
6/ 18
6/ 25
7/ 2
Every Thursday through the
summer. Starting on
June 18 from 7:45 p.m. at
Yvonne Burke/Ham Park.
MArket &
Street Fair
Every Thursday through the
summer. Starting on
July 2 from 4 to 9 p.m. at
Yvonne Burke/Ham Park.
Monthly City Newsletter
of the City of Lynwood
June - VOl.9 - issue 6 - 2015
José Luis Solache
Richard J. Solis
Kid Mayor of the Month of May
Maria T. Santillan-Beas
Mayor Pro Tem
Aide Castro
Council Member
Edwin Hernandez
Council Member
Salvador Alatorre
Council Member
Maria Quiñonez
City Clerk
Yolanda Rodriguez Gonzalez
City Treasurer
J. Arnoldo Beltran
City Manager
PG. 2
Water conservation Mandates
Pg. 2
Pg. 3
Fireworks safety
Pg. 5
Pg. 5
sweet tweets
Pg. 6
June 4
Sidewalk CPR Workshop
Lynwood Senior Citizen Center
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
June 4
Firebaugh High School Graduation
Whittier College
13406 Philadelphia Road,
Whittier, CA 90608
6 p.m.
June 13
Juneteenth Unity Festival
Lynwood City Park
2 to 6 p.m.
YA viene
el verano
With summer on the horizon, the City of Lynwood is gearing up to kick off
an array of summertime events and programs that will make summer more
exciting than ever.
Not only has the City’s Olympic-sized pool been renovated just in
time for the summer months, but there are oodles of events in the works
intended to bring out entire families to enjoy the outdoors this summer
throughout the City. Working parents can take advantage of a low-cost
Summer Day Camp offered by the City’s Recreation and Community Services
Department. Summer Day Camp is perfect for kids ages 5 to 13. The program
starts on June 8 and runs through August 28 from
7 a.m. to 6 p.m. and offers kids different activities
throughout the day - allowing a better option for
working parents than leaving kids unattended at
home with nothing to do.
Summer programs will be in full swing by
mid-June. The City’s Second Annual Juneteenth Unity
Festival is scheduled to jam-pack Lynwood City Park
on June 13 with a star-studded lineup of musical
guests and performers, along with a marketplace of
vendors. On that same day, City Hall will be adorned
with purple ribbons in honor of the City’s 5th
Annual Relay for Life, taking place on June 27-28 at
Lynwood Park. The event helps to raise funds for the
American Cancer Society, for awareness and research
It wouldn’t be summer in the City without its popular Movies in
the Park series. The first movie will screen on Thursday, June 18 at 7:45
p.m. at Yvonne Burke/Ham Park. Come prepared for a picnic to reserve your
spot among the 400 to 500 people who come out every Thursday during the
summer to enjoy a movie under the stars. The fun continues when the City’s
third annual Farmer’s Market and Street Fair kicks off on July 2 from 4 to 9
p.m., also at Yvonne Burke/Ham Park.
Still there’s nothing more popular in the City than the annual 4th
of July Spectacular. With an expected attendance of over 8,000 people, this
year’s Fourth of July event promises to be bigger than ever with its fireworks
display, carnival, rock-climbing, tasty food vendors, pony rides and so much
more. The fireworks display starts at 9 p.m. At least no one can say that the
City’s two main parks are underused. Lynwood children and families fill them
every day throughout the year not just during summer months. With so much
going on in the City this summer to bring families together, people can say
that nothing big ever happens here all they want, but they’re not seeing
families enjoying each other’s company outdoors – and that’s pretty big.
Have a great summer Lynwood. See you at the park and at the movies!
here comes summer
Con el verano en el horizonte, la Ciudad de Lynwood se está preparando para iniciar una
cantidad de eventos y programas de verano que harán que el verano sea más excitante que
No solo se ha restaurado la alberca olímpica de la Ciudad justo a tiempo para
los meses calientes de verano, sino que también hay una gran cantidad de eventos que se
están organizando para que las familias entteras disfruten del aire libre. Este verano los
padres que trabajan también pueden beneficiarse del Campamento de Día de Verano a bajo
costo que ofrece el Departamento de Servicios Recreativos y Comunitarios de la Ciudad. El
programa es perfecto para los niños de 5 a 13 años. El programa comienza el 8 de junio
hasta el 28 de agosto de 7 a.m. a 6 p.m. y ofrece a los niños
diferentes actividades a lo largo del día: una mejor opción que
dejar a los niños en casa sin supervisión y sin nada que hacer.
Los programas de verano estarán en pleno
funcionamiento para mediados de junio. El Segundo Festival
Anual de Unidad Juneteenth de la Ciudad está programado
para llenar de multitudes el Lynwood City Park el 13 de junio
con un grupo estelar artistas musicales junto con proveedores
de mercado. Ese mismo día, City Hall sera adornada con cintas
violetas en honor de el 5º Evento Anual Relay for Life que
se llevará a cabo el 27 y el 28 de junio en Lynwood City Park.
El evento ayudara a recaudar fondos para las campañas de
sensibilizacion y conciencia del American Cancer Society.
No sería verano en la ciudad sin su serie popular de Películas
en el Parque para familias. La primera película se proyectará el jueves 18 de junio a las 7:45
p.m. en el Yvonne Burke/Ham Park. Venga preparado para un picnic para reservar su lugar
entre las 400 a 500 personas que salen todos los jueves durante el verano para disfrutar de
una película bajo las estrellas. La diversión continúa cuando la tercera edición anual del
mercado de agricultores arranca el 2 de julio de 4 a 9 p.m. también en Yvonne Burke/Ham
Despues de todo, la realidad es que no hay nada más espectacular en la ciudad
que nuestra celebración del 4 de julio. Con una asistencia de más de 8,000 personas, este
año la celebración del 4 de julio promete ser más grande que nunca, con su espectáculo de
fuegos artificiales, un carnaval, una escalada en roca, vendedores ambulantes de alimentos
sabrosos, y mucho más. El castillo de fuegos artificiales se inicia a las 9 p.m. Al menos
nadie puede decir que no se usan los dos parques principales de la Ciudad. Con todo lo
que sucederá este verano en la Ciudad para que las familias disfruten del aire libre, las
personas pueden decir que nada grande pasa aquí, pero no ven a las familias disfrutando
de la compañía mutua al aire libre – y eso es muy grande. Que tengan un hermoso verano.
¡Nos vemos en el parque y en las peliculas!
Kid Mayor Program Making Future Leaders
Desarrollar futuros líderes con el Programa del Alcalde Niño
Rosa Parks Elementary School was well
represented during the City of Lynwood’s first May
City Council Meeting as Kid Mayor Richard J. Solis sat
in the Mayor’s seat and proceeded to run the meeting.
The 10-year-old fifth grader from Rosa Parks
Elementary School, with a little sister and family in
the audience, announced that ever since he could remember, he’s always wanted to
help his community but never thought he would be able to do it, or give his ideas to
do so, as a 10-year-old fifth grader.
From calling the May 4, 2015 meeting to order, to participating in the Council
Member’s roll call, introducing the Sheriff’s Department’s Color Guard Presentation,
kicking off the Pledge of Allegiance and the invocation, the young Solis remained calm
and collected. Spearheaded by this year’s Lynwood Mayor, with full support from his
Council colleagues, the 2015 Kid Mayor Program gives 12 star Lynwood Unified School
District students the opportunity to serve as the Junior Mayor of the City for an entire
month. Solis is the fifth student Kid Mayor selected for 2015.
Solis, who received a Proclamation from the City, along with a $400
scholarship from the Mayor, is a fan of the City’s Mayor and his use of Social Media to
show the community how government works. “When I’m the real Mayor of this City, I
want to be there right away to fix things just like our Mayor is,” Solis told the audience.
“When things go wrong, I want to be there.”
The Kid Mayor submitted his first request to the City’s Public Works
Department when he said there was a water leak on his street. “We’re in a drought so
leaks like this should be addressed right away,” Solis said during the Council Meeting.
The Council, along with the audience, smiled and applauded Solis’ request. |
La escuela Rosa Parks Elementary School estuvo bien representada
durante la primera Asamblea del Municipio de mayo de la Ciudad de Lynwood
cuando el Alcalde Niño Richard J. Solis se sentó en el asiento del Alcalde y
presidió la reunión.
El niño de 10 años del 5to grado de Rosa Parks Elementary School, con
su hermana menor y su familia en la audiencia, anunció que desde que tiene
memoria, siempre quiso ayudar a su comunidad pero nunca pensó que podría
hacerlo, o que podría dar sus opiniones como un niño de 10 años del 5to grado.
Desde la apertura de la asamblea el 4 de mayo de 2015, participar del llamado
de lista de los Miembros del Municipio, presentar la Presentación de la Guardia
de Color del Departamento del Sheriff, hasta dar inicio al Himno de la Bandera
y la invocación, el joven Solis se mantuvo con calma y tranquilo. Liderado por
el Alcalde de Lynwood de este año con el apoyo total de sus colegas en el
Municipio, el Programa de Alcalde Niño de la Ciudad de Lynwood 2015 brinda a
12 estudiantes estrella del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Lynwood la oportunidad
de actuar como Alcaldes Junior de la Ciudad por un mes completo. Solis es el
quinto estudiante seleccionado para Alcalde Niño en el 2015.
Solis, que recibió una Proclamación de la Ciudad, junto con una beca
de $400 del Alcalde, es un admirador del Alcalde y su uso de los medios sociales
para demostrar a la comunidad cómo funciona el gobierno. “Cuando sea el
verdadero Alcalde de esta Ciudad, quiero estar siempre preparado como nuestro
Alcalde para arreglar las cosas”, dijo Solis a la audiencia. “Cuando algo salga
mal, yo quiero estar ahí.”
El Alcalde Niño presentó su primera petición al Departamento de
Obras Públicas de la Ciudad cuando dijo que había una pérdida de agua en su
calle. “Estamos atravesando una sequía, por lo que es importante tratar este
tipo de pérdidas inmediatamente”, dijo Solis en la Asamblea del Municipio. El
Municipio, junto con la audiencia, sonrió por la petición de Solis.
Public Meeting on the Governor’s Executive Order on the Drought
July 2, 2015 at 6 p.m. City of Lynwood - Bateman Hall - Room 2
City Council Meetings
1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month
6:00 p.m. - City Hall Council Chambers
Open to the Public
April 7, 2015 Meeting:
Mandatory Water Conservation
Conservación de agua obligatoria
Watering Schedule Reduced to 2 Days a Week
No Watering Between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
El programa de riego se reduce a 2 días por semana
No regar entre las 9 a.m. y las 6 p.m.
On May 5, 2015, the State Water Resources Control
Board adopted an emergency regulation requiring an
immediate 25 percent reduction in overall potable urban water
use statewide in accordance with the Governor’s executive
order issued on April 1. Like every City in the State, the City of
Lynwood is faced with a mandatory reduction of 16% based on
water usage in 2013.
On April 21, 2015, to comply with the Governor’s
mandatory water conservation order, the City of Lynwood
declared a Level 2 Water Supply Shortage. Level 2 Water
Conservation requires that certain reduction measures be
imposed on all water users in Lynwood.
Some of the water restrictions imposed by the City
and the State, effective as of today, include:
El 5 de mayo de 2015, la Junta de Control de Recursos de
Agua del Estado adoptó una norma de emergencia que requiere una
reducción inmediata del 25 por ciento en el uso de agua urbana
potable en todo el estado de acuerdo con el decreto emitido por
el Gobernador el 1 de abril. Como todas las Ciudades del Estado, la
Ciudad de Lynwood se enfrenta a una reducción obligatoria del 16%
sobre la base del uso de agua en 2013.
El 21 de abril de 2015, de conformidad con el decreto
de conservación de agua obligatoria del Gobernador, la Ciudad de
Lynwood declaró una Escasez de Agua Nivel 2. La Conservación de
Agua Nivel 2 requiere la imposición de ciertas medidas de reducción
para todos los usuarios de agua de Lynwood.
Algunas de las restricciones de agua impuestas por la
Ciudad y el Estado, en efecto a partir de hoy, incluyen:
No washing down paved sidewalks and driveways
No watering outdoor landscapes in a manner that causes excess
No washing a vehicle without a shut-off nozzled hose or the
use of a hand held bucket
No irrigating 48 hours following rainfall
Lynwood water users must also follow the City’s new
Outdoor Watering schedule: This provision does not apply to
watering or irrigating when using a hose equipped with shutoff; a hand-held bucket; using very low drip type irrigation
system when emitter produces no more than 2 gallons of water
per hour; or when adjusting or repairing an irrigation system.
No tirar agua en aceras y entradas de vehículos pavimentadas
No regar jardines al aire libre de manera que cause escorrentía
de agua excesiva
No lavar un vehículo sin una manguera con cierre automático o
sin utilizar un balde de mano
No regar por 48 horas después de una lluvia
Los usuarios de agua de Lynwood también deben cumplir
con el nuevo programa de riego de la Ciudad: Esta disposición no
aplica para regar o irrigar cuando se usa una manguera equipada con
cierre automático; un balde de mano; cuando se usa un sistema de
irrigación de muy bajo goteo cuando el emisor produce no más de 2
galones de agua por hora; o cuando se ajusta o repara un sistema de
April - October
2 days/week
Monday and Thursday
Abril - Octubre
2 días/semana
Lunes y Jueves
November - March
1 day/week
Noviembre - Marzo
1 día/semana
The City may impose warnings, monetary penalties, flow
restrictors or termination of service for non-compliance.
La Ciudad puede imponer advertencias, sanciones de carácter
económico, reguladores de flujo o cancelación del servicio por el
1. First Violation- Written Warning
2. Second Violation within preceding 12 months - $100 or a fine
established by the City Council
3. Third Violation within preceding 12 months - $250 or a fine
established by the City Council
4. Fourth and Subsequent Violations- $500 or a fine established
by the City Council
1. Primera violación- Advertencia escrita
2. Segunda violación dentro de los 12 meses - una multa de $100 o
una multa establecida por el Municipio
3. Tercera violación dentro de los 12 meses - una multa de $250 o
una multa establecida por el Municipio
4. Cuarta violación y siguientes- una multa de $500 o una multa
establecida por el Municipio
In addition to any fines the City may: install water-flow
restrictors, terminate water service, or deem the violation
a misdemeanor punishable by prosecution or a fine not
exceeding $1,000 or a fine established by the City Council.
The mandatory reduction imposed on the City by the State,
may require the City to provide additional restrictions and
penalties. For questions, visit the City’s website at www. or call (310) 603-0220, Ext. 801. To report
Water Wasters in Lynwood, call (310) 603-0220 Ext. 200.
Además de las multas, el Municipio podrá: instalar reguladores de
flujo de agua, cancelar el servicio de agua o considerar la violación
como un delito menor punible con procesamiento o una multa que
no exceda los $1,000 o una multa establecida por el Municipio. La
reducción obligatoria que el Estado impuso para la Ciudad puede
requerir que el Municipio establezca restricciones y sanciones
adicionales. Si tiene preguntas, visite el sitio web de la Ciudad www. o llame al (310) 603-0220, Ext. 801. Para reportar
personas que derrochan agua en Lynwood, llame al (310) 603-0220
Ext. 200.
Replace Your Ride
The City of Lynwood encourages low-to-moderate
income residents to take advantage of a new pilot program
being offered by the South Coast Air Quality Management
District and the Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Review
Committee that assists individuals with vehicles older than
nine years old with a down payment for a newer, advanced
technology vehicle.
The Replace Your Ride Program is a vehicle retirement
and replacement program approved by the California Air
Resources Board that is funded by Assembly Bill 118’s
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund. The program provides
incentives to eligible owners of light and medium duty
passenger vehicles for the early retirement of these vehicles.
The retire and replace component of the program also provides
incentives for the replacement of the retired vehicle with a
cleaner, more fuel efficient one or, alternatively, provides for
a mass transit pass or participation in car-sharing programs in
lieu of a replacement vehicle.
The pilot Replace Your Ride Program focuses on low
and middle income consumers residing in disadvantaged
communities. Incentive amounts in addition to the base Replace
Your Ride amounts will be up to $5,000 for plug-in Hybrids or
Zero Emission Vehicles and up to $2,500 for conventional Hybrid
vehicles that are 8 years old or newer at the time of purchase.
This program and these funds are limited and will be awarded
on a first-come, first-served basis.
To learn more or to see if you qualify or if your vehicle qualifies,
call Top Shelf Environmental Consulting at (844) 214-0933 or
visit for more information.
Approved the 2015 Lynwood Farmers Market & Street Fair Program,
to be Held in Conjunction with the Movies in the Park Series at Yvonne
Burke/Ham Park
Approved a Contract Extension for William Stracker of D R Consultants
and Designers Inc. to Serve as Interim Director of Public Works/City
Authorized Funding for the 2015 4th of July Celebration From the
Refuse/Special Events Fund
Received and Filed Recommendations to Appoint a New Member to
the Planning Commission’s Vacant Seat
April 21, 2015 Meeting:
Approved the Publication of Notice of Stale Dated Checks and Transfer
of Unclaimed Funds to the Miscellaneous Revenue Account
Approved a Contract to Convergint Technologies for Video Surveillance
Camera Maintenance
Authorized an Agreement with Brailsford Public Art to Provide Mosaic
Art Services to Prepare and Construct the Artistic Elements for the
Lynwood Linear Park Project
Approved a Contract to Hushmand Associates Inc. for the Geotechnical
and Soils Engineering Study for the Subsidence of State Street,
Northbound at Cedar Avenue
Adopted the Plans, Contract Documents and Working Details for the
Linden Street, Virginia Avenue and Elmwood Avenue Improvement
Asamblea del 7 de abril de 2015:
• Se aprobó el Programa de Mercado de Agricultores y Feria
de Lynwood de 2015, que se celebrará junto con la Serie de
Películas en el Parque en el Yvonne Burke/Ham Park
• Se aprobó la Extensión del Contrato para William Stracker de
D R Consultants and Designers Inc. para actuar como Director
Interino de Obras Públicas/Ingeniero de la Ciudad
• Se autorizó la financiación para la Celebración del 4 de julio de
2015 del Fondo de Eventos Residuo/Especiales
• Se recibieron y archivaron recomendaciones para designar a
un nuevo miembro para el puesto vacante de la Comisión de
Asamblea del 21 de abril de 2015:
• Se aprobó la Publicación de la Notificación de cheques vencidos
y la transferencia de fondos no reclamados a la cuenta de
ingresos misceláneos
• Se aprobó un contrato con Convergint Technologies para el
mantenimiento de las cámaras de video de vigilancia
• Se autorizó un Acuerdo con Brailsford Public Art para brindar
servicios de mosaicos artísticos para preparar y construir
elementos artísticos para el Proyecto de Lynwood Linear Park
• Se aprobó un contrato con Hushmand Associates Inc. para el
Estudio de ingeniería geotécnica y de suelos por el hundimiento
de State Street, hacia el norte de Cedar Avenue
• Se adoptaron los planos, documentos de contrato y detalles de
trabajo para el Proyecto de Mejoras de Linden Street, Virginia
Avenue y Elmwood Avenue
Father’s Day is officially here! It’s the perfect chance
to treat your dad to a day of fun, relaxation, bonding
time and remind him why he’s still the number one
man in your life! You can spend the whole day enjoying
dad’s company and show him your appreciation for
being your rock over the years! If you haven’t figured
out just how you want to spend the day with your
main man, we’ve come up with a couple of fun ideas
that you and your dad can participate in:
1. Sunday Brunch
2. Watch the NBA Finals with him
3. Take him to play at his favorite Golf Course
4. Pay for a massage
5. Prepare a lunch at the park with games
6. Take him to a concert
7. Make his favorite dinner
8. Buy him a new gadget
9. Get his vehicle detailed
10. Take him shopping |
Coffee, Breakfast and LYNWOOD
Music with the Captain
Have a Safe 4th of July
N O T IC E L Que tengan un 4 de julio seguro
Safety Tips
Fire in the grill, under hot dogs and burgers, is a welcome
sight at the family cookout. But fire anywhere else can
make your summer kick-off barbecue memorable for all
the wrong reasons.
1. Propane and charcoal BBQ grills should only be
used outdoors.
2. Keep children and pets away from the grill area.
3. Keep your grill clean by removing grease or fat
4. Never leave your grill unattended.
5. The grill should be placed well away from the
home, deck railings and out from under eaves and
overhanging branches.
While the best kind of memories can be made during 4th of July
celebrations, tragedies and injuries caused by fireworks not handled safely
can put a damper on those memories.
The best advice Lt. Todd Deeds, of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s
Department’s Century Station, can give residents this 4th of July is to leave
the firework lightings to the professionals. Encouraging residents to come
out and enjoy the City of Lynwood’s annual 4th of July Spectacular at
Lynwood Park is second nature to Lt. Deeds, but he knows well that people
will set off Safe and Sane Fireworks anyway. He just hopes that families
take every precaution possible to keep themselves and their children safe.
Here are a few tips from Lt. Deeds:
• Fireworks should always be purchased from authorized vendors.
• Teach kids how to keep sparklers away from their face, clothing, hair
and others.
• Never make your own fireworks.
• Keep a bucket of water or a hose nearby for emergencies.
• Never point or throw fireworks at another person.
• Light one firework at a time.
• Don’t pick up any fireworks after an event, they may be hot.
• Never relight a dud.
“This has been an extremely dry year and we’re in the middle of a
drought, so we are urging residents to be very careful when using fireworks
near dry grass or brush. We understand that people want to enjoy their 4th
of July and all of the festivities that come with the holiday, but at the same
time, safety comes first.”
Together, the City of Lynwood and Century Station have launched
a “Say No to Illegal Fireworks Campaign” in hopes of convincing people to
take a pledge to NOT discharge, sell or buy illegal fireworks in the City, or
anywhere else. With nearly 8,000 people expected to attend, this year’s 4th
of July Spectacular will include carnival-like festivities that begin at 3 p.m.
The fireworks display starts at approximately 9 p.m.
Charcoal Grills
1. There are several ways to get the charcoal ready to
use. Charcoal chimney starters allow you to start
the charcoal using newspaper as a fuel.
2. If you use a starter fluid, use only charcoal starter
fluid. Never add charcoal fluid or any other
flammable liquids to the fire.
3. Keep charcoal fluid out of the reach of children and
away from heat sources.
4. There are also electric charcoal starters, which do
not use fire. Be sure to use an extension cord for
outdoor use.
5. When you are finished grilling, let the coals
completely cool before disposing in a metal
Propane Grills
1. Check the gas tank hose for leaks before using it for
the first time each year.
2. Apply a light soap and water solution to the hose.
3. A propane leak will release bubbles.
4. If your grill has a gas leak, by smell or the soapy
bubble test, and there is no flame, turn off the gas
tank and grill.
5. If the leak stops, get the grill serviced by a
professional before using it again.
6. If the leak does not stop, call the fire department.
If you smell gas while cooking, immediately get
away from the grill and call the fire department.
7. Do not move the grill.
Seeking 4th of July Vendors |
Si bien las celebraciones del 4 de julio pueden dejarnos los
mejores recuerdos, las tragedias y lesiones que los fuegos artificiales
causan cuando no se manejan con cuidado pueden arruinar esos recuerdos.
El mejor consejo que el Tte. Todd Deeds, del Century Station del
Departamento del Sheriff del Condado de Los Ángeles, puede brindar a los
residentes este 4 de julio es que dejen que los profesionales se encarguen
de las iluminaciones de los fuegos artificiales. Es natural para el Tte. Deeds
alentar a los residentes a salir y disfrutar del Espectáculo anual del 4 de julio
de la Ciudad de Lynwood en el Lynwood Park, pero sabe muy bien que aún
así las personas usarán fuegos artificiales de Safe and Sane Fireworks. Solo
espera que las familias tomen todos los recaudos posibles para garantizar
su seguridad y la de sus hijos. Estos son algunos consejos del Tte. Deeds:
Los fuegos artificiales siempre se deben comprar a través de
proveedores autorizados.
Es importante enseñarles a los niños a mantener las luces de bengala
lejos del rostro, la ropa, el cabello y las demás personas.
Nunca intente hacer sus propios fuegos artificiales.
Mantenga un balde con agua o una manguera cerca en caso de
Nunca apunte o tire fuegos artificiales a otra persona.
Encienda un fuego artificial por vez.
Nunca recoja fuegos artificiales después de un evento, pueden estar
Nunca vuelva a encender un fuego artificial estropeado.
“Este ha sido un año extremadamente seco y estamos en el
medio de una sequía, por lo que estamos pidiendo a los residentes que
tengan mucho cuidado cuando usan los fuegos artificiales cerca del pasto
o arbustos secos. Entendemos que las personas quieren disfrutar del 4
de julio y todas las celebraciones del feriado, pero al mismo tiempo, la
seguridad está en primer lugar.”
Juntos, la Ciudad de Lynwood y Century Station han lanzado una
“Campaña digamos no a los fuegos artificiales ilegales” para convencer
a las personas a comprometerse a NO usar, vender ni comprar fuegos
artificiales ilegales en la Ciudad, ni en ningún otro lugar. Con casi 8,000
personas que se espera que asistirán, el Espectáculo de 4 de julio de este
año incluirá celebraciones al estilo de carnaval que comenzarán a las 3 p.m.
La exhibición de fuegos artificiales comienza aproximadamente a las 9 p.m.
The City of Lynwood’s Recreation & Community
Services Department is seeking vendors to buy booth spaces
for its annual 4th of July Celebration at Lynwood City Park
on Saturday, July 4, 2015. Every year, the City showcases
a spectacular fireworks show, a festive carnival, and great
music, as well as a variety of vendors selling delicious food,
entertaining novelties and providing valuable information
on various topics of interest to the community. All food
vendors must be registered with the Los Angeles County
Health Department and are responsible for bringing their
About 130 people were treated to a cup of
coffee, breakfast and music by the Lynwood High School
Jazz Orchestra last month as Century Station Captain
Ernie Chavez hosted his Second Annual Coffee with the
Captain at Starbucks on Bullis Road and Martin Luther
King Jr. Boulevard. At the helm for a little over a year
now, Captain Chavez hosts these Coffees with the Captain
in order to meet members of the community in a more
informal setting.
Captain Chavez has made getting to know the
community and vice versa, his priority. “I can’t stress
that enough to all of our deputies. I’ve always felt that
it’s important that deputies know the community, know
their needs, and for the community to get to know them
too.” Several canopies, tables and chairs were set up in
the parking lot, where Starbucks donated the coffee and
Alvizar Buffet Catering, a light breakfast. For a special
treat, and thanks to the Lynwood Unified School District,
the LHS Jazz Orchestra took a mini field trip to help
make Captain Chavez’s Coffee with the Captain the most
successful one yet.
own set-up to the event, including tables, chairs, extensions,
and canopies. The City of Lynwood will supply a power source,
sinks, and portable restrooms. If interested, please contact Rozie
Carrillo at (310) 603-0220, Extension 319.
Booth space is available as follows, per booth:
Information Booths: $100
Novelty Booths: $200
Food Booths: $300
Starting now, we are accepting photo submissions to be featured on our Lynwood feature page. Here’s how this goes: You
submit photos, our staff decides on the best, and your photo
gets month-long fame in our newsletter. You can send in a
photo of you at a Community event, or of you involved in the
Community or you can send in a photo of you doing something to make
your community better. You have creative freedom. All we ask is that
you are the taker of the photo, and that you think it represents the
Lynwood community. Filters are allowed – be as creative as you want!
Send photo to [email protected].
Firebaugh High School’s
10th Anniversary
he late Marco Antonio Firebaugh’s family
joined the Lynwood Unified School District
recently to celebrate Firebaugh High
School’s 10th Year Anniversary. Firebaugh High
School celebrates Marco Antonio Firebaugh every
year by honoring the school’s top students with
scholarships. “We are so humbled to know that
this community honors my father’s legacy every
year with a celebration,” said his daughter, Tlalli
Ariana, as she accepted a bouquet of flowers
from the school’s parents, administration and
Associated Student Body. “Thank you for keeping
his legacy alive and teaching students today
about his advocacy for education.” The 10 Year
Anniversary Celebration featured performances
by local dance groups; several keynote speakers
and a mini-resource fair.
undreds of families turned out for the Lynwood Unified
School District’s and City of Lynwood’s Second Annual
Festival of the Arts 2015 at Lynwood High School. The
collaborative effort brought out dozens of student artists from
across the school district, and from within the City, to display
their works of art and showcase their talents in art, music,
dance, song, poetry, culinary arts, spray painting, photography
and theatrical performances. “This event aimed to shine a
light on all of the arts, on all of the cultures that make up our
community,” said Mark Flores, Director of the City’s Recreation
and Community Services Department. “The arts are a very
important component in the development of a community. Our
youth athletic program is highly successful, but we know that
not everyone is into sports. Every child is different so as a City
and a School District, we want to do our best to give all of our
youth different outlets to express themselves – the arts present
those avenues.” The annual Festival of the Arts has been created
to raise awareness, appreciation and exposure of the arts.
Attendees were treated to performances by Abstractus, La Raza,
the LEAP Program, the Lynwood High School Dance Club, the
Lynwood Steppers, the Young Actor’s Guild, Fusion Girls, Latin
Mirage, and the Princess Feet Dance Company.
Photo of the month
After months of being closed for
renovations, the City of Lynwood’s Natatorium reopened recently just in time for the summer months.
Swimming is only one of the many activities that
can be enjoyed at the Lynwood Natatorium! It also
offers Under-Water Hockey, Aqua Aerobics, Lap
Swim, Pool Rentals and Senior Aerobics as well as
the opportunity to join the Lynwood Marlins Swim
Team! Repairs were made on the water tank, floor
joints were re-caulked, and swim lanes have been
freshly painted. Showers, restrooms, and interior
doors of the Natatorium also underwent necessary
repairs and the pool deck tile and grout were also
cleaned. The interior walls throughout the facility
have also been re-painted. The Lynwood Natatorium
looks brand new, and not to mention, that it remains
heated at 85 degrees at all times. While more repairs
to the patio area are still to come (the patio will
remain closed through July), the Natatorium will
remain open during its normal summer schedule. |
REcreation on-line
Sweet Tweets
The All-America City of Lynwood’s
Recreation & Community Services Department
is turning to the social media network to better
connect with the community by launching its
first Twitter account: @LynwoodParks.
Twitter will be used by the Recreation
& Community Services Department to enhance
and increase interaction with members of
the community looking to keep their children
involved in Lynwood activities. The Twitter
page will include postings (tweets) that contain
information in regards to city-wide special events,
City parks & facilities and general recreational
opportunities for Lynwood residents.
The Lynwood Recreation & Community
Services Department Twitter page gives the
community another avenue of staying informed
and involved in City programs. The Recreation
Department is excited to build a following on its
new Twitter page so that the community can stay
informed, stay involved and be informed about
all of the great things happening in the City of
Lynwood in real-time.
All Twitter followers of @LynwoodParks
through July 11, 2015 will be entered into a
drawing for a $50 gift card!
Juneteenth Unity Festival
Festival de la Unión Juneteenth
The stage is being prepped, entertainers being signed and
vendors lining up for the City of Lynwood’s Second Annual Juneteenth
Unity Festival taking place on Saturday, June 13, 2015 at Lynwood City
Juneteenth is the oldest known celebration commemorating
the ending of slavery in the United States. Dating back to 1865, it
was on June 19th that the Union soldiers, led by Major General Gordon
Granger, landed at Galveston, Texas with news that the war had ended
and that the enslaved were now free. Today, Juneteenth is promoted
not only as a commemoration of African-American freedom, but as an
example and encouragement of self-development and respect for all
Held in conjunction with Juneteenth celebrations across the
country, the City of Lynwood’s Juneteenth Unity Festival expects to
bring together close to 500 people.
In honor of this historic event, the City of Lynwood is joining
forces with the Uniting Nationalities Intelligently Through Education
Coalition (U.N.I.T.E), local businesses and local legislators Assemblymen
Anthony Rendon, Mike Gipson and Senators Ricardo Lara and Isadore
Hall III, to unite all of the nationalities of our communites for a day of
culture, spoken word, history, music, food, fun and a focus on unity,
self-improvement, understanding and education.
The Second Annual Juneteenth Unity Festival takes place on
Saturday, June 13, 2015 from 2 to 6 p.m. at Lynwood City Park, 11301
Bullis Road, Lynwood CA 90262. This event is free and open to the public
so bring out your blankets, lawn chairs and canopies and be prepared
the enjoy food from an array of food truck vendors, and arts and crafts
and merchandise from local vendors.
Se está preparando el escenario, contratando artistas y los
vendedores hacen fila para el Segundo Festival Anual de la Unión
Juneteenth de la Ciudad de Lynwood que se llevará a cabo el sábado 13 de
junio de 2015 en el Lynwood City Park.
Juneteenth es la celebración más antigua conocida que
conmemora el fin de la esclavitud en Estados Unidos. Allá en el año
1865, el 19 de junio los soldados de la Unión, encabezado por el General
Gordon Granger, llegaron a Galveston, Texas con la noticia que la guerra
había finalizado y que los esclavos eran ahora libres. Hoy, el Juneteenth
se celebra no solo como una conmemoración a la libertad afroamericana,
sino que también es un ejemplo y aliento de desarrollo personal y respeto
hacia todas las culturas.
Junto con las celebraciones de Juneteeth en todo el país, el
Festival de la Unión Juneteenth de la Ciudad de Lynwood espera reunir
cerca de 500 personas.
En honor a este acontecimiento histórico, la Ciudad de
Lynwood se suma a los esfuerzos de Uniting Nationalities Intelligently
Through Education Coalition (U.N.I.T.E., por sus siglas en inglés,
Uniendo Nacionalidades de manera Inteligente a través de coalición de
la educación), los comercios locales y los legisladores locales Anthony
Rendon, Mike Gipson y los senadores Ricardo Lara e Isadore Hall III,
para reunir a todas las nacionalidades de nuestras communiadades para
celebrar un día de la cultura, la palabra hablada, historia, música, comida,
diversión y atención a la unidad, desarrollo personal, comprensión y
El Segundo Festival Anual de la Unión Juneteenth se llevará a
cabo el sábado 13 de junio de 2015 de 2 a 6 p.m. en el Lynwood City Park,
11301 Bullis Road, Lynwood CA 90262. Este evento es gratis y abierto al
público, traigan sus mantas, sillas y toldos y prepárense para disfrutar de
la comida de una cantidad de camiones que venden comida y del arte, las
artesanías y mercaderías de los vendedores locales.
Laughlin Get-Away - Wednesday,
June 17, 2015 to Friday, June 19, 2015
Mr. & Miss Lynwood Competition
The City of Lynwood is bringing back
its popular Mr. & Miss Lynwood Scholarship
Competition for students in the 11th and
12th grades. The competition is calling on all
talented and interested student contestants
who would happily jump at the opportunity
to display their talents and compete for
scholarships, as well as the honor of being
crowned Mr. Lynwood and Miss Lynwood.
Currently, the Recreation &
Community Services Department staff is
finalizing event plans, and a meeting for
interested students will be announced soon.
The competition is scheduled to take place on
August 22, 2015 at the Lynwood High School
Performing Arts Center. Qualifying male
and female contestants will prepare a group
presentation based on their skills and talents
and as the competition progresses, contestants
will be paired down to solo presentations
where they’ll be able to shine individually in
whatever talent they posses. So polish and
practice your skills in reciting original poetry,
singing, dancing, comedy, and showcase the
talent of your choice.
This grand event will culminate in
only one female and one male contestant
being crowned Mr. & Miss Lynwood 2015.
Finalists will also get to share in the $10,000
Scholarship prize money! Eligible students may
attend Lynwood High School, Firebaugh High
School or Vista High School. The competition is
also open to recent LUSD high school graduates
who are entering or are currently in their first
year of college.
Registration Information:
• Lynwood Community Center, 11301 Bullis Road, Monday through Thursday, 7 a.m. to 5:30
p.m. Call (310) 603-0220, Ext. 319 for any questions. Cash & Credit Cards are accepted.
Lynwood Senior Center, 11329 Ernestine Ave., Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
and Fridays 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Call (310) 886-0425 for any information. Cash only. |
Spots are still available for this relaxing
3-day get-away to sunny Laughlin,
Nevada! Guests will enjoy their stay at the
Edgewater Hotel & Casino where amenities
include the on-site casino, nightclub,
restaurants, coffee shop, flat-screen TVs,
outdoor pool, arcade/game room, gift
shops, and newsstands. Double-occupancy
is $125 per person, single-occupancy is
$145 per person. These reasonable prices
include round-trip transportation on a
coach bus and two complimentary buffetstyle meals at one of Edgewater’s eateries!
Save the Date - Father’s Day
Celebration - Thursday, June 18, 2015
Senior gathering…this event is very
similar to our Mother’s Day Celebration
and will include light refreshments and
entertainment at the Lynwood Senior
Center from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Sit and chat
with friends and dance to your favorite
tunes. Let’s celebrate deserving Dads!
Join the Relay for Life:
June 27-28, 2015 - Lynwood City Park
The fifth annual City of Lynwood’s
Relay for Life, an American Cancer Society
fundraiser, takes place the weekend of June
27-28, 2015 at Lynwood City Park. The 24hour Relay for Life event begins at 9 a.m. on
June 27 and ends at 9 a.m. on June 28.
Aside from participating in the
American Cancer Society’s annual communitybased fundraising event for the fifth year
in a row, this year the Lynwood City Council
took it up a notch and declared June 2015 as
“Lavender Month” in honor of Cancer Survivor
Awareness Month.
Participants in this event seek
sponsors, form teams, and walk together
during a 24-hour period. Registration for this
event is free, but there will be a donation
table at the event. All donations are welcome.
Usually teams walk together around the park
during a 24-hour period, or they will keep a
member of their team walking around the
park at all times. This year, participants don’t
have to stay for the entire 24 hours. While
the event is the American Cancer Society’s
biggest fundraiser, the event’s purpose is to
raise awareness. This year, the Lynwood Relay
for Life is seeking the community’s help in
celebrating those who have overcome this
disease, remember those who have lost their
battles to cancer, and those who continue
their fight! The community is invited to either
be a sponsor of the event, a participant or
simply come out and cheer for other walkers
in the 24-hour relay! To get involved, please
call (310) 886-0413.
COmmunity calendar
City’s Recreation and Community Services
summer day camp The
Department’s annual Summer Day Camp provides
working parents with an extraordinary option for
youth between the ages of 5 to 13 years every
summer. The City’s Summer Day Camp is a great
value for families and provides a safe, convenient
and enriching environment for children throughout
the summer months. Summer Day Camp operates
June 8 through August 28. There are three, 4-week
sessions that operate Monday through Friday, from
7 a.m. to 6 p.m. with breakfast and lunch provided
daily. A wide variety of activities are planned for all
ages such as games, sports, movies, skating, beach
trips, miniature golf, and excursions to major theme
parks and attractions on Fridays at an additional cost.
For more information, call (310) 603-0220 Ext. 319.
It’s that time of the year again when families make their way
to Yvonne Burke/Ham Park for the City of Lynwood’s annual
Movies in the Park series. The Movies in the Park series
begins on Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 7:45 p.m. with the
family film “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, Not Good,
Very Bad Day.” The Movies in the Park Series screens a fun,
family movie every Thursday night for 10 consecutive weeks.
No less than 400 people can be found at Yvonne Burke/Ham
Park every Thursday night during the summer. Two weeks
later, on Thursday, July 2, families and park goers are treated
to the City’s third annual Farmer’s Market at Yvonne Burke/
Ham Park. This year the City has decided to add Street Fair to
the Farmer’s Market title due to the overwhelming responses
from vendors interested in bringing a variety of goods to sell
to the community. The Farmer’s Market and Street Fair will
start on Thursday, July 2, 2015 from 4 to 9 p.m. in the park’s
parking lot. Families can buy fresh produce, baked goods,
shaved ice, flavored pop-corn, arts and crafts, honey, and
an array of made to order food. Our families love Thursday
nights in the summer. Why don’t you join us?
Movies in the
Park Series/
Farmer’s Market &
Street Fair
Mariachi Under
the Stars II
SAVE THE DATE: Master Latino Art Curator Gregorio Luke
returns to the City of Lynwood for the Second Annual Mariachi
& Murals Under the Stars on Friday, July 24, 2015 at Yvonne
Burke/Ham Park for a night of music, art, dance and song set
to the tone of mariachi music and its history. Director of Art
in Communities and Schools, Luke is taking his Murals Under
the Stars Multi-Media Presentation across the County of
Los Angeles throughout the summer. The event will feature
Luke’s multi-media presentation on the history of mariachi
music, a live mariachi performance donated by Plaza Mexico,
folkloric dancers, and food vendors where partial proceeds
will benefit ARCOS, Luke’s non-profit that helps him take
his Murals Under the Stars Multi-Media Presentation to
communities like Lynwood free of charge. The event takes
place July 24, 2015 from 7 to 10 p.m. at Yvonne Burke/Ham
Park, 11832 Atlantic Ave., Lynwood, CA 90262
June 1
Lynwood High School
Galen Center,
USC Campus
3400 S. Figueroa St.,
Los Angeles, CA 90089
6 p.m.
June 2
City Council Meeting
6 p.m.
June 4
Sidewalk CPR
Lynwood Senior
Citizen Center
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
June 4
Firebaugh High
School Graduation
Whittier College
13406 Philadelphia
Road, Whittier, CA
6 p.m.
June 5
Vista High School
Bateman Hall
1 p.m.
June 13
Juneteenth Unity
Lynwood City Park
2 to 6 p.m.
June 13
Relay for Life Paints
the City Purple
City Hall
9 a.m.
Important nunmbers
June 14
Father’s Day Celebration
Plaza Mexico
June 16
City Council Meeting
6 p.m.
• Bateman Hall
(310) 886-0413
• City Hall
June 18
Movies in the Park Series
Yvonne Burke/Ham Park
7:30 p.m.
June 21
Father’s Day
(310) 603-0220
• Code Enforcement
(310) 886-0456
• Compton Court
(310) 762-9100
June 23
Neighborhood Block
Watch Captains Meeting
Bateman Hall Room 1
6 p.m.
• Waste Resources
June 27-28
Relay for Life
Lynwood City Park
24-Hour event
9 a.m. to 9 a.m.
• Fire Inspection
(888) 467-7600
• Dial-A-Taxi
(855) 545-9595
(310) 603-5258
• Fire Station #147
July 2
Farmer’s Market &
Street Fair
Yvonne Burke/Ham Park
4 p.m.
July 2
Public Meeting on the
Governor’s Executive
Order on the Drought
6 p.m.
Bateman Hall - Room 2
July 4
4th of July Spectacular
& Carnival
Lynwood City Park
3 p.m. to 9 p.m.
June 24
Fireworks Display
healthy & Safety Plan @ 9 p.m.
Bateman hall room 2
6 to 8 p.m.
(310) 603-5255
• Fire Station #148
(310) 603-5270
• Hall of Records
(562) 462-2137
• Health Department, Environmental
(213) 351-5085
• L.A. County, Sheriff’s Department
(323) 568-4800 • Lynwood Library
(310) 635-7121
• Lynwood Natatorium
(310) 886-0414
• Lynwood Post Office (Atlantic Ave.)
(310) 632-3707
• Lynwood Post Office (Long Beach Blvd.)
(310) 638-9074
• Lynwood Unified School District
(310) 886-1600
 
Cargo por Registración
 
Recaudación de Fondos Descuento Familiar disponible
Incluye: uniforme, paquete basico de fotos, trofeo o medalla y seguro
Saturday Registrations / Registración los sabados:
May 2, May 9, May 16, May 30, June 6, June 13 : 10am to 2pm
6/13/15 (10am - 2pm) – Last change to Register! / Ultima oportunidad para registrarse!
In Person Registration take place at / Registración en persona sera en:
Lynwood Community Center, 11301 Bullis Road, Lynwood CA 90262
• Lynwood Senior Center
(310) 886-0425
• Lynwood Sports Office
(310) 886-0426
• Lynwood Youth Center
(310) 886-0453
• Senior Meals (310) 886-0416
• Street Sweeping
(562) 860-0604
• Service Request
(310) 603-0220 x. 207
• Trolley, MV Transit
(562) 259-9911
• Used Oil Recycling
(800) 449-7587
 
• Bulky Item Pick-up
(888) 467-7600
• Animal Control Request
(310) 603-0220 x. 207, 312 |
C A LL : (310 ) 60 3 -0 2 2 0 , ex t. 6 1 3
on all white display boards
[email protected]
Like a good neighbor,
State Farm is there.
Delores Stubbs
3601 E. Imperial Highway
Lynwood, CA 90262 |
State Farm Mutual Automible Insurance Company.
State Farm Indeminty Company, Bloomington, IL |
C A LL : (310 ) 60 3 -0 2 2 0 , ex t. 6 1 3
Alfredo Gonzalez Jr.
(310) 639-1342
10844 S. Atlantic Ave.
Lynwood, CA 90262

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