Mary Immaculate Parish Bulletin


Mary Immaculate Parish Bulletin
Mary Immaculate Parish Bulletin
10390 Remick Avenue, Pacoima, CA 91331
Página Web/ Website: Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (818) 899-0278 Fax: (818) 890-9878
Llamar en caso de que un enfermo este grave (Call in case someone is gravely ill): (818) 400-3920
Office Hours / Horario de Oficina
Mon.—Fri. / Lun.—Vier.: 9:00AM - 1:00PM & 2:00PM - 8:00PM
Saturday / Sábado:
9:00AM - 12:30PM & 1:00PM - 4:00PM
Sunday / Domingo:
8:00AM - 12:30PM & 1:00PM - 4:30PM
Misas en Español:
Diario - 6:30PM
Sábado - 7:00PM
Domingo - 6:00AM, 8:00AM, 12:00PM,
2:00PM, 4:00PM (Bilingüe),
6:00PM, & 8:00PM
Días de Obligación - 6:30PM
Hora Santa - 5:30PM
(Primer Viernes del mes)
Parish Office Staff
Personal de la Oficina Parroquial
Romelia Preciado, Stephanie García,
Yuliana Mariscal, & Angélica Raya
Clergy / Clero
Rev. Cesar Bejarano, Parish Administrator
Rev. Walter Paredes, Associate Pastor
Deacon Jesús & Verónica López
Parish School / Escuela Parroquial
Mrs. Federina Gullano, Principal
(818) 834-8551
English Masses:
Daily - 7:30AM
Saturday - 7:00AM
Sunday - 10:00AM &
4:00PM (Bilingual)
Holy Days - 7:30AM
Holy Hour - 5:30PM
(First Friday of the month)
5:00PM —7:00PM
Lun.—Vier. :
5:00PM —7:00PM
English Baptisms
First Saturday of each month @ 2:00PM
Bautismos en Español
Sábados a las 9:30AM
Ministries / Ministerios
Religious Education Program / Educación Religiosa
(818) 899-0278 ext. 1014
Raquel Arroyo, Director of Religious Educa on
Brenda Padrón & Roxana Contreras, Secretaries
Office Hours / Horario de Oficina
Mon. & Tues. (Lun. & Mar.): 4:00PM-8:00PM
Wed. & Fri. (Mier. & Vier.): 3:00PM-7:00PM
Thurs.(Juev.) CLOSED / CERRADO
Saturday (Sab) - 8:00AM - 1:00PM
Family Catechism / Catequesis Familiar
Ricky & Johana Jones, Coordinadors / Coordinadores
(818) 899-0278 ext. 1012
Youth Ministry / Ministerio Juvenil
(818) 899-0278 ext. 1019
Confirma on, EDGE, LifeTeen,
Javier & Carolina Hinojosa
Youth Ministers
Lissette Villalobos, Secretary
Office Hours/Horario de Oficina
Mon.-Thurs. (Lun-Juev):
4:00PM – 8:00PM
Fri.-Sun. (Vier.-Dom.):
Marriage Coordinator
Juan Garcia
(818) 899-0278 ext. 1006
Mon.-Wed., & Fri. (Lun.—Mier. Y Vier.):4:00PM - 8:00PM Sat. (Sab.): 9:00AM – 12:00PM
Weddings are scheduled six months in advance
Las bodas se programan con seis meses de anticipación
R.I.C.A./ R.C.I.A.
(818) 899-0278
Carlos Ruiz, Director, (Spanish) ext. 1007
Cecilia Barragan, Director, (English) ext. 1001
Thirtieth Sunday in
Ordinary Time
Trigésimo Domingo del
Tiempo Ordinario
O c t o b e r - 2 6 - 2 0 1 4
2 6 - O c t u b r e - 2 0 1 4
¿Recibes la palabra de Dios con gozo, al igual que hicieron
los tesalonicenses? Su fe se reflejó en sus acciones. Se convirtieron en ejemplo para otros creyentes. La primera lectura
nos dice que pongamos nuestra fe en acción. Este pasaje es
parte de una larga lista de reglas que Dios impone a los israelitas para su observancia y para respetar su Ley. Dios nos
juzgará por cómo nosotros tratamos a nuestros semejantes.
Dios escuchará los llantos de todo aquel al que desatendemos
o maltratamos, y vendrá en su defensa. En el Evangelio de
hoy, los fariseos plantean la cuestión de la Ley de Dios.
“¿Cuál es el mandamiento más importante de la
Ley?” (Mateo 22:36). ¿Cómo es posible que él pueda elegir
de entre todos los detallados mandamientos que los judíos
observaban? ¡Sin duda que ofendería a alguien con su respuesta! Sin embargo, Jesús fue directo al grano. El amor es
el más grande de todos los mandamientos, el amor de Dios y
el amor del prójimo. Todo lo demás se basa en esto.
Do you receive the word of God with joy as the Thessalonians did? Their faith showed in their actions.
They became models for other believers. The first reading
tells us to put our faith into action. This passage is part of
a long list of ordinances God commanded the Israelites to
observe. God will judge us by how we treat our neighbors. God will hear the cries of any whom we neglect or
mistreat and will come to their defense. In today’s Gospel
the Pharisees put the question of God’s law to Jesus.
“Which commandment of the law is the greatest?” (Matthew 22:36) How could he possibly choose
from all the detailed commandments the Jews observed?
He was sure to offend somebody by his answer! Of
course, Jesus went right to the heart of the matter. Love is
the greatest commandment—love of God and love of
neighbor. Everything else is based on this.
Lunes: Ef 4:32 — 5:8; Sal 1:1-4, 6; Lc 13:10-17
Martes: Ef 2:19-22; Sal 19 (18):2-5; Lc 6:12-16
Miércoles: Ef 6:1-9; Sal 145 (144):10-14; Lc 13:22-30
Jueves: Ef 6:10-20; Sal 144 (143):1b, 2, 9-10; Lc 13:31-35
Viernes: Fil 1:1-11; Sal 111 (110):1-6; Lc 14:1-6
Sábado: Apo 7:2-4, 9-14; Sal 24 (23):1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a
Domingo: Sab 3:1-9; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Rom 5:5-11
Monday: Eph 4:32 — 5:8; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 13:10-17
Tuesday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 19:2-5; Lk 6:12-16
Wednesday: Eph 6:1-9; Ps 145:10-14; Lk 13:22-30
Thursday: Eph 6:10-20; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 13:31-35
Friday: Phil 1:1-11; Ps 111:1-6; Lk 14:1-6
Saturday: Rv 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps 24:1-6; 1 Jn 3:1-3; Mt 5:1-12a
Sunday: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11
Domingo: Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario;
Domingo del Sacerdocio; Día de la Juventud (E.E.U.U.)
Martes: San Simón y san Judas, apóstoles
Sábado: Todos los Santos; Primer sábado
Sunday: Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time;
Priesthood Sunday; National World Youth Day (U.S.)
Tuesday: Ss. Simon and Jude
Saturday: All Saints; First Saturday
“You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your souls, and with all your mind.”
“Amaras al Señor, tu Dios, con todo tu Corazón, con toda tu alma y con toda tu mente.”
— Mt 22:37
Parish Finances
Finanzas de la Parroquia
Regular Collec on for October 19 was $10,018.38
Wedding Banns
Felicitamos a las parejas que celebrarán su boda en nuestra comunidad
Congratulations to the couples that will celebrate their wedding in our community
November 16
Jaime Castrellon & Mayra Hidalgo
José Antonio Vázquez & Karla Lozano
What is EDGE? It’s way more than effective
catechesis. It's Catholic middle school youth
ministry that helps young people with life's
most challenging year. Edge is a fun, safe place
where teens can spend time with their Catholic friends. Where they
can get answers to their unanswered questions about their Catholic
faith. Where they can experience Jesus Christ in a profound, personal
way. And where they can feel like they are important to everyone
else in the parish. Edge invites all Middle School kids to the Edge
Life Teen is an international Catholic movement
that serves the Church and leads teens closer to
Christ by providing resources and training that
encourages vibrant Eucharistic celebrations and
opportunities for teens to grow in their faith. Life Teen invites all
teens in High School to Life Teen Mass Sundays at 4pm.
For more information about these programs please contact the
Youth Ministry Office at (818) 899-0278 ext. 1019
To the Winners of the St. Jude Fiesta
A los Ganadores de la Rifa de la Fiesta
de San Judas
Winner of the Grand Prize
Ganador del Gran Premio
2014 Honda Accord LX
Nallely Carrillo
Ticket/Boleto # 39729
Second Prize Winner
Ganador del Segundo Premio
11” MacBook Air
Luz Maria & Ulises Borja
Ticket/Boleto #42789
Third Prize Winner
Ganador del Tercer Premio
32GB Silver iPad Air Wifi
Ruben Kim
Ticket/Boleto # 63060
A Special Invitation from the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels
FEATURING the Duruflé Requiem
All Souls, or the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed, is a time to remember our departed loved ones.
Through prayer for our family and friends, we erase the distance of death and stand in God's presence with those who have
gone on. The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels will observe All Souls with a performance of Duruflé’s poignant Requiem
for chorus and organ. Frank Brownstead, Director of Music at the Cathedral, will conduct, with Samuel Soria at the organ.
The Evening Prayer and concert will be held on Sunday, November 2, 2014, in the Cathedral of our Lady of the Angels 555 W. Temple St.,Los Angeles, CA 90012. Evening Prayer will begin at 4pm followed by the concert. After the concert, the Choir will
continue the music in the Mausoleum as people visit their family and friends. This event is free and open to the general public and a free will
donation will be accepted. Tickets are not needed. Secure parking is provided at the Cathedral for $8.00. For additional information visit the Cathedral website at or call (213) 680-5200.
Did You Know?
Talk with your children about safety at the
school. “Back-to-school does not have to mean
back-to-worrying. Though safety inside school is
ultimately the responsibility of the principal and
school staff, parents can take a few basic steps to
ensure a safe school experience.” Talk with your
child about safety. Be specific. Talk about instinct
and paying attention to funny feelings of fear. Explain what to do if he/she doesn't feel safe (find a
teacher, call 911, etc.). Make sure he/she knows
how to contact you or a trusted neighbor who is
likely to be at home. For more information, please
¿Sabía Usted?
Platique con sus hijos sobre la seguridad en la escuela. “El regreso a la escuela no tiene que significar regreso a la preocupación. Aunque la seguridad adentro
de la escuela es finalmente la responsabilidad del director y del personal de la escuela, los padres de familia pueden tomar unos pocos pasos básicos para asegurar una experiencia escolar segura”. Platique con su
hijo/a sobre la seguridad. Sea específico. Platique sobre el instinto y poner atención a los sentimientos raros de miedo. Explique qué hacer si él/ella no se siente
seguro/a (busque a un maestro, llame al 911, etc.).
Asegúrese que él/ella sepa como contactar a sus padres o a un vecino de confianza que con seguridad
vaya a estar en casa. Para más información, por favor
El horario de verano termina el domingo 2
de noviembre. Por favor, recuerde de retroceder su reloj una hora el Sábado en la
noche antes de irse a dormir. Recuerde
que los dispositivos móviles cambian automáticamente.
El ministerio de jóvenes adultos "Jóvenes Para Cristo" de
nuestra parroquia, invita a todos los jóvenes solteros/as,
de las edades de 18 a 30 años, que sean parte de nuestro grupo, para que juntos hagamos crecer y compar r
nuestra fe católica. Nuestras reuniones son los viernes
comenzando a las 7:30pm en el salón parroquial. ¡Los
El Grupo Pro-Vida de María Inmaculada les agradece a todos que tomaron parte de la Campaña
Anual “Defendiendo la Vida” (la campaña de biberones). Si no han entregado en biberón les pedimos
que los entreguen en la oficina parroquial. Contamos con cada uno de ustedes para poder con nuar la misión
de salvar vidas. También estamos aceptando donaciones de
pañales, ropa (nueva) para recién nacidos y baby wipes.
La Misa del Pueblo—P. Luis Valbuena, OMI
La Misa del Pueblo ha sido cambiada
temporalmente a las 6am los domingos.
Tienen problemas en su relación?, Creen que su matrimonio ya
se termino? Han experimentado que el convivir como pareja día
a día es mas difícil y piensan que ya no hay nada en común o
que seria mas fácil que cada uno viva su vida por separado?
Han pensado en el divorcio como la única solución? El programa de apoyo Retrouvaille puede ser la opción para recuperar
su Matrimonio. Para mas información comuníquese con Adolfo
& Dora Rubio al (818) 367-4198.
Daylight savings time ends Sunday,
November 2nd. Please remember to turn
your clocks back one hour Saturday
night, November 1st, before going to
bed. Remember mobile devices change
The Pro -Life Group of Mary Immaculate thanks all who
took part in the Annual Campaign "Defending
Life" (Baby Bo le Campaign). We ask that if you have
not returned the bo le, please turn it in at the parish
office. We count on each of you to con nue the mission of saving lives. We are also accep ng dona ons of diapers,
(new) clothes for newborns and baby wipes.
Catholic Chari es of Los Angeles is asking for your
help in Welcoming a Refugee Family!
We live in a beau ful world of diversity, and as Catholics,
we are called to reach out to those in need and help them
experience inclusion and acceptance in the United States.
We are looking for posi ve, compassionate, and hospitable
parishioners to prac ce Chris an stewardship by:
•Dona ng food, household items, or furniture to welcome a
new refugee family to your community.
•Invi ng a refugee family to a holiday celebra on or dinner
at your home.
•Help a refugee learn English by ac ng as an English language conversa on partner.
•Engage in a cross-cultural experience that will make a profound difference in someone's life while also enriching
For more informa on contact Catholic Chari es at
(213) 251-3491.
"Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed
of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the founda on
of the world. For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat; I was
thirsty, and you gave me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you
invited me in." —Ma hew 25:34-35.
Platicas Pre bautismales Canceladas
Se cancelan las platicas pre-bautismales el martes, 28 de
octubre, debido a la festividad de San Judas Tadeo.
Disculpen cualquier inconveniencia.
Spanish Pre-baptismal Class Cancelled
The Spanish pre-baptismal class on Tuesday, October 28
is cancelled due to St. Jude’s Feast Day. We apologize for
any inconvenience.
Día de los Muertos Vigil, November 1st Vigilia del Día de los Muertos, 1º de noviembre a las 3 pm en el
at 3 pm at Calvary Cemetery, 4201
Cementerio Calvary, 4201 Whittier Blvd.,
Whittier Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90023.
Los Angeles, CA 90023.
The Catholic Cemeteries of
the Archdiocese of Los Angeles invite
you and your family to a special Día
de los Muertos Vigil on November 1st
at the Main Mausoleum at Calvary
Cemetery in East LA.
The fes vi es will begin at
3pm with tradi onal altars in honor of the departed, children’s ac vi es, folkloric dances and a special art exhibit. Mass will be celebrated at 5pm, followed by a candlelight
procession through the cemetery. The evening will close
with a Mariachi concert featuring a performance by Mexican
award-winning singer Miriam Solis. Food and refreshments
will be provided free by Vallarta Super Markets, Chago Tortas Ahogadas and El Gallo Giro.
Join the catholic community of East LA to pray for
the faithful departed and honor their memory in this beau ful and fes ve celebra on presented free by your Catholic
Cemeteries. For more informa on, please visit: h p://
Los Cementerios Católicos les invitan a una vigilia
especial por el Día de los Muertos en el Mausoleo del Cementerio de Calvary en el Este de Los Ángeles, el día 1º de
Las fes vidades comienzan a las 3pm con los altares
tradicionales, manualidades para los niños, ballet folklórico y
una exhibición especial de arte. La Santa Misa se celebrará a
las 5pm, seguida por una procesión con velas y un concierto
de Mariachi, con la presentación de la cantante Mexicana
Miriam Solis. Se ofrecerá comida y refrescos gra s proporcionado por Vallarta Super Markets, Chago Tortas Ahogadas
y El Gallo Giro.
Acompañe a la comunidad católica del Este de Los
Ángeles para orar por las almas de nuestros queridos difuntos y honrar su memoria en esta bella celebración gratuita,
presentada por los cementerios católicos. Para más información, por favor visite: h p://
Sadly, one of the most difficult reforms of the Second Vatican Council for the Church to
embrace has been one of the most thorough and beautiful: the sacrament of penance. Because it is individual and private, it has been difficult for the changes to take root. Sometimes a priest may be grounded in the earlier form, and at other times the penitent may
resist the priest’s attempt to blend in the proper texts and rituals. Perhaps because the new
form is almost identical in structure to the old, it has been difficult to institute. It may also
be true that with the liturgy in English now, it is far clearer that the Eucharist, too, is a
“sacrament of reconciliation.” It is certainly true that there are different skills and gifts in
ministry, and experienced penitents know that not all priests are equally at ease in this sacramental encounter. Sometimes a difficult experience can drive people away from a liturgy
that is spiritually rich and rewarding. Yet we know that one bad meal seldom puts people
off restaurants forever: the dinner gong tends to dispel bad memories, and so we try again.
Individual confession and absolution are for us both treasures and traditions. If you haven’t
been for a while, consider coming back to praise God for this gift of mercy.
Vamos a Reflexionar sobre la Palabra de Dios
Living God’s Word
It is difficult to love, especially
when we have been hurt by
others. Ask the Holy Spirit to
bring you the “fire of God’s
love.” Call on the Spirit to
deepen your awareness of
God’s love for you, shown by
giving us life and the gifts of
faith, hope, and love.
Let’s Reflect on God’s Word
Un cordial y fraternal saludo a todos ustedes queridos amigos (as) en el Señor
a nombre del P. Cesar y el P. Walter.
En este Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario reflexionaremos sobre el tema una “labor de amor.”
En la Primera lectura del Éxodo: “Si el pobre me implora,
lo escuchare, porque soy compasivo.”
¿Cuantas personas conoces que puedes describir con la
palabra compasiva?...
La segunda lectura dela Carta de Tesalonicenses: Por tu
bien, sabes qué po de personas te rodean…
¿Hay alguien a quien le debas tu graƟtud o tus oraciones?...
A cordial and fraternal greeƟng to all of you, dear
friends, in the Lord's name from Fr. Cesar and
Fr. Walter.
On this Thir eth Sunday in Ordinary Time we will reflect
about a “labor of love”.
The first reading from Exodus: "If the poor implore me, I
listen, for I am compassionate."
How many people do you know that you can describe
with the word compassionate? ...
Les damos las gracias a todas las personas, que a lo largo
de la fiesta en honor a San Judas Tadeo, que desplegaron
una labor de amor a Dios, a su comunidad, y a su iglesia.
Que el Señor de la vida, los siga bendiciendo con
abundantes gracias.
We thank all the people that throughout the Fiesta in
honor of St. Jude Thaddeus displayed a labor of love to
God, their community, and their church. May the Lord of
life, conƟnue to bless you with abundant graces.
The second reading from the Le er of Thessalonians: For
your sake, do you know what kind of people surround
you ... Is there someone who you owe graƟtude or prayers? …
En el Evangelio de Mateo: “Deberás amar al Señor, tu Dios, Gospel of Ma hew: "You shall love the Lord your God
con todo tu corazón, alma y mente.”
with all your heart, soul and mind."
¿De cuantas formas has expresado tu amor hoy? ¿Quienes How many ways have you expressed your love today?
son los beneficiarios de tu amor?
Who are the beneficiaries of your love?
Vivamos la Palabra de Dios
Amar es difícil, sobre todo cuando nos han herido. Pídele al
Espíritu Santo que te conceda “el
fuego del amor de Dios”. Recurre
al Espíritu para que te haga más
profundamente consciente del
amor de Dios por ti, que te ha
demostrado al darte la vida y los
dones de la fe, la esperanza y el
En tiempos pasados, cuando los fieles latinoamericanos se enfermaban gravemente se
mandaba traer al sacerdote para que le administrara los “santos óleos” o la
“extremaunción”. Nadie quería ver a un sacerdote acercársele con los óleos porque significaba que uno estaba por morir. Gracias a Dios, las reformas del Concilio Vaticano II han
regresado al sacramento de la Unción de los Enfermos su sentido original. Este sacramento es celebrado para todos los que tengan alguna enfermedad seria, aunque no sea de
muerte. El sacramento es para pedir consuelo para el enfermo y si es voluntad de Dios, la
salud. Este sacramento no debe ser reservado para preparar al paciente para la muerte. El
Apóstol Santiago, en su carta a los cristianos, nos dice que si uno de nosotros está enfermo
que llame al presbítero de la Iglesia para que lo unja con óleo o aceite santo. Y añade que
la oración hecha con fe perdonará los pecados del enfermo y lo sanará para que recupere
su vida cotidiana. Este sacramento, como todos los sacramentos, son para la vida, tanto la
vida cotidiana como lo vida eterna.
Word of Life — October 2014
Intercessions for Life
October 26th
For children awaiting adoption: May the Lord inspire loving
families to welcome and nurture them.
Palabra de Vida — Octubre 2014
Intercesiones por la Vida
26 de octubre
Por los niños que esperan ser adoptados: que el Señor inspire a
familias cariñosas para acogerlos y criarlos.

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