Sibley Star-Mar 2012


Sibley Star-Mar 2012
Dear Families:
Although bullying was once dismissed as an ordinary part of growing up, we now know that it is
an antisocial behavior that traumatizes millions of students each year and disrupts school life for
millions more. Bullying encompasses a spectrum of aggressive behaviors ranging from overt acts
of physical violence to far more subtle, yet equally destructive, patterns of verbal or relational
cruelty; and that bullying is often a common thread linking a school's most troubling issues, including suicide, substance abuse, increased absenteeism, and academic failure.
March 2012
Scott Sannes,
Attendance Line
The greater challenge for those of us working in schools is recognizing bullying. We would be
foolish to believe bullying doesn’t occur at Sibley Elementary School. That said, those doing the
bullying are savvy and many of their actions occur under the radar. The victims are masterful at
shielding their social-and antisocial-lives from adults. Moreover, although students know bullying
is painful, they often are not clear that bullying is wrong or preventable, so they do not report it.
Being alert and observant is critical, since victims are often reluctant to report bullying. Many
victims don't report it to their parents or teachers because they're embarrassed or humiliated by
the bullying. They may assume that adults will accuse them of tattling or will tell them to deal
with it themselves. Some victims believe there is nothing adults can do to get the bully to stop.
Naturally, bullies don't discuss their misdeeds with their parents or teachers. If their bullying behavior is reported and their parents confront them, bullies usually deny their involvement.
If the bullying occurs at school, then the main responsibility for dealing with it lies with those of
us working in the school. It's important, however, that the parents of the victim collaborate with
the school to implement an agreed-upon plan for solving the problem. According to Marlene
Snyder, Ph.D., if your child has been the victim of bullying at school, here are some suggestions
for reporting the problem to school authorities:
After talking to your child, but before contacting school personnel, write down the
details of the bullying situations reported to you by your child. Note the dates and
the names of the kids involved. Try to view the situation objectively and determine
how serious it is.
Your child may resist your involvement if he fears retaliation by the bully. If so, explain to your child that most bullying situations require adult intervention to resolve
the problem. Let him know exactly who you plan to talk to.
Contact school personnel for assistance in ending the bullying. First share the problem with your child's teacher(s), and work together to decide how to approach the
problem. If the teacher isn't able to get the bullying under control, go to the principal and make a formal request in writing (link to District form below) that s/he get
the bullying to stop.
Do not contact the bully or the bully's family directly.
Keep an ongoing log of the dates of any further bullying incidents and the actions
you take to help your child deal with the bullying. Inform the school of ongoing
bullying incidents.
Along with Northfield Public School Policy 514 we have a Bullying Report Form. I encourage
you to use this form if you suspect your child is being bullied or your child shows signs of any of
the following:
Appears afraid or reluctant to go to school in the morning, complaining repeatedly
of headaches or stomach pains.
Chooses an "illogical" route for going to and from school.
Has bad dreams or cries in his/her sleep.
Appears sad or depressed, or shows unexpected mood shifts, irritability, and sudden outbursts of temper.
Comes home from school with clothing that's torn or in disarray, or with damaged books.
Has bruises, cuts, and scratches, but can't give a logical explanation for how he got them.
Please know that Sibley Elementary School is absolutely loaded with excellent students who make great decisions every day.
These 5-11 year olds are going to make mistakes during their time here and we know that. Intervening early, gaining the support
of the families and helping students learn from their mistakes along the way is our job ~ together with families. Every child is a
work in progress and we thank you for your support as we move forward.
Scott Sannes
Queridas familias,
Aunque en otras épocas el acoso escolar entre estudiantes se consideraba como una parte típica de la infancia y adolescencia
ahora sabemos sin embargo que se trata de una conducta antisocial que traumatiza a millones de estudiantes cada año y que
afecta negativamente la vida escolar de otros tantos millones de estudiantes. El acoso escolar tiene muchas formas desde
conductas agresivas que van desde las más violentas físicamente a otras más sutiles, pero igualmente destructivas, conductas de
agresión verbal o en las relaciones personales. El acoso se asocia en muchas ocasiones a problemas graves en la escuela
incluyendo el suicidio, el consumo de sustancias nocivas, el no asistir a la escuela y el no tener buenas notas.
El mayor reto para todos los que trabajamos en las escuelas es reconocer el acoso. No podemos pensar que este tipo de acoso
no existe en nuestra escuela Sibley Elementary. Una vez dicho y admitido que existe hay que entender que muchos que acosan a
otros son listos y en muchas ocasiones no nos damos cuenta de que está ocurriendo. Las víctimas del acoso hacen lo posible
para ocultar sus vidas sociales y anti sociales de los adultos. Muchos estudiantes saben que el acoso hace daño y sin embargo no
tienen muy claro que el acoso es algo que es malo y que se puede evitar, así que no lo denuncian a los adultos.
Es muy importante estar alerta y observar lo que ocurre ya que las víctimas no suelen denunciar el acoso que sufren. Muchas
víctimas no se lo cuentan a sus padres o profesores porque se sienten humillados y con pena por culpa del acoso que sufren.
Asumen que los adultos les van a acusar de ser unos chismosos o que les van a decir que tienen que enfrentarse al acoso ellos
mismos. Algunas víctimas creen que los adultos no pueden hacer nada para que el acoso pare. Naturalmente, los que realizan el
acoso nunca hablan de lo que hacen mal con sus padres o profesores. Si alguien les denuncia y sus padres les preguntan sobre la
acusación de que están acosando a otro estudiante la mayoría de las veces niegan que acosan a otros.
Si el acoso ocurre en la escuela, entonces la responsabilidad de qué hacer sobre el acoso es de los trabajamos en la escuela. Es
importante sin embargo contar con la colaboración de los padres de los que acosan y la escuela para lograr un plan en común
para resolver el problema. Siguiendo a Marlene Snyder, Doctora, si su hijo/a es víctima de algún acoso en la escuela, puede tener
en cuenta las siguientes sugerencias de cómo denunciar el problema a las autoridades de la escuela:
Después de hablar con su hijo/a, pero antes de contactar con el personal de la escuela, escriban todos los detalles
de la situación de acoso que le cuente su hijo/a. Escriba las fechas y los nombres de los niños en cada situación.
Intente enfrentarse a la situación de una forma objetiva y piense en si es seria o no.
Puede que su hijo/a se resista a que ustedes lo ayuden por miedo a que quien le/la acosa le haga algo peor. Si es
así, explique a su hijo/a que en la mayoría de las situaciones de acoso es necesaria la intervención de los adultos
para resolver el problema. Explique a su hijo/a exactamente con quién va a hablar en la escuela.
Pónganse en contacto con personal de la escuela que les pueden ayudar a que el acoso pare. Primero comparta el
problema con el profesor/a de su hijo/a y trabajen juntos para decidir cómo hacer frente al problema. Si el profesor/a
no puede controlar la situación de acoso tienen que ir al director y hacer un informe oficial escrito
(vean la conexión por internet al documento a rellenar del distrito sobre acoso) para que el director pueda poner.
• fin al acoso.
• No se ponga en contacto con el que acosa o su familia directamente
• Escriba las fechas de otros momentos en que ocurre el acoso y lo que está haciendo para ayudar a su hijo/a a
enfrentarse a la situación de acoso. Informe a la escuela de las situaciones de acoso que puedan estar ocurriendo.
Junto con los documentos en Northfield Public School Policy 514 tenemos un documento para informar sobre el acoso del distrito
en Bullying Report Form. Les animo a que usen estos documentos si sospechan que su hijo/a es víctima de algún tipo de acoso y si
su hijo/a muestra alguno de los signos que siguen a continuación:
Su hijo/a tiene miedo o no quiere ir a la escuela por las mañanas, se queja mucho de tener dolores de cabeza y dolores
de estómago.
Elige ir y venir de la escuela por un camino que no es el normal para ir a la escuela.
Tiene muchas pesadillas y llora cuando duerme.
Se muestra deprimido o triste o tiene cambios de humor inesperados, está irritado/a y siente mal genio y mal humor de
Llega de la escuela con la ropa rota o descolocada o con libros rotos.
Tiene cortes, moratones, magulladuras y no parece tener una explicación lógica que explique cómo se los hizo.
Quiero que sepan que Sibley Elementary está lleno de estudiantes estupendos y excelentes que toman buenas decisiones todos los
días. Pero estos niños entre 5 y 11 años cometen errores alguna vez mientras están en Sibley y lo sabemos. Intervenir a tiempo y
temprano, lograr el apoyo de las familias y ayudar a los estudiantes a que aprendan de sus errores es nuestro trabajo junto con el
trabajo de las familias. Cada niño/a es una obra en construcción y les damos las gracias por su apoyo en nuestro trabajo en el avance
de nuestros estudiantes.
Scott Sannes
Traducción: Mar Valdecantos
Amity Intern Program
THANK YOU to Greg, Shelia, and Gavin Sumner for hosting Sara for the second trimester of the school year! The Amity program
isn’t possible without great host families! Sara will be living with the Casson family from February 22-June 1.
The second session of the Club de Español will wrap up before spring break. Information about the third, and final, session will be
sent home the last week of March.
All families are encouraged to get to know Sara and to show her what life in Northfield and in MN is all about! You are encouraged
to invite her to your home for dinner, to a sporting event, to a cultural event, etc. She is anxious to meet Sibley students and their
families! You can reach Sara by calling 612-839-1307.
Choir News - Holly Fischer
The Sibley Choirs are busy working on their new songs. Soon we will see who will have solos and who will be playing an
instrument to accompany a choir song. It's amazing to watch it all come together. Don't miss
our April 24 concert: Singing Together in All Kinds of Weather! Starts at 1:30 in the Sibley Gym
and 7PM in the MS auditorium.
Mrs. Fischer
Sibley Orchestra Update - Natalie Dimberg
Our All-District Orchestra Concert is coming up fast on Thursday, March 29th. It will take place in the Northfield High School
Gymnasium. This is an exciting concert; all orchestra students in grades 4-12 will be performing in their own ensembles as well as
a piece all together.
In order for this concert to be a success, there will be a rehearsal in the high school gymnasium prior to the concert. Students
should plan to arrive 15 minutes before their rehearsal time in order to unpack their instruments in their homerooms and to tune.
Following the rehearsal, students can participate in an optional pizza dinner. More information will be sent home with students at
the beginning of March.
Important times for the evening:
5:15--All 4th graders arrive and unpack/tune in Lower Cafeteria for 5:30 rehearsal in gym
5:25--All 5th graders arrive and unpack/tune in Lower Cafeteria for 5:40 rehearsal in gym
6:15--Pizza/bring your own dinner (for orchestra students only)
7:00--Concert starts!
It is important for students to arrive on time so that we can have our rehearsals and start
the concert on time. This really is a wonderful event, it is amazing to see and hear the
progress across the district as the students perform in their grade level ensembles.
Natalie Dimberg
Elementary Orchestra
Fifth Grade Band News - Paul Beck
The Sibley Band will rehearse at Bridgewater on Tuesday, March 6th at 7:15 AM with all other elementary bands that morning.
Please drop off your band student at the front door of Bridgewater. There will be a bus returning students to Sibley following
rehearsal that morning. Thanks for your encouragement of our young musicians. Regular practice is the key to successful playing of
a musical instrument.
Health Office - Jane Ehlers
There are often many questions about head lice. The information I use is from the Minnesota Department of
Health. It provides great information about Pediculosis (head lice).
Parents are encouraged to check their children’s heads for lice on a regular basis throughout the year.
Families should not depend on someone else to check a child’s head- this may delay treatment.
Facts to know about Head Lice:
Head Lice are about 1/10 to 1/8 of an inch long and make their home in human hair and feed on human blood.
They multiply rapidly laying small grayish-colored oval-shaped eggs (called nits).
Signs of Head Lice Infestation:
You can see the nits if you look closely. They glue to the base of the hair close to the scalp along the hairline at the
back of the head, neck and behind the ears.
They cannot easily be flicked off, like hairspray, gels or dandruff.
Persistent itching of the scalp which is sometimes accompanied by infected scratch marks or what appears to be a
How does infestation occur:
Direct contact with an infested person
Sharing personal items such as combs, brushes, other hair-care items, towels and pillowcases
Sharing clothing, headgear (hats, scarves, helmets, etc.), ribbons and other head coverings.
Treatment and Control:
Prescription or over-the-counter medicated (lice killing) product, such as creams (Nix), shampoos (RID, R&C) and
prescription drugs (Ovide).
Lice are usually killed within one treatment, however a second treatment 7-10 days is often necessary.
Nit combs are recommended because they do not just fall off the hair.
Clean Up: head lice cannot survive off the human body for more than 2 days.
Wash bedding in hot water (above 130 degrees F) and dry in a hot dryer.
Clothing or bedding that cannot be washed may be dry cleaned or sealed in a double plastic bag for 2 weeks.
Clean combs, brushes and similar items by
Soaking in medicated shampoos for 10 minutes or
Soaking in 2% Lysol solution for one hour or
Heating in water of at least 130 degrees F for 10 minutes.
Clean floors, carpeting and furniture by thorough vacuuming only.
Jane M. Ehlers RN
School Nurse
Sibley Elementary School
March 2012
1 Hour Late Start
∗ 7:30- 8:15 Spanish Club
∗ Student Council Meeting
Rm 137 (Gr 1,2–
Contemporary Students)
∗ 7:30- 8:15 Spanish Club
7:30 am-Haar’s Room
Rm 137 (Gr 3,4,5
∗ 7:30- 8:15 Spanish Club
∗ Field Trip– K+, Grade 1
Rm 137 (Gr 3,4,5–
Compañeros Students)
& 2 - Theatreworks performance, “Fancy Nancy
and Other Stories” 9:40
and 12:45-MS Auditorium
∗ 7:30- 8:15 Spanish Club
Rm 137 (Gr 1,2Compañeros Students)
∗ Band Rehearsal 7:258:15 at Bridgewater
1 Hour Late Start
∗ Conferences
∗ 7:30- 8:15 Spanish Club
∗ 7:30- 8:15 Spanish Club
Rm 137 (Gr 1,2
Contemporary Students)
∗ Conferences
∗ Conferences
∗ 7:30- 8:15 Spanish Club
∗ School Board Meeting
7:30 am in Room 142
Rm 137 (Gr 3,4,5–
Compañeros Students)
7:00 pm @ NHS
∗ 6:30 pm PTO Meeting
Sibley Media Center
∗ D.A.R.E. Graduation
No School-Spring Break
No School-Spring Break
No School-Spring Break
No School-Spring Break
No School-Spring Break
1 Hour Late Start
∗ All District Orchestra
∗ School Board Meeting
7:00 pm @ NHS
1 Hour Late Start
Rm 137 (Gr 3,4,5Contemporary Students)
∗Earthling Team Meeting at
8:30-9:30– Sibley Cafeteria
∗ 3rd grade River Bend
Nature Center Field Trip
Concert –NHS Gym 7:00pm
Mark your calendars for these upcoming events!
April 5:
April 6:
April 10:
April 12:
April 17:
April 20:
April 24:
May 8:
May 24:
May 25:
May 31:
Site Council Meeting - 7:30 a.m.
Student Council Meeting - 7:30 a.m.
PTO Meeting– 6:30 PM Sibley Media Center
Annual Beyond Words: A Celebration of Art and Literacy - 5:30p.m.-7:30p.m.
5th Grade Parent Meeting– 6:00 p.m. Middle School Auditorium
Earthling Team Meeting - 7:30 a.m.
Choir Concert- 7:00 Middle School Auditorium
Fifth Grade Band Tour Home Concert –2:30p.m. @ Greenvale
Fifth Grade Band Tour– All day
Field Day: Kindergarten - 3rd grade
2011-12 MAP Test Window:
Field Day: 4th and 5th grade
Spring: May 7-25
Fifth Grade Band Spring Marching Concert—6 p.m. Bridge Square
PTO News - Dana Murtha
March~ “In Like a Lion out Like a Lamb” I am sure most of us are hoping this is true of the spring to come. Beings that our
Minnesota winter has been like a “Lamb”, hopefully the Lion will not make a return.
Thank you! Gracias!
Thank-you to all the students and families who helped make our Magazine Drive a big success! We are over $16,000 in sales
currently with postcard orders still able to come in for the next year. Remember Sibley get’s 40% of sales. Sibley students and
families ordered over 1,000 subscriptions!!! WOW, we all will be doing a lot of reading and learning. The funds raised from the
drive will go towards a range of requests from staff and teachers to benefit the school and the classrooms. On March 6th (the next
PTO meeting @ 6:30) the PTO membership will vote on the distribution of these funds. We appreciate your time and
Movie Night: Dolphin Tale
It was a fun evening for all, a great movie and popcorn. A HUGE thank you to Anita Egge-Fischer for all her planning,
coordinating and organizing! Larson Ringlien was our winner of the “family movie night basket”, congrats Larson. Another big
thanks to our student council who organized the food drive and collected many items for the local food shelf. Thank you to all
who donated. And thank you to Matt Hillmann, Jasper Egge, Jackson Hillmann, Carol Myint, Deana Olszewski, Scott Sannes,
Chris Feldman, Dana and Pat Murtha and Anita for popping popcorn and setting up and cleaning up!
Kwik Cards:
As always, Kwik Cards are available in $20, $50, $100 denominations. Sibley receives a 10% profit on all sales. Contact Dana
Murtha at [email protected]
Spring Conference Meals:
Once again PTO will coordinate conference meals for our teachers and staff. There will be two evenings of meals, Thursday the
8th and Monday 12th. If you are interested in providing an item please contact Dana Murtha at [email protected]. Volunteers
are still needed thank you for considering.
*Next meeting March 6th @ 6:30 in the Media Center. Childcare provided!*
“One for Books” Loose Change Drive
During the Spring Scholastic Book Fair, the Sibley Student Council and PTO have teamed up
again to collect loose change for the “One for Books” program. The money collected will be used
to purchase additional books for classrooms and the media center. In addition, Scholastic Books
will donate one book for every dollar we collect to one of three charities aimed at helping children
(Kids in Distressed Situations, Kids in Need Foundation or the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation).
Last year Sibley students collected over $1500 allowing our school to donate 1500 books to charity! We have set a goal of collecting
$1500 again this year. Students may bring loose change into the classroom 2/29-3/13. If our goal is met, 50 students’ names will
randomly be drawn to throw a pie at Principal Sannes, 4th Grade Teacher, Becki Haar and Kindergarten teacher, Darren Lofquist!
Empty your pockets and piggy banks and join us in collecting money for books at Sibley and others in need. Any amount is
appreciated. Contact Sara Nielsen at 612-245-8515 or [email protected] with questions. Thanks!
Weather Emergency Closing Procedures
In the event that school is closed for the day, or a two hour late start is warranted, the following radio and television stations will
broadcast this information:
KYMN - 1080 AM-Northfield
WCCO TV, Channel 4; WCCO Radio and Paul
KARE TV, Channel 11 and Paul
KDHL/Power 96-Faribault
KSTP TV, Channel 5, Minneapolis/St. Paul
KMSP TV, Channel 9, Minneapolis/St. Paul
1. If a two hour late start is implemented (school begins two hours later than usual), bus pick-up will be approximately two hours later than the normal time. Morning Kindergarten and morning KidVentures will be canceled.
All School activities will be postponed or cancelled if there is no school or if school is dismissed early.
All Community Education events, classes, and open gym activities are cancelled if there is no school or if school is dismissed
early. If school begins two hours late, all morning Community Education classes are cancelled.
Please discuss with your student ahead of time what procedure they need to take (where they will be sent) when school is dismissed early. This will avoid confusion and added phoning in the office.
Green Team
March - Lights and Windows
As spring comes into view, and we have more daylight hours, we look at ways to save energy. Reminder – daylight
savings time begins on Sunday, March 11, 2012 – spring ahead one hour!
Energy Saving Tips:
• Use dimmers, motion sensors, or occupancy sensors to automatically turn on or off lighting as needed and prevent
• Close blinds to help regulate heat. If possible, install high efficiency windows, which are 40% more efficient than standard
• Use compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) in place of comparable incandescent bulbs to save about 50% on your lighting
costs. CFLs use only one-fourth the energy and last up to 10 times longer.
• Turn your lights off when you leave a room. Standard, incandescent light bulbs should be turned off whenever they are not
needed. Fluorescent lights should be turned off whenever you'll be away for 15 minutes or more.
Student Council News - Mrs. Haar and Mrs. Cooney
Thank you to all families that donated to the food drive at Sibley's Family Movie Night!
Just in time for spring break, student council members will be promoting school-wide dress-up days
for March 14, 15 and 16. More information will be coming home soon. Other upcoming events
include: partnering with PTO to promote One For Books and volunteering at Sibley's Beyond Words
event in April.
Art Room News - Karna Hauck
Greetings from the Art Room!
Around here everyone is gearing up for our annual Art & Literacy event entitled, Beyond Words. Mark
your calendars! The event is located at Sibley Elementary School on April 12th from 5:00-7:30pm and
we are expecting a great turn out, as always. Come, have some spaghetti dinner, and explore the wonder that happens when art and literacy come together!
Here’s what all the kids are doing in preparation for the event: Kindergarteners: “Peace To Me” Peace
Tree Drawings; First graders: Lovey Art; Second graders: Color Poem Paintings; Third graders: Garden Stacks and Flower Mosaics; Fourth graders: Carla Thompson Wood Block Paintings; Fifth graders: “Just One More Time” Accordion Books.
Art Donation
Needed in the art
Magazines and
old cookie sheets
Thank you for helping!
Good news! Sibley was awarded a grant from Northfield’s Healthy Community Initiative for an Artist
Residency to take place in March. Northfield’s very own professional ceramic artist, Colleen Riley, will
be joining the art program to work with Sibley’s 3rd graders to create clay “Garden Stacks” sculptures. We are very fortunate to
have her with us for 2 whole days working with these kids. She will also set up a station in the Skylight Commons area during our
Beyond Words event on April 12th, where visitors can watch her glaze her garden stack pieces and throw pots on her potter’s
wheel. Our 3rd grade artists are so fortunate to have this special learning experience with Colleen Riley this year!
Check out her website at
Mrs. Hauck
Northfield Public Schools Community Services
Youth Recreation & Enrichment... from Community Services
Community Services has many fabulous programs in March and early April for elementary school kids. Call 507.664.3649 or visit (Community Services link) to register or for more information. Scholarships are available.
Light saber Dueling Episode II (ages 8 & older)
6:30-8 p.m. F, March 2 in Longfellow Gym
Freestyle/Greco-Roman Wrestling (ages 5-18)
6-7:30 p.m. T & Th, March 27-May 10 in High School Wrestling Room
Family Science - Chemistry Crazy (grades 2-5 with adult)
10-11:30 a.m. Sa, March 31 in Middle School Room 221
Chess Club (grades 1-5)
3:20-4:20 p.m. M, April 2-May 14 in Sibley Art Room
Watch Me Draw (grades K-5)
3:20-4:20 p.m. T, April 3-May 8 in Sibley Art Room
Youth Floor Hockey (grades K-4)
Mornings (times vary by grade) Sa, April 7-28 in Middle School Gym
Physical Education-Andy Jaynes & Ryan Pietsch
Jump Rope for Heart
Sibley Elementary and the American Heart Association (Anne Case) are partnering to celebrate Healthy Hearts,
Healthy Minds!
We are proud to announce that it is time for Sibley Elementary’s annual Jump Rope for Heart event which will take place on March
26-30 in Phy Ed. By participating in Jump Rope for Heart, your child will be joining millions of children across the country in a
meaningful opportunity to learn and help others by supporting the American Heart Association.
Last year, our school earned a $100 gift certificate to purchase equipment to use during our Phy Ed classes.
What is Jump Rope for Heart?
Celebrates fitness, physical education, jumping rope and community service.
Donations collected helps the AHA fund research and programs to help those who are impacted by heart disease &
Provides your school the opportunity to receive gift certificates to purchase PE equipment.
Provides opportunities for your child to honor a loved one who has been impacted by heart disease or stroke.
Visit our school’s team page to register and support Sibley’s event. Donation envelopes
will also be sent home on March 15 & 16.
Thanks for your support!
Anne Case
Trash to Cash - Leah Garlie
Our next Trash to Cash contest will be in April so please keep saving your trash. Again, this is a great way for Sibley to raise
money. And, there will be a prize for the winning grade. We are also looking for volunteers to help count trash. Please let me know
if you are interested and would like to be added to the list of volunteers. We will let you know the dates and times that we are planning on counting and if you can help that would be great.
Below is a reminder of the items we earn money for:
• Box tops for Education (found on many products from General Mills, Betty Crocker, Ziploc, Kleenex brand tissues,
Huggies diapers, Hefty products, Hanes, and more …)
• Land O’ Lakes caps
• Kemps caps and proof of purchases
• Milk Moola caps and strips (please send in just the front side of the top of the bag, not the whole top – it cuts down
on the smell and the bulk)
• “Our Family” brand UPC barcodes (all barcodes start with 70253)
• Econo Receipts
• Tyson chicken labels (we need the whole strip not just the A+ part)
• Holy Land Brand Hummus
• Printer Cartridges
There are lists on top of the Trash to Cash bin outside the office.
Also, please remember if you have a Target Visa card, to declare Sibley as your school of choice. Once a year, Target will send
Sibley a check for a percentage of all purchases made. It’s easy to declare a school. Just call Target Take Charge of Education at
1-800-316-6142. We are looking for someone to coordinate or co-coordinate the Trash to Cash program. If anyone is interested
please contact Leah Garlie at [email protected] or 612-532-6863.
Beyond Words: A Celebration of Art and Literacy
Thursday, April 12, 2012
5:00-7:30 pm
Join us for a fun filled night celebrating art and literacy!
Poetry Café
Camp Caldecott
Meet local artist Colleen Riley
Marbling paper
$6.00 Pasta Dinner
Salsa Dancing
Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair will be held March 8-14 in the Media Center. This spring’s fair will be a luau theme and will once again
coincide with spring school conferences.
Book Fair Hours
3 pm – 8:15 pm (open during conferences)
8 am - 5 pm
3 pm – 8:15 pm (open during conferences)
8 am - 6 pm (open during conferences)
8 am - 4 pm
See for additional information. Contact Sara Nielsen at
[email protected], 612-245-8515 or Mary Madison at [email protected], 507-645-6389 with questions.
Media Center News—Mrs. Hehr
Here is a peak at what we have been working on:
Kindergarten: We read numerous nonfiction and fiction books about night. Students are using Microsoft Publisher to make an “I
see...” book about night.
1st Grade: In first grade, students used The Super 3 Research Process to learn about owls. They wrote and published nonfiction
books about owls using Microsoft Publisher.
2nd Grade: Second graders just finished researching landforms. We used to find our information.
3rd Grade: In third grade students just finished writing a friendly letter to a fairytale character. They learned how to format a letter, how to change the font, and how to insert clip art.
4th Grade: 4th graders are using The Big 6 Research Process to learn about states. They will use the information that they gather
in media class to make a project with their classroom teachers.
5th Grade: Fifth grade students are working on a research project using The Big 6 Process as well. They could select any nonfiction topic. Students are working on this project in both media class and with their classroom teacher.
Northfield Public Library News
LIBRARY BEACH PARTY - Sunday, Mar. 18th 1-4 pm Mini-golf, cake walk, wii games and more!
$3 TAB fun-raiser!
MAGICIAN Tim Freeland - Tues. March 20 at 1 pm AND Thurs. March 22 at 1 pm
**YES! Appearing exclusively at the Public Library for 2 days ONLY! ** Due to popular demand and limited space, please come to
only one show!
KNIT 1, PURL 2! - Wed. March 21 from 11-2. Come learn the basics or share what you know.
Open knitting/crocheting time for all ages! We will have some instructors, supplies and yarn. Bring what you have!
NO charge! Northfield Public Library 210 Washington St. 645-6606
KidVentures - Angie Callahan
KidVentures will be providing release day programming on March 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 for children in grades K-5. Release days
for the month of March will be held at Greenvale Park Elementary in the cafeteria and the KidVentures classroom from 6:30 a.m.
until 6 p.m. The cost for the release day programs is $30 if received on or before February 27, 2012. After February 27, the Release days will be filled on a first come-first serve basis at the rate of $35. Lunch will be provided all week!
During this week we have great activities planned, including a mini drama camp built into each day. Megan Proft will be spending
some time with the KidVentures group each day teaching them improvisation and fun theatre games. At the end of the week we
will have a little production to show our friends and family! Megan has acted and choreographed in over 30 shows, and has done
many theatre camps for children.
March 19: We will have many different relay races in the gym incorporating fun props like eggs! We will have drama camp, and
lunch from Subway!
March 20: We will take a walking trip to Northfield retirement center to play BINGO. After we come back we will have pasta and
breadsticks from Pizza Hut, and drama camp.
March 21: Children will create their own puppet show! We will have lunch from the Quarterback Club and drama camp.
March 22: Video Game Extravaganza! We will be playing fun age appropriate and interactive video games. Children can bring electronics from home (we are not responsible for lost or broken toys). We will also be having tacos and drama camp.
March 23: Fun with Photography! Today children will get the opportunity to take wacky pictures and see the results! We will also
be having pizza from Dominos and performing our production! Production time is 5:30 to 6:00pm. We hope you can make it!

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