Unit Lesson Plan Theme: En La Tienda De


Unit Lesson Plan Theme: En La Tienda De
Unit Lesson Plan Theme: En La Tienda De Ropa Lunes Anticipatory Set: I will come into the classroom with a monkey suit on. I will get the kids’ attention and then dance around the classroom for a little bit, sit down, stand up, jump, and pretend to swim. After the kids have gotten a good laugh, I will take off my outfit and let the kids know that that was the start of our lesson for the day. I will tell the students that I will be teaching them a new tense called “preterite”. I will tell them that there are two past tense verbs in Spanish but that the preterite focuses solely on actions that happened once, interrupting actions or actions that started and ended at a clear point in time. 5 minutes I will then teach the students how the tenses in the preterite tense work. I will tell them to refer to a handout entitled “the present tense of regular verbs” and teach them how each type of verb (ar/er/ir) works. I’ll have them think about what I did upon entering the classroom: entered, danced, sat down, stand up, jumped, swam. I’ll have them conjugate these to start with. Have the students give me examples in English and then translate them to Spanish. 15 minutes Then, to practice preterite I will have them do an activity with regular preterite verbs-­‐ dáme el lápiz 10 minutes Next, we will learn vocabulary through the activity cubes that I will have made up with the word and a picture. When they roll the die, I will have them write a sentence with it, or draw a picture or translate the word. 10 minutes I will have them partner up and do a “Find the differences in the people” activity (wkst) 10 minutes Homework—write out all vocab on note cards English/Spanish, study for 15 minutes, and complete worksheet with regular preterite verbs Martes Anticipatory Set: I will start class by writing the different demonstrative adjectives and pronouns in English (this, these, that those, those over there etc) up on the board. I will have the students point to different things in order to explain what the difference is. I will tell them that what they are learning about is called “Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns” and that’s what we will be learning about today. 3 minutes I will teach the students the different words in Spanish, telling them to point/pick up exactly what they used for the English, to help them to remember. I will have them complete the activities on the hand out labeled “Práctica: en un almacén” and “Manos a la obra!” 7 minutes Go over homework from night before. 10 minutes Next, we will listen to the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SE21mngt2s and I will have the students answer questions on the handout while listening. 3 minutes I will explain circumlocution and have the students use it in their clothing vocabulary activity, as explained before. I will tell the students that we will be doing a short but fun activity using what is called “Circumlocution”. I will write “Yoyo” on the board and ask the students to explain to me in English what a Yoyo is without saying the word “Yoyo”. I will ask them to tell me things about it, such as shape, color, size, what it is used for, how we use it, just as if I had never heard of it before. I will tell the students that what they are doing to describe this object is known as circumlocution. I will then explain to the students that we will be using circumlocution for our next activity, but first they need to review their vocabulary. Then will hold up the different objects that will be pinned on their backs and have the class repeat the words after me. Then I will tell the students to pick out an item of clothing they are wearing that is visible, but just hold on to it in their head. I will then instruct them to turn to a partner and try to guess their partner’s clothing. I will model this behavior, using the first example of the Yoyo, asking the students, what they used to describe the Yoyo. Things like characteristics, colors, shapes, when it is used, where you might buy it, how much it costs etc. I will then have the students do this with a partner, as I walk around, checking for understanding and coaching students in order to guess their article of clothing. After the students have guessed one another’s article, I will tell them that now they will be doing a similar activity, but I will choose their article of clothing. I will explain to them that I will randomly pin one of the articles of clothing on their back, and they must go around to their peers, and try to figure out which clothing item they have on their back. But they must speak only in Spanish, cannot use charades and cannot say the name of the article of clothing. I will pin the pictures on their backs. I will explain that some may be done more quickly than others, so when they are finished the may come up to me, and tell me what they think the article of clothing was. I will wish them luck and tell them that once they have their article pinned on their back, they may start. If they guess the article incorrectly, I will tell them to try again. If correct, I will tell them they did a great job and ask them what the hint was that helped them figure out their object 27 minutes Those who finish before others, they may pick out which country or province they want to pick for their homework. They can then review their vocabulary note cards with one another. Hw—have the students research different articles about Spanish clothing in different cultures and have them report on it the next day, what were their findings? Méircoles Anticipatory Set: I’ll tell the students that today we will be working on reviewing commands and vocabulary and be starting a skit using our vocabulary that we’ve been working on. 2 minutes I will then go over the homework with the students. I pick random countries or provinces and have the students with those countries assigned to them explain to the class what they found out about the traditional clothing for that part of the world. I will explain to the students that in different cultures there are different styles of clothing. 10 minutes I will explain to the students that just like in English, Spanish too has irregular forms in the preterite tense. I will have them refer to the handout called “Verbs with spelling changes” as I review with them spelling change differences and will show them where they can look in their books and the 501 Spanish Verbs Book to find the correct verbs changes. 10 minutes Next I will use the white boards with the students to review commands and vocabulary. I will call out either the English or Spanish of a word and have them either draw a picture, write a sentence or write a translation and then show the class and me. I will model commands for them when I say “write it” “draw it” “translate it” “show me” etc. 10 minutes Partner work: skit: book page 289 (also hw) 10 minutes I will then have the students fill out their Bingo worksheet to play the next day 8 minutes Hw-­‐study notecards 10 mins (write sentence/draw picture to help you remember), Finish skit (Due thurs), finish bingo worksheet, study for test Friday Jueves Anticipatory Set: Tell the students that we will be reviewing clothing vocab, presenting our skits and do some activities using preterite. 1 minute We will play the Pyramid game with clothes vocabulary. 12 minutes I will have the students present their skits in front of the classroom. 27 minutes Bingo with preterite verbs 10 minutes hw-­‐ study for test Friday Viernes Vocabulary Test Have the students complete cartoon activity if they finish early. Standards: The standards I will be covering from this lesson plan are: Communication 1.2: Interpretive Communication: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. Communication 1.3: Presentational Communication: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics. 1.1.N.SL.i Ask for and obtain information in everyday situations in the target language about time, place, price, size, relating to restaurants, stores, transportation, and services _.1.M.a (my lesson will be about clothing stores) Acquire new content knowledge about familiar topics through the target language _.2.M.a (new vocabulary about familiar topic: clothes) Use audio, visual, and/or print materials available only in the target language to acquire information (handouts only in the Spanish language) Vocabulary: 1. Department 23. to fit store 24. jeans 2. Cash register 25. blouse 3. Shopping mall 26. to charge 4. Client 27. to exchange 5. Clerk (for) 6. (open-­‐air) 28. bag; purse market 29. boots 7. sale 30. socks 8. shop, store 31. shirt 9. salesperson 32. t-­‐shirt 10. to cost 33. wallet 11. to spend 34. jacket (money) 35. belt 12. to match 36. skirt gloves 13. to go shopping 37. raincoat 14. to wear 38. pantyhose, 15. to bargain stockings 16. to wear; to use 39. pants 17. to sell 40. shorts 18. (fixed, set) price 41. pair 19. credit card 42. clothing, clothes 20. money 43. underwear 21. tie 44. sandals 22. coat 45. hat Vocab Phrases 1. how do I look in/with….? 2. Honestly, it doesn’t look good on you. 3. What do you think of….? 4. You look very handsome! 5. You look wonderful! 6. Did you find what you were looking for? 7. I wasn’t going to buy….but they gave me a discount. 8. I wanted some shoes but there weren’t any in my size. 9. I saw that dresses were on sale, so I bought two. 46. sweater 47. suit 48. bathing suit 49. dress 50. sneakers 51. shoes 52. cheap 53. good 54. each 55. expensive 56. short 57. elegant 58. beautiful 59. long 60. crazy 61. new 62. other, another 63. poor 64. rich 65. cotton 66. wool 10. ¡Dáme el lapiz! (mandatos) Nombre ____________________________ 1. Did you buy the pink or the blue shirt? 2. He bargained in the market for the cheapest price. 3. Did you find what you were looking for? 4. We saw that the scarves were on sale, so we bought three. 5. I charged it because I didn’t have cash. 6. How much money did you spend on that belt? 7. The clerk helped them find the most elegant dresses. 8. They exchanged the red bathing suit for the white one. 9. I wore the wool socks while outside. 10. He spent all his money on the most expensive tie. Actividad de escuchar Cierto/Falso 1. _____ El señor necesita una corbata. Nombre ______________________ 2. _____ Quiere una camisa de color Blanca y talla 30. 3. _____ Él necesita pagar en la caja. 4. _____ La ropa cuesta veinte y tres pesos. 5. _____ Sabemos porque él quiere la camisa. Research traditional clothing—country options. Europe Caribbean Spain Cuba (Andalucía, Aragón, Asturias, Islas Dominican Republic Baleares, Islas Canarias, Cantabria, Puerto Rico Castilla-­‐La Mancha, Castilla y León, Cataluña, Extremadura, Galicia, La Rioja, South America Madrid, Murcia, Navarra, País Vasco, y Venezuela Valencia.) Colombia Africa Ecuador Equatorial Guinea Peru Bolivia North America Paraguay Mexico Chile Argentina Central America Uruguay Guatemala Honduras El Salvador Nicaragua Costa Rica Panama Pretérito Nombre______________________ 1. Nosotros ____________ con la agencia de viajes para tomar las reservas. (hablar) 2. Él ____________ después de hacer ejercicio. (comer) 3. ____________ en la casa de tus padres durante los años de la Universidad. (vivir) 4. ____________ la biblioteca (visitar) 5. Mi mamá ____________ unas pechugas de pollo (cocinar) 6. El América ____________ la calificación (perder) 7. Yo ____________ mucho en clase hoy. (aprender) 8. El bebé ____________ ya tres biberones de leche (tomar) 9. Mi abuelita ____________ atole de chocolate (preparar) 10. Yo ____________ durante 17 horas (dormir) 11. "Los Protagonistas" ____________ a todos los equipos de la Liguilla (analizar) 12. ____________ sólo 20 chocolates (vender) 13. Mis vecinos me ____________ 2 chocolates (comprarse) 14. Yo ____________ 20 oraciones en Yahoo (escribir) Preterito-­ verbos irregulares 1. ____________ mi tarea con mi hermano Jorge ayer. (hacer) 2. La maestra ____________ su frase tres veces para el examen. (repetir) 3. Ellos ____________ en un acidente horible. (morir) 4. ____________ que comero temprano porque los niños tuvieron tarea que hacer. (tener) 5. Él ____________ el primero que lo ____________. (ir, hacer) 6. ¿Ya los ____________ tú? (ver) 7. ¿ ____________ una disputa? 8. Los niños ____________ los juguetes en su lugar. (poner) 9. Pedro no ____________ ubicar el hotel en el mapa. (saber) 10. Yo ____________ los boletos. (traer) PIRÁMIDE BARATO HERMOSA OTRO LAS BOTAS POBRE EL PAR LA CHAQUETA EL SOMBRERO LAS MEDIAS LAS GAFAS LA CORBATA EL DINERO LA TARJETA DE CRÉDITO EL PRECIO LA CARTERA Repaso de Vocabulario El alemacén………………………………………………………………department store La caja………………………………………………………………………cash register El centro commercial………………………………………………………………shopping mall El/la cliente/a………………………………………………………………………client El/la dependiente/a………………………………………………………………clerk El Mercado (al aire libre) ……………………………………………………………(open air) market La rebaja…………………………………………………………………………….sale La tienda…………………………………………………………………………….shop, store El/la vendedor(a)..………………………………………………………………..salesperson Costar…..………………………………………………………………………………to cost gastar…………………………………………………………………………………..to spend (money) hacer juego (con)………..………………………………………………………………to match ir de compras……………………………………………………………………………to go shopping llevar…………………………………………………………………………………….to wear regatear………………………………………………………………………………..to bargain usar………………………………………………………………………………….….to wear; to use vender……………………………………………………………………..…………………….to sell el dinero………..……………………………………………………………………………….money el precio (fijo) ………………………………………………………………………………(fixed) price la tarjeta de crédito………………………………………………………………….…credit card el abrigo………………………………………………………………………………………coat los bluejeans………………………………………………………………………………….jeans la blusa……………………………………………………………………………………….blouse la bolsa………………………………………………………………………………………bag; purse las botas…………………………………………………………………………………..boots los calcetines………………………………………………………………………………..socks la camisa………………………………………………………………………………………………shirt la camiseta……………………………………………………………………………………….t-­‐shirt la cartera………………………………………………………………………………………….wallet la chaqueta…………………………………………………………………………………..jacket el cinturón……………………………………………………………………………….belt la falda……………………………………………………………………………………….skirt los guantes……………………………………………………………………………………..gloves el impermeable………………………………………………………………………….raincoat los medias………………………………………………………………………………pantyhose, stockings los pantalones………………………………………………………….………………………pants cortos………………………………………………………………………………………………………shorts el par………………………………………………………………………………………………………pair la ropa………………………………………………………………………………………….clothing, clothes interior……………………………………………………………………………………….underwear las sandalias……………………………………………………………………………………sandals el sombrero…………………………………………………………………………………………hat el suéter………………………………………………………………………………………sweater el traje (de baño)………………………………………………………………………………….suit (bathing) el vestido……………………………………………………………………………………………..dress los zapatos de tenis…….………………………………………………………………sneakers barato/a………………………………………………………………………………………….cheap los zapatos………………………………………………………………………………………………shoes bueno/a…………………………………………………………………………………………good cada…………………………………………………………………………………………………each caro/a………………………………………………………………………………………………expensive corto/a……………………………………………………………………………………………short elegante…………………………………………………………………………………………………elegant hermoso/a………………………………………………………………………………………………beautiful largo/a…………………………………………………………………………………………………long loco/a……………………………………………………………………………………………crazy nuevo/a…………………………………………………………………………………………………new otro/a……………………………………………………………………………………………other; another pobre…………………………………………………………………………………………….poor rico/a………………………………………………………………………………………………….rich Frases how do I look in/with….?.....¿cómo me veo con? Honestly, it doesn’t look good on you…….De verdad no te sienta bien What do you think of….? ………..¿Qué te parece? You look very handsome! ………..¡Te ves guapísimo! You look wonderful! ……………¡Te ves super bien! Did you find what you were looking for? ……………¿Encontraste lo que buscabas? I wasn’t going to buy….but they gave me a discount. …….No iba a comprar…pero me dieron un descuento. I wanted some shoes but there weren’t any in my size…………quería unas sandalias pero no había en mi número. I saw that dresses were on sale, so I bought two……..vi que los vestidos estaban en oferta, así que compré dos. Exámen Ropa y preterito Nombre_____________________________ Fecha_______________________________ Write the name of the object pictured. 1. ______________________________________ 2. __________________________________ 3. _____________________________ 4. _______________________________________ Decide whether or not the statements are true when looking at the corresponding picture. If false, please write the correct sentence. _____1. Mickey tiene guantes. ________________________________________________ _____2. Mickey está llevando zapatos rojos. _________________________________________________ _____3. Mickey está llevando un vestido rojo. __________________________________________________ _____1. Waldo tiene una camisa con rayas. ______2. Waldo está llevando una chaqueta. _____3. Waldo está llevando un sombrero de colores rojo y blanco. _________________________________________________ _____1. Todas las chicas tiene vestidos elegantes. _____2. Cinderella es pobre y tiene un vestido barato. ______3. Cada vestido es largo y cuesta mucho dinero. _____________________________________________________________
_ ______1. Le quedan muy bien, los zapatos. Son la talla perfecta. ______2. El señor está llevando una falda verde. _______________________________________________________ Complete the following sentences using the below word bank. Use the word bank to complete the sentence. Conjugate appropriatly. Palabras: Cambiar (por) Cobrar Estar en oferta Regatear Ver Quedarse Sentarse Encontrar Comprar Hacer juego 1. No me gusta el color de la chaqueta. La ____________________________________ por naranja. 2. No tengo dinero en efectivo. ¿Puedo ___________________________________lo? 3. Es la una de la mañana, pero me voy al centro comercial. Yo sé que estoy un poco loca, pero no quiero gastar todo mi dinero y mucha de la ropa __________________________________________. 4. Tengo dos opciones para lo que puedo llevar al restaurante hoy. Necesito tu opinión. ¿Puedes ayudarme? De verdad, ¿__________________________________________ bien con el vestido verde? 5. Mi mama le dio mi camiseta a mi hermano. Pero yo soy muy flaco, y él es muy fuerte. Le__________________________________________ muy apretado. 6. Mi hermana quiere ir al baile, pero está llevando una chaqueta con muchas rayas y un vestido con floras. Necesito decirle que su chaqueta y vestido no ________________________________________. 7. Voy a comprar una bufanda de mi amiga, Ana. Ella quiere que yo pague veinte euros, pero yo dije que este precio es demasiado. Ella y yo ________________________________________ hasta que podamos llegar a un acuerdo. 8. Tengo una entrevista mañana. Quiero causar una buena impresión, y pienso que voy a llevar mi nueva falda. ¿Cómo __________________________________ con esta? 9. Mis hijos crecen más y más, cada año. Por eso, cada año, me dicen, “Mamá, necesitamos pantalones nuevos. ¡Por favor, _________________________________ noslos!” 10. Dependiente: “!Bienvenidos! ¿Con qué puedo ayudarle, Señor?” Cliente: “Necesito un cinturón de color negro. _________________________________melo, por favor.” 

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