ReMa Renovación Matrimonial


ReMa Renovación Matrimonial
St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
March 27, 2016
Saturday, March 26
Gn 1: 1-2: 2/ Ps 104: 1-2, 5-6, 10, 12-14, 24, 35/ Gn 22: 1-18/ Ps 16:
5, 8-11/ Ex 14: 15-15: 1/ Ex 15: 1-6, 17-18/ Is 54: 5-14/ Ps 30: 2, 4-6,
11-13/ Is 55: 1-11/ Is 12: 2-3, 4-6/ Bar 3: 9-15, 32-4: 4/ Ps 19: 8-11/
Ez 36/ 16-28/ Pss 42: 3, 5; 43: 3-4/ Is 12: 2-6/ Rom 6: 3-11/ Ps 118: 12, 16-17, 22-23/ Lk 24: 1-12
9:00 PM
7:30 PM
Morning Prayer
Easter Vigil (Bilingual)
Sunday, March 27
Acts 10: 34, 47-43/ Ps 118: 1-2, 16-17, 22-23/ Col 3: 1-4/ Jn 20:
8:00 AM
Lucyann Cimino
9:30 AM
Tadeo Carillo
Ana Martinez
Ramón Urrego
11:00 AM
Nena Ayala
12:30 PM
Easter Mass
Monday, March 28
Acts 2: 14, 22-33/ Ps 16: 1-2, 5, 7-11/ Mt 28: 8-15
9:00 AM
Thomas Farrell - recovery
Tuesday, March 29
Acts 2: 36-41/ Ps 33: 4-5, 18-20, 22/ Jn 20: 11-18
9:00 AM
Berseus Arias
Wednesday, March 30
Acts 3: 1-10/ Ps 105: 1-4, 6-9/ Lk 24: 13-35
9:00 AM
Kevin Nolan
7:00 PM
People of the Parish
8:00 PM
Feligreses de la Parroquia
Thursday, March 31
Acts 3: 11-26/ Ps 8: 2, 5-9/ Lk 24: 35-48
9:00 AM
Thomas Farrell - recovery
Friday, April 1
Acts 4: 1-12/ Ps 118: 1-2, 4, 22-27/ Jn 21: 1-14
9:00 AM
Angelina Osuagwu
Saturday, April 2
Acts 4: 13-21/ Ps 118: 1, 14-51, 16-21/ Mk 16: 9-15
5:00 PM
Margaret O’Shea
Oliver Darcy
Sunday, April 3
Acts 5: 12-16/ Ps 118: 2-4, 13-15, 22-24/ Rv 1: 9-13, 17-19/ Jn
20: 19-31
8:00 AM
Eva & Anthony Pentola
9:30 AM
Ines Fuentes, Carlos Miguel Salazar
11:00 AM
Madeline DiPalma
6:30 PM
Danny Beichert
Ana Bauman
Arleen Ercole
Baby Alexandra
Bill Healy
Blake Givargidze
Dorothy Boe
Frank Vacaro
Giovanni Alvarado
Gloria Ostendorf
Joan Yavorcik
John Enright
John Schwarz
Joseph B. Kellen
Joseph Ingraffia
Josephine Anne O’Keeffe
Laura Lilley Yavorcik
Lauren Dittrich Bilyeu
Lucille C. Horn
Marge Haggerty
Marie Pichichero
Mario Monti
Mary Curnyn
Mary Meyer
Mick Ennis
Nena Ayala
Patricia Connelly
Ralph Gagliano
Richard Webster
Robert E. Lee
Robert Lilley
Robert Taaffe
Shari Morse
Sire Givargidze
Sharon Brunette
Tito Squeo
St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
Incl. Online
this week:
April 3 Misa de La Divina Misericordia
April 5 Bible Study, LBCRS
April 8 St. Monica Prayer Group
For more information, please call
our Rectory Office.
March 28 Rectory Office closed
St. Mary of the Isle
St. Monica Intercessory Prayer Group
Bible Study will resume
on Tuesday, April 5th
from 7:15 to 9:15 pm
Teachers’ Lounge, LB Catholic School
Five-week Course Study of
the New Testament with
Ms. Claire Schirtzer
2nd and 4th Friday of each month,
Starting April 8th, 2016
7:30 pm
Upper Room, St. Mary’s Parish Hall
All out children belong to God!
They all need our prayers!
Join us as together we pray for the conversion of the
world, by surrendering everyone to God, Our Father,
with help of Our Blessed Mother and the intercession
of St. Monica.
We would pray The Holy Rosary, The Divine Mercy
Chaplet, The Rosary of Liberation and other prayers.
Prayers would be bilingual (English & Spanish)
All Are Welcome!
For information, please contact Cathie at 516-313-3297,
Suzanne 516-547-8084 or Elsa 516-606-5732 (Spanish)
St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord
March 27, 2016
Long Beach Catholic Regional
School will be having an Early
Childhood Open House
on Tuesday April 5, 2016 from
7-8 pm
There are currently some openings
in our Kindergarten for the
2016/2017 school year, as well as
openings for both 1/2 day and full
day Pre-K programs. Please stop
by and see all the wonderful
programs that LBCRS offers our
youngest learners.
LBCRS will be closed
for Easter Recess
from Thursday,
March 24th through
Friday, April 1st.
The students, faculty and staff
would like to wish all of the families
and friends of our school a blessed
May the joy of Easter morning remain
in your home and hearts.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Attention Married Couples!
Spring into Love!
with a
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
This might be just what you’re looking for!
It’s time to renew your relationship.
Rediscover your love and enhance your hopes and dreams!
WWME is the original and still the best!
April 29 to May 1, 2016 @ The Montfort Spiritual Center
26 South Saxon Ave Bay Shore, NY 11706
June 10 to 12th @ The Seminary of the Immaculate Conception
440 W Neck Rd, Huntington, NY 11743
Space is limited. For more information about the weekends or to apply call
1-877-697-9963 or visit our web site at
St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
Dear Parents of our Faith Formation Program,
This Faith Formation school year has been amazing from the start. It is hard to
believe that we are already nearing the end. From our Elementary program to our new
combined MS program we have seen all the students flourish in their faith.
What we are finding most important is that the children are now looking for reasons to
be more involved in our parish and the surrounding community. They have taken Jesus’
messages to heart and have learned that living by his teachings is important. We have
seen in it in our young students by the way they treat each other and their Catechists
each week. They have learned that Jesus felt every single person was important and we
should always treat each other the way we ourselves would like to be treated. We have
also seen it in our Middle School students by their willingness to help people and
volunteer in our parish sponsored events; like sorting Christmas Gifts and serving parish
members during our Pancake Breakfast.
The students have all learned many things throughout this year….but most importantly
we are seeing many of the children and families at mass. At the heart of it all this is
always remember we are role models for our children, they learn from us first. What
they see they will emulate. If they see their family embracing their Faith each week and
attending mass to encounter Christ, their faith will surely follow suit.
Please pray for our students who are receiving the Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation in May.
Thank you for sharing your children with us! Thank you to our amazing Catechists.
The last days of classes are as follows:
Middle School:
8th Grade—April 17
2nd, 3rd 4th & 5th Grades—April 20th
7th Grade—April 18
PreK, K & 1st Grade—April 19th
6th Grade—April 19
St. Mary of the Isle Roman Catholic Church
Domingo de Pascua de Resurrección
27 de marzo de 2016
LBCRS permanecerá cerrada por receso
de Pascua desde el jueves 24 de marzo
hasta el viernes 1 de abril.
Les hacemos una atenta invitación
para que asistan a la Santa Misa que
celebraremos en honor de
La Divina Misericordia
el domingo 3 de abril, 2016
a las 3:00 pm
Los estudiantes, profesores y el personal les desean a todos los familiares y
amigos de nuestra escuela una Pascua
llena de bendiciones.
Celebrante: Rev. Hernán Paredes
Que la alegría de la mañana de la Pascua
permanezca en sus hogares y en sus
St. Mary of the Isle
Grupo de Oración Santa Mónica
Renovación Matrimonial
Segundo y cuarto viernes de cada mes,
Comenzando el 8 de abril, 2016
7:30 pm
Salón de arriba del escenario
en el Salón Parroquial de Sta. María
¡Todos nuestros hijos pertenecen a Dios
Y necesitan nuestras oraciones!!!
Únase a nosotros para rezar por la conversión de todos
los hijos de Dios, mediante la ayuda de La Virgen María
y la intercesión de Santa Mónica.
Rezaremos el Santo Rosario, La Coronilla de La
Misericordia, el Rosario de la Liberación y otras
oraciones y cantos. Las oraciones serán bilingües, en
inglés y en español.
¡Todos son Bienvenidos!
Para información, favor contactar a Cathie at 516-313-3297,
Suzanne 516-547-8084 o Elsa 516-606-5732 (español)
El Movimiento REMA:
anuncia su próximo
Retiro de Parejas
a celebrarse del 15 al 17 de Abril
en la Casa de Retiros
San Juan Bautista.
Para más Información llamar a:
Osvaldo y Mirna Zurita al (631) 578-0634
Rocío y Enrique Ortiz al (631) 374-5387
o Rosa y Jairo Gómez al (631) 553-5828