Book of Hours of the Seven Deadly Sins


Book of Hours of the Seven Deadly Sins
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Book of Hours of the Seven Deadly Sins
Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional de España, Vit. 24-10
The full description of this manuscript is available at
Available facsimile(s):
1. Libro de Horas de los Siete Pecados Capitales
Madrid: AyN Ediciones, 2003 – Commentary (English, Spanish) by Ruiz García, Elisa; Solera, Gregorio;
Domínguez Rodriguez, Ana; Planas Bádenas, Josefina
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Alternate Titles
Libro de Horas de los Siete Pecados Capitales
Manuscript on parchment - 16 × 11 cm - 428 pp.
Late 15th century - France
Private Devotion Books (Book of hours, prayerbooks, psalters, etc.)
Northern Renaissance, Gothic
French, Latin
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