April- Transportation Nation


April- Transportation Nation
¡Transportation Nation: Invent Something With Wheels!
¡Natión de Transportación: Inveta Algo con Ruedas!
As busy parents, teachers and niños, we are all constantly on the move! Wheels help us to get
from point A to point B every single day. From strollers to bicycles to cars, wheels are integral in
transporting us! We observe how wheels roll, stop and go everyday and will use our
observations to create our own inventions that incorporate wheels. By the end of April, we will
have created our own wheeled inventions. Who knows? Perhaps we will race a few of them!
During our Transporation Nation Unit, students will:
- Demonstrate travelling skills
- Demonstrate fine motor strength and coordination
- Listen to and understands increasingly complex language
- Explore and investigate ways to make something happen
- Plan and pursue a variety of appropriately challenging tasks
- Use number concept and operations
- Explore and describe spatial relationships and shapes
- Compare and measure
- Demonstrate knowledge of patterns
- Use scientific inquiry skills
- Use tools and other technology to perform tasks
Ruedas- wheels
Autobús- bus
Avión- plane
Coche- car
Tren- train
Metro- subway
Carrito- stroller
Bicicleta- bicycle
Moto- motorcycle
A pie- by foot
Taxi- taxi
Vagon- wagon
Camión- truck
Viajar- to travel
Correr- to run
Caminar- to walk
Conducir- to drive
Construir- to build
Movimiento- movement
Subir- to go up
Bajar- to go down
Pequeño- small
Grande- big

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