Cornelsen Verlag


Cornelsen Verlag
International Catalogue
Welcome to the world of learning
International Catalogue 2013
This International Catalogue 2013 of the Cornelsen Publishing Group
contains the latest products from various publishing houses
Dear fellow publisher, dear editor,
Cornelsen Verlag is one of Germany’s leading educational publishing houses.
Our programme consists of over 15000 titles, ranging from the classic schoolbook
with accompanying materials to books for vocational training and adult education.
It also develops interactive and multimedial worlds of learning, both for school
education and the home.
Comeptence, quality and a consistent practical orientation characterize Oldenbourg’s
teaching materials and educational literature.
Veritas is the largest educational publisher in Austria. On their list are schoolbooks,
as well as titles on pedagogical topics.
Fraus Verlag is one of the major publishing houses in the Czech Republic, specializing
in the production of foreign-language teaching materials and dictionaries.
Sauerländer is one of the leading Swiss schoolbook publishers. The publishing
programme focuses on teaching and study material, lesson aids and educational
media – starting with elementary school to upper-secondary education and
vocational further training.
Duden is a trademark with a long tradition in German speaking countries and is
associated with the dictionary for German orthography which is the standard reference
work since 100 years. Duden Schulbuchverlag publishes textbooks and learning aids
for primary and secondary level, especially in the field of natural sciences and multimedia learning aids.
Verlag an der Ruhr is a publisher for pedagogical titles which achieved a good
reputation by publishing up-to-date topics as well as being close to its target group:
pedagogues, parents and children.
Entdecken Sie
das Internationale Programm der Verlage der Cornelsen Gruppe
Auf diesen zwei Seiten zeigen wir
Ihnen eine kleine Auswahl an Titeln,
die wir im vorliegenden Katalog
präsentieren. Diese Bücher und andere
interessante Titel erwarten Sie im
International Catalogue 2013.
On these two pages you find a
selection of titles we present in this
catalogue. These books and other
interesting titles await you in this
International Catalogue 2013.
Seite/Page 6–17
Seite/Page 18–35
Further Languages
Seite/Page 36–54
what’s on offer at the Cornelsen Publishing Group
Teacher‘s Bookstore
Seite/Page 72–77
Seite/Page 78–80
Vocational Training
Seite/Page 64–66
Business Training
Seite/Page 67–71
Our German as a Foreign Language Titles
Unsere Deutschlehrwerke
Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
Band 5
Ja genau! Band
Band 2
Ja genau! Band
Band 4
Ja genau!
Band 5
Band 6
page/Seite 14
Band 6
studio d
Band 1
studio d
Band 2
studio d
Teilband A1/1
studio d
Teilband A1/2
studio d
Teilband A2/1
studio d
Teilband A2/2
studio d
Band 3 (B1)
page/Seite 12
studio d
Teilband B2/1
im Beruf:
• Wirtschaft
• Tourismus
• Soziales
• Landwirtschaft
studio d
Teilband B2/2
page/Seite 10
page/Seite 15
studio d
Teilband C1
page/Seite 12
page/Seite 15
Grammatik kein
page/Seite 17
Zertifikat Deutsch
page/Seite 17
telc B1
page/Seite 16
GoetheZertifikat B2
page/Seite 16
GoetheZertifikat C1
page/Seite 14
page/Seite 14
page/Seite 14
Der Cornelsen-Newsletter
für Deutsch als Fremdsprache
Auf Wunsch informieren wir Sie einmal pro
Monat über Neuigkeiten aus dem Bereich
Deutsch als Fremdsprache und Deutsch als
Interessante Links im Internet
Diese Internetseiten geben einen guten Einblick
in Land und Leute, sie sind eine willkommene
Abwechslung für den Unterricht.
Neuigkeiten aus dem Verlagsprogramm
Wir stellen Ihnen unsere zentralen Neuerscheinungen im Bereich Deutsch als Fremdsprache vor.
Außerdem finden Sie alle Lehrwerke auf einen
Blick, ob Neuerscheinung, Neubearbeitung oder
Klassiker. Mit Leseproben, Konzeptbeschreibung
und vielem mehr.
Informationen zu Lehrwerken
Außerdem gibt es aktuelle Zusatzmaterialien
und Übungen sowie didaktische Anregungen
zu unseren Lehrwerken.
Abonnieren Sie den Cornelsen-Newsletter
für Deutsch als Fremdsprache unter
Werden Sie DaF-Fan
auf Facebook!
Wagen Sie einen Blick
in die Zukunft!
Was wäre, wenn es ein DaF-Lehrwerk gäbe, das neben einem weltweit bewährten
Konzept jederzeit und überall optimalen Lehr- und Lernkomfort böte?
Nehmen Sie uns beim Wort!
Die neue Generation von studio d – natürlich konsequent multimedial
im Kurs
zu Hause
Mehr Informationen erhalten Sie ab dem 10. Oktober 2012.
Kontakt: [email protected]
Von L. Rohrmann, F. Jin und M. Zbranková
Prima ist ein Deutschlehrwerk für jugendliche Deutschlerner im Alter von 12 bis 18
Jahren. Es führt in fünf Bänden zum Zertifikat Deutsch. Band 1 und 2 führen zur
Niveaustufe A1, Band 3 und 4 zu A2 und
der fünfte Band zu B1 des Gemeinsamen
europäischen Referenzrahmens. Band 6
führt bis B2.
Prima orientiert sich darüber hinaus eng
an den Vorgaben an der vom GoetheInstitut entwickelten Sprachprüfung für
Jugendliche „Fit in Deutsch“. Für das
Lehrwerk heißt das unter anderem:
■ konsequente Orientierung an der
Handlungsbezogenheit der sprachlichen Mittel.
■ Transparenz der Lernziele durch die
Umsetzung der Kannbeschreibungen
■ Betonung von Lerntechniken und
Jeder Band kann in 60–70 Unterrichtseinheiten bearbeitet werden und bietet darüber hinaus eine Fülle von optionalem
Prima ist besonders geeignet für Schüler
und Schülerinnen, die Deutsch als zweite
Fremdsprache (z.B. nach Englisch) erlernen.
Die Lehrbücher enthalten jeweils sieben
Einheiten, eine „Kleine Pause“ und eine
„Große Pause“ sowie einen Anhang.
Die Einheiten bestehen aus acht Seiten.
Die erste bilderreiche Seite ist der Auftakt
und führt hin zum Thema einer Einheit.
Es folgen sechs Seiten mit abwechslungsreichen Texten, Dialogen und Aktivitäten.
In den klar gegliederten Lernsequenzen
werden die vier Fertigkeiten Hören, Sprechen, Lesen und Schreiben entwickelt und
die Aussprache systematisch geschult. Im
Sinne des europäischen Sprachenportfolios schreiben die Schüler und Schülerinnen regelmäßig Ich-Texte. Die grünen
Merkkästen „Land und Leute“ auf den
Seiten vermitteln aktuelle Landeskunde
über die deutschsprachigen Länder. Die
orangenen Kästen „Denk nach“ dienen
der Bewusstmachung sprachlicher Strukturen. Die letzte Seite einer Einheit, „Das
kannst du“, fasst das Gelernte übersichtlich zusammen.
Die „Kleine Pause“ nach Einheit 3 und die
„Große Pause“ nach Einheit 7 wiederholen
den Lernstoff spielerisch und erweitern
Im Anhang gibt es eine alphabetische
Wortliste mit den jeweiligen Fundstellen
und eine Liste unregelmäßiger Verben.
Die Arbeitsbücher mit integrierter LernerAudio-CD für die Hörübungen unterstützen die Arbeit mit dem Lehrbuch durch
zusätzliches umfangreiches Übungsmaterial. Lehr und Arbeitsbuch sind in allen
Einheiten konsequent parallel aufgebaut.
Das „Fitnesscenter Deutsch“ ist ein eigenständiges, optionales Übungsangebot, das
sich besonders gut zur Binnendifferenzierung eignet.
Im Sinne des Europäischen Portfolios der
Sprachen bietet die Seite „Einen Schritt
weiter – Was kann ich jetzt?“ den Schülern
und Schülerinnen die Gelegenheit, ihren
jeweiligen Lernstand selbst einzuschätzen
und zu überprüfen.
Die letzte Seite enthält den neuen Wortschatz der Einheit in der Reihenfolge des
jeweiligen erstmaligen Auftretens.
Im Anhang gibt es eine systematische
Grammatikzusammenfassung, „Grammatik im Überblick“, und die Lösungen
zu den Seiten „Einen Schritt weiter – Was
kann ich jetzt?“.
Die Audio-CD enthält die Hörtexte aus
dem Lehrbuch sowie die Phonetikübungen.
Die Video-DVD hat eine Länge von
ca. 35 Minuten und kann in einzelnen
Sequenzen oder als zusammenhängende
Geschichte gezeigt werden. Die DVD begleitet eine Gruppe Jugendlicher in Schule
und Freizeit und enthält viele landeskund-
lichen Informationen. Auf der DVD befinden sich auch abwechslungsreiche
Übungen in einem PDF-Dokument, die
bequem ausgedruckt werden können.
Die Testhefte zu Prima A1 und A2 mit
eingelegten Audio-CDs bieten Lehrenden
Tests zu allen Einheiten der Bände 1–4,
einheitenübergreifende Klassenarbeiten
und Modelltests Fit in Deutsch 1 und 2.
Unter gibt es für die
Arbeit mit Prima Zusatzmaterialien,
Übungen und didaktische Tipps sowie
interessante Links.
Prima is a German language course for
young people aged 12 to 18, leading to
the Zertifikat Deutsch qualification in
five volumes. Volumes 1 and 2 lead to
Common European Framework level A1,
volumes 3 and 4 lead to level A2 and the
fifth volume leads to level B1. Sixth volume leads to level B2.
In addition Prima closely follows the requirements of the Goethe Institut’s ‘Fit in
Deutsch’ examination, which is specifically designed for young people. Each volume can be completed in 60–70 lesson
periods (of 45 minutes) and additionally
provides a wealth of optional practice material for extension and consolidation of
Prima includes:
Five coursebooks, containing seven units
each and each unit consists of eight pages.
The first highly-illustrated page introduces
the main topic of the unit. This is followed
by six pages of varied texts, dialogues and
activities. Clearly-structured learning sequences systematically develop pronunciation and the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing).
The workbooks with integrated learner’s
audio-CD for listening practice support
the coursebooks by offering of a wide
range of additional practice material.
Coursebooks and workbooks are parallel
in structure.
The Audio-CD contains listening materials
relating to the coursebook as well as pronunciation exercises.
The Prima A1 DVD is approximately
35 minutes in length and can be shown in
individual sequences or as a complete
story. The DVD accompanies a group of
young people at school and in their free
time and provides a great deal of regional
information. The DVD also includes a
variety of exercises as a PDF document
which can be printed out easily.
The test booklet for Prima A1 and A2 includes audio CDs and contains tests for
students on all units in volumes 1–4,
cross-unit class tests and the model tests
Fit in Deutsch 1 and 2.
Additional materials for working with
Prima as well as teaching tips and useful
links are available on our website
Kursbuch 1
80 Seiten, kartoniert, zahlreiche Abb.
200 513
13,50 €
Arbeitsbuch mit CD 1
kartoniert, CD 65 Min.
200 521
10,50 €
Lehrerhandbuch 1
200 394
14,95 €
CD 1
67 Min.
200 661
14,95 €
Kursbuch 2
80 Seiten, kartoniert, zahlreiche Abb.
200 670
13,50 €
Arbeitsbuch mit CD 2
kartoniert, CD 65 Min.
200 688
10,50 €
Lehrerhandbuch 2
201 706
14,95 €
CD 2
67 Min.
200 696
14,95 €
Testvorbereitungsheft A1 mit CD
200 788
15,50 €
DVD 1+2
35 Min.
202 003
24,95 €
W Interactive Whiteboard
Software 1
Please get in touch with us for licensation
Kursbuch 3
80 Seiten, kartoniert, zahlreiche Abb.
200 750
13,50 €
Arbeitsbuch mit CD 3
kartoniert, CD 65 Min.
200 769
10,50 €
Lehrerhandbuch 3
201 714
14,95 €
CD 3
75 Min.
200 777
14,95 €
Kursbuch 4
80 Seiten, kartoniert, zahlreiche Abb.
201 722
13,50 €
Arbeitsbuch mit CD 4
kartoniert, CD 65 Min.
201 730
10,50 €
Lehrerhandbuch 4
201 757
14,95 €
CD 4
ca. 75 Min.
201 749
14,95 €
DVD 3+4
40 Min.
202 249
24,95 €
Kursbuch 5
144 Seiten, kartoniert, zahlreiche Abb.
201 765
18,50 €
Arbeitsbuch mit CD 5
kartoniert, CD 65 Min.
201 773
13,50 €
Lehrerhandbuch 5
201 790
19,95 €
CD 5
75 Min.
201 781
19,95 €
Kursbuch 6
160 Seiten, kartoniert, zahlreiche Abb.
201 419
18,50 €
Arbeitsbuch mit CD 6
kartoniert, CD
201 426
15,95 €
NEW Lehrerhandbuch 6
201 433 (4. Quartal 2012)
ca. 20,95 €
147 Min.
201 440
24,95 €
All rights available except: Bulgaria,
Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland, Russia,
China, Greece, Serbia, Montenegro,
Testvorbereitungsheft A2 mit CD
84 Seiten, kartoniert, zahlreiche Abb.
202 041
16,95 €
Studio d
Von H. Funk, S. Demme, M. Koenig,
C. Kuhn
Als lernerorientiertes Lehrwerk berücksichtigt studio d unterschiedliche Erwartungen und Lerngewohnheiten und bietet
abwechslungsreiche Arbeits- und Übungsformen an, die die Nutzung von unterschiedlichen Medien einschließen.
Die Lernenden werden mit interessanten
Themen in den Alltag der deutschsprachigen Länder eingeführt. Dem beruflich
motivierten Interesse am Erlernen des
Deutschen kommt studio d durch die Integration von beruflichen Szenarien sowie
durch die Präsentation von Berufsbildern
Das Kursbuch:
Im Zentrum des multimedialen Lehrwerkverbunds steht das Kursbuch mit
integriertem Arbeitsbuchteil sowie Wortschatzlisten und einem zusammenfassenden grammatischen Überblick. Das Kursbuch gliedert sich in die Einheiten mit
thematisch-funktionaler und grammatischer Progression und die Stationen, die
der Vertiefung dienen.
In allen Einheiten sind Aufgaben zur Automatisierung und zum flüssigen Sprechen
enthalten sowie Übungen zur Unterstützung des mentalen Lexikons und offene
Formen der Wortschatzarbeit.
Ergänzendes Übungsangebot:
Das Arbeitsbuch Sprachtraining ergänzt
das Übungsangebot gerade auch für den
Intensivkursbereich. Dieses ist aber ebenso fakultativ wie die Nutzung der studio dInternetseite.
Video/ DVD
In den Videos zu studio A1 und A2 sind
authentische Landeskundeausschnitte in
eine persönliche Rahmenhandlung integriert, bei B1 sind Videoclips aus gesendetem Material deutscher Fernsehsender zusammengestellt, die durch eine
Magazinmoderation eingerahmt sind.
Unterrichtsvorbereitung interaktiv
Zeit sparen mit der digitalen Unterrichtsvorbereitung zu studio d. Alle Lehrwerkskomponenten, didaktische Tipps und viele
Zusatzmaterialien sind kompakt zusammengestellt und sinnvoll verknüpft.
Digitaler Stoffverteilungsplaner
Ein Werkzeug für die Materialien des
Lehrwerksverbundes, den persönlichen
Materialfundus und für alle künftig erscheinenden Verbundmaterialien, mit
dem die Kurse organisiert und der Unterricht vorbereitet wird.
Angebote für die digitale Tafel
Inhalte des Kurs- und Übungsbuchs studio d A1 und Zusatzmaterialien. Die
interaktiven Tafelbilder ermöglichen eine
abwechslungsreiche Arbeit mit Wortschatz, Hörtexten, Videosequenzen,
Redemitteln und Grammatik des Kursund Übungsbuches im Unterricht – mit
Beamer oder Whiteboard.
studio d Mittelstufe
Nach dem großen Erfolg von studio d in
der Grundstufe (A1-B1) wird die Reihe
nun auch in der Mittelstufe fortgesetzt
und ist damit der erste DaF-Kurs, der alle
Niveaus von A1-C1 abdeckt.
Das Mittelstufenbuch zeichnet sich durch
seine sanfte Progression von B1 zu B2 aus.
In drei Bänden (zwei B2-Bände) erreichen
die Lerner das Niveau C1.
Der Wortschatz wird systematisch erweitert, wobei Redewendungen ein spezielles
Augenmerk gewidmet ist. Die klar strukturierten Grammatikabschnitte werden im
Gesamtzusammenhang aufgezeigt. Hilfestellungen und Aufgaben ermöglichen es
den Lernern eine nachhaltige Verbesserung ihrer kommunikativen Kompetenzen
zu erzielen.
Authentische Texte über aktuelle Themen
regen die Kursteilnehmer zum Sprechen
an. Die besonders gestalteten Landeskundeseiten sind um eine interkulturelle Perspektive erweitert. Regelmäßige Selbstü-
berprüfung und Testvorbereitungen
helfen dem Lerner die eigenen Lernfortschritte festzustellen.
As a learner-oriented textbook, studio d
takes into account the wide range of expectations and learning habits and offers
diverse work and exercise forms which include the use of various media.
Learners are introduced to daily life in
German-speaking countries. studio d integrats professional scenarios and presents
various professions.
The coursebook:
The series is centered around the coursebook with its integrated workbook, vocabulary lists and a grammar overview.
All units in the coursebook include exercises that train automatic response, fluent
speech, reinforce the mental dictionary
and open forms of vocabulary work.
Additional exercises:
The exercise booklet can be used to supplement the range of exercises. This is optional, as is the use of the studio d website.
The video supplements integrate information about life in German-speaking countries and features video clips from television broadcasts.
Interactive lesson preparation
All textbook components, didactic tips
and a great deal of supplementary material
are organized in a compact fashion and
linked in a logical way.
Digital lesson planner
A tool with materials from the textbook
network, your personal pool of material,
and all future network materials with
which courses can be organized.
Digital board materials
Contents of the studio d A1 course and
exercise book as well as supplementary
material. The interactive charts and diagrams allow for stimulating and varied lessons using the vocabulary, listening texts,
video sequences, expressions and gram-
mar provided in the course and exercise
book – using a projector or whiteboard.
studio d Intermediate
After the success of studio d for the levels
A1 to B1, the series is now the first GFL
course to cover all levels from A1 to C1.
The lexis is systematically expanded,
whereby idioms and expressions are given
special attention. The clearly-structured
grammar sections are presented in context. Supporting drills and exercises enable
learners to make lasting improvements in
their communicative competences.
Authentic texts on current topics motivate
to speak. The well designed area studies
are expanded by an intercultural perspective. Regular self-evaluation and examination preparation help the learner to assess
his or her progress.
Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch 1 mit CD 1
272 Seiten, kartoniert
207 072
20,25 €
Arbeitsbuch – Sprachtraining 1
207 080
11,50 €
Vokabeltaschenbuch 1
207 137
6,95 €
Unterrichtsvorbereitung 1
207 323
17,50 €
Unterrichtsvorbereitung 1
207 463
29,95 €
208 311
19,95 €
CDs 1 (2)
207 110
23,95 €
CD-ROM 1, Home-Einzel-Lizenz
207 250
19,95 €
Testvorbereitungsheft 1
208 229
14,95 €
Audiotrainer 1
208 519
8,50 €
Digitaler Stoffverteilungsplaner 1
206 070
9,95 €
Whiteboard Material 1
208 717
39,95 €
Der Einstieg (Vorkurs)
208 403
9,95 €
Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch 2 mit CD 2
276 Seiten, kartoniert
207 129
20,25 €
Arbeitsbuch – Sprachtraining 2
207 145
11,50 €
Vokabeltaschenbuch 2
207 153
6,95 €
Unterrichtsvorbereitung 2
207 331
17,50 €
Unterrichtsvorbereitung 2
207 471
29,95 €
208 460
19,95 €
CDs 2 (2)
207 188
23,95 €
Testvorbereitungsheft 2
200 481
14,95 €
Digitaler Stoffverteilungsplaner 2
206 087
9,95 €
Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch 3 mit CD 3
264 Seiten, kartoniert
207 196
20,25 €
Arbeitsbuch – Sprachtraining 3
207 200
11,50 €
Vokabeltaschenbuch 3
207 218
6,95 €
Unterrichtsvorbereitung 3
207 358
17,50 €
Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch B2/Teil 1
mit CD
232 Seiten, kartoniert
200 947
19,95 €
CD B2/Teil 1
204 276
15,95 €
Unterrichtsvorbereitung B2/Teil 1
200 955
11,50 €
Kurs- und Arbeitsbuch B2/Teil 2
mit CD
240 Seiten, kartoniert
200 740
19,95 €
CD B2/Teil 2
200 870
15,95 €
Unterrichtsvorbereitung B2/Teil 2
200 931
11,50 €
Arbeitsheft Trainieren und Testen
206 131
9,95 €
201 099
19,95 €
Unterrichtsvorbereitung B2
206 124
29,95 €
NEW Kursbuch C1
200 963 (Feb. 2013)
ca. 21,95 €
204 284 (Feb. 2013)
ca. 23,95 €
NEW Unterrichtsvorbereitung C1
200 971 (2. Quartal 2013)
ca. 13,00 €
NEW Moodle Material A1 und A2
Unterrichtsvorbereitung 3
207 501
29,95 €
208 175
19,95 €
CDs 3 (2)
207 242
23,95 €
Testvorbereitungsheft 3
200 498
14,95 €
All rights available except: Czech Republic,
Greece, Hungary, Italy, Slovakia, Spain,
Taiwan, Indonesia, Poland, China, India,
Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
Nepal, Sri Lanka
Ja genau!
Prüfungen: Zertifikat Deutsch;
telc Deutsch B1
Dieses sechsbändige Lehrwerk richtet sich
an Lernende ab 16 Jahren ohne oder mit
geringen Vorkenntnissen der deutschen
Sprache. Es vermittelt u.a. Fertigkeiten, die
auf den Beruf oder das Absolvieren eines
Praktikums vorbereiten.
Ja genau! ist besonders für das Unterrichten von heterogenen Gruppen geeignet. In
einer klaren und kleinschrittigen Progression werden abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben angeboten.
Jeder Band besteht aus sieben Einheiten
mit dazugehörigen Arbeitsbuchseiten. Die
Übungen zur Aussprache sind in die Einheiten integriert. Neben Angeboten zur
Projektarbeit und zum kooperativen Lernen bietet eine Extra-Seite unterhaltsame
Sprechanlässe, die auch das binnendifferenzierende Arbeiten erleichtern.
Examinations: Zertifikat Deutsch;
telc Deutsch B1
This six volume textbook is aimed at students from 16 years of age who have no or
very little prior knowledge of the German
Ja genau! is particularly suitable for teaching heterogeneous groups. The book is
structured in clear, compact steps covering
a wide range of tasks.
Kurs- und Übungsbuch A1/1
mit Audio-CD and Arbeitsheft
152 Seiten, kartoniert
241 576
12,95 €
CD A1/1
241 668
9,95 €
Kurs- und Übungsbuch A1/2
mit Audio-CD and Arbeitsheft
176 Seiten, kartoniert
241 583
12,95 €
CD A1/2
241 675
9,95 €
Spachtraining A1
204 625
9,95 €
Unterrichtsvorbereitung A1
241 729
14,95 €
Unterrichtshilfe interaktiv A1
241 774
25,95 €
Testheft A1
207 336
15,95 €
Kurs- und Übungsbuch A2/1
mit Audio-CD and Arbeitsheft
160 Seiten, kartoniert
241 590
12,95 €
CD A2/1
241 682
9,95 €
Kurs- und Übungsbuch A2/2
mit Audio-CD and Arbeitsheft
184 Seiten, kartoniert
241 606
12,95 €
CD A2/2
241 699
9,95 €
Sprachtraining A2
204 632
9,95 €
Unterrichtsvorbereitung A2
241 736
14,95 €
Unterrichtshilfe interaktiv A2
241 781
25,95 €
Testheft A2
207 350
16,95 €
Kurs- und Übungsbuch B1/1
mit Audio-CD and Arbeitsheft
168 Seiten, kartoniert
241 613
12,95 €
CD B1/1
241 705
9,95 €
NEW Kurs- und Übungsbuch B1/2
mit Audio-CD and Arbeitsheft
192 Seiten, kartoniert
241 620
12,95 €
241 712
9,95 €
Prüfungstraining DaF
Preparation for GFL)
Für die internationalen Prüfungen bietet
Cornelsen jetzt Trainingsmaterial zur optimalen Vorbereitung an.
Cornelsen now offers practice material aimed at optimum preparation for the international examinations.
Test DaF
128 Seiten, kartoniert, Audio-CDs
203 113
18,50 €
Zertifikat Deutsch
152 Seiten, kartoniert, Audio-CDs
203 105
18,50 €
Goethe-Zertifikat B2
200 Seiten, kartoniert, Audio-CDs
205 302
18,95 €
Goethe-Zertifikat C1
200 Seiten, kartoniert, Audio-CDs
205 310
18,95 €
Prüfungstraining DSH
108 Seiten, kartoniert, Audio-CD
203 121
18,50 €
176 Seiten, kartoniert, Audio-CDs
204 526
18,50 €
ca. 160 Seiten, kartoniert, Audio-CDs
204 403 (Feb. 2013)
ca. 18,50 €
NEW telc-Test B1+Beruf
176 Seiten, kartoniert, Audio-CD
201 402
18,50 €
All rights available except: Poland, China
im Beruf
Diese Lehrwerkreihe ist für die Lernenden
mit soliden Grundkenntnissen bestimmt.
Die Zielgruppe bilden besonders Deutschlernende in Berufsfachschulen, in Fachmittelschulen und Fachhochschulen.
Lernende erweitern ihren Fachwortschatz,
und erwerben Kompetenzen für zukünftige Situationen im Beruf.
Die Lehrbücher können dank der mehrsprachigen Glossare in verschiedensten
Ländern der Welt eingesetzt werden.
This series is designed for students with a
basic knowledge of German.
Students can quickly and effectively
broaden their professional vocabulary,
acquire the ability to communicate easily
and manage various situations typical for
specific professions.
For example:
Kommunikation in der Wirtschaft
von D. Lévy-Hillerich, Prof. A. Fearns
212 360
14,95 €
Kommunikation im Tourismus
von D. Lévy-Hillerich
212 335
14,95 €
Kommunikation in sozialen und
medizinischen Berufen
von verschiedenen Autoren
212 327
14,95 €
Kommunikation in der
von D. Lévy-Hillerich
212 343
14,95 €
All rights available except: Czech Republic, Slovakia, Spain, Hungary
Pluspunkte Beruf
(Plus Points Careers)
Die Reihe vermittelt und trainiert berufsbezogene Sprachkenntnisse. Die Arbeitshefte zeichnen sich aus durch:
■ klar strukturierte Lernsequenzen,
■ praxisbezogene und handlungsorientierte Aufgaben aus dem Berufsalltag,
■ integrierte Entwicklung der Fertigkeiten
Hören, Sprechen, Lesen und Schreiben,
■ ein gezieltes Wortschatztraining und einen Ausbau des fachspezifischen Vokabulars.
The series provides help and practice for
business-related language skills. The workbooks are characterised by:
■ clearly-structured learning sequences
■ practical, task-based exercises based on
everyday work situations
■ development of the four key skills
■ vocabulary training with emphasis on
the development of specialist vocabulary
NEW Deutsch am Arbeitsplatz
ca. 200 Seiten, kartoniert, CD
203 765 (Jan. 2013)
18,95 €
NEW Unterrichtsvorbereitung
203 772 (Mai 2013)
9,95 €
Gastronomie und Hotellerie
88 Seiten, kartoniert, CD
203 789
14,95 €
96 Seiten, kartoniert, CD
203 796 (Nov. 2011)
14,95 €
DaF in den
(GFL in Engineering)
Das Buch erleichtert das Verfassen technikbezogener Texte und eignet sich vor
allem für Studierende der Ingenieurwissenschaften, Mitarbeiter an Forschungseinrichtungen sowie Nicht-Muttersprachler in technischen Berufen.
Acht Module mit ausgesuchten Beispielsätzen bieten Hilfestellung für eigene
Schreibprojekte. Im Schreibmodul finden
sich Schlüsselwörter oder -phrasen. Diesen sind Beispielsätze zugeordnet, aus
denen sprachliche Strukturen abgeleitet
werden können. Die Tabelle „Wortpaare in
der Wissenschaftssprache“ listet für technische Fachtexte typische Wörter auf und
ordnet sie den entsprechenden Tätigkeiten, Vorgängen oder Zuständen zu.
This book assists with the composition of
technical texts. A selection of example
sentences, divided into eight modules,
offer assistance with individual projects
during the writing process. The book is
ideal for: Engineering students, employees
of higher education or research institutes,
non-native speakers of German in technical professions who need to write texts in
Each module contains key words or key
phrases, which can be used in particular
writing tasks. Accompanying these key
words are numerous example sentences,
which can be used as grammatical and
linguistic models.
A table of “word pairs in scientific language” lists words which may be relevant
to the writing process.
160 Seiten, kartoniert, CD-R
5 206 655
19,95 €
Lextra DaF-Krimis
Im Mittelpunkt der kurzweiligen Krimis
für Leserinnen und Leser mit DeutschVorkenntnissen (A2 – B1) steht Privatdetektiv Patrick Reich.
Illustriert und mit vielen Worterklärungen, landeskundlichen Informationen,
interessanten Internetadressen, Rätseln
und Aufgaben.
Illustraded stories at A2-B1 level supplemented with a range of word definitions,
regional information, interesting internet
addresses, puzzles and tasks.
Der Mond war Zeuge
15 054
9,95 €
Liebe bis in den Tod
15 061
9,95 €
Tatort: Krankenhaus
15 030
9,95 €
Jeder ist käuflich
15 016
9,95 €
Tödlicher Cocktail
15 023
9,95 €
Tod in der Oper
15 047
9,95 €
Die Spur führt nach Bayern
15 085
9,95 €
Gefährlicher Einkauf
15 108
9,95 €
Tödlicher Irrtum
15 092
9,95 €
Freude, Liebe, Angst
15 115
9,95 €
Der letzte Kuss
15 146
9,95 €
Tödliches Testament
15 160
9,95 €
Editions for iPhone and iPad
DaF-Krimis jetzt auch für die Niveaustufen A1-A2:
Haifische in der Spree
18 420
9,95 €
Kaltes Blut
18 444
9,95 €
Schuss ins Leere
18 451
9,95 €
Die Skorpion-Frau
18 437
9,95 €
Teufel in Seide
18 956
9,95 €
Der Tod kommt pünktlich
18 963
9,95 €
All rights available except: Hungary,
China, Bulgaria
(Big City Stories)
Die Großstadtgeschichten für jugendliche
und erwachsene Deutschlernende vermitteln Einblicke in den deutschen Alltag und
sensibilisieren die Leser und Leserinnen
mit Deutsch-Vorkenntnissen (A2-B1) für
interkulturelle Unterschiede.
Im Mittelpunkt dieser unterhaltsamen
Lektüren im Stile von Telenovelas steht die
Berliner Familie Schall.
Die Lektüren sind illustriert und enthalten
viele Worterklärungen, Rätsel und Aufgabe. Die beigelegten Audio-CDs machen
die Geschichten zu einem vergnüglichen
These Big City Stories are aimed at learners at levels A2-B1. They open up a view of
everyday German life and sensitize readers to cultural differences.
The stories are told in the style of popular
soap operas. The books are illustrated and
contain many definitions, quizzes and
tasks. The accompanying audio CDs transform the stories into an enjoyable listening
Student Sebastian Schall jobbt gerade in
den Semesterferien als eine zufällige Begegnung sein Leben auf den Kopf stellt.
48 Seiten, mit CD, kartoniert
19 854
9,95 €
Die Entscheidung
Amelie Schall hat sich das Leben nach
dem Abitur ganz anders vorgestellt. Wer
lässt sie zwischen Hoffnung und Verzweiflung schweben?
48 Seiten, mit CD, kartoniert
19 878
9,95 €
(Lextra Basic Thematic
Vocabulary German)
Die Lernwörterbücher Grundwortschätze
nach Themen sind ideal für alle, die ihren
Wortschatz gezielt auffrischen oder erweitern möchten. Auch zur Prüfungsvorbereitung sind sie bestens geeignet.
Sie enthalten auf der Grundlage von neuesten wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen
die 4000 häufigsten Wörter gegliedert
nach Themengebieten. Für jedes Stichwort
gibt es eine Übersetzung und einen Beispielsatz zur Veranschaulichung der Bedeutung. Die Register enthalten sämtliche
Ideal for anyone who wants to brush up or
expand vocabulary and for examination
The dictionaries contain the 4000 most
frequently used words, organised according to subject areas. All the headwords are
listed alphabetically.
248 Seiten, kartoniert
15 597
Übungsbuch A1–B1
160 Seiten, kartoniert
15 603
NEW Übungsbuch B2
168 Seiten, kartoniert
16 907
für digitale Produkte und Apps
auf Anfrage
Lextra Grund- und
Deutsch nach Themen
Lextra Grammatik
kein Problem
(Lextra Grammar
no problem)
(Lextra Compact
Diese Übungsgrammatik enthält eine Reihe von Aufgaben in unterschiedlichen
Schwierigkeitsgraden. Dabei werden die
Stufen A1 bis A2 abgedeckt. Auf der linken Seite stehen die Erklärungen zur
Grammatik, während auf der rechten Seite
die dazugehörigen Übungen platziert sind.
Übersichtlich und leicht verständlich sind
hier alle wichtigen Regeln und Strukturen
bis zur Niveaustufe B1 auf einen Blick dargestellt.
■ Das Wichtigste auf einen Blick
■ Grammatikerklärungen in leicht verständlicher Sprache
■ Viele Beispielsätze mit Übersetzungen
■ Ausführliches Stichwortregister
■ Praktisches Taschenformat 12,5 x 19 cm
This practice grammar contains a variety
of exercises at different levels of difficulty
and covers the grammar content relevant
to levels A1 to A2. The left-hand pages feature the grammar explanation while the
right-hand page presents opportunities to
136 Seiten, kartoniert
15 986
14,95 €
This book covers all important rules and
structures up to level B1.
■ Essential information at a glance
■ Grammar explanations in easy to understand language
■ Numerous example sentences
■ Comprehensive keyword register
■ Practical pocket format: 12.5 x 19 cm
160 Seiten, Festeinband
16 365
9,95 €
14,95 €
13,95 €
13,95 €
All rights available except: Hungary, China, Netherlands, Greece
Overview English
Course Books · Course Areas · Certificate Courses
of Reference
Certificate in
Self Study
Turbo Course
Stage 1
EG 21
Stage 2
page 27
Stage 3
Business English
- Meetings
- Presentations
- Communication
- Negotiating
- Socializing
page 27
page 22
page 27
page 28
English for
Basis for
- Business
- Dentistry
- Elecricity
- Health
- Hotel
- Industry
- Insurance
- IT
- Logistics
- Mechatronics
- Metal
- Money
- Office
- Shopping
- Technical
- Trade
page 30
- Car Mechanics
- Construction
- Wood
- Plumbing
- Gastronomy
- Metal
- Electrotechnology
page 32
page 29
page 31
(all different
Work with
page 32/34
Express B2
page 33
Express C1
page 35
TING – The audio pen
Brings books alive
Practice books with reward stickers and self-study key for
grades 3 and 4
By Barbara Gleich, Irene Reindl, Katrin Schmidt, Britta Schöpe
These English trainers cover all important topics of English in primary school and can
be used independently of a textbook wherever extra practice material is needed –
whether in class or at home.
A wide range of motivating exercises revise vocabulary and train reading and writing
skills in a way that keeps the fun in learning a foreign language.
Students can work on their own and the integrated key makes it easy for them to
check their answers.
A special feature is the integrated picture dictionary. It contains the vocabulary of
all topics and can either be used alongside the exercises or as a general reference.
The comic books of the English-Star series introduce children to reading first stories in
English. They show students how much they already understand and promote continuous
reading in the foreign language. Each comic covers a specific topic such as colours, numbers, pets,… and is followed by two pages with exercises on vocabulary and content.
The English-Star series will now also be available as a TING edition. This printing technology allows to integrate audio features into the book so that children can listen to the
correct pronunciation of words, have the stories red to them and discover many more
additional audio features. All that is necessary for this is the TING infra-red sensor pen.
And as a reward for all their efforts, the children get to stick in a star for each completed
and checked topic on the back inside cover. Once the last star is at its place, something
special will shine in their light.
Activity Book grade 3
64 pages, softback
8 731
5.70 €
NEW Activity Book grade 3 TING
64 pages, softback, TING-audio-data
17 504 (Feb. 2013)
ca. 7.70 €
Comic Book grade 3
48 pages, softback
15 081
5.70 €
NEW Comic Book grade 3 TING
48 pages, softback, TING-audio-data
17 511 (Feb. 2013)
ca. 7.70 €
Activity Book grade 4
64 pages, softback
8 823
5.70 €
NEW Activity Book grade 4 TING
64 pages, softback, TING-audio-data
17 528 (Feb. 2013)
ca. 7.70 €
Comic Book grade 4
48 pages, softback
15 098
5.70 €
NEW Comic Book grade 4 TING
48 pages, softback, TING-audio-data
17 535 (Feb. 2013)
ca. 7.70 €
(Oldenbourg Schulbuchverlag)
All rights available except: Austria
What makes a course easy for teachers to
teach? Teaching what you have already
learnt yourself! Add reliability, attainable
teaching aims and time saving components and you have the ideal course which
■ Universally loved and known stories
from children’s English literature.
■ Authentic but simple language input
which speeds up understanding and communication.
■ Humorous content which awakens the
pupils’ delight and enthusiasm.
■ Carefully planned lessons with balanced
phases of teaching, language practise and
skills training.
The familiarity of the contents lightens the
teaching load for all non-native teachers of
English. Realistic teaching goals mean
successful lessons in mixed ability classes.
All units follow the same clear, systematic
structure both to help the teacher and create a familiar setting for the pupil.
The course ties in with Common European Framework guidelines.
Sunshine offers a great range of time-saving, beautifully illustrated components.
■ Large posters to illustrate the stories
■ Videos of the stories in each volume
■ Workbooks with a variety of exercises
and activities
■ Pupil’s Books for stages 3 and 4 offer illustrated scenes for language work
■ Authentic listening CDs
■ Teacher’s Books with steps-by-step lesson plans for the teaching year
NEW Lextra Junior
This new series helps children to make the
most of a holiday abroad and the opportunity to interact with a new culture and a
new language.
In six attractively-illustrated chapters the
two heroes Lina and Leon guide children
through typical holiday situations in Great
Britain. Puzzles, quizzes and age-appropriate tasks provide interesting facts about
each holiday destination while building
kids’ language skills. With growing confidence, children are soon able to order
their own meal or ask for directions to a
The appendix contains useful vocabulary
presented by topic and A-Z, extra information on the locations from each chapter
and helpful hints for parents. As well as
via the accompanying CD the audio material can also be accessed via the TING
audio pen – the ideal way to listen as you
80 pages, hardback, CD
18 765
12.95 €
Lextra Picture
Dictionaries for children
with TING
These first picture dictionaries are aimed
at young children taking their first curious
steps into other languages and cultures.
The A-Z section of the dictionaries cover
about 800 typical everyday items from
everyday life for primary-age kids. The
thematic sections cover important sections such as verbs, prepositions and family relationships, colours, seasons and holidays.
TING printing technology also makes it
possible for learners to hear each new vocabulary item: just touch each entry with
the TING infra-red sensor pen and listen
to the correct pronunciation. To add to the
fun, children can go on a treasure hunt to
find the words with hidden sounds attached: no CD- or MP3 player necessary!
Other languages available: Spanish,
French, Italian, Turkish, Polish, Russian,
108 pages, hardcover,
numerous illustrations, TING-Audio files
16 518
14.95 €
For example:
Activity Book 1
56 pages, softback, with Audio-CD
346 269
6.75 €
All rights available except: Viet Nam,
NEW English G
More and more teachers are faced with the
particular challenge of teaching heterogenic groups. English G Lighthouse provides a very wide range of exercises for
differentiation between levels, thus supplying teachers with just what they need to
accomplish this task.
The Student’s Book provides, in addition
to the standard lesson materials, a total of
25 pages of differentiated tasks and exercises which complement the exercises in
the units. The section More help aids
weaker students over the initial hurdles
they face with productive skills tasks,
while More practice provides material for
fast finishers to complete during the time
spent at this stage. An important aspect of
differentiated learning is co-operation
with others in the class, which is provided
for by a wide range of groupwork and
pairwork activities.
These materials designed for differing
learning needs can also be found in the
accompanying materials to English G
Lighthouse: in the Workbook (incl. eworkbook), the suggestions for evaluation
(Vorschlägen zur Leistungsmessung) and
the materials to support or stretch students with differing learning needs (Differenzieren, Fördern, Fordern) (with a
digital diagnostic test and over 150 photocopiable templates at three different levels,
all designed to complement each individual unit). Together, these media form an
integrated system to meet differing learning needs.
A further novel aspect of this course program is the integrated listening and viewing comprehension, which covers a whole
page in each unit. Real-life episodes about
Paul, Sarah und Anna (The kids from Harbour Road) and regional studies films designed for student use (People and places)
all contribute to make the DVD a motivat-
ing focal point in class, whilst at the same
time conveying intercultural information.
For example:
Student’s Book 1
232 pages, softback
323 739
Workbook 1
with CD and E-Workbook
326 822
Vocabulary Booklet 1
332 298
Wordmaster 1
Vocabulary Training
329 823
CD 1
325 559
326 860
Teacher’s Book 1
323 760
Interactive Whiteboard
Material 1
329 724
18.95 €
14.95 €
5.00 €
6.95 €
29.50 €
29.95 €
20.95 €
19.95 €
English G 21
The latest generation of Germany’s leading
English textbook series – English G – is
called English G 21 and is a state-of-the-art
course leading to the B1 level of the
Common European Framework of
Reference. English G 21 is developed for
students in the 11 to 16 age range and can
be used in all types of Secondary Schools.
The first two volumes of English G 21 are
set in Bristol. Featuring five children, their
families, friends and pets, it offers a rich
picture of life in 21st century Britain. The
books are full of authentic photographs
commissioned by Cornelsen and taken on
location in Bristol.
English G 21 comes with a wide range of
additional printed and electronic material:
■ teachers’ version of the student book
■ a colour workbook for students, complete with audio CD and CD-ROM containing numerous interactive exercises,
■ Wordmaster, a vocabulary practice book
with games, puzzles and crosswords,
■ a reader with another detective story
featuring the main characters of English
G 21,
■ a DVD tailored to the student book
■ The Radio Bristol Roadshow, a series of
ten-minute radio programmes set in Bristol with topical interviews and music
■ Software for teachers and/or students
and more.
For example:
English G 21 student‘s Book 1
204 pages, four-colour
softback, numerous illustrations
313 040
19.95 €
All rights available except: Russia
Cornelsen English
The readers in this series, mostly written
by native speakers, can be used alongside
course materials, but above all they offer
stimulating and entertaining stories and
discussion materials which are of real interest to young people. The booklets, most
of which are illustrated, include an appendix containing vocabulary, questions and
Kim and the Rainbow
(Years of English: 1; Level 1)
312 070
Merlin’s Magnificent Magic Shop
(Years of English: 1, Level 2)
53 318
Outdoor Adventures
(Years of English: 1; Level 3)
318 516
Kisses and Cokes
(Years of English: 2, Level 1)
68 102
Harry’s Dog
(Years of English: 2, Level 1)
59 499
Ben’s Pet
(Years of English: 2, Level 2)
371 255
Sharon’s First Case
(Years of English: 2, Level 2)
67 874
An Elephant never forgets
(Years of English: 2, Level 2)
68 242
Indian Adventure
(Years of English: 2, Level 2)
67 998
The Adventures of Mr D
(Years of English: 2, Level 2)
311 805
A New Life Down Under
(Years of English: 3; Level 1)
317 803
Mortimer’s Graffiti
(Years of English: 3, Level 1)
371 611
Lake District Camp
(Years of English: 3, Level 1)
68 048
XX 49 Five Against Pollution
(Years of English: 3; Level 2)
318 524
They’re after us
(Years of English: 3, Level 2)
68 234
Romance at Camelot
(Years of English: 3, Level 2)
53 270
Robin Hood
(Years of English: 3, Level 3)
371 670
I am what I am
(Years of English: 4, Level 1)
Together Forever
(Years of English: 4, Level 1)
Teenage Detectives
(Years of English: 4, Level 1)
The Land of their Fathers
(Years of English: 4; Level 2)
On the Klondike Trail
(Years of English: 4, Level 2)
I’m OK, I’m OK
(Years of English: 4, Level 2)
(Years of English: 4, Level 2)
Rainbow Caravan Park
(Years of English: 5, Level 1)
From Prison to Prosperity
(Years of English: 5; Level 2)
A Touching Tale
(Years of English: 5, Level 2)
The Australian Connection
(Years of English: 5, Level 2)
(Years of English: 5, Level 3)
Fair Play
(Years of English: 6; Level 2)
King of the Rappers
(Years of English: 6, Level 2)
The Lost Letter
(Years of English: 6, Level 3)
343 928
371 620
53 369
68 030
68 463
53 296
68 145
343 944
311 686
311 945
68 072
53 300
318 486
343 979
311 813
All titles between 48-104 pages, 5.95-8.25 €
Audio-CD editions:
Adventures of Mr D
317 706
317 837
The Lost Letter
310 267
Lextra Detective Stories
The new English readers within the Lextra
series are suitable for students and adults
with previous knowledge of the language
The stories are focused on investigator
Bobby Rudd. Each book is supplemented
with an Audio-CD.
The last time I saw you
18 529
9.95 €
Runaway Flame
18 512
9.95 €
The Sugar Cane Killer
18 505
9.95 €
Director’s Cut
18 536
9.95 €
The Milk Murders
18 543
9.95 €
Death in Edinburgh
18 550
9.95 €
Thriller: Mr Wong’s Revenge
19 328
9.95 €
Thriller: Five Million Dollars
19 335
9.95 €
NEW Jailbird
19 342
9.95 €
NEW Loose Talk
19 359
9.95 €
NEW Murder on Harris
20 003
9.95 €
8.50 €
9.50 €
All rights available except: Hungary,
8.50 €
All rights available except: China,
Romania, Hungary, Turkey
Going CLIL
NEW Jeden Tag
ein bisschen …
Training and Testing of
all language skills
(Beginners, A2)
Workbook with Audio-CD (incl.
answer key)
Training and model test practise for all 4
language skills. All tasks are derived from
a pool of exercises designed by an official
board of test experts and have been piloted and tested with over 4.000 students.
Additional students’ guide sheets contain
tips for the different task formats, as well
as useful phrases for the writing and
speaking exercises. This rich material can
be integrated into classroom lessons.
However, students may also use the workbook for individual study.
64 pages, softback, CD
324 538
9.95 €
Teacher’s Manual
The accompanying teacher’s manual offers
short task profiles listing the level of difficulty, the test type as well as the text format and text length.The task commentary
explains the test items and contains tapescripts, answer keys and guidelines. The
speaking and writing tasks are illustrated
by rating scales and assessment grids (including examples of students’ answers
along with teacher’s commentary.
56 pages, softback
324 521
9.95 €
Going CLIL offers the skills required for
subjects and the language required to deal
with tasks in the foreign language.
The book contains nine scenarios from the
fields of Geography and History.
88 pages, softback
310 517
8.95 €
Teacher’s book with CD and CD-R
310 524
9.75 €
CLIL Modules
The modular form of these units, tailormade for the age group 13-15 in the fields
of History, Politics, Geography and Biology, makes them convenient for teachers,
who have the freedom to decide on the order in which they wish to teach them.
The American Revolution 310 427
19th-century Britain
310 434
Europe in the Age of Imperialism
310 441
The First World War
310 663
The Interwar Years
313 020
National Socialism
313 013
Labour Behind The Label
310 687
Your Carbon Footprint
310 694
Political Systems
310 724
310 991
Tropical Rainforest
618 866
Polar Zones
618 842
Hot Deserts
618 859
Your Blood – A Vital Fluid 323 289
Your Respiration
323 272
Your Eyes and Ears
323 708
NEW Forests (Oct. 2012)
331 321
All titles 16-56 pages, softback 6.25-8.50 €
Jeden Tag ein bisschen … makes language
practice simple and fun. Adults of all ages
can refresh their language knowledge in
an entertaining way.
The 99 pages provide revision in bitesize
portions in the form of tasks, games and
crosswords. Whether at home, on holiday
or away on business, just tear off as many
pages as necessary while you’re on the
Short texts with interesting information
about the country and people are presented every seventh day. A progress chart on
the back of each day helps learners decide
where more practice may be needed. A
small travel dictionary with useful phrases
completes the block. Jeden Tag ein bisschen … corresponds to CEF levels A1-B1.
208 pages, softback
19 298
7.95 €
Lextra Basic Thematic
Vocabulary English
Ideal to brush up or expand vocabulary
and for examination preparation.
The dictionaries contain the 4000 most
frequently used words, organised according to subject areas. The words are categorised as basic vocabulary (A1-B1) and
extended vocabulary (B2).
248 pages, softback
15 610
14.95 €
Workbook A1-B1
168 pages, softback
15 627
13.95 €
NEW Workbook B2
168 pages, softback
16 761
13.95 €
for digital products and apps
please get in touch with us for licensation
All rights available except: Hungary, Netherlands
Lextra Concise Thematic
These bilingual dictionaries are structured
according to topics and subject areas.
Chapters such as “At the restaurant”,
“Sports”, or “Information technology” present the typical vocabulary along with language patterns, phrases and authentic example sentences and dialogues.
Hundreds up-to-date colour photos added
to this dictionary will help the tourist,
business people, or student to improve
vocabulary concerning special subjects.
472 pages, hardback
20,000 entries, numerous illustrations
15 399
19.95 €
Lextra Englische Verben
(English Verbs)
Verb conjugation dictionary for
reference and learning.
This book is a compact grammar of English verbs with numerous examples of the
formation and use of the tenses in English.
It contains verb tables with approx. 80-120
completely conjugated example verbs and
expressions. Translated example sentences
round off each entry.
In addition, the book offers tables which
list the endings for each verb, their derivation from the present tense, the tenses,
and the formation of participles. A list of
more difficult irregular verb forms crossreferenced to the infinitive and a list of
5000 English verbs, each with a translation
and notation of its type of conjugation,
make this grammar book a comprehensive
reference work.
460 pages, softback
18 321
9.95 €
Lextra Compact
… for quick reference
The Lextra Compact Grammar is a practical handbook for young people and adults
who want to learn a language and improve
their knowledge of grammar. This clearly
laid out and easy to understand book perfect for looking up grammar structures
quickly as well as for revision. It covers all
important rules and structures up to level
B1 of the Common European Framework
of Reference for Languages. Numerous
example sentences with translations provide clear illustrations of the grammar,
and a comprehensive keyword index helps
users to locate particular topics quickly.
■ Essential information at a glance
■ Grammar explanations in easy to understand language
■ Numerous example sentences with
■ Comprehensive keyword register
■ Practical pocket format: 12.5 x 19 cm
208 pages, hardback
16 341
9.95 €
Available for English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Swedish,
Norwegian, Turkish and Danish.
(Fraus / Cornelsen)
All rights available except: China
Grammar no problem
Grammar No Problem is a tried and tested
volume of grammar explanations and
practice exercises which is invaluable both
to those wishing to work on their grammar at home and for grammar practice in
the classroom. Simple language is used to
explain grammar phenomena, while colour indicators help differentiate and clarify
complex grammar structures. Each grammar topic is dealt with on a double-page
spread with explanations on the left and
practice on the right. A removable key
provides solutions for all the practice
New structures:
Aside from revisions of the existing
material, the book now offers a series of
progress tests at the end of the book, each
test referring to a different chapter or section.
Business grammar:
In answer to the many requests for a
workplace grammar book, Business Grammar No Problem has been devised and developed by the same authors, both of
whom have a great deal of experience in
creating material for business-English
teachers and learners. The structure of the
book remains unchanged, while the chapters focus on grammar topics in realistic
business contexts.
Grammar No Problem
128 pages, softback
5 206 242
Business Grammar
No Problem
128 pages, softback
5 206 235
17.50 €
17.50 €
All rights available except: Netherlands
Lextra Grammatik kein
Lextra Lerngrammatik
(Lextra Grammar no
(Lextra Learner’s English
This practice grammar contains a variety
of exercises at different levels of difficulty
and covers the grammar content relevant
to levels A1 to B1. The layout is structured
in double pages spreads: the left-hand
pages feature the grammar explanation
while the right-hand page presents opportunities to practise, moving from controlled to freer tasks. The appendix for
each language contains helpful additional
information such as guides to pronunciation, explanations of regional variations
German, French and Spanish will also be
128 pages, softback
15 689
14.95 €
Lextra Business English
Grammatik kein Problem
(Lextra Business English
Grammar no problem)
132 pages, softback
16 754
14.95 €
The Learner’s English Grammar for young
adults is ideal for reference, learning and
practice purposes. The book deals with the
most important rules up to level C1.
The grammar items are explained in easyto-understand language and easy-to-digest
portions. Clear examples with translations
make learning easier. An appendix provides practice exercises and tests for each
chapter along with a key. The detailed
index makes it easy to find the information being sought.
350 pages, softback
224 479
19.95 €
Lextra DVD interactive
language courses
Lextra has taken the advantages of moving pictures one step further by incorporating the revolutionary new technology
of interactive video DVD. At the flick of a
remote control, learners can now check
their comprehension, accuracy and language skills while watching the DVD by
answering on-screen questions and performing language tasks.
Each of the five DVDs in this series focuses
on a particular skill that business people
Set in international business contexts with
an authentic storyline, the learner encounters not only native speakers of English but
also real-life situations where English is
used as a lingua franca. Clearly structured
in five chapters each, the DVDs come with
a 72-page booklet providing additional
information on grammar and vocabulary
as well as writing practice.
Meetings DVD + Booklet
70 min., 72 pages, softback
15 535
16.95 €
Presentations DVD + Booklet
70 min., 72 pages, softback
15 542
16.95 €
Communication DVD + Booklet
70 min., 72 pages, softback
15 559
16.95 €
Negotiating DVD + Booklet
70 min., 72 pages, softback
15 566
16.95 €
Socializing DVD + Booklet
70 min., 72 pages, softback
15 573
16.95 €
Lextra Turbo Courses
Effective learning
in 2 x 10 minutes daily
The ideal language course for busy people
who want to learn or improve their knowledge of a foreign language.
The 2 x 10 minute course suits the rhythm
of modern life, which doesn’t leave much
time for learning. Each chapter requires
only 20 minutes each day and constitutes a
clearly defined and self-contained learning
unit. The short sections are designed to
provide a sense of ongoing achievement
that motivates users and helps them to
learn quickly and effectively. Thematic
focal points include the most important
situations and expressions relevant to the
use of the language as well as grammatical
structures and verb forms.
■ Guaranteed learning success in 30 days
■ 2 x 10 minutes daily – adaptable to all
■ The most important situations and expressions
■ 8 pages devoted to vocabulary for the
■ Tests to check learning progress
■ Audio CD and MP3 files as downloads
128 pages, softback, CD
18 369
12.95 €
The turbo course is available for the languages English, French, Spanish, Italian,
Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, Greek and
Lextra Premium
Language Courses
The Premium Language Course offers a
comprehensive tool for all those interested
in intensive language-learning.
The detailed learning book contains a
range of varied exercises covering all linguistic skills and a short grammar guide.
The reading book is ideal for study “on the
road” and contains dialogs relating to an
ongoing story with translations. The story
addresses everyday themes as well as situations specific to travelling and business.
A particular feature of the Premium Language Course is its comprehensive audio
material, which comprises approximately
400 minutes on an MP3 audio CD. This
includes the entire reading book as an
audio book plus numerous listening and
speaking exercises.
■ 1 learning book with a self-testing section after every chapter
■ 1 reading book with an ongoing story in
dialogs – ideal for travellers
■ compact dictionary integrated into the
reading book
■ 1 MP3 audio CD containing approximately 400 minutes of material (equivalent
to 4 normal audio CDs)
2 books (approx. 200 pages each), 4CDs
15 719
29.95 €
The Premium Language Course is available for the languages English, French, Italian and Spanish.
All rights available except: Hungary,
All rights available except: Poland,
Vietnam, China, Japan, Hungary
Key concept
Each of the 12 units is divided into four
two-page sections. Parts A and B introduce key language and expressions; in
Part C the learner revises and consolidates
what has gone before; Part D is for homestudy, but can also be used in the classroom if desired. The coursebook contains
full solutions to the homestudy sections
so that the learner can use them independently.
Real language from day 1
Unlike almost all of its competitors, Key
puts learners and teachers in the driving
seat. Learners want real language from the
first lesson and teachers want to enable
their learners to communicate effectively
from the first lesson. That’s what Key is
about: real-world language right from the
start with masses of motivating input and
constant opportunities to speak and interact in a genuine way.
The journals
The Key coursebooks each contain three
sections with 7 journal pages each. The
journals were inspired by in-flight magazines and offer authentic reading at an
easily understandable level. Consisting
of stimulating articles and photo essays,
amusing quizzes and short fiction, the
journals not only provide a starting point
for conversation, they also give learners an
opportunity to hone reading skills outside
the classroom.
All in one
The Key coursebooks A1 to B1 contain
12 units of 8 pages each, three 7-page
journals, partner files, grammar summary,
homestudy solutions, transcripts and 2
CDs with all the listening material, as well
as a phrasebook for quick reference and
practice on the move. The teaching package includes the coursebook components,
as well as copy masters and a compact
teaching guide for easy lesson planning.
Key Starter – a highly motivating introduction to the English language for complete beginners – has a shorter and simpler format to get diffident learners ready
for further English courses in one term.
Key B2 again adopts a slightly different
format to provide more advanced learners
with more conversation practice.
Key is a completely new multi-level coursebook for adult learners of English. With
it’s clear structure – two-page spreads for
each lesson – Key offers a successful combination of motivating input and straightforward language training. The motto of
the series is ‘take & teach’, and the coursebooks live up to that motto on every
single page.
Flexible planning
The coursebook structure makes it easy to
plan lessons and whole courses. The A/B/
C/D structure with each section providing
around 90 minutes of teaching time ensures that the book fits into any term plan.
Faster learners can even skip the C sections, while Part D of each unit provides
more than enough material for homework
and extra practice. The three journal sections can either be incorporated into the
lessons as a change of pace or learners can
be invited to look at them in their own
time. The teaching guide provides suggestions as to what teachers can do in class
with the journals, if they wish to do so.
Bringing it all together
The final unit of each coursebook invites
learners to review what they have learned,
to complete their own learner portfolio
and to bring their own material to the
Key Starter
72 pages, softback, with 1 CD
208 128
9.95 €
Key Starter Teaching Package
with Coursebook, Teaching Guide and
208 135
14.95 €
Key A1 Coursebook
with 2 CDs and Phrasebook
168 pages, softback
201 020
19.95 €
Key A1 Teaching Package
with Coursebook, Teaching Guide and
201 037
27.95 €
Key A2 Coursebook
with 2 CDs and Phrasebook
176 pages, softback
200 986
19.95 €
Key A2 Teaching Package
with Coursebook, Teaching Guide and
200 993
27.95 €
Key B1 Coursebook
with 2 CDs and Phrasebook
176 pages, softback
201 006
19.95 €
Key B1 Teaching Package
with Coursebook, Teaching Guide and
201 013
27.95 €
NEW Key B2/1 Coursebook
with CDs and Phrasebook
112 pages, softback
208 142
15.95 €
NEW Key B2/1 Teaching Package
with Coursebook, Teaching Guide and
208 166 (Oct. 2012)
23.95 €
NEW Key B2/2 Coursebook
with CDs and Phrasebook
112 pages, softback
2085 62 (Mar 2013)
ca. 15.95 €
NEW Key B2/2 Teaching Package
with Coursebook, Teaching Guide and
208 586 (May 2013)
ca. 25.95 €
NEW Key C1 Coursebook
with CDs and Phrasebook
176 pages, softback
208 289 (2013)
ca.19.95 €
NEW Key C1 Teaching Package
with Coursebook, Teaching Guide and
208 319 (2013)
ca. 19.95 €
Key Entry level test
online only
All rights available except: Brazil, Turkey
Business English from
Beginners to UpperIntermediate
By M. Hogan, B. Landermann, C. Eilertson and S. Ashdown
Building on the success of their predecessors, Business English for Beginners and
Basis for Business have now joined forces
to create an extensive business-English
series from complete beginners to C1. Designed to meet the needs of professionals
in a wide variety of positions within companies, the series offers course-planners
and learners complete flexibility. Each
coursebook in the series now includes
common features of structure, format and
design such that teachers can quickly get
to grips with any level in the series.
Business English for Beginners
Covering levels A1 and A2 in two short
coursebooks of 7 units each, Business English for Beginners meets the needs of complete beginners or false beginners in a
workplace environment.
The new edition focusses on the following
■ Key business vocabulary
■ Grammar
■ Useful business phrases
■ Business communication skills
Both a consolidation section in each unit,
designed for use in class, and an additional
workbook for home use provide learners
with ample practice of the course material.
Role-plays based on authentic business
situations enable learners to practise
speaking in realistic settings and to build
communicative competence.
Personalization activities guarantee that
students apply their newly acquired
knowledge in business English to their
own jobs. As a result, they are prepared for
everyday professional life.
The additional workbook includes a CD
with further listening practice while a
combined teaching guide for levels A1 and
A2 includes not only copy masters, but
also teacher software for text analysis and
worksheet generation. Separate A1 and A2
teaching guides are available as downloads.
Basis for Business
Basis for Business, covering levels B1 to C1
of the common European Framework,
build on the success of their predecessors
and bring easily accessible business English up to date. Basis for Business B1 can be
used following Business English for Beginners A2 or as a standalone course for students working towards level B1 of the
Common European framework. Similarly,
Basis for Business B2 follows on from the
B1 level or can be used independently. The
features of the new series are:
■ Basic vocabulary, structures and expressions in a modern business context.
■ A recognition of current business
trends: communication across cultures
and English as a lingua franca; digital
communication and business processes;
socializing as an essential component of
rapport building.
■ Just like Business English for Beginners,
the coursebooks contain extra practice for
use in the classroom and/or at home,
while a workbook with CD provides learners with all the practice and revision they
need between lessons.
■ Again, as with all levels in the series, the
teaching guides contain ample photocopiable activities and a CD-ROM with textanalysis and worksheet-generation tools.
A1 Coursebook
104 pages, softback, 1CD
206 582
13.95 €
A1 Workbook
206 612
7.95 €
A2 Coursebook
104 pages, softback, 1CD
206 605
13.95 €
A2 Workbook
206 636
7.95 €
A1/A2 coursebook package
200 405
23.95 €
A1/A2 workbook package
200 429
12.50 €
A1/A2 Teaching Guide
200 412
17.95 €
B1 Coursebook
168 pages, softback, 2CDs and phrasebook
5 210 058
25.95 €
B1 Workbook
5 210 065
12.95 €
B1 Teaching Guide
5 210 072
17.95 €
B2 Coursebook
168 pages, softback, 2CDs and phrasebook
5 210 089
25.95 €
B2 Workbook
5 210 096 (Oct. 2012)
12.95 €
B2 Teaching Guide
5 210 102 (Nov. 2012)
17.95 €
NEW C1 Coursebook
208 pages, softback, 2CDs
5 210 201 (June 2013)
25.95 €
NEW C1 Workbook
5 210 218 (June 2013)
12.95 €
NEW C1 Teaching Guide
5 210 225 (June 2013)
17.95 €
Short Course Series
Designed for people in work who need to
train their business communication skills
or brush up their English for a specific
business area. Each coursebook provides
material for ca. 10 double lessons and can
be used as a stand-alone intensive course
or to supplement a general coursebook.
English for the IT Industry
Professionals in IT need to communicate
in English more than in any other industry. This short course is designed to develop the large technical vocabulary which
IT professionals already possess into competent and easily understandable English
communication, enabling the learner to
communicate with technicians and experts as well as with customers and employers worldwide.
96 pages, softback, numerous illustrations,
with Audio-CD
203 620
21.95 €
English for Tax Professionals
Whether operating freelance or within a
larger financial institution, auditors, tax
advisers and controllers need to be able to
provide English-language financial reporting in compliance with international regulations. They also need to advise both domestic and overseas customers in a
multitude of international issues relevant
for their tax obligations. This course prepares tax and finance professionals for
providing a full range of services in English.
96 pages, softback, numerous illustrations,
with Audio-CD
201 930
21.95 €
NEW English for Trade Fairs and
Trade fairs and commercial events are by
their nature international. Anyone involved in preparing, attending and following up on a trade fair, whether at home or
abroad, needs the English-language skills
necessary for making the right impression.
This course helps ensure that you and your
employees are ready to reap the maximum
benefit from your next trade fair.
80 pages, softback, numerous illustrations,
with Audio-CD
204 757
21.95 €
NEW English for Insurance
In the modern insurance world, both B2B
and B2C communication is often in English. For companies operating internationally, as well as for those providing services
to international customers, English-language competence is essential. This course
prepares the insurance professional for
policy issues, customer questions and crises and for communication with international partners.
104 pages, softback, numerous illustrations, with Audio-CD
204 726
21.95 €
English for Legal Professionals
English for Legal Professionals is aimed at
legal staff, i.e. corporate legal consultants,
lawyers, legal assistants and notaries who
work with English-speaking clients. Set at
CEF B2, the course enable students to
practise written and oral communication
with respect to the following legal topics:
Contracts, Intellectual Property (IP),
Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) and
Risk Management and insolvency.
104 pages, softback, numerous illustrations, with Audio CD
203 867
21.95 €
English for the Pharmaceutical
Authentic texts and realistic role-plays
help students obtain the communication
skills required to collaborate with foreign
partners and drug-related regulatory institutions. Topics included are Substance discovery and Product development, Quality
assurance and Auditing, Testing, Drug
safety and Regulatory affairs.
104 pages, softback, numerous illustrations, with Audio-CD
203 875
21.95 €
The following titles are also available:
English for Accounting
204 801
21.95 €
English for Emails
200 070
21.95 €
English for Telephoning
18 733
21.95 €
English for Meetings
18 741
21.95 €
English for Presentations
18 750
21.95 €
English for Socializing and Small
201 562
21.95 €
English for the Energy Industry
203 859
21.95 €
English for Customer Care
18 822
21.95 €
English for Human Resources
204 818
21.95 €
English for Sales and Purchasing
202 259
21.95 €
English for the Automobile
204 795
21.95 €
English for Marketing and
18 768
21.95 €
English for Real Estate
200 063
21.95 €
English for Negotiating
202 240
21.95 €
All rights available except: CZ, HU, PL,
RUS, CN, ROM, GB, monolingual English
Intercultural Business
Professional Business
English Trainers
Perfect for anyone doing business abroad
or communicating with business partners
from other countries. This unique series
helps business people to understand their
own cultural influences and to prepare
themselves for any situation when interacting with partners from other world regions. The key features are:
■ Business English as a core skill for any
intercultural business situation.
■ Analysis of one’s own and others’ cultural influences, including insights into many
different world regions, avoiding formulaic and unrealistic behaviour codes.
■ Building of communicative strategies
for dealing with uncertainty, maintaining
standards of politeness and developing
diplomatic skills.
■ Development of the language required
for the social situations which accompany
any business relationship.
■ Extensive listening practice in all situations with speakers of English as a foreign
language on the accompanying CD.
■ Trainer’s manual with photocopiable
material and teacher support.
By D. Clarke
The titles in the series combine the advantages of a methodic handbook and resource packs in one book. Trainers or directors of study who want an easy-to-use
overview of theoretical and practical issues are guided through the main areas
relevant to Business English professionals.
Working in Asia Coursebook
and CD
136 pages, softback
5 202 237
24.95 €
Working in Asia Trainer’s Manual
online-download only
5 202 244
9.95 €
Working in Russia and Eastern
Europe Coursebook and CD
128 pages, softback
5 202 299
24.95 €
Working in Russia and Eastern
Europe Trainer’s Manual
online-download only
5 202 305
9.95 €
This compact, slim volume with its 72
pages is a basic introduction to commercial correspondence. It is at the A1-A2
level (European Framework). The course
covers the following areas: letter layout,
enquiries, offers and quotations, orders,
acknowledgements, advice of dispatch,
complaints and reminders.
For learners who are at the B1-B2 level,
this is the right course. It can be used either to accompany students who are in
training (eg vocational schools) or for employees who wish to improve their correspondence skills at the workplace. It covers the same areas as the Elementary
course and in addition has units on writing emails and telephoning.
This is a comprehensive course (176
pages) which covers all the requirements
of commercial correspondence at the B2C1 level and is suitable for the advanced
user who needs to improve her/his skills
in an in-company situation.
The course covers the areas of the Elementary and Intermediate edition in greater
depth and in addition has a unit on general office communication and one on
credit enquiries.
For example:
Elementary Commercial
72 pages, softback, numerous illustrations
19 926
9,95 €
All rights available except: Czech Republic, China
Testing and Assessment in
Business English
Designing specifications, choosing a test
or an exam, formulating marking criteria
and writing test instructions are the main
areas presented in this book. There are
also chapters on testing each of the four
skills, as well as on testing vocabulary and
Testing and Assessment in Business English
is specifically geared to the daily requirements of busy trainers. The chapters can
be referred to separately according to specific needs and interests, or the whole
book can be worked through systematically.
The book comes with a CD-R, including
checklists, test templates and workshop
184 pages, softback, CD-R
5 200 806
28.50 €
Technology in the Business
English Classroom
How to use digital technology in the classroom? For example: Wikis, blogs, screencasts, digital whiteboards.
120 pages, softback, CD-Extra
5 200 783
24.95 €
NEW Intercultural Competence in
Business English
approx. 192 pages, softback, CD
5 200 790 (Oct. 2012)
ca. 27.50 €
NEW Work with English
– 4th Edition
The completely new edition of our successful course for learners of vocational
English at B1 level provides a wealth of
multimedia material for motivating lessons.
The students’ book:
■ equips learners with the language they
need for their future working life (World
of Work).
■ supports mixed ability classes with extra
exercises and further reading texts for advanced students and online worksheets for
extra revision (Webcodes).
■ develops individual learning skills (How
to pages).
■ reviews material on Revision and Exam
practice pages.
The workbook consolidates grammar and
vocabulary and practises writing skills
while the accompanying audio CD develops listening skills. An extra edition with
CD-ROM also supplies interactive exercises.
A vocabulary practice book lists the most
important words from the units with
translations, example sentences and accompanying exercises.
The teachers’ book offers a range of worksheets at different levels, tests and games
as extra material. It also includes three
audio CDs and videos from the students’
Student’s Book
264 pages, softback
5 205 177
64 pages, softback, CD
5 205 207
Vocabulary Practice Book
68 pages. softback
4 506 411
Teacher’s Book
216 pages, softback, CD-R
5 205 191
Job Matters
21.95 €
10.75 €
4.95 €
25.95 €
Job Matters is a coursebook aimed at
young trainees (17–20 year old). The starting point is at the end of A1 and it finishes
at the beginning of B1 and covers a range
of aspects such as numbers, telling the
time, giving directions, being polite, telephoning, writing emails and applying for
a job etc. Elementary grammar points are
revised and vocabulary is expanded.
These Workbooks can also be used for
self-study since each one comes with an
answer key.
For example:
Car Mechanics
52 pages, softback, numerous illustrations
200 337
9.25 €
48 pages, softback
9.25 €
Wood Technology
48 pages, softback
200 329
9.25 €
48 pages, softback
200 493
9.25 €
48 pages, softback
200 442
9.25 €
Metal Technology
64 pages, softback
204 007
9.25 €
Electro Technology
64 pages, softback
204 014
9.25 €
All rights available except: China, Sweden,
Czech Republic, Finland
Matters Series
The highly successful ‘Matters’ series offers
a broad range of coursebooks all with upto-date topics, a strong professional content combined with integrated language
and skills work. These ESP books can be
used for vocational and/or in-company
Building on the success of their predecessors, the Matters series will be revised
step by step. The following topics are already available in the new edition: Office,
Trade and Industry Matters, as well as the
completely new titles Technical and Business Matters.
IT Matters
2nd edition
A pre-intermediate level course tailored to
the needs of those planning a career in or
currently employed in the IT sector.
Topics covered:
Dealing with customers,Telephoning,
E-mailing, Trouble-shooting, Hotline
services, Programming and applications,
Communications and telephone systems,
IT systems (hardware and software), Networks, Installation
For example:
Student’s Book
168 pages, softback
5 205 054
21.50 €
Hotel Matters
This book familiarises students with all the
fundamental aspects of the relevant English vocabulary and confronts them with
realistic situations in context which they
may subsequently encounter as they go
about their daily activities. Whether greet-
ing guests, dealing with complaints, taking
care of orders in the restaurant or even
writing down administrative tasks, Hotel
Matters offers the appropriate linguistic
response. In addition, this new coursebook contains helpful Language, Grammar and Culture boxes.
For example:
Student’s Book
144 pages, softback
200 092
20.95 €
Shopping Matters
2nd edition
Shopping Matters provides hands-on communicative skills and key grammar structures for those in the retail trade with direct contact to customers. From a basis
vocabulary of only 400 words, learners are
guided through a spiralling syllabus, covering the most important vocabulary and
language skills for a wide range of retail
For example:
Student’s Book
192 pages, softback, CD-ROM
241 378
21.50 €
The following titles are available in the
new edition:
NEW Office Matters 3rd edition
176 pages, softback
4 506 046
21.50 €
NEW Trade Matters 3rd edition
192 pages. softback
5 205 146
21.50 €
NEW Industry Matters 2nd edition
184 pages, softback
4 504 882
21.50 €
NEW Technical Matters
192 pages, softback
4 506 480
20.95 €
NEW Business Matters
176 pages, softback
4 506 442
20.95 €
The following titles are also available:
Metal Matters 2nd edition
208 pages, softback
5 205 115
22.50 €
Electricity Matters 2nd edition
144 pages, softback
207 951
22.50 €
Insurance Matters
2nd edition
168 pages, softback
200 863
23.95 €
Money Matters 3rd edition
168 pages, softback
241 408
23.95 €
Mechatronics Matters
144 pages, softback
207 994
21.50 €
Health Matters 2nd edition
128 pages, softback
200 894
20,50 €
Dentistry Matters
128 pages, softback
200 634
21.50 €
Logistics Matters
128 pages, softback
200 719
22.50 €
All rights available except: China
Baustein Series
Job Basics
Job Basics is an A2-level book designed
for any job-orientated English class. It focuses on tasks that practically every working person has to perform, from writing
e-mails and answering phone calls to hosting international guests and talking about
products. These skills are practised in Situations and Scenarios, which are relevant to
students interested in any profession. Additionally, Your Choice and Jet exercises
ensure that students of all levels are catered for.
160 pages, softback
4 506 961
Teacher’s Book
160 pages, softback, CD-R
4 506 978
15.95 €
24.00 €
Aimed at learners in vocational schools
(aged 15 to 16), the Baustein series consists of three different courses covering
technical, business and social topics. Each
book is made up of ten independent units
which can be used individually or as part
of an ongoing course. The units offer diverse exercises including tasks, listenings,
role plays, etc. which focus primarily on
subject-specific knowledge whilst also
touching upon grammar revision. The
books are at A2-B1 level.
Baustein Soziales
(Caring for people)
Topics include:
Caring jobs
The family
Nursery and childcare
Domestic violence
Mental health
Substance abuse
Healthy eating
Care for the elderly
Organisation and safety in the home
Student’s Book
104 pages
softback, numerous illustrations
241 460
Teacher’s Manual
241 477
241 545
14.50 €
8.75 €
23.50 €
Baustein Technik
(Technology at work)
Topics include:
Energy and electricity
Entertainment technology
Tools and construction
Environment and waste management
Robotic devices
Student’s Book
104 pages
softback, numerous illustrations
25 446
Teacher’s Manual
25 454
205 068
7.25 €
23.50 €
Baustein Wirtschaft
(Business at work)
Topics include:
Applying for a job
Management structures
Advertising and marketing
Business travel
Customer care
Student’s Book
96 pages
softback, numerous illustrations
205 037
Teacher’s Manual
205 045
205 075
13.25 €
13.25 €
7.25 €
23.50 €
Focus on Modern
This course has been designed for four- or
five-year courses in higher commercial
schools, leading up to level B2+.
Focus on Modern Business can be easily
adapted to local curricula.
A number of practice activities prepare
students for International Certificates
(PET, FCE, BEC). After every four units a
self-test unit gives students the opportunity to check their progress.
Volume 1 (A1/A2) and 2 (A2/B1) look at
various topic areas in a more general way,
with occasional glimpses into the professional world. Volume 3 introduces an increasingly professional bias, building on
Volumes 1 and 2 and expanding language
skills gradually (B1). Volume 4/5 offers the
upper-intermediate student flexible multilevel practice and smaller ‘case studies’ to
work on individually.
For example:
Focus on Modern Business 1 –
Student’s Book
184 pages, softback
14.25 €
Further titles in the Focus on … series:
Focus on Modern Technology 1 –
Student’s Book
A derivate of Focus on Modern Business
focusing on technical English.
192 pages, softback
14.75 €
Focus on Modern Careers 1 –
Student’s Book
A “light-edition” of Focus on Modern
Business with slower progression for pupils with lower skills, leading to level B1.
148 pages, softback
13.95 €
Career Express
Career Express caters for the specific needs
of university students, and prepares and
qualifies them for their professional life.
Career Express takes fluency head on,
considered a key skill needed to meet the
qualifications for a degree in higher education.
Students achieve a high level of Englishlanguage competence within a short period of time.
Teachers can pick and choose material
according to students’ needs.
Faculty members do not need to develop
extra home-study material.
Career Express Business English B2
coursebook, audio-CD, phrasebook
160 pages, softback
5 202 008
28.95 €
Career Express Teaching Guide B2
with DVD
128 pages, softback
5 202 015
22.95 €
Career Express Business English C1
coursebook, audio-CD, phrasebook
160 pages, softback
5 202 053
28.95 €
Career Express
Teaching Guide C1 with DVD
128 pages, softback
5 202 060
22.95 €
Career Express Job Applications B2
coursebook, CD-Extra, phrasebook
112 pages, softback
5 202 046
19.95 €
All rights available except: monolingual
English edition
Academic Writing C1
Academic Writing C1 is the new blended
learning suite designed for non-native
English speaking undergraduate and graduate students who are required to write
academic papers in English. The course
consists of 14 online self-study modules
and a Teaching Guide.
■ flexible learning independent from time
schedules or room occupation plans
■ individual learning pace
■ immediate feedback
■ learning progress overview
■ self dependent learning
Please get in touch with us directly for
further information and licensation.
Cornelsen has developed a comprehensive
blended learning solution which allows
language schools and further education
institutes to expand the range of courses
they are able to offer.
The innovative language course system
PEP, with over 100 interactive learning
modules, offers a comprehensive collection of materials for blended learning
courses featuring online phases and faceto-face tuition.
Learning Modules
Business English (B2)
English for Emails (B1)
English for Telephoning (B1)
English for Meetings (B1)
English for Presentations (B1)
Grammar - no problem
(from A1 onwards)
Please get in touch with us directly for
further information and licensation.
Overview Further Foreign Languages
Course Books · Course Areas · Certificate Courses
of Reference
¡Apúntate! 1
À toi!
volume 1
volume 2
À plus!
volume 1
volume 2
volume 1
À toi!
volume 3
volume 4
À plus!
volume 3
volume 4
volume 2
¡Apúntate! 2
¡Apúntate! 3
Lextra Basic
À toi!
volume 5
À plus!
volume 5
volume 3
page 38
page 39
page 39
Grammar French
¡Apúntate! 5
page 43
¡Apúntate! 4
page 41
page 40
volume 1
volume 2
volume 1
volume 3
page 43
volume 2
volume 3
page 43
volume 1
page 42
volume 2
page 43
volume 1
volume 1
volume 1
volume 2
volume 2
volume 3
volume 3
page 47
page 50
volume 2
volume 3
page 50
volume 1
page 50
Faim d’Histoire –
Adventures in French
In France and Belgium comics are loved
by young and old and often find their way
onto bestseller lists.
Cornelsen is now taking up this tradition
with Faim d’Histoire, a series of engaging
comics dealing with episodes from French
The people who created the comics are
both experienced comic-book authors and
teachers. This makes it easier to tailor the
comics to the target group with only an
elementary knowledge of the language.
The aim is to introduce students to selected epochs in French history in an amusing
The series is targeted at students in their
second year of French (levels A1+ and
A2). Each of Jacques and Jules’ adventures
includes a small appendix that provides
information about French society at the
time and a vocabulary list.
For every volume teachers can make use
of 5-7 hours of teaching material available
at The
site also includes several worksheets ready
for use in the lessons.
À l’ombre des gargouilles
24 pages, softback
5 201 001
8.75 €
Le masque d’or
24 pages, softback
5 201 018
8.75 €
À la decouverte de la Nouvelle –
24 pages, softback
5 200 998
8.75 €
Sous les yeux du sphinx
24 pages, softback
5 201 025
8.75 €
Nouvelle Bibliothèque
This newly conceived lesson series for
lower secondary school presents current
texts by French authors of books for young
people. The series includes well-known
authors as well as new young authors.
The texts have been didactically and optically arranged in the form of a “genuine”
book for young people and thus provide a
reading experience beyond the school
teaching context.
In order to facilitate an authentic reading
experience and various approaches to the
reading process, the vocabulary annotations are alphabetically arranged and inserted in the book.
A differentiated typographic design takes
into account the different ages of readers.
For pupils in their second year who are
not accustomed to reading in the foreign
language, a larger font is used than for pupils in higher years.
Titles are arranged in accordance with the
levels defined by the CEF.
For example:
48 pages, softback
227 020
40 pages, softback
227 037
56 pages, softback
227 044
32 pages, softback
227 082
D’un quai à l’autre
32 pages, softback
227 105
5.95 €
5.95 €
5.95 €
5.95 €
5.95 €
À toi
À toi! is an easy-to-use course programme
for students of French between the ages of
12 and 16, which motivates learners
through content, songs and games tailored
to their age group.
Each unité and module focuses on one
particular topic: Moi et ma famille, mes
copains, mes hobbys, ma chambre, …
Listening comprehension and audio-visual
comprehension are integrated into the
The range of different tasks with parallel
exercises for students of varying levels
leads the whole class to the same result,
simply by different means. This ensures
that no one is left behind, and at the same
time challenges faster learners.
■ A manageably sized book: just five unités and five short modules,
■ Clear competence-orientation in each
■ A range of differentiated exercises for
heterogeneous classes,
■ Diagnostic tests and support linked directly to exercises in the student’s book.
For example:
Student’s book 1A
152 pages, hardback
201 204
15.95 €
NEW À plus! Nouvelle
Perspectives –
New Edition
is an easy-to-use course programme
which doesn’t overload students (aged: 1216), whilst at the same time offering faster
students enough material.
■ provides a variety of tasks to give everyone a fair chance.
■ inspires younger learners by facilitating
learning with songs, crafts, games and
Perspectives – New Edition is a modern
communicative textbook for adult education. Over three volumes it leads to the B1
level of the CEF and prepares students for
the European language certificate for
French and DELF examinations.
The course and work book comprises 12
unités and six optional units, an appendix,
audio CDs containing all listening texts
and a vocabulary trainer.
The 12 unités are clearly structured. Each
unit consists of ten pages:
■ the Introduction page introduces the
theme of the unit, lists the vocabulary and
encourages spontaneous speaking.
■ the following four Presentation pages
contain lively dialogues and varied texts
and activities which systematically build
up the students’ linguistic competence.
The development of listening comprehension plays a central role here, and a graduated practice program promotes the systematic training of this skill.
■ the Gros plan sur page provides students
with insights into France and the francophone world through a series of texts with
relevant regional themes.
■ the three Exercices pages contain consolidation exercises in grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, listening and reading comprehension, and communication.
■ the concluding Repères page, which focuses on linguistic competence, clearly
summarizes the learning content and
The unités are well-designed and consistent in their structure. The opening page
introduces the learning objectives and
gives an overview of the skills in focus.
This introductory page is followed by three
volets with texts and exercises which prepare students to accomplish the learning
objectives. À plus! distinguishes clearly
between compulsory tasks and optional
tasks. Solid practice and consolidation is
thereby assured. Parallel exercises in the
student’s book lead to the same goals.
The optional pages fais le point and bilan
are designed so that students can check
their own answers. There is also a diagnostic tool for teachers to design individual
support programmes.
One page in every unité, entitled la France
en direct brings France right into the classroom.
The levels and selection of texts and exercises guarantee that every student in a
class can easily keep up with the materials.
From the very first unités À plus! Nouvelle
édition prepares students for the DELF
examinations. The Bilan pages provide test
questions for this purpose.
For example:
Student’s Book 1
240 pages, hardback
5 200 424
18.95 €
The optional Pour approfondir unit offers
additional motivating texts and activities
around the themes of Pour la profession
and Français et francophones. The fourth
page, Autoévaluation, enables students to
monitor their progress.
Supplementary materials provided:
The vocabulary trainer lists all new words
in order of appearance together with their
pronunciation and translation.
The audio CD for the classroom contains all
listening material and phonetic exercises.
The audio CD for home contains selected
texts in learner-friendly versions, listening
exercises corresponding to the exercise
sections, and selected expressions to practise from the Repères sections.
Coursebook A1
228 pages, softback
incl. vocabulary booklet + 2 CDs
5 201 599
24.95 €
Workbook A1
76 pages, softback
5 201 681
9.95 €
Teacher’s Book A1
128 pages, softback
5 201 612
14.95 €
Coursebook A2
240 pages, softback
incl. vocabulary booklet + 2 CDs
5 201 629
24.95 €
Workbook A2
72 pages, softback
5 201 698
9.95 €
Teacher’s Book A2
104 pages, softback
5 201 643
14.95 €
Coursebook B1
240 pages, softback
incl. vocabulary booklet + 2 CDs
5 201 650
24.95 €
NEW Teacher’s Book B1
96 pages, softback
5 201 674
14.95 €
A1-2 Entry level test
online only
5 201 728
All rights available except: Netherlands,
Lextra Compact
NEW Jeden Tag
ein bisschen …
NEW Lextra Junior
This book covers all important rules and
structures up to level B1.
■ Essential information at a glance
■ Grammar explanations in easy to understand language
■ Numerous example sentences
■ Comprehensive keyword register
■ Practical pocket format: 12.5 x 19 cm
208 pages, hardback
16 358
9.95 €
Jeden Tag ein bisschen … makes language
practice simple and fun. Adults of all ages
can refresh their language knowledge in
an entertaining way.
The 99 pages provide revision in bitesize
portions in the form of tasks, games and
crosswords. Whether at home, on holiday
or away on business, just tear off as many
pages as necessary while you’re on the
Short texts with interesting information
about the country and people are presented every seventh day. A progress chart on
the back of each day helps learners decide
where more practice may be needed. A
small travel dictionary with useful phrases
completes the block. Jeden Tag ein bisschen
… corresponds to CEF levels A1-B1.
128 pages, softback
19 588
7.95 €
This new series helps children to make the
most of a holiday abroad and the opportunity to interact with a new culture and a
new language.
In six attractively-illustrated chapters the
two heroes Lina and Leon guide children
through typical holiday situations in
France. Puzzles, quizzes and age-appropriate tasks provide interesting facts about
each holiday destination while building
kids’ language skills. With growing confidence, children are soon able to order
their own meal or ask for directions to a
The appendix contains useful vocabulary
presented by topic and A-Z, extra information on the locations from each chapter
and helpful hints for parents. As well as
via the accompanying CD the audio material can also be accessed via the TING
audio pen – the ideal way to listen as you
80 pages, hardback, CD
18 789
12.95 €
Lextra Learner’s French
The book deals with the most important
rules up to level C1.
Clear examples with translations make
learning easier. An appendix provides
practice exercises and tests for each chapter along with a key. The detailed index
makes it easy to find the information
being sought.
304 pages, softback
224 487
20.95 €
Lextra Grammar no
This practice grammar contains a variety
of exercises at different levels of difficulty
and covers the grammar content relevant
to levels A1 to B1. The the left-hand pages
feature the grammar explanation while the
right-hand page presents opportunities to
128 pages, softback
15 696
14.95 €
All rights available except: Netherlands
Lextra Picture
Dictionaries for children
with TING
These first picture dictionaries are aimed
at young children taking their first curious
steps into other languages and cultures.
The A-Z section of the dictionaries cover
about 800 typical everyday items from
everyday life for primary-age kids. The
thematic sections cover important sections such as verbs, prepositions and family relationships, colours, seasons and holidays.
TING printing technology also makes it
possible for learners to hear each new vocabulary item: just touch each entry with
the TING infra-red sensor pen and listen
to the correct pronunciation. To add to the
fun, children can go on a treasure hunt to
find the words with hidden sounds attached: no CD- or MP3 player necessary!
Other languages available: English, Spanish, Italian, Turkish, Polish, Russian,
108 pages, hardcover,
numerous illustrations, TING-Audio files
16 525
14.95 €
Lextra Basic Thematic
Vocabulary French
Ideal for anyone who wants to brush up or
expand his vocabulary and for examination preparation.
The dictionaries contain the 4000 most
frequently used words, organised according to subject areas. The words are categorised as basic and extended vocabulary
248 pages, softback
15 658
14.95 €
148 pages, softback
15 665
13.95 €
Database for digital products
and apps
please get in touch with us for details of
All rights available except: China, Netherlands
Lextra French Verbs
A compact grammar of French verbs with
numerous examples of the formation and
use of the tenses. Lists 5000 French verbs,
each with a translation and notation of its
type of conjugation.
424 pages, softback
18 338
9.95 €
Lextra Concise Thematic
These bilingual dictionaries are structured
according to topics and subject areas.
Hundreds of carefully selected up-to-date
colour photos add to this new type of dictionary will help the tourist, business people, or student to improve vocabulary concerning special subjects.
472 pages, hardback
20,000 entries, numerous illustrations
15 412
19.95 €
Lextra Turbo Courses
Effective learning
in 2 x 10 minutes daily
The 2 x 10 minute course suits the rhythm
of modern life, which doesn’t leave much
time for learning. Each chapter requires
only 20 minutes each day and constitutes a
clearly defined and self-contained learning
unit. The short sections are designed to
provide a sense of ongoing achievement
that motivates users and helps them to
learn quickly and effectively. Thematic
focal points include the most important
situations and expressions relevant to the
use of the language as well as grammatical
structures and verb forms.
■ 8 pages devoted to vocabulary for the
■ Tests to check learning progress
■ Audio CD and MP3 files as downloads
128 pages, softback, CD
18 383
12.95 €
All rights available except: Russia,
Lextra Premium
Language Courses
(Fraus / Cornelsen)
The Premium Language Course offers a
comprehensive tool for all those interested
in intensive language-learning.
The detailed learning book contains a
range of varied exercises covering all linguistic skills and a short grammar guide.
The reading book is ideal for study “on the
road” and contains dialogs relating to an
ongoing story with translations.
A particular feature of the Premium Language Course is its comprehensive audio
material, which comprises approximately
400 minutes on an MP3 audio CD.
2 books (approx. 200 pages each), 4CDs
15 740
29.95 €
All rights available except: China
Perspectivas ¡Ya!
Tried and tested structure
Perspectivas ¡Ya! includes:
• 15 unidades, each introduced with lively
visuals and filled with texts, listening
work, dialogues and exercises. Each unit
contains, of course, an extensive ejericios
section for use in the class and/or at
home and a repaso section in which the
unit material, in particular the grammar,
is reviewed.
• 4 opciónes following units 3, 6, 9 and 12.
These optional extension sections provide new and authentic text formats such
as songs, magazine articles and advertising fliers, all carefully chosen to reflect
the learner’s comprehension ability.
Linguistic quizzes covering the material
of the foregoing units give the learners
a chance to test their progress in a fun
and competitive way.
• An introductory spread in which the
learner is introduced to the rich variety
of Spanish-speaking culture around the
New perspectives
The basic concept which has enthused
teachers and learners alike remains unchanged: systematic training of the four
skills – speaking, listening, reading and
writing – using topics which excite the
learners’ interest and task formats which
encourage the development of learner
confidence and self-expression. The focus
in the first two levels (A1, A2) is very
much on listening and speaking skills,
while the B1 level introduces more activities covering reading and writing skills. In
this new series, the skills set is enhanced
by ‘viewing skills’ with the help of the
video-DVD, i.e. listening competence
combined with an understanding of
body language and gesture.
At all levels, pair and group work continue
to play a central role in the practice and
development of communicative competence while Perspectivas ¡Ya! provides
learners with rich and varied impressions
of the entire Spanish diaspora from Menorca to Tierra del Fuego.
Building on the success of the previous
Perspectivas series for adult learners of
Spanish, the new series Perspectivas ¡Ya!
is fresh, communicative and exciting. The
new approach includes fresh topics, new
texts and visuals, a new design which combines the vibrant colours of the previous
edition with an elegant new page layout, as
well as multimedia enhancement with a
video-DVD for classroom and home use.
globe, from Spain to parts of Africa to
the Caribbean to Central and South
America and to the Balearics and the
• Extensive appendices with a grammary
reference, an alphabetical word list,
solutions, transcripts and partner files.
A complete package for any
Spanish course
No other Spanish course includes everything the learner and teacher needs in one
package. With Perspectivas ¡Ya! you get:
• A coursebook with all the units required
for one level, as well as grammar summaries, word lists and transcripts. Extension and practice material is already
included with the four opciónes.
• A phrasebook in handy pocket format
with unit word lists (keywords and
translations), word fields and situational
phrases. The learner can practise vocabulary on the bus or at the beach.
• All the classroom listening material
on two audio-CDs. CD1 is the easier
version with a slower speech tempo
and more pauses between speakers
and sentences. CD2 is the same content
spoken more realistically, i.e. no-holdsbarred Spanish. The learner can build
confidence with the easier CD while
the teacher can use both CDs in class
to work on listening speed.
• A DVD with a video sequence for every
unit. Each unit ends with an exercise
suggestion for the classroom or for
home use while the teacher’s handbook
contains further material for using the
DVD in class. No other Spanish coursebook includes such extensive video
material at no extra cost.
• Online extension material for teacher and
learner: further classroom activities,
placement tests and interactive exercises.
Perspectivas ¡Ya!
A1 Coursebook
with 2 CDs and DVD
256 pages, softback
204 887
A1 Workbook
96 pages, softback
204 924 (Oct. 2012)
A1 Teacher’s Book
72 pages, softback
204 955
A2 Coursebook
with 2 CDs and DVD
256 pages, softback
204 894
A2 Workbook
96 pages, softback
204 931 (Apr. 2013)
A2 Teacher’s Book
72 pages, softback
204 962 (Feb. 2013)
NEW B1 Coursebook
with 2 CDs and DVD
approx. 256 pages, softback
204 917 (2013)
NEW B1 Workbook
approx. 96 pages, softback
204 948 (2013)
NEW B1 Teacher’s Book
approx. 72 pages, softback
204 979 (2013)
24.95 €
9.95 €
17.95 €
25.95 €
9.95 €
17.95 €
ca. 25.95 €
ca. 9.95 €
ca. 17.95 €
Encuentros – Edición
¡Apúntate! is the new four-volume Spanish
textbook series for students from 12 to
approximately 15 years of age. The textbook is consistently oriented to the Common European Framework of Reference
and covers the A1-B1 levels. It also offers a
modern profile of Spain and Latin America.
¡Apúntate! places particular emphasis in
terms of content and method on:
■ Intensive training in listening comprehension and pronunciation
■ Learning strategies (destrezas) involving
tasks based on concrete situations
■ Practice, practice, practice ... playful,
inductive, and always with a view to the
everyday experiences of students. Clear
headings are included to help users
navigate their way through the book.
■ Use of new media in the form of small
research tasks
■ Being geared to the European Language
Portfolio and the Common European
Framework of Reference, which enables
students to prepare for the DELE
language examination.
A three-volume course series for Spanish
for school students aged 14 – 16.
■ 7 units + an optional short unit
■ Themes, topics and area studies information based on school students’ lives
■ Statement of communicative learning
objectives before every text
■ Punto final: a complex learning task/
project in every unit
■ Tips on working methods
■ Summary for reference and testing
■ Repaso: optional extra exercises
Supplementary materials:
Cuaderno de actividades with
■ Grammatic supplement
■ Mi cuaderno de gramática
For example:
Apúntate student’s book 1
192 pages, softback, numerous illustrations
205 655
18.50 €
All rights available except: Netherlands
By G. Bürsgens
Supplementary materials: DVD, workbook
with CD or CD-R, grammar booklet,
transparencies, whiteboard CD-R.
For example:
Coursebook 1
240 pages, softback
5 203 333
20.25 € is a one-volume Spanish
course for older school students (16 years
and above) leading to level B1.
■ 12 lessons plus an optional Suplemento
■ learning objectives at the beginning of
each lesson, progress check at the end
■ helpful references to overviews in the
appendices (Grammar, Methods)
■ area studies, intercultural learning
■ focus on oral and reading skills
Supplementary materials: Workbook with
CD, DVD, whiteboard CD-R, practice and
reference grammar, key to exercises.
For example:
320 pages, softback
205 303
Español Profesional
Apúntate –
Método de español
This course is aimed at young adults and
adults with little or no prior knowledge of
Spanish who wish to learn Spanish for
business purposes. The work comprises
two volumes leading to level B1 of the
Common European Framework and prepares students for the ‘Certificado de Español Comercial’ and the European Language Certificate in Spanish.
Español Profesional is a communicative
language course which from the outset
relates language learning to the requirements of business and commercial communication.
The topics include for example:
■ Business trips and customer visits
■ Company structure
■ Company and product presentations
■ Meetings and negotiations with
The grammar to be learned is presented
clearly and concisely in each unit and is
consistently linked to communicative
goals. The Lecciones consistently end with
four practise pages offering a variety of
exercises and activities to reinforce the
vocabulary and language of the unit and
to develop communication skills.
The following components are available:
workbook, audio CD, teacher‘s book.
For example:
Español Profesional Course Book 1
208 pages, softback, illustrated
200 884
18.50 €
26.50 €
All rights available except: Netherlands,
Belgium, Poland
Lextra Compact
NEW Jeden Tag ein
bisschen …
NEW Lextra Junior
This book covers all important rules and
structures up to level B1.
■ Grammar explanations in easy to understand language
■ Numerous example sentences
■ Comprehensive keyword register
■ Practical pocket format: 12.5 x 19 cm
Jeden Tag ein bisschen … makes language
practice simple and fun. Adults of all ages
can refresh their language knowledge in
an entertaining way.
The 99 pages provide revision in bitesize
portions in the form of tasks, games and
crosswords. Whether at home, on holiday
or away on business, just tear off as many
pages as necessary while you’re on the
Short texts with interesting information
about the country and people are presented every seventh day. A progress chart on
the back of each day helps learners decide
where more practice may be needed. A
small travel dictionary with useful phrases
completes the block. Jeden Tag ein bisschen
… corresponds to CEF levels A1-B1.
208 pages, softback
19 304
7.95 €
This new series helps children to make the
most of a holiday abroad and the opportunity to interact with a new culture and a
new language.
In six attractively-illustrated chapters the
two heroes Lina and Leon guide children
through typical holiday situations in
Spain. Puzzles, quizzes and age-appropriate tasks provide interesting facts about
each holiday destination while building
kids’ language skills. With growing confidence, children are soon able to order
their own meal or ask for directions to a
The appendix contains useful vocabulary
presented by topic and A-Z, extra information on the locations from each chapter
and helpful hints for parents. As well as
via the accompanying CD the audio material can also be accessed via the TING
audio pen – the ideal way to listen as you
80 pages, hardback, CD
18 772
12.95 €
160 pages, hardback
16 389
9.95 €
Lextra Learner’s
Spanish Grammar
The book deals with the most important
rules up to level C1.
Clear examples with translations make
learning easier. An appendix provides
practice exercises and tests for each chapter along with a key. The detailed index
makes it easy to find the information
being sought.
304 pages, softback
224 509
20.95 €
All rights available except: Colombia,
Ecuador, Peru
Lextra Grammar no
This practice grammar contains a variety
of exercises and covers the grammar content relevant to levels A1 to B1. The lefthand pages feature the grammar explanation while the right-hand page presents
opportunities to practise.
128 pages, softback
15 917
14.95 €
All rights available except: Netherlands
Lextra Picture
Dictionaries for children
with TING
These first picture dictionaries are aimed
at young children taking their first curious
steps into other languages and cultures.
The A-Z section of the dictionaries cover
about 800 typical everyday items from
everyday life for primary-age kids. The
thematic sections cover important sections
such as verbs, prepositions and family relationships, colours, seasons and holidays.
TING printing technology also makes it
possible for learners to hear each new vocabulary item: just touch each entry with
the TING infra-red sensor pen and listen
to the correct pronunciation. To add to the
fun, children can go on a treasure hunt to
find the words with hidden sounds attached: no CD- or MP3 player necessary!
Other languages available: English,
French, Italian, Turkish, Polish, Russian,
108 pages, hardcover,
numerous illustrations, TING-Audio files
16 532
14.95 €
Lextra Basic Thematic
Vocabulary Spanish
Ideal for anyone who wants to brush up or
expand his vocabulary and for examination preparation.
The dictionaries contain the 4000 most
frequently used words, organised according to subject areas.
248 pages, softback
15 634
14.95 €
Workbook A1–B1
160 pages, softback
15 641
13.95 €
NEW Workbook B2
136 pages, softback
16 778
13.95 €
Database for digital products
and apps
please get in touch with us for details of
Lextra Turbo Courses
Effective learning
in 2 x 10 minutes daily
The 2 x 10 minute course suits the rhythm
of modern life, which doesn’t leave much
time for learning. Each chapter requires
only 20 minutes each day and constitutes a
clearly defined and self-contained learning
unit. Thematic focal points include the
most important situations and expressions
relevant to the use of the language as well
as grammatical structures and verb forms.
■ The most important situations and expressions
■ 8 pages devoted to vocabulary for the
■ Tests to check learning progress
■ Audio CD and MP3 files as downloads
128 pages, softback, CD
18 376
All rights available except: China, Netherlands
All rights available except: Russia,
Lextra Spanish Verbs
A compact grammar of Spanish verbs with
numerous examples of the formation and
use of the tenses. Lists 5000 Spanish verbs,
each with a translation and notation of its
type of conjugation.
376 pages, softback
18 352
9.95 €
Lextra Concise Thematic
These bilingual dictionaries are structured
according to topics and subject areas.
Hundreds colour photos will help the
tourist, business people, or students to
improve their vocabulary.
472 pages, hardback
20,000 entries, numerous illustrations
15 405
19.95 €
Lextra Premium
Language Courses
(Fraus / Cornelsen)
All rights available except: China
12.95 €
The Premium Language Course offers a
comprehensive tool for all those interested
in intensive language-learning.
The detailed learning book contains a
range of varied exercises covering all linguistic skills and a short grammar guide.
The reading book is ideal for study “on the
road” and contains dialogs relating to an
ongoing story with translations.
A particular feature is its comprehensive
audio material, which comprises approximately 400 minutes on an MP3 audio CD.
2 books (approx. 200 pages each), 4 CDs
15 726
29.95 €
Lextra Detective Stories
This series of crime stories for learners of
Spanish at A2/B1 level provides strong
storylines and appropriate but authentic
language in an entertaining context..
All the stories revolve around Madrid
journalist Luisa Durango, who gets involved in exciting cases of robbery, forgery
and murder around the Spanish-speaking
The varying locations are an ideal way to
integrate cultural background information
which is included in the appendix, as well
as exercises on comprehension, grammar
and vocabulary for each chapter in the
Each story also features illustrations and
footnotes to aid comprehension without
interrupting the flow of the stories.
La oveja negra
80 pages, softback, CD
18 574
Los ricos también mueren
88 pages, sotback, CD
18 581
Secuestro en la pasarela
72 pages, softback, CD
18 567
Las trece calaveras
72 pages, softback, CD
18 598
El Crimen imperfecto
72 pages, softback, CD
18 611
La Mesa de Salomón
72 pages, softback, CD
18 604
9.95 €
9.95 €
9.95 €
9.95 €
9.95 €
9.95 €
NEW Cornelsen Campus:
Spanish Topical courses
This action-oriented series is aimed at students taking Spanish language courses as
part of their university degree program. It
examines topics which are important for
students, but are often neglected in traditional textbooks. For example:
■ Delivering presentations
■ Preparing for studying abroad
■ Adapting register and structure to specific discourse situations
Each Topical course consists of five standalone modules and can be used flexibly.
Teachers may work through the whole
book or use individual modules to supplement their general language teaching.
Each course includes tasks for self-study,
as well as instructions for individual and
group projects. They also contain tips on
how to conduct structured multimedia
research, and select and evaluate suitable
topic information.
A dedicated website with the audio files,
an answer key, lists of links and teaching
ideas accompanies each course.
Presentando mi visión de España
“¡Hola a todos! Today I’m going to show
you that Spain means more than flamenco,
tapas and siesta. A look at topics such as
the economy, science and culture shows
this country in a different light. You’re
going to see Spain with new eyes.”
This course is dedicated to the key competence of delivering presentations. Students
reflect on their own ideas of Spain through
analysing the viewpoints of others. They
are encouraged to turn their specialist
knowledge into a presentation on an aspect of Spain of their choice.
Level B2
Coursebook with website
Approx. 64 pages, softback
5 206 792
9.95 €
Estudiando en una universidad española
Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Salamanca
– never before have so many students chosen to spend an Erasmus year in Spain.
This course offers the optimal preparation
for your students’ stay abroad.
The five Unidades help students to:
■ Understand the Erasmus programme
■ Identify their own needs
■ Get to know the unique characteristics
of Spanish university life
■ Prepare for everyday situations
■ Practise writing academic texts
■ Deliver academic presentations
Level B1+
Coursebook with website
Approx. 72 pages, softback
5 206 808
9.95 €
Hablando mi visión de España
With this course, you can help your students understand that different occasions
call for different communication skills.
■ Self-presentation
■ Debate
■ Oral presentation
■ Public speaking
■ Interview
Using these five examples, students examine the typical structures of different communication situations and acquire suitable
language to use in them. They work on
their own projects in which they can put
their new speaking skills to use.
Level B2
Coursebook with website
Approx. 72 pages, softback
5 206 815
9.95 €
Package of three topical courses
Presentando, Estudiando and
5 206 525
19.95 €
Insieme is intended for adults and young
people from the age of 16 upwards who
are either complete or false beginners.
■ Integrated training of all four skills
■ Gentle progression
■ Holistic learning with regard to differing learning styles
■ Varied activities and mini-scenarios as
examination preparation
■ Careful development of language
■ Systematic training of pronunciation
and intonation
■ Gradual development of communicative competence
■ Presentation of a lively, modern portrait
of Italy
Beginners can work through Insieme 1 in
approximately 90 lessons of 45 minutes.
Those with language-learning skills or
prior knowledge will need approximately
60 lessons.
Supplementary Materials
There is a vocabulary book with all new
words in their order of appearance, translations and useful expressions organised
according to subject matter, as well
as the Audio-CD with all of the listening
A Teachers’ Book is available separately
and provides a guide to methods, learning
tips, tests, additional background material
on Italy and photocopiable templates.
For example:
Coursebook A1
196 pages, softback, CD
201 579
24.95 €
Bilingual rights available: Serbia, Bosnia,
Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia
Lextra Compact
NEW Jeden Tag
ein bisschen …
This book covers all important rules and
structures up to level B1
■ Essential information at a glance
■ Grammar explanations in easy to understand language
■ Numerous example sentences
■ Comprehensive keyword register
■ Practical pocket format: 12.5 x 19 cm
Jeden Tag ein bisschen … makes language
practice simple and fun. Adults of all ages
can refresh their language knowledge in
an entertaining way.
The 99 pages provide revision in bitesize
portions in the form of tasks, games and
crosswords. Whether at home, on holiday
or away on business, just tear off as many
pages as necessary while you’re on the
Short texts with interesting information
about the country and people are presented every seventh day. A progress chart on
the back of each day helps learners decide
where more practice may be needed. A
small travel dictionary with useful phrases
completes the block. Jeden Tag ein bisschen
… corresponds to CEF levels A1-B1.
208 pages, softback
19 311
7.95 €
192 pages, hardback
16 372
9.95 €
Lextra: Learner’s Italian
The book deals with the most important
rules up to level C1.
Clear examples with translations make
learning easier. An appendix provides
practice exercises and tests for each chapter along with a key. The detailed index
makes it easy to find the information
being sought.
400 pages, softback
224 495
20.95 €
NEW Lextra Grammar no
This practice grammar contains a variety
of exercises at different levels of difficulty
and covers the grammar content relevant
to levels A1 to B1.
128 pages, softback
15 702
14.95 €
All rights available except: Netherlands
Lextra Picture
Dictionaries for children
with TING
These first picture dictionaries are aimed
at young children taking their first curious
steps into other languages and cultures.
The A-Z section of the dictionaries cover
about 800 typical everyday items. The thematic sections cover verbs, prepositions
and family relationships, colours, seasons
and holidays.
TING printing technology also makes it
possible for learners to hear each new vocabulary item: just touch each entry with
the TING infra-red sensor pen and listen
to the correct pronunciation.
Other languages available: English, French,
Spanish, Turkish, Polish, Russian, Swedish
108 pages, hardcover,
numerous illustrations, TING-Audio files
16 549
14.95 €
Lextra Junior
This new series helps children to make the
most of a holiday abroad.
In six attractively-illustrated chapters Lina
and Leon guide children through typical
holiday situations in Italy. Puzzles, quizzes
and age-appropriate tasks provide interesting facts about each holiday destination
while building kids’ language skills. With
growing confidence, children are soon
able to order their own meal or ask for
directions to a playground.
The appendix contains useful vocabulary,
extra information on the locations and
helpful hints for parents. As well as via the
accompanying CD the audio material can
also be accessed via the TING audio pen.
80 pages, hardback, CD
18 796
12.95 €
Lextra Basic Thematic
Vocabulary Italian
Ideal for anyone who wants to brush up or
expand his vocabulary and for examination preparation.
The dictionaries contain the 4000 most
frequently used words, organised according to subject areas. The words are categorised as basic and extended vocabulary.
240 pages, softback
18 277
14.95 €
168 pages, softback
18 260
13.95 €
for digital products and apps
please get in touch with us for details of
Lextra Italian Verbs
A compact grammar of Italian verbs with
numerous examples of the formation and
use of the tenses. Lists 5000 Italian verbs,
each with a translation and notation of its
type of conjugation.
384 pages, softback
18 345
9.95 €
Lextra Turbo Courses
The ideal language course for busy people
who want to learn or improve their knowledge of a foreign language.
The 2 x 10 minute course suits the rhythm
of modern life, which doesn’t leave much
time for learning. Each chapter requires
only 20 minutes each day and constitutes a
clearly defined and self-contained learning
unit. Thematic focal points include the
most important situations and expressions
relevant to the use of the language as well
as grammatical structures and verb forms.
■ The most important situations and expressions
■ 8 pages devoted to vocabulary for the
■ Tests to check learning progress
■ Audio CD and MP3 files as downloads
■ TING-compatible edition
128 pages, softback, CD
18 390
14.95 €
All rights available except: Russia
Lextra Premium
Language Courses
These bilingual dictionaries are structured
according to topics and subject areas.
Hundreds up-to-date colour photos add to
this new type of dictionary will help the
tourist, business people, or student to improve their vocabulary concerning special
472 pages, hardback
20,000 entries, numerous illustrations
15 672
19.95 €
The Premium Language Course offers a
comprehensive tool for all those interested
in intensive language-learning.
The detailed learning book contains a
range of varied exercises covering all linguistic skills and a short grammar guide.
The reading book is ideal for study “on the
road” and contains dialogs relating to an
ongoing story with translations.
A particular feature of the Premium Language Course is its comprehensive audio
material, which comprises approximately
400 minutes on an MP3 audio CD.
2 books (approx. 200 pages each), 4CDs
15 733
29.95 €
(Fraus / Cornelsen)
Lextra Concise Thematic
Lextra Sprachkurs Plus
(Lextra Language Course
Coursebook with 2 Audio-CDs –
free MP3-Download
This Chinese language course provides an
efficient way to learn written as well as
spoken Chinese (variant: Mandarin).
Clear explanations and illustrative mnemonic aids for about 800 characters quickly turn a foreign into a familiar language.
Add-itional word-by-word translations
facilitate the understanding of even complex
Chinese language patterns and phrases.
■ Typical phrases, example sentences and
dialogues in eyeryday Chinese.
■ Authentic and up-to-date audio-material
■ Intercultural background knowledge
■ Visualization of Chinese characters by
more than 200 illustrations
■ Phonetic transcription in Pinyin
■ All phrases, dialogues and audioexercises on two CDs
■ Target group: beginners
320 pages, softback,
2 CDs, numerous illustrations
15 788
Also available:
NEW Korean
320 pages, softback,
2 CDs, numerous illustrations
18 673
NEW Japanese
320 pages, softback
2 CDs, numerous illustrations
15 894 (Sep. 2013)
34.95 €
34.95 €
34.95 €
Lextra Learner’s
Dictionary Chinese
About 8,500 entries, phrases and
example sentences
Contains the vocabulary of the HSK
Pinyin transcription for all characters
Many helpful additional information in
user-friendly boxes
Additional help to disambiguate
different meanings
Additional help concerning grammar
Especially designed to meet the needs
of European learners
Target group: beginners
This title is now also available in a TINGcompatible edition. By touching the Chinese entries with the TING infra-red sensor pen learners can listen to the correct
pronunciation of each word and of key
phrases. The system is perfect for use on
business trips or while holidaying in
China: No CD- or MP3 player necessary!
352 pages, softback
approx. 8,500 entries
15 139
19.95 €
TING edition
15 184
21.95 €
Welcome to China
“Welcome to China” is a short travel guide
which is aimed at pupils taking part in
exchange programs and helps them to prepare for encounters with their hosts.
The book is divided into 30 chapters that
describe standard everyday situations (e.g.
“Arriving at your host family’s home,”
“Small talk in the family,” “In an internet
cafe,” “At a restaurant,” “On the street” etc.)
and list expressions appropriate to each
All expressions are supplied in Chinese,
Pinyin and German. The book also provides typical questions and answers visitors will encounter in China so that if necessary a basic understanding can be
established by pointing to the relevant
phrases in their written form.
An audio pen for the travel guide is also
available that provides a spoken version of
the written phrase indicated by the user.
80 pages, softback
228 003
11.50 €
Lextra Basic Thematic
Vocabulary Chinese
Ideal for anyone who wants to brush up or
expand his vocabulary and for examination preparation.
The dictionaries contain the 4000 most
frequently used words , organised according to subject areas. The words are categorised as basic and extended vocabulary.
19 465
15.95 €
19 472
14.95 €
This work is aimed at complete beginners
with no prior knowledge and is suited for
learners stating at age 10 to 13.
The series is based on the latest communicative methods. A variety of exercises
covers differing needs for practice.
Special emphasis is placed on intercultural and supralinguistic learning. In particular, learning experience gained from
English as a first foreign language is reactivated and drawn upon. These learning
techniques from the first foreign language
are revised and developed further.
A new feature is the learner’s grammar,
which is found in the workbook. These
pages can be separated from the book and
used as a starting point for the student’s
own grammar notes. The learner can add
his or her own examples or other useful
notes to the grammar overviews, which
are based on language functions.
The work is divided into the preparatory
unit “Start”, an introduction to the phonetic system and script, and three lesson
units. Each lesson unit is comprised of
four sections, whereby the last is the socalled “Additum”, which contains revision
exercises, interesting cultural and geographical material and exercises for learners
with Russian family backgrounds.
In addition to the student’s book, a workbook, vocabulary book, an audio CD and
a teacher’s book are available.
Privet! builds on learners’ existing knowledge of their first and second foreign languages. The clear and well-organized layout is particularly oriented to the needs of
younger learners.
Volumes 1 and 2 focus on language skills
up to level B1 of the CEFR and present
lexical and grammatical aspects of the
Russian language in steep progression:
Each section begins with accessible pages
containing tasks for learners that introduce the theme of the section in terms of
content and language.
Texts and exercises included in the textbook are designed to develop all aspects of
language use – listening, speaking, reading, writing, mediation – in individual and
group contexts.
Intercultural learning is a key focus and
each section includes pages devoted to
specific aspects of culture and national life.
Authentic materials are employed to reflect life in Russia.
The textbook is also designed to animate
learners to work with the language dossier
and to evaluate their own progress.
All lessons offer a range of different approaches.
At the end of each section, learners have
the opportunity to review the new grammatical points that have been introduced.
Privet! 3 provides a transition to upper
level learning in the form of five modules
and a methodology section.
New Edition
For example:
Dialog 1 Student’s Book
120 pages, softback, numerous illustrations
1 200 002
14.50 €
All rights available except: Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia
New three-volume concept
For example:
Coursebook 1
192 pages, softback
1 201272
20.95 €
The new upper level textbook
– up-to-date, suitable for young
learners with a clear, fresh
Wmeste is oriented around the Common
European Frame of Reference for Languages competence levels B2 in terms of
productive language use and C1 in terms
of language reception (in particular reading comprehension).
The compendium is made up of six modules, which are divided into chapters.
Topics featured in the textbook are:
■ Youth and personal life
■ Russian culture – literature, film, music
■ Russia in the globalized world
■ Geography, environment, the Russian
■ Russia yesterday, today, tomorrow
■ Mass media and modern communication
Each sub-topic is introduced by an authentic text. These texts cover a wide range
of forms – narrative, biography, questionnaire, letter, newspaper article, statistics,
proverb, song, fairytale, fable, quotation,
film, poem, interview, picture, phraseology, caricature, joke, commentary, dialogue, survey, geographical map, telephone conversation, poster, encyclopedia
entry, letter of congratulations, SMS, radio
news, comic, announcement, signage, advertisement. The selection achieves a good
balance between fictional and non-fictional texts.
The introductory text is accompanied by
tasks based on textual comprehension and
specific language points.
For example:
164 pages, softback
1 200 213
20.50 €
workbook for differentiated
This workbook presents the letters of the
Russian alphabet in print and handwritten
The workbook is designed in a doublepage format. On the left, the letters are
presented in a four-way grid: upper case,
lower case, print and handwriting script.
For difficult letters, the direction of pen
movements is indicated. There are writing
exercises for each letter, letter combinations, words and sentences. Lines assist
students in producing the correct formation of letters.
The right-hand side contains exercises for
differentiated learning speeds, in particular for learners with native-speaker background, who are able to progress at a faster
pace as a result of their prior vocabulary
Karandash – the comic pencil –is the leitfigur throughout this richly-illustrated
book and acts as an advisor, for example
with tips on spelling. In a second section
of the workbook, a treasure chest is
opened to reveal verses, rhymes and texts.
This book is a MUST for beginner-level
Russian classes!
84 pages, softback
210 442
5.95 €
Lextra Turbo Courses
The 2 x 10 minute course suits the rhythm
of modern life, which doesn’t leave much
time for learning. Each chapter requires
only 20 minutes each day and constitutes a
clearly defined and self-contained learning
■ The most important situations and expressions
■ 8 pages devoted to vocabulary for the
■ Tests to check learning progress
■ Audio CD and MP3 files as downloads
A single-volume language course for Latin
at Secondary Stage 1 (approx.equivalent to
years 5-10 or level 2 of the International
Standard Classification of Education
ISCED), the new Cursus – Edition N has
been developed for skills-based curricula:
■ More specific practice: identifying
forms instead of conjugating forms
■ The main aim is that school students are
able to identify forms within texts rather
than to use them actively. Conjugation
tasks have therefore been reduced to make
space for identification tasks. In this way,
the content of Cursus N has been significantly trimmed down while maintaining
the same high level of language recognition.
■ More skills-based orientation: methods
The newly-developed methods pages were
designed to fulfill the need for more methodical training. Various analytical methods are explained briefly and in a way appropriate for school students. Simple
sentence analysis, period analysis and
grammar are all covered.
■ Easier orientation for teachers
The identification of skills and optional
material in the contents list and individual
exercises provides teachers with a better
overview, making it easy to shorten lessons when time is limited.
128 pages, softback, CD
18 413
14.95 €
Lextra Basic Thematic
Vocabulary Russian
Ideal for anyone who wants to brush up or
expand his vocabulary and for examination preparation.
The dictionaries contain the 4000 most
frequently used words , organised according to subject areas.
224 pages, hardback
18 307
14.95 €
160 pages, softback
18 253
13.95 €
NEW Lextra Compact Grammars
Practical handbook with all important
rules and structures up to level B1.
204 pages, hardback
19 274
12.95 €
NEW Lextra Picture Dictionary
About 800 typical everyday items for primary age kids.
108 pages, hardback
19 526
14.95 €
For example:
Workbook 1 A edition
56 pages, softback
877 061
9.95 €
(Oldenbourg Schulbuchverlag)
All rights available except: Netherlands
Via mea
Via mea builds upon a model of competence which has been specifically developed by the publishers. This model organises the three components: language
(word, form and sentence), text and culture on three levels:
■ Knowing
■ Understanding
■ Performing
Curriculum 4 revises the most important
grammatical features of the Cursus and
presents interpretation and translation
strategies in preparation for reading original works.
The special features of Curriculum 4 include systematic, step-by-step revision
along with the careful integration of contents:
students can find every topic in its entirety; each aspect can be practised in isolation and then in a wider context, so that
students can absorb the systematic structure of Latin at the practice stage.
each chapter follows the same structure:
an initial test checks students’ prior
knowledge, whereby the results not only
provide answers to the test, but also the
necessary explanations, thus avoiding
painstaking references to grammar books.
Tailor-made exercises then target skills
which still cause difficulties.
Curriculum 4 is an ideal complement to
all editions of Cursus but may also be used
in connection with any other course book.
96 pages, softback
13 520 (Oct. 2012)
9.95 €
Following the principle of structured
learning, these areas of competence are
signalled by symbols throughout the
course book.
Explanatory texts, illustrations and cultural and historical information lighten
the Latin texts. Via mea motivates learners to explore the language and learn
about grammatical phenomena inductively.
There are materials for vocabulary work,
verb conjugation and parsing/sentence
analysis, as well as brief topical context
information, providing a systematic leadup to translation.
Each lesson concludes with a test text.
Students are thus able to test their abilities
in the areas of preliminary text analysis,
translation and linguistic analysis.
The workbooks with detachable solution
pages are available with a choice of audioCD or CD-ROM. The CD-ROM contains
a vocabulary and grammar trainer specifically designed to complement the book.
This accompanying software includes
around 70 interactive whiteboard pages on
the subjects text work, grammar and vocabulary.
For example:
Student’s book 1
136 pages, hardback
1 201 074
Curriculum 4
(Oldenbourg Schulbuchverlag)
The new edition develops the tried and
trusted concepts of Salvete even further
and at the same time sets new trends for
Latin tuition. It can be used for students in
school years 5 to 10 (ages 10 to 16).
The methods pages of Salvete provide a
systematic guide to improving translating
ability. Nine double-page spreads on
translation training impart the basic skills.
Vocabulary, form and syntax are increased
step-by step in this method course. Attractive exercises increase motivation.
Further components (Workbook, Teacher’s book, Class test, Vocabulary list) are
also available.
For example:
Salvete Complete Volume
368 pages, hardback
654 494
Videte Grammar
The Latin grammar Videte is designed for
use in both the textbook language learning
phase (10 years of age) and in the later
literature reading phase (up to age 16).
This systematically organized grammar is
designed to promote students’ ability to
translate. Clear model sentences, explanations, tables and strategic advice aid text
comprehension. Where appropriate,
Videte also includes details comparable
to modern language publications.
The vocabulary used in Videte is based
on SALVETE, but the book can be used
with all current textbooks.
Videte Grammar
192 pages, hardback
654 400
17.25 €
29.95 €
19.95 €
Res Romanae compact
The multimedia vademecum for advanced
level Latin classes featuring text study.
The texts are confined to the core areas of
Roman culture and Latin literature, and
compiled in a collection appropriate for
school students.
■ Prominently-placed basic information
gives a necessary insight into the subjectmatter.
■ The influence of Virgil on subsequent
ages right up to the present day becomes
■ Language-based structure and layout
guarantee readability.
■ Photos and animated sequences on
DVD-ROM bring Roman culture to life.
Magistrum memet ipsum habeo! I am my
own teacher! is the motto of SOS Latinum,
the perfect exam preparation self-study
book for students who must pass the Latinum. This exam is a requirement for over
120 degree programmes at universities in
the German-speaking world. Containing
twelve carefully selected texts from diverse
authors such as Cicero, Seneca, Augustine
and Comenius, the book guides students
carefully through the translation of each
text from Latin into German.
Each unit begins with an elegant illustration of the author followed by a short biography. Important grammatical and stylistic features occurring frequently in the
text are highlighted and the level of difficultly is indicated on a scale of one
through six. On the opposite page the students read the selected text in its entirety
and in a layout similar to that of the actual
exam. This is followed by a systematic
analysis and translation of the text on a
sentence-to-sentence basis. First, students
read the tips and hints on the features of
the sentence before they enter their own
translation into the space provided. Covered by a red pattern to prevent students
from ‘sneaking a peak’, the suggested
translation is located directly below the
student’s translation and can only be revealed by the strip of red foil included
with book.
The most important grammatical and stylistic features of Latin are explained in the
glossary. Sample sentences in Latin and
German complement each entry.
On the website to the book, students will
find a wealth of useful resources and interactive exercises to fine-tune their mastery
of Latin vocabulary and grammar.
120 pages, softback
5 206 723
19.95 €
res romanae compact – for a solid overview of all areas of Roman life and its influence on modern language and literature.
296 pages, softback, DVD-R
1 201 838
24.95 €
SOS Latinum
NEW Jeden Tag
ein bisschen …
Jeden Tag ein bisschen … makes language
practice simple and fun. Adults of all ages
can refresh their language knowledge in
an entertaining way.
The 99 pages provide revision in bitesize
portions in the form of tasks, games and
crosswords. Whether at home, on holiday
or away on business, just tear off as many
pages as necessary while you’re on the
Short texts with interesting information
about the country and people are presented every seventh day. A progress chart on
the back of each day helps learners decide
where more practice may be needed. A
small travel dictionary with useful phrases
completes the block. Jeden Tag ein bisschen … corresponds to CEF levels A1-B1.
208 pages, softback
19 496
7.95 €
Lextra Turbo Courses
Effective learning
in 2 x 10 minutes daily
The ideal language course for busy people
who want to learn or improve their knowledge of a foreign language.
The 2 x 10 minute course suits the rhythm
of modern life, which doesn’t leave much
time for learning. Each chapter requires
only 20 minutes each day and constitutes a
clearly defined and self-contained learning
unit. Thematic focal points include the
most important situations and expressions
relevant to the use of the language as well
as grammatical structures and verb forms.
■ The most important situations and expressions
■ 8 pages devoted to vocabulary for the
■ Tests to check learning progress
■ Audio CD and MP3 files as downloads
■ TING-compatible edition
128 pages, softback, CD
18 406
14.95 €
136 pages, softback, CD
18 703
14.95 €
128 pages, softback
18 710
14.95 €
128 pages, softback, CD
18 697
14.95 €
NEW Danish
128 pages, softback, CD
18 680
14.95 €
Lextra Compact
The Lextra Compact Grammar is a practical handbook for young people and adults
who want to learn a language and improve
their knowledge of grammar. This clearly
laid out and easy to understand book perfect for looking up grammar structures
quickly as well as for revision. It covers all
important rules and structures up to level
B1. Numerous example sentences with
translations provide clear illustrations of
the grammar, and a comprehensive keyword index helps users to locate particular
topics quickly.
■ Essential information at a glance
■ Grammar explanations in easy to understand language
■ Numerous example sentences with
■ Comprehensive keyword register
■ Practical pocket format: 12.5 x 19 cm
176 pages, hardback
16 495
184 pages, hardback
16 488
160 pages, hardback
16 471
208 pages, hardback
16 501
NEW Norwegian
152 pages, hardback
19 908
NEW Turkish
184 pages, hardback
19 922
12.95 €
12.95 €
12.95 €
12.95 €
12.95 €
12.95 €
Lextra Picture
Dictionaries for children
with TING
These first picture dictionaries are aimed
at young children taking their first curious
steps into other languages and cultures.
The A-Z section of the dictionaries cover
about 800 typical everyday items from
everyday life for primary-age kids. The
thematic sections cover important sections such as verbs, prepositions and family relationships, colours, seasons and holidays.
TING printing technology also makes it
possible for learners to also hear each new
vocabulary item: just touch each entry
with the TING infra-red sensor pen and
listen to the correct pronunciation. To add
to the fun, children can go on a treasure
hunt to find the words with hidden sounds
attached: no CD- or MP3 player necessary!
108 pages, hardback, numerous illustrations, TING-Audio material
19 236
14.95 €
108 pages, hardback, numerous illustrations, TING-Audio material
19 243
14.95 €
NEW Swedish
108 pages, hardback, numerous illustrations, TING-Audio material
19 533
14.95 €
Other languages available: Spanish, English, French, Italian, Russian
NEW Mina and the Mole
Early development box for
by: Gerlach, Maria/ Fritz, Annemarie
A picture book with stories about the little
bee Mina is a playful way of introducing
children between the ages of 4 and 7 to
maths. It enables them to explore qualities,
quantities and number series, to reenact
situations and make comparisons etc. Provided materials include a hand puppet,
carrots made of wood, colorful picture
cards and work sheets for photocopying.
All children learn the basic concepts of
mathematics. Differences in learning preconditions are taken into account.
The initial units are suitable for preschool
groups while the following units are aimed
at primary school pupils (as an adjunct to
textbooks or in special education contexts).
Each unit is described in the accompanying material, which provides precise directions regarding the sequence of exercises:
How should teachers work with the
group? What materials can be used?
The teaching plan is supplemented with
ideas for games and tips for learning in
everyday situations.
The material has been designed in accordance with a scholarly based development
model for early mathematics learning.
724 pages, box
800 919
159.00 €
Math Stars
This book of exercises for children between the ages of 5 and 12 is textbookindependent and suited to open learning
phases, substitute teaching and the home
environment. The different volumes provide optimally differentiated material for
children with varying levels of math skills
and a fun tool for individual cultivation of
■ Math Stars Fundamentals: fundamentals and numerical competence exercises
■ Math Stars (basic course): a diverse
range of mathematical exercises
■ Math Stars Puzzles and Tasks: practicing written math problems and extending
problem solving strategies
The formulation of exercises is age-based
and mixed with advice and tips. Children
mostly work independently and check
their answers using the integrated answer
book. And the best past: users who correctly complete a unit are rewarded with a
silver star-sticker – making them a maths
Math Stars 1
15 425
5.70 €
Math Stars 1 TING edition
17 467 (Feb. 2013)
ca. 7.70 €
Math Stars 2
15 432
5.70 €
Math Stars 2 TING edition
17 474 (Feb. 2013)
ca. 7.70 €
Math Stars 3
15 449
5.70 €
Math Stars 3
17 481 (Feb. 2013)
ca. 7.70 €
Math Stars 4
15 456
5.70 €
Math Stars 4
17 498 (Feb. 2013)
ca. 7.70 €
(Oldenbourg Schulbuchverlag)
(The Number Turners)
Practice – turn – check: the wheel on the
foldout cover of this exercise book makes
practicing maths for children between 6
and 10 double the fun. Users who calculate correctly can crack an encrypted
number code and are rewarded with a certificate. The two “number turners”, Paul
the polar bear and Emma the penguin,
accompany the children and offer tips
during the learning process.
The exercise books can be used in lessons
independently of textbooks as well as at
home. They offer tasks that children can
solve independently and at their own pace.
A removable solution booklet and simple
hints enable users to monitor their own
progress. Regular repetition pages with
tips on how to practice specific skills and
pre-tested number games help reinforce
what has been learned.
Structured into 3 booklets per school year,
The Number Turners facilitates themebased practice across a range of areas.
Package 1
3 books for grade 1
13 674
Package 2
3 books for grade 2
13 681
Package 3
3 books for grade 3
13 698
Package 4
3 books for grade 4
13 704
18.95 €
18.95 €
18.95 €
18.95 €
(Oldenbourg Schulbuchverlag)
Super M
Fokus Mathematik
Clear exercises and a likeable guide:
Super M shows that mathematics can be
fun. It provides an effective learning tool
for children between 6-10 years of age.
Super M is organized in a way that allows
for flexible use in the classroom. The student’s book is accompanied by a workbook and teachers are provided with a pad
of differentiated worksheets for heterogeneous groups. Introductions provide
workbook pages for lower level students
while Upgrades provide a differentiation
for upper level students. The full colour
worksheets can be distributed in accordance with the teaching situation and free
teachers from having to search for and
copy material.
Super M makes teaching easier using a
completely new concept of handouts:
■ Quick overview: two sheets showing the
double page from the student’s book and
the worksheets list the essential points of
the topic and identify interconnections.
■ Commentary section: information on
lesson structure, individual tasks and differentiation.
■ Teacher’s magazine: more information,
practical tips and interesting articles on
teaching and the textbook.
Additional copy templates include diagnostic sheets, tests and worksheets related
to special topics.
(Focus Mathematics)
10,000 Tasks in
For example:
Pupil’s Book 1
128 pages, softback, numerous illustrations
813 370
16.50 €
Workbook 1
76 pages, softback, with CD-ROM
813 450
10.95 €
Teacher’s Book 1
340 pages, softback
813 493
26.00 €
By A. Bunnermeier, A. Herz, F. Kammermeyer, H. Kilian, J. Sauer, J. Zechel u.a.
Stimulating applied and pure mathematical situations allow students to experience
mathematics in action and get to know it
as a means to describe and understand our
environment. The abundant range of tasks
offered in Focus Mathematics, a coursebook series for students aged 10 to 16, encourages students to practise basic skills
and learn problem- solving techniques.
As an introduction to each subject, three
to four alternative tasks are offered. They
describe either applied mathematics in
everyday situations or mathematical questions to be answered independently or in
teamwork. The subsequent explanation
deals with one of the questions and uses it
to clarify the mathematical reasoning and
A summary substantiates the results. The
contents dealt with are presented verbally
and formally and are illustrated by means
of examples. The extensive practice section
is organized in multiple levels. A test page
presented in the form of a quiz can be
found at the end of each chapter, giving
students feedback on the their standard of
performance. Solutions to the tests are
given at the end of the book.
For example:
Student’s Book Fifth Grade
224 pages
hardback, numerous illustrations
540 154
22.95 €
All rights available except: Lithuania, Latvia
„10,000 Tasks“ provides mathematics
teachers working at secondary level
(age group 10-16) with an easy-to-use
and efficient tool for the creation of
customized worksheets.
■ Individual tutoring made easy: worksheets that can be printed out, saved as
PDF files or edited in Word 2007.
■ The database made up of 10,000 mathematics tasks contains a multitude of process-oriented tasks and exercises together
with solutions.
■ A search function facilitates the initial
steps and enables teachers to create worksheets tailored to the individual needs of
students quickly, easily and efficiently.
The database has a flexible structure which
enables teachers to add their own tasks.
The publisher can add a feedback function
with which the teacher-generated content
can be published in an update version.
This makes „10,000“ a completely new
open-cycle product.
10,000 Tasks in Mathematics
DVD-ROM, single license
9 848
69.00 €
NEW Kusch Mathematics
– revised edition
The Kusch: Mathematics teaching kit is a
classic in mathematics teaching and volume I of this revised version marks its sixteenth edition. Volume 1- Arithmetic and
Algebra and Volume 2 - Geometry and Trigonometry are used in mathematics teaching at junior secondary school level and in
vocational schools. They prepare pupils
for the intermediate school leaving certificate and for qualifications such as the
Master Craftsman’s Certificate and Technician’s Certificate.
Volume 3 – Differential Calculus and Volume 4 – Integral Calculus deal with advanced mathematics and are designed for
students at technical colleges, universities
and comparable vocational institutions.
All volumes are characterized by a clear
design that includes a series of problems,
explanations of solutions, summaries of
key points in brief texts and formulas, numerous detailed examples with comprehensive solutions and a range of informative diagrams.
The structure of the book is based on the
so-called twin column method. The solution to the mathematical problem is
shown stage by stage in the right-hand
column while the left-hand column provides a comprehensive verbal explanation
so that the arithmetical process is not interrupted. The books are thus particularly
suited to independent learning and have
been recognized for generations as THE
self-learning resource for mathematics.
Arithmetic and Algebra
4 501 621
28.50 €
Geometry and Trigonometry
4 501 638
29.50 €
Differential Calculus
4 501 645
13.95 €
NEW Social studies and
science plus – Class
The Class Library covers a range of themes
relevant to social studies and science
teaching at primary school level (for pupils aged 6-10).
The color-coded volumes deal with five
different thematic areas:
■ Culture and society (yellow)
■ Time and history (red)
■ Natural science (green)
■ Technology (blue)
■ Space (purple)
In each volume children find
an exciting comic,
diverse factual information,
differentiating additional texts,
ideas for activities related to the content,
quiz questions as a fun form of revision.
The books differentiate the content on two
■ Read from the front: the first half of the
book offers material at an easy-reading
■ Turn over and read from the back: the
second half offers more comprehensive
texts for more detailed study.
The Class Library can be used:
As the basis for project-oriented work
As differentiated material for individual
children, partners or groups
■ As an information resource for unstructured work, as part of a weekly lesson plan
or during breaks in the normal teaching
For example:
Computer (blue topic)
32 pages, softback
828 579
NEW The Interactive Book
of Tables 2.0
a classic in the field, comprehensively revised and in a new
The thematic content and general aims of
teaching in schools have changed over the
last years. Version 2.0 takes these changes
into account as well as updating and optimizing its tables for secondary levels 1 and
■ The substance of the tables has been
carefully revised, supplemented and
■ The chapters on mathematics and physics have been restructured.
■ The revised list of contents and the improved index make finding things easier.
■ Online contents in particular have been
expanded with visualizations, information, digital periodic tables and a science
database referred to in the book.
Version 2.0 of the Interactive Book of Tables
is available with and without a CD-ROM.
The CD-ROM contains typical examples,
basic tasks and applications and thus provides support for students in their homework and projects.
184 pages, hardback
16 112
10.95 €
184 pages, hardback, CD-R
16 099
12.50 €
5.00 €
Upper Level Physics
By Dr. B. Diehl, Prof. Dr. R. Erb,
C. Schmalhofer, Prof. Dr. L.-H. Schön,
Dr. P. Tillmanns, Dr. R. Winter
The new Upper Level Physics course is a
combination of textbook, DVD-ROM and
internet portal. The subject is presented in
a thematic way that promotes competence
and context-related learning.
The individual chapters are organized
around the core areas of the study of
■ Mechanics
■ Fields
■ Vibrations and waves
■ Quantum physics and the structure
of material
■ Relativity and astrophysics
■ Thermodynamics
A separate section provides a clear summary of the most important methods used
in the study of physics.
More than 120 context building blocks establish a reference to the world outside the
physics classroom. Each chapter concludes
with a systematic summary of its contents.
Upper Level Physics – Student’s
Book with DVD-ROM
560 pages, hardback,
numerous illustrations
130 060
36.95 €
Advanced Level
Advanced Biology –
Revised Edition
The best recipe for complex content is a
clear concept.
This course book combines the tried-andtested with modern touches to present all
necessary material for university entrance
qualification examinations.
By Prof. U. Weber
clear structure
concisely and clearly presented specialised knowledge
■ simple texts through which experiments
and materials are integrated into the learning process
■ clearly presented basics
■ foundation in the real world, with examples from contemporary research, technology, physiology, environment and history
■ comprehensive collection of exercises
with tasks for examination preparation
Subject Areas
■ Atomic Structure, Classification of Elements (Periodic Table)
■ Chemical Bonds
■ Thermodynamics, Kinetics und Chemical Equilibrium
■ Acid-Base Balance
■ Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry
■ Basics of Organic Chemistry
■ Classification of substances and reaction
mechanisms in organic chemistry
■ Fossil fuels and renewable energy
■ Macromolecular compounds (carbohydrates, fats, proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids)
■ Plastics, medicines, dyes and surfactants
560 pages, hardback
numerous illustrations
111 794
Advanced Biology focuses on the basic
concepts of biology, the development of
competence and the recognition of interconnections in a clearly understandable
and practically oriented way. All chapters
exhibit the same clear structure:
Introduction – Text – Material-MethodPractice – Competence.
33.95 €
On the Introduction page a large photo
accompanied by a detailed text introduces the topic, provides an overview of
the material that follows and summarizes the knowledge relevant to the current chapter.
The Text section provides a precise
and well structured presentation of the
target knowledge, illustrated by drawings and photos.
The Material-Method-Practice section
demonstrates applications in the
economic and research contexts.
The Competence section enables users
to check their level of knowledge and
The Principles section revises the relevant basic principles at the end of each
chapter and connects them with other
topics, which are taught separately as
part of the overall learning system.
Advanced Biology
528 pages, hardback,
numerous illustrations
171 833
36.50 €
Chemistry in Context
By Prof. Dr. R. Demuth, Prof. Dr. I. Parchmann, Prof. Dr. B. Ralle
Chemistry in Context is a multimedia
course which implements the mediaspecific advantages of all its components
to achieve a modern, motivating and
effective chemistry course for school
students aged 16 to 19.
Chemistry in Context includes a student’s
book and teacher’s materials – the tried
and trusted basic, but with a new structure. The student’s book contains 13
context units.
A selection:
■ The chemistry of the human being
■ Mobile energy sources for a mobile
■ Stone age – iron age – plastic age?
■ Wonder of medicine
■ Waste becomes valuable
■ The world is colourful
In addition, the student’s book provides
five basic concept units, which systematize
the basics learned in context and thus
facilitate long-term learning.
A CD-ROM accompanies the student’s
book, enabling students to explore the
subject through multimedia units.
Chemistry in Context – Student’s
Book with CD-ROM
568 pages, hardback,
numerous illustrations
31 130
33.95 €
Allrights are available except: Netherlands,
NEW Biosphere
Secondary level II
All areas of biology are linked with the
theory of evolution. In this sense, this
book deals with biology’s central sub-discipline. It begins with the evidence for
evolution, then presents the fundamental
evolutionary mechanisms and subsequently illuminates the evolution of behavior and deals with basis evolutionary
theories. It also provides graphic descriptions of the evolution of life forms, particularly human beings, as well as addressing highly current themes such as the
latest insights into the phylogeny of the
208 pages, softback
4 200 500
19.50 €
NEW Biosphere
Secondary level II
This new book not only contains graphic
presentations of standard knowledge in
this field but also addresses current
themes such as the ecological footprint.
Starting with biotic and abiotic factors, it
presents the general structure and features
of ecosystems. It then goes on to look
more closely into selected examples. The
last chapter illuminates the role of human
beings in their environment – and, among
other things, addresses fundamental
themes such as world population and the
sustainable use of resources. The clear
structure of the book makes it easier for
students to gain an overview of the multiply networked fields of ecology.
208 pages, softback
4 200 524
19.50 €
Natural Sciences:
Biology Chemistry
This series for interdisciplinary science
education gives teachers support in introducing complex scientific themes. Experiments, observations and applications from
biology, chemistry, physics and astronomy
courses provide important stimulation for
achieving this teaching aim.
Natural Sciences is an exceptional resource for project days and weeks aimed at
school children and students from 10- 16
years of age.
Space Travel
Feuer (Fire)
Experimentation and
the emergence of the
natural sciences
Information and
Skin and Hair
Optical Devices
80 901
30 980
20 739
10 752
10 942
60 923
20 935
10 746
10 941
10 745
10 920
30 966
209 677
145 784
30 740
Each title approx. 64 to 80 pages, numerous illustrations, softback
11.75 €
All rights available except:
Czech Republic
Learning Snacks
Cornelsen mobile learning apps
for iPhone, iPad and iPod
The Learning Snacks from Cornelsen are
individual learning units designed for mobile revision and practice of mathematical
skills and knowledge in crisp, short, stages. Each learning snack contains numerous practice exercises centered around a
specific topic.
The first learning snacks from Cornelsen
are on the subject Mathematics and are
aimed at school students preparing for
secondary school leaving examinations at
10th grade. Yet learning snacks are also
ideal for adults who wish to refresh their
The basic app forms the basis for all future
snacks. More learning snacks on further
mathematical areas can be purchased
from the “Snackstore” which can be accessed using this app.
Available Topics
■ Percentage Calculation
■ Calculating Interest
■ Formulae Collection
■ Classifications
■ Binomial Formulae
■ Terms and Equations
■ Fractions
■ Linear Functions
■ Quadratic Functions and Quadratic
■ Data and Diagrams
■ Chance and Probability
■ Mathematical Lexicon
■ Exam Practice
Please get in touch with us directly for
further information and licensation.
Cornelsen Learning
Software for Nintendo DS
Punch-Card Box
Product Family
Cornelsen now offers learning software for
the popular games console Nintendo DS.
The pocket-sized console is the ideal companion for learning while out and about.
The titles are not only suitable for school
students; they are also ideal for adults
who wish to refresh their knowledge.
The Punch-Card Box is an ingenious selfstudy training device. Children place their
question cards in the box and decide on
the correct answer from a selection of predetermined solutions offered on each card.
They then place a peg in the appropriate
hole. Only once the peg is in the hole
corresponding to the correct answer can
the learner slide the card from the box.
800 537
9.75 €
Card sets for the Punch-Card Box
each set contains 40 punched cards,
printed on both sides, size: 8 x 12 cm.
Year 1
Addition and Subtraction up to 20
823 925
10.00 €
Set theory breakdown up to 10
823 932
10.00 €
Year 2
Addition and Subtraction up to
100 with practice tasks
823 956
10.00 €
Mini Multiplication Table
823 949
10.00 €
Calculating quantities
824 830
10.00 €
Year 3
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division up to 1000
824 847
10.00 €
Calculating Quantities:
Money, length weight and time
824 854
10.00 €
Year 4
Calculating up to a million
Large Multiplication Table
824 861
10.00 €
Calculating Quantities: Money,
length, weight, time and volume
824 878
10.00 €
Two titles are available for English as a
foreign language, one developed for years
5/6 and the other for 7/8. In this case,
learners are placed in the situation of a
school student whose family moves to
Australia for work-related reasons. Learners are confronted with everyday situations
in which they are forced to use the language of their new home country. Learning thus takes place in context-related
situations. All of the main grammatical
structures, as well as the vocabulary, are
covered thematically, as well as dictation
and pronunciation.
The current level of achievement can be
displayed at any time, showing learning
progress in the areas of grammar, vocabulary and dictation.
English grade 5/6
Home-Individual License
756 810
English grade 7/8
Home-Individual License
756 834
29.99 €
29.99 €
Stay in touch!
Learn more about the Cornelsen Publishing Group with our communication services
International Catalogue
All our international partners are provided automatically with the International Catalogue
once a year. This updates you with the latest
products of the Cornelsen Publishing Group
as well as additional information about existing
titles and series’.
Cornelsen Educational Publishers · Cornelsen Schulverlage
Cornelsen Verlag
Cornelsen Experimenta
Duden Paetec Verlag
Oldenbourg Schulbuch-Verlag
VERITAS Verlag, Österreich
Verlag an der Ruhr
Sauerländer Verlage, Schweiz
FRAUS Verlagsgruppe
Tschechische Republik
Welcome to the World of Learning
Welcome to the world of learning
English G Lighthouse
A new English course specially created
for teaching mixed-ability groups
No. 2 · 2012
p./S. 5
Kick-off for digital
Startschuss für
digitale Schulbücher
p./S. 6
Moodle course for
studio d
Moodle-Kurs zu
studio d
The biannual International Newsletter gives you
information about the latest developments in the
educational market and in our group. It is sent to
more than 1,000 experts in education worldwide.
p./S. 7
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Lextra Learner Crime
Series and Readers
DaF bei Facebook:
Auftritt der Lextra
Lernkrimis und
Relations and
Foreign Rights
und Lizenzen
Our website
provides you with information about the company, contact persons, the international fairs we
attend as well as the International Catalogue and
Newsletter in digital format.
To stay in touch with you all over the year, we will start
our Facebook page soon. In time for the Frankfurt Book
Fair 2012 we will raise the curtain and hope you connect
with us at
We connect technology and people
interactive electronic books for learning and teaching
Fraus Media
Cosmetics series:
Hair & Beauty
In guten Händen
Kosmetik covers the complete learning
needs of students taking the beautician’s
final examination. The books convey scientific, anatomical and dermatological
basics and specialised know-how. Each
treatment is explained step-by-step with
illustrated instructions. The volume Acquisition, Consultation, Sales deals with the
necessary business skills. The volume is
highly illustrated and includes in-depth
The Hair & Beauty materials pack is aimed
at all hairdressing trainees. It is ideal for
both self-study and as supplementary
classroom material. Trainees can also use
it as a reference work during their practical salon training.
Practical information on hairdressing is
provided in an easy-to-understand format,
and includes the basics of hair and skin
structure, hair and skin condition, hygiene
requirements and legal information relating to hairdressing as a career.
The main subject areas are
■ problem-based client situations
■ client relations
■ theoretical scientific principles
■ practical information on hairdressing.
A wide range of exercises complement the
(In Good Hands)
Cosmetics 1 – Assessment,
Cleansing, Skin Care
344 pages, hardback
450 112
Cosmetics 2.1 – Skin care,
Massage, Colour Cosmetics
320 pages, softback
4 551 655
Cosmetics 2.2 – Skin care,
Massage, Colour Cosmetics
232 pages, softback
4 551 663
Cosmetics 3 – Acquisition,
Consultation, Sales
232 pages, softback
450 139
28.95 €
18.95 €
18.95 €
23.95 €
Hair & Beauty Student’s book 1
248 pages, softback
4 558 188
19.50 €
Hair & Beauty Student’s book 2
200 pages, softback
4 558 380
19.50 €
Hair & Beauty –
Marketing and Economics
200 pages, softback
4 558 196
24.95 €
Hair & Beauty – teacher’s book
download only
4 558 218
16.50 €
Hair & Beauty –
Basic Knowledge Mathematics
144 pages, softback
4 502 444
18.95 €
Hair & Beauty –
Examination Trainer
128 pages, softback
4 558 200
19.95 €
Nurse training is undergoing worldwide
change. Social and health policy changes
(demographic changes, healthcare prevention and prophylaxis measures, financial
cutbacks and technological advances) have
also had an influence on the curriculum
planning for nursing programmes.
In Good Hands – Health and Nursing Care/
Health and Child Nursing supports teachers, trainers and student nurses in this
It provides a multidisciplinary description
of the fundamentals of this complex occupation and at the same time the workbooks with their innovative phenomenological concept provide students with
support in their personal and professional
development through reflection and orientation towards practice.
The series In Good Hands – Geriatric Nursing is based on the same concept. Here the
specific contents of the newly-designed
geriatric nurse training curriculum are
dealt with, including recognition and evaluation of the special needs of an aging
population and concepts for the care of
the elderly.
For example:
In Good Hands Volume 1 Health
and Nursing Care Theory
672 pages, numerous illustrations
453 022
41.95 €
Grundwissen Wirtschaft
(Economic Fundamentals)
Pflegiothek is a care manual and the ideal
companion for those working or training
in the areas of nursing-, invalid- and geriatric care.
■ easy-to-understand translations and explanations of medical and nursing terms.
■ abbreviations, reference values and calculations
■ colour illustrations explain complex
This series is tailored to learners who
would like to gain a qualification through
further education. It supplements its practically oriented content with the kind of
fundamental economic knowledge required in many professions in the commerce, services and industrial trade sectors: Compact presentation and exercises
with solutions support targeted preparation for examinations.
Ideally suited as a handy reference work
for quick consultation during a hectic
working day.
208 pages, plastic binding, numerous illustrations
4 551 612
17.50 €
Avoiding Stress and Burnouts
192 pages, hardback
4 551 879
17.50 €
Case and Care Management
240 pages, hardback
4 503 298
17.50 €
224 pages, hardback
4 551 855
17.50 €
English for Nurses
192 pages, hardback
4 551 763
17.50 €
Eating and Drinking
224 pages, hardback
4 551 770
17.50 €
Quality Management
176 pages, hardback
4 551 732
17.50 €
242 085
9.95 €
Consultation and Sales
237 350
9.95 €
237 494
9.95 €
Commercial Accounting
237 252
9.95 €
Bookkeeping for the Industry
237 457
9.95 €
Bookkeeping for Commercial Trade
237 463
9.95 €
Collection of Economic Formulas
242 375
9.95 €
Office Economics
237 487
9.95 €
Economics 3rd edition
240 067
9.95 €
NEW Learning Techniques
240 746
Tasks for Economics
238 903
12.95 €
238 897
12.95 €
Tasks for Bookkeeping
238 910
12.95 €
Human Resources Management
238 927
12.95 €
NEW Tasks for Marketing
4 507 142
12.95 €
All rights available except:
Czech Republic
(Automobile Sales
This newly-developed and practicallyorientated series covers all of the required
content for training courses leading to the
officially recognised German qualification
(Automobile Sales Professional)
For each of the three years of training
there is a different textbook, workbook
with learning situations and collection of
teachers’ material:
■ The Textbooks provide all of the necessary specialist content required for the
German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK) examinations and explain
each subject area using examples, overviews and illustrations to help students
work with and learn the theory.
■ The Workbooks provide numerous practically orientated and task-based learning
situations based on the model company
Autoland Murschall GmbH. Tasks and
worksheets, as well as additional English
situations, complete the package.
■ The teachers’ materials contain all of the
solutions and suggested answers to the
learning situations, exercises, and worksheets from the workbooks.
For example:
Textbook and Workbook 1
376 + 312 pages, softback
4 503 564
38.50 €
– Neubearbeitung
NEW Lager logisch!
(Logical storage!)
(Industrial clerkship and
administration – new
revised edition)
Anyone working in the warehousing sector or in storage logistics has to handle
goods, store them correctly and engage in
logistical planning and organizational processes. This new learning-field oriented
series optimally prepares trainees for their
Each training year corresponds to a specialist knowledge volume, a workbook
with learning stages and a guideline for
The specialist knowledge volumes cover
all knowledge relevant to examinations.
The clear design of the learning fields, numerous pictures, examples and overviews
motivate students to formulate solutions
in the respective learning situation. An
appendix provides brief overviews of applied mathematics, the learning process
and economics and sociology
This practically-orientated series for those
training for the German industrial administration qualification „Industriekaufmann/Industriekauffrau“ offers the
following for each of the three years of the
course: a course book (student’s book), a
workbook with learning situations and a
teacher’s handbook.
The workbooks determine the direction of
study during task based classes. Starting
with a work situation (e.g. a business letter
requiring action), learners learn inductively with the assistance of the specialist
information provided. They are then able
to complete the task required by the situation (e.g. a letter in response, a presentation, a decision). Additional worksheets
and tasks help to secure learning success.
Teachers act as facilitators during this selfdetermined learning process, assist weaker
students, and encourage stronger students
to complete more demanding tasks.
The series may of course also be used in
teacher-centred training. With the help of
the workbooks, the material may be practised individually or as group work.
For example:
Textbook 1
536 pages, softback, CD-R
4 504 943
29.00 €
Learning fields:
Receiving and checking goods
Storing goods
Processing goods
On-site transport
Commissioning goods
Packing goods
Tour planning
Dispatching goods
Optimizing logistical processes
Procuring goods
Identifying and evaluating code numbers
For example:
Textbook 1
360 pages, softback
4 504 530
24.00 €
Train the Trainer
The Train the Trainer series is aimed at
practising trainers, tutors, coaches and
counsellors as well as those just entering
into these professions.
Designing Successful Training
Courses and Seminars
The structure and organisation of the
book are orientated around the seminar
process and the everyday challenges which
professional trainers face. Particularly
helpful: advice on coping with difficult
situations in seminars and on quality assurance.
■ Systematically-structured training
methods for newcomers and experts
■ Practice-orientated extension of the
range of methods
■ Quality assurance and coping strategies
for difficult training situations
176 pages, softback
240 999
16.95 €
Other titles in the series:
Applied Team Dynamics
242 047
36.00 €
Success as a Freelance Trainer
241 019
16.95 €
240 265
16.95 €
Tutor’s Guide
240 043
19.95 €
Trainer’s Guide
238 569
19.95 €
Learning Training
237 623
20.50 €
Basics of Professional Learning
and Teaching
239 177
23.95 €
Crash Course Series
The modern workplace requires specialized knowledge – but less and less time is
available for further training. The trend is
towards shorter, more direct, and more
intensive knowledge acquisition. The new
Cornelsen Crash Courses take this development into account.
These books are suited to independentlearning and as preparation and revision
material for seminars. The different volumes offer essential basic theoretical
knowledge in compact form and present it
in a way that allows for rapid practical application. Many of the books are supplemented by a CD-ROM that includes
worksheets, checklists, tools and further
The books cover all the basic themes concerning the application of methods and
personal skills typically acquired in public
training programmes and in-house courses devoted to skills enhancement.
The authors are all experienced trainers in
their fields and their contributions are
based on years of experience.
Pricing and Fee Negotiations
128 pages, softback, CD-R
240 135
17.95 €
Personal Presentation
128 pages, softback
240 159
12.95 €
Quality Management
120 pages, softback
238 583
12.95 €
128 pages, softback, CD-R
240 166
17.95 €
128 pages, softback
240 142
12.95 €
Project Management
144 pages, softback
237 432
12.95 €
Project Management Basics
104 pages, softback, CD-R
237 753
17.95 €
128 pages, softback, CD-R
237 715
17.95 €
Leading Teams
120 pages, softback
238 323
12.95 €
Self Management
128 pages, softback, CD-R
237 890
17.95 €
Business Administration
128 pages, softback, CD-R
238 316
17.95 €
Business Plan
144 pages, softback, CD-R
237 722
17.95 €
120 pages, softback
237 661
12.95 €
Basics Marketing
128 pages, softback, CD-R
237 913
17.95 €
120 pages, softback, CD-R
237 746
17.95 €
Successful Media Appearance
96 pages, softback
237 654
12.95 €
144 pages, softback
237 739
12.95 €
Employee Appraisal Interviews
120 pages, softback
237 920
12.95 €
NEW Dealing with Difficult
128 pages, softback
240 364
12.95 €
Training Compact
Seminars can be significantly more successful if participants are able to prepare
for and follow-up on them. For this purpose, Training Compact provides efficient
material to cover the following:
■ basic preparatory reading so that the
seminar itself can get to the point quickly
■ a follow-up phase with prompt revision
of the important points
■ implementation of learned skills in everyday work situations through practical
content, examples and tasks
The titles are not restricted to specific
methods and are therefore easy to combine with the trainer’s own materials. They
come in a handy softback format
(12.6 x 19.0 cm) with a clear layout and a
wide margin for notes.
Project Management – Methods
and Tools
This training book clearly and concisely
conveys the basics of project management:
■ Standards and Models of Practice in
Project Management
■ Work from the project’s start, through
planning, monitoring, controlling and
conclusion stages, rounded off with project documentation
■ Communication: Standardised terms
and instruments are carefully defined and
About the author:
Dr Wolfgang Cronenbroeck has many
years of experience in industry both in
Germany and abroad. He is the managing
director of the company BonVentis GmbH
and supervises international client projects on project and process management,
including training and coaching. Dr
Cronenbroeck is qualified as an International Project Manager (Level B) and as a
Project Management Professional (PMP).
128 pages, softback
239 320
9.95 €
Rhetoric – professional speaking
This training book supports speaking
skills training for a variety of professional
occasions, e.g. speeches, lectures, presentations, discussions and meetings. The
author deals with the important aspects of
a successful performance. The book also
deals with the preparation and writing of
speeches. It uses a variety of contexts and
can also be used as a complement to video-based training.
128 pages, softback
239 337
9.95 €
Customer Acquisition for Sole
Traders and Freelancers
128 pages, softback
239 887
9.95 €
Understanding and Using
Marketing Strategies
128 pages, softback
239 894
9.95 €
Strategies and Methods of
Developing Customer Loyalty
128 pages, softback
239 900
9.95 €
Negotiation Techniques
128 pages, softback
239 917
9.95 €
Using NLP at Work
128 pages, softback
239 962
9.95 €
Putting Marketing into Practice
– the Marketing Mix
128 pages, softback
239 856
9.95 €
NEW Conflict Management
128 pages, softback
240 012
9.95 €
NEW Communication on the Job
112 pages, softback
239 924
9.95 €
NEW Leadership
112 pages, softback
239 979
9.95 €
NEW Coaching Employees
128 pages, softback
239 986
9.95 €
NEW Human Resource
144 pages, softback
239 931
9.95 €
NEW Purchasing Training in HR
120 pages, softback
240 395
9.95 €
NEW Creativity Techniques
128 pages, softback
239 863
9.95 €
NEW Professional Telemarketing
136 pages, softback
239 870
9.95 €
Training International –
consistently bilingual!
Conversing and negotiating in English –
more and more people have to do this as
part of their day-to-day work, not only
with customers but also with colleagues,
project leaders and bosses. In addition to a
sound grasp of the language, specialist
knowledge and communicative skills are
needed. There is, however, seldom enough
time to return to school, and in any event,
more practical skills are called for. Cornelsen fulfills these needs with its Training
International series.
The Innovation
The books present key skills in a compact
form. They contain background information, intercultural tips and self-assessment
checklists as well as recommendations for
action according to the topic being covered – and all of this in two languages! The
German text is printed on the left-hand
page and on the right, the same contents
can be read in authentic international
business English.
The series therefore offers the reader the
chance to kill two birds with one stone:
he/she can…
■ acquire skills efficiently or prepare
quickly for specific duties, and
■ at the same time - and almost incidentally – test and increase his/her knowledge of the language.
A variety of opportunities for licensees
Either the German or the English text can
be translated into the native language of the
licensee, according to his or her requirements. It would also be possible to use the
English text alone, an option which could
be particularly interesting for publishers in
English-speaking countries. The bilingualism of the series opens up new opportunities for licensees, as the books can be adapted to the needs of the target groups.
Going Marketing
200 pages, softback
239 955
17.50 €
176 pages, softback
239 948
17.50 €
Team Development
192 pages, softback
239 646
17.50 €
Presentations –
effective and well-structured
192 pages, softback
239 840
17.50 €
Sales Negotiations
176 pages, softback
239 247
17.50 €
Interview Techniques
184 pages, softback
239 140
17.50 €
Conflict Management
200 pages, softback
239 743
17.50 €
Meetings and Facilitation
200 pages, softback
239 042
17.50 €
Employee Appraisal Interviews
200 pages, softback
239 549
17.50 €
Project Management
200 pages, softback
239 441
17.50 €
Small Talk
200 pages, softback
239 344
17.50 €
All rights available except: Poland, Indian
Subcontinent and Africa
Understanding Business
The St. Gallen Management
The book provides the knowledge required
to scholars of business management.
The authors understand companies to be
complex, changing, productive social systems. Very different people work together
in different functions in order to achieve a
shared economic goal. As systems they are
embedded in a complex made up of society, nature, technology and the economy.
This means that companies have to adjust
to economic, technological, ecological and
social changes.
For almost forty years now business management has been taught at the University
of St. Gallen on the basis of the St. Gallen
Management Model. This model is being
continually honed and developed at the
intersection between teaching, research
and business practices. This textbook
draws on the St. Gallen Management
Model to prepare students to be able to
deal with complex professional and social
tasks and functions. The textbook is designed for both class teaching and independent study.
The methodical approach used in the book
is strongly orientated around practical
business situations. Detailed case studies
and an example that summarizes the various aspects discussed in the context of a
real enterprise give lessons a strongly
problem-based character. Cross-references
between and within individual thematic
blocks, a comprehensive keyword index, a
business-management glossary, and the
use of the model all contribute to the positioning of the individual aspects of business management.
576 pages, four-coloured, hardback
282 531
51.70 €
Marketing Competence
The Marketing Competence series is oriented around participants in professional
further training programs and interns
who want to inform themselves about the
area of marketing in which they are involved. The series also expressly addresses
those with expertise in other areas (e.g.
engineers and technicians) who want to
acquire knowledge of the marketing field,
as well as people with a general knowledge
of marketing who are changing careers
and are looking to acquire knowledge of
additional and specific areas. The series
comprises textbooks, course materials and
reference works. The books are designed
to introduce readers to the fundamentals
of marketing and enable them to apply
their knowledge. Depending on the particular topic, material is presented either
in a compact form designed for rapid access to topics or as a normal-format textbook. The series covers fundamental facets
of marketing as well as addressing current
topics to provide initial points of orientation for marketing professionals.
Marketing and Market Research
4th edition
392 pages, softback
240 180
19.95 €
Planning Promotional Campaigns
Concept, Media and Creation
4th edition
528 pages, softback
240 272
29.95 €
Social Media Marketing
Analysis - Strategy - Concept
– Application
Published in collaboration with the
Mannheim Social Media Academy
224 pages, softback
239 085
18.95 €
Market Research
136 pages, softback
239 313
12.95 €
Advertising Psychology
216 pages, softback
239 221
Direct Marketing
136 pages, softback
239 290
Referral Marketing
128 pages, softback
239 283
NEW Corporate Identity
5th edition
208 pages, softback
240 760
NEW Event-Marketing
4th edition
168 pages, softback
4 507 180
NEW Guerilla Marketing
2nd edition
192 pages, softback
242 061
18.95 €
12.95 €
12.95 €
16.95 €
16.95 €
16.95 €
Personal Competence
(Soft Skills)
The Personal Competence series is aimed
at course participants and independent
learners who wish to develop their soft
All volumes introduce readers to helpful
techniques and tools which enable them
to test their newly-acquired knowledge
systematically and immediately put new
skills into practice.
Burnout – no chance
Burnout is becoming more and more of a
problem. Readers can initially test whether
or not they are at risk and how great this
risk might be. Subsequently, the author, a
practising health coach, presents an eightphase model which helps the reader to
halt negative development and to deal with
the burden of ongoing stress in a more relaxed way. Suggested changes to attitude
and behaviour can be practised by means
of exercises. In this way, the book provides
an efficient “firewall” against burnout.
■ Construction of an effective “firewall”
against imminent burnout
■ Background information and exercises
to support seminars and training courses
■ Tried-and-tested prevention programme developed by a physician
160 pages, softback
240 722
Further titles in this series:
Stress Management
240 739
Self – Motivation
240 715
Creative Competence
240 173
Honing Soft Skills
240 692
14.95 €
14.95 €
14.95 €
14.95 €
14.95 €
Training for Sales
Long-established sales techniques are increasingly proving inadequate in winning
over the client of today. Communicating
effectively with decision-makers within
client firms requires sellers to find ways of
co-determining purchasing decisions if
they are to gain a decisive advantage over
their competitors. This book presents
methods that enable sellers to influence
and motivate decision-makers in their
client firms.
■ Everything you need to know about
achieving sales success
■ How to convince key clients – and secure high commissions
■ Practical strategies that ensure influence
over purchasing decisions
The Management Competence series is
comprised of training manuals and workbooks on essential aspects of business
training in personnel leadership, management, project management and organization. It includes a number of works dealing specifically with these topics, and
others that focus on the application of interesting and successful concepts formulated by their authors. The books in the
series are written for participants in seminars and those who want to prepare for or
follow up on (business) seminars and
other informational presentations. They
are ideally suited to integration in seminars by trainers. With this purpose in
mind, they have been designed as workbooks with exercises and tasks, and are
organized along clear, module-based lines.
Convincing decision-makers and
effective tendering
160 pages, softback
238 965
18.50 €
Fast-tracking access to top
192 pages, softback
238 415
18.50 €
NEW Training for Field Staff
168 pages, softback
4 507 197
14.95 €
NEW Sustainable Customer
160 pages, softback
4 507 203
14.95 €
NEW Selling Customer-oriented
and successfully
152 pages, softback
4 507 210
14.95 €
NEW Purchasing as a factor of
176 pages, softback
4 507 227
14.95 €
NEW Managing Employees at a
Working conditions have changed dramatically since the digital revolution. Employees based in a variety of different locations, virtual teams and media networking
present new challenges for managerial
staff. This book explains what’s important
when managing staff at a distance. The
authors describe how executives can use
new media to build relationships with employees despite physical distance. Worksheets and suggestions for personal reflection facilitate the transfer of theory into
How leadership at a distance can be structured.
New ways of using new media communication to develop effective working relationships.
Worksheets and suggestions for personal
168 pages, softback
240 357
14.95 €
NEW Emotional Intelligence
for Senior Executives
Senior executives who consciously reflect
upon their emotions and use them with
confidence make honest impressions and
are therefore successful. The prerequisite
for this is efficient self-management. This
book deals with the variety of emotions
experienced in professional life and shows
how feelings can be usefully and constructively employed. In this way, the reader
receives guidance on the development of
his or her own leadership. Exercises and
suggestions for personal reflection facilitate the transfer of theory into practice.
Implementation and control of
feelings in business
Gaining confidence in the use of emotions
in leadership responsibility
Development of one’s own leadership
168 pages, softback
240 753
14.95 €
Further titles in this series:
NEW Conflict Management
176 pages, softback
240 289
Business Coaching
208 pages, softback
240 227
Leadership in practice
192 pages, softback
240 234
Becoming a leader
176 pages, softback, CD-R
237 937
14.95 €
16.95 €
16.95 €
19.95 €
ptimising day-to-day schooling
with digital media
66 practical ideas for personal organisation
and teaching
Following the success of The Interactive Whiteboard in the Classroom
(Das interaktive Whiteboard im Klassenzimmer), a further title by the
same author has now been published, dealing with digital media in
schools. Teaching motivating lessons, being fair to all students and
always being perfectly organised: a teachers is a jack of all trades!
This collection of ideas shows how digital media can be a
genuine help in all these tasks. Using e-portfolios, learning
platforms, grade calculators, blogs, etc., can save time and
make work easier, as well as impressing students with the
use of up-to-date media. How about a video-link conversation? Or perhaps your students want to work with
lesson materials that use Twitter? These creative ideas
using digital media offer you support as a teacher and
also grab your students’ attention. Clear directions with
numerous screenshots demonstrate the magic tricks –
and help you to meet the demands of your challenging
role as a teacher!
Optimising day-to-day-schooling
with digital media
144 pages, softback
9 483 460 968
16.90 €
Still available:
The Whiteboard in the Classroom
and How to Use It
100 pages, softback
9 483 460 901
14.90 €
All rights available except: Bulgaria
(Verlag an der Ruhr)
What Is Good Teaching?
By H. Meyer
The book provides a framework for evaluating teaching, while it also introduces the
latest research to monitor and further develop skills. With the help of the criteria
established by Meyer, teachers can achieve
demonstrable improvements in their students’ learning performance and social
and methodological skills.
Topics include:
■ Ten features of good teaching.
■ Theoretical framework for establishing
quality criteria.
■ Improving your own teaching.
■ From good teaching to a good school.
■ The professionalism of the teaching
Since 1975 Hilbert Meyer has been Professor of Educational Theory at the Carl von
Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg. He is
known for his many publications on general didactics and teaching methodology.
192 pages
softback, numerous illustrations
220 473
17.95 €
Further Hilbert Meyer titles:
Didactic Models
215 666
20.95 €
Guidelines for lesson preparation
224 586
16.95 €
Teaching Methods 1 – Theory
208 503
19.95 €
Teaching Methods 2 – Practice
208 511
20.95 €
Guidelines for Teachers
Working in Elementary
By H. Meyer, C. Walter-Laager
How are good lessons designed? What do
pupils and students want from their teachers? These key questions lie at the heart of
this book, which is specially tailored to
elementary education. The book focuses
on fundamental methods and on how to
structure varied, stimulating, distinctive
and effective lessons. The most important
approaches in the field are presented, explained with the help of numerous examples, overviews and illustrations, and supplemented with a series of questions for
readers to reflect on. The book also addresses the topics of “professionalization”
and the utilization of textbooks in lessons.
This is the first handbook specifically tailored to the needs of teachers working in
the elementary field. It will prove particularly valuable for those who are beginning
their careers and seeking to invest their
teaching with a solid foundation, but also
offers benefits for “old hands.”
216 pages, softback
246 298
18.95 €
How Pupils Think
Far too little attention is paid to the basic
fact that pupils and teachers think differently. As a result many teachers still tend
to project their own way of thinking onto
their pupils. They assume that, when dealing with problems, pupils are just as open
to rational thought processes as their adult
However, what may appear irrational in
pupils’ behavior becomes understandable
with a change of perspective. In a figurative sense, this book provides “scans” of a
pupil’s brain. The most important school
situations are illuminated in 45 such figurative “scans” associated with cognitive
and social learning. Key factors here are:
stress in particular situations and the
make-up of the group that assesses individual behavior. Put simply, in this context
intelligence tends to take a back seat to
genetic and emotional factors and immediately available solutions to problems.
This book discusses subjects such as imitative learning, mirror neurons and new
trends in neuro-enhancement. However,
these and other concepts from the fields of
psychology, brain research and game theory are dealt with in a way that is not only
clear but, above all, closely related to the
practical context.
This alternative perspective represents an
extremely valuable aid to educators who
want to identify areas where productive
changes can be made.
176 pages, softback
232 895
19.50 €
All rights available except: Denmark,
Croatia, China, Japan, Korea
NEW Max researches
holidays throughout the
In 20 exciting stories, Max and his friend
Pauline investigate the most important
annual holidays. Along with Protestant,
Catholic, Jewish and Muslim festivals, the
two also investigate secular holidays such
as Valentine’s Day, Carnival Monday and
Labor Day.
The 9-year-old “cultural researcher” Max
keeps a humorous diary of everything he
learns from friends, relatives and acquaintances about holidays.
The short story corresponding to a current
holiday can be read aloud to children and
followed by a discussion. Every text is provided with suggestions for activities and
comprehension questions that can also be
used for further discussion.
120 pages, softback
9 483 460 941
12.90 €
Further titles:
Max researches Christmas
customs around the world
104 pages softback
9 483 460 869
12.90 €
(Verlag an der Ruhr)
NEW Power-book
Nutrition for Children
“I don’t want any breakfast!” – Kids don’t
always listen to your well-meant advice.
This children’s book therefore dispenses
with cautionary words. Beautifully illustrated with a good dose of humor, it provides valuable knowledge about nutrition
and exercise in a way that is tongue in
cheek and suited to children. The illustrations support the text and shed light on
even more complex areas. Varied games,
experiments and delicious recipes provide
practical contexts for applying the information presented. In this way children
learn about nutrients and healthy an unhealthy food and are supplied with answers to fundamental questions: What
effect do sport and exercise have? How
much do I have to drink? And how do you
actually become overweight? The book
provides an exciting and amusing way of
encouraging children to adopt healthy
eating habits—eating a healthy breakfast,
but also now and again having a burger or
some chocolate.
48 pages, softback
9 483 460 953
14.90 €
(Verlag an der Ruhr)
NEW Popular sports at
school – more than just
climbing. 25 ideas from
disc golf to slacklining
Pipe-juggling, Gorodki and Kin-Ball –
what sound like arbitrary word creations
are in reality the names of currently popular sports that can motivate even the most
exercise-averse students in sport lessons.
These 25 exciting exercise ideas have been
specially selected for use in schools and
clubs. The compact instructions show you
how to integrate these sports easily into
your teaching. The book provides a brief
introduction to each type of sport along
with information regarding the target
group and the required materials and a
methodical presentation of game ideas
and explanations. From individual sports
to sports with a partner or opponent to
team sports: with these low-cost ideas you
can make sport popular with all your students!
104 pages, softback
9 483 460 989
19.90 €
(Verlag an der Ruhr)
Violence Prevention
Violence in schools is no longer being
hushed up. Calling the police in such situations is no longer frowned upon, and
schools, police and youth welfare services
are working together ever more intensively. Strategies for dealing with violence are
many and varied, and programs are constantly being developed in order to make
them more effective.
Headings such as Effective Measures, Implementer Competencies, Checklists for
Conditions Influencing Success and Inhibitory Factors guide users through the
prevention and intervention programs
that are presented in this book.
The delineation of prevention programs
includes a presentation of the Buddy and
Lions Quest programs, which are designed
to promote peer group education and social competencies. In this context theater
work is used to facilitate a physical, emotional and creative approach. The Prevention in Teams (PiT) program teaches
young people to deal with violence in public space.
The intervention programs are orientated
to schools endeavoring to make fundamental changes following incidents of violence and/or in a school climate dominated by violence. Key concepts here are
the anti-bullying program, mediation and
arbitration, the “no blame approach” as a
strategy to deal with bullying and cyberbullying.
The book also discusses crisis situations
such as school massacres and suicides.
160 pages, softback
232 918
19.50 €
99 Tips: The Mentoring
NEW 111 Ideas for Open
This series provides newcomers to teaching with useful tips that they can put into
practice immediately!
The team of authors is made up of skilled
teachers with many years of professional
experience. In this series, they pass on
their valuable and useful tips to the next
The “99 Tips” are presented without long
theoretical discussions and provide immediate and uncomplicated solutions to dayto-day classroom problems. All of the tips
have been tried and tested in practice and
have proved themselves many times!
Whether in the context of a weekly schedule, station learning, project lessons or
class discussions – open learning has now
become an integral part of normal schooling. This method handbook contains a
range of ideas for bringing variety to open
learning situations. The easily applicable
concepts help pupils to work on their own
and develop independence while also
helping to decrease the burden on you as a
teacher. Brief introductions to the most
important ways of working provide basic
orientation regarding the array of available
methods. In addition, these 111 fresh, new
ideas help you to hone and extend the
open learning forms you are already using.
The book also offers organizational ideas
that will help you avoid pitfalls and plan
more effectively, and surprising tips and
tricks offer new possibilities of implementation.
192 pages, softback
9 483 460 940
19.90 €
NEW For Classroom Teachers
233 335
15.95 €
NEW Competence-oriented Teaching
233 342
15.95 €
NEW Successful Work with Parents
232 062
15.95 €
NEW Preserving Teacher’s Health
232 970
15.95 €
Group and Pairwork
229 352
15.95 €
Effective Self-Management
229 376
15.95 €
Successful Teaching Practice
229 345
15.95 €
Assessing Students Fairly
228 201
15.95 €
Practice in the Classroom
228 225
15.95 €
Disturbance-free Classes
228 232
15.95 €
Differentiation in the Classroom
228 850
15.95 €
Individual Support
228 218
15.95 €
(Verlag an der Ruhr)
All rights available except: Italy
A School for Everyone –
a book about inclusion
A school for everyone? What a great idea …
and above all one whose implementation has
become UN law. But how is it supposed to
work? Although in some countries inclusive
schooling has become a matter of course, in
many places this theme raises a lot of questions
– particularly at secondary level.
This guidebook shows that it can work and,
above all, how it works. There are schools in
which the inclusive approach has already been
successfully implemented. This book reports on
school structures, learning, social interaction
among pupils, and the process of networking
between teachers. It provides concrete suggestions on the optimal use and enhancement of
resources, examples of effective differentiation
and much more. For teachers, special-education teachers, school directors – and everyone interested in this theme.
With variable templates to download!
• What is inclusion actually?
• Lesson design
• Social learning
• Everyday life at school
• Resource enhancement
Inclusion –
THE international theme!
A School for Everyone
360 pages plus lesson examples and
downloadable templates, softback
9 483 460 891
26.90 €
(Verlag an der Ruhr)
Cornelsen International
If you would like to receive further information, reading copies or in case
you have general requests, please feel free to get in touch with us
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NEW Easy Yoga for Kids
in Daycare!
Stories, games and exercises for
movement and relaxation at
By Heike Geisler
Relaxed and flexible instead of stressed
and cramped! These yoga exercises are
suitable for both short relaxation sessions
and entire yoga lessons. They improve
children’s body awareness and concentration and strengthen their emotional wellbeing. And don’t worry: the exercises are
also designed for non-yogis and the supposedly unbendable.
They do not require any previous knowledge and can easily be carried out in your
kindergarten rooms, whether as a fixed
ritual, as games between other activities or
for a reading period with a difference. Use
the 30 simple asanas (yoga positions), the
stories and creative games offered by this
book to create islands of relaxation for
healthy, happy and balanced kindergarten
3–7 years, 120 pages, softback
9 483 460 926
17.95 €
Chidren’s yoga picture cards
for games, storytelling, movement and
3–7 years, 32 color A5 cards
9 483 460 927
14.95 €
(Verlag an der Ruhr)
NEW The Cookbook for
Kids in Daycare
NEW Look How My Scarf
Can Dance!
Simple recipes, from midday
snacks to full breakfasts
Imaginative songs and movement games with chiffon scarves
By Ivonne Wagner
By Andrea Paredes-Montes,
Torsten Kamps
Cooking with kids in daycare – chaos-free!
Healthy and delicious, in any kindergarten
kitchen or in the home room … This book
offers 55 easy recipes for typical kindergarten meals. You can cook a meal with five
or so children that serves ten to fifteen
portions. Spreads for bread, juices, teas,
salads, an entire lunch or meals for special
occasions – all the recipes are designed to
introduce children to easy food preparation step by step and enable you to make
collective cooking part of your teaching
Includes small ideas for using leftovers,
seasonal tips, safety precautions and allergy information.
3–7 years, 120 pages, softback
9 483 460 933
14.95 €
20 recipe picture cards for kids in
3–7 years, 20 cards, A4 + booklet
9 483 460 934
22.50 €
(Verlag an der Ruhr)
From “I have an Aquarium” to “The Magic
Carpet”: with these 14 engaging children’s
songs and associated dance ideas children
can learn to transform chiffon scarves into
colorful shoals of fish or baby caterpillars.
This approach provides a way of engaging
even unmusical children who are shy
about dancing. The CD and the book are
ideally geared to one another with the result that children develop their musical
and motor skills without even noticing.
These dance-game ideas lend themselves
to a wide range of contexts, from loosening-up sessions between other activities to
performances for parents.
3–7 years, 56 pages, softback, CD
9 483 460 925
24.50 €
Air Spirits, Dancing
Trousers and Magnetic Hands. Creative
dance games for kids in daycare
By Beate Lambertz
3–7 years, 80 pages, softback, CD
9 483 460 928
24.95 €
Music at Crèche
Join-in songs, clapping rhythms,
sound stories
By Kati Breuer
1–3 years, 128 pages, softback, CD
9 400 060 826
20.50 €
Music in Daycare
Songs, dances, sound stories
By Kati Breuer
3–6 years, 128 pages, softback, CD
9 400 060 629
20.50 €
(Verlag an der Ruhr)
NEW A Successful Start at
Gentle familiarization techniques
for children up to 3 years of age
By Edith Burat-Hiemer
Not all children, or their parents, find
starting daycare easy. This book outlines
gentle ways of introducing children to this
new phase of life. What wishes and needs
do children have, what are the concerns
commonly confronting parents, and what
sort of competencies do they require to
ensure that the familiarization process
functions to the same degree for all children? This practical book answers these
and other questions with a range of tips
and concrete examples.
0–3 years, 128 pages, softback
247 257
16.95 €
Helping Children to Feel
Comfortable. Caring interactionally and strengthening body
awareness at kindergarten and
in daycare
By Inga Bodenburg, Gunhild Grimm
0–3 years, 136 pages, softback
247 264
16.95 €
When Language Skips And Sings.
Language development through
music for children in daycare up
to 3 years of age
By Andrea Rittersberger, Viktoria Stopa
0–3 years, 112 page, softback
247 509
14.95 €
Tell Me What You Hear and Feel!
Perception games for children in
daycare up to 3 years of age
By Cornelia Nitsch
0–3 years, 112 pages, softback
247 516
14.95 €
NEW Weather
Practical ideas for daycare
Rainbows, snow and ice or thunder and
lightning – children find all weather phenomena fascinating. Here is a range of
exciting kindergarten activities relating to
all kinds of weather. Where does the rain
in clouds come from? Where do the colors
in the rainbow come from? Why does the
wind blow? This book offers numerous
ideas on how to find answers to these
questions together with children.
3–6 years, 64 pages, softback
247 530
14.95 €
Everything to Do With Food.
Practical ideas for daycare
By Kerstin Brausewetter
3–6 years, 64 pages, softback
247 547 (Oct. 2012)
14.95 €
Bodies. Practical ideas for
By Maria Weninger et. al.
3–6 years, 64 pages, softback
247 318
14.95 €
Meadow. Practical ideas for
By Silke Bicker
3–6 years, 64 pages, softback
247 141
14.95 €
In the Forest. Practical ideas for
By Stephan Günther, Maren Hamann et. al.
3–6 years, 64 pages, softback
247 325
14.95 €
NEW Development
Observation and
Documentation 3–48
A tool for educators in crèches
and kindergartens
By Ute Koglin, Franz and Ulrike Petermann
Daredevils or daydreamers? The differences are often much more subtle. Make a
record of what you observe on a daily
With case studies, report sheets and ideas
on how to support development in children from 3–48 months, the author team
illuminates a range of areas including
movement coordination, language and
cognitive, social and emotional development.
Easy tasks based on the “milestone principle” help you to apply these ideas in practice.
The book shows how customized materials make supporting individual development child’s play.
3rd revised edition, 192 pages, softback,
247 561
29.50 €
Development Observation and
Documentation 48-72 months. A
tool for educators in kindergartens and daycare centers
By Ute Koglin, Franz and Ulrike Petermann
136 pages, softback, CD-R
246 878
25.50 €
Picture cards for
early math experience
Picture cards for
basic vocabulary
Maths is much more than arithmetic! At
an early age, children often already show
an interest in ordering, sorting and comparing as well as in counting. The picture
cards cater to this curiosity and make
mathematics a game for children. 30 picture cards and a wealth of game ideas in
the accompanying booklet cover all the
important skills required by children for a
successful start at school.
Each card set includes 32 motifs relating
to the respective word field and is particularly suited to promoting language development in children under 3. All the motifs
are familiar to children from their everyday surroundings. However, what is
shown on the cards can not only be named
but also sorted according to different characteristics. This tool introduces children to
important basic vocabulary and helps
them integrate these words into simple
semantic connections in a fun way.
3–7 years, 30 picture cards, 9 x 11 cm,
colored + 32-page booklet
Small quantities at a glance
9 400 060 716
14.50 €
Quantities and numbers up to 10
9 400 060 717
14.50 €
Recognizing forms in the
9 400 060 822
14.50 €
Patterns, forms, colors
9 400 060 823
14.50 €
1–7 years, 32 picture cards, A5
colored + 32-page booklet
In the house
9 483 460 846
Eating and drinking
9 483 460 849
9 483 460 848
9 483 460 847
9 483 460 922
My body
9 483 460 920
At kindergarten
9 483 460 919
In the countryside
9 483 460 921
(Verlag an der Ruhr)
16.50 €
16.50 €
16.50 €
16.50 €
16.50 €
16.50 €
16.50 €
16.50 €
People to contact
Holger Behm
Head of international Relations
and Foreign Rights
+49-30-897 85 341
+49-30-897 85 658
[email protected]
Kristin Kupsch
Foreign Rights Manager
+49-30-897 85 380
+49-30-897 85 658
[email protected]
Martin Fielko
Foreign Rights Manager
+49-30-897 85 560
+49-30-897 85 658
[email protected]
Cornelsen Schulverlage
Mecklenburgische Straße 53
14197 Berlin
Cornelsen online
Postal Address:
D-14328 Berlin
Cornelsen is the German member of the
European Educational Publishers Group
Preisangaben in € (D), Stand: 01.06.2012
Umschlagfotos: Michael Miethe
Umweltschonend hergestellt aus
chlorfrei gebleichten Faserstoffen
P932745 08.12

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