Outreach-Resources-f.. - San Francisco Public Defender`s Office


Outreach-Resources-f.. - San Francisco Public Defender`s Office
Outreach Resources
WHO: Bayview Footprints
WHAT: Online comprehensive community calendar, longest-running blog, resource hubs, and enewsletter
CONTACT: [email protected]
NOTES: Volunteers maintain the online community resource hub at BayviewFootprints.org which
includes the community calendar and Bayview Hunters Point's longest-running blog "It's What
Community Looks Like." Bayview Footprints Local News is an email newsletter about the good things
happening in the area that reaches several thousand subscribers. One request: please don't send event
promotions or flyers. Looking for content of interest to our subscribers that they aren't likely to get
another way. A nice picture of a program participant and caption about why that person appreciates
you... A poem written by a local youth that won an award from your organization... A change in
leadership or programming... More guidelines if you want them
WHO: SF Bayview Newspaper
WHAT: Monthly newspaper
CONTACT: Please call (415) 671-0789 or email [email protected] to list article, a copy of the paper
and to discuss your advertising plans. http://sfbayview.com/advertise/
NOTES: San Francisco’s official Black outreach newspaper, is the best way to reach the Black
WHAT: Weekly community calendar
WHEN: All entries are due on Wednesday by 5pm for the Thursday publication.
CONTACT: [email protected] or (415) 558-2487
NOTES: To submit entries please use the following format: WHO: WHAT: WHERE: WHEN: CONTACT:
NOTES: At this time we do not post fliers, please use the calendar submission format.
WHO: KMEL 106.1 FM
WHAT: “Street Soldiers” Call-In Radio show with Dr. Joseph Marshall
WHEN: Sunday evenings, 8-10pm
CONTACT: http://www.street-soldiers.org/ss_multimedia.htm
NOTES: Street Soldiers is an Omega Boys Club sponsored, solutions oriented, weekly call-in show for
youth that focuses on the issues of violence, gangs, drugs, teen pregnancy and other topics which need
attention in the community.
CONTACT: www.kpoo.com, (415) 346-5373
NOTES: KPOO is an independent, community-based, nonprofit, noncommercial radio station that caters
to the needs of populations traditionally underrepresented in mainstream media. Unlike commercial
stations, KPOO does not receive advertising revenue, so our operation depends solely on grants and
donations to remain on the air. Your support ultimately allows us to broadcast quality radio programs
here in Bay Area. Find out more by visiting our website or giving us a call.
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Outreach Resources
WHO: Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Services
WHAT: MONS Newsletter
CONTACT: If you would like an announcement or event featured in one of our newsletters, please
contact Chelsea Tirone with suggestions or requests at [email protected]
NOTES: Please provide with jpeg files of any images or flyers you would like featured, along with a brief
description of the event.
QUIEN: Nuestros Niños
QUE: El programa de radio para crecer y aprender en familia
CUANDO: Todos los Domingos de 8 a 9 AM
DONDE: La Kalle 100.7/105.7 FM, KBBF 89.1 FM y www.nuestrosninos.com
LLAME: 1-866-996-4667 Para más información y recursos o visite el sitio de Internet:
NOTES: es un programa de radio que comparte información, inspiración, y recursos para familias,
educadores y proveedores. Es un foro comunitario sobre la crianza infantil. Únase con la Doctora
Marisol y sus invitados cada domingo. Llame a 1-866-99-NINOS (64667) con sus comentarios, consejos y
consultas, y visite www.nuestrosninos.com para más información y para escuchar programas pasados.
WHO: SF Police, Bayview Station
WHAT: Newsletter
CONTACT: Officer E. Teper, [email protected]
NOTES: Community Updates are an information newsletter to inform the Bayview residents of incidents
and programming occurring in the district.
WHO: SF Unified School District
WHAT: Request to Distribute Materials to SFUSD Sites
CONTACT: http://www.sfusd.edu/en/news/request-to-distribute.html, [email protected] or at (415)
NOTES: For any questions, comments or concerns, please read the FAQ page .
NOTES: If you are having trouble with the online request form, please email [email protected] your
completed application information and all required documents.
WHO: SF Youth Commission
WHAT: We can include updates in our online calendar and twice-monthly newsletter
CONTACT: Send all upcoming events and opportunities to [email protected] or call the Youth
Commission (415) 554-6446
NOTES: SF Youth Commission especially like to post events and resources for youth and adult allies.
WHO: The Potrero View
WHAT: Monthly on-line and printed newsletter
CONTACT: Please send to [email protected] the following by the 10th of the month previous
to the event.
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Outreach Resources
NOTES: Submit a three- to five-sentence description of your event, and include the following
information at the end, in this order: Date, Title, Description: 3 to 5 sentences, Cost, Time, Place,
WHO: Totally Inspired Productions
WHERE: Comcast Channel 29 or go to BAVC.ORG Livestream 29. Also, now on AT&T ch 99 at 4:30 pm.
WHEN: Every Monday at 4:30 pm.
CONTACT: Lynn Daniels, (415) 683-0459, [email protected]
NOTES: Show produced by Lynn Daniels of Totally Inspired Productions
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