WEEK OF March 27, 2016 - St. Rita Catholic Church


WEEK OF March 27, 2016 - St. Rita Catholic Church
St. Rita Catholic Church
14404 14th. St. - Dade City, FL. 33523
Pray for us Phone: (352) 567-2894 - Fax (352) 567-2777 Ora por
Please return your Rice
Bowls TODAY at either
Church entrance.
–Thank You
Por favor regresen sus
Platos de Arroz HOY
en cualquier entrada de
la Iglesia. –Gracias
la próxima semana
volveremos a
nuestro Horario
regular de Misas
Next week we will resume
with our regular Mass hours
PASTOR: Rev. Daniel Kayajan, C.S.C. Ext. 223
Rev. James Preskenis, CSC. Ext. 224
Religious Sisters:
Sr. Martha Flores, MHML
Sr. Norma Cime, MHML Ext. 226
14404 14th. St.
Ext. 221
Sunday Mass Schedule / Horario de Misas Dominicales
Rosary before Sunday Masses
English: Saturday Vigil Mass 4:30 p.m.
Sunday Masses
8:00 a.m. and 11:00
Misa en Español: Domingo a las 5:00 p.m.
Weekday / Entre Semana:
English: Monday through Friday: 8:30 a.m.
Español: Miercoles a las 7:30 p.m.
Español: Domingo's de 6:15 p.m. a 7:30 p.m.
Please contact the Parish Office for information and
Preparation for:
Por favor comunicarse con la oficina para preparación e
información sobre recepción de los sacramentos
Music Ministry / Musica
St. Anthony Catholic School
Director: Jim McKinney
32902 Saint Anthony Way
- English choir rehearsal:
San Antonio, FL. 33576
Thursdays at 7:00 pm.
(352) 588-3041
- Ensayo de Coro en Español:
Principal: Sr. Alice
Martes a las 7:30 pm.
(contacten a Nestor Ponce)
Prayer line: Call Jean @ (352) 523-2001
Sacrament of Penance / Reconciliación:
English: Saturday 3:30 - 4:15 p.m. and by appointment
Español: Domingo a las 4:00 p.m. o por cita
English: Sundays from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.
To evangelize and to be evangelized for the sake of the Kingdom using our talents and gifts for the service
of others through our diverse ministries.
Para evangelizar y ser evangelizado para el Reino, poniendo nuestros talentos y dones al servicio de los
demas en nuestros diversos ministerios.
March 27, 2016
Page 2
Faith Formation
March 27, 2016
Formación de la fe
Domingo de Resurrección
Easter Sunday
Making Jesus the center of your family’s cele“La Pascua no es simplemente una fiesbration can present a challenge when images of
ta entre otras: es la Fiesta de las Fiesthe Easter Bunny are so prevalent. Parents must
tas, Solemnidad de las solemnidades,
take special measures to help kids understand
that Jesus is the giver of Easter gifts -- His love,
como la Eucaristía es el Sacramento de
His sacrificial death, the salvation we have
los sacramentos (“el gran Sacramento”).
through Him -- not a big rabbit who hands out
S. Atanasio la llama “el gran domingo”,
candy and colored eggs. Here are some ideas for
así como la Semana Santa es llamada en
putting the spiritual significance back into your
Oriente “la gran semana”. El Misterio de
Easter celebration.
la Resurrección, en el cual Cristo ha
* Put a spiritual twist on the tradition of decorataplastado a la muerte, penetra en nuesing Easter eggs. Before dying the hard-boiled
tro viejo tiempo con su poderosa enereggs, use crayons to write an Easter message on
gía, hasta que todo le esté sometido”.
each egg. Because the crayon wax keeps the dye
(Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica # 1169)
from adhering in those spots, your "Jesus is Risen" and "Jesus Died for You" messages will
show through clearly.
* We do celebrate at Church the Holy Week, come and join us for
Holy Week services . Celebrate each day as a family by reading
entre el domingo de la Resurrección hasta el domingo de
passages of scripture that recount what each special day comPentecostéssehandecelebrarconalegríayjúbilo,comosi
setrataradeunsoloyúnicodíafestivo,comoungrando* As a family, choose a few craft projects that emphasize the
meaning of Easter. Do an Internet search or check out books from mingo.
the library for ideas. Use your completed projects to decorate
¿Porqué esimportanteeltiempodePascua?
your home for your family celebration.
Despué s de la Cuaresma y el Triduo Pascual, estamos listos
* Celebrate the Resurrection of Christ by doing the kinds of
para celebrar la victoriade nuestroSeñor Jesússobre la
things Jesus came to earth to do. Extend Gods’ love to others by
muerte, listos para celebrar su Resurrección durante cinvisiting the elderly and sick.
cuenta dı́as. Asistir a la Misa del domingo de Resurrecció n,
Afterwards, enjoy a big family breakfast in celebration of the
Risen Lord.
* Do some research on how the Resurrection is celebrated in othLaPascua,la iestamayorofestumfestorum.Nuestrafamier cultures. Turn the Easter celebration into a learning experience
lia,comoIglesiaDoméstica,debere lejarelespíritudelaPasby enjoying traditional Easter foods and activities from another
Felices Pascuas de Resurrección!
* Many churches make Easter crosses by attaching real flowers in ñor! some fashion to a wooden cross to symbolize the new life brought
to us through Jesus’ death. Make your own family Easter cross by
Informacion Util
cutting out a large cross from brown construction paper. Let the
Nos gustaría comunicarles información sobre un
children use construction paper, markers, crayons and paint to
servicio que puede beneficiar y ayudar a algunos de
create flowers to decorate it.
Happy Easter!
For Lent
For Life
For Lent
For Life
What you give
up for lent
changes lives.
What you give
up for lent
changes lives.
Oramos, ayunamos y aportamos donativos—¡y ahora celebramos! Nuestra jornada de Cuaresma con Plato de Arroz
de CRS termina en nuestros propios corazones, donde Jesús
reina por siempre. ¡Alegrémonos en nuestro Señor Resucitado—y en las vidas que hemos cambiado esta Cuaresma en
Colombia, Laos, Ruanda, Honduras, Madagascar y en todo
el mundo! No olvide entregar su Plato de Arroz de CRS en
cualquier entrada de la Iglesia ¡HOY!
nuestros feligreses, especialmente aquellos que no
pueden conducir por cualquier razón ( cirugías , tienen
que parmencer en casa , etc.) o que simplemente no
tiene tiempo disponible.
El servicio se llama
shipt.com. Ellos hacen sus
compras de Mercado en el
Publix mas cercano y lo
entregan a su casa .
Registración es facil y si
utiliza el código de referencia
D2339 usted recibirá un descuento de $ 10 en su
primer pedido de compras.
Puede encontrar más información y vídeos en línea en
www.shipt.com/groceries o instalar la aplicación
disponible en Android y IOS
Page 3
Happy Easter to all!
We welcomed many
new adults into the
church on Holy Saturday! Congratulations to them and their families! Also
congratulations to our catechists and Sisters Martha
and Norma who guide these programs. We are greatly blessed to have a very good group of adult catechists and two very hardworking and joyful Sisters
of the Light from Mexico.
Please take the time to enjoy Easter Sunday with
your family and friends. Please give thanks for
Christ’s resurrection that saves us from our fears;
heals our hurts; and gives us the courage, faith and
joy to out to into this world as missionaries of mercy.
As we begin this Easter Season let us use it as we
used Lent! What are one or two aspects of our lives
as individuals that we want the light of the Resurrection to shine in on? What are we still afraid of? How
is God calling me to mission?
At the end of the 50 days of Easter we will find
ourselves at Pentecost. On that great feast of God,
the Holy Spirit let us be ready for the flame of love
to burn brightly in our hearts!
Happy Easter!
March 27, 2016
Felices Pascas a todos!
Del Escritorio
En el sábado de Gloria
Del Párroco
adultos en la Iglesia!
Felicidades a todos ellos que recibieron sus
sacramentos y a sus familias también! Quiero
felicitar a la Hermanas Martha y Norma y a los
catechistas del programa de adultos. Tenemos un
programa excelente y de muy buena fama!
Les invito pasar tiempo con sus familias y
amigos hoy en la Pascua! Les invito dar gracias a
Dios por su resurrección que nos salva de nuestros
miedos; que nos sana de nuestras heridas; y que nos
da la fe, y valentía para poder de ser misioneros de la
misericordia en este mundo.
Empezamos la estación de la Pascua por los
próximos 50 días. Podemos aprovechar este estación
a través de dejar la luz de Cristo brillar en una parte
todavía oscura en nuestras vidas. De que tenemos
miedo? Donde y como me llama Dios para misionar?
Al final de esta estación de la Pascua vamos a
estar en Pentecostés! Que estemos listos para recibir
de nuevo el Espíritu Santo, Dios, en nuestros
Felices Pascuas a todos!
Laudato Si
This responsibility for God’s earth means that human
beings, endowed with intelligence, must respect the
laws of nature and the delicate equilibria existing
between the creatures of this world, for “he commanded and they were created; and he established
them for ever and ever; he fixed their bounds and he
set a law which cannot pass away” (Ps 148:5b-6).
The laws found in the Bible dwell on relationships,
not only among individuals but also with other living
beings. “You shall not see your brother’s donkey or
his ox fallen down by the way and withhold your
help… If you chance to come upon a bird’s nest in
any tree or on the ground, with young ones or eggs
and the mother sitting upon the young or upon the
eggs; you shall not take the mother with the
young” (Dt22:4, 6). Along these same lines, rest on
the seventh day is meant not only for human beings,
but also so “that your ox and your donkey may have
rest” (Ex 23:12). Clearly, the Bible has no place for a
tyrannical anthropocentrism unconcerned for other
Laudato Si
Esta responsabilidad ante una tierra que es de Dios
implica que el ser humano, dotado de inteligencia,
respete las leyes de la naturaleza y los delicados
equilibrios entre los seres de este mundo, porque «
él lo ordenó y fueron creados, él los fijó por
siempre, por los siglos, y les dio una ley que nunca
pasará » (Sal 148,5b-6). De ahí que la legislación
bíblica se detenga a proponer al ser humano varias
normas, no sólo en relación con los demás seres
humanos, sino también en relación con los demás
seres vivos: « Si ves caído en el camino el asno o el
buey de tu hermano, no te desentenderás de ellos
[…] Cuando encuentres en el camino un nido de ave
en un árbol o sobre la tierra, y esté la madre echada
sobre los pichones o sobre los huevos, no tomarás a
la madre con los hijos » (Dt 22,4.6). En esta línea,
el descanso del séptimo día no se propone sólo para
el ser humano, sino también « para que reposen tu
buey y tu asno » (Ex 23,12). De este modo
advertimos que la Biblia no da lugar a un
antropocentrismo despótico que se desentienda de
las demás criaturas.
Page 4
March 27, 2016
For Lent
For Life
For Lent
For Life
What you give
up for lent
changes lives.
What you give
up for lent
changes lives.
We prayed, fasted and gave alms—and now we
celebrate! Our Lenten journey with CRS Rice
Bowl ends in our own hearts, where Jesus reigns
forever. Let us rejoice in our risen Lord—and in
the lives we’ve changed this Lent in Colombia,
Laos, Rwanda, Honduras, Madagascar and all
over the world! Don’t forget to turn in your CRS
Rice Bowl at either Church entrance TODAY!
Really Helpful information!
We would like to pass on information about a
service that may benefit and assist some of our parishioners, especially those who are unable to drive
for whatever reason (surgeries, homebound, etc.) or
that simply are pressed for time.
The service is called shipt.com. They will shop
for your grocery list at the nearest Publix and deliver
it to your home. The sign-up is simple and if you use
the referral code D2339 you will receive a $10 discount off your first shopping order.
You can find more information and videos
online at www.shipt.com/
groceries or download the
app available on Android
and IOS
The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring
a Two person 9 hole golf tournament at
the Abbey Golf Course in St Leo Florida.
The golf tournament starts at 3pm on
April 24th. Registration begins @ 2:30p.
For more information please contact Terry
@ 8139737256 or [email protected]
Thank you for your
support during this
past winter. We
wish you a safe trip
to your summer
abode and look
forward to seeing
you next season!
Receive gratefully and give joyfully,
open the door to mercy
During this season of prayer, fast and
almsgiving, as we reflect on our many
blessings, let us be mindful to give God
thanks and praise. Father Dan would like
to extend his personal gratitude to all who
have generously participated in the 2016
Annual Pastoral Appeal. As we pray on the Life, Death and
Resurrection of our Lord remembering the unconditional
sacrifice He made for us and our salvation, may we respond
with grateful hearts and joyous generosity and Open the
Door to Mercy by remembering those in most need.
Marriage Ministry Study Day
For Priests, Deacons, Marriage Ministry Leaders, Parish Ministry
The Sacrament of Matrimony:
Celebrating All That Is Good, Loving and Life-giving!
Sponsored by the Office of Marriage and Family Ministries
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Host Location:
Light of Christ Catholic Church
2176 Marilyn Street
Clearwater, FL 33765
Faith is the beginning and the end is
-St. Ambrose
Looking for a local contractor from
St. Rita
We are looking for a licensed and insured
contractor from St. Rita for upcoming
Summer projects.
Please contact the office at 352-567-2894.
Reader & Eucharistic Minister Schedule
4:30 PM
Betty Southgate
Mary Eversmann
8:00 AM
Gloria Friday
Sue Richardson
11:00 AM
Marcy Karges
Paul Berry
Eucharistic Minister
Edward Laezza
Joseph Schambeau
Margherita Hoffmann
Jean Matala
Alice Hormuth
J. Brownsberger
Volunteer at Mass
Thurman Sands
William Terranova
Offertory figures available next week
Datos de la colecta disponibles la semana entrante.
WEEK OF March 27, 2016
MARCH 27th
Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Psalm 118 Colossians 3:1-4
8:00 am +Luis Puentes
10:00 am +James & +Genevive 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8 John 20:1-9 Luke 24:1-12
Mckinney5:00 Luke 24:13-35
12:00 pm +Lucio Tijerina
Coffee & Donuts - after 8:00 Mass
9:15a & 6:15p NO CCD CLASS OR R.C.I.A.
Non Perishable Food Donations Welcome
MARCH 28th
8:30 am +Mary Conner
Acts 2:14, 22-33;
Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11;
Mt 28:8-15
9:00 am Eucharistic Adoration to 4:30 pm
9:15 am St. Vincent De Paul Meeting
4:30 pm Evening Prayer & Benediction
7:00 pm Group de Juan XXIII
MARCH 29th
8:30 am +Bill McLeod
Acts 2:36-41;
Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22;
Jn 20:11-18
MARCH 30th
8:30 am Vocations for the
7:30 pm +Roberto Herrera Sr.
Acts 3:1-10;
Ps 105:1-4, 6-9;
Lk 24:13-35
MARCH 31st
8:30 am Sp. Intention for
Ricky Mason
Acts 3:11-26;
Ps 8:2, 5-9;
Lk 24:35-48
6:00 pm Mision en los campos
7:30 pm Encuentro de Matrimonios
8:30 am Deceased of Parish
Acts 4:1-12;
Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27;
Jn 21:1-14
7:30 pm Group de Oracion
4:30 pm Margert Banton
Acts 4:13-21;
Ps 118:1, 14-21;
Mk 16:9-15
3:30-4:15 pm - Sacrament of Penance
8:00 am +John T. Danet
11:00 am Parishioners
5:00 pm +Fidel Contreras
Acts 5:12-16;
Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24;
Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19;
Jn 20:19-31
Coffee & Donuts after 8:00 am Mass
9:30 am Faith Formation and R.C.I.A.
6:15 pm Formación de la Fe y R.C.I.A.
Non Perishable Food Donations Welcome
Special Collection for Catholic Education
St. Vincent de Paul Special Collection
NO RCIA for Children & Teens

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