 hours/week – March
thru October) garden work on church and rectory
properties. Work mainly involves: Weeding, pruning, watering,
planting etc. If interested contact Shannon Everist:
425-481-0303 ext24 Or [email protected]
La Parroquia necesita voluntarios para trabajo de jardinería en la
Iglesia y la Rectoría. Comunicarse con Shannon.
Becoming Catholic
 Have you ever thought about becoming Catholic?
Have you ever wondered about what Catholics believe?
 Have you ever wanted a better understanding of Mass or
the Sacraments?
If you have thought, wondered or wanted, then
maybe it’s time to check out how one can become Catholic.
Please feel free to drop by Station 4 (lower level of the
church building) on Sunday, June 19, 10:15am to 10:45am
and ask about becoming Catholic. No sign-up, no obligation,
just a chance to find out what we have for you.
Confirmation photos and First Communion photos/DVDs
are in. You can pick them up in the RE office Monday –
Friday 10am to 5pm. If you need to arrange for another
time please call the RE office at 425-481-9358.
Women’s Fellowship: Women’s Fellowship is now on
Summer Break. We will return in September. We wish to thank
all the Ladies of the Parish who attended the 2015/16 sessions.
We would also like to thank Stephanie Matheny, Susie King
and Religious Education office staff for all their help and
support. We also thank the Office staff for their help. Please
join us in September for two new studies: Bible Study: Book of
Revelation: The Kingdom Yet to Come, by Jeff
Cavins and Thomas Smith, and Walking Toward Eternity, by
Jeff Cavins. Look for more information in future months.
Rachel’s Corner
Hope and Healing After Abortion
“This retreat allowed me to rid myself of the guilt and
shame I’ve carried my entire life. I so appreciate the love
and support of Father and the team!! You have helped
facilitate my new life in Christ.”
-Testimonial after Retreat
Come on a Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreat and and receive His
abundant and boundless mercy.
August 12-14, 2016
Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673)
You are loved with an everlasting Love!
Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services.
Are you interested in playing this summer on the St
Elizabeth Ann Seton CoEd softball team? Must be 21
years of age or older. Please contact Susie King at
425.481.9358 ext 34 or email [email protected].
Eleventh Sunday, 06/12/16 | The SETON Sunday News | 11
Counseling 425-257-2111 or 888-240-8572
Altar Servers, Jane Baer and Veronica Cardona
Apostleship of the Cross, Vicki Leone
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Elisabeth Kramp
Coffee & Donuts, Kelly Cooley
EMEs Ana May Apin and Amelia Carver
Environment Team, Claudia Galindo
Funeral Committee, Pat Maurer
Guadalupe Committee, Claudia Galindo
Homebound Ministers, Marianne Iwamoto
Home Visitation/Peer Counseling, Joan Kluck
Lectors, Nicolette Gagner and Elvira Hernandez
Linens, Linda Brownfield
Min. of Hospitality, Doug Portello and Graciela Chagoya
Music Coordinator, Kathy Egashira
Pastoral Council, Paul Gallagher/Gerry Apin
Pro-Life Ministry, Karen Salvati
Sacramentors, Scott Occhiuto
Simbang Gabi, Gerry Apin
Vine Moms group, Erin Robinson
Women’s Fellowship, Mary Christie
Young Adult Group, Roberto Martinez
Cascade Serra Club, Ken Christie
Catholic Daughters, Lois Raske
Knights of Columbus, Chris Harvill
St. Vincent de Paul
Connect to St Elizabeth Ann
Seton Church through
myParish App
(for I-Phone and Android)
Want to listen to Sunday’s
homily? Download the App!
Please keep the sick among us in your prayers, especially:
Mina Amlag
Salvador Andrada
Roberta Autron
Tom Bender
Jane Bentley
Shawna Boger
Eulalia Castillo
Ruth Carpizo
Ed Crull
Billie Dougherty
Anna Epps
Fran Fielden
Marjorie Frye
Vanessa Griffith
Dee Holiday-Osborne
Rosemary Jesmer
Helen Johnston
Patricia Kramer
Jennie Leyva
Patti Means
Marie Milne
Shirley Muntz
Yolanda Noblezada
Teresa Paris
Ritzy Rafer
Floyd Roderick
Lily Ann Roderick
Joyce Rosas
Florentine Ruhland
Benita Schumacher
Jim Schumacher
Leticia Solorzano
Fran Sphung
Adrienne Steuer
Harry St Nicholas
Francis Sullivan
Richard Totorica
Barb West
Tami Wyatt
May God the Father bless you, God the Son heal you and
God the Holy Spirit enlighten you. Amen.
Joe Gogal and Paul Dellino
Edward Jones Financial Advisors—Parishioners
Our bulletin is published at no cost to the parish as it is
supported by the ads on the back. Please consider using our
advertisers’ services and tell them you saw their ad in our
Staff and Clergy
Everist, Shannon
Garcia, Rosamaria
Gomez, Fr. Jorge
King, Susie
Kramp, Stephen
Lowery, Lori
Lundberg, Dn. Craig
Matheny, Stephanie
Mendoza, Br. Santos
Moran, Stephanie
Rodriguez, Fr. Mario
Saldivar, Fr. Roberto
[email protected]
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425-481-0303 ext.24
425-481-9358 ext.29
425-481-0303 ext.22
425-481-9358 ext.34
425-481-9358 ext.26
425-481-0303 ext.21
425-481-0303 ext.25
425-481-9358 ext.31
425-481-0303 ext.36
425-481-9358 ext.28
425-481-0303 ext.23
425-481-0303 ext.39
Adams, Arthur
Alejandro, Jon
Apin, Ana May
Apin, Gerry
Arulnathan, Jenifer
Augustine, Rolfson
Auroux, Jacqueline
Baer, Jane
Brownfield, Linda
Cardona, Eduardo
Cardona, Veronica
Carver, Amelia
Chagoya, Graciela
Christie, Ken
Christie, Mary
Cooley, Kelly
Dellino, Jean
Egashira, Kathy
Galindo, Claudia
Gagner, Nicolette
Gallagher, Paul
Gimenez, Marcia
Gogal, Heidi
Harvill, Chris
Hernandez, Elvira
Iwamoto, Marianne
Kennedy, Robert
Kluck, Joan
Krieger, Jim
Kramp, Elisabeth
Leone, Vicki
Martinez, Roberto
Maurer, Pat
Occhiuto, Scott
Paine, Alice
Portello, Doug
Raske, Lois
Robinson, Erin
Robinson, Steve
Salvati, Karen
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Ministries and groups
A Call to Share…
Weekend of May 28/29
Saturday 5pm
9 am
11 am
1 pm
5 pm
Saturday 5pm
9 am
11 am
1 pm
5 pm
Children’s Envelopes $194.00
EFT Contributions
Mid Week
Total Offering
Weekend of June 4/5
Children’s Envelopes $144.00
EFT Contributions
Mid Week
Total Offering
Thank you...

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