XI InternatIonal Congress of geomatICs and earth sCIenCes.


XI InternatIonal Congress of geomatICs and earth sCIenCes.
XI International Congress of
Geomatics and Earth Sciences.
topcart 2016
XI International Congress of
Geomatics and Earth Sciences.
Areas of application of the
Geomatics in Congress.
What is Geomatics?
Geomatics in the world.
Is there a market in the area of GIT’s?
Why should you be an exponsor at
• Here you can find 20 reasons to come.
Other participants in TOPCART.
• Other data of interest. Forms of participation as an exhibitor,
advertiser or sponsor.
• Basic exhibitor.
• Premium exhibitor.
• Sponsorship of commercial workshop. 24
Congress of
Geomatics and
Earth Sciences
Ilustre Colegio
Oficial de Ingeniería
Geomática y
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
The city of Toledo very near Tajo. “El Greco” is the Congress Center.
Topcart 2016
XI International Congress of Geomatics
and Earth Sciences 2016
TOPCART 2016 will feature an extensive program of lectures,
presentations of solutions, technologies, seminars and workshops
where participants can deepen their knowledge. The Congress Center
in Toledo, located in the historic city center, has six conference rooms,
a multipurpose hall with a capacity for 300 people, an auditorium for
925 people, a VIP room and an area dedicated to the fair business
for more than 40 stands.
The Congress will also feature a trade show in which the wizard
will learn, first hand, the latest advances in the development of new
technologies and attend presentations by the most important industry
trade houses.
Organization Committee:
Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Ingeniería Geomática y Topográfica.
Topcart 2016
The Spanish Organization in Geomatics and Topography (COIGT)
and the Spanish Association of Engineers in Geomatics and Surveying
(AEIGT) introduce the XI International Congress of Geomatics and
Earth Sciences 2016 that aims to publicize scientific advances in
geomatics technicians and other related sciences.
• President: Mr. Andrés Díez Galilea
• Vice-president: Mr. Antonio Luis González Ruiz
• Secretary General: Mr. Ricardo Rodríguez Cielos
• Treasurer: Mr. José Antonio López Medina
• Commercial Director: Mr. Jesús Sanz Vargas
• International: Mr. Luis Joyanes Aguilar
• Collaborator: Mr. Adrián Muñoz
• Secretary: Mrs. Maite Aranda, Mrs. Eugenia Pérez-Román and
Mrs. Ana Martín
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
Areas of application
of the
Geomatics in Congress
Ilustre Colegio
Oficial de Ingeniería
Geomática y
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
Some pictures from Antarctica where GSNCI develops its activities
1. Cryosphere and climate change:
The cryosphere is the component of the Earth system that
contains water in a solid state. Water in the solid state is in the
areas of our planet covered by snow or ice, whether land or sea.
It includes Antarctica, the Arctic Ocean, Greenland, Northern
Canada, Northern Siberia and most of the highest peaks of
mountain ranges.
Scientific and technical committee:
• Ph.D. Francisco José Navarro Valero (Principal).
Profesor Titular de Universidad. ETSI de Telecomunicación.
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
• Ph.D. Enrique Serrano Cañadas.
Catedrático de Universidad. Departamento de Geografía.
Universidad de Valladolid.
• Ph.D. Juan Ignacio López Moreno.
Científico Titular. Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología.
Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC).
• Ph.D. Marc Oliva i Franganillo.
Research Scientist. Centre for Geographical Studies.
Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território.
Univerisidade de Lisboa.
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
Areas of application of the
Geomatics in Congress
Areas of application of the
Geomatics in Congress.
Some pictures about natural risks where Geomatics is very present.
Geomatics as a set of sciences that make up the means to capture,
processing, analysis, interpretation, dissemination and storage
of geographic information, is an appropriate and essential tool
for risk management by providing spatial information to identify,
assess and evaluate the phenomena natural.
Scientific and technical committee:
• Ph.D. Emilio Carreño Herrero.
Director de la Red Sísmica Nacional.
Instituto Geográfico Nacional.
• Ph.D. Mauricio González Rodríguez.
Profesor Titular de Universidad.
Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental.
Universidad de Cantabria.
• Ph.D. Francisco Javier Sánchez Martín.
Consejero Técnico.
Subdirección General de Gestión Integrada del Dominio
Público Hidráulico.
Dirección General del Agua del Ministerio de Medio
• Ph.D. Belén Benito Oterino.
Catedrático de Universidad. ETSI en Topografía, Geodesia
y Cartografía.
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
Areas of application of the
Geomatics in Congress
2. Natural risks:
Some pictures of Earth observing satellites.
In this area of application of Geomatics are classical topography,
LIDAR systems, GNSS systems, ground penetrating radar,
remote sensing, photogrammetry, the UAV’s, bathymetry, etc ...
Scientific and technical committee:
• Ph.D. Israel Quintanilla García (Principal).
Profesor Titular de Universidad.
Departamento de Ingeniería Cartográfica.
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
• Ph.D. César Carmona Moreno.
Senior Expert of the European Commission at the DG JRC.
Coordinator of the Water Resources Management activities
in Developing Countries.
• Ph.D. José Luis Berné Valero.
Catedrático de Universidad. Departamento de Ingeniería
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
• Ph.D. Javier Ventura-Traveset Bosch.
Secretario Ejecutivo del Comité Científico Asesor del
Programa Galileo.
Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA).
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
Areas of application of the
Geomatics in Congress
3. Survey and land observation:
The Cadastre and land property in Spain.
Cadastral surveyors measure, mark and make maps of property
boundaries. Cadastre is a Latin word that means public record or
map for tax purposes.
Scientific and technical committee:
• Ph.D. Manuel Alcázar Molina (Principal).
Profesor Titular de Universidad.
Director de másteres en Catastro, Urbanismo y Valoración.
Universidad Politécnica de Jaén.
• Ph.D. Antonio J. Jiménez Clar.
Profesor asociado. Notario.
• Ph.D. Pedro Fandos Pons.
Director de Bases Gráficas del Colegio de Registradores.
Registrador de la Propiedad en Dolores (Alicante).
• Ph.D. Carmen Feminia Ribera.
Profesora Titular de Universidad.
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
• Mr. Fernando Aragón Amunarriz.
Subdirector General de Inspección y Valoración de la
Dirección General del Catastro.
Ministerio de Hacienda.
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
Areas of application of the
Geomatics in Congress
4. Cadastre:
Some pictures about geospatial information.
5. Geospatial information. Information, technology,
technological innovation, knowledge and
Large volumes of data capture, transmit, store, process and deployed by
numerous data sources, require a thorough analysis of all data related
to the Topography, Cartography, Spatial Data Infrastructures, Remote
Sensing, Geographic Information Systems ... the sensors, actuators,
smart devices ... all kinds exchange large volumes of data with each other
by setting the Internet of Things. The cloud stored in many data centers
deployed around the world all that vastness and data services through its
software, platforms and infrastructure, facilitates the interconnection of
Big Data and the Internet of Things, a new paradigm known for Industry
4.0 and in Spain, Industry Connected 4.0.
In the Commission it is promoting three new paradigms and seeks to
describe and analyze how they are being supported by the I + D + i of
Geomatics and Earth Sciences.
Scientific and technical committee:
• Ph.D. Luis Joyanes Aguilar (Principal).
Catedrático de Universidad. Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca.
• Ph.D. Mateo Valero Cortés.
Catedrático de Universidad.
Director del Centro de Supercomputación de Barcelona (BSC).
• Ph.D. Mario Piattini Berthus.
Catedrático de Universidad. Universidad de Castilla La Mancha.
Areas of application of the
Geomatics in Congress
This committee is focused on the study, knowledge, dissemination and
deployment of technologies for greater impact on Geomatics and the
Earth Sciences and configured so integrated future Fourth Industrial
Revolution, Industry 4.0 with the Spanish initiative of Industry Connected
4.0. These technologies consituyen triad Big Data, Internet of Things and
Cloud Computing.
• Ph.D. Mercedes Caridad Sebastián.
Catedrática de Universidad. Directora del Instituto Agustín Millares.
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
What is Geomatics?
Ilustre Colegio
Oficial de Ingeniería
Geomática y
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
Geomatics is a discipline that encompasses Sciences, integration and application of information technology and communication technologies (ICT). By the acronym it is also known GIT
(Geospatial Information Technologies).
This sum of Geosciences + ICT enables the capture, processing,
analysis, interpretation, storage, modeling, geospatial application
and dissemination of digital information or localized applicable in
the fields of engineering, territory and society.
We can say, therefore, that comprises Geomatics Engineering
a varied record of utility applications that operate between the
microscopic and the cosmic [of nanotechnology to the study of
Universe] and from barely intuited [electromagnetic radiation] the
realization, ownership and evolution of matter [real estate, works
and projects].
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
What is Geomatics?
What is Geomatics?
Geomatics in the world
Ilustre Colegio
Oficial de Ingeniería
Geomática y
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
Geomatics applications for the study of the earth.
Globally relevant recent United Nations initiative on Managing
Global Geospatial Information, known by its acronym in English A-GGIM (Global Geospatial Information Management), which
states lead the development of guidelines and promote geospatial information use to address global challenges. Thus, in “Future trends in geospatial information management: The vision of
five to ten years” clearly raised the prospects and needs of a
constantly evolving discipline, Geomatics, adapting to rapid technological changes and the new needs of the Company. This
document, published by the UN-GGIM in July 2013, stated that.
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
Geomatics in the world
Geomatics in the world.
The geomatics in civil engineering.
In Europe, the importance is recognized to Geomatics under
Directive INSPIRE (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe), which sets the general rules for the establishment of an
Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community based on the infrastructure of their Member States (Directive 2007/2 / EC). Under this directive, the “Reliable” or territorial
geospatial information has become an essential element for the
inventory and making decisions.
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
Geomatics in the world
This trend will continue in the coming years .... The proliferation
of inexpensive sensors, simple technology and network connections ... involve creating amounts of data. The creation of these
large amounts of data will require the ability to draw upon all of
them, and this need itself will boost the demand for geospatial
information, as people turn to the location to help find meaning
and identify patterns sea of data you are creating. “
Is there a market
in the area of GIT’s?
Ilustre Colegio
Oficial de Ingeniería
Geomática y
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
Geomatic applications using remote sensing.
The global geospatial industry is approaching 100 billion dollars
and is growing at an annual rate of 15%. The “E-Skills for Jobs
in Europe” study shows that by 2015 market demand 580,000
jobs in the sector information technology, a figure that rises to
1.3 million in 2020. Only in the United States, there is a need
Analysts of 1.5 million more to leverage Big Data. Precisely in the
United States has set a growth job prospects for experts in GIT’s
up 35% for the period 2010-2020.
When analyzing the possible use of GIT’s in the business we can
see that they are settling in areas where so far They have used
other methods of work:
Banking Sector: Facing the merger of banks, determine the
best positioned branches. I study potential market models.
Risk Study insurance management. Tracking investments
and results of the banking market in its territorial dimension.
Health Sector: Tracking epidemiological studies. Network
planning health care in relation to the population living in an
area. Analysis of the distribution geographic profiles of health of the population.
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
Is there a market in the area of GIT’s?
Is there a market in the area of GIT’s?
Geomatics applications in the area of GIT´s.
Logistics sector: Fleet management. Planning and optimization route. Determination of distribution centers. Positioning POS and analysis schedules collecting and supplies.
Control of shipments.
Telecommunications sector: Planning mobile network, coverage analysis means, etc…
Communication Sector: Sector Information for graphic
transmission to the desired sectors review public. Analysis
of the effects of campaigns publicity and promotion. Telecommuting, distance learning, leisure, entertainment information, etc ...
Franchise Sector: Finding new points sales, lead generation, etc.
Environmental Sector: For soil inventories or controlling
the rate of usage.
Sector e-commerce: To learn underserved areas products
and to sell them over the Internet.
Geomarketing: Geomarketing covers many facets traditional marketing (advertising, mailing, studies and market research, ...) incorporating analysis and spatial variability of
different characteristics customers, suppliers, franchises,
branches, etc ... It is a of niche markets with higher growth
in the last years. The use of techniques, tools and methods
spatial analysis to the study of markets is a growing trend
that offers lots of possibilities.
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
Is there a market in the area of GIT’s?
Why should you
be an exponsor at
Ilustre Colegio
Oficial de Ingeniería
Geomática y
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
1. It is the customer who visits the company to meet its products.
2. The spirit of the client who comes to your stand is receptive to
market developments. The client is available and compared
to normal sales process, no chance interrupt interest.
3. For exhibitors is accessed hardly leads accessible on the
traditional sales network.
4. You can make a full presentation of the product sell. See,
touch and taste is the key.
5. In a few days pass leads through the fair. This allows
business contacts that otherwise, It takes months for the
usual sales network.
6. The prospect’s willingness to meet the news, accelerate the
sales process. In short period of time a significant number
of focus potential customers in a small space that facilitates
7. The contact network that generates the fair is segmented and
qualified. About half of the potential customers contacted at
fairs do not require post visits to close a sale. Conversely, a
first contact at the customer’s address potential requires 4.3
media visits to close a sale.
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
20 reasons to come TOPCART
Here you can find
20 reasons to come TOPCART.
9. It is the ideal place to enhance the corporate image, loyalty
existing customers, penetrate foreign markets such as Latin
America and enhance pubic relations to the media gathered
10. Dynamic elements of activity are established commercial.
11. Potential buyers of a product or service used Congress to
obtain all necessary information on the purchasing process.
12. Statistically it is proven that participation in a Congress
increased the percentage of sales in the following months.
For 85% of companies, participation in trade represents
a significant cost savings by concentrating buyers and
suppliers of products and/or services one place.
13. From a marketing standpoint, it is considered a investment
to open new markets.
14. It tends to increase the percentage of sales to participation
in such events. Personalized sale is produced in a privileged
environment. The fairs are placed in Second in the ranking,
behind only direct sales, in terms of its influence on the
sales process. In 91% of cases, participation in fairs is a key
decision factor in purchasing decisions, being placed first
over other sources information (publications, associations,
directories, vendors, etc ...)
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
20 reasons to come TOPCART
8. A congress is the ideal place to introduce and promote new
products and services, due to the impact media will have.
16. Having a clear idea about competition: Who is and what the
position of the entity with respect to others. It also allows us
to meet the customers competition.
17. It is an excellent opportunity to identify possible suppliers,
subcontractors, representatives, importers and distributors.
71% of visitors share information obtained in the fairs with
1-6 people when they return to their companies.
18. Generate export opportunities. Fairs They provide access to
the international market at the best price and constitute a
real platform strategy internationalization of companies.
19. Fairs act as a differentiated marketing, with a policy of
global image, which can help to be given to known in foreign
markets. From the moment that a sale abroad, international
fairs can revealed as a strategic tool of promotion, sales or
market research.
20. In an exhibition of all the variables involved marketing. The
company presents to all visitors products, price, distribution,
advertising, your promotion and sales force, putting more
emphasis in any of these items, in accordance with seeking
to achieve objectives. The stand is a kind of Embassy of the
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
20 reasons to come TOPCART
15. The fair takes pulse of the market, see how they are our
competitors and reveals trends present and future. It allows
us to interact with others industry professionals to discuss
problems and talk new trends.
Other participants
Ilustre Colegio
Oficial de Ingeniería
Geomática y
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
X TOPCART 2012 Pictures.
1. Intitutions: Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN), Centro
Nacional de Información Geográfica (CNIG), Instituto
Hidrográfico de la Marina, Dirección General del Catastro,
Ministerio de Fomento, Ministerio de Agricultura, Ministerio
de Medio Ambiente, Ministerio de Economía, Centro
Geográfico del Ejército (CEGET), Instituto Cartográfico
de Andalucía, Instituto Cartográfico de Valencia, Instituto
Cartográfico de Catalunya, Instituto Cartográfico Vasco,
Cartográfica de Canarias (GRAFCAN), Comunidad de
Madrid, Generalitat Valenciana, Generalitat de Catalunya,
Gobierno Vasco, Junta de Andalucía, Junta de Comunidades
de Castilla La Mancha, Federación Española de Municipios y
Provincias (FEMP), Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Ayuntamiento
de Toledo, Instituto de Graduados e Ingenieros Técnicos de
España (INGITE), Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Técnicos
Industriales (COGITI), Colegio de Registradores de España,
Consejo General del Notariado de España, Consejo General
de Colegios Oficiales de Ingenieros Técnicos Agrícolas,
otros institutos cartográficos nacionales e internacionales,
ayuntamientos, consejerías, gobiernos autonómicos,
organismos internacionales, universidades nacionales y
2. Enterprises: ACRE Soluciones Topográficas, AEROLASER
Intergraph, I3DAT Consulting, InterGeo Tecnología, Geomapping.
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
Other participants in TOPCART
Other participants in TOPCART.
X TOPCART 2012 Pictures.
4. Countries: Argentina, Bélgica, Bolivia, Brasil, Canadá,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Chile, El Salvador, Spain,
France, Guatemala, Honduras, Italy, México, Nicaragua,
Panamá, Paraguay, Perú, Portugal, Puerto Rico, UK,
República Dominicana, Rusia, Uruguay, USA, Venezuela.
Visitors: 4.000
Other data of interest.
1. Cryosphere and climate change.
2. Natural risks.
3. Survey and land observation.
4. Cadastre.
5. Geospatial information. Information, technology,
technological innovation, knowledge and geoinformation:
6. FIG (International Federation of Surveyors) meeting.
7. CLGE (Council of European Geodetic Surveyors) meeting.
8. CODIIGE meeting.
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
Other participants in TOPCART
3. Internacional intitutions: Council of European Geodetic
Surveyors (CLGE), International Federation of Surveyors
(FIG), Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia
Forms of participation
as an exhibitor ,
or sponsor
Ilustre Colegio
Oficial de Ingeniería
Geomática y
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
The space for the Congress.
Book your space here:
Basic exhibitor:
5 full Congress invitation.
Invitation to the coffee break.
2 invitations to the gala dinner.
2 scientific posters in the exhibition.
An advertisement (A4 size) in the magazine during the year
Available commercially conference workshop presentation
of goods (1 living for 45 minutes).
Company logo on the conference website.
Free access to the VIP room (on availability).
Wifi internet connection.
Stand at the trade fair of 3m x 3m:
Frieze labeling.
Electrical connection.
Assembly and disassembly.
Price: 3.000 euros (+ VAT).
forms of participation
Book your space here:
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
The space for the exhibitors.
Book your space here:
Premium exhibitor :
10 full Congress invitations.
Invitation to the coffee break.
2 invitations to the gala dinner.
2 posters in the scientific exposition.
An advertisement (A4 size) in the magazine during the year
An insert (maximum 20 g, A5 size) in the magazine or
newsletter TOPCART or I+GEO during 2016.
Availability of commercial conference workshop presentation
of goods (two rooms for two presentations 45 minutes).
Company logo on the conference website and advertising
material for visitors (brochure and logo.
Roll-up in the reception area at the entrance of the
Free access to the VIP lounge (on availability).
Wifi internet connection.
Stand at the trade fair of 3m x 3m:
Frieze labeling.
Electrical connection.
Assembly and disassembly.
forms of participation
Price: 4.500 euros (+ VAT).
Book your space here:
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
Space for meeting rooms and workshops.
Organizado por:
Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Ingeniería Geomática y Topográfica.
Web congress:
Book your space here:
Basic exhibitor: www.topcart2016.com/expositor_basico.html
Display Premium : www.topcart2016.com/expositor_premium.html
Sponsorship of commercial workshop: www.topcart2016.com/taller_comercial.html
2 full Congress invitations.
Invitation to the coffee break.
1 ticket to the gala dinner.
Conference room availability in commercial workshop
presentation of goods (1living for 45 minutes).
Availability of space for 1 day in the COIGT stand.
Company logo on the conference website.
Wifi internet connection.
Price: 1.000 euros (+ VAT).
Book your space here:
XI International Congress of Geomatics and Earth Sciences
forms of participation
Sponsorship of commercial workshop:
Ilustre Colegio
Oficial de Ingeniería
Geomática y
consejo general
del notariado
+34 902 30 40 75

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