Tipos de Convenios - Facultad de Ciencias de la Empresa


Tipos de Convenios - Facultad de Ciencias de la Empresa
Cartagena, a 6 de junio de 2013
Varsovia, a 6 de junio de 2013
UPCT), con sede en Cartagena, edificio "Rectorado", Plaza del Cronista Isidoro
Valverde, s/n y en su nombre y representación D. José Antonio Franco Leemhuis, Sr.
Rector Magnífico de la misma (Decreto 56/2012, de 20 de abril, del Consejo de
Gobierno de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia), con poderes suficientes
para la celebración de este acto en virtud de lo establecido en el artículo 20 de la Ley
Orgánica 6/2001, de 21 de diciembre, de Universidades, y en el Decreto del Consejo de
Gobierno de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia 111/2005, de 30 de
septiembre, por el que se aprueban los Estatutos de la Universidad Politécnica de
Y de otra la UNIVERSIDAD DE VARSOVIA (en adelante UW), con sede en Varsovia,
en Krakowskie Przedmiescie 26/28, representada por la Prof. Katarzyna ChałasińskaMacukow, Rectora Magnífica de la misma, en virtud de la Ley de Educación Superior
de 27 de julio de 2005, con poderes que le autorizan para celebrar este acto según lo
establecido por el Estatuto de la Universidad de Varsovia de 21 de junio de 2006 (texto
unificado de 28 de junio de 2011).
Deciden firmar este acuerdo de cooperación académica, en virtud de las siguientes
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PRIMERA: Objeto.
Las Instituciones firmantes de este convenio acuerdan el desarrollo de actividades
académicas conducentes a reforzar la cooperación bilateral en el ámbito de las ciencias
empresariales y económicas.
Este convenio de cooperación refleja el deseo de las partes de promover la movilidad
internacional de estudiantes y profesores, y el compromiso mutuo de establecer, dentro
del ámbito de los programas de intercambio y colaboración que corresponda, programas
educativos, especialmente en lo referido a la concesión de dobles titulaciones.
SEGUNDA: Intercambio.
Las partes acuerdan aceptar a los estudiantes de la Institución contra-parte en un
programa de estudios definido y que cumpla los requisitos establecidos por la normativa
vigente aplicable en cada Institución.
TERCERA: Requisitos de acceso al programa.
Selección de los estudiantes participantes:
3.1. Los estudiantes de la WNE UW que han obtenido su diploma de Grado, están
matriculados en el primer año de Master y acreditan nivel B2 de inglés y español.
3.2. Los estudiantes de la FCE UPCT del “Grado en Administración y Dirección de
Empresas” matriculados en el cuarto curso y que acreditan un nivel B2 de inglés.
3.3. Todos los estudiantes que cumplan los criterios del apartado 3.1, matriculados por
independientemente de su nacionalidad.
3.4. Todos los estudiantes, que cumplan los criterios del apartado 3.2, matriculados por
los cauces ordinarios en el Grado impartido en la FCE UPCT, pueden acceder a este
programa independientemente de su nacionalidad.
3.5. La institución de origen será la responsable de la selección de sus estudiantes,
quienes deberán tener los conocimientos suficientes de la lengua en que vayan a cursar
los estudios para superarlos de forma satisfactoria. El proceso de selección se dirigirá
hacia aquellos estudiantes que han alcanzado un alto nivel académico y de idioma.
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CUARTA: Matriculación de los estudiantes.
4.1. Los estudiantes realizarán la matrícula en su Universidad de origen. Además,
efectuarán la matrícula en la Institución de destino de acuerdo con el procedimiento que
establezca dicha institución.
4.2. Los estudiantes de intercambio tendrán los mismos derechos y las mismas
obligaciones que los estudiantes de la Institución de destino, pudiendo beneficiarse de
cualquier ventaja que se acuerde para éstos.
4.3. Durante el periodo de movilidad los estudiantes estarán igualmente sometidos a la
normativa de la Institución de destino. No obstante, mantendrán su condición de
alumnos propios de la de origen.
4.4. Si durante el periodo de movilidad surgiera cualquier dificultad en la interpretación
o aplicación del convenio, la misma será tratada directa y exclusivamente entre los
servicios académicos de ambas instituciones.
4.5. Los estudiantes no actuarán, en ningún caso, como intermediarios entre la
Institución de origen y la de destino, debiendo aceptar en todo momento las decisiones
conjuntas que éstas adopten en la resolución de posibles incidencias.
QUINTA.- Créditos, TFG y diploma.
5.1. Los créditos que otorgue la Institución anfitriona serán responsabilidad de ésta.
5.2. Los estudiantes de la WNE UW seleccionados realizarán el cuarto curso del “Grado
en Administración y Dirección de Empresas”. Estos alumnos deberán cursar 60 ECTS
durante su estancia en España.
a) 48 ECTS de las asignaturas del programa de Grado en Administración y
Dirección de Empresas;
b) 12 ECTS del TFG - sólo en caso de presentar un nuevo proyecto con tutor
español. Los estudiantes de la WNE UW estarán autorizados a modificar su TFG
defendido en la WNE UW para presentarlo en inglés en la FCE UPCT. En este caso se
concederán 3 ECTS y los estudiantes están obligados a elegir dos optativas adicionales
(4,5 ECTS cada una). El tutor en la FCE UPCT supervisará la calidad del TFG teniendo
en cuenta tanto los requisitos polacos como españoles. El TFG deberá ser redactado en
inglés o en español.
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5.3. Los estudiantes de la FCE UPCT del “Grado en Administración y Dirección de
Empresas” seleccionados, deberán cursar 60 ECTS durante su estancia en Polonia.
a) Entre 44 y 50 ECTS de asignaturas escogidas de los programas de Master en
inglés ofrecidos en la WNE UW.
b) Entre 10 y 16 ECTS para el proyecto, que podrá realizarse en la FCE UPCT,
utilizando comunicación electrónica (e-comunication) con el supervisor de la
universidad de origen, o en la WNE UW con el supervisor de la universidad de acogida.
El supervisor de la WNE UW supervisará la calidad de la tesis, teniendo en cuenta tanto
los requisitos polacos como españoles. El trabajo debe ser redactado en inglés
Una vez superados 60 ECTS en la WNE UW y tras haber defendido el trabajo en
cualquiera de las instituciones, se podrá obtener el diploma de Grado en la FCE UPCT.
5.4. Una vez que el TFG haya sido defendido y el diploma expedido por la UPCT, los
estudiantes de la FCE UPCT seleccionados para este programa que estén interesados en
realizar el Master en la WNE UW podrán matricularse del mismo. Las asignaturas de
cuarto año superadas en la WNE UW están excluidas de la lista de materias obligatorias
para completar el Master. Todos los estudiantes deberán seguir las mismas normas para
matricularse en el Master.
5.5. Las materias seleccionadas por el estudiante deberán ser aceptadas por los
responsables académicos de la WNE UW y la FCE UPCT.
5.6. Una vez finalizado y superado el cuarto curso del grado, los estudiantes de la WNE
UW podrán matricularse en cualquiera de los programas de Master de un año de la FCE
UPCT, en igualdad de condiciones que el resto de estudiantes nacionales.
5.7. Los requisitos para defender el TFG en la WNE UW están recogidos en el Anexo I.
5.8. Los requisitos para defender el TFG en la FCE UPCT están recogidos en las normas
aprobadas por Consejo de Gobierno de la UPCT el 11 de julio de 2011.
5.9. Cualquier modificación en el programa académico o la forma de evaluar los
resultados, deberá ser acordada por ambas Instituciones por escrito y comunicada por
correo certificado con acuse de recibo. Dichas modificaciones se aplicarán para el curso
académico siguiente, siempre que se haya notificado con la suficiente antelación.
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SEXTA: Evaluación de los Alumnos.
La evaluación de los alumnos se realizará mediante el siguiente proceso:
6.1. Los programas, requisitos de evaluación y superación de asignaturas, se regirán por
las normas de la Institución de destino. Los alumnos de intercambio realizarán los
exámenes parciales y finales en igualdad de condiciones que los estudiantes locales.
6.2. Finalizados los exámenes del segundo semestre, la Institución de destino enviará a
la de origen, las calificaciones del estudiante.
SÉPTIMA: Protección Social.
7.1. La admisión definitiva en la institución de destino está supeditada a la presentación,
por parte del estudiante, de los documentos que acrediten estar en posesión de un seguro
médico y de responsabilidad civil que incluya cobertura sanitaria, de accidentes, de
responsabilidad civil y repatriación, válido para todo el periodo de la movilidad.
7.2. Los documentos acreditativos deben certificarse con el sello de la Institución de
7.3. En caso de participación de los estudiantes en prácticas en empresa, la Institución
de origen eximirá a la de destino de toda responsabilidad, y se asegurará que el
estudiante cuente con la protección legal en su país de origen, en caso de producirse un
accidente en el marco de dichas prácticas.
OCTAVA: Publicidad.
En virtud de este convenio, ambas partes se autorizan mutuamente a hacer publicidad
del mismo, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, sin que se pueda dar más
información que la contenida en el presente texto, salvo autorización firmada por
NOVENA: No transferibilidad de las disposiciones del convenio a terceras partes.
Las disposiciones de este convenio no pueden ser transferidas a otras instituciones
distintas de las firmantes. En concreto, el contenido del presente convenio no puede
incluirse tácita o explícitamente en otros acuerdos nacionales o internacionales que
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pudieran acordar las Instituciones firmantes con otras partes, en el marco de su política
nacional o internacional.
DÉCIMA: Precios públicos de carácter académico y administrativo.
10.1. Los estudiantes abonarán los precios públicos de carácter académico y
administrativo en su Institución de origen, conforme a las disposiciones en vigor, no
debiendo hacer ningún pago por este concepto en la Institución de destino. Los
estudiantes se harán cargo de los libros y textos necesarios para cursar los estudios que
Las Instituciones firmantes intentarán, en la medida de sus posibilidades, que el presente
convenio se desarrolle en el contexto de un programa internacional de intercambio. La
ausencia de financiación internacional no invalidará este convenio.
UNDÉCIMA: Solicitudes de los estudiantes
11.1. Las solicitudes de los estudiantes serán tramitadas según los procedimientos
definidos por la Institución de origen, responsable de transferir los documentos a la de
11.2. Las partes se comprometen a agilizar al máximo la tramitación de documentos y la
confirmación de admisión de los estudiantes de intercambio.
11.3. Cada Institución recibirá un máximo de 7 estudiantes por curso académico. A
partir de la entrada en vigor del convenio y tras un periodo de tres cursos académicos, el
número total de estudiantes acogido por ambas Instituciones deberá haberse igualado.
En caso contrario, se estudiará la posible reforma del presente convenio.
DUODÉCIMA: Del intercambio de profesorado.
Las Instituciones firmantes fomentarán el intercambio de personal docente e
investigador. La Institución de origen se hará cargo de los gastos de su propio personal,
incluido el sueldo, durante su estancia en la de destino.
Este convenio tiene una vigencia de cinco (5) cursos académicos contados a partir de la
fecha de firma. De no existir manifestación explícita de modificación o finalización
emitida por escrito y notificada con un año de antelación, este convenio se considerará
prorrogado por otros cinco (5) cursos académicos más.
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En caso de producirse alguna situación no descrita en el presente acuerdo, un
representante de cada institución, designado por el Rector, acordará su resolución.
Y en prueba de conformidad se suscribe el presente Convenio, por duplicado ejemplar,
en el lugar y fecha inicialmente indicados.
Dr. José Antonio Franco Leemhuis
Prof. Katarzyna Chałasińska-
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Degree dissertation requirements
Apart from completion of the entire curriculum of the programme, there are two more crucial
requirements for the award of the second-cycle (magister) degree of Warsaw University Faculty
of Economic Sciences: submission of your own graduate dissertation research project and
passing the degree examination (the defence of your thesis project). The formal side of the
process of preparation, submission, and degree defence is described below.
1. General thesis requirements
1.1 General guidelines
Both graduate and undergraduate thesis projects must display the authors' command of
academic research (documentation, presentation) and academic writing. The elements evaluated
are: the project structure, introduction, conclusions, bibliography, footnotes, charts and graphs,
appendices, clarity of argument, academic language. The project's style of writing should be
clear and concise. The length prescribed below must be observed.
Content-wise, graduate and undergraduate thesis projects differ conceptually. Whereas
undergraduate thesis (praca licencjacka) may be an in-depth description of a problem field
(secondary research), graduate thesis (praca magisterska) requires an independent solution of a
research problem (primary research) as well.
1.2 First-cycle or undergraduate (praca licencjacka) thesis project
The project submitted as a first-cycle (undergraduate) degree project may be of descriptive
character (secondary research). It should have the form of an in-depth paper of max. 100,000
characters including spaces (app. 50 pages of standard typescript). The introduction shall set out
the project aim, justify the choice of sources and explain the project structure. If the project is
based on the literature of the field, the author is expected to exhibit independence as to the
project structure and source interpretation. If the project is based on real-life data or primary
input, the author should prove capable of rendering a correct case analysis in terms of economic
knowledge gained in the course of study and of applying analytical tools and techniques
(statistics, etc.).
1.3 Second-cycle or graduate (praca magisterska) thesis project
The second-cycle project should contain the results of a research task assigned by the thesis
supervisor and conducted independently by the student. The project should not exceed 160,000
characters including spaces (approximately 80 pages). Its introduction should set out the thesis
statement and the aim of the project, include a review of the standpoints presented in the recent
literature of the field (secondary research), describe the assumed research methodology and
justify the selection of sources. The author is expected to research the most recent literature of
the field, to perform independent analysis, to interpret empirical data in the light of economic
(and other, in case of an interdisciplinary project) theories, and to use analytical techniques
(statistics, econometrics, etc.) in their dissertations.
2. Formal thesis requirements (layout and structure standards)
The entire master's dissertation should not exceed 160,000 characters including spaces. The
dissertation should have the following structure (use the layout models provided here; do not
forget to remove all italicised comments):
A. title page
B. Supervisor's approval and the statement of authorship*
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C. abstract and keywords' page**
D. table of content
E. the body of the text
F. bibliography
G. a list of indexes, including: Index of Abbreviations, Index of Tables, Index of
Figures, Index of Appendices, ... (whichever apply)
H. appendices
*) In the digital version of your dissertation this page must be included as a colour-scanned
(resolution 150 dpi) image pasted on page 2.
**) You should get your abstract and keywords translated into Polish. Your abstract (EN+PL)
cannot count more than 800 characters altogether (spaces included). Choose up to 10 keywords.
Think which keywords will identify your project easily in a database search.
Main text body
Page numbering:
Times New Roman, 12 pts.
1.5 lines
all margins 2.5 cm, no extra margin for binding
1.0 cm for the first line of each paragraph in the body
continuous throughout, begins with '0' on the first page (hide page number on
the front page). Page numbers centred, at the bottom of page; font as in text
Times New Roman, bold, font size decreases through levels of text division
1-line spacing for headings over one-line-long
chapter headings - left or centred; section headings - left
Quotes over 3 lines long
Times New Roman, 10 pts.
1 line
indent the whole paragraph on one or both sides
1.5 lines or 1 line
Times New Roman, 10 pts
upper index, Arabic numerals (1; 2; 3; ...)
bottom of page
indent second and next verses of footnotes over one line long
continuous footnote numbering throughout the whole project
Table and figure headings
Times New Roman, 12 pts.
1 line - leave 1 blank line underneath
indent second and next verses of table or figure headings which are over one
line long
continuous numbering throughout the whole project (e.g. Table 1.)
Table body
Times New Roman, 12 pts. acceptable variation of font size
portrait (landscape only if justified)
1 line throughout
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table centred between left and right margins; text within cells centred, possible
exception: the first column (only if necessary)
Cell framing:
single continuous lines, 1/4 pts.
cell filling:
use no background colour filling in cells
black & white
Table and figure source references
Times New Roman, 10 pts.(italicise the word 'Source', then continue in plain
under table or figure (below heading if heading under figure)
1 line – leave 1 blank line before
indent second and next verses of table headings over one line long
Figures (graphs, charts, images)
continuous numbering throughout the whole project (e.g. Figure 1.)
Bibliography entries
Times New Roman, 12 pts.
1 line within entry, 1 blank line below each entry (in the model spacing is
already adjusted)
indent second and next verses of longer entries
Headings: All chapter and section headings should be numbered (chapter I, section 1.1,
subsection 1.1.1). No more than three levels of chapter divisions permitted. Do not introduce a
lower-level section numbering if there is only one section you would place on that level. Do not
use automated chapter numbering.
Do not use the MS Word header/footer function throughout your project.
Table of content: do not generate your table of contents automatically. Format your table of
content as an invisible table with two columns for section headings and section numbers
respectively. Include all sections and subsections.
Emphatic font formatting: set foreign words and phrases in italic, apart from names or common
expressions. Set words and phrases you want to emphasise in bold or e x p a n d t h e m.
Footnotes: Put the footnote number behind the word or at the end of the last sentence you
comment on. Indent second and every next line of a block footnote so as to highlight the
footnote number. Reference footnote can either consist of full or of abridged bibliographic
Sections: begin each chapter with a new page (press CTRL+Enter for a page break). Spacing
between headings and text or next heading: 1.5 lines.
Tables: all tables possess headings and source references. Table heading numbering should run
continually throughout your entire dissertation (Table 1.; Table 2.; ...). If justified, you may set
your table in landscape on a separate page. Table may slightly exceed the margin lines. If
justified, text in the first column cells may be aligned to the left. Set the heading row of your
table in bold, text in cells centred.
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Table 13. Here comes the title - put no full stop at the end
Criterion 1 [%]
Criterion 2
Criterion 3 [PLN]
Source: Reference your source as you do with other literature. Indent longer text. Leave one blank line
before source reference. Font Times New Roman, 10 pts. Put a full stop at the end.
Figures (graphs, charts, images): All figures have headings and source references. You may
either put them above your image or immediately below it, always with 1 blank line left
between them. Format figure headings as table headings. You can put it also below the figure,
yet before the source reference. In this case, put a full stop at the end of the reference.
In order to keep file volume low, you are recommended to provide your graphics (once they
exceed 10MB) as separate files linked to your .DOC file. (menu: Insert/Picture/From File, in the
dialog choose 'Link to file'). Collect all your graphics and the text file in one folder. Do not
include large bulk of texts as graphic files!
Bibliography: sort entries from A to Z by Author's family name, institution name, or title (in
absence of the first two).
Stay absolutely consistent with your referencing principles, consult a reputable referencing
manual. Whenever justified, bibliography may be split into parts.
When you reference internet materials, do not forget to include the author (individual or
corporate), title, whenever possible date of posting, web URL, and date of download/access.
Do NOT number nor bullet out bibliographic entries.
Indexes: format all index entries as bibliography entries. The only difference is the depth of
indentation - it should go as deep as the words: Table X. or Figure Y. go into the line, whereas
with bibliography you indent the second and next lines at 1 cm.
3. Thesis evaluation
All thesis projects written under the supervision of the Faculty of Economics are bound to
conform to norms and standards approved by the Faculty Board in a resolution ruled on 20 June
2000. Both licencjat (undergraduate) and magister (graduate) dissertations are evaluated by
supervisor and a second reader by means of the same evaluation procedure. A thesis project may
be reviewed only after the author's supervisor has evaluated it. If the disparity between the
grades assigned by the supervisor and the second reader equals or exceeds two gradients, the
project will be re-evaluated by a third reader, while all obtained grades will be considered when
calculating the average thesis project grade. If the second reader assigns the fail grade to the
project it belongs to the student's supervisor to proceed with either 1) applying for its reevaluation by a third reader (whereas a second failing grade results in barring the author from
defending their project) or 2) recommending the student to amend their project according to the
second reader's suggestions.
All evaluators are expected to assume a position on all the above-mentioned requirements.
Project evaluation contains two steps: first, points are assigned for each considered feature,
which allows to estimate the final result; second, the evaluator writes an overall descriptive
assessment of the project, which allows to determine the final result precisely.
Evaluation points are assigned as to the thesis content and to its formal aspects separately, and
two separate minimal number of points are set out for these. The assessment of the evaluator
may, but need not, result from a direct conversion of the total number of points assigned into a
The procedure of assigning points and grade conversion scale are supportive, the evaluator is
obliged to comply with the procedure but is permitted to assign a review grade which does not
strictly correspond to the total number of points he or she assigns. In such a case, the descriptive
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part of the evaluation will contain a justification of the discrepancy between the final grade and
the total number of points in case it occurs.
Evaluation criteria used by the evaluators (master thesis)
4, 4+
3, 3+
very good
good, more than good
sufficient, satisfactory
BA thesis
MA thesis
60- 71
1. Assessment of the thesis content (minimum passing score: 18 for BA, 25 points for MA)
 What aim (thesis topic or problem) has been set in the thesis? Is it a significant
contribution, and, if so, in which way? (0-5)
 Did the Author formulate the thesis statement? If yes, what? (0-5, only MA)
 What method did the Author employ in the thesis? Does the method match the thesis
- choice of method (0-5)
- use of method (0-5)
 Did the Author use – and of what fields – the knowledge gained from their study in their
thesis? (0-5)
 Is the selection of the sources and/or of the empirical data used in the thesis relevant
and adequate?
- selection of sources or of empirical data (0-5, only BA)
- use of sources or empirical data in the thesis (0-5, only BA)
- selection of sources (0-5, only MA)
- use of sources in the thesis (0-5, only MA)
- justified selection of empirical data (0-5, only MA)
 What are the Author's conclusions? To what extent are they innovative? (0-5)
 How should Author's research independence be evaluated and why? (0-5, only MA)
2. Assessment of the thesis formal aspects (minimum passing score: 15 points both for BA and
 Do the title and the chapter headings correspond to the thesis content adequately? (0-3)
 Is the thesis properly structured (division of content into chapters, etc.)? (0-3)
 Do the introductory and the closing sections clearly state the Author's intentions, thesis
contents, the method employed and the results achieved? (0-3)
 Are the referencing and quotation techniques applied correctly (references, quotes,
discussions, bibliography)? (0-3)
 Are charts, graphs, and statistical appendices built appropriately? Is their graphic form
acceptable? (0-3)
 Is the thesis language clear and concise? Does it hold to academic writing and specialist
terminology standards?
- conciseness (0-3)
- linguistic and terminological correctness (0-3)
4. Thesis submission procedure
4.1 Supervisor's approval
When the content and the form of your dissertation is approved by your Supervisor, he or she
will sign the Supervisor's approval form (you can download it from section Formal
requirements, point B). Colour-scan the form with both signatures (resolution min. 150 dpi) and
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paste it as page 2 of your dissertation (both in single-sided printouts and in the digital version).
You will include the hard copy of the form which bears the signatures in the double-sided
4.2 Finishing the digital version of your thesis
Before closing your project ensure it is free of typing and editing mistakes, and that all
intellectual property of other persons you include in your project is properly referenced. Your
project after submission will be plagiarism-checked (see point 4).
Save your project as two files: Word-processed (a .doc/.docx format file) and a PDF-converted
(a .pdf Acrobat file). Both will be archived in the University project database, which is not open
to the public.
Caution: follow strictly the standard for naming your project files: [degree type]-[pesel].[ext],
where 'degree type' means the relevant degree code selected from the list below, 'pesel' means
your PESEL number, and 'ext' stands for file extension (.pdf or .doc/.docx).
Degree code
Study programme
first-cycle or 5-year programmes on individual basis
second cycle, economics, specialty International Economics
second cycle, economics, specialty Development Economics
second cycle, finance and accounting, European Finance & Banking
PESEL here means the official citizen evidence number and is not to be confused with the
artificial 'pesel' number assigned to international students by the IRK system during application,
which you can tell by a string of a few zeros it contains. Students who have not obtained PESEL
from Polish authorities are requested to consult the Students' Office.
No diacritics (national characters like á,ç,ö,ę, etc.) are allowed in file names.
Once you comply with the above please retrieve both files (.doc/.docx and .pdf) on a single CD.
Files named incorrectly will be rejected by the electronic archive and will require resubmission
of your CD with correct filenames.
4.3 Printing the hard copies of your thesis
Prepare three hard copies for the Students' Office. All should be identical with the digital
version on your CD. Print two copies one-sided and one copy double-sided (except for the first
three pages: the title page; supervisor's approval and your statement of authorship; abstract and
keywords; which remain one-sided in all your copies). All copies should be comb-bound only,
with a transparent front cover - no hardback binding.
4.4 Submission in Students' Office
Submit your thesis along with some documents in the Students' Office of the Faculty of
Economic Sciences. Please check through the following list before you bring your thesis to the
students' office. Only complete files will be accepted.
 Thesis project in 3 copies (see point 3).
 A CD with two electronic versions of your thesis (seee point 3).
 5 photographs of 4.5 x 6.5 cm (one more if degree with distinction).
 Your student ID.
 A paper from the computer lab saying you have closed your lab account.
 A paper from the faculty library saying you have closed your library account and
returned all borrowed books.
 A paper from the central university library (BUW, ul. Dobra) stating the same.
 Payment receipt (to be paid in the faculty cash desk) of the degree issue charge.
 Students who submitted their thesis past their academic year pay a course retake fee for
each semester elapsed since their last semester of study. Payment details available via
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4.5 Plagiarism check
The Students' Office will forward tyour project for plagiarism check (performed with the
plagiat.pl software). The check may take up to 24 hours. The software measures how the
volume of citations in your work based on internet and other resources. If your project exceeds
threshold levels of non-original content it will be rejected and your Supervisor will be notified.
Before reconsideration you will need to revise your project.
Consequently, as of 1 June 2010 students no longer submit dissertations for plagiarism check
4.6 Review
After your thesis has been accepted, the Dean for Accademic Affairs will appoint the Second
Reader and ask him to evaluate your thesis according to the criteria set out in point Thesis
evaluation. He or she is given two weeks' time to do it. Both your Second Reader and your
Supervisor will produce their evaluation reports and propose grades for your thesis. If both
grades are positive and if the disparity between the suggested grade is less or equal 1 full grade
your thesis can be defended. The Dean for Academic Affairs will appoint a date for your degree
examination and the members of your examination committee.
5. Degree examination
All degree examinations are oral examinations conducted by a committee of academics. The
examination includes at least two questions to the examinee on: 1) the topic of their thesis
project; 2) a selected issue in economics. The first question concerns problems treated in the
thesis, the methods employed, the results achieved, and their relation to results of other
publications in the field. The Faculty Council recommended that the second question should
concern an issue related to the problem area of the thesis, so that it helps determine whether the
examinee has a grasp of the way their thesis is situated within a broader economic context. The
second question, however, should not explicitly address the thesis project but the economic
theory on which the project draws.
Your final grade is calculated on the basis of three components: 1) your cummulative GPA 2)
your graded answers on the degree examination 3) the average of the grades proposed by your
Supervisor and the Second Reader in their evaluation reports. For students who enrolled in AY
2007/08 or later, the weights are 0.7 / 0.1 / 0.2.
6. Dates and deadlines
For deadlines of degree submission and degree examinations please refer to the Academic
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