Mass Times Eucharistic Adoration reconciliation


Mass Times Eucharistic Adoration reconciliation
Advent: 1st Week
november 27, 2010
Mass Times
5:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m. (Español)
7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m.
10:00 am. (sign language
interpreted), 11:30 a.m.
1:15 p.m. (Español)
5:00 p.m.
6:15 a.m. & 8:00 a.m.
6:30 p.m. (Español)
saturday: 7:30 am.
Misa Guadalupana
dia 12 de cada mes - 6:30 pm
(excepto sab. & dom.)
Fridays in pastoral
center chapel:
8:30 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.
saturday: 8:00 a.m.
(or by appointment)
Sister Dolores Social Outreach
Trudy Balestreri: (619) 427-7637
School Principal
Maria Tollefson: (619) 422-1121
Baptisms, Weddings, Funerals
Parish Office: (619) 427-0230
Fr. John P. Dolan, Pastor
Fr. Jacob Bertrand, Associate Pastor
Deacons: Charlie Frice; Greg Smyth; Gerardo Marquez
Sisters: Joan King, OSB; Patricia Weldon, OSF
what’s inside
An Advent Message............................................2
Mama Dee Gala ....................................................3
Open Wide the Doors to Christ.................5
Office Hours:
Monday: 1:30 - 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday to Friday: 8:30 am - 6:00 pm
(closed for lunch: 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm)
Religious Education
Elementary, Jr. High / High
School Confirmation
Sister Patricia Weldon OSF
(619) 426-6717
Hispanic / Deaf Ministry
Deacon Gerardo Márquez
(619) 427-0230
Stewardship, Evangelization & IT
Joseph Advento: (619) 427-0230
Business Manager
Patti Favela: (619) 427-0230
293 H Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910 phone: (619) 427-0230 fax: (619) 427-5786
First Sunday of
November 27, 2010
1st Reading: Is 2:1-5
2nd Reading: Rom: 13:11-14
Gospel: Mt 24:37-44
Thy Kingdom Come!
This is the second
of our “Commitment Weekends”.
These are the
weekends during
which parishioners are asked to
make a decision as
to how they will
support this campaign called, “Thy
Kingdom Come.”
You should have received material with
pledge cards and return envelopes.
Thank you in advance for your willingness to help raise needed funds for the
new parish hall!
Confirmation Classes
If you have not registered, please do so immediately and contact the office at 426-6717.
Confirmation Intercession classes will be
held December 6-9 (Introduction to the
Bible or Morality) from 6:30pm - 8:00pm.
Please call the Religious Education
office to register for these classes.
Dear Friends:
This Advent Season promises to be an exciting adventure for those
who choose to grow closer to God.
As we light the first candle of our Advent wreath, we embrace our
Christian calling to be the light of the world. We don’t hide our
Chrstian light, but let it shine for all th world to see!
This Advent, Pope Benedict’s universal prayer is for all to Open
Wide the Doors to Christ. Beginning this Friday, we will have a
three part Friday night series on Opening Wide the Doors to Christ.
Please see page 5 for more information on this exciting series which
includes Tim Staples, John and Barbara Bertrand (Fr. Jacob’s parents), and a beautiful Posada celebration.
Also, don’t forget the other celebrations in the month of December;
including the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8),
Our Lady of Guadalupe Masses (December 11 & 12), our Annual
Church Lighting ceremony (December 12), our Advent Reconciliation Service (December 15), and Simbang Gabi (December 16-24).
Just a note: This year, due to the difficulty in finding priests for our
Advent Reconciliation services, we will be having only one service
on the 15th at 7:00 pm. However, Father Jacob and I will be available for confessions on Tuesdays from 7:15am to 7:45am, as well as
our regular Saturday confession times (8:00 am)
May this Advent Season be time of hope and peace for you and
your loved ones!
God Bless you!
Father John
1st Week of Advent
The word ‘Advent’ is from the Latin ‘Adventus,’ which means
‘coming.’ Advent is the beginning of a new liturgical year (in the
Western churches), and encompasses the span of time from the
fourth Sunday before Christmas, until the Nativity of Our Lord is
During Advent, as Mary welcomed the Lord, the faithful are asked
to prepare themselves worthily to celebrate the anniversary of the
Lord’s coming into the world as the incarnate God of love, to renew their souls as fitting homes for the Lord in the Eucharist and to
make themselves ready for His final coming as judge, at death and
at the end of the world.
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Parade Alert!
Next Saturday, we will not have our regularly scheduled 5:00 pm or
6:30 pm Masses, due to the Chula Vista Starlight Parade. All of the
streets around the church will be closed. Instead, please join us for
Masses on Sunday.
St. Rose of Lima Church
Mama Dee Gala - NEXT SATURDAY!!!
Our parish will host the 8th
Annual “Mama Dee” gala
on December 4, 2010 and
everyone is invited! Tickets
are selling quickly and the
deadline to make your reservation is November 19th.
This year’s theme, “Heart of
Gold” aptly describes our 2010 honorees:
Fr. Chuck Fuld, Mr. John Johnson, and Mrs.
Joyce Kelley. Please join us in honoring them
and at the same time help us raise money for
our ongoing ministry to the poor in our community.
To RSVP, please Complete this Form or register and pay on-line at
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: __________________________________
I would like to attend this event for $110 per person ________ # of people. Enclosed is a check for $ _____________
St. Rose of Lima Church
We Need Your Help!
Christmas Decorations
School news
Msgr. Charles P. Young
We are going
Student Adoption Program
to decorate the
outside of our
church and the It is that time of the year when St. Rose of Lima School calls upon our
new building.
parishioners to consider contributing to the annual tuition assistance
program. You have been so generous in years past and many of our
We need lights school families, who have been facing some economic hardships, are
and other decora- depending on your support to help meet the cost of tuition.
tions to prepare
us for our lighting of the church Last year approximately $36,000 was raised to help twenty-one
families. More information about the tuition assistance program was
mailed home this past week along with a donation card. Any conPlease call Joseph or Sister Joan at the parish tribution, small or large, will be gratefully appreciated. The school
office for more information.
community thanks you for your prayers and continuing support.
Women’s advent retreat
OK, so we know December can be a crazy-busy month...
everyone has a huge list of things to do before Christmas
comes. We rush around trying to get it all done and before
we know it, Christmas has come and gone and we aren’t
really sure we connected SPIRITUALLY to this awesome
time of year.
How about giving yourself a day of QUIET to wait on the
coming of Jesus in an attitude of prayer and listening?
Young women, ages 16-30 are invited to attend this oneday Women’s Advent Retreat on
Saturday, December 18, 2010
from 9am - 3pm
The retreat will begin at 9:00 am in the priests Rectory with
danishes, coffee, and morning prayer.
The retreat will include talks given by Sr. Tracey Dugas,
vocations director of the Daughters of St. Paul and Fr. Jacob Bertrand, time for quiet prayer and listening to God’s
Word, time to share and a powerful time of Eucharistic
Suggested donation:
$15 to cover expenses for food and refreshments, which
will be provided
If you are interested in attending, please fill out the basic information below and return it to the parish office
or e-mail it to Fr. Jacob at [email protected] no later than Thursday, December 16, 2010:
Name: ____________________________________ e-mail: _____________________________________
Birthdate: ____________________
Phone: ________________________________________________
Why would you like to attend this retreat? How do you hope to benefit from it?
St. Rose of Lima Church
Join us on the Fridays of Advent, as we refelct on Pope Benedict’s Universal Advent prayer for the Church and world. His December prayer
intention is, “Open Wide the Door to Christ.”
Advent is a time for us to open our hearts to Christ. It is a time to make
a commitment to the Lord and and pray, “Come, Lord Jesus!”
Our First Friday Mass and Class December 3:
on December 3, 2010 will feature the well known Catholic Apologist, 1st Friday Class - 7 pm: Presenter, Catholic Apologist Tim Staples.
Topic: “Catholics in a Culture War”
Tim Staples.
Join us in the Church at 6:30pm
for a Mass, followed by a dynamic
presentation by Tim Staples on our
Catholic faith.
This is a great time to begin the Advent Season and prepare yourself
spiritually for the Season of Christmas!
December 10:
Friday Class - 7:00 pm:
Presenters, John & Barbara Bertrand of World Wide Marriage Encounter.
Topic: Matrimony’s Door to Christ
Join us from Advent to Christmas
You are invited to prepare yourself for Christmas by joining our parish for the Season of Advent. Advent is the beginning of a new Church
During this Season, we will also celebrate the
feasts of the Immaculate Conception (December
8) and Our Lady of Guadalupe (December 11
& 12), our Annual Church Lighting Ceremony
(December 12), and our Reconciliation Service
(December 15).
Please visit our website at for
a schedule of these celebrations and Mass times
on Christmas Eve and Christmas Morning.
St. Rose of Lima Church
St. Rose of Lima Church
All ADVENT RECONCILIATION services in south bay
Thur. Dec 2 – Most Precious Blood 7:00 PM
Sun. Dec 5 - Sacred Heart, Coronado 4:00 PM
Mon. Dec 6 - Corpus Christi 7:00 PM
Fri. Dec 10 - O.L. Mt. Carmel 7:00 PM
Mon. Dec 13 - St. Pius X Parish 7:00 PM
Tues. Dec 14 - Mater Dei 7:00 PM
Wed. Dec 15 - St. Rose 7:00 PM
Thur. Dec 16 – Our Lady of Guadalupe 7:00 PM
Fri. Dec 17 - St. Jerome 7:00 PM
Mon. Dec 20 - St. Charles 7:00 PM
St. Rose of Lima Church
Primer Domingo
De Adviento
27 de Noviembre de 2010
1era Lectura: Isaias 2:1-5
2nda Lectura: Romanos 13:11-14
Evangelio: Mateo 24:37-44
GRUPO de Oracion
Nuestra Misión: Interceder y orar por nuestra comunidad, nuestros sacerdotes, diáconos, grupos,
ministerios y por nuestras familias. Nuestro objetivo principal, bajo el poder del espíritu santo,
es de evangelizar y ayudar a cualquier persona,
según sea su voluntad, a tener un encuentro personal con Dios.
Noticia de Padre Juan
Queridos amigos,
Este fin de semana es el Primer Domingo de Adviento
y el comienzo del Año Litúrgico de la Iglesia. Los
invito a profundizar en su vida espiritual con Jesús
mientras vivimos este nuevo año de gracia.
Al encender la vela de Adviento, oro para que Cristo,
Luz del Mundo, brille con mucha intensidad en sus vidas a lo largo de todo de este nuevo año de santidad.
Le recordamos que nuestra Servicio de Reconciliación
de Advento serå en la iglesia el 15 de diciembre a las
7:00 pm.
El próximo sábado 4 de
Diciembre se realizará el
Twilight Parade de Chula
Vista. Todos las calles
que rodean la parroquia
estarán bloqueadas entre
2:00 p.m. y 9:00 p.m.
Deciembre 2, 2010
Deciembre 9, 2010
La costumbre de la parroquia es de no intentar
competir contra el tráfico
del desfile.
Deciembre 16, 2010
Deciembre 23, 2010
Info: Rodolfo Álvarez 619-213-3559
[email protected]
Por consecuencia, no se celebrarán las misas de 5:00
p.m. y 6:30 p.m.
Que Dios los bendiga y que tengan una buena semana!
Padre John Dolan
ayuda a Birthline
Birthline es un centro de
ayuda para el embarazo que
ayuda a las madres, mujeres
embarazadas y a sus bebés.
Nuestro Comité del Evangelio
de la Vida tendrá una caja en
la parte posterior de la iglesia para que puedan depositar sus donaciones de ropa
de bebé, ropa de maternidad,
botellas de bebé, fórmula de
bebé y pañales. Si pueden donar algo de su tiempo entre
semana durante las mañanas, favor de llamar al (619) 4255012. ¡Gracias por ayudar a los necesitados!
St. Rose of Lima Church
Están invitados a participar en nuestra parroquia para prepararse para esta época navideña. Adviento es el principio de un año de la
iglesia nuevo.
Durante la temporada de Adviento, celebraremos El Día de la Inmaculada Concepción (8
de Diciembre), el Día de Nuestra Señora de
Guadalupe (11 y 12 de Diciembre), nuestra
ceremonia anual de iluminación de la iglesia
(12 de Diciembre), y el Servicio de Reconciliación de Adviento (15 de Diciembre).
Por favor visiten el sitio de Internet www. para más información sobre estas celebraciones y para el programa de estos
eventos y las misas de la Nochebuena y Navidad (24 y 25 de Diciembre).
fiestas de Guadalupe
sabado, Deciembre 11 - 6:30 PM
domingo, deciembre 12 - 1:15 PM
St. Rose of Lima Church