Give a Full Account of Your Stewardship…


Give a Full Account of Your Stewardship…
March 24, 2013/24 de Marzo 2013
“… Welcome the stranger, serve the poor, free the oppressed, speak out for justice, and love one another.”
25th Sunday in
Ordinary Time
September 18, 2016
The Parable of the Dishonest
“Give a Full
Account of Your
Luke 16:2
Parish Information
Opening Our Hearts to Christ and to the World
Abriendo Nuestros Corazones a Cristo y al Mundo
Phone: 404-696-6704 Fax: 404-696-4735
Office Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m.
After Hours/Emergency Line: 304-280-3588
Email: [email protected]
Pastoral Staff
Rev. Fr. Jerome McKenna, C.P., Pastor
Rev. Fr. Alberto Cabrera, C.P., Parochial Vicar
Rev. Mr. Hilliard M. Lee, Jr., Deacon
Rev. Mr. Joseph Goolsby, Deacon
Rev. Mr. George Smith, Deacon
Sunday: 7:00am (Espanol), 10:00am (English)
1:00pm (Espanol)
Monday - Friday: 7:30am
Wednesday: 7:30am Communion Service
Saturday: 9:00am Communion Service
Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:30pm (English)
Eucharistic Adoration
First Friday Mass: 12:00 noon. (followed by Exposition)
Divine Mercy Chaplet: 3:00pm Benediction: 8:00pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 4:00pm (or contact the office for an appt.)
Sacrament of Baptism
First and Third Sundays (except during Lent)
Preparation Class: 2nd Saturdays of each month.
Contact the office for information.
Sacrament of Matrimony
Contact the Pastor at least six months before setting a
Anointing and Visitation of the Sick
Contact the Pastor or the Parochial Vicar
Adult Faith Enrichment
Served by the Passionist
Bible Study: Thursdays, 3:00pm
Prayer Group: Tuesdays, 6:00pm
Founded in 1954
T he Pastor’s Corner
My dear Parishioners,
Back in 1935, the Vatican asked Catholics throughout the
world to recognize the importance of teaching the Faith and
to honor those who do so as catechists. In 1971, the Church
in the United States formalized its commitment to Catechetical Education and established the third Sunday of September
as Catechetical Sunday. Today, we recognize the important
of teaching the faith and honor our volunteer catechists who
shoulder the responsibility of teaching the Faith in our community. While much of our attention is focused on those
catechists who teaching our children, we must not forget the
fact that the primary catechists of children are their parents
or guardians. Neither should be forget those Catechists who
work with our adults, instructing them in their responsibilities as parents and sponsors and facilitating our Bible Study
and Ongoing Adult Religious Education programs. Actually,
if we as Catholics take our vocation seriously, others should
see a bit of the Catechist in all of us.
The theme for this Catechetical Sunday is “Prayer: The Faith
Prayed.” It fits in beautifully with the Archdiocesan Pastoral
Plan since three of the four major aspects of that plan have to
do with Faith— Knowing the Faith, Living the Faith, and
Sharing the Faith. Prayer is the powerhouse for all three:
prayer stimulates us to want to know more about God and
the things of God; it sustains us as we struggle to live our
faith; and it inspires us to share our faith. Our union with
God in prayer assures us of his continuing presence in and
among us, the essential Stabilizer of our lives.
As we commission our Catechists today, each of us can and
should joyfully recommit ourselves to knowing, living and
sharing our faith, and taking advantage of numerous opportunities to do so.
—Fr. Jerome, C.P.
Sept. 11, 2016: $8,545.00
(Including Mail-in Contributions)
Youth Religious Education
Georgia Bulletin
St. Vincent de Paul
Votive Candles
Catholic University
Pledges received
Parish Sacrificial Contributions,
May Flower Breakfast Group
Youth Lemonade Sales: June-July
Dec. 2015—July 2016
Total Amount received to date
Needed: $12,000.00
September 18 - 24, 2016
Sunday, 10:00 am: People of the Parish
Intention of Donors
Saturday, 9:00 am:
Communion Service
What is a Catechetical Sunday?
Catechetical Sunday is a special day when
catechists are recognized and honored. On
Catechetical Sunday, we can honor those
who have entered into the ministry of
sharing the Word of God.
Parents and guardians are also honored because they are the
true first catechists, sharing the Catholic faith with their
families from the moments of the first breaths of life.
Let us thank the Lord for such an extraordinary guidance we
have been receiving in our homes and at Saint Paul of the
Cross through our amazing Catechists!
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, September 18, 2016
Catechetical Sunday
9:00a Choir Rehearsal - MR1
11:30a Youth & Children Religious Education classes
11:30a Women Society - Baptistry
3:00p KPC 4th Degree - Spiritual Center
Monday, September 19
2:00p Legion of Mary - MR1
7:30p-9:00p ESL Classes/ Clases de Ingles - Spiritual Center
7:30p Hispanic Matrimony Meetings - Fr. Alberto’s Office
Tuesday, September 20
2:00p Stewardship Meeting - MR1
6:00p English Prayer Group - Chapel
7:30p Hispanic Bible Study– Spiritual Center
Wednesday, September 21
7:00p Adult Religious Education ONLINE and Meeting - MR1
7:30p Spanish Mass - SC Chapel
Thursday, September 22
3:00p Bible Study - Spiritual Center
6:00p KPCLA 301 Exc. Board Mtg - Spiritual Center
7:00p Joint Meeting: Pastoral and Finance Council - MR1
7:00p Hispanic Choir Rehearsal - Church
7:00p Men’s Club - Media Room
7:00p YAM - Spiritual Center
Friday, September 23
6:30p Hispanic Prayer Group - Church
7:00p Spanish Mass - Church
Saturday, September 24
10:00a Christian Service Commission - MR1
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Our Sick, Homebound, Recovering And Hospitalized
Our Condolences to...
Thank you…
Mrs. Jessica Darensbourg and family on
the sudden loss of her sister, Angela
Henry, who passed from this world on
Tuesday, September 13th, in Louisiana.
Yet another week of generous
donations from our St. Paul of the Cross
church family for flood victims in Baton Rouge.
The love felt is overwhelming.
Thank you all so very much!
May God provide this family the strength
they need to cope with this difficult situation.
Let us keep them all in our prayers.
Audree and Percy Vaughn
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that
everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have
eternal life. — John 3:16
English Classes: Classes
held every Monday from
7:30pm to 9:00pm., in the
Spiritual Center. Learn to
speak, read and write in
Family and Friends,
This year you have the chance to
WIN $5000 1st Prize,
$2000 2nd Prize
or $1000 3rd Prize!
Tickets are $5. You can easily purchase
after Mass each Sunday, at the Rectory,
Monday-Friday 9am-4pm, or follow the
instructions below to buy online:
Thanks for your support and GOOD LUCK!
The Annual Second Collection
for St. Vincent de Paul Georgia ,
September 24th and 25th, goes
not only to helping people in our
area, but also to families and
individuals in need across the state.
The collection will allow SVdP Georgia to provide lifechanging programs and services, including direct aid
assistance, Client Choice Food Pantries, and support
that helps clients move toward stability and selfsufficiency. Please be generous during this collection,
and know that your donation goes directly to help
families and individuals move from crisis to stability.
Clases de Inglés: Todos los
Lunes de 7:30pm a 9:00pm,
en el Centro Espiritual de
San Pablo de la Cruz.
Aprende a hablar, leer y
escribir en Inglés.
Coming Events:
Oct. 2: Respect Life Sunday
Oct. 7: Our Lady of the Rosary
Oct. 9: Hispanic Heritage Day - Dia de la Herencia Hispana
Oct. 20: Memorial of St. Paul of the Cross
Oct. 22: Year of Mercy Pilgrimage to Holy Spirit Monastery
Oct. 23: Parish Celebration of St Paul of the Cross
Oct. 29: Parish Fall Raffle Drawing
Nov. 1: All Saints - Holy Day of Obligation
Nov. 2: All Souls
Our Parish Staff
Rev. Mr. Joseph Goolsby Facilities Manager
Ms. Patricia Elguera, Administrative Assistant
Ms. Veronica Hodges-Johnson, Religious Education
Ms. Alison Mason, Adult Faith Formation
Ms. Kristi Crawford, Youth Ministry
Dr. Lawrence Weaver, Music Director
Dr. Gregory Nash, Music Associate
Mr. Elmer Cortez, Bookkeeper
Mr. Edgardo Rubio, Custodian
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¡Bienvenidos a San Pablo de la Cruz!
Santa Misa en Español: Domingos, 7 a.m. y 1 p.m.
Horas de Oficina: Lunes - Jueves, 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
P. Alberto Cabrera, CP.: 347-819-5968
Numero de Teléfono (Oficina): 404-696-6704
Numero de Teléfono (Emergencia): 347-819-5968
¿Qué es el Domingo Catequético?
El Domingo Catequético es un día especial en donde los catequistas son reconocidos y honrados. El Domingo Catequético, podemos honrar a aquellos que han
entrado al ministerio de compartir la Palabra de Dios. Los padres y tutores también son honrados,
porque ellos son los verdaderos primeros catequistas que
comparten la fe católica con sus familias desde el primer
aliento de vida.
Mes de la Herencia Hispana
Aquí en San Pablo de la Cruz se celebrará el Día de la
Herencia Hispana el 9 de Octubre. Preste atención a
los siguientes boletines parroquiales para saber
detalles de la celebración de ese día.
Demos gracias al Señor por la enseñanza y orientación que
estamos recibiendo en nuestros hogares y en San Pablo de
la Cruz a través de nuestros increíbles Catequistas.
Septiembre 15 - Octubre 15
Familia y Amigos,
La Sociedad de St. Vincent de Paul
Georgia, Segunda Colecta 24 y 25
de Septiembre de 2016, ocurrirá
¡Tu puedes ser el ganador este año!
durante todas las misas del próximo fin
de semana (24 y 25 de Septiembre). Esta
colecta no sólo ayudará a las personas
en nuestra área, sino también a familias
y personas necesitadas en todo el estado. Por favor sean
generosos en esta colecta y sepan que su donativo va
directamente a ayudar a las familias y personas en crisis a
lograr la estabilidad.
$5000 1er Premio,
$2000 2do Premio or
$1000 3er Premio!
Los boletos están $5. Puedes comprarlos facilmente
después de Misa cada Domingo. En la Oficina de la
Rectoria de Lunes a Viernes de 9am a 4pm, o puedes
seguir las instrucciones en la página web para comprar
tus boletos en linea.
Talleres para Padres e Hijos
El Ministerio Hispano con el apoyo de voluntarios de
la parroquia esta presentando los siguientes talleres:
Costura: Viernes y Sábado 7:00pm
Tejido: Sábados 7:00pm
Música: Martes 20 de Septiembre 7:00pm
Canto: Martes 20 de Septiembre 8:00pm
Manualidades: Primer Domingo de cada mes at
Por favor preste atención al cambio de horario de las
clases de Música y Canto para Septiembre. A partir del
Lunes 26 de Septiembre el horario regresará a Lunes.
¡GRACIAS por colaborar y BUENA SUERTE!
Lectores: Yulma y Armando Delgado
Ministros de la Eucaristía: Luz y Juan O. Pacheco - Martha y
Zenón Barragán
Guías: Roberto González, Verónica Cruz, Enrique Wences,
Antonia Pacheco y Juan Pacheco
Monaguillos: Yancey Ozuna - Angel Ozuna
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