01-17-2016 - Our Lady of Peace


01-17-2016 - Our Lady of Peace
Our Lady of Peace Church
Established 1899
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 17, 2016
Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario, 17 de Enero de 2016
Rev. Patrick Boyle, O.F.M. - Pastor
Rev. Orlando Ruiz, O.F.M. - Parochial Vicar
Rev. Brian Jordan, O.F.M. - In residence
Lilian M. Flores - Office & Parish Manager
Sister Irix Mejía, H.F.I.C. - Parish Secretary - Superior
Sister Lubia Martinez, H.F.I.C. - Parish Secretary
Sister Adali Ulloa, H.F.I.C. - Parish Secretary
Hermanas Franciscanas de la Inmaculada Concepción
209 First Street Brooklyn, N.Y. 11215
Sr. Margarita Barrera, H.F.I.C.
Saturday Vigil Mass - 4:30 p.m. &
7:15 p.m. - Neo-Catechumenal Way
Sunday: 8:00 a.m. - English
9:30 a.m. - Latin Tridentine Mass (also every 3rd
Saturday of the month at 1:00 p.m.)
11:00 a.m. - Spanish
Weekday Masses: Monday through Friday - 8:00 a.m.
RECONCILIATION: Saturdays: 3:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.
and by appointment at the Rectory.
BAPTISMS - By appointment
MARRIAGES - Arrangements should be made first with
the parish at least six months in advance. Couples
must show readiness, attend Pre-Cana classes and
receive special instruction at the Rectory.
Holy Hour - ’First Friday’ of each month, beginning with the
8:00 a.m. mass, and continuing with Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament & Benediction.
SAINT ANTHONY DEVOTIONS - every Tuesday following the
8:00 a.m. daily mass.
OFFICE HOURS: Mon, Tues, Wed and Friday:
9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon & 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Thursday 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 Noon ONLY .
The Senior’s club meets every Thursday at 11:00 a.m.,
September through June in the gym.
Directors: Andres & Miladys Torres - (917) 562-2732
Michael Ancona
Brittany Stetson
Maria Schwab
Lilian M. Flores - Director. Classes are held on Saturday
mornings, October through May, from 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.
Ann Ruggiero
Alejandro Sinchi
Tel.: (718) 624-512 2 Fax: (718) 852-6149
E-mail [email protected]
Tel.: (718) 624- 6720 Fax: (718) 625-7657
E-mail: [email protected]
From the Pastor’s Desk . . .
With our celebration of the Lord’s Baptism last
Sunday, we brought to conclusion, our Christmas
Season. This past Monday, we entered into a period on our Church calendar, called, ‘Ordinary
Time.’ This season connects all the major seasons
of our church year, so it will carry us now to the
‘Season of Lent,’ that will begin with Ash Wednesday, on February 10th. So before Christmas is a distant blur, may I ask you:
“Did you receive a Christmas card from the Parish Staff this
year?” And, did you receive a letter back at Thanksgiving, informing you of all the activities and celebrations that were being
planned for the ‘Season of Advent’? If you didn’t receive those
two communications, that means we don’t have an address for
you on file. We have recently added a number of names as a
result of the ‘Capital Campaign,’ but we’re always trying to
update our mailing list in order to stay in touch. This has nothing to do with your choice to use the ‘parish envelope system,’
this is simply our way of keeping in touch, and keeping you informed. Very shortly, as we approach the ‘Season of Lent,’ we
will be sending out another mailing with a list of all the special
services that will be conducted during that season, and as we
approach the celebration of Easter, we will also be sending out
an ‘Easter Greeting,’ as well. To add your name to our ‘Parish
Mailing List,’ complete the form below, and drop it into the collection basket on Sunday.
Antes de que solo nos quede un recuerdo distante de la Navidad: “Recibió usted una tarjeta de Navidad de parte del personal
de la Oficina Parroquial este año? Recibió una carta para Acción
de Gracias donde le informábamos de las actividades y celebraciones que estaban siendo programadas para el Tiempo de Adviento? Si usted no recibió ninguna de estas notificaciones, significa que no tenemos su dirección en nuestros archivos. Recientemente hemos agregado un número de Familias como resultado de
la Campaña Generaciones de Fe,’ siempre tratamos de actualizar
nuestras listas de correo y así poder estar en comunicación. Esto
no tiene nada que ver con el estar registrado en el sistema para
recibir los sobres de la parroquia,’ esta es únicamente una manera
de mantenerle informado. Dentro de muy poco entraremos al
Tiempo de Cuaresma,’ les estaremos enviando correspondencia
con la información de todas las actividades para ese tiempo y al
acercarnos a la Pascua,’ también le enviaremos nuestros Saludos
por la Pascua.’ Para agregar su nombre a nuestra Lista Parroquial,’ complete la forma que encontrará en la parte de abajo de este
boletín, y la deposita en la canasta de la colecta el próximo domingo.
Sincerely, Fr. Patrick
+ Jubilee Year of Mercy +
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mary, whom Catholic tradition names
“Mother of Mercy,” at Cana, intercedes
with her Son to show mercy toward the
bridal couple: “Son, they have no wine.”
But he does more! Jesus’ transformation of
water into wine is a “sign” (John’s term
for “miracle”) that God’s marriage with
the whole human race has begun in Jesus’
person and ministry, a marriage that will be
consummated on the cross: “It is finished”
- we are saved! But before Jesus acts, Mary
instructs the servers to prepare the way for Jesus’ miracle of
mercy: “Do whatever he tells you.” During this ‘Jubilee Year
of Mercy,’ Mother Church, like Mother Mary, instructs us to
share the Spirit’s manifold gifts - some of which Paul lists in
today’s second reading - in generous service to the human family. Thus we prepare the way for Jesus’ new miracles of mercy,
transforming life’s sometimes stagnant water into the refreshing
wine of God’s mercy.
+ Año Jubilar de la Misericordia+
Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Por la boda de Cana, la tradición católica llama a María “Madre de la Misericordia”, pues ella intercede ante su Hijo para
mostrar misericordia a los novios: “Hijo,
no les queda vino”. ¡Jesús hace algo más!
Para Jesús esa transformación que hace del
agua en vino es un “signo” (la palabra que
usa Juan es “milagro”) que es el matrimonio de Dios con toda la humanidad que
empezó en la persona de Jesús y su ministerio y que será consumado en la Cruz:
“todo está cumplido”, ¡somos salvados!
Pero antes que Jesús haga algo, María dijo a los que estaban
sirviendo preparar el camino para el milagro de la misericordia
de Jesús: “Hagan lo que él les diga”. Durante este ‘Año Jubilar
de la Misericordia’, la “Madre Iglesia”, como la Madre María,
nos dice que compartamos los dones del Espíritu, algunos de los
cuales Pablo enlista en la segunda lectura de hoy, en un servicio
generoso a la familia y así preparar el camino para los nuevos
milagros de misericordia de Jesús, transformando la vida; algunas veces el agua estancada en un vino refrescante de la misericordia de Dios.
To have your name added to our mailing list, complete the form and drop it in the Sunday Collection basket.
Name (Firma) _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Address (Nombre y Apellido) ______________________________________________________________ Apt. # ____________
City (Ciudad, Estado, Código Postal) _________________________________________ State_________ Zip Code __________
Phone (Teléfono Preferido) _____________________________________
E-mail ______________________________________________________
JANUARY 17, 2016
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Latin Tridentine Mass
Jimmy & Mathew DeLessio (Dec)
Neo-Catechumenal Community
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 17, 2016
On the First Sunday of Advent, 2014, our Holy Father’s declaration, that a ‘Year of Consecrated Life’ be celebrated throughout
the world, began. It continued throughout this past year of 2015
and will now come to a conclusion with the Feast of the Presentation on February 2nd. Each month since July, I have been
‘profiling’ the members of our Staff, just to give you an appreciation of “who we are” (Sr. Lubia’s profile is on display presently
in the church.) As we approach the conclusion of the special time,
we invite you to participate at a special liturgy, that will honor, not
only the ‘Religious Friars & Sisters’ who staff our Parish, but
also all the men and women religious who minister and/or reside
in our ‘Deanery’ (there are nine parish churches that comprise
our ‘Deanery’ in this area of Brooklyn.)
An invitation has been extended to several communities of the
Sisters of Saint Joseph, the School Sisters of Notre Dame, the
Sisters of Charity, the Christian Brothers, and the Sisters who
staffed our parish school before it closed. Please join us and offer
your prayerful gratitude and support to the men and women who
have dedicated their lives to minister in the church.
‘Mass of Appreciation’
For the Consecrated Religious of our Deanery
Saturday, January 30, 2016
4:30 Vigil Mass
+ Stewardship of Treasure +
Parish Support for the
The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord - January 10, 2016
Totaled: $ 944.14
The previous week’s collection for the
The Feast of the Epiphany - January 3, 2016
Totaled: $ 1,025.60
As always, we remain grateful for your generous support.
“Thank You!”
+ Please Remember and Pray for the Sick +
“And the prayer offered in faith may make the sick person well”
+ James 5:15
Felix Vargaz, Matthew & Oliver Todd, Hector Ortiz, Guadalupe
Bautista, James Morganti, Arlene Morganti, Nicholas Tomsic, Lucille Acocella, Friar Daniel Morey, ofm, Henry Seretta, William
Casale, Maria Albanese, Melissa Torres, Molly Meltzer, Salvatore
Russo, Carlos Emilio Flores, Friar Ron Bolfeta, ofm, Elaine Vona /
Dr. Ray Mustafavi, Dolly Panza, Catherine Scorcia, Sebastian James
Diaz, Dante Manzo, Flo Leopold, Vincent Manzo, Isabel Chavarria, Ciro Diaco, Catherine Dashiff, Matthew Anthony Keeffe, Gia
Florio, Luis Rodriguez, Nicolas Escamilla & Ernestina Martinez
Rojas, Maria Teresa Salazar Alava, Luis Cáceres.
Please inform the parish office when it’s appropriate to remove
someone’s name from this prayer list. Thank you.
For the Living and Deceased members of
Our Parish (“Pro-Popolo”)
Latin Tridentine Mass
Laura Morales, Teobaldo, Pablo Valladares y
Blanca Flor de Maria Montero
‘Memorial Mass’ for Elisabetta Ameno (Dec)
Monday, January 18, 2016
Michael Romeo (Dec)
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
8:00am St. Anthony Eugene T. Boyle & Rev. David Krahel (Dec)
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
8:00am Anna & Salvatore Garzillo (Dec)
Thursday, January 21, 2016
8:00am Edgardo Antonio Gonzalez (Dec)
Friday, January 22, 2016
8:00am John Farrell (Good Health - Special Intention)
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Anthony Stuto (Dec)
Neo-Catechumenal Community
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 24, 2016
8:00am For the Living and Deceased members of
our Parish (“Pro-Popolo”)
9:30am Latin Tridentine Mass
11:00am Napoleon Gavilanes, Rebeca Abigail y Alfredo
Mosquera (Dec)
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
As our Nation pauses, this Monday,
January 18th, to remember and honor the
countless contributions made to our country
by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., please be
aware that the Parish office will be CLOSED.
The morning 8 o’clock mass will be celebrated as usual.
+ Sanctuary Lamp + Susan Saladino (Dec)
+ Altar Bread & Wine + Jennie Harry & Vincent
Rispoli (Dec)
+ Chapel Lamp +
Susan Saladino (Dec)

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