Truman Truman - Truman Road Community Improvement District


Truman Truman - Truman Road Community Improvement District
Finales de primavera y verano earaly meses son tiempos de lluvia, tormentas, vientos, Fuertes, tornados, danos a la
propiedad, y en muchos casos de lesions personales y perdida de vidas.
Que siga prestando la sangre a nuestras ciudades, las comunidades y los alrededores de salvamento, el Centro De Sangre de la
Comunidad de Kansas City (banco de Sangre) esta pidiendo a todos los contribuyentes de sangre elegibles para salir y donar su
sangre para salvar didas. Suministros se estan agotando, y su donacion sera apreciado considerablemente.
El Centro de Sangre de la Comunidad is el principal proveedor de las plaquetas de la sangre, que puedenn salvar vidas y
plasma de 70 hospitales de la zona en Missouri y los estados vecinos. Los donates pueden hacer una cita en cualquier localizacion Centro de Sangre de la Comunidad, incluyendo 4040 Main Street, o encontrar una unidad movil en la sangre, o llamando al (816) 753-4040.
Si usted ha pensado en la donacion de sangre en el pasado, ahora es el momento de hacer su parte y unirse a otros en sus esfuerzos para salvar vidas. Gracias.
Programa de Reembolso de Fachada
El Programa de Reembolso TRCID ha sido bien reibido por nuestra comunidad de propietarios y gerentes. Hasta la fecha,
hemos recibido (3) applicaciones para mejoras en las fachadas. Muchos mas de ustedes podrir aprovechar esta oportunidad de
mejorar su edificio o tienda.
Esta es una oportunidad que no debe dejar pasar. Este no e suns programa de prestamo. Para la mejora de fachadas y trabajos de rehabilitacion, usted puede recibir hasts $7500 reembolso de estas mejoras sin ningun compromise!
Por favor, revise los paquetes de solicitud y las directrices que ha recibido y actuar en esta oportunidad. Si ha extraviado esta
informacion, llame al (913) 908-4941 y con gusto le llevara otro conjunto.
Unda vieja madre de 26 anos de dos de amaba a sus jihos, por lo que no fue una sorpresa para los amigos y familiars que se precipito a comprobar en ellos despures de que choco contra un poste de electricidad. Lo que sus amigos no entienden es que mientras trataba de sacar a sus hijos pequenos ot del respaldo del asiento, se pueso en contacto con una linea electrica y murio.
“Le pego a un poste. Su familia esta bien. Eres aceptar. Tienes que salir del coche y estas vivo. Se paran en la linea de alimentacion y luego se acabo.”
Lostestigos dijeron a la policia que la linea fue la formacion de arcos y escucharon una pequena explosion. En el momento
en que llego la policia, ella no respondia. Ella fue declarado muerto en el hospital. En un sentido que era solo un accidente leve.
El coche no se sumo.
Amigos y familiars se reunieron en su casa para recorder a la joven madre a eqien recordaron como una nueva mama feliz.
De acuerdo con amigos y familiars, que tenia un buen espiritu. Ella hizo feliz a la gente. Ella hizo sonreir a la gente. Ella fue la
de ser ella misma sisn importer que. Ella acaba de irse a casa y dijo: “Mama, tea mo. Te veo despues.”.
Lineas de alta tension caidas pueden ocurrir durante cualquier epoca del ano – no solo durante el invierno con la nieve, el
hielo y las inclemencias del tiempo. Las lineas electricas pueden ser danados y tendido en el suelo. Nos aconsejan seguir algunos consejos basicos de seguridad.
Si se encuentra una linea de alta tension caida, se mantenga alejado y evitar que otros lo lejos tambien. Llame a los
KCP&L al numero gratuito (888) 544-4852 para informario.
Observar cables caidos desde una distancia segura de por lo menos (10) pies.
Tenga cuidado con las caidas de linea que se hancomunicado con fallas metalicas, conjuntos de gymnasia del patio
trasero y otras estructuras. Si una linea de energia se ha reducido en una valla de metal, incluso una valla que conecta a varias
yardas de distancia pueden ser energizados. El menor contacto puede herir o incluso matar.
Si una linea electrica cae sobre su vehiculo, permanezca en su vehiculo. Uso su telefono cellular para pedir ayuda o esperar a que llegue la ayuda o esperar a que llegue la ayuda. Nunca mueva cables caidos bloqueando el acceso de vehiclulos, y
nunca conducer a traves de los cables caidos.
Si tien que salir de su vehiculo, justo por encima de evitar estar en contacto con el coche y el ground al mismo tiempo.
Entonces move slowly lejos del coche, arrastrando los pies para mantener a ambos en contacto con el suelo en todo momento.
Mantengase alejado de las zonas humedas o inundadas si el agua esta en contacto con los enchufes electricos, electromesticos, lamparas o cables de alimentacion. No sequiera las botas de goma pueden garantizar la proteccion contra golpes
Para informar de los cortes, luces parpadeantes, lineas de down u otros problemas de energia relacionados con dana, llame
(888) 644-4852.
y Im
APRIL, 2016
Downed Power Lines
Community Blood Center
Noteworthy holidays in April include the following.
Restore/Habitat For Humanity
April Fool’s Day
Autism Awareness Day
Facade Reimbursement
Earth Day
Arbor Day
National Poetry Month
Your TRCID Office
Nat’l Arab Amer. Heritage Day
Teacher Appreciation Week
Jazz Appreciation Month
Alcohol Awareness Month
Cancer Control Month
Symbols of April; Birthstone: Diamond Flower: Daisy and the sweet pea Zodiac Signs: Aries and Taurus
Fun Facts About April:
It is the second month of Spring. It is a time of planting & Spring cleaning.
In the Southern Hemisphere, April is the same as October in the Northern Hemisphere.
The diamond of April symbolizes innocence.
The Boston Marathon is held during April.
In ancient Rome April was sacred to the goddess Venus.
The Japanese fiscal year for most businesses starts on April 1st.
In England there are many cuckoo festivals. The arrival of the cuckoo
Bird in April is a signal that Spring has arrived.
April is the month when the professional baseball season begins.
Trash & Graffiti
Have a GREAT Spring.
Since 1992, Bridging The Gap has been a major force in educating Kansas Citians about the environment
and establishing recycling and other sound behaviors in our region. They led the campaign to bring curbside
recycling to Kansas City, establishing some 20 area recycling centers, many are still operating and serving as
community focal points.
Bridging The Gap (BTG) works to make the Kansas City region sustainable by connecting environment,
economy and community, and the premier organization in the area providing environmental education and volunteer action through more than 1000 volunteers annually. BTG’s program array, one of the most diverse in the
U.S. includes Heartland Tree Alliance, which planted more than 4000 trees in greater Kansas City last year.
BTG created an industrial waste sharing program called By-Product Synergy, helping to lead the nation on
this initiative.
“We think the greatest testimony to our excellence in our field is the thousands of trees we have planted, the
millions of pounds of emissions we have helped avert, the native ecosystems we have protected, our litter-free
neighborhoods, and the competitiveness of our businesses through energy efficiency and reduced waste.”
Bridging The Gap is located at 1427 W. 9th St., Kansas City, Missouri 64101. For more information or to volunteer, they can be contacted at (816) 561-1087.
A 26 year old mother of two loved her children, so it was no surprise to
friends and relatives that she rushed to check on them after she crashed
into a power pole. What her friends don’t understand is that as she tried
to get her small children out of the back seat, she came into
contact with a power line and died.
“You hit a pole. Your family is OK. You’re OK. You get out of the car
and you are alive. You step on the power line and then it’s over”.
Witnesses told police the line was arcing and they heard a small
explosion. By the time police arrived, she was unresponsive. She was
pronounced dead at the hospital. In a sense it was just a fender-bender. The car wasn’t totaled.
Friends and family gathered at her home to remember the young mother whom they recalled as being
a happy person and a happy new mom. According to friends and family, she had a good spirit. She
made people happy. She made people smile. She was the one to be herself no matter what. She just
left home and said “Mom, I love you. See you later”.
Downed power lines can happen during any time of the year – not just during the winter with snow,
ice and inclement weather. Power lines might be damaged and lying on the ground. We are advised to
follow some basic safety tips.
• If you find a downed power line, stay away and keep others away as
well. Call KCP&L toll free at (888) 544-4852 to report it.
• Observe downed wires from a safe distance of at least (10) feet.
• Be watchful for fallen lines that have contacted metal fences, backyard gym sets and other structures. If
a power line has come down on a metal fence, even a connecting fence
several yards away can be energized. The slightest touch can injure or even kill.
• If a power line falls on your vehicle, stay in your vehicle. Use your cell phone to call for help or wait for
help to arrive. Never move downed wires blocking vehicle access, and never drive across downed
• If you must leave your vehicle, jump clear to avoid being in contact with the car and the ground at the
same time. Then move slowly away from the car, dragging your feet to keep them both in contact
with the ground at all times.
• Stay away from wet or flooded areas if water is in contact with electrical outlets, appliances, lamps or
power cords. Not even rubber boots can guarantee protection from severe shock.
To report outages, flickering lights, lines down or other damage-related power problems,
call (888) 544-4852.
Late spring and early summer months are times of rain, storms, heavy winds, tornados, damage to property, and in many cases personal injury and loss of life.
To continue providing life-saving blood to our city, communities and surrounding states, the Community
Blood Center of Greater Kansas City (blood bank) is asking all eligible blood contributors to come out and donate their life-saving blood. Supplies are running low, and your donation will be greatly appreciated.
The Community Blood Center is the primary provider of life-saving blood, platelets and plasma to 70 area
hospitals in Missouri and nearby states. Donors may make an appointment at any Community Blood Center
location, including 4040 Main Street, or find a mobile blood drive at, or by calling
(816) 753-4040.
If you’ve thought about giving blood in the past, now is the time to do your part and join others in their efforts to save lives. Thank you.
•Trash Tires & Graffiti
Our Truman Road corridor and neighboring areas continue to have large amounts of trash, tires and “bulk”
items deposited by violators. In March we gathered 314 bags of trash, 63 tires, and approximately 600 pounds
of “bulk” items.
Your TRCID workers pick up and haul away trash, tires and bulk. The city then disposes of these. Vandalism, graffiti and trash dumping continue to be a problem.
We will continue to keep our part of the city clean and presentable. If you see or know of someone who
violates the city’s dumping ordinance PLEASE call (913) 908-4941 days or KCMO Police East Patrol (816)
234-5530 anytime. Thank you.
ReStore’s proceeds benefit Habitat for Humanity Kansas City. HFHKC is the seventh oldest affiliate of Habitat for Humanity International. They are a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian ministry working to
fulfill the dream of home ownership for low-income families in the greater Kansas City Metropolitan
area. Their goal is to provide decent, affordable homes to qualified families.
When you incorporate ReStore into your remodeling or recycling plans, you become part of a collaborative effort to rebuild and replenish our whole community. ReStore collects new and used home
improvement materials and furniture from various local sources and makes them available to the public.
When you donate your usable-condition building materials and furniture you’re saving precious
landfill space while filling the hopes of an individual or organization in need. You are the one who makes
our building and home improvement supplies available and affordable, which is why we offer self-delivery and free pick-up options.
ReStore accepts donations of new and gently used residential building supplies
and furniture that they determine will sell in their retail stores.
Offered for sale are building supplies, flooring, furniture, bath & plumbing,
kitchen appliances & cabinets, doors, hardware, paint, and décor. Also for sale
are HVAC & climate supplies, electrical & lighting, storage, tools, windows, and
Deconstruction services (by their trained contractors) are an offered fee-based
Two stores are at 4701 Deramus Ave. and 303 W. 79th St., both in Kansas
City, Missouri. Hours of operation are M-F 10:00am – 6:00pm. Donations and
Your new TRCID office is just inside the
purchase pick-up are until 5:00pm. Saturdays they are open from 9:00am – main entrance to the Elmwood Cemetery,
4:00pm. Donations and purchase pick-ups until 3:00pm. They are closed Sun- 4900 Truman Rd, KCMO 64127.
days. They may be contacted at (816) 231-6889. The FAX number is
You are cordially invited to visit us in our
(816) 231-7885. E-mail address is [email protected]. ReStore accepts cash, new office. There is ample parking. And
MasterCard, VISA and Discover Card. Discounts and promotions are also as before, you are welcome to visit any
morning from 8:00AM to noon, Monday
offered monthly.
The TRCID Reimbursement Program has been well received by our community
of property owners and managers. To date, we have received (3) applicants for
façade improvements. Many more of you could take advantage of this chance to
improve your building or storefront.
This is an opportunity you should not pass up. This is not a loan program. For
façade improvements and rehab work, you can receive up to $7500 reimbursement
for these improvements NO STRINGS ATTACHED!
Please review the application
and guidelines packets you received and act on this opportunity. If you’ve misplaced this information, call (913) 908-4941 and we will gladly bring you another set.
thru Friday.
We can still be reached at:(913) 908-4941.
Our e-mail is [email protected].
Throughout the year you will receive the
same great services of security patrols,
trash & tires pick-ups, graffiti removal, and
winter sidewalk snow removal as before.
Maintenance and beautification will continue to be two of our TRCID goals.
Don’t forget to visit our web site at
www.TRCIDKC.ORG where you can
access our past and current newsletters.

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