
Our Younger Set
POR Julia v Manolo
P. O. B. 257, Selden
telcfono SElden 2-607 1
H u n t i n g t o n —• Mas de 100 negociantes de la Villa y asociados se
reunieron en el American Legion
Hall el pasado dia 29 de Septiembre para que el Deparatamento de
Comercio del Estado de Nueva
York , diera el resultado de la encuesta de Compradores , conducida
en el Municipio la pfimavera pasada. Escucharon a representantes
de las Camaras de Comercio de
Patchogue. y Bay Shore, hablar del
cambio de norma de competencia
y de como olios estaban combatiendo el desafio. Despues de un
reporte aeerca de los centros de
compras p laneados en el area de
Huntington , los comerciantes entusiasticamej . te recibieron y tentativamente adoptaron un programa
de ut\ ano de relaciones yublicas . . . —
El Supervisor Robert J. Fl ynn ,
abrio el mitin , diciendo que estaba contento de que el Programa de
renovacion Urbana paso en el
plebiscito publico , debido a la actividad de los comerciantes de la
Camar.i de Comercio de la Villa.
El Supervisor comprometio su sopoi te a trabajar cooperativamento
eon los comerciantes y el Concejal
James Kell y, que estaba preaente
hizo su tributo a los comerciantes
por "conseguir el voto de renovacion urbana ". "Que hace una Ciudad?" , pregunto, y contesto el mismo; Los negociaii tes proveen los
generos y servicios que hacen una
Ciudad lo que es" . . .—
Mas de 2,000 miembros de 50 organizaciones representativas de
mujeres en el Munici pio , completaron el cuestionario . . . —
Los que escuchan la WHOM , "La
Voz de la Prensa ", ban tenido una
gra n alegria con la inclusion en
los programas, el titulado "Hoy en
Puerto Rico", producido por el
notable Caspar Pumarejo , que
cuenta tambien con los locutores,
Santos Nazario , Paquito Cordero
y Manolo Fernandez . . . —
La gran pintora Argentina Marga rita H. Vidal , tiene una exhihicion
de 33 cuadros en la Galeria Burr,
115 Oeste de la calle 55. Esta es la
primera vez que exbibe en Nueva
York , y despues expondra sus trabajos en Washington , D. C, en los
salones de la Union Fanamericana . . . —
Entre las personalidades famosas
de esta s playas, se encuentra el Sr.
Emilio De Torre , que tiene una
exneriencia de radio como News
Editor , Programas especiales de
la "Voz de America " desde el 1948
hasta el .1950, encabezando el
Spanish Service; estuvo en las
Naciones Unidas , desde 195 1 hasta
el 1950 encargado de Pelic.ulas,
Radio , Television , Noticias especiales y Programas para America
Latitia; Actu o con la WUUL desde
1950 hasta 1959. como Jefe de
Noticias y Programas Dramaticos,
Entrevistas, Acontecimientos . . .
etc y trabaja para Fox Movietone
con peliculas de las noticias del
dia , (Newsrecl), para America
Latina , para Paramount, M.G.M.,
es tan versatil , que lo mismo hace
letras de canciones, que actua ,
escribe , produce y como- breche
final , fue elegido 'por la Libreria
del Congreso para narra r y grabar
el disco "Platero y Yo", de Juan
Ramon Jimenez , Premio Nobel de
la Literatura en 1950. Hace traba-
arctic Machines
eel Chairs
ring Machines
tal Furniture
shing Machines
vn Mowers
dical Instruments
kinds of Welding
r and Carbonizing
jos singulares y particulares para
KCA , The American Stock Exchange , United Fruit Co., Creole
Petroleum Corp. . Stamlrd Oil ) .
Union Carbide , The Berlitz School
of Languages, The American Cancer Society, Pfizer, Squibb , American Cyanamid Co., Coca Cola ,
Pepsi-Cola , H e l e n a Rubinstein ,
Studebaker-Packard , Renault , Lederle , Parke Davis & Co., y tiaturalmente con gra n orgullo un sin
fin de trabajos para nuestro Gobierno. Tambien nosotros estamoorgullosos de que el pertenezca a
nuestra eomunidad . . . —
En Mejecio , el dia 1 de Octubre.
dejo de existir a consecueneia de
un derrame interno , la joven y
conocida actriz , Carmen Prieto.
que era carinosamente conocida
como "La Chula Prieto ", DEP.
El Sr. Antonio Suarez , de Cara
cas, Venezuela , que estuvo en
Brookbaven-Soutb Haven para ver
a su sobrina Sra. Francis P. Miller, y esposo e hijos , de Woodland Road , salio por jet , desde
Idlewild para volvcr a su hogar
despues de 20 dias entre pariente:
v ami gos . . . —
Carol Ann , hija de los Sres. Philip
Martinez , de Longfellow Drive
M-i.stic Beach , se bautizo en It'
Iglesia Catolica Apostolica Eomana 'de St. Jude , oficiando el Rev
I eo Klimas. Los padrinos fueron
los Sres. Brian Layne , de Brook
lyn. Despues de la ceremoma , sc
celebro una comida en el hoga r dc
los Sres. Martinez y bubo un bizcocbo especial inscrito con "Dio
Bendiga a Carol Ann ". Entre los
invitados estaban los abuleos paternos, Sres. Eduardo Martinez , de
Longfellow Drive; la abuela-tia
Srta. Theresa Kenned y, de Brooklyn; Sres. Gabriel DeLanocida e
hijo George, de Yonkers ; Sres.
Eduardo Martinez e hijos Rick y y
Linda; Sres. Donald Bull e hijo-Donald , Jr., Frank Henry y Nina:
Sres. James O'Reill y e hijo James ,
de Mastic Beach; su hermano
Phili p y su hermana Patrice . . .-—
Correspondiendo a la invitacior
personal de Julia y Manolo e hijo
Emilio , vino de Washing ton el Sr.
7. Carlos McCormick , Ejecutivo
Coordinador de los "National Viva
Kennedy Clubs". El Sr. McCormick
fue elegido personalmente por el
Senador Kennedy para la fundacion de estos Clubs, cuyo fin es
ensenar a los Hispanos y LatinoAmericanos, como inscribirse, registrarse y vota r, ademas de exp licates las ventajas que pueden
conseguir cumpliendo con sus obli gaciones de ciudadanos. Los Sres
De Torre dieron una comida en
honor del Sr. McCormick y lc
acompanaron a la estacion de
Ronkonkoma, en donde tomo el
tren para Nueva York , y desde alii
oontinuara su extensa e intensa
labor . . . —
Se celebro el miercoles 12 de Octubre , el mitin mcnsu.il del Averell
Harriman Democratic Club , Inc.,
de North Patchogue , y tuvieron
como oradores al candidate Demo.
cratico para la Asamblea , John J.
J. Jones, como siempre exacto y
prcciso, e l' conoeido locutor , Norman Brokenshire, con su acostumbrada calma e ingenio y el lidev
Pemocratico de Brookhaven Town ,
Doniinic , J; , Baranello, que hablc
con . gran fuego y razonamiento.
Debido ' a la ausencia del Presidente del Club, '.Sr'. 'James Walsh,
(su esposa dio a: luz a una nirta,
por lo qiie le felicitamos), presidio
el Fundador del club y ex-Presidente, Sr. Howard Rowland , Conceial del Ayuntamiento de Brookhaven . . . —
En la Patchogue Senior Hi gh
School , Saxton St., Patchogue, en
la noche del 13 de Octubre , tuvo
lugar un recital de Ballet Espanol ,
auspiciado por The Community
Concert Association. El conjunto
bajo el nombre de "Ballet Espanol Ximenez-Vargas", esta formado por los siguientes artistas:
Roberto Ximenez , Manolo Vargas,
Maria Alba , Ramon de los Reyes,
Lola Soler, Roberto Cartagena ,
Isabel Morel , Raymundo Granero ,
Carolina Vargas, Alonso Cnno .
Luis Rivera , el cintante Luis Vargas, pianis ^ a Nino Garcia , guitarristas, Emilio Bonet y Jaime Baron; el gruno es agradahle y llenn
de variedad y de colorido y . . .
Hasta la vista . . . —
tier of Monroe)
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Area Lutherans
Set 13 Rallies
As Open House
'So What Else Is New?'
When this picture was snapped at Southside Hospital , Bay
Shore, Charles Joseph Davis was exactly 15 minutes old ! Born
at 11:33 p.m. September 12, he was just in time for Hurricane
Donna. But the blustery gal couldn 't hold his interest , so when
he found there was nothing else in the way of news around , he
decided to take a snooze. He 's the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Davis, Jr., of 18 Spruce Street, Islip. His dad is a compositor
at The Patchogue Advance and his mom , Carol, was employed
at the Suffolk Count y Welfare Department in Bay Shore until
shortly before the stork arrived. Now she has quite enough to
do at home, what, w i t h little Charles around. There have been
three1 generations of printers in the Davis family and dad hopes
Charles will be the fourth.
Town Fathers
OK Renovations
At Quiet Session
For Building Fund:
Big Halloween Party Slated
By Center Moriches VFW
Roosevelt Raceway where Brookhaven Town has a large exhibit;
proclaimed the week from October
23 to 30 as National Flower Week
and proclaimed the week from
October 16 to 27 as Retarded Children Week.
The Brookhaven Town Board
met last 'week in a quiet session
reminiscent of the proverbial lull
before a storm. T h e
actions of the day were the passing of two resolutions, one allow ing for the renovation of the basement of the Town Hall where the
old jail and police department used
to be , the other for the renovation
of the tax receiver 's office.
The board adopted a resolution
to accept the plans and estimates
for the renovation and alteration
of the first floor , south wing of
the Brookhaven Town Hall. The
area had been used for a jail and
the old police department. According to Supervisor August Stout,
Jr., the renovation will- allow more
office space. He said that the program will cost the town between
$0,000 and $10,000.
The board also accepted the
plans and estimates for the renovation of the tax receiver 's office ,
Port Jefferson Harbor. The area
to be improved is the police
department' s offices and it wiil
be used as additional office space
by the tax receivers. The cost will
be between $9,000 and $10,000.
Acting as town trustees , iho
board passed a resolution to abolish
the position of Winter dock master
at Cherry Grove. On the advice
of the Cherry Grove Property
Owners' Association , the board
also appointed Robert Munnell as
Summer dock w a t c h m a n for liKil
at the salary of $800 per year.
Charles Barraud , superintendent of h i g h w a y s , reported that,
he has 25,000 feet of snow fence
available for the Fire Island
erosion program being conducted
by the civic groups on th e island.
He offered the fence to the board ,
represented in this matter by
Councilman John A. Young, at $.10
per f o o t . Mr. Barraud said that
the fence was used , but that he
had paid $.17 per foot. The proposal was referred to Mr. Young.
It was reported that the North
Patchogue Civic Association had
asked what is being done about
Clark Street. Mr. Barraud said
that the curbs on both sides of
the street must be installed at
the same time , after which the
street could be improved. He said
that it's a little late in the year
to do much work on the road , but
that he would see about contacting
Bennett Bros, and finding out
when they plan to put in the curbs.
In other actions of the day, the
board: Set two public hearings to
consider the regulating of parking
in Stony Brook and Lake Ronkonkoma for 2 p. m., October 25; reported that a greenhouse near Blue
Point was using a cheap grade of
coal arid creating soot for the
residents ; u r g e d everyone to
attend the Long Island Fair at the
Thirteen area rallies will be held
in connection with Lutheran Open
House , an evangelism effort involving 300 churches and more
.ban 100,000 Lutherans in the
metropolitan New York area the
week of October 30-N:ovcmber 3,
t h e mission 's directors, the R o . .
Louis C. Meyer ami the Rev. Clifton M. VVeihe have announced.
Moot Lutheran churches of Suffolk County will participate in
one of eight rallies to be held on
Reformation Sunday, October 30,
to i n t r o d u c e the week' s program
of intensive witnessing and worship.
The Suffolk County rally will
be held at the Long Island Arena
in Commack. The Rev. Leonard A.
Dale of Wichita , Kan., chairman
of the evangelism committee of
the Kansas District of the Luthera n
Church-Missouri Synod will be the
principal speaker. Time is (i:30
p. m.
During the week prior to Lutheran Open House , five youth rallies
will serve as a prelude to the
evangelism mission. The first of
these meetings, seeking to enlist
the witnessing potential of the
membership chairman ; Myron Hance, president;
church's young people , will be held
Councilman Howard Rowland, who spoke on
October 23, at Redeemer Luthera n
advantages of belonging to a political club, and
fersonian Democratic Club of Patchogue at a
Church in Seaford. Guest speaker
Jerome Sadofsky, town recreation commissioner.
meeting held at Patchogue Hotel Tuesday night.
will be the Rev. Norman L. Temme
Pictured from left to right are Bert Friedman,
~W. R. Goldfein Photo
of New York City, associate director of public relations for the
Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
Winsett, Grazieila , Sal Richards,
Evening services to be held in
tne incidentals and several others.
all 300 churches Monday through
After the show, dancing will reThursday evenings w i l l offer
sume until the Cinderella hour of
Christ-centered messages, hymn
midnight when the Halloween
sings , object talks for children , and
Queen will be chosen and crowned.
discussion periods , according to
i>he will be given her prizes conthe Rev . Mr. Meyer. Using the
sisting of wardrobes, show tickets,
theme , "Christ Invites You ," twoand other gifts. The Worsley ormember visitation teams will make
chestra will then play dance mucalls in the homes of prospective
sic of a romantic medley until 1
church members before the eveCENTER MORICHES—What promises to be a spectacular party a. m. at which time the party
ning services.
will take place at the Center Moriches High Sehool Gymnasium at will wind up.
8:30 p. in. October 29. The Veterans of Foreign Wars of Center
All proceeds will go to the post's
Moriches wi. 1 bring to Long Island , for the tirst time , the Al Worsley bui.ding fund to complete their
hall building.
is done at the Waldorf-Astoria in *
Partici pants for the Halloween
CENTER MORICHES—A West- New York each year.
Queen contest do not need an apIn making every attempt to and beauty and the winner will be p lication blank. All they need do
ern dance will be held at 7:30
p. m. October 29 at St. John 's complete the building as soon as
is attend the party in semi-formals
Episcopal Church Parish Hall possible, Commander Josep h Bon- following the cotillion , each of the or gowns escorted by a male parther
here on Railroad Avenue, spon- anno and James Hoyt have anner. Only one other requirement
sored by the church's Youth nounced that the building fund and will begin the dance as the which should be mentioned is that
medFellowship organization. Every- committee is going all out in getthe girls participating in the cotilone is asked to come in western ting the best programs available ley of beautiful girl numbers.
lion must be wearing gloves. The
attire. Tickets are available from for the raising of funds.
The orchestra will continue to escort must also be dressed with
The part y begins with a cotillion play dance music until 10:30 when necktie but not necessarily in forany member of the organization
or at the door. For information made up of some of Long Island's the show begins. The snow , a re- mals.
rail Charles Knight at ATlantic fairest teenagers who wiil be vue , w i i l star James I l a n r a h a n ,
Tickets are available from Cen1-8614.
judged for wholesomeness, attire , Will U. Able , Jim Filer , Betty ter Moriches merchants.
A memory nook of girlhood
dates and other happy occasions
could be rounded out to perfection with your choice of one of
the numerously styled wedding
invitations on display at The
Patchogue Advance—always at
budget prices.—Adv.
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