Our Lady of La Salette Parish


Our Lady of La Salette Parish
8:00 and 10:30am in English
5:30pm en español
Rev. Victor J. Reyes, Pastor
[email protected]
Deacon Charlie Carignan
[email protected]
Deacon John Stanley
[email protected]
Lonnie Naylor, Music
[email protected]
Martha Vahanian, Religious Education
[email protected]
María Pérez, Educación Religiosa
[email protected]
Robert Mitchell, RCIA
[email protected]
Macrina Delgado, RICA
[email protected]
Cecilia Llona, Office Management
[email protected]
Lucia Martin, Bookkeeping
[email protected]
Louise Baker, Maintenance
[email protected]
Mike Ditty, Finance Council
Thomas Kelleher, Building Commission
Ellen Brown, Women’s Guild
[email protected] (678-493-4841)
Yini Riggi, Gremio de Damas
[email protected] (770-875-1744)
Randall Johnson, Knights of Columbus
[email protected] (770-380-1318)
Dottie Johnson, KofC Ladies’ Auxiliary
[email protected] (770-367-3702)
Barbara Crosson, Stephen Ministry
Cathy Hoetink, Stephen Ministry
Pam Shurmantine, Ultreya-Cursillo
[email protected]
OLOL St Vincent dePaul Conference
[email protected]
Bulletin/ Web Site Announcements
[email protected]
Our Lady of La Salette Parish
2941 Sam Nelson Road , Canton, Georgia 30114
770.479.8923 tel
770.479.6025 fax www.lasalettecanton.com
March 23, 2014
Third Sunday of Lent
Page 2
Welcome to our parish!
¡Bienvenidos a nuestra parroquia!
We are glad that you chose to worship with us.
Nos complace que haya elegido celebrar con nosotros.
If you would like to join our parish, please ask one
of the ushers for a ‘Newcomer packet’.
Fill out the registration form and either return it to
an usher, mail it or bring it to the parish office.
Si usted desea unirse a nuestra parroquia, por favor
pregunte a uno de los acomodadores por un ‘Paquete
para nuevos’. Llene el formulario de inscripción y, o bien
devuélvalo a un acomodador, envíelo por correo o tráigalo a la
oficina parroquial.
God Bless!
¡Dios los Bendiga!
Stewardship of Prayer
For our Mass Intentions:...
Saturday, March 22
5:30pm Isabella Larson †
Sunday, March 23
8:00am Austin Fogarty †
10:30am Pro populo
5:30pm Casario Ramirez †
Monday, March 24
6:30pm Communion Service
Tuesday, March 25
9:00am Herman J. Henderson, Sr †
Wednesday, March 26
6:30pm Communion Service
Thursday, March 27
9:00am Javier Gutierrez †
Saturday, March 29
5:30pm Jane Tuma †
Sunday, March 30
8:00am Isabella Larson †
10:30am Martha and Henry Lundgard †
5:30pm Pro populo
We fulfill our obligation to unite with one another in prayer… So, we pray ...
Prayers are powerful and important for those in our parish community who are ill or need our
support. We ask you to help us keep the list current by renewing the prayer request weekly and
by letting us know when the person has recovered. In an effort to ensure our prayer request list is
up to date, at the end of each month we will remove anyone from the list for whom we do not
have a current request. Thank you for your cooperation and your prayers for our parishioners in
For our sick and all in need of healing…
W.C. Cook, Lloyd Tressler, Sheila Marcusky, Chris Marcusky, Lynn and Elva Zimmer,
Mary Bonnici, Ed Skrobiszewski, John and Marion Jadick, Michael Smith, Connie Haley,
Jan and Bobby Fleckenstein, Inez Giles, Bette Pena, Roy Guercio, Norm Larson, Tessa Henley,
John and Dot Conroy
For those who serve...
Terry Smith, Ryan Halloran, Ben Ball, Jeff Goodwin, WOI Martin McCloud, Rick Savage, Jullian
Walker, Julie Key, John A. Minnich, Kasey Mortilaro, Matt Larson, Brandon Larson, Brandon West,
Adam Tokarski, Cody Bilodeau, Nelson “Eddie” Rivera, Rachel Palmer.
If we have died with Christ, we believe that
we shall also live with him.
St. Faustina, Divine Mercy
on my Soul
“Now you shall consider my love in
the Blessed Sacrament. Here, I
am entirely yours, soul, body and
divinity, as your Bridegroom. You
know what love demands: one
thing only, reciprocity.”
- Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Every Wednesday 12:00pm to 6:30pm
We need guardians for every hour.
To volunteer please call Leslie Beal at 678-925-0748
or Alicia Azula at: 770- 720-6940
Sta. Faustina, Divina Misericordia en Mi Alma
“Ahora vas a meditar sobre Mi amor en el Santísimo
Sacramento. Aquí estoy entero para ti, con el cuerpo, el
alma y la divinidad, como tu Esposo. Tú sabes lo que
exige el amor, una sola cosa, es decir, la reciprocidad.”
Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento
Todos los miércoles de 12:00pm a 6:30pm
Necesitamos adoradores.
Por favor llamen a Alicia Azula 770-720-6940
(Romans 6:8)
Our condolences to his wife Virginia Gutierrez and children, his sister in law
Louise Baker, and all his family and friends
May Christ, who called you, take you to himself;
may angels lead you to the bosom of Abraham.
In Need Of A Prayer? If you or a member of your family is in need of a prayer, or has been hospitalized or is homebound, please inform the parish staff. Call the office or e-mail us at [email protected]. Also, we have a Prayer Request book in the back of the church. These
requests will be remembered in prayer during Adoration on Wednesdays.
Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma
Page 3
My Financial Pledge to Our Lady of La Salette (remember your pledge is confidential)
In Thanksgiving for God’s blessings in my/our life, and to support our parish and its ministries, I/we pledge:
Offertory (Fill in one below)
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
Quarterly $____________
Email Address:
Mi Promesa Financiera a Our Lady of La Salette (recuerde que su compromiso es confidencial)
En agradecimiento por las bendiciones de Dios en mi/nuestras vidas, y para apoyar a nuestra parroquia y sus ministerios,
Yo/Nosotros prometemos:
Ofrenda (Llene uno de estos)
Direccion :
Semanalmente $__________
Ciudad, Estado, codigo Postal:
Mensualmente $__________
Trimestralmente $_________
Correo Electronico:
Anualmente $____________
March 23, 2014
Third Sunday of Lent
Stewardship of Faith
Page 4
Our prayerful response to God’s blessings!
Sunday, March 23- Third Sunday of Lent
Ex 17:3-7
Ps 95 Rom 5:1-2, 5-8
Jn 4:5-42
Jesus satisfies our thirst for eternal life. Through his spirit his grace has been poured into our hearts. God satisfies the thirst of the Israelites whose heart
have become hardened and rebellious
Monday, March 24 - Lenten Weekday
2Kgs 5:1-15b
Ps 42
Lk 4:24-30
As Elisha cured Naaman the Syrian in the waters of the Jordan, so Jesus promises healing salvation for all.
Tuesday, March 25 - The Annunciation of the Lord
Is 7:10-14;8:10
Ps 40 Heb 10:4-10
Lk 1:26-38
The Lord will give a sign: a child, who has come to do God’s will, shall be conceived by the Spirit.
Wednesday, March 26 - Lenten Weekday
Dt 4:1,5-9
Ps 147
Mt 5:17-19
Israel is exhorted to keep God’s covenant which has been proclaimed. Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law and the prophets.
Thursday, March 27- Lenten Weekday
Jer 7:23-28
Ps 95
Lk 11:14-23
Return to the Lord and be one with him. Listen to his voice and obey his commands.
Friday, March 28 - Lenten Weekday
Hos 14:2-10
Ps 81
Mk 12:28-31
By observing the two great commandments, you will walk in the paths of the Lord.
Saturday, March 29 – Lenten Weekday
Hos 6:1-6
Ps 51
Lk 18:9-14
It is love that the Lord desires, not sacrifice; he longs for sincerity and humility of heart.
Sunday, March 30 - Fourth Sunday of Lent
1Sm 16:1b,6-7,10-13a Ps 23
Eph 5:18-14 Jn 9:1-41
Samuel does not see as God sees in the choice of David, who is anointed with oil. As Jesus cures the blind man, so too are we brought from darkness
into light through the grace of baptism.
Jesús es el Agua de Vida
3er domingo de Cuaresma
Semana del 23 de marzo de 2014
Escucha la Palabra (Juan 4:5-42)
En esta larga historia, ¿qué imagen o escena vieron en los ojos de su
mente? ¿Qué frase o palabra llamó su atención?
Ve tu vida
Pregunta para los niños: ¿Cómo experimentas a Jesús ayudándote
y amándote?
Pregunta para los jóvenes: Jesús se manifestó a un marginado de la
sociedad. ¿Cómo puedes ser "agua viva" a los marginados de tu escuela?
¿De la sociedad? ¿Del mundo?
Pregunta para los adultos: Cuándo siente la tentación de tratar de satisfacer su “sed por significados” ¿que hace que regrese al agua de vida de la
intimidad con Cristo? ¿A través de qué medios experimenta el poder de
Cristo en su vida: los sacramentos? ¿las escrituras? ¿la oración?¿otros?
Actividades para la semana
La mujer samaritana sintió la libertad para cambiar porque ella sintió que
Jesús la amaba y la aceptaba. En familia, hablen sobre cómo nos sentimos
cuando alguien en la familia quiere que cambiemos. ¿Por qué ayuda cuando sabemos que quien nos lo está solicitando nos ama? ¿Por qué es importante para nosotros afirmar el bien que vemos en cada uno? ¿Cómo sabemos que Jesús nos ayudará a cambiar para ser mejores?
Hagan un centro de mesa para la cena con el tema del agua. Pueden
usar un plato con agua, una flor que flote en el agua o una vela que flote en
el agua. Vayan alrededor de la mesa y pidan a los miembros de la familia
que respondan a la siguiente pregunta. ¿De qué forma satisface Jesús tu
Coloquen un tazón con agua en el centro de una mesa en su hogar. Formen un círculo alrededor del tazón con agua. Recuerden a la familia la
historia de Jesús y la mujer samaritana y que Jesús dijo que él nos dará
agua viva que nos traiga la vida eterna. Inviten a cada miembro de la familia
a colocar su mano en el agua y bendíganse. Cuando todos se hayan bendecido, digan: Permite que tu agua viva refresque nuestras vidas.
Usen la historia de la mujer en el pozo para mostrar cómo Jesús aceptó
al marginado. Hablen en familia sobre ¿quiénes son los marginados y extraños que viven en nuestra comunidad? ¿Qué significa darles la bienvenida y aceptarlos como son?
Jesus is the Living Water
3rd Sunday of Lent
Week of March 23, 2014
Listen to the Word (John 4:5-42)
In this long story, what image or scene did you see in your mind’s eye?
What phrase or word caught your ear?
Look into Your Life
Question for children: How do you experience Jesus helping and
loving you?
Question for youth: Jesus revealed himself to an outcast of society.
How can you be “living water” to the outcasts of your school? Society?
The world?
Question for adults: When you are tempted to try to satisfy your
“thirst for meaning” through some other means, what keeps you coming back to the living water of intimacy with Christ? Through what
means do you experience Christ’s power in your life: Sacraments?
Scripture? Prayer? Others?
Activities for the week
The Samaritan woman felt free to change because she felt that Jesus loved and accepted her. As a family, talk about how we feel when
someone in the family wants us to change. Why does it help when you
know that the one who is making the request loves you? Why is it important for us to affirm the good we see in one another? How does
knowing Jesus help us to change for the better?
Create a centerpiece for the dinner table on the theme of water. You
may want to use a dish of water, a flower to float in the water, or a candle that floats in the water. Go around the table and have family members answer this question. How is Jesus satisfying a thirst of yours?
Place a bowl of water in the center of a table in your home. Form a
circle around the bowl of water. Remind the family of the story of Jesus
and the Samaritan woman and of Jesus’ statement that he will give us
living water that brings eternal life. Invite each family member to place
his or her hand in the water and bless him or herself. When everyone
has blessed themselves say: Let your Living Water refresh our lives.
Use the story of the woman at the well to show how Jesus accepted
the outcast. Discuss with your family: Who are the outcasts and strangers who live in our community? What does it mean to welcome them,
and accept them for who they are?
Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma
Page 5
A disciple’s prayerful and grateful response to God’s blessings!
Stewardship by the Bible
Corresponsabilidad de acuerdo a la Biblia
MARCH 23, 2014
23 DE MARZO, 2014
Cuando Jesús le pidió un vaso de agua a la mujer
Samaritana, el abrió la puerta para una relación
con Él que le cambiaría la vida a ella. Las escrituras dicen que su testimonio condujo así mismo
a muchos más hacia el. ¡Nosotros, también, debemos estar listos para responder a cualquier
hora y en cualquier sitio que el Señor nos hable y
estar preparados para que esto cambie nuestras
When Jesus asked the Samaritan
woman for a drink of water, he
opened the door for a life-changing
relationship with him. Scripture says
her testimony drew many others to
him as well. We, too, must be ready
to respond whenever and wherever
the Lord speaks to us and be prepared
for it to change our lives!
There are three pivotal actions in this Sundays Gospel.
Jesus begins this action by asking for a drink, the woman responds by asking for his water, and then he shares the Good
News about the Messiah.
In the Sacrament of Baptism, it is the Holy Spirit that comes
through us through the symbol of water. The Spirit is called down
upon the water in the font, which becomes the sign of our new
birth in Christ.
Just as we were born once at our natural birth, at Baptism we
are born in to God’s life through the action of the Holy Spirit. Jesus
Christ, who is the “Living Water” gives us rebirth in water and the
Spirit. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 694)
Hay tres acciones fundamentales en el Evangelio de este domingo. Jesús comienza pidiendo de beber, la mujer responde pidiéndole
su agua, y el comparte las buenas nuevas acerca del Mesías.
En el Sacramento del Bautismo, es el Espíritu Santo que viene a
nosotros a través del símbolo del agua. El Espíritu Santo se invoca
sobre el agua de la fuente la que se convierte en el signo de nuestro
nuevo nacimiento en Cristo.
Al igual que nacimos una vez en nuestro nacimiento natural, en el
Bautismo nacemos a la vida de Dios a través de la acción del Espíritu
Santo. Jesucristo, que es el "agua viva" nos da renacimiento por el
agua y el Espíritu. (Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica, 694)
Celebration of the Eucharist
Every Tuesday at 5:00pm in the chapel in Tarpley Hall
(Second Floor #217)
All parishioners are invited
Parishioners between the ages of 18 and 35 are also invited to join us in a Pilgrimage of Trust and Reconciliation in the tradition of Taizé
April 4 —- 6 in Dallas, Texas.
Los feligreses entre las edades de 18 y 35 años también están invitados a acompañarnos en una Peregrinación de Confianza y Reconciliación en la tradición de Taizé —-del 4 al 6 de abril en Dallas, Texas.
For more information and to register please contact:
Para mayor información y para inscribirse por favor comunicarse con:
Jennifer Gronroos
Peggy Collins Feehery
Rev. Victor Reyes
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
A convenient, consistent way to help our church grow.
Go to www.lasalettecanton.com to register and participate.
Una manera conveniente y consistente de ayudar a que nuestra parroquia crezca.
Visite www.lasalettecanton.com para inscribirse y participar.
March 23, 2014
Mass Ministry
March 29 & 30
Saturday 5:30 pm
Wendell Henry
Barry Young
Altar Server
Bob Seguin
Jesse Beal
Lucila Kelson
Carmen Young
Sunday 8:00 am
Gary Johnson
Randy Johnson
Altar Server
Vincent Baker
Vince Baker
Louise Baker
Elizabeth Garner
Third Sunday of Lent
Page 6
A disciple’s prayerful and grateful response to God’s blessings!
Stations of the Cross in English and Spanish
Estaciones del Vía Crucis en inglés y en español
Fridays in Lent — Viernes de Cuaresma
6:30 PM
Nuestras Promesas Bautismales
Servicio Parroquial Comunitario
de Reconciliación
Lunes 7 de abril a las 7:00pm
Our Baptismal Promises
Parish Communal Reconciliation Service
Monday, April 7th at 7:00pm
Lenten Dinners…
Cenas de Cuaresma…
Immediately after the Stations of the Cross
on Fridays during Lent.
Después de las Estaciones del Vía Crucis los
viernes durante la Cuaresma.
March 28
Bring a meatless a casserole to share.
28 de marzo
Traiga un platillo guisado (cazuela) sin carne para compartir
April 4
Bring a meatless Latin Dish to share.
4 de abril
Traiga un platillo latino (hispano) sin carne para compartir
April 11
Traiga un platillo de pasta o pizza sin carne para compartir
11 de abril
Traiga un platillo de pasta o pizza sin carne para compartir
Palm Cross making workshop
(learn to make crosses out of palms.)
Taller para aprender a hacer la Cruz de la palmas
(aprenda a hacer cruces de palmas.)
Sunday 10:30 am
Frank Cotter
Greg Patterson
Lee Kendziora
Marty Martinez
Altar Server
Alyson Ditty
Anna Michell
Marian Schuetz
Caroline Ditty
Dick McDonald
Domingo 5:30 pm
Rosa L. Francisco
Pablo Tubac
Dominga Francisco
Marcelino Raymundo
Sonia Mateo
Alejandra Herrera
Jose Herrera
William Gabriel
Abram Vicente
Fabiola Herrera
Erick Herrera
Eleuteria Bastidas
Ministry Spotlight
Contact: Louise Baker at 678-880-8803
email: [email protected]
This ministry offers several opportunities to serve our
Lord and fellow parishioners by keeping our facilities
beautiful, clean and in good repair. Following the
example of St. Therese, we offer our works as prayer
while using our talents and skills. Rotating teams of
two or three, we dedicate about two hours a week to
clean the church. Anyone who would like to help is
invited to sign up for this ministry.
Enfoque de Ministerio
Contacto: Louise Baker al 678-880-8803
Correo Electrónico: [email protected]
Este ministerio ofrece la oportunidad de servir al Señor
y a la parroquia manteniendo los terrenos limpios, bonitos y en buen estado. Siguiendo el ejemplo de Santa
Teresa ofrecemos nuestra labor como oración y al mismo tiempo usamos nuestros talentos y habilidades. Hay
equipos rotativos que dedican dos horas semanales a la
limpieza de la iglesia. Todo el que quiera ayudar es
invitado a participar en este ministerio.
Next week, our parish will take up the Catholic Relief Services Collection. This
Collection supports six Catholic agencies that touch more than 100 million lives
around the world. The funds from this Collection provide food to the hungry,
support to displaced refugees, and show Christ’s love and respect to all people.
Next week, please give generously to the Catholic Relief Services Collection and help Jesus in disguise.
La próxima semana la segunda colecta será para Catholic Relief Services Collection. Esta colecta otorga
financiamiento a seis agencias católicas que tocan a más de 100 millones de vidas alrededor del mundo.
Los fondos de esta Colecta proporcionan alimento al hambriento, ayuda a los refugiados desplazados y
muestra el amor y el respeto de Cristo a todas las personas. Sea generoso con la colecta de Catholic
Relief Services y ayuden al otro rostro de Jesús.
Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma
Page 7
Celebración de la Palabra
Los que participamos en la Celebración de la
Palabra los sábados te hacemos una cordial
invitación para que nos acompañes a escuchar y meditar la palabra de Dios y alabar
su nombre. ¡Ven a celebrar con nosotros!
La celebración comienza a las 7:00pm en el
Centro Parroquial. Si necesitas transporte, la
van de la iglesia puede pasar por tí. Para
más información, contactar a Diego Herrera
[678-938-6933], o a Modesto Cruz [404-4920377]. ¡Te esperamos!
A “Close-Knit”
Un Grupo
“Tupido en
All parishioners who have participated in
either a Cursillo Weekend, a Walk to Emmaus
Weekend, a Three Days Weekend, or a Christ
Renews His Parish weekend and all parishioners interested in finding out more about the
spirituality of the Cursillo movement are
invited to attend and participate in the
Ultreya on the 2nd & 4th Saturdays of the
month at 10:00am in the Rectory.
Contact Pam Shurmantine at
[email protected] or at 770-720-3017.
Easter Flowers
Knit and crochet ítems
for the elderly. Las prendas tejidas son
donadas a ancianitas.
2 & 4 Friday / 2 y 4 viernes ♦ 10am-12pm
Parish Center / Centro Parroquial
Contact Erika Martinez @ (678) 493-1891 or
[email protected].
If you would like to help with the beautification of our church during the
Easter season you can make a contribution toward altar flowers. To participate, fill out the “Flower Donation Envelope” located in the pews, include your memorial gift and
place in the collection basket. Names of remembered loved
ones will be recognized in a special bulletin insert (please
print clearly).
A donation of $5 or more is suggested.
Flores para la Pascua
Misa para
•Reservar la misa
con 3 meses de
•La joven
debe estar
preparándose para el Sacramento de
la Confirmaciόn o haber celebrado
el Sacramento de la Confirmaciόn
•La joven
y sus padres deben asistir
al curso para quinceañera, 3 domingos consecutivos de 4:00 a 6:00 pm.
Para mayor informacion por favor
comunicarse con María Pérez al
2nd & 4thFridays •
11:00am • Parish Center
For information contact: Dianne: 770704-4954 or Donna: 770-345-5372
Si quiere colaborar con el embellecimiento de nuestra iglesia
puede hacer una contribución para las flores durante la temporada de Pascua. Para participar, llene el sobre de donación para las flores que se encuentra en las bancas, incluya
su donación y deposítelo en la cesta de la colecta. Los nombres de sus seres queridos serán reconocidos en un boletín
especial (escriba el nombre claramente en letras
Se sugiere una donación de $5 o mas.
Project Rachel Ministry of the
Archdiocese of Atlanta
For confidential help call
Parish Lending
It’s in a “cozy corner” of the
Parish Center. Look for the
comfy chairs and table. We have books,
CDs and DVDs all intended to deepen your
spirituality and add to your knowledge of
our faith. Enjoy them at home and return
them in 2 - 3 weeks.
Communion Service
9:00am in the Sanctuary
Scripture Study
9:30am in the Parish Center
Soup Ministry
10:30am in the Parish Center
Eucharist @ Reinhardt University
5:00pm in the Chapel in Tarpley Hall
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
12:00pm in the Sanctuary
Communion Service
6:30pm in the Sanctuary
9:00am in the Sanctuary
Soup Ministry
10:30am in the Parish Center
A “Close-Knit” Group
10:00am in the Parish Center
“Life After Loss” Grief Support
11:00am in the Parish Center
Jóvenes Adultos
7:00pm en el Centro Parroquial
Grupo de Renovación Carismática
12:00pm en el Centro Parroquial
4:30pm in the Sanctuary
5:30pm in the Sanctuary
Celebracion de la Palabra
7:00pm en el Santuario
8:00am and 10:30am in the Sanctuary
Men’s Bible Study
9:15am in the Parish Center
9:15am (K-5) 11:45am (6-12) Parish Ctr
3:45pm en el Centro Parroquial
5:30pm en el Santuario
To report abuse by church personnel
Call 888-437-0764
Archdiocese of Atlanta
24 Hour Reporting Hotline