

Twenty-Seventh Sunday In Ordinary Time
October 4, 2015
Louise Tessandori 
Gilberto Romero 
Omero Fugetti 
Wayne Dexter Jr. 
Michael Boreale 
Roseann Agnew 
Jake Brown 
Louise Tessandori 
Louise Tessandori 
There will be an Adult Sacrament Class on
Wednesday, at 6:00pm at the Church.
Habrá clase de Sacramentos para Adultos el
Miércoles, a las 6:00pm en la Parroquia.
The Pastoral Council will have a meeting on
Thursday, at 6:00pm at the Church.
El Consejo Pastoral tendrá su junta el Jueves
a las 6:00pm en la Parroquia.
10th There will be a Mandatory Extraordinary
Ministers Meeting on Saturday at the Church
at 10:00am in English.
Habrá una reunión Obligatorio de Ministros
Extraordinarios en la Parroquia el Sábado a las
11:00am en Español.
11:00 Louise Tessandori 
Gilberto Romero 
12:30 Louise Tessandori 
Sunday Collection
Jon 1:1 — 2:2, 11; Jon 2:3-5, 8;
Lk 10:25-37
Jon 3:1-10; Ps 130:1b-4ab, 7-8;
Lk 10:38-42
Jon 4:1-11; Ps 86:3-6, 9-10;
Lk 11:1-4
Mal 3:13-20b; Ps 1:1-4, 6;
Lk 11:5-13
Jl 1:13-15; 2:1-2; Ps 9:2-3, 6, 16, 8-9;
Lk 11:15-26
There will be Diocesan prestations in four arieas of the
Diocese on the Encyclical: “LAUDATO SI”, to become
more informed about the Pope’s thoughts on the care of
creation and of the human family. The areias of the presentation schedule is as follows:
Sunday, Oct. 18, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at
St. Odilia’s Parish in Tucson
Sunday, Nov. 8 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at
Our Lady of the Valley Parish in Green Valley.
Sunday, Dec. 6 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at
St. Francis Assisi Parish in Yuma.
Sunday, Jan. 24, 2016 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at
St. Anthony of Padua Parish in Casa Grande.
by Fr Robert Kose, ofm Cap.
“An Invitation”
After mass Joe talked with his parish priest: Father, you
talk to us about the importance of inviting our friends to
church. When I was in the military service I had this
experience: My best friend, John, was Catholic but never
went to church. One year I invited his to come to a
mission that we were sponsoring. John always had an
excuse. Finally one night John came with me and had a
conversion experience that changed his entire life.
Even now, twenty years later, he thanks me for the
invitation to the mission.
Jesus tells us that the reign of God is like the king that
gave out wedding invitations to his son’s wedding and
how those invited had all sorts of excuses.
The Kingdom of God is like a banquet and God invites us
to share in it. Even though we are invited we do not
respond and so do not merit the gifts that God offers us.
The church constantly reminds us of God’s call through
the mass, the explanation of Bible and participation in
different groups the Charismatic Renewal, Marriage
Encounter, Youth groups and the Knights of Columbus.
Perhaps, like Joe, we have friends who do not respond to
the invitation that God gives them. As Christians we have
received the call of God that comes when we least expect
it, perhaps when we are really busy. It is very easy to
make excuses and not to think of spiritual dimension of
our life. God does not exclude us from salvation; we are
the ones who exclude ourselves. We reject Jesus and
not vice a versa. Today the Lord says to us: Everything is
ready. Come to the banquet that is prepared for you.
Are we ready to accept God’s invitation?
Vigésimo Séptimo Domingo Del Tiempo Ordinario 4 de Octubre 2015
Alamor Grupo de Oración
y Evangelización En El
Espíritu Santo y La Parroquia
Most Holy Nativity of Our Lord
Jesus Christ
Los invitan a participar en un curso de
Evangelización Católica. A tener un encuentro
personal con Nuestro Señor Jesús.
A experimentar una nueva vida. A renovar los
Sacramentos de iniciación Cristiana:
Bautismo, Eucaristía y Confirmación.
Cuando: 17 y 18 de Octubre, 2015
Dia y Horario: Sábado 8:00am y Domingo 9:00am
Donde: Centro Comunitario de Rio Rico
Costo: $20.00 (incluye las comidas, café, etc.)
Con la participación de Padre Francisco Maldonado.
El cupo del Retiro será limitado. Para reservar su
lugar, llamen a Amanda al (520) 980-6559
o (520) 281-8624 o a Paty al (520) 223-0769.
Regístrense antes del 13 de Octubre, 2015
después de las misas de los Domingos o con
alguna persona del Grupo Alamor.
United Hearts of Jesus and Mary
for a successful Yard Sale. $921.00
Funds were distributed to:
Capital Campaign– New Church— $500.00
Our Lady of Guadalupe Fund— $421.00
Please Pray For Our Sick
Ma. de Jesus Guajardo, Emilia Serrano, Jobie Riharb,
Josefina Flores, Alicia Castillo, Jose Espinoza,
Heriberto Espinoza, Ruben Medina, Robert Kaiser,
Bob Davis, Mary Jane Luke, Richard Valdez,
Carmen Romero, Santino Beach, Margarita Cordero,
Miguel Angel Chavez, Delia Baffert, Eric Villa,
Oscar Iribe, Monce Lopez, Laura Aumick,
Zak Ramos, Judy Greene, Brianna Munguia,
Julio Gonzalez, Sharon Schwartz, Raymond Gutierrez,
John P. Ramors, Manuel Angel Leon, Sofia R. Peralta,
Isabella Rose Simpson, Maria Gonzalez,
Jesus F. Romero. Andrea Preciado, Josefina Valencia,
Evangelina Rodriguez, Jayden P Alegria,
Concertó por las Vocaciones
No se lo pierda; sé que será una función muy amena.
Sábado, 26 de septiembre, 6:00 p.m. Placita de la
Catedral de San Agustín 192 S. Stone Ave., Tucson
Misa de Matrimonios
Renovación de los votos nupciales
Domingo, 11 de octubre
Catedral de San Agustín
Esta misa anual se celebra para las parejas que cumplen su 1.o, 10.o, 25.o, 40.o, 50.o o más numeroso aniversario de matrimonio. La liturgia será celebrada por el
Obispo Kicanas e incluye la renovación de los votos
nupciales. Las parejas que deseen participar deberán
inscribirse. Comuníquese con Pat Gerardo, de la oficina
de Servicios Pastorales, llamando al 520-838-2512 o
enviándole un mensaje electrónico a
[email protected].
Domingo 4 de octubre del 2015
40 Aniversario de la celebración
anual del Rosario en Arizona el
24 de Octubre del 2015
El evento se llevara a cabo en la Iglesia católica
de Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton localizada en 8650
North Shannon road, Tucson AZ 85742.
La celebración comenzara a las 10:00 a.m.
y terminara a las 12:15 p.m. Este año marca el 5º
aniversario en Tucson. El Reverendísimo Obispo
Gerald F. Kicanas presidirá la celebración.
El reverendo Dennis Billy C.Ss.R. Profesor de
Teología quien será el orador principal y viene del
seminario St, Charles Borromeo en el estado de
Pennsylvania. Para más información, llame a Al
Tucker (520) 825-1248, o mande un correo
electrónico a: [email protected], o
conviértase en un amigo en Facebook http://
Ministros Extraordinarios
De La Eucaristía
Habrá una junta mandatorio
con el Diacono Javier Fierro en la
Parroquia el
Sábado, 10 de Octubre
a las 10:00am en Ingles y a las
11:00am en Español