Bulletin Week 2a.pub - Notre Dame Catholic Church


Bulletin Week 2a.pub - Notre Dame Catholic Church
The vision of Notre Dame Catholic Church is to glorify God by being a
faithful, inclusive community who, in the name of Jesus Christ, enables
all to grow in their relationship with God and with
one another through witness, worship and service.
(Corner of Water & Washington Street)
Kerrville, TX. 78028
Pastoral Center: 909 Main Str eet
Office Hours: 8:00am-5:00pm
(Closed between 12N-1:00pm)
Phone:(830)257-5961 Fax:(830)895-9771
Website: www.notr edamechur ch.cc
Social Center:(830)257-1929
Faith Formation: (830)896-4233
School: (830)257-6707
April 10, 2016
SUNDAY: 7:45 am, 9:15 am (Spanish), 11:00 am, 5:00 pm
WEEKDAYS: Please r efer to the inside of the bulletin for the Mass times
RITE OF RECONCILIATION: Satur day – 3:30 - 4:45 pm
MARRIAGES: Please consult the pastor 6 months in advance.
QUINCEAÑERAS: Please call the Pastor al Center 6 months in advance.
BAPTISMS: Call the YFM office to make an appointment at 896-4233.
Reverend Monsignor Michael J. Boulette
Reverend Scott Janysek
Parochial Vicar
Deacon Daniel Arriaga
Deacon Alfredo (Jimmy) Bill, Jr.
Hispanic Ministry
Deacon Charles Domingues
Deacon Raul Gutierrez
Deacon Harold (Sonny) Kaufhold
Deacon Juan Martinez
Dwayne Mosser
Business Manager
Eva Bill
Parish Secretary
Tracy Gourley
Financial Associate
Dorothy Cass
Director of Liturgy/Music Ministries
Marta Mata
Liturgy Secretary
Coord. Families & Children
Dianne Albrecht
Coord. Adults
Alma Cruz-Gonzales
Coord. Families & Children/Hispanic Ministry
Denise Jenschke
Coord. Cathechesis of the Good Shepherd & First Eucharist Prep.
Wyatt Wentrcek
Coord. of Youth Ministry
Nelda Bill
Secretary/Baptism Coordinator
Marlin Marcum
Irene Alcorta
Michelle Coldwell
Debbie Mossman
Mark Ince
Third Sunday
of Easter
April 10, 2016
Silver and Gold
What I Have I Give to You (Acts 3:6)
Acts 6:8-15; Ps 119:23-24,
26-27, 29-30; Jn 6:22-29
Acts 7:51 — 8:1a; Ps
31:3cd-4, 6, 7b, 8a, 17,
21ab; Jn 6:30-35
Acts 8:1b-8; Ps 66:1-3a, 47a; Jn 6:35-40
Acts 8:26-40; Ps 66:8-9, 16
-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51
Acts 9:1-20; Ps 117:1bc, 2;
Jn 6:52-59
Acts 9:31-42; Ps 116:1217; Jn 6:60-69
Acts 13:14, 43-52; Ps 100:1
-3, 5;
Rv 7:9, 14b-17; Jn 10:2730
Easter Greetings in the Lord!
Scriptural Post-Resurrection stories often portray disciples belatedly recognizing Jesus.
Christian folklore also tells of folks desirous of encountering Jesus but not recognizing
Him “disguised” as the poor, the leper, the child, or a strange wayfarer – until later
reflection. We, too, experience the Resurrection this way in our own time.
Being recognized is such a wonderful human experience. Do you remember the day
your beloved recognized your voice or person? Or the first time your baby’s eyes
indicated that he or she knew you were mommy or daddy? It is a joy when someone we
respect remembers our name. But with recognition comes responsibility.
In today’s Gospel John describes seven disciples who undertake a fishing expedition
after the Resurrection: Peter, the impulsive leader; Thomas, who believes lately;
Nathaniel, who was without guile; James and John, the passionate sons of Zebedee;
and two others unnamed. Following Peter’s lead, they decide to go fishing by night but
catch no fish at all until Jesus (unrecognized) invites them to cast their nets on the other
side of the boat – echoing the Lucan story of Jesus calling the first disciples (Luke 5:111). Like before, they netted a huge number of fish, but not until breakfast on the beach
did they recognized Jesus’ identity – a Eucharistic meal.
A deeper meaning is revealed in what happens next. First, Jesus asks Peter to make a
triple confession of love to balance out his triple denial of Jesus in the high priest’s
courtyard. Then, after each declaration of loyalty Jesus declares that Peter’s love
involves caring for Jesus’ flock. It is a comfort to know that Christ’s call comes even to
those who have previously betrayed him. But we also must see that resurrection
recognition is intimately linked to apostolate within the life of the Church.
The same message appears in today’s first and second readings. In Acts the apostles
know Jesus’ Resurrection implies a vocation to evangelize: They announce to the
religious authorities that they must obey God and not man, even if it means they will be
persecuted. Are we prepared to do the same? And in Revelation, John’s grand tableau
of heavenly realities assures Jesus’ followers they can expect persecution, but they can
also know the Holy Spirit’s power. In this vision all creation is gathered at last in a
mighty chorus of praise and thanksgiving for the reconciliation of all things through the
“lamb that was slain,” in whom all mysteries and the tragedies of the “seven seals” are
resolved. We are not to be blind to the tasks around us nor to pretend all problems are
already solved, but to be assured that Christ, the lamb of the vision, holds the key to
reconciling all the world’s ills. May that ever be our hope at Notre Dame Catholic Church
and School!
In Jesus,
Fr. Mike
First Reading — Brought
before the Sanhedrin, the
apostles give witness to
Jesus Christ.
(Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41).
Psalm — I will praise you,
Lord, for you have rescued
me (Psalm 30).
Second Reading — In his
vision John sees all in
heaven and on earth give
honor and glory to the one
on the throne and to the
Lamb (Revelation 5:1114).
Gospel — Jesus appears
to the disciples by the sea
of Tiberias (John 21:1-19
Sunday of Easter
Wednesday: St. Martin I
Income Tax
Hch 6:8-15; Sal 119
118):23-24, 26-27, 29-30;
Jn 6:22-29
Hch 7:51 — 8:1a; Sal 31
(30):3cd-4, 6, 7b,
8a, 17, 21ab; Jn 6:30-35
Miércoles: Hch 8:1b-8; Sal 66 (65):13a, 4-7a; Jn 6:35-40
Hch 8:26-40; Sal 66 (65):89, 16-17, 20; Jn 6:44-51
Hch 9:1-20; Sal 117
(116):1bc, 2; Jn 6:52-59
Hch 9:31-42; Sal 116
(115):12-17; Jn 6:60-69
Domingo: Hch 13:14, 43-52; Sal 100
(99):1-3, 5; Ap 7:9, 14b-17;
Jn 10:27-30
Tercer Domingo
de Pascua
10 de abril de 2016
Oro y Plata
Lo Que Tengo Te Lo Doy (Hechos 3:6)
¡Saludos de Pascua en el Señor!
Las historias en las Escrituras, posteriores a la Resurrección describen a los discípulos
reconociendo tardíamente a Jesús. La tradición Cristiana también habla de personas deseosas
de encontrarse con Jesús, pero que no lo reconocieron "disfrazado" como pobre, leproso, el
niño, o un extraño caminante - hasta más tarde. Nosotros, también, experimentamos la
Resurrección de esta manera en nuestro propio tiempo.
Al ser reconocido es una experiencia humana tan maravillosa. ¿Recuerdan el día en que su
amado(a) reconoció su voz o su persona? O ¿La primera vez que los ojos del bebé te
indicaron que él o ella sabían que eras su mamá o su papá? Es una alegría cuando alguien a
quien respetamos recuerda nuestro nombre. Pero con el reconocimiento viene la
En el Evangelio de hoy, San Juan describe cuando siete discípulos emprenden la expedición
de pesca después de la Resurrección: San Pedro, el líder impulsivo; Santo Tomás, quien
recientemente había creído; San Bartolomé también llamado Natanael, quien fue sin engaño;
San Santiago y San Juan, los hijos fervorosos de Zebedeo; y otros dos sin nombre. Siguiendo
el ejemplo de San Pedro, deciden ir a pescar por la noche, pero no pescaron nada, hasta que
Jesús (no reconocido) los invita a echar las redes al otro lado de la barca - haciéndose eco de
la historia de San Lucas Jesús llamando a los primeros discípulos (San Lucas 5: 1-11). Al igual
que antes, la pesca fue muy abundante, pero no fue hasta en el desayuno en la playa, cuando
reconocen la identidad de Jesús - una comida Eucarística.
Un significado más profundo se revela en lo que sucede a continuación. En primer lugar,
Jesús pide hacer a San Pedro una triple confesión de su amor, para equilibrar su triple
negación de Jesús en el patio del sumo sacerdote. Entonces, después de cada declaración de
lealtad Jesús declara que el amor de San Pedro implicaba el cuidado de sus ovejas. Es un
consuelo saber que el llamado de Cristo llega incluso a aquellos que previamente le han
traicionado. Pero también hay que ver que reconocer la Resurrección está íntimamente ligado
al apostolado dentro de la vida de la Iglesia.
El mismo mensaje aparece en la primera y segunda lecturas de hoy. En los Hechos, los
Apóstoles reconocen que la Resurrección de Jesús implica una vocación para evangelizar:
Anuncian a las autoridades religiosas que tienen que obedecer a Dios y no al hombre, aunque
esto significara que fueran perseguidos. ¿Estamos preparados para hacer lo mismo? Y en el
Apocalipsis, el gran cuadro de realidades celestiales de San Juan asegura a los seguidores de
Jesús que pueden esperar persecución, pero también puede conocer el poder del Espíritu
Santo. En esta visión toda la creación se recoge en el pasado en un potente coro de alabanza
y acción de gracias por la reconciliación de todas las cosas a través del "Cordero que fue
inmolado", en los que se resuelven todos los misterios y las tragedias de los "siete sellos". No
estamos para hacernos ciegos a las obligaciones que nos rodean, ni para pretender que todos
los problemas ya están resueltos, sino para estar seguros de que Cristo, el Cordero de la
visión, es la clave para la conciliación de todos los males del mundo. ¡Que esa sea nuestra
esperanza en la Parroquia y Escuela Católica de Notre Dame!
En Jesús,
Padre Mike
Llevados ante el sanedrín,
testimonio de Jesucristo
(Hch 5:27-32, 40b-41).
Salmo — Te alabaré,
Aleluya (Salmo 30(29)).
Segunda Lectura — En su
visión Juan ve todo en el
cielo y en la tierra rindiendo
honores y gloria al que está
en el trono y al Cordero
(Apocalipsis 5:11-14).
Evangelio — Jesús se
aparece a los discípulos
cerca del mar de Tiberíades
(Juan 21:1-19 [1-14]).
Domingo: Tercer
Domingo de Pascua
San Estanislao
Miércoles: San Martín I
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Third Sunday of Easter
Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41, Rv 5:11-14, Jn 21:1-19 or 21:1-14(48)
People of the Parish
†Ana Josefa Castro
By Delia Barron
†Alice Halfmann
By Dorothy Bolen
5:00 pm
†Stephen & Mary Chuck
By Connie Howland
Monday, April 11, 2016
Saint Stanislaus, Bishop & Martyr
Acts 6:8-15, Jn 6:22-29(273)
7:00 am
†Henry J. Urenda
By Wife, Monica & Sons
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Acts 7:51—8:1a, Jn 6:30-35(274)
12:00 pm
†Bobby Jenschke
By Anonymous
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Acts 8:1b-8, Jn 6:35-40(275)
12:00 pm
†Carmen Vasquez
By Dc. Sonny & Lilia Kaufhold
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Acts 8:26-40, Jn 6:44-51(276)
7:00 am
†Gerald Hartman
By Margaret Hartman
Friday, April 15, 2016
Acts 9:1-20, Jn 6:52-59(277)
8:05 am
All Souls In Purgatory
By The McGilvray Family
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Acts 13:14, 43-52, Rv 7:9, 14b-17, Jn 10:27-30(51)
2:00 pm
Valerie Rodriguez Quinceañera
5:00 pm
†Matthew Barrett
By Sue Graham
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Fourth Sunday of Easter
Acts 13:14, 43-52, Rv 7:9, 14b-17, Jn 10:27-30(51)
World Day of Prayer for Vocations
7:45 am
†William Hull
By Gerald & Caralyn Migely
9:15 am
People of the Parish
11:00 am
In honor of Fr. Mike
By Staff
5:00 pm
†Irene Gans
By Susan Stevenson
Liturgy of the Hours: Week III
Monday, April 11, 2016
Good Shepherd-5:00pm-Kemper Hall RMS 203-206
A New Song-5:30pm-Kemper Hall RM 209
Booster Club-5:30pm-Library
ACTS Core-5:30pm-Knights of Columbus Hall
Boy Scouts-7:00pm-Gymnasium
Cursillos-7:00pm-Social Center
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Lector Practice (Spanish)-5:30pm-Church
RCIA-6:00pm-Social Center
Spanish Choir Practice-7:00pm-Fireplace RM
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Good Shepherd-5:00pm-Kemper Hall RMS 203-206
Ingles Tambíen-5:00pm-Kemper Hall RM 209
Faith Formation-5:15pm-Social Center/Fireplace RM
Faith Formation-5:15pm-School Classrooms
Faith Formation-5:15pm-Church
RCIA Children/Parents-5:15pm-Library
Confirmation (Youth)-7:00pm-Social Center
Ministerio Santa Cecilia-7:00pm-Gymnasium
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Baptism Class (English)-6:00pm-Kemper Hall RM 204
Baptism Class (Spanish)-6:00pm-Kemper Hall RM 205
La Danza Practice-6:00pm-Gymnasium
Bible Study (Fr. Mike)-7:00pm-Social Center
Ministerio Santa Cecilia-8:00pm-Fireplace RM
Friday, April 15, 2016
Hour of Mercy-3:00pm-Church
School Spring Dance-6:00pm-Social Center
El Sembrador-7:00pm-Library
Saturday, April 16, 2016
First Eucharist Retreat-8:00am-Social Center/Fireplace RM
First Eucharist Retreat-8:00am-All Campus
Repose the Blessed Sacrament-11:30am-Church
Youth Fundraiser Enchilada Dinner-6:00pm-Social Center
Sunday, April 17, 2016
Good Shepherd-9:00am-Kemper Hall RM
LifeTeen-6:00pm-Social Center/Fireplace RM
The Sanctuary Lamp will
burn this week
In memory
Henry Urenda
Wife, Monica & Sons
The Second Collection on
April 16 & 17, 2016
will be for
Assumption Seminary
Thank you for your generosity!
Altar Servers
Extraordinary Ministers
Saturday, April 16, 2016 - 5:00pm
Saturday, April 16, 2016—5:00pm
Crucifer-Michelle Cruz
Candle Bearer– Stefan Sirianni
Candle Bearer–
Barbara Miciotto
Claudia Sullivan
DM: Monica Schneider
Sunday, April 17, 2016 —7:45am
Sunday, April 17, 2016-7:45am
Sunday, April 17, 2016—7:45am
Crucifer-Caleb Clayton
Candle Bearer-Jordan Clayton
Candle Bearer-Taylor Kubacak
Sunday, April 17, 2016—9:15am
Crucifer–Josh Ontiveros
Candle Bearer-Jasmin Guzman
Candle Bearer–Erica Guzman
Sunday, April 17, 2016—11:00am
Crucifer– Jose Luis Castro
Candle Bearer– Michael Chapman
Candle Bearer–Brianna Alcorta
Saturday, April 16, 2016-5:00pm
Team A
Team C
Irma Aguirre
Terry Raney
DM: Andrew Kunz
Sunday, April 17, 2016—9:15am
Sunday, April 17, 2016-9:15am
Team A
Francisco Hernandez
Sergio Gonzalez
DM: Norma Sanchez
Sunday, April 17, 2016—11:00am
Sunday, April 17, 2016-11:00am
Team A
Kay Graham-Gilbert
Susie Dietzel
DM: Sandra Schmitt
Sunday, April 17, 2016—5:00pm
Sunday, April 17, 2016-5:00pm
Bethanie Lopez
Reagan Lopez
Team LC
DM-Designated Minister
Sunday, April 17, 2016—5:00pm
Crucifer– Rebekah Stracke
Candle Bearer-Jake Pankratz
Candle Bearer-Elijah Gorham
Harry Winslow, Benita Garcia, Irene Peters,
Maria Murphy, Irwin Schilhab, Edward Guzman, Guadalupe Gonzales, Crystal Tompkins,
Simona Garza, Carolyn Huerta, Juan Jimenez,
Faye Ortiz, Reid Welles, Maria Hurtado,
Damien Flores, Irene Vera, Manuel Bermudez, Kathryn Franco, William Murray, Donna
Stewart, Richard Ball, Rosemary Marker, Debra Maas, John
Ragsdale, Katie McCarty, Manuel Sanchez, Javier Lopez
Uriegas, Emilio Roman, Carol Stapleton, Lila Neuman, Gary
Fourney, Marcelino Vega, Sylvia Saldana, Yvonne Guidry,
Mario Reyes, Mauricio Reyes, Florence Hall, Mike Hozman,
Manuel Castro, Margie Tremper, Ramon Lemos, Ricardo
Villagomez, Andrew Hart, Jose Luis Sanchez, Valerie
Manns, Raymond Nunez, Joan Perez, Marisa Benavides,
Jimmy Fealey, Monica Garcia, Dan Grant, Dolores Garza,
Justin Salcedo, Rosario Villarreal, Maria de Jesus Garcia,
Herminia Villanueva, Annie Stone, David Klose, Maria
Garza, Antonio Pruneda, Carol Barker, Julia Cuevas, Benita
Segura, Stephen Pflum, Bernice Gross, William Etchison,
Fay Stafford, Maria Splaine, Mary Ann Sanchez, Aldemira
Rendon, Eloida Garcia, Butch Connally, Pete F. Vargas,
Hector Garza, Minnie Waddell, Carol Ann Rubright, Linda
Nunez, Olan Mahlmann, Anna Borkowski, Rudy Garcia, Janet
Jillson, Rosie Garcia, Mary Yago, Anthony Garcia, Ofelia
Canales, Jose Mario Guzman, Martin Garcia, Gilbert Gauna
Sr., Larry Fagarason, Larry Shaw, Clint Boulette, D.J. Sholund., Ruben & Herminia Osorio, Maria Real, Michael J.
LaFleur, Carmela Chefalo, Ciro Ayala, Maria Galvan, Mary
Ellen Wheeler, Henrietta Fadai, Sylvia Leyva, Charlie & Judi
Kunz, Michael Boudreaux, Mildred Gallagher, Linda Vollmar,
Virgil Woods, Bill Williams, Tony Perez, & Edwina Walker.
Saturday, April 16, 2016—5:00pm
Team C
Bread Bakers
Saturday, April 16, 2016—5:00pm
Marie Meador
Sunday, April 17, 2016—7:45am
Team A
Sunday, April 17, 2016-9:15am
Carmen Gutierrez
Sunday, April 17, 2016—9:15am
Team C
Sunday, April 17, 2016—11:00am
Team B
Sunday, April 17, 2016—5:00pm
Sunday, April 17, 2016—11:00am
Ann Fritz
December 8, 2015November 20, 2016
~~~The Face of Mercy (Misericordiae Vultus)~~~
from Francis, Bishop of Rome
(Article 9 continued\) “The basis of this is Jesus’
teaching on mercy in Matthew 18. This is the story of the
servant whose debt was forgiven by his master only to
trounce without mercy on someone who owed him far
less. The master was infuriated by this. “Should not you
have had mercy on your fellow servant, as I had mercy on
you?” the master asks. (Mt18:33). Jesus concludes, “So
also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you
do not forgive your brother from your heart.” (Mt18:35).”
Misericordes sicut Pater! (Be merciful, just as
your Father is merciful – Luke 6:36)
diciembre 2015- al 20 de
noviembre 2016
~~~ El Rostro de la Misericordia
(Misericordiae Vultus) ~~~
Francisco, Obispo de Roma
(Artículo 9, continuación...) "La base de esto es la
enseñanza de Jesús sobre la misericordia en San Mateo
18. Este, llamado por el patrón a restituir una grande
suma, lo suplica de rodillas y el patrón le condona la
deuda. Pero inmediatamente encuentra otro siervo como
él que le debía unos pocos centésimos, el cual le suplica
de rodillas que tenga piedad, pero él se niega y lo hace
encarcelar. Entonces el patrón, advertido del hecho, se
irrita mucho y volviendo a llamar aquel siervo le dice:
“¿No debías también tú tener compasión de tu
compañero, como yo me compadecí de ti?” (Mt 18,33). Y
Jesús concluye: “Lo mismo hará también mi Padre
celestial con ustedes, si no perdonan de corazón a sus
hermanos” (Mt 18,35).
Misericordes sicut Pater! (Sed, pues,
misericordiosos, como también vuestro
Padre es misericordioso – San Lucas 6:36)
Collection Good Shepherd Sunday
The Second Collection at all Masses
April 16th & 17th is designated for
Assumption Seminary.
Pope Francis compares a vocation to a “treasure
hidden in a field” that Jesus places from the beginning
in the heart of a man called to follow him in a special
state in life.
It needs to be discovered and brought to light. This gift
is not for himself.
The whole Church is the guardian of this treasure
destined for God’s service.
Next month two Assumption men will be ordained to
the priesthood for the Archdiocese.
Your support and prayer are deeply appreciated.
Colecta del Domingo del Buen Pastor
La segunda colecta de todas las Misas de Abril 16
y 17 está destinada para Assumption Seminary.
El Papa Francisco compara la vocación a “un Tesoro
Escondido en un campo” que Jesús coloca desde el
principio en el corazón de un hombre a quien llama
para que lo siga en un estado de vida especial.
El tesoro necesita ser descubierto y sacado a la luz.
Este talento no es para si mismo.
La Iglesia entera es la guardian de este Tesoro
destinado para el servicio de Dios.
El próximo mes, dos seminaristas de Assumption
serán ordenados como sacerdotes para la
Sú apoyo y preces serán muy apreciados.
Please join Fr. Mike in his Bible Study:
St. Therese of Lisieux is the patroness of missionaries
although she never left her convent. She died at the
early age of 24, yet accomplished great things through
the power of prayer before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The church made her the patroness of missionaries to emphasize this most important truth: One soul
coming before the Blessed Sacrament can change the
world! St. Therese said, “My mission is to make God
loved.” May she intercede for us in spreading Eucharistic Adoration throughout the world!
April 14, 2016 and April 28, 2016.
Social Center—7:00 p.m.
An adorer is needed for:
Tuesday 12:00 p.m.—1:00 p.m
Tuesday 4:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m.
Thursday 8:00 a.m.—9:00 a.m.
Saturday 5:00 a.m—6:00 a.m.
Queson of the Week…
If you are able to help with this time, please call
Estela Solis at (830)896-4217 or Veronica Fabro at
Adult: Who in your family or community needs
food for the life of the Spirit? How can you help to
feed them?
Santa Teresita de Lisieux es la Patrona de los
Misioneros, aunque nunca abandonó su convento.
Ella murió a la temprana edad de 24 años, sin embargo, logró grandes cosas a través del poder de la
oración ante Jesús Sacramentado. La Iglesia la
nombró Patrona de los Misioneros, para enfatizar esta
importantisima verdad: ¡Un alma que viene ante el
Santisimo Sacramento puede cambiar el mundo! Santa Teresita dijo, “Mi misión es que Dios sea amado”.
¡Que ella interceda por nosotros en la difusión de la
Adoración Eucaristica en todo el mundo!
Youth: How does the way you live show others the
compassionate love of Jesus?
Tambíen es necesario un adorador los:
martes 12:00 p.m.—1:00pm
martes 4:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m.
jueves 8:00 a.m.—9:00 a.m.
sabado 5:00 a.m.—6:00 a.m.
Si usted puede acompañar a Jesús este momento,
por favor llame a Estela Solis al (830)896-4217 o
Veronica Fabro al (830)377-9117.
Pregunta de la Semana...
Adulto: ¿Quién en su familia o comunidad necesita
alimento para la vida del Espíritu? ¿Cómo puede
ayudar a alimentarlos?
Jóvenes: ¿Cómo demuestras en la forma como
vives a otros el amor compasivo de Jesús?
By Paul Turner
Las distracciones
Por Paul Turner
“Don’t pray at Mass. Pray the Mass.”
That piece of advice disoriented many Catholics in
the 1960s when the church invited us to take a
different role at Mass. Catholics used to go to church
carrying prayer books and rosaries so they could say
their own prayers while Mass was going on. They
were asked to set aside many of the prayers they used
to say privately in order to take part in the prayer going
on around them publicly. When you visit someone,
you do not immediately use their phone to visit
someone else. Having a conversation is good, but
having the wrong one will distract us. While at Mass
we don’t avoid prayer; we take part in a specific prayer.
Distractions come in many other forms, too. You will
find people reading the bulletin, balancing their
checkbook, cutting their nails and adjusting their
makeup during the homily, the scripture readings or the
eucharistic prayer. Occasionally a cellular phone rings.
Sometimes it belongs to the priest! If he answers it,
you know that distractions have gotten way out of
Sometimes we bring our own distractions. You may
come to church with the intention of joining in the
prayer, but your mind begins to wander to the events of
the day ahead, the memory of the day past, the fears
you harbor, the loves you enjoy, the appearance of the
church or the behavior of worshipers.
Nonetheless, our common goal is to pray the Mass.
It is hard, but two activities will help: preparation at
home and concentration at church. At home you can
prepare for Mass by reading the Scriptures beforehand
and making time for personal prayer. Then when you
arrive at church, the skills you honed at private prayer
will enhance your communal prayer. During the Mass,
concentrate on the texts you say or sing. Think about
the meaning of the words. Listen attentively when one
of the ministers speaks. Observe the silences with
Distractions will be fewer when our
preparation and concentration grow stronger.
"No ores en la Santa Misa. Ora la Santa Misa."
Ese consejo desorientó a muchos Católicos en la
década de los 1960’s cuando la iglesia nos invitó a tomar
un papel diferente en la Santa Misa. Los Católicos solían
llevar a la iglesia sus libros de oraciones y rosarios para
poder decir sus propias oraciones mientras que la Santa
Misa se celebraba. Se les pidió dejar de lado muchas de
las oraciones que solían decir en privado, con el fin de
participar en la oración públicamente. Cuando se visita a
alguien, no usamos de inmediato su teléfono para ir a
visitar a otra persona. Tener una conversación es bueno,
pero tener la conversión equivocada nos va a distraer.
Mientras que en la Santa Misa no evadimos la oración;
tomamos parte en oraciones específicas.
Las distracciones vienen de muchas otras formas,
también. Vamos a encontrar a personas leyendo el
boletín, sacando el balance de su chequera, cortándose
las uñas y retocándose el maquillaje durante la homilía,
las lecturas o la oración Eucarística. De vez en cuando
suena un teléfono celular. ¡A veces, pertenece al
Sacerdote! Si él responde a la llamada, usted sabrá que
las distracciones se han salido de control.
A veces traemos nuestras propias distracciones. Usted
puede venir a la iglesia con la intención de unirse en
oración, pero su mente comienza a vagar en los
acontecimientos del día por venir, del recuerdo del día
anterior, de los temores, de los amores que disfruta, de la
apariencia de la iglesia o del comportamiento de los
No obstante, nuestro objetivo común es rezar la Santa
Misa. Es difícil, pero dos actividades le ayudarán: una
buena preparación en casa y la concentración en la
iglesia. En casa se puede preparar para la Santa Misa
leyendo de antemano las lecturas de las Escrituras y
haciendo tiempo para la oración personal. Luego, al
llegar a la iglesia, la habilidad que perfeccionó en la
oración privada, mejorará su oración comunitaria.
Durante la Santa Misa, concentrese en los textos que
dice o canta. Piense en el significado de las palabras.
Escuche con atención cuando uno de los ministros habla.
Guarde silencio con reverencia. Las distracciones serán
menores cuando nuestra preparación y atención crezcan
cada vez más fuertes.
Copyright © 1997 Resource Publications, Inc., 160 E. Virginia
St. #290, San Jose, CA 95112, (408)286-8505. Paul Turner,
pastor of St. John Regis parish in Kansas City, Mo., holds a
doctorate in sacramental theology from Sant’ Anselmo
University in Rome. His e-mail is [email protected].
Copyright © 1997 Resource Publications, Inc., 160 E. Virginia
St. #290, San Jose, CA 95112, (408)286-8505. Paul Turner,
pastor of St. John Regis parish in Kansas City, Mo., holds a
doctorate in sacramental theology from Sant’ Anselmo
University in Rome.
His email is [email protected].
[email protected].
Covenant of Love Marriage Ministry
Make your reservations NOW!
for the May 6, 2016 DATE NIGHT!
RERUNS – Marriage Preparation
6:30 pm – Knights of Columbus Hall
Registration cards and brochures are in the narthex or
sign up at the notredamechurch.cc web site.
Questions? Contact Red and Mark Anderson @ 830895-3295
Deadline for reservations is May 2, 2016
Eating Out?
Shopping? Hunting/Fishing?
Use Notre Dame Catholic School’s Cash Cards.
Bass Pro Shop Cards can also be used at the Islamorada
Fish Co. He can shop and then take you out to eat at
Bass Pro Shop. Notre Dame receives 9% when you purchase your card!
Bath & Body Works
Flavor Card - Use at any Chili’s, Macaroni Grill, Maggiano’s or On the Border.
CVS - Use to Purchase your RXs—6%
Restaurant Partners, LLC - Use at any Outback, Bonefish Grill, Carrabba’s or Roy’s 8%
Darden Cards – Use at any Olive Garden, Longhorn, Red
Lobster or Bahama Breeze. 9%
Mother’s Day
Mom Chills, Family Thrills
Mountain Home, Texas
Friday-Sunday, May 6-8, 2016
During this important weekend that honors all that
moms do for the family, Mom will have lots of choices
for her day, including shopping nearby at Old Ingram
Loop, wine tasting, pedicures, manicures, and crafts to
name of few. Or, if she’d rather “just sit” on the lovely
porch of the Main House, that’s fine, too!
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the kids and Dad will
play with staff all day Saturday, shooting bows and
arrows, riding horses, swimming, kayaking, and target
shooting with .22’s and BB guns. The families will have
family game night on Saturday evening, and attend
Mass together Sunday morning before the family
Arrival is after supper on Friday, and departure is after
Mass and brunch on Sunday, about 11:00 a.m.
$60 per family member age 8-adult; $25.00 per family member,
age 2-7; children under 2 are free; maximum family cost $275.
Register online at www.tecaboca.com
Tecaboca . 5045 Junction
Highway, Mountain Home, TX
Target 2%
Come see us in the School Office from
Monday through Friday 7:30am –4:00pm
2016 Job Fair for Teachers and Administrators
Sponsored by the Department
of Catholic Schools
Archdiocese of San Antonio
Saturday, April 16, 2016—9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
St Matthew McDonald Family Center
10703 Wurzbach Road
San Antonio, TX. 78230
Please visit the website www.sacatholicschools.org for
more information.
The volunteers at St. Vincent de Paul on Broadway would
like to share with you our work that your donations and
thrift shop support make possible while keeping
confidential the identities of our brothers and sisters in
The quarter for Jan-Feb-Mar has been tabulated. For fun,
we are comparing it to Jan-Feb-Mar 2015.
Volunteer's hour’s 6689
# of Volunteers
Families given Food and/or Financial
# of meals given
Total financial aid
Gross sales from
We started staying open every Saturday, which is
reflected in the larger store gross. We serve one family at
a time, giving them food choices, not a set group of items.
Grandma received emergency custody. Grandbaby had
clothes on her back period and holes in her shoes. We
gave her a shoe and clothing voucher and some
volunteers gave their Vinnie Bucks to get this teenager a
couple outfits to wear to her new school.
We get some special dietary needs that 40 Cans help to
satisfy. Diabetic, low salt, high-protein, low-protein, and
the unique I- have- to- have -organic- because- I'mallergic.
Tents without holes and working zippers. When the
weather is warm, some car sleepers and couch surfers
take the camping out option. Tent stakes are handy, too.
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Coming soon Ozanam training in Fireplace Room
in Social Center.
Thursday, April 21
10-3 with lunch provided so you won't disappear.
from the Notre Dame Parish Library are
available in the narthex of the church, near the
bell tower door.
The Shepherd Who Didn’t Run: Fr. Stanley
Rother, Martyr from Oklahoma, by María
Ruiz Scaperlanda
Archbishop Jose H. Gomez says Ms.
Scaperlanda “is a good storyteller, and she tells
the story of Father Stanley Rother with
sensitivity and intelligence, introducing us to a
holy priest, a defender of the poor, and a
missionary martyr of our times – one more
shining light in the long history of holiness and
heroism in the Americas.”
Born in Oklahoma in 1935, Fr. Rother grew up
on the family farm, and entered Assumption
Seminary in San Antonio in 1953. According to
one of his Assumption professors, “Stanley was
probably one of the finest students we ever
had, but he had a devil of a time with the
books.” In the years preceding Vatican II,
Assumption held to high standards of
scholarship, and the philosophy and theology
classes used only Latin textbooks. After
squeaking through the two years of philosophy,
Stanley suffered through the first semester of
the four years of theology, and, five days into
the second semester, was told he had failed the
fall semester and could no longer continue.
Returning to Oklahoma, after a month at
home, he went to work preparing a building for
the new diocesan minor seminary, and then
was sent to Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in
Maryland, where he finished his preparation on
May 21, 1963, and was ordained in Oklahoma
four days later.
Six pages of rave reviews in the front of this
volume include phrases like “a humble, holy,
courageous priest who is a true St. John
Vianney for our times,” “an extraordinary
example of faith and trust and love,” “an
amazing spritual shepherd”, “a beacon pointing
to the power of Holy Orders to refine ordinary
men into instruments of grace.”
We ended the count last week. Unless our food pantry
participants greatly increase, we received enough
canned goods and cash to stock through
August. Good Job!
Holy Thursday collection was $2689.63.
Here is a comparison of 2015 to 2016 Forty Cans:
2015 a little over 9,000 lbs. 2016 is 8302 lbs. We
received more Ramon noodles this year. They weigh
less than beans.
There will be a training for anyone who would
like to become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy
Communion or a Minister to the Sick.
Also, if you are currently an EMHC, please feel free to
come and refresh your knowlege.
1 – 3:00 PM
If you have any questions, please contact either Jesse/
Angie Garza at 367-7018, or Rose Petmecky at 3291000.
2015 total cash was $3157. 2016 total cash is
We use the cash to purchase food from San Antonio
Food Bank.
Last distribution day in the month of March, we served
9 new families. Our average is 2 a day.
Habrá una sesion de entrenamiento para quien
quiera ser Ministro Extraordinario de la Santa
Comunión o Ministro para los Enfermos.
También, si ya es Ministro Extraordinario de Santa
Comunión, siéntase en libertad de venir a refrescar su
Terminamos la cuenta la semana pasada. A menos
que nuestros participantes en la despensa de comida
aumenten mucho, recibimos suficientes latas de
provisiones y dinero en efectivo para abastecerlos
hasta Agosto. Bien hecho!
Si tiene preguntas, por favor llame a Jesse/Angie
Garza al (830)367-7018, o Rose Petmecky al (830)329
La colección del Jueves Santo fué $2,689.63
He aquí una comparación de cuarenta Latas de 2015
y 2016.
En 2015 algo más de 9,000 libras. En 2016 fueron
8,302 libras. Recibimos más fideos Ramen este año.
Pesan menos que los frijoles.
En 2015 recibimos $3,157 en efectivo; en 2016
Usamos el efectivo para comprar comida del Banco de
Comida de San Antonio.
El día de la última
distribución fué en el mes de marzo; servimos a 9
familias nuevas. Nuestro promedio es de 2 al día.
The Women of Notre Dame are currently accepting Mother’s Day Memorials. A special Memorial
Mass will be said on Sunday, May 15, 2016 at the 9:15
a.m. Mass; names will be published in the weekly bulletin. Envelopes for donations are located in the back
of the church in the narthex. Donations may be placed
in the collection basket or dropped off at the Pastoral
Center. Deadline for intentions is Sunday, May 8,
April 2-3, 2016
$ 19,986.27
Capital Improvement
$ 22,610.75
Youth Mission
(Second Collection) $
Rice Bowl
School Support
Guardian Angel
Please pray for those who have died,
and have gone to their eternal rest with
the Lord, especially for Joanne Heck.
Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and
let perpetual light shine upon her. May
she rest in peace.
Women of Notre Dame Bus Trip
Year of Mercy Pilgrimage
Mass, Reconciliation
At Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Schoenstatt Shrine, Helotis
-St. Stanislaus Catholic Church, Bandera
Lunch (on your own) at Bricks, Bandera
(required to hold reservation)
Mail to:
Virginia Saip
416 Guadalupe Street
Kerrville, TX78028
For further info call 830-377-2094
April 10, 2016
Join us for an End-of-the Year celebration with a special
Mass for the high school youth of the
Archdiocese of San Antonio!
We hope to fill a bus and represent Notre Dame well!
We will meet to depart from Notre Dame at 3:00pm
Following Mass we will eat dinner in San Antonio as a
group before returning home.
There is NO COST other than covering your meal.
Contact the YFM Office to reserve your spot on the bus!
We have had an AWESOME year of LIFE TEEN...may
we come together to celebrate Christ’s mercy and end
the year with a celebration of the Eucharist !
Registration for the 2016-2017
Catechetical year has now began.
Calling all
This year’s VBS
theme is
Parade Around the Our Father
It’s time to start planning for Catholic Kidzs Camp and we
need your Help!!! Camp will be held on June 6-10. We are
in need of many Adult volunteers, please, if you feel you are
being called in any way and have the time to share with a
group of young kids help us to make this years camp even
better than last years.
Please consider being a part of this fun and exciting ministry.
Call Denise at 896-4233 x 294 to volunteer .
We thank you in advance for answering this call.
The YFM Camp team
Ensure your child’s spot for next year,
come by the YFM Office and register.
Annual Cost:
1 child
2 children
3 children
830 896-4233
Alma Cruz Gonzales x232
Denise Jenschke x294
Wyatt Wentrcek x233
Nelda Bill x 246
10 DE ABRIL DEL 2016
Acompáñenos para esta celebración de “Fin-de-Año”
con una misa especial para jóvenes en la preparatoria.
La misa es para todos los jóvenes del Arquidiócesis
de San Antonio.
Esperamos llenar un camión representando
a Notre Dame.
Partimos de aquí a las 3pm.
Después de la misa cenaremos en San Antonio.
No HAY COBRO ninguno aparte de la cena, la cual
cada quien es responsable por pagar.
Llame a la oficina de YFM para apartar su lugar.
Este año de LIFE TEEN ha sido
MARAVILLOSO...terminemos este ano celebrando la
misericordia de Cristo con una celebración de
la Eucaristía.
Cena de Enchiladas
de Pollo Caseras
Para el beneficio del viaje de misión de los jóvenes de
Notre Dame al Campamento De Trabajo
Corazón Católico en Colorado Springs
Sábado Abril 16 del 2016
6:00pm en el Centro Social de Notre Dame
Boletos: $25
Favor de llamar a la Oficina de Juventud y Familia
para la compra de boletos
Disfrute de una cena completa preparada por Katrina
Dry y Lisa Calderón. Déjese servir por nuestros
jóvenes. Además, habrá mas información sobre el
viaje de misión que se aproxima.
Pre-Registración para
la Doctrina
Matricule a su hijo/a para el
Próximo año Catequético
1 niño
2 niños
3 niños
830 896-4233
Nelda Bill x 246
Alma Cruz Gonzales x232
Denise Jenschke x294
Wyatt Wentrcek x233

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