Paw Plans - Bend La Pine Schools


Paw Plans - Bend La Pine Schools
January 14, 2016
Welcome back to school! I hope you all had a restful and fun break with your families. Please see below for the latest at
Paw Plans
On February 8 – 11 police and fire personnel will be using our school to run safety drills from 6:00-10:00 PM.
They will be running different scenarios and using our building layout purposefully since there are several schools in
Bend – La Pine with the same layout. I was happy to hear that they wanted to use our facility. They will have a
strong knowledge of our school incase we should ever need them.
January 18
Martin Luther King Jr.
No School
3rd Grade Parents Needed – We will be piloting a savings program at Miller called Future Accounts. Future
Accounts is a district and non-profit organization initiative to get families to start saving for college/training
beginning when their child is in 3rd grade. We are in need of 1 parent per classroom to volunteer to help coordinate
our efforts. This person would be working with the parents in his/her child’s classroom to get them signed up for the
program. If you are interested please email me at [email protected].
January 21
Vision Screening for
K, 1, 3 5
January 22
Crazy Hair Day
If your son or daughter is in kindergarten you are welcome to join us on Friday, January 15 for lunch and/or lunch
recess. Lunch is at 12:20 and recess begins at 12:40. An adult lunch is $3.50. We are calling this Parent Play Day
and we will be inviting other grade levels each month during the school year. Parent Play Day is a great way to see
what your son or daughter chooses to eat for lunch and what he/she does during recess time.
February 5
Teacher Work Day
No School
If you pick up or drop off your child, please keep in mind that we have many parents doing this. If you pull up and
let your child out of the car, please do it quickly. If you need to get out of the car, please park in the lot and walk your
child to the building.
February 15
President’s Day
No School
Invention Convention is coming! Invention Convention is a Kinder – 5th event where students are asked to brainstorm, plan, and create a
prototype and poster for an invention that solves a problem for them, their family, our area or the world. Next week we will spread the word
to all the students through presentations in the wings. Kindergarten students will be working with the famous Mrs. Schlaich (a former Miller
teacher) to create inventions from recycled items as a learning activity. If a kindergartener would like to enter an invention in Invention
Convention they can do so working at home just like the other grade levels. Intent to Invent forms are due Thursday, February 4. Invention
posters and prototypes are due Thursday, February 18. More info to come.
Jen Healy
[email protected]
How to Reach Us:
W.E. Miller Office 541-355-2500
Inclement Weather 541-323-SNOW
Nutrition Services
Calling in Absent Students: If your
child is going to be absent, please call our
school office at 541-355-2500 or email us
prior to 10:00AM to let us know.
To report a student absent: [email protected]
Please include in email: student name,
teacher and reason for absence: ill, family
vacation, family emergency. Thank you!
Cafeteria Volunteers: If you could work
a day or two,12pm-1pm, please click on the
link below. Lunchroom Help Any questions
please contact Christina at
[email protected].
By State Law... We are required to send out
the opt out form for the SBAC assessment
taken by 3rd - 5th grade elementary students
in the spring, 2016. The form is attached in
English and Spanish. If you want to opt out
your child, bring the completed form to the
office at Miller.
Lost and Found Will Be Donated to
Charity on February 5, 2016:
If your child is missing a coat, lunch box, sweatshirt, gloves, hat, anything, please check our lost & found located in the middle hallway. All unclaimed items will be donated to charity on Feb. 5. Sparrow Corner: Our Sparrow Tree is up in the main office. Please stop by and take a paper sparrow that has an idea on what your child can do to earn community service hours to help our Sparrow. The office has extra community service vouchers if you need them!
Thank you Miller students, families and
friends for your donations! As a Sparrow
Club service project, Gabriel Keane
collected and donated over 30 bags of
clothing for The
Bethlehem Inn. They
were overjoyed that
so many people
contributed to this
effort. Box Tops for Education: Great job
bringing box tops in to Miller! PTO had a
drawing and 4 lucky winners
received a gift certificate to
either Leapin’ Lizards or
Emerald City Smoothie.
Everyone that handed in a total of 20 box
tops is entered in the drawing. Winners were
Jerry Noren, Drake Larsen, Sophia
Marchant and Lucy Poling.
Immunizations: Since students receive
shots at various times, please remember to
bring current immunization updates into the
office. Exclusion date is February 17,
2016. This is the date when all students
need to be current on their immunizations.
Monday, January 18, 2016
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
No School
Vision Screening: On January 21, 2016
we will have vision screening for all
students in kindergarten, first, third and fifth
grade. If you have a second or fourth grade
child that you want tested, please notify his /
her teacher. Screening will be done by the
Oregon Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation
(OLSHF) along with local Lions. If you can
volunteer (help organize students) please
contact Meredith Blackwell,
[email protected]
The OLSHF uses a harmless, photo screening digital device called The SPOT that
captures detailed information from a single
snapshot of your child’s eye, and objectively
checks for vision problems. This results in
less errors.
“Good eyesight facilitates learning in
school and development in general.” If you
receive a Spot referral, from the School
Nurse, it is recommended that your child
visit an eye care professional. Please call
Meg Moyer at 541-355-2500 with any
questions about the referral form.
If you have questions regarding The SPOT
Photo Screener please contact
[email protected]
Thank You From The
Office: Thank you for the
many thoughtful cards,
gifts and treats we received before the
Winter Break! Our staff is fortunate to have
so many kind families. It is just one of the
many reasons we enjoy our jobs at Miller!
Label Miller Spirit Wear: Many of our
students have Miller t-shirts, sweatshirts and
hats. These items all look the same! Please
label items with your student’s name so we
can reunite lost items with their owner. This
goes for ALL coats, sweatshirts, hats,
lunchboxes, etc.
U.S. Bank Kids’ Mini Pole Pedal
Paddle T-shirt Contest: Entries must be
submitted on white paper with colored
designs. The design may represent the
activities of the race: rafting, running,
obstacle course and biking. Kids from 1st
grade through 6 grade can submit artwork.
The only requirements of the design are to
include the following information:
1. U.S. Bank Kid’s Mini Pole Pedal Paddle
2. Bend, Oregon
3. 2016
4. The letters MBSEF somewhere on the
5. The artist's signature
Please include on the back of the design:
name, age, grade level, teacher, school,
home phone number and email (optional).
Entries MUST be received by 5:00 p.m.,
Friday, February 19, 2016, delivered or
mailed to:
Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation
563 SW 13th Street, Suite 201(corner of
Century Dr. and Donovan) Bend, OR 97702
Bend Elks Holiday Canned Food
Drive: Great job on the canned food drive
last month. We came in just shy of our goal
of 2,300 pounds. As a reward for the effort of
our students, we will have a CRAZY HAIR
day on Friday, January 22.
Educational Technology Parent
Group: Apple's recent update 9.2 has created
some problems with our iPads. Bend-Lapine is
working with Apple to solve the problems. 9.2.1
should fix the problems. Please bear with us and
reassure your child that most likely the update is
causing the problems.
Please remember that it is perfectly OK for you
as parents to define the rules regarding use or
non-use of electronics in your home. At this
point, most teachers are not requiring homework
to be completed with wi-fi access. So it is fine
to not allow use of iPads at home. Also, school
iPads are used for educational purposes, so
playing games on them at home is your decision
to allow or not allow.
Social & Emotional
Learning Corner
Learning Objectives:
Students will learn the importance of
feeling grateful and how it can impact their
Students will learn about how gratitude
for what they have can make them happier.
Students will learn to share their gratitude
for others.
Students will learn how kindness can
create a positive culture.
Please visit my website for more information
on lessons I am teaching.
~Jenny White
Friday, January 22, 2016 Crazy Hair Day
Battle of the Books News: The battles
will begin on Tuesday, Feb. 16 (the day after
the President's Day holiday). There will be a
new format this year! We are excited about it
and I plan to explain it to the students next
week during library classes - ask them to
explain it to you! We will be asking for some
volunteers soon! Keep your eyes peeled!
Here are 2 websites that have UNOFFICIAL
Battle of the Books questions:
To learn how to pronounce the author's names
from the author's themselves:
~ Cathy Brimacombe
January is Board Appreciation Month
Thank you to the Bend-La Pine Schools
Board of Directors for their time and
dedication to our schools and students!
Cheri Helt, Ron Gallinat.
Andy High, Julie Craig, Peggy Kinkade,
Nori Juba, Dr. Stuart Young
Information Nights at REALMS
For Prospective Students and Parents
REALMS Magnet School
Bend, OR
...Scholarship, Stewardship, Service and Community
An interactive and informational evening for families interested in learning
more about our educational approach where academically rigorous
curriculum comes to life through active learning.
Anyone interested in learning more about REALMS Magnet School for the 2016-17
school year. We strongly encourage families (this includes students!) who are
interested in entering the enrollment lottery at REALMS to attend one of these
Thursday, February 18th, 2016
6:30pm - 8:00pm Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016
6:30pm - 8:00pm
63175 OB Riley Rd. ( just north of Empire Ave.)
At REALMS, our mission is to foster scholarship,
strengthen community, and inspire stewardship through active learning. REALMS is a public magnet school within the Bend LaPine School District. We enroll a total of 150 students in 6th - 8th grade.
Admission is by lottery only. Applications are available in our office or on our web site.
Applications are due by Friday, March 18th, 2016 at 3pm.
office: 541-322-5323
fax: 541-322-5473
2015-16 Notice for Statewide Tests
In 2010, Oregon adopted higher K-12 standards in English Language
Arts and Math to ensure all students move from grade to grade with
the academic knowledge and skills necessary for success beyond
high school. Because we raised the bar for what we expect students
to know and be able to do, we have also changed the way we
measure student progress through our state tests, known as Smarter
How much time do the tests take?
The tests are not timed so your child can take as long as he or she
needs to fully demonstrate what he or she knows and can do. With
our new exams, your child only tests once each year, unlike our
previous exams which many students took multiple times. Learn
more about the estimated time your child may take to complete the
tests on Page 35 of Oregon’s Test Administration Manual:
What do the results mean and where do I get my child’s results?
Test results identify your child’s strengths and areas for
improvement in English Language Arts and Math. Each subject will
be broken into categories and will show how well your child
performed in each area. The tests measure student learning on a 4point scale. Your school will share your child’s scores with you at the
beginning of the next school year to help support your child’s
success as he or she moves from grade to grade.
Why does participation matter?
While no single test can give a complete picture of your child’s
progress, having your child take the statewide tests provides
educators and administrators with information about what
educational approaches are working and where additional
resources are needed. Your child’s participation is important to
ensure schools and districts receive the targeted resources they
need to help all students succeed.
o Challenge your child to think
critically and apply his or her
knowledge to real-world
o Go beyond multiple choice and
ask your child to explain his or
her answers
o Act as a snapshot of your child’s
progress and may be considered
along with other pieces of
information to determine your
child’s academic success
o Help identify schools and
districts that need additional
supports to ensure more students
are meeting higher standards
Smarter Balanced English Language Arts &
Math Tests
February 9 – June 10, 2016
Oregon Extended Assessments for English
Language Arts & Math
February 18 – April 28, 2016
When will my child take the test?
Your child will be tested once after he or she has completed at least two-thirds of the school year. Your child’s
school will determine the specific dates your child takes the tests within the statewide testing window above.
Talk to your child’s teacher or school principal if you have questions or want to learn more. Patience and
persistence will be required to help our students and schools continue towards success.
To learn more about what your child should know and be able to do in English Language Arts & Math: &
To view sample test questions:
To read more about your child’s results:
2015-16 Opt-Out Form
House Bill 2655 permits parents and adult students* to annually opt-out of Oregon’s statewide summative
tests in English Language Arts and Math by submitting this form to the school the student attends. The
school shall provide any student who is exempted from a state test with supervised study time while other
students are testing. Visit this link to learn more about House Bill 2655:
To opt-out of state tests this section must be completed by the parent/guardian or adult
Student’s Legal Last Name___________________________________________________________________
Student’s Legal First Name___________________________________________________________________
Student’s ID Number_____________________________________ Enrolled Grade______________________
Student’s School_________________________________________Date__________________________
Please indicate the state test(s) you are opting out of for the 2015-16 school year:
English Language Arts
To best support school district planning, you are encouraged to submit this form to your child’s school no later
than February 1, 2016. For students who enroll after the statewide testing window begins on February 9,
2016, you are encouraged to submit the form within 2 weeks of enrollment. This form is only valid for the
2015-16 school year. Parents and adult students are required to submit an opt-out form annually should they
wish to be exempted from statewide summative tests.
I understand that by signing this form I may lose valuable information about how well my
child is progressing in English Language Arts and Math. In addition, opting out may impact
my school and district’s efforts to equitably distribute resources and support student
Parent/Guardian* (signature)________________________________________________
*Adult students (age 18 and older) may sign on their own behalf and do not require a signature by a parent or
Parent/Guardian or Adult Student (printed name)____________________________________
Notificación sobre los Exámenes Estatales 2015-16
En 2010, Oregón adoptó estándares más altos de K-12 en Artes de Lenguaje
en Inglés y Matemáticas para que todos los estudiantes pasen de grado a
grado con los conocimientos académicos y habilidades necesarias para tener
éxito más allá de la escuela secundaria. Como hemos elevado el nivel para lo
que esperamos que los estudiantes sepan y sean capaces de hacer, también
hemos cambiado el modo que medimos el progreso de los estudiantes a
través de nuestros exámenes estatales, conocidos como Smarter Balanced.
¿Cuánto tiempo toman los exámenes?
Los exámenes no tienen límite de tiempo, su hijo/a puede tomar tanto tiempo
como sea necesario para demostrar completamente lo que él o ella sabe y
puede hacer. Con nuestros nuevos exámenes, su hijo/a solamente tomará el
examen una vez al año, que es diferente de nuestros exámenes anteriores que
muchos estudiantes tomaron varias veces. Para obtener más información sobre
el tiempo estimado que su hijo/a puede tomar para completar los exámenes,
vaya a la página 35 del Manual de Administración del Examen de Oregón:
¿Qué significan los resultados y dónde consigo los resultados de mi
Los resultados del examen identifican los puntos fuertes y áreas para mejorar
en Artes de Lenguaje en Inglés y Matemáticas. Cada tema se divide en
categorías y muestra cómo su hijo/a es evaluado en cada área. Los exámenes
miden al estudiante que aprende con una escala de 4 puntos. Su escuela va a
compartir las calificaciones de su hijo/a al inicio del próximo año escolar para
ayudar a apoyar el éxito de pasar de un grado a otro.
o Retan a su hijo/a a pensar
críticamente y aplicar su
conocimiento a los problemas
reales del mundo
o Van más allá de opción múltiple y
pide que su hijo/a explique sus
o Actúan como una foto instantánea
del progreso de su hijo/a y pueden
ser considerados junto con otras
piezas de información para
determinar el éxito académico de
su hijo/a
o Ayudan a identificar las escuelas y
los distritos que necesitan apoyo
adicional para asegurar que un
mayor número de estudiantes
están cumpliendo con los
estándares más altos
Exámenes Smarter Balanced de Artes de
Lenguaje en Inglés y Matemáticas
9 de febrero – 10 de junio de 2016
¿Por qué es importante la participación?
Aunque ningún examen puede dar una imagen completa del progreso de su
hijo/a, tomando los exámenes estatales proporciona a educadores y
administradores con información sobre los enfoques educativos en que están
trabajando y donde se necesitan recursos adicionales. La participación de su
hijo/a es importante para asegurar que las escuelas y los distritos reciban los
recursos dirigidos para ayudar a todos los estudiantes tener éxito.
Evaluación Extendida de Oregón para
Artes de Lenguaje en Inglés y Matemáticas
18 de febrero – 28 de abril de 2016
¿Cuándo tomará mi hijo/a el examen?
Su hijo/a será evaluado después de que él o ella haya completado por lo menos dos tercios del año escolar. La escuela de su hijo/a
determinará las fechas específicas cuando su hijo/hija tomará los exámenes dentro de los tiempos determinados por el estado.
Si tiene preguntas comuníquese con el maestro o director de la escuela de su hijo/a. Paciencia y persistencia serán necesarias
para ayudar a los estudiantes y las escuelas continuar hacia el éxito.
Para obtener más información acerca de lo que su hijo/a debe saber y ser capaz de hacer en Artes de Lenguaje en Inglés y
Matemáticas: y
Para ver muestras de las preguntas del examen:
Para leer más sobre de los resultados de su hijo/a:
Formulario de Exclusión 2015-16
El Proyecto de Ley de la Cámara 2655 permite a los padres y estudiantes adultos* excluirse de tomar los exámenes
anualmente del estado de Oregón en Artes de Lenguaje en Inglés y Matemáticas al enviar este formulario a la
escuela que asiste el estudiante. La escuela debe proveer a cualquier estudiante que sea excluido de un examen
estatal con el tiempo de estudios supervisado mientras otros estudiantes están tomando el examen estatal. Visite
este enlace para obtener más información sobre el Proyecto de Ley de la Cámara 2655:
Para ser excluido/a de los exámenes estatales esta sección debe ser completada por el
padre/madre/tutor o el estudiante adulto:
Apellido Legal del Estudiante__________________________________________________________________
Nombre Legal del Estudiante__________________________________________________________________
Número de Identificación del estudiante__________________________ Grado en el que está Inscrito ______
Escuela del Estudiante_____________________________________Fecha__________________________
Por favor indique de que examen o exámenes estatales quiere ser excluido/a para el año
escolar 2015-2016:
Artes de Lenguaje en Inglés
Para apoyar mejor a la planificación del distrito escolar, se le anima a enviar este formulario a la escuela de su
hijo antes del 1ro de febrero de 2016. Para los estudiantes que se inscriban después del 9 de febrero de 2016,
favor de presentar el formulario dentro de 2 semanas de inscripción. Este formulario sólo es válido para el año
2015-16. Los padres y los estudiantes deben presentar un formulario de exclusión anualmente si desean ser
excluidos de los exámenes estatales.
Entiendo que al firmar este formulario puedo perder valiosa información acerca de lo bien
que mi hijo/a está progresando en Artes de Lenguaje en Inglés y Matemáticas. Además, la
exclusión puede afectar los esfuerzos de mi escuela y mi distrito para distribuir
equitativamente los recursos y apoyar el aprendizaje del estudiante.
Padre/Madre/Tutor* (firma)________________________________________________
*Estudiantes adultos (de 18 años y más) pueden firmar a nombre propio y no requieren la firma de un
padre/madre o tutor
Padre/Madre/Tutor o Estudiante Adulto (nombre)_____________________________
January 14, 2016
Next PTO Meeting
Please mark your calendar for the next PTO meeting that will be held on
Monday, February 1st, 2016 at 9 a.m. in the Media Center. Everyone is
welcome. Please join us! For more information about our programs, or how
to contact us, please visit the PTO website or
“Like” us on Facebook at Miller Elementary PTO.
The Art Cart is Rolling!
We are getting ready to start our second Art on a Cart project, and this one
will require parent volunteers! This project will be led by our artist in
residence and is called The Living Map. Students will be creating pieces of
art relating to how they connect to the natural world around them by
combining visual storytelling, poetry and photography. Grades 1&2 will be
creating paintings, grades 2&3 will be taking photographs and grades 4&5
will be creating short films, all talking about how they connect to the natural
world around them. These pieces will then be digitized and added to a map of
Bend and displayed in the halls at Miller. QR codes will be added so parents
can access and enjoy their students' work. The goal of this project is to teach
the kids how to use technology to create art, express one’s self and connect
deeper to the natural world.
We need to have at least one volunteer per class (preferably more) attend the
volunteer training session. The training will teach the parent volunteers how
to do the voice recordings that will complement the student's art pieces. The
date of the training is Monday, January 25 at 9:00am in the media
center. There will also be a make-up training the next day, Tuesday the 26th
at 2:00pm in the conference room, but our hope is that the majority of volunteers will come to the first training session. If you have any questions, please
email Katy Bowles at [email protected] or Kim Hill at
[email protected].
Dishwasher Volunteers Needed
Since the kitchen is open every day of school, we are in need of volunteers
every single school day. No experience necessary, on-the-job training. If you
are interested in helping in the kitchen, please go to the Miller Elementary
website, scroll down the right-hand side and click the "Lunch Helper" tab.
Ronald McDonald House Community Service
Our service project in December was such a huge success we have signed up
to do it again. Our next volunteer time is February 20th from 1-3pm. We
will cook a meal with food that we provide, clean and do any other projects
that RMH needs done. If you are interested in donating food or money for
the meal or if you would like to volunteer at the Ronald McDonald house
please email [email protected].
Volunteers needed for Student Store
Our student store will be open during lunchtime twice a month, once for
grades K-2 and once for grades 3-5. If you are interested in helping please
click on the link below and sign up for a date that works for you. You can
also email [email protected] with questions.
Student Store Volunteer Sign Up Link
Box Top Collection
We are looking for a volunteer to collect Box Tops once a week 8:308:50am. If you are interested please contact Judy Ashby at
[email protected]
November/December Box Top Winners! Congratulations to:
Jerry Noren, Drake Larsen, Sophia Marchant, and Lucy Poling. Each winner
received a gift card to a local store.
Miller Swag on sale soon!
The online Miller store will be open Feb 1st - Feb. 14th. Items will be
delivered to school the week of March 7th. A link to the website will be sent
out a few days before the first day of the sale.
Tax Receipts for MAD donations
Tax receipts for all Making a Difference for Miller donations were mailed
out last week. If you do not receive yours by January 31st, please email Judy
at [email protected]
The Miller Elementary PTO would like to thank the following
business that has supported our 2015-16
Making a Difference (MAD) for Miller fundraising campaign:
!"#$%& *
Stellar Realty Northwest
Founded on the principles of trust and honesty, Stellar Realty Northwest emphasizes the importance of having the integrity to do the
right thing, which means always putting our clients’ needs first. We believe our success is ultimately determined by the legacy we
leave with each client we serve.
We understand that buying or selling a home can be stressful. (And emotional. And scary. And exciting.) Our number one goal is to
successfully guide and advise you through the entire process using skillful negotiation and plain language, making one of the biggest
decisions of your life as smooth and stress free as possible.
From first time home buyers to seasoned investors, we treat each client with the same patience, dignity and respect they deserve.
About Us:
We are a boutique brokerage of 15 (and growing!) with a modern, fun office located next door to Cascade Lakes Brewery.
For more information or help with any of your real estate needs, please contact:
Kira Marchant
phone: 541-383-5969
email: [email protected]
The Miller Elementary PTO would like to thank the following
business that has supported our 2015-16
Making a Difference (MAD) for Miller fundraising campaign:
!"#$%& *
Founded in 1994, Cascade Lakes Brewing Company began as a small scale brewing facility in an
airport industrial zone in Redmond, Oregon Fast forward 22 years and operations have expanded to
include a new state of the art brewing facility and two restaurants in Central Oregon; Seventh Street
Brew House in Redmond and Cascade Lakes Lodge in Bend. Both of these restaurants pride
themselves on being family friendly and involved in our local communities. Delicious food and
drink, multiple televisions and nonprofit weekly bingo fundraisers are just a few ways that Cascade
Lakes likes to keep the community involved in its pubs! Next time you are out and about looking for
a place to eat please swing by one of our places for a good time with some of your neighbors.
The Miller Elementary PTO would like to thank the following
business that has supported our 2015-16
Making a Difference (MAD) for Miller fundraising campaign:
Hands On Physical Therapy is a progressive Outpatient Physical Therapy clinic that has been
treating patients of all ages in Bend, OR since we relocated here in 2005.
Practicing since 1992, owner’s Steve and Lisa Leary have a special place in their hearts and practice
for the pediatric population. With 3 active children of their own, two of which attend Miller
Elementary, they are more than aware of the multitude of injuries and “growing pains” that children
can have which often respond well to Physical Therapy treatment. Common ailments might
include: Knee issues and pain such as Chondromalacia Patella or Osgood Schlatter; Ankle pain,
strains and sprains; Foot pain including Plantar Fasciitis, Turf Toe and issues with the arches of the
foot, Achilles Tendonitis; Posture issues including Scoliosis.
Our goal is to not only relieve the pain of the immediate injury, but to address the mechanics of the
whole body to help prevent re-occurrence or future related problems.
If you or your child needs Physical Therapy please consider Hands On Physical Therapy.
(541) 312-2252 or
!"#$%& *

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