Christmas Card Sales Casserole Sale Women of St. Frances Cabrini


Christmas Card Sales Casserole Sale Women of St. Frances Cabrini
November 1 , 2015
Women of St. Frances Cabrini
Regular Collection
Weekday Mass Intentions
Monday/Lunes, November 2nd
9:00am All Souls Day Mass
7:00pm Misa de Los Fieles Difuntos
Tuesday/Martes, November 3rd
9:00am Mike Anderson & Family (Elsie Miller)
Wednesday/Miércoles, November 4th
6:00pm Kevin, Dominic, & Kymberly Procaccino
(Elsie Miller)
7:00pm Miembros de Nuestra Iglesia
Thursday/Jueves, November 5th
9:00am Liturgy of the Word
7:00pm Liturgy of the Word (St. Rose of Lima)
Friday/Viernes, November 6th
9:00am Liturgy of the Word
Weekend Mass Intentions
Saturday/Sábado, November 7th
5:00pm †Jim Arcesi (Dolores Larson)
Holy Souls in Purgatory (Celia Anderson)
Sunday/Domingo, November 8th
9:00am †Joseph Cepak (Larry & Carol Link)
10:45am Parishioners of the Parish
12:30pm Miembros de Nuestra Iglesia
Next Week Second Collection is for
Christmas Flowers
A very special Thank You to all
parishioners who participated in
the Knights of Columbus 20th
Annual Golf Tournament. Thanks
to your support we exceeded our
goal of money raised to support our seminarians and
local charities. “My personal Thank You!” –Ron Arnett
Christmas Card Sales
The Knights of Columbus will be selling
Holy Family Christmas cards after Mass
this week. Proceeds of the sales will go
to the Monstrance fund to help pay it off.
Casserole Sale
Casseroles will be available for sale &
pickup November 21 & 22 after the 5
PM & 9 AM Masses. Choose from King
Ranch, Chicken Enchilada and Beef Lasagna. Proceeds
go toward scholarships for two graduating seniors.
The Women of St. Frances Cabrini will be meeting on
Wednesday, November 4th at 11:30 AM in the Family
Life Center. Lunch will be provided. The Ladies are
having a food drive for Mission Granbury, so please
bring nonperishable items to donate. Canned food items
requested are as follows: soup, stew, chili, tuna,
chicken, or any other canned meat that you can think of!
If there are other nonperishables that you would like to
donate, please feel free to bring those. If you have any
questions, please contact Cecile Stacha at 817-8945406. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you
Altar Servers
There will be a meeting and practice for
all Spanish mass altar servers and their
parents on Sunday, November 8th after
mass. Any youth in 5th grade or above that would like to
become an Altar Server is invited to this meeting. If you
have any questions please contact Erica Espinoza at
Habrá una junta y practica para todos los monaguillos
de la misa de español y sus padres el domingo 8 de
noviembre, después de misa. Cualquier joven en el
quinto grado o mayor que guste servir como monaguillo
está invitado a esta junta. Si tiene alguna pregunta,
comuníquese con Erica Espinoza al 817-326-2131.
St. Frances Cabrini Parish Mission
Our annual Parish Mission will be held on
November 9th -11th beginning at 7:00 PM.
It will be held in the church. The Mission
will feature Paulist Father Robert Cary and
will reflect upon and celebrate the Year of
Mercy declared by Pope Francis. Please
plan on attending this mission. This will be a great way
to prepare for our Advent Season.
Fifty Plus
50 + will meet November 12th in the Family Life
Center. A social starts at 5:30 PM followed by a pot
luck meal at 6:00 PM. This evening is free for all
parishioners over 50. Please bring a covered dish for
the pot luck meal and join us for games afterwards. If
you have any questions, please call one of the hosts:
John and Annemarie Richmond 817-279-7082; Tom
and Anna Clayton 817-991-3687; Dave and Pat
Schreck 214-952-4159.
All Saints / Todos los Santos
Did You Know…
The Commemoration of All the faithful
Departed (All Souls’ Day)
“Why would we doubt that our
offerings for the dead bring them
some consolation? Let us not
hesitate to help those who have died
and to offer our prayers for them,”
said Saint John Chrysostom
(catechism of the Catholic Church
1032). On the day after All Saints
Commemoration of the Faithful Departed, in which the
Church prays for all who have died. As Catholics, we
believe in Purgatory, the cleansing fire through which
must pass “all who die in God’s grace and friendship,
but still imperfectly purified” (CCC, 1030). Today, we
pray for them, trusting that God will hear and answer
our prayers that they know eternal light, happiness, and
peace. For The Commemoration of All the Faithful
Departed (All Souls’ Day) on November 2nd, there
will be an English Mass at 9AM and a Spanish Mass
at 7PM.
La Conmemoración de los Fieles Difuntos
"¿Por qué habríamos de dudar de que nuestras ofrendas
por los muertos les lleven un cierto consuelo? No
dudemos de ayudar a los que han muerto y ofrecer
nuestras oraciones por ellos”, dijo San Juan Crisóstomo
(Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica 1032). El día después
de Todos los Santos viene el día de los Difuntos, la
Conmemoración de los Fieles Difuntos, en el que la
Iglesia ora por todos los que han muerto. Como
católicos, creemos en el Purgatorio, el fuego purificador
a través del cual debe pasar " todos los que mueren en la
gracia y amistad de Dios, pero imperfectamente
purificados " (CIC, 1030). Hoy en día, oramos por ellos,
confiando en que Dios escuche y conteste nuestras
oraciones que sepan de la eterna luz, la felicidad y la
paz. Por La Conmemoración de los Fieles Difuntos el
2 de noviembre, habrá una Misa en ingles a las 9AM
y una Misa en español a las 7PM.
Francesca Cabrini was born July 15, 1850 in Saint
Angelo Lodigiano Italy, one of 11 children. She was
born 2 months premature and was small and weak as a
child. Her family called her “CECCHINA” for short.
Her early education was at home where her sister Rosa
who ran a school for the local children
in the Cabrini home. Rosa instilled a
great love for Jesus in Francesca which
she wanted to share with others.
Evenings were spent with papa Cabrini
reading from the Annuls of the
Propagation of the Faith, a magazine
that featured stories of missionaries who
worked in far off lands, spreading the
Good News of Jesus. She also spent
time with her uncle Father Luigi, a parish priest in a
nearby town.
Look for more about Mother Cabrini next week!
Sabias Que…
Francesca Cabrini nació el 15 de julio del 1850 en San
Angelo Lodigiano Italia, era una de los 11 niños en su
familia. Ella nació 2 meses prematura y era pequeña y
débil en su niñez. Su familia le puso "Cecchina" como
apodo. Su educación comenzó en casa donde su
hermana Rosa dirigía una escuela para los niños de la
zona en el hogar Cabrini. Rosa infundo un gran amor
por Jesús en Francesca lo cual compartió con los demás.
Francesca pasaba las noches con su papa leyendo
Anular de la Propagación de la Fe, una revista que
contaba historias de misioneros que trabajaban en tierras
lejanas, compartiendo la Buena Nueva de Jesús. Ella
también pasó tiempo con su tío el padre Luigi, párroco
en un pueblo cercano.
¡Busque más información sobre la Madre Cabrini la
próxima semana!

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