June 8: Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


June 8: Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time/Décimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
St. Mary’s Office - (979)233-5271
Office Manager/Bookkeeper
Tina Robledo
June 5, 2016 /05 de Junio 2016
Service &
Social Ministries/Ministerios Sociales y Servicios
Blanchard, Augustine Mendoza
Altar & Rosary Society/Sociedad
Movimiento Familiar Cristiano
Marilyn Saccomanno 233-1726
Miguel & Elizabeth Heredia 665-2318
Knights of Columbus/Los Caballeros de Colon
Pete Gutierrez
Guadalupana Society
Michael Gonzales 265-6630
Cristo Renueva su Parroquia
Maria Cardenas
Sonia Montoya
Almas Misioneras
Grupo de Oración
José Coronado
Maria Oliva
Email: [email protected]
Mary Rodriguez
Yolanda Garcia
Email: [email protected]
Faith Formation Coordinator
Sister San Juanita Mendoza Jeffress
Email:[email protected]
Legion of Mary/La Legion de Maria
Marilyn Saccomanno 233-1726
Carolina Luna
Mary Rodriguez
Pete Gutiérrez
St. Vincent de Paul
Juanita Cardozo
Archdiocesan Hispanic Ministry Delegates
Sonia T. Montoya – 979)709-2267
Arcelia Garcia – 979)709-4222
979) 201-3966 979)709-4222
Governance of the Parish
Pastoral Council/Concilió Pastoral
Chris Thompson, Arthur Moreno, Rebecca Shawver, Steve Melaragno,
Jesus Salazar, Willie Garcia, Johanna Blanchard
Finance Committee/ Comité de Finanzas
Kathy Shaw, Irene Ocañas, Wayne Davenport, Pete Kruppa, Blanca Bustos
Weekly Contribution
Seminary Collection for May 29th – $3,212.66
Carpet Collection - $1,447.83
Your faithful stewardship helps us meet our Fiscal needs.
“His Mercy Endures Forever - Psalm 136
“We are called upon to focus on the heart to see how
much generosity everyone is capable of.”
Pope Francis
The Diocesan Services Fund (DSF) helps all of us fulfill
Christ’s mission here on earth by supporting those programs
and services that cannot be accomplished by one parish
alone. Paid so far $10,792.00 with 72 families.
Please help us reach our goal of $25,000.00
with your participation.
PRAY FOR/Ruega Por Ellos:
Rogelio Calvillo, Liz Fernandez Strickland, Ignacio Damian
Sr, Lillie Damian, Eddie Virgil, Gabriel Gallegos, Will
Windham, Melissa Garcia, Angelica Silva, Edward Coufal,
Maria Cerda, Gary W. Callaway, Joyce Hargrove, Tim
Kolafa, Joan Horr, Luz Santos, Chano Lopez, Linda Melnar,
Francis Emily Cyr, Justin Salazar, Sherrie James, Craig
Cameron, Jennifer Hermosillo, Lou Roberts, Bridgett West,
Robert Gonzales, Jesse Chavez Sr., Josephina Chavez, Marcia
Meeks, Leong Mendoza, Joe Tyner, Margaret Martinez, Chris
Martinez, Alberto Garcia Sr, Graciela Garcia, Dolly Gallardo,
Levi Damian, Lupe Mendoza, Noberto Gonzales, Elena Nieto,
Emilo, Helen Montiel, Joelito Hinojosa, Priscilla Hinojosa,
Janice Gartman D, Gloria Irwin W.
And for all those whose names that have not been made known to
Altar Wine
You may sponsor the Altar wine for one month at $75 in memory
of or in honor of a family member or members. If anyone is
interested in sponsoring, please call the parish office at
June – In loving memory of +Mrs. Georgia Jacob
requested by Jacqueline and Charles Stetzel
Sponsor of the Week
[ILM Eugene & Lyra Dunn]
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time/Décimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Scripture Readings for the Week
Lecturas de la Semana
Mass Intentions
June 6 – June 12
1 Kings 17:1-6
June 5, 2016 /05 de Junio 2016
Baptism Preparation
Through Infant Baptism, parents “transmit to their children
their faith and the grace of the Sacraments which allow them to
enter the people of God, the Church” (Pope Francis).
Parents wanting to have their children baptized must come by the
parish office to register their child, attend preparatory classes and
follow our policy for celebrating the Sacrament. Classes will start
back in September.
Matthew 5:1-12
1 Kings 17:7-16
Matthew 5:13-16
1 Kings 18:20-39
Matthew 15:17-19
Preparación Para Bautismo
Por medio del Bautismo de Niños, los Padres “trasmiten a sus
hijos su fe y la gracia del Sacramento que les permite entrar,
formar parte del pueblo de Dios, la Iglesia” (Papa Francisco).
Los Padres que quieran que sus niños sean bautizados, deberán
venir a la oficina a registrar a su niño y asistir a las clases de
preparación y seguir el reglamento para la celebración del
sacramento. Las clases de Bautismo empiezan de nuevo en el mes
de Septiembre.
Matthew 5:20-26
1 Kings 18:41-46
Matthew 5:27-32
1 Kings 19:9a, 11-16
Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3
Matthew 10:7-13
5:30 pm - +Tillie Mikes requested by Jimmy Mikes
2 Samuel 12:7-10, 13 Galatians 2:16, 19-21 Luke 7:36---8:3
11:00 a.m. – Virgin de Guadalupe requested by the
Guadalupana Society and +Remedios Macedo and +Maria
Heredia - requested by Tamayo family
Sacrament of Marriage
A couple desiring to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage must
contact the Pastor or Deacon at least 6 months before their desired
wedding date. At least one of the couple must be an active
member of the Parish and a practicing Catholic. Please call the
parish office to reserve the date.
Sacramento de Matrimonio
Las parejas que desean celebrar el sacramento de matrimonio
necesitan comunicarse con el Pastor o Diácono por lo menos 6
meses antes de la fecha de casarse. Por lo menos uno de la pareja
debe ser miembro de la parroquia y estar viviendo la fe católica.
Favor de llamar la oficina para reservar la fecha de su boda.
Sacrament of the Sick
Please notify the Parish Office if you or a loved one is in the
hospital or homebound and desire to receive the Sacrament.
Preparing to Celebrate the Sacraments
Preparativos para celebrar los Sacramentos
Sacrament of Confirmation
Anyone interested in celebrating the Sacrament of
Confirmation (9th grade and above) please call the Faith
Formation office, 233-5271.
Sacramento de la Confirmación
Cualquier persona interesada en la celebración del
sacramento de la Confirmación (noveno grado en adelante)
por favor llame a la oficina de Formación de Fe, 233-5271.
Sacramento de los Enfermos
Por favor llame a la oficina si usted o algún ser querido está en el
hospital o confinado en casa y desea recibir el sacramento.
Rite of Christian Initiation
Anyone interested in knowing more about the Catholic Church or
interested in becoming a Catholic, please call the Parish office.
Anyone interested in sponsoring someone, please call the office at
Rito de la Iniciación Cristiana
1 Reconciliation and 1 Eucharist
Anyone interested in celebrating Reconciliation or Eucharist
for the first time, please contact the Faith Formation office at
Cualquiera que esté interesado en saber más acerca de la Iglesia
Católica o interesado en convertirse en un católica, por favor llame
a la oficina parroquial. Cualquier persona interesada en patrocinar
a alguien, por favor llame a la oficina al 233-5271.
Primera Reconciliación y la primera Eucaristía
Cualquier persona interesados en la celebración de la
Reconciliación o la Eucaristía por primera vez, favor de
contactar la oficina de Formación de la Fe al 233-5271.
Deadline: to publish information in the
bulletin is 3:00 p.m. Wednesday.
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time/Decimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one
another as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1
Pt 4:10).
Dear Parishioners,
June 5, 2016/05 de Junio 2016
“Que cada uno ponga al servicio de los demás el carisma que ha
recibido, y de este modo serán buenos administradores de los diversos
dones de Dios” (1 Pe 4,10).
Queridos Feligreses,
Next Saturday and Sunday, June 11-12, 2016, we are having
“Stewardship Sunday!” This is an opportunity for all of you to
find out some more about the ministries that are alive in our
parish, and to discern whether God may be prompting you to
share your time and talents with the greater St. Mary Star of
the Sea community. During these days, after each mass, the
ministries in our parish will setup tables along the sidewalks of
the Church and in the Hall, and will provide pamphlets and
other information about what it means to serve in that
particular ministry. They will also have signup sheets if you
already know what ministry you might be interested in.
El próximo sábado y el domingo, del 11-12 de junio del 2016,
tendremos “Domingo de los Ministerios!” Esta es una oportunidad
para que todos ustedes conozcan más acerca de los diferentes
ministerios que existen en nuestra parroquia, y para discernir si tal
vez Dios les está pidiendo que comparten de su tiempo y de sus
talentos con la entera comunidad de Santa María Estrella del Mar.
Durante estos días, después de cada misa, los ministerios en nuestra
parroquia tendrán puestos por las aceras de la iglesia y en el salón y
les proporcionarán folletos o otra información acerca de lo que
significa servir en ese ministerio particular. También habrán hojas
de inscripción si es que ya de una se quieren inscribir a ese
I really want to encourage all of you to seriously consider
serving in one of the many ministries. It is an opportunity to
grow deeper in your spiritual life because it gives you the
opportunity to serve your brothers and sisters in a very
practical and concrete way. It helps to make your faith more
alive and less theoretical, since it provides an opportunity to be
doers of the Word, and not just hearers (Jas 1:22). It is an active
and tangible way to build up the body of Christ, and to feel
that we are indeed one body. It gives you a stronger feeling of
belongingness to the community as it grows.
De todo corazón quiero animarlos a todos a considerar seriamente
la posibilidad de servir en uno de los varios ministerios. Es una
oportunidad para crecer más profundamente en su vida espiritual
porque les otorga la oportunidad de servir a sus hermanos y
hermanas de una manera muy práctica y concreta. El servir en un
ministerio ayuda a que su fe sea más viva y menos teórica, ya que
ofrece la oportunidad de ser hacedores de la palabra, y no sólo
oyentes (Sant 1:22). Es una manera activa y tangible de contribuir a
la edificación del cuerpo de Cristo, y verdaderamente experimentar
que en realidad somos un solo cuerpo. A uno le llega una más
fuerte sensación de pertenecer a la comunidad mientras crece.
I know that many of you would like to serve in a ministry, but
personal home or work situations (or other circumstances)
simply do not allow you the time to be able to serve. That’s ok.
Your presence at mass, and your prayers for each other are no
small thing, and they most certainly contribute to building up
our parish – to building up the Body of Christ as a community.
What is more, if you offer up the suffering of not being able to
serve in a ministry due to personal circumstances, I would say
that you are doing just as much as anyone else. Suffering
offered out of love is what builds a work of God; and the parish
is a work of God.
Sé que muchos de ustedes les gustaría servir en un ministerio, pero
por situaciones personales o de trabajo (u otras circunstancias),
simplemente no tienen el tiempo de servir de este modo. No hay
problema. Su presencia en la misa, y sus oraciones por toda la
comunidad no son poca cosa, y sin duda contribuyen a la
edificación de nuestra parroquia - la edificación del Cuerpo de
Cristo como comunidad. Es más, si uno ofrece el sufrimiento de no
poder servir en un ministerio debido a circunstancias personales, yo
diría que están contribuyendo el ciento por ciento. El sufrimiento
ofrecido por amor es lo que construye una obra de Dios; y la
parroquia es una obra de Dios.
I can tell you that plenty of help is needed, from church
maintenance to music ministry; from Sacristans to ministry to
the sick or homebound; from the Knights of Columbus, to the
St. Vincent de Paul Society. The harvest is plenty. If you have
the time and talent, please consider working in the vineyard of
the Lord.
Yo les puedo asegurar que la parroquia necesita un montón de su
ayuda - desde el mantenimiento de la iglesia y sus bienes hasta el
ministerio de música; desde la necesidad de sacristanes que
preparen al ministerio de visitar a los enfermos; desde los
Caballeros de Colón, a la Sociedad de Vicente de Paúl. La cosecha
es abundante. Si usted tiene el tiempo, el deseo, y el talento, por
favor considere trabajar en la viña del Señor.
Fr. Jesse Garcia
Padre Jesse Garcia
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time/Decimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
June 5, 2016/05 de Junio 2016
This Week in the Our Parish
June 6:
6:30 – 7:30 pm – 90th Anniversary meeting - HW
June 7:
8:30 am – English Mass
9:30 am - LOM – (English) – HW Classroom #5
5:00 pm – LOM (Spanish) - HW#5
7:00 pm – Finance Council - HW
7:00 pm – Spanish Choir Practice – (C)
8 pm - Alcohol Anonymous Meeting – Rms. #9 & #10
June 8:
5:45 pm – 6:15 pm – Confessions – (C)
6:00 pm – Peace Rosary – (C)
6:30 pm – English Mass
June 9:
9:00 am – 6:00 pm – Adoration
6:00 pm – Benediction
Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time/Decimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
6:15 pm – Spanish Mass
8 pm - Alcohol Anonymous Meeting – Rms. #9 & #10
June 10:
8:30 am – English Mass
3:00 – 4:00 pm – Divine Mercy
June 11:
4:00 - 5:00 pm – Confessions – (C)
4:30 pm – Choir Rehearsal – (Som)
5:30 pm – English Mass/Hospitality (Pastoral & Finance)-Hall
Stewardship after Mass
11:30 am – 4:50 pm – Life Touch Photography - HW
June 12:
9:00 am – English Mass/Hospitality (Pastoral & Finance)-Hall
11:00 am-Spanish Mass/Hospitality (Pastoral & Finance)-Hall
5:00 pm – English Mass/Hospitality (Pastoral & Finance)-Hall
Stewardship after all Masses
10:00 am – 5:10 pm – Life Touch Photography - HW
For all who missed Picture Day for our 90th
Anniversary Church directory you can call the
Parish office. Picture taking will be on June
11th and 12th in Heaven’s Way hall.
Para todos los que no se tomaron las fotos
para nuestro directorio de la Iglesia por el 90
aniversario puede llamar a la oficina. La toma
de fotografías será el 11 y 12 de junio en el
salón de Heaven’s Way.
We will be offering a Prayer Intention Book in
the vestibule for your convience. Please write
your Prayer intentions and be brief so others
may include their intentions.
Vamos a tener a Libro de Oraciones en el
vestíbulo para su conveniencia. Por favor
escriba sus intenciones de oración y sea breve
para que otros usuarios puedan incluir sus
90th Anniversary meeting on Monday,
June 6th, from 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm in the
conference room.
Liturgical Ministers Schedule
June 11, 5:30 P.M – English Mass
Altar Servers: Claire Cundieff
Lectors: Marilyn Saccomanno, Rosemary Bravo
EM’s: Delores Rodriguez, Maria Gutierrez, Yolanda Solis
June 12, 9:00 A.M – English Mass
Acolyte: Chris Thompson
Altar Servers: Omar & Carlos Ramos, Fred Silbas
Lectors: Sister Frances Weber, Arturo Moreno
EM’s: Carmen Olguin, Valentine Moreno, Nieves Olguin
June 12, 11:00 A.M – Spanish Mass
Acolyte: Chris Thompson
Altar Servers: Antonio & Allision Martinez, Bryan & Analy Chavez
Lectors: Candelaria Castro, Maria Oliva
EM’s: Noe Castro, Able Oliva, Luis Cruz
June 12, 5:00 P.M – English Mass
June 5, 2016/05 de Junio 2016
Altar Servers: Larry Lizardo, Francisco Castro
Lectors: Cynthia Lopez, Mariel Delgado
EM’s: David Delgado, Yolanda Garcia, Margaret Garcia
June 1-30 – Connie Melaragno, Valentina Moreno
Cave Quest Vacation Bible School is quickly
approaching. Please come and register at the
office on a fun-filled journey to follow Jesus, the
Light of the world from July 18th thru July 21st
from 10 am to 1 pm for children in PR-K thru 5th
Youth Fest, “You are the Light of the World”
is also quickly approaching. Please come by the
office to register and shine brightly with Our Lord
on July 22nd from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm for youth
in grades 6th thru 12th.
Congratulations to all Youth who were
Confirmed on May 27th.
Danielle Arroyo
Ashley Bailey
Rito Carrizales
Francisco Castro
Bryan Chavez
Larry Lizardo
Paige Damian
Verania De La Fuente
Sergio Diaz
Tatyana Diaz
Kevin Garcia
Cinthia Lopez
Uber Lopez
Esmeralda Martinez
Cristina Nunez
Estefania Robledo
Savannah Rodriguez
Jaqueline Ruiz
Leonel Salazar
Esmeralda Solis
Jose Tamayo
Chris Venegas
Ryan Zuniga

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