Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower


Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower
Basilica of the National
Shrine of the Little Flower
Celebrating 90 Years As A Parish
1926 ~ 2016
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel & St. Therese Parish
Origen del Escapulario
En el Medioevo muchos cristianos querían unirse a las Ordenes religiosas fundadas entonces: Franciscanos, Dominicos, Agustinos, Carmelitas. Surgió un laicado asociado a ellas mediante las Confraternidades. Las Ordenes religiosas trataron de dar a los laicos un signo
de afiliación y de participación en su espíritu y apostolado. Este signo estaba constituido
por una parte significativa del hábito: capa, cordón, escapulario. Entre los Carmelitas se
estableció el Escapulario, en forma reducida, como expresión de pertenencia a la Orden
y de compartir su devoción mariana. Actualmente el Escapulario de la Virgen del Carmen
es un signo aprobado por la Iglesia y propuesto por la Orden Carmelitana como manifestación del amor de María por nosotros y como expresión de confianza filial por parte
nuestra en Ella, cuya vida queremos imitar. El "Escapulario" en su origen era un delantal
que los monjes vestían sobre el hábito religioso durante el trabajo manual. Con el tiempo
asumió el significado simbólico de querer llevar la cruz de cada día, como los verdaderos
seguidores de Jesús. En algunas Ordenes religiosas, como el Carmelo se convirtió en el
signo de la decisión de vivir la vida como siervos de Cristo y de María. El Escapulario
simbolizó el vínculo especial de los Carmelitas a María, Madre del Señor, expresando la
confianza en su materna protección y el deseo de seguir su ejemplo de donación a Cristo
y a los demás. Así se ha transformado en un signo Mariano por excelencia.
El Escapulario, signo mariano El Escapulario ahonda sus raíces en la larga historia de la Orden, donde representa el compromiso de seguir a Cristo como María, modelo perfecto de todos los discípulos de Cristo. Este compromiso tiene su origen lógico en el bautismo que nos transforma en hijos de Dios. La Virgen nos enseña
* A vivir abiertos a Dios y a su voluntad, manifestada en los acontecimientos de la vida;
* A escuchar la voz (palabra) de Dios en la Biblia y en la vida, poniendo después en práctica las exigencias de esta
* A orar fielmente sintiendo a Dios presente en todos los acontecimientos;
* A vivir cerca de nuestros hermanos y a ser solidarios con ellos en sus necesidades.
El Escapulario introduce en la fraternidad del Carmelo, es decir en una gran comunidad de religiosos y religiosas que,
nacidos en Tierra Santa, están presentes en la Iglesia desde hace más de ocho siglos.
• Compromete a vivir el ideal de esta familia religiosa, que es la amistad íntima con Dios a través de la oración
•Pone delante el ejemplo delos santos y santas del Carmelo con quienes se establece una relación familiar de hermanos
y hermanas.
•Expresa la fe en el encuentro con Dios en la vida eterna por la intercesión de María y su protección.
En síntesis y en concreto
• Ni un objeto para una protección mágica (un amuleto)
• Ni una garantía automática de salvación
• Ni una dispensa para no vivir las exigencias de la vida cristiana, al revés!
•Un signo "fuerte" aprobado por la Iglesia desde hace varios siglos, ya que representa nuestro compromiso de seguir a
Jesús como María:
* Abiertos a Dios y a su voluntad
* Guiados por la fe, por la esperanza y por el amor
* Cercanos al prójimo necesitado
* orando constantemente y descubriendo a Dios presente en todas las circunstancias
• un signo que introduce en la familia del Carmelo
• un signo que alimenta la esperanza del encuentro con Dios en la vida eterna bajo la protección de María Santísima.
Normas prácticas
• El Escapulario lo impone una vez para siempre, un religioso carmelita u otra persona autorizada.
• Puede ser sustituido por una medalla que represente por una parte la imagen del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, y por
otra la de la Virgen. Esta medalla se bendice cuando se cambia.
• El Escapulario es para los cristianos auténticos que viven conforme a las exigencias evangélicas, reciben los Sacramentos y profesan una especial devoción a la Santísima Virgen (expresada con el rezo cotidiano de al menos tres Ave Marías).
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 17, 2016
A sign of Mary
One of the signs in the tradition of the Church from many centuries ago is the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. It is a sign approved by the Church and accepted by the
Carmelite Order as an external sign of love for Mary, of the trust her children have in her,
and of commitment to live like her.
The word scapular indicates a form of clothing, which monks wore when they were working.
With the passage of time, people began to give symbolic meaning to it: the cross to be
borne every day as disciples and followers of Christ. In some religious orders, such as the
Carmelites, the Scapular turned into a sign of their way of life. The Scapular came to symbolize the special dedication of Carmelites to Mary, the Mother of God, and to express trust
in her motherly protection as well as the desire to be like her in her commitment to Christ and
to others. Thus it became a sign of Mary.
In the Middle Ages many Christians wanted to be associated with the orders founded at that time: Franciscans, Dominicans, Augustinians, and Carmelites. Groups of lay people began to emerge in associations such as confraternities and
All the religious orders wanted to give these lay people a sign of affiliation and of participation in their spirit and apostolate. That sign was often a part of their habit: a cloak, a cord, a scapular.
Among the Carmelites, the stage came when a smaller version of the Scapular was accepted as the sign of belonging to
the Order and an expression of its spirituality.
Value and Meaning
The Blessed Virgin teaches us:
 To be open to God, and to his will, shown to us in the events of our lives;
 To Listen to the Word of God in the Bible and in life, to believe in it and to put into practice its demands;
 To pray at all times, as a way of discovering the presence of God in all that is happening around us; to be involved
with people, being attentive to their needs.
The Scapular finds its roots in the tradition of the Order, which has seen in it a sign of Mary’s motherly protection. It has
therefore, a centuries old spiritual meaning approved by Church.
It stands for a commitment to follow Jesus, like Mary, the perfect model of all the disciples of Christ. This commitment finds
its origin in baptism by which we become children of God.
It leads us into the community of Carmel, a community of religious men and women, which has existed in the Church
for over eight centuries.
 It reminds us of the example of the saints of Carmel, with whom we establish a close bond as brothers and sisters to
one another.
It is an expression of our belief that we will meet God in eternal life, aided by the intercession and prayers of Mary.
Rules and Rituals
 People are enrolled in the Scapular only once by a priest or authorized person.
 The Scapular can be replaced afterwards by a medal, which has on one side the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and on the other, the image of Mary.
The Carmelite Scapular is not:
 a magical charm to protect you
 an automatic guarantee of salvation
 an excuse for not living up to the demands of the Christian life
It is a sign:
 which has been approved by the Church for over seven centuries;
 which stands for the decision to
 follow Jesus like Mary:
 be open to God and to his will
 be guided by faith, hope, and love
 to pray at all times to discover God present in all that happens around us.
Basilica of the National Shrine of the Little Flower
Feast Day: July 20th
At the time of the Crusades some warriors, attracted by the beauty of Carmel, by its
geographical position and also by the memory of the prophet, retired to the mount. At
the beginning of the XIII cent. James de Vitry traced a retrospective picture of the spiritual rebirth of the Holy Land after the Crusades of the XI and XII centuries: «Pilgrims
devoted to God and religious men streamed to the Holy Land from the various parts of
the world... Some holy men, however, renounced the world, drawn as they were by various affections and desires and inflamed with religious fervor; they chose for themselves
places more suited to their purpose and devotion. ... Others, after the example and in
imitation of the holy and solitary man, Elias the prophet, led a solitary life on Mount Carmel, and especially on that part which overlooks the city of Porphyria, which today is
called Haifa, near the fountain, which is called the fountain of Elias, not far from the monastery of the blessed virgin Margaret. Like
bees of the Lord, they produced the honey of spiritual sweetness in their honeycombs of modest cells» (Historia orientalis sive hierosolymitana I, capp. 15-52; ed. J. Bongers, Gesta Dei per Francos, Hanover, 1611, p. 1075).
Between the years 1206-14 a group of Latin hermits, who lived «near the fountain on Mount Carmel» received from the hands of
Albert, Patriarch of Jerusalem, a «formula of life,» confirmed in 1226 by Pope Honorius HI. They are the Carmelites, the Friars of
Our Lady of Carmel and the sons of Elias. It is not certain whether it was veneration of the prophet Elias that led these hermits to Carmel. The rule does not speak of the Carmelite life as inspired by Elias. Later, in his Fiery Arrow, Nicholas of Gaul, wishing to bring the
Carmelites back to the purity of the hermitical life, will not evoke the example of the great solitary of the Old Testament. More probably, the fact of finding themselves on Mount Carmel and, later, the memory of this fact contributed to the birth and development of
the hermits' devotion to St. Elias. Only in the course of their history did the theme of Elias become an «integral part» of Carmelite
spirituality. Some allusion to the progressive legend of an hermitical life continued on Mount Carmel, from the times of Elias until the
Crusades, is found in the first rubric of the Constitutions of the chapter of London in 1281: «We declare, therefore, in order to witness
to the truth, that, beginning with the prophets Elias and Eliseus, who were devout dwellers on Mount Carmel, a number of saintly fathers of both the Old and New Testaments, duly impressed by the solitude of this mountain so well adapted to the contemplation of
heavenly things, have doubtlessly lived there, near the fountain of Elias, in a laudable manner in uninterrupted, holy penance with
holy results. During the time of Innocent III, Albert, patriarch of the church of Jerusalem, united their successors into one community
(collegium) and wrote a rule for them which Pope Honorius, the successor of Innocent, and numerous others after him, in approving this
Order, confirmed. This devout approval of the Order is evidenced by their various bulls. It is in this profession that we, their disciples,
serve the Lord until today in various parts of the world» (Latin text in Anal. 0. C, XV /1950/, p. 208).
There was still a difference between the first hermits of the Old and New Testaments, and their successors in the epoch of Pope Innocent III. In the first rubric of the constitutions of 1324, however, the successors already appear at the time of Christ. It is thus that the
idea was formed of the uninterrupted hereditary succession of the Carmelite Order. This conviction will lead to the sad struggle between the Carmelites and D. Papenbroeck. Meanwhile the figure of Elias became ever more significant in the spirituality of the Order; in the XV cent. Thomas of Walden wrote, without any further distinctions: «Our profession spurs us on to his outlook» (Mhc, p.
It seems that it was John Baconthorp, who died in 1346, who for the first time united the Marian devotion of the Order of Carmel with
the memory of the prophet Elias: «According to the prophets (prophecies?), the friars of Carmel originated especially for the veneration of the blessed Mary... And since /the blessed Mary/ is honored and preached through Carmel, it is fitting that on Carmel, which
is dedicated to her, she should have the Carmelites who venerate her in a special way. This is how it was in ancient times; in reality,
prophecies are understood in the light of subsequent facts... How many prophets and kings has Carmel had who through their deeds
rendered honor to the Lady of the place, the blessed Mary! It was in order to continue the cult of the blessed Mary on Carmel that
the Order of the Friars of Carmel had its origin. For, veneration given in places sacred to the saints is attributed, after God, to the
saints themselves... But even if all those who were to be saved at the time of the prophets rendered honor to the Son Who was to
come through the blessed Mary..., nevertheless, it was the friars of Carmel, venerating Him Who was to come at the time of Elias and
Eliseus, who began their Order of the blessed Mary on Carmel... Therefore, it is by reason of this veneration that they took
root» (Speculum de institutione Ordinis /Mirror on the institution of the Order/, cap. 1; the Latin text also in Élie, t. II, pp. 42-43). The
most complete form of this Elian and prophetic spirituality is found in a book of the XIV century, the Liber de institutione primorum
monuchorum /Book on the institution of the first monks/; the text also in Anal. O. C, III /1914-16/, pp. 347-49.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Élie le prophete, (etudes carmelitaines), 2 voll. (Bruges-Paris) 1956; E. Magennis, The Life and the Times of Elias, the
Prophet of Carmel, Dublin 1925; Soeur Jeanne d'Arc Élie dans I'histoire du salut, VS, LXXXVII, 1952, pp. 136-147; Élie et nous, p.
289-295; T. Brandsma, Canines, in DS II, coll. 157 ff.
Décimosexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
17 de julio de 2016
7:30am, 9:00am (Español), 11:00am, 1:00pm,
6:30pm (Español).
(Discalced Carmelite Nuns at 7am)
Rose Festival Meeting
Monday ~ Friday:12:00pm & 5:30pm
(Discalced Carmelite Nuns at 7:00am)
Saturday: 8:00am & 5:30pm (Vigil)
(Discalced Carmelite Nuns at 7:00am)
BBQ Plate Sale - Rose Festival Fundraiser
Tuesday: 5:30pm Carmelite Community Mass
Thursday:8:30am Little Flower School Mass
1st Friday:5:30pm Mass for the Sick
Workshop for New Lectors and New Extra-ordinary
Ministers of Holy Communion
Thursday: 6:00pm~7:00pm Holy Hour
Monday ~ Sunday Our St. Elias Chapel is open
for Adoration from 8:00am to 6:00pm
Tuesday: 6:00- 7:00pm
Saturday: 4:00- 5:00pm & 7:00- 8:00pm
By appointment, call the parish office.
Spiritual Direction, call the parish office.
English: Second Sunday of the month
Spanish: Third Sunday of the month
For more information:
There will be a meeting for all groups and organizations on Friday,
July 22, at 7:00pm at the Pastoral Center. We ask that all groups
and organization be represented.
Sunday, August 28, 2016
Plate tickets will be available on July 15th. For more information, please contact Mauro Martinez at (210)317-6470.
Class will be held in Spanish & English on
Saturday, July 23rd at 10:00 am at the Pastoral Center, located at 824 Kentucky Ave.
Please call the Parish to register for class
San Antonio Archdiocese News:
Feasibility Study Update
Attend a town hall meeting!
Archbishop Gustavo García-Siller is working to address several opportunities and needs facing our archdiocese. Over the next several
weeks, the archbishop is asking every parishioner to fill out a feasibility study survey, which will gather YOUR feedback regarding the proposed Archdiocesan-wide needs. Please consider attending one of
these Town Hall meetings:
Monday, July 18, 6:30 pm, St. John Berchmans Church, 1147
Cupples Rd., San Antonio 78226
Tuesday, July 26, 6:00 pm, St. Luke Church, 4603 Manitou,
San Antonio 78228
At least six months prior to wedding date.
View requirements on website:
Call the parish office (210) 735-9126.
Actualización sobre el Estudio de Factibilidad
BASILICA (210) 735-9126
Rector: Fr. Gregory Ross, O.C.D.
Pastor: Fr. Luis Gerardo Belmonte-Luna, O.C.D.
Parochial Vicar: Fr. Marion Bui, O.C.D.
Fr. Luis Joaquin Castaneda, O.C.D.
Fr. Raul Reyes, O.C.D.
Fr. Henry Bordeaux, O.C.D.
Senior Secretary: Sylvia DeHoyos ext. 116
Business Manager: Susana Cantu ext. 114
Book Keeper: Consuelo Salazar ext. 104
Human Resources: Laura Cole ext. 105
CCD Director: Rita Beltran ext. 110
Principal: Mrs. Nora Mozingo
905 Kentucky Ave.
San Antonio, TX 78201
Tel. (210) 732-9207 * Fax (210) 732-3214
Asista a una reunión comunitaria!
El Arzobispo Gustavo García-Siller trabaja para atender varias
oportunidades y necesidades en nuestra Arquidiócesis. En las
próximas semanas, el Arzobispo pide a cada parroquiano que
complete la encuesta del estudio del estudio de factibilidad, el cual
recopilará SU opinión acerca de las necesidades a nivel
Arquidiocesano. Por favor considere asistir a una de las siguientes
reuniones comunitarias:
♦ Lunes, July 18, 6:30 pm, St. John Berchmans Church, 1147 Cupples
Rd., San Antonio 78226
♦ Martes, July 26, 6:00 pm, St. Luke Church, 4603 Manitou, San
Antonio 78228
Catholicism Live! is a weekly series featuring various guests and topics on the
faith, Church teaching and is broadcast by Catholic Television of San Antonio
and is also simulcast on Guadalupe Radio Network 89.7 FM KJMA and
online at Wednesdays 8 – 9 PM. Go to or
call (210) 521-3377 for further details and topic schedule.
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel & St. Therese Parish
Little Flower Parish - Senior Appreciation Day
Faith Formation News
Save the Date!
Celebrating 90 years as a Parish
Sunday, August 14
Vigil of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
4:00 pm Solemn Vespers
Follow by a reception at the parish hall
If you are a parishioner and are 65 years old or more
please give us a call at the office to consider you in this celebration!
Fr. Luis
Would you and your family like to make a difference?
There are two opportunities for you to help make that
♦ First - A Breakfast Fundraiser (DESAYUNO)
Little Flower Rose Festival
We invite everyone to come and enjoy breakfast tacos and
menudo on Sunday, August 7, 2016, from 9:30am –3pm.
All proceeds benefit the Little Flower Faith Formation Program. Please help make a difference by supporting this
worthly cause.
Second: Come Walk With Us!
Our Annual Rose Festival is scheduled for Sunday,
October 2, 2016. Please pray for our committee as
they prepare for this wonderful event. More details to
Starting on August 6 and 7 and August 13 and 14 we are
block walking the neighborhood to inform residents of the
Faith Formation Program in our parish. Please consider joining this effort, we need your help and support.
Christmas in July Arts & Crafts Sale - TODAY!
St. Therese Patch Program
Come join us for Christmas in July Craft Show, July
17th, from 8:00am to 3:00pm. Parish Hall. A variety
of tacos and drinks will be available.
Donations are being requested for the "Discovering St. Therese of
Lisieux, the Little Flower" Patch Program as part of the 90th Anniversary celebration for Little Flower Catholic School this year. The
program is created by Anna Surovic, senior Girl Scout and student at Providence Catholic School, as part of her Girl Scout Gold
Little Flower Gift Shop (210) 736-3889
We invite everyone to come see our newly renovated Leadership Award project. Free baked goods will be offered
store. New merchandise every week. We hope to see from Anna (and her Mom!) to the public and any donation proceeds will be applied to purchasing the newly designed patch and
you soon.
other supplies for the program, which will take place at Little
Flower Catholic School, free of charge to the students. May St.
Little Flower School
Therese's message of kindness and sacrifice, her "Little Way", be
(210) 732-9207
more deeply shared throughout the school by this program. If
there are further questions, please contact Anna at (210) 452Follow us on Facebook
3443 c.
Atención Catequistas! Clase de Nivel 1
La Iglesia de Little Flower ofrece nivel 1 para certificación
de catequista. Para registrarse para este curso por favor
de llamar a la oficina de la parroquia al 735-9126 ext.
116. Little Flower will be offering Level 1 for Catechists in
Spanish . Please call the office to register.
World Youth Day 2016 - San Antonio
Jornada Mundial de la Juventud 2016 - San Antonio
Saturday, July 30 at 8am/ Sábado, 30 de julio, 8am
The Little Flower Parish invites all youth and families to participate in this FREE event. Come with us in this journey to
proclaim our faith in Jesus Christ. Please call Marina Pastrana to register (787) 477-3624. La Parroquia de Little Flower invita a todos los jóvenes y familias a participar de
este evento LIBRE DE COSTO. Acompáñenos ese día para
unirnos todos a proclamar nuestra fe en Jesús. Para apuntarse y para mas información contacte a: Marina Pastrana
(787) 477-3624.
Catholic Women’s Conference
The 2016 Catholic Women’s Conference is September 9 & 10 at
the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. Registration is now
Fullness of Truth Conference
August 19-21, at Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort & Spa
Conference Topic: “The Gods of Atheism”
For more information, please visit: www.Fullnessof
Catholic Charities - Back to School Wellness FairGuadalupe Community Center , 1801 W. Cesar Chavez
Blvd. Saturday, July 30th from 9:00am to 1:00pm
For more information, please call 210-226-6178.
Services being provided:
Children’s Immunizations, General Health Screenings, Ask a
Dentist, Medication Review, Pedi Mobile Bus & Services,
Kidney Health Screenings, Ask a Doctor & Ask a Nurse,
Mammography Screenings and Free Haircuts.
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
July 17, 2016
Lectors /Commentators
Second Collection:
Church Maintenance Fund
5:30pm Rosie Rodriguez, Sylvia Montoya / Randy Christilles
7:30am Lupe Blanco, Alois Iltis / Rosa Maria Martinez
9:00am (S) Orlando, Cinthia Lazaro / Maribel Martinez
11:00am Maria Gonzalez, Dolores Noriega / Gerard Migeon
1:00pm Jeannette Santos, Albert Zepeda / Douglas Dionne
6:30 pm (S) Lucy Torres, Mirna Martinez / Anita Parral
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
5:30pm Brenda Villarreal, Laura Christilles
7:30am Fernando & Eva Martinez
9:00 am (S) Carmen Leija, Anita Parral, Hortencia Ortega
11:00am Homer & Annie Cadena, Diana Ibarra
1:00pm John Cantu, Imelda Muro
6:30 pm (S) Carmen Leija
Mass Intentions
7:30am Members of the Secular Order (Living & Deceased)
Michael Zepeda - Health
Little Flower Mass Association
Anna M. Walker
For Our Parishioners
12:00pm Natalie Timmerman
5:30pm Thank You Fundraiser Volunteers
12:00pm +Mr. A.B. Palmer
5:30pm +Mr. A.B. Palmer
12:00pm Natalie Timmerman
5:30pm Ana Marie Hernandez
12:00pm Natalie Timmerman
5:30pm Thank You Holy Spirit for Answered Prayer
12:00pm Natalie Timmerman
5:30pm Thank You Holy Spirit for Answered Prayer
Natalie Timmerman
+Sixto J. Armendariz
July 24th - Church Maintenance Fund
Weekly Collection
July 10, 2016
First Collection:
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel:
Online Giving:
Total $ 11, 021.61
Thank you for your support!
$ 8,496.41
$ 993.40
$ 275.00
$ 167.30
$ 1,089.50
Registered Online Supporters: 27
Lord, hear our prayers
The following friends and members of the Parish
need your prayers. Please add these names to your
prayer list. Contact the Parish Office 735-9126 to
have names added to the prayer list.
Pray for the Sick and intentions of…..
Mary Curiel
Cecilia DeHoyos
Fernando Martinez
Ernestina Silva
Kay & Gloria Shaw
Julie Shaw Akins
Maxine Cadena
Manuela Hernandez
Erika Huerter
Ken Narendorf
Homer Gaytan
Zachary Casarez
Soledad Contreras
Mario Alfaro
James E. Gillette
Gim & Elizabeth Ng
Gloria Galindo
Carlos Garcia
Hermelinda & Raymond Guadiano
Sue Ruiz
Evangelina Gamboa
Jaime Vega
George Zentella Sr.
George Zentella, Jr.
Henry Posos
Lucy Phalen
Chad Hammes
Christina Polanco & Baby
Kim Nester-Atiee
Sr. Anne Marie, OCD
Sr. Teresa, OCD
Angel & Mary Bustos
Herlinda Guerra
Richard Joseph Corbett
Paul Mendoza & Family
Cielo Salinas Sanchez
Deborah Vara
Annie Cadena
Maria Gamez
Rosamaria Garcia
Genaro Castilleja
Adam Arredondo
Jeff & Danielle Alkire & Baby
Amelia Rose
Cindy Vargas & Family
Guadalupe Ochoa
Charles J. Lorea, IV
Leticia Pastrano
Yvonne Ortega
Virginia Rodriguez
Joann Mazuca
Belina Avila
Fernando Martinez, Sr.
Mark Griffin
Alma Gonzalez
Chuck Whitehead
Thom Pfeil
Baldo Ollerbidez
Amanda DeLeon
Serenity Bogert & Family
Herbert Garza
Jesse Elizaldi
Mr & Mrs Corona
Terri Rangel
Gloria Rangel
Joseph A.
Gabriella Sandy
Santiago Calderon
Selena Gonzalez
Ty Goodwin
Carmen Goodwin
Rosie C.
Patty Gonzalez
Luz Barrera Family
+Lydia Alonso

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