St. Therese Mission Statement


St. Therese Mission Statement
Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral
Rev. William Hoffman - Pastor / Párroco
Rev. Mr. Tony Abts - Deacon / Diácono
Rev. Mr. Ernesto Gonzalez - Deacon / Diácono
Matt Walsh - Musician/Director de Música
Carlos Herrera, Mphil. - Pastoral Associate / Ministerio Hispano
Margaret Jensen - RE Coordinator / Coordinadora Catecismo
Tina Poppe - Parish Nurse / Enfermera
Sr. Mary Jane Knitter - CARE
213 E. Wisconsin Avenue • Appleton, WI 54911 -4875
June 26, 2016 / 26 de Junio de 2016
Sunday of Ordinary Time
Parish Office Staff / Personal de Oficina
Luis Giraldo - Business Manager / Administrador
Richard Schreiter - Book Keeper / Tenedor
Chris Armstrong - Receptionist & Secretary / Recepcionista
Roberto Martinez - Maintenance / Mantenimiento
Leticia Campos Duran - Housekeeping / Limpiadora
Trustee-Treasurer / Fiducirio-Tesorero
Kathy O’Connell
Trustee-Secretary / Fiducirio-Secretario
Norys Piña Lozano
Telephone / Teléfono
Office / Oficina ................................................. 733-8568
Carlos Herrera ....................................................739-0794
Fax......................................................................... 954-5727
Website / Página internet…
Office Hours / Horas de Oficina
Mon - Thur / lunes a jueves........ 8:00am-4:30 pm
Fri / viernes .................................. 8:00 am-12:30 pm
Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas
Sat - sáb /Confessions / Confesiones 3:00-3:45 pm
Saturday Mass 4:00 pm / Sábado Misa 5:30 pm
Sunday Mass 9:00 am / Domingo Misa 11:00 am y 7:00 pm
Weekday Mass Tue - Fri / martes a viernes8:00 am
1st Thu * Adoration ...................... 8:30 am -7:00 pm
1° jueves * Hora Santa & Misa ................ 6 & 7pm
Ministries / Ministerios
Please call the office for info / Por favor avísenos con una llamada a la oficina
CARE Ministry ............ Tina Poppe, Coordinator
Vision In Action ............................ Nancy Bourassa
Prayer Chain ....................................... Judy Hietpas
Worship Committee ...................Matthew Walsh
Ladies of St. Therese....................... Dorothy Mach
St. Vincent de Paul ............... Greg & Jean Pethan
Comité de Pastoral Hispana................Carlos Herrera, Mphil.
Litugia y enfermos ..........................Martha Franco
Divina Misericordia .........................Lupita Muñoz
tro le dijo: "Te seguiré, Señor; pero déjame primero
despedirme de mi familia". Jesús le contestó: "El que
empuña el arado y mira hacia atrás, no sirve para el
Reino de Dios". - Lc 9, 61-62
Leccionario II © 1987 Comisión Episcopal de Pastoral Litúrgica de la Conferencia del Episcopado Mexicano.
nd another said, "I will follow you, Lord, but first let
me say farewell to my family at home." To him Jesus
said, "No one who sets a hand to the plow and looks to
what was left behind is fit for the kingdom of God."
- Lk 9:61-62
Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998,1970
St. Therese Mission Statement
One Church, many cultures.
We Pray, We Celebrate, We Serve.
Sacraments / Sacramentos
Baptism / Bautismo
By appointment with Father / Hay que hacer cita con el Padre o Carlos Herrera
Reconciliation / Confesiones
Saturday / Sábado 3:00 – 3:45 pm or anytime by appointment with Father/
o haga una cita con el Padre o Carlos Herrera
Marriage / Matrimonio
By appointment with Father /Haga una cita con el Padre o Carlos Herrera
Communion Calls / Comunión para los Enfermos
Please call the office to advise us / Por favor avísenos con una llamada a la oficina
Misión Parroquial Santa Teresita
Una Iglesia, varias culturas.
Oramos, Celebramos y Servimos.
Pastoral Staff Notes / Notas del Equipo Pastoral
Hemos sido agradecidos con Dios por aquellas personas
que nos ha puesto en nuestro camino y yo especialmente
agradezco por la persona del Padre Bill. El cumplió lo que
dice el Evangelio de San Mateo “fui un forastero y me
recibiste” él adoptó la actitud de fortalecer mi vida en este
país diferente y me ayudó a asumir mi vocación en servicio
de Dios, la comunidad y los inmigrantes. Le agradezco
mucho a Dios por él.
We have been grateful with God for those good people
who have been on our life and I especially appreciate the
person of father Bill. He fulfilled the Gospel of St. Matthew "I was a stranger and you welcomed me" he adopted
the attitude of strengthening my life in this country and
helped me take my vocation in the service of God, the
community and the immigrants. I thank very much God
for him.
Y hablando a nivel parroquial, gracias al Padre Bill se
fortalecieron los grupos de devoción, los sacramentos y sobre
todo la formación de fe entre los grupos. En la retroalimentación
de los retiros con ministros y líderes se aseguró que el conocimiento en la persona de Jesús se fortaleció más en sus vidas.
La comunidad en general se sintió atendida con mayor fuerza, él
ayudó a aceptar y asumir la realidad de nuestras vidas con un
sentido de resurrección, no de indiferencia o pasividad. Con su
alegría y apertura promovió las tradiciones de la iglesia y contribuyó en la unión de las diferentes culturas. Siempre se preocupó
para que sigamos contentos al venir a adorar al Señor.
No puedo terminar sin preguntar cómo están, cómo se sienten
ante este cambio, qué podemos ofrecerles como equipo de trabajo. De verdad nos interesan que nos digan cuáles son sus esperanzas y preocupaciones. A mí me llena de fe y alegría que el padre
Ryan viene con ese mismo espíritu y pasión por pastorear su
Termino compartiendo que durante 12 años, domingo a domingo,
el padre Bill me puso la sección de comics del periódico, en mi
oficina. Eso sí lo voy a extrañar. Gracias por su atención.
And speaking at the parish level, thanks to father Bill, the groups
of worship were strengthened, the sacraments and especially the
formation of faith among the groups. Feedback from retreats with
ministers and leaders ensured that the knowledge of the person of
Jesus was strengthened more in their lives. The community felt
generally attended with greater love. Father Bill helped us to accept and assume the reality of our lives with a sense of resurrection, not indifference or passivity. With his joy and openness
promoted the traditions of the Church and contributed to the union of different cultures. He was always worried about feeling
hopeful coming to worship the Lord.
I cannot end my comment without asking how you are, how you
feel before this change, what we can offer you as a church staff.
It really interests us to know your hopes and concerns. I feel with
faith and joy that father Ryan comes with that same spirit and
passion to be a good shepherd of our church.
I conclude by sharing that for 12 years, Sunday to Sunday, father
Bill put me the newspaper comics section, in my office. That is
what I am going to miss.
Thanks for your attention.
********St. Therese Summer Picnic********
Sunday, July 17th 12:00 pm-?
Come and meet Fr. Ryan Starks. Let’s give him a wonderful WELCOME!
LOTS of DELICIOUS food and FUN activities for ALL!!!
Please bring a dish to pass: Last Name ending in:
A-H: Chips or Snacks; I-R: Salads, Veggies, or Fruits; S-Z: Desserts
Bring a lawn chair if needed. The picnic will be at the ERB PARK SHELTER .
********Convivio de la Parroquia********
17 de Julio de 12:00
Un montón de comida deliciosay actividades dediversión para todos !!!
Favor de traer un plato para pasar. Tomar lo que haya Erb Park, atrás de la escuela.
Año de la Merced
Para alimentar al hambriento, dar de beber al
sediento, vestir al desnudo, refugio a los sin techo, visitar a los enfermos, liberar al cautivo, enterrar a los muertos, instruir a los ignorantes, consejo al que, advierten a los pecadores, errores
soportar pacientemente, perdona delitos de buen
grado, comodidad a los afligidos, ruega por los
vivos y muertos, y alimentar a los hambrientos.
Year of Mercy
To feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty,
clothe the naked, shelter the homeless,
visit the sick, free the captive, bury the dead,
instruct the ignorant, counsel the doubtful,
admonish sinners, bear wrongs patiently,
forgive offenses willingly, comfort the
afflicted, pray for the living and dead,
and feed the hungry.
Travelers Mass Information….
Are you traveling?
To find a mass and its location go to
St. Nicholas Country Fest July 22nd – July 24th, 2016
Going to College? Know someone who is?
Do you know someone who is heading off to college this fall? Would you
like to help them connect with people of faith when they get there? A new
website sponsored by the Serra Club can help. At , click “Get Connected” and your students
coming to campus can sign up to receive information about campus ministry at prospective schools across the nation, as well as an invitation to get
involved. The college years can be an important time for faith development. Don’t miss out on the opportunities to meet great people and experience the prayer, service, and social events that campus ministry offers.
If you know someone going to college, make sure they visit !
Country Music Band Sawyer Brown will be playing
live in concert on Friday July 22nd, 2016 at 7:00 pm at
St. Nicholas Country Fest in Freedom. The 2 country music opening acts are Rodeo DeVille and Grand Union.
Sawyer Brown’s Hits include: Some Girls Do, The Race is
On, The Walk, and Six Days on the Road. Advanced
ticket prices are $25 for general admission or $40 for reserved seating. Tickets are available at St. Nicholas Parish, Freedom Foods, Capital Credit Union in Freedom,
D&B Cornerstop in Freedom, all East Wisconsin Savings
Banks, or at
Sunday events include Mass in church at 10:30am,
chicken dinner, silent and oral auction, kids auction,
performance by the Freedom High School Marching
Band, horse-drawn wagon rides, petting zoo,
kids games, and more!
for more information!
Norbertine Center for Spirituality
1016 N. Broadway
De Pere, WI 54115
Actividades Ministerio Hispano
Actividades los Sábados: 1. Grupo de Oración a las
6:30 pm. Grupo de la Divina Misericordia. Se reúne los viernes a las 7 pm en el Salón de la familia.
Discípulos de Cristo. Inscríbase en este programa
para prepararse en la fe y estudios de formación religiosa. Las clases son los domingos en Green Bay.
Ultimo día para inscribirse el 15 de Julio. ¡No deje de
aprender de Dios!
Domingo 10 de Julio. Ciudad de Appleton viene a preguntar sobre
cómo está la comunidad hispana. Después de Misa 11 am en el
Salón de la Familia. ¡Participe!
Convivio Picnic de la Iglesia. Domingo 17 de Julio. Traiga un platillo
para compartir y darle la bienvenida a nuestro nuevo pastor padre
Ryan. El quiere escuchar nuestras historias y convivir con nosotros. DÓNDE: Erb Park. Después de la misa de 11 am. ¡Habrá
muchos juegos, además de Volibol! ¡NOS VEMOS AHI!
Fondo Regresando a Casa: Inscríbase en este programa que funciona
como una ayuda adicional por si algún miembro de su familia
falleciera. Cooperación inicial de $20 y llenar la aplicación.
Colecta del Obispo. Le recordamos traer o enviar el sobre para la
misión de la Diócesis de Green Bay. Que Dios le pague su generosidad.
Pastoral de Cuidado. Si usted sabe de algún miembro de la iglesia
que desee visitas o recibir el Sacramento de la Eucaristía en su
hogar o casa de asistencia. Llame a la Señora Martha Franco al
Sacramentos, Like
eventos y fotos, vaya a:
Coffee and Conversation with Fr. Alfred
McBride, O. Praem.
Wednesday, July 13
10 – 11 a.m.
The backstory of Vatican II includes accounts of contentious debates by the advocates of the spirit of Vatican II
and those of the Catholic Restoration. But on a pilgrimage
to the sites of the first four ecumenical councils, Fr. Alfred
McBride, O. Praem., found stormy church councils are
nothing new! Join Fr. Al as he shares the experiences of
his travels, as well as the issues contained within each of
the councils: Nicea, Constantinople, Ephesus,
and Chalcedon.
Presenter: Fr. Alfred McBride, O. Praem.
Cost: Free will offering (suggested donation $5)
Registration appreciated.
Meditative Journaling
Thursdays, July 14, 21, 28
10 – 11:15
Each of us has a life story that is uniquely our own and
has been shaped by various people, places, and life events.
Taking time to get in touch with the narrative of our lives
can be transformative – even rejuvenating. Join us as we
explore different aspects of our lives through meditative
journaling. Each session begins with a guided meditative
exercise and includes time for journaling the thoughts,
feelings, and themes that arise. Please bring a journal.
Presenter: Stephanie Birmingham, MA, LPC-IT
Cost: $25
RCIA/Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults
Do you have questions about the Catholic
faith? Do you wish that you could talk to
someone about what it means to be Catholic?
Are you thinking of joining the Catholic
Church? Maybe you were baptized, but now
you would like to receive the Sacraments of
Eucharist, Reconciliation and Confirmation.
If so, it sounds like RCIA is for you.
Come and find out with an introductory session on Sunday,
September 11th at 10:05 in the Conference Room at the
Parish Office. For more info, call Deacon Tony,470-9783.
The Week Ahead / Esta Semana
(PCR = Parish Conference Room; PUCR=Upper Conference Room;
FR = Family Room; CC = Catechitecal Center; AC = Activity Center)
Monday / Lunes, 6/27
7:00 pm ....................................... Grupo Amor y Servicio / CC
Tuesday / Martes, 6/28
7:40 am ................................................... Divine Mercy Chaplet
8:00 am Mass ....................................................... Leona Speel
6:30 pm ............................................... St. Vincent de Paul / CR
Wednesday / Miércoles, 6/29
8:00 am Mass ....................................................Ruth Brazner
Thursday / Jueves, 6/30
8:00 am Mass ........................ Karl, Sue & Mike Wautlet
7:00 pm ....................................... Grupo Amor y Servicio / CC
Friday / Viernes, 7/1
8:00 am NO Mass
6:00 pm.............................................. Divina Misericordia / FR
Saturday / Sábado, 7/2
4:00 pm Mass......................................Lloyd Van Grinsven
5:30 pm Misa ................................................. Jerome Gomm
6:30 pm ........................................... Grupo de Oración / Iglesia
Sunday / Domingo, 7/3
9:00 am Mass ........................................Deceased members
.................................. of the Bowman & Brown Families
11:00 am Misa.................................................. Jerome Gomm
7:00 pm Misa ........... La Comunidad de Santa Teresita
Minister Schedule / Horario para los Ministros
7 / 2 & 3, 2016
4:00 pm
Chelsea M. / Olivia E.
Tony A. / Lorraine M. / Anne L. / Jackie J.
Emson E. / Vade E. / Gracelo T.
Tom K. / Roman H. / Kenneth E. / Larry H.
5:30 pm
L Ernesto S. / Guadalupe a. / Leticia M.
C Ernesto / Maria / Elena / Miguel / Elisa
9:00 am
11:00 am
L Martha F. / Maria V. / Gerardo E.
C Ernesto / Maria / Elena / Miguel / Elisa
7:00 pm
L Socorro R. / Maria A. / Eva R.
C Verarmina C. /Socorro R.
Tim L. / Kathy S.
Kathy S. / Carol N. / Karen R.
TJ Engichy / Yokaine E. / Elijah E.
Eleanor / Kathy / Therese / Carol / Sue
Bautizados / Congratulations
Leina Ramirez Almanza
Daniel Patiño Rosas
Efrain Rodriguez, Jr.
Emily Mimi Garza
Yareimi Hernandez Santana
Farid Hernandez Santana
Xiomayra Henry Rosas
Congratulations /Felicidades
en celebrar su Primera Comunion!
Cindy Castro
Michel Alexis Ayon
Brenda Cobarrubio Mendoza
Gerardo Cobarrubio Mendoza
Jonathan Manzo
Dominick Aguirre
In Loving Memory / En memoria amorosa
Jose Gil Leon
Misa y velorio el viernes 24 de junio del 2016.
Pedimos a la comunidad que lo
recuerde en sus oraciones. Nuestra parroquia
ofrece su más sincero pésame a sus familiars.
This is Padre Bill’s new address as of July 1st.
Saint Philip the Apostle Parish
312 Victoria Street, Green Bay 54302
920 – 468 – 7848

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