Casares de Rhymer, Jessica Ivett


Casares de Rhymer, Jessica Ivett
Clayton ' Shaka' Rhymer
Isaia Rhymer
Shakeen Hen ley (Adopted)
Daugh ter·s/Hij as
Zaria and Kiara Rhymer
Cesar de Jesus Casares
Mother/Mad re
El ia Barreto de Casares
Leon 'Sandman' Rymer
Harriette Rymer
Brothers!Herm a nos
Cesar Altonso Casares, Je sus Eduardo Casares (deceased), Linton Leonard (adopted)
Patric ia A lejandra Casares, Key la Adriana Casares de Rendon, Dawn Leo nard (adopted) , Kathleen Ritter (adopted)
Cesar Ju lian Casares, Cesar Edua rdo Casares, Eduardo Rafael Vargas, Cristian Alexander Casares
Mayra Alej andra Casares, Jessica Loreana Casares, Daniella Alessandra Casares, Stefany Valentina Rendon,
Aliyah and Alyssa Le onard (adopted)
Carlos Rendon, Rafael Vargas
Aracelys Oj eda, Zulay Hernandez, Yaneth Barreto
l l ndesffios
Pedro, Carlos Barreto, Valdern, Riel, Levance, Kareem Rhymer, Julian, Lucien Smith , Lucien Pickering, Willis Callwood,
Kelvi n Joseph, Leroy James
.\. uots/Tias
Angelica, Carmen Teresa, Ratae la Barreto, Amer ica Stabilito, Graciela Anez, Pearla Rhyme r, Edris Hill, Joyce Subero,
Beartrice Callwood, Beren ice Joseph, Luna James, Hilda Pickering, Nicolette Smith
G reat Uncleffio Abuelo
Lu is Jose Barreto, Darius, Thomas Hodge
Gt·eat Auntffia Abuela
E va Barreto, Mercedos B. de Romero, Victoria Camas de BatTeto, Mi ldred Hodge
Special Cousins/Primo Especial
C laudia, Carol, C laude, Clyde Hodge, Latisha James, Leroy James Jr., Monel Pickeri ng,
Patricia and Pamela Smith
Special Friends/Amigos Especial
Alfred Henley
Lorie l 'Instructor '! Henley
Lo rna Hospedales
Nevill e 'S heep'Sm ith
Verlin 'Bolo ' C rabbe
Elton ' UP Leonard
Delvet Hodge
C lifton ' Tiger ' Burke
Ken Dawson
Hon. Mark Vanterpool
Hon. Omar H odge
Hon. Andrew Fahie
Hon . Dr. Kedrick Pickering
Hon. J. Alvin Christopher
Dr. Miriam Hodge
Oliver Skelto n
E.W. Smith
Judy Williams
Anton io 'Tony' Henley
Jenero ' Poie ' Callwood
Mari on Blyden
Linda Daly
Li nda Huggins
D ouglas ' Fox ' Blyden
Cil io Don ovan
Michelle Billingy
M axwe ll George
C lement Fahie
Ll oyd Sm ith
Albion ' Bobby ' Hodge
Prince Jospeh
Dorothy Donovan
Roosevelt Thomas
William ' Skipper' Industrious
Ma nuel & Josephine Me Kelly
Daniel 'Pops' Cline
Joyce and Carlton Leonard and Family
Jsacc 'B usinessman' Cline
Ne lson 'Security ' Mye rs
Jv an 'Bread ' Hodge
Ronford 'Ron ' C li ne
Bruce and Robert Wong & Staff ofTola
Claudine Joseph
Arvan Hodge & Family
Staff of First Cari bbean International Bank
Staff of American Eagle, Beef Isl and
Staff of Myett' s Enterprise
Staff of B ig Banana Road Side Cafe
Many, many more family and friends, too numerous to mention.
Pall Bearers
Matumi Shaigemoto
Clyde Hodge
Stuart Donovan
Curvin Penn
Ken Dawson
Ashdale Prince
Honourary Ball Bearers
·rner s O'IV lunrh (lrepared
,, n11s/J. "1r1
Clifton Burke
Shakeem Henley
Alfred Henley
Linton Leonard
C ilia Donovan
Nelson Myers
/ nos
Eng li sh
( l fo ica lvett Casares de Rhymer. Jessica Rhymer was
born on the February
22 nct , 1971
to Cesar de Jesus Casares
ea !veil Casares de Rhymer naci6 el 22 defebrero
Cesar de Jestls Ctisares y Elia Ban·eto de Casares
and Elia Barreto de Casares in Caracas, Venezula. She was
en Caracas, Venezuela. Ellajite la cuarta hija de dnco niiios
the fourth of 5 children by that union .
nacidos de esa uni611.
In May 1993, after her U niversity education in Tourism,
she moved to the British Virgin Islands to study English.
Her first place of employment was at K-Mark (now
One Mart) and later went on to sell products with Michael
Georges. It was at this time, on June 18'\ 1996 that she met
her husband Clayton 'Shaka ' Rhymer. Later in that year, she
En mayo de 1993. !uego de su educaci6n universitaria
en Turismo, se tras!ad6 a /as 1s!as Virgenes Britcmicas, para
es tudiar ingles.
Su primer !ugar de empleofile K '!11ark (ahora conocido
como One !vlart) y luego pasc5 a vender productos con
began work ing at American Eagle, where she was employed
!vlichae! Georges. Fue durante este tiempo, e! 18 dejunio de
for 8 years. In 1998 the first of their three childre n, Zaria,
1996, que conoci() a su e.1poso. Clm ·to11 "Shaka .. Rhyme!:
was born.
Luego, ese mismo wlu, come!IZ<> a tralu?far para American
On Ju ne 18'h, 1999, after three years of courtship, the
couple were married in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The following
Ea;;!e. donde fite empleada par ocho a11os. En 1998. la
primera de sus !res hijos. Zuria. naci<)
year, 2000 the ir second child, Kiara was born. In 2003,
El 18 dejunio de 1999, de.1pues de tres ttilos de noviazgo.
during the peak of the BVI Election Campaign her last child,
la pareja contmjo nupcias en San Juan, Purto Rico. AI afw
their son Isaia was born .
siguiente, en e 1 2000. su seguncla hija, Kiara, naci6. En el
On July I th 2004 she began working at First Caribbean
International Bank, where she was employed at the time of
her death.
Jessica was a fun loving and outgoing individual who
drew peopl e to her w ith her infectious sm ile. Jessica loved
her husband and children w ith a pass ion . She woke them
each morning with kisses all over their bodies instead of
shaking or call ing them .
She will surely be mi ssed by all but especially her
2003, durante la cumbre de la campwla electoral de la ls·las
Virgenes Britanicas. naci6 su t!!timo hijo, e! var6n, 1saia.
El 1 de julio de 200-1 comenz6 a traht?far para First
Caribbean International Bank, donde win lahoraba, a lu
hora de sumuerte.
.!essica era una persona d !l' f' rtulu . unwrO .\'LI
c xtrorertida.
quie11 utr a /{( la '<<' lif e co n
hu sband, chi ldren , parents, inlaws and close frien ds.
May her soul rest in peace.
Jessica with fath er and and father's sister Graciala
La nena
Jessica at her naturalization ceremonv, 2002
To my Sweet and Beautiful Wife; whom I loved with all my heart
Let me first say a huge piece of my heart was taken way from me when she passed th is life. When we first met that Tuesday 18'h
of June 1996, I knew that I had found the woman of my dreams and the mother of my children. Her love was so pure and genu ine
and she gave it without hesitation. The smile she possessed was radiant as the sun and could warm any heart. She gave me three
(3 ) beautiful children and I can see her in all of them- kind, loving, gentle and happy, w ith a zest for life. So at this time I must say
goodbye to my beautiful wife. The kids need me and she would want me to carry on. Over time, the pain would subside but the
memory of her wou ld last as long as God grants me life.
Her Bebe,
Clayton 'Shaka 'Rhymer
R emem ber mommy, I love you and I will never forget you, your first child.
Love always,
Zaria Rhymer
[love you mommy and I will always remember you .
Love you,
Kiara A lyssa Rhymer
Jessica, hija querida, nunca imagine que partirias tan pronto, cuando te sentias tan feliz rodeada de tu esposo, hijos y toda tu
fam ilia la de Tortola y la de Venezuela, porque aun cuando estuviesemos lejos, siempre estabamos muy cerea. Te fuistes con tantas
ilusiones y hermosos proyectos para ti y Ios tuyos . Rogamos a Dios nos perm ita ver crecer tus hijitos yen tu memoria nos ayude
a conve rtirlos en un hombre y dos muj eres de bien, para alegria y orgullo de todos quienes Ios rodeen . Hija te Ilevas el inmeuso
amor de tus padres, hermanos, tios, tias, sobrinos, sobrinas, primos, primas, arnigos de tu infancia y juventud y la de quienes te
conocieron, porque siempre tuvistes para todos: una sonrisa, una gracia, un halago, carino y atencion. Siempre fbis tes a! guien muy
especial y donde quiera que Dios te haya Ilevado, debe ser un lugar tan especial y alegre como tu. Que Dios te bendiga siempre
hij a adorada.
Papa Y Mama. Cesar Y Elia.
lt is with a heavy heart that we sit down to write this tribute to Jessi ca, who came into our lives and was li ke a daughter to us.
From the first time we met her, we fe ll in love with her. We find it so difficult to write thi s and still can ' t fathom w hat has happen.
Every time we th ink of her, all we can see is her smi ling face coming out of our guest bedroom dow nstairs and standing by the
kitchen counter while talking to us. Jessica had such a warm and pleasant personality that woul d just take in everyone with whom
she came in contact. Even though she has gone from us so suddenly, her presence will always rem ain with us forever. To C layton,
the children and fa mily, may God give yo u the strength to go on from day to day and
remember that Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal. May she rest in peace.
Willis, Beatrice Callwood & fam ily
Jessica came into our lives to teach us the true meaning of happiness . She not only inspired us to work hard and to persevere, but
also to be the best parent we can be to our children. Her sudden pass ing serves as a reminder that there is a greater bei ng/power
that hold the key fo r li fe and death and that we should always be mindful of how fragile life van be. Jehovah God has a master plan
for Jessica, fo r now her work is done here on earth, we will endeavour to carry that torch of love, especially towards her ch ildren
and our familie s. May she rest in the everlasting arms of the O ne who created us, as we make peace within our hearts knowing
one day we will m eet again.
Staff ofAmerican Eagle
God brings special people into our lives to share a little of Himself with us and when He is ready, at times He takes them. Jessica
was a burst of sunshine, a truly loving, ki nd and affectionate person. She embraced life and people with a passion. She Loved all
her family dearly, even those she "adopted". She will truly be missed by us.
Linton Leonard and Family
For all those who Love Jessica and those for whom she Loved
With much love to Shaka, Zaria, Kiara, & Isaia and all their family .
Jessica gave us her love, her kindnes s, her sweet tenderness. She will truly always be sorely missed.
Let us thank her for the love she has shown. Now our great Father God has called her hom e. So let us grieve a while, fo r grieve
we must, but let our grief be comforted by God's trust.
lt's only for awhile that we must part . May God please bless every memory of her within our hearts.
Though we won't see or touch her, she' 11 be near. And if we listen to our heart, we will hear her laughter, see her sweet smile and
feel all of her love around us, soft and clear.
And when it 's our turn to be called by our great Father, She'll be there to greet us with her arms open and that beautiful Jessica
Oneness ,
Uncle Kareem, A unt Val, Myett, KJ, and Liliana
A Tribute to Jess,
Words can not express the loss l felt over her passing. She will be sadly missed by me. She was al way s there for me when l
needed assistance. Our relationship got even closer when we both stared working at the Bank. We talked and laughed together
and had a good working relationship. I will miss her calling in the morning asking me "Mich, how you doing" ? H ow th ings down
there ? Meani ng downstairs, after I moved to International. But God knows best, until we meet agai n. May her soul rest in eternal
"A Beautiful Rose has faded".
Michelle 'Mich 'Billingy

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