April 3, 2016 - The Parish of Resurrection


April 3, 2016 - The Parish of Resurrection
The Parish of Resurrection-Ascension
Our Way of Life
Resurrection-Ascension Church is a diverse community that gathers together to celebrate the Eucharist.
We recognize that the Lord is the source of all that we have and all that we do. We hope that through our sharing
of the Eucharist, the Sacraments, and our belonging to the parish – we may obtain a deeper relationship with the
As a people of faith, we are striving to grow in our ability to live out our understanding of “Stewardship”
through the sharing of our Time, Talent and Treasure. We trust that, through God’s grace we may reach out to
others, welcoming them, while respecting and supporting one another.
Pastoral Staff
Weekend Mass Schedule
Rev. Salvatore J. Amato, Pastor
Mr. Emanuel Bologna, Director of Music
Mrs. Joann Heppt, School Principal
Ms. Joyce Mennona, Dir. of Religious Education
Rev. Basilio Monteiro, Weekend Presider
Deacon Julio Murillo, Permanent Deacon
85-25 61st Road, Rego Park, New York 11374
61-11 85 Street, Rego Park, N.Y. 11374
Phone: (718) 424-5212
FAX: (718) 639-8679
General E-Mail: [email protected]
Sacramental Certificate Requests: [email protected]
Website: www.rachurch.net
Rectory Staff
Debbie Gross (Receptionist)- [email protected]
Carmen Chang [email protected]
(Receptionist en Español- Saturdays 9am -1pm)
Heather Belon (Bookkeeper)- [email protected]
Cathy Mesa- [email protected]
(Tuition Officer/Rectory Receptionist)
Rectory Hours
Monday through Friday:
9:00 AM to 12 NOON
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
(closed for lunch 12 NOON-1:00 PM)
Saturday: 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, CLOSED SUNDAY
5:00 PM
8:00AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM
12:30 PM (Spanish)
Weekday Mass Schedule
Monday – Friday
9:00 AM
Rite of Reconciliation (Confession)
11:00 AM to 11:30 AM
School: 85-25 61 Road
Phone: (718) 426-4963 FAX: (718) 426-0940
[email protected]
Faith Formation Office
& Pastoral Care Center: 85-18 61st Road
(718) 533-7898
[email protected]
Music Office:
(718) 651-6359
[email protected]
Youth Ministry
Jim and Torey Shearer Phone (917) 597-8807
[email protected]
“Like” us on Facebook!
Today is Divine Mercy Sunday (C) . The Readings are found at
#1081 in the Parish Hymnal.
Monday, April 4th
9:00am Christine Pensabene, req by her parents
Tuesday, April 5th
9:00am Paul Lin and Maria Jiang, req by their
daughter, Jinzhu Lin
Wednesday, April 6th
9:00am Mary Soter, req by John and Carol
Thursday, April 7th
9:00am Edward Gibbons (bday), req by his wife,
Mary, and family
Friday, April 8th
9:00am Rosa Pollina, req by Josephine Dioguardi,
and family
Saturday, April 9th
9:00am For the People of the Parish
--Timothy Donovan, req by Catherine Donovan, and
-intentions of Andrzej Jablonka, req by his wife
-for the souls in Purgatory who will be risen to
heaven, or forgotten souls, req by Anthanatiusshen
5:00pm Elizabeth F. Wirsum, req by Bridie Grogan,
and family
Sunday, April 10th– Third Sunday of Easter
(48: Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41 Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13
Rv 5:11-14 Jn 21:1-19)
8:00am Andy Hagarty, req by his wife, Anne, and
9:30am Mary Hillebrand, req by her family
11:00am Jacqueline Goarin, req by John and Bernice
12:30pm Hugo Osorio, req by his wife, Victoria
Next weekend, we will be accepting your donations to the
Thanks for the Memories Collection, which benefits our parish
school. On behalf of our students, faculty and staff,
we thank you, in advance, for your continued generosity 
TODAY, April 3rd, is Divine Mercy Sunday.
Come join us every Saturday at 4:15pm in the Blessed
Sacrament Chapel to honor and pray for God’s Mercy.
We will have a special second collection next
weekend to support the efforts of Catholic Charities,
as they, and their agencies, respond to immediate
emergency needs for necessities to rebuild, especially
after the widespread devastation, created by the
storms in the South and Midwest regions of the United
The Sick and/or Hospitalized: Joseph Arigo, Arline
Blanke, Stephanie Bojarski, Maureen Borzell, Paul Borzell,
Eileen Boyle, Rosaria Cali, Richard DeNardo, Louis F.,
Agnes Finegan, Fong Ing Sukati, Msgr. Vincent Fullam,
Gerardo Giraldo, Eileen Grubb, George Harms, Rita
Mascarenhas, Virginia Moriarty, Antonia Muronta, Susan
Patina, Milagros Pizarro, Jovina Rios, Julio Rosado, Frank
Russo, Vincent Russo, Michael Schirling, Madeline
Silecchia, Edmund Stalzer, Rose Tantillo, Terry Twibell,
Alicia Witherby, Roy Witherby
Deceased: Marietta Cabrera, Carlos Cruz
The Wine and Hosts will be used at all the Masses
this week in loving memory of Kenneth Madigan
(birthday), as requested by his wife, Kay.
The Altar Candles will be lit this week in loving
memory of Tim Donovan, as requested by the
Donovan family.
The Candle at the Statue of the Blessed Mother
will be lit this week in loving memory of Antonio
Gonzalez, as requested by his wife and family.
The Candle at the Statue St. Patrick will be lit this
week in loving memory of Patrick and Joseph
O’Dea, as requested by mom and dad.
Sunday School and Children’s Liturgy of the Word
will meet next Sunday, April 10th.
On Saturday, October 29th, there will be a Diocesan
Pilgrimage to the National Basilica in Washington D.C.,
with Bishop DiMarzio and our Diocesan choir. A bus will
leave from Resurrection-Ascension Church. For more
information about the pilgrimage, contact Joyce
@ [email protected] or 718-533-7898.
For more information about the shrine visit:
A note from Joyce Mennona…..
Join us in our book blog at
where we have an assortment of books we are currently
discussing. If you have trouble logging in, email Joyce at
[email protected], and ask for an invite. Once you
do, be sure to also check your junk mail 
SAVE THE DATE- April 10, 2016
Mass of Inclusion and Community Resource Fair for
Seniors, People with Disabilities, and the Deaf.
American Martyrs Church
79-43 Bell Blvd, Bayside
Sponsored by Catholic Charities of Brooklyn and Queens
and Parish Advocates for People with Disabilities of
Northeast Queens
12:30pm Mass followed by Resource Fair.
APRIL 3, 2016
Today, with the completion of the Easter Octave, I would like to express my thanks to all who
contributed to the reverence and dignity of our Holy Week Services. All of the services [beginning with
Palm Sunday, through the Triduum, to Easter Sunday] were, obviously, very well prepared and
experienced as truly prayerful.
During the Vigil Mass at 8 P.M. on Saturday, March 26th, three adults received Communion and
Confirmation. The three who received “Full Communion” with the church through the sacraments of
Communion and Confirmation were: Lesly Bravo, Maria Bravo, and Christine Murphy. What a
privilege, and joy, to welcome them to fuller participation, as we, also, express our gratitude for their
decision, [resulting from the example of others,] and their willingness to, [essentially], “have what we
have.” This experience also calls to mind those days in the early Church when adults came forward on
the Easter Vigil to be baptized after their preparation during the Lenten Season.
On behalf of all worshippers during the above Masses and Services, our sincere gratitude to those
who played a special role for their time, dedication and effort; namely, our “behind-the-scenes”
Sacristans, the three choirs (Junior, Spanish, and Adult), Altar Servers, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of
Holy Communion, Ushers, Church decorators, the Hosting and Hospitality Committee, and any additional
volunteers--such as those who participated in the feet washing on Holy Thursday.
Notably, as a parish, we have received thanks and compliments for the prayerful manner in which our
Liturgies are celebrated. Truly a Team effort!!!!.
We are pleased to announce that among
the total of 72 Altar Servers, including 16 attending
high school, the following 19 new Altar Servers (12
girls and 7 boys) have successfully completed 4
weeks of training and will begin to serve Masses
during the month of April & May.
Jose Arce
8th Grade, RA
Adriana Chamulak
4th Grade, RA
Ellan De La Cruz
5th Grade, RA
Elliz De La Cruz
4th Grade, RA
Sydney Ewald
4th Grade, RA
Micah Gagarin
4th Grade, RA
Francesca Gamatero
4th Grade, PS
Ashley Hernandez
5th Grade, RA
Leilana Jimenez
5th Grade, PS
Francesco Mancini
5th Grade, RA
Steven Morocho
4th Grade, RA
Seraphina Ng
4th Grade, RA
Janelle Pascual
4th Grade, RA
Keilyn Paulino
4th Grade, RA
Samuel Rivera
5th Grade, PS
Melissa Rojas
6th Grade, PS
Rachel Santiago
4th Grade, PS
Daniela Valdes
5th Grade, RA
Meghan Wenz
5th Grade, RA
We had our “Winter Session” official drawing of our
parish 50/50 on Monday, March 28th.
The winner of the WINTER session was
William Morrissey, (of Rego Park), who received a
check for $1,210.
That means the parish receives the same amount to
help defer our ever-growing maintenance costs.
Thank you to all who participated! Look for
upcoming announcements regarding our SPRING
50/50, which will begin late April,
with a June drawing date, TBA.
A heartfelt thanks to: all who helped to decorate the church for
Easter, to those who helped set up and take care of the
reception following the Easter Vigil, and those who helped at our
annual Easter Egg Hunt.
Also we extend the thank you to Creative Florist on Eliot Ave.
for the flowers and all their assistance.
None of it would be possible without your kindness, assistance,
and support. A joyous and
Blessed Easter season to all of you!
Registration for 2016-2017 School Year
We began our registration for the 2016-2017
school year this week. If you were not able to
attend, please call the school office for an
appointment. At present, seats are available in all
grades, but are filling quickly. For registration,
please bring the following:
-Birth certificate
-Baptismal certificate
-Immunization Records
-Social Security Card
-Report Cards and/or
Standardized Test Scores,
-$150 registration fee
If you would like more information about our
school, please visit our website at
Congratulations to the following students who
have achieved honors in their respective high
St. John’s Preparatory School
Rayn Adams
Christ the King High School
Meilani Rivera,
Bianca Vertus
Xavier High School
Thomas Conan,
Ryan Heenan
TMLA Math Bowl
Congratulations to our three 7th grade girls—
Lauren Solla, Gabriella Fusco and Nicole
Contreras—who competed in the Mary Louis Math
Bowl. Our team placed third among the 20
schools competing, and Gabriella was our high
Annual Supermarket Blitz 2016
will be held on Friday, April 29th in the
auditorium. More details to come….
We will have our Annual Vacation Bible School again this year.
It will be scheduled from 9am-12noon in Fr. Feely Hall on June
27th to June 30th and July 5th to July 8th. VBS consists of ageappropriate Bible stories, experiments, games, crafts, snacks,
and songs. Each session of Son Spark Labs VBS involves kids in
exploring an amazing aspect of God’s life-changing plan. By
providing opportunities for interactive learning at VBS, we can
share with the children in our community the Good News about
Jesus! Registration forms are available at the Rectory,
or online at www.rachurch.org.
1st Prize $100 Nora O’Connor, MV
2nd Prize $50 Carol Mazza, MV
3rd Prize $25 Carmela Tantillo, MV
Congratulations to all of our winners!
Monday, April 4th- The Annunciation of the Lord
-Food Pantry 10-12noon PCC
-Golden Age 12:30pm FFH
-Basketball Practice 5-9:30pm Gym
-NA 7:30pm PCC
Tuesday, April 5th- St. Vincent Ferrer, priest
-Children’s Choir 3pm Church
-Basketball Practice 5-9:30pm Gym
-English Classes 6:30-8:30pm PCC
-Spanish Prayer Group 7-9:30m FFH Chapel
Wednesday, April 6th
-Food Pantry 10-12noon PCC
-Generations of Faith Meeting 7pm FFH Main
-School Advisory Board Meeting 7pm CMR
-English Choir Practice 7:30pm Church
-Basketball Practice 5-9:30pm Gym
-NA 7:30pm PCC
Thursday, April 7th – St. John the Baptist de la Salle, Priest
-Mommy & Me 10-11:30am CMR
-Vicariate Choir 7:30pm Church
-Basketball Practice 5-9:30pm Gym
-English Classes 6:30-8:30pm PCC
Friday, April 8th
-CODA 10am PCC
-Twirling 4-6:45pm Gym
-Basketball Practice 7-9:30pm Gym
-Spanish Bible Study 7-9:30pm FFH Garden
Saturday, April 9th
-OCA 10am PCC
-Divine Mercy 4:15pm Blessed Sacrament Chapel
Sunday, April 10th- Third Sunday of Easter
-Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 9:30am Mass
-Sunday School 10:45am School
-Indonesian Apost Mass 2:30 Church,Rec.3:30-7pm FFH
-Alanon 12noon
Yoga classes in FFH on Mondays at 4:30pm.
$12 per class, $10 each if you take 6 classes. Bring
a friend, and get a free class. For more info, visit
Generation of Faith Update
Resurrection-Ascension Needs EVERYONE’S Help!
We have received pledges amounting to $758,420,
from just 96 parishioners!
50% of the funds we raise in the Generations of Faith
campaign will remain with us for our parish needs!
When we exceed our goal, 75% of the funds raised will be
returned to Resurrection-Ascension!
If we reach 125% i.e., ($812,500) of our assigned
$650,000 goal, every dollar raised will be earmarked for
the three stipulated capital improvements.
Parishioner to Parishioner
Some Thoughts
On the Generation of Faith Campaign
If you’re anything like me, the last thing you want to hear at Mass is another appeal for money.
We’ve come to pray and get away from our cares—or maybe just hand them over to God. Yet, here we
are being asked to contribute once again. It takes some doing to get over the annoyance when our quiet
thoughts are interrupted by such practical matters. But, eventually, we get over it because we love our
faith, the Church, and RA. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be sitting in these pews, week after week.
I’ve had to ask the Lord, more than once, to please let me have an open mind on this subject.
(And for Him, that’s not always a small task!) Now I’d like to share some of the conclusions I’ve reached
with you. It might help you to make a decision that you are comfortable with, in terms of responding to
this most recent request for assistance, which comes from our diocese.
 We are not really a captive audience. We attend Mass by choice. From a practical standpoint,
the only time we are all gathered together to receive parish information is -- when we are at
 The Generations of Faith Campaign is currently underway, in our diocese, and our parish. Some
very generous souls have already responded to the appeal. As in the past, many are the same
people who consent to bear the burden, over and over. Yet, all of us belong to the same parish
 In our own personal families, every member has a part to play, a contribution to make—whether
great or small. For each of us, our role is unique, and how we undertake it depends on many
factors. But, how we work together for the good of all, determines the strength of our family,
and how well it functions. It’s no different with our parish family. RA, too, has a need for
cooperation from ALL its members in order to run smoothly and efficiently.
Few, if any of us, would argue with the goals outlined in the Generations of Faith Campaign.
Certainly, it is not only the right thing to do, but what we wholeheartedly want to do; care for our
infirmed and retired priests, who have served us over many years, and strengthen the development of
character and faith in our youth, who are the future of our Church. We are no strangers to these goals
since chief priorities in our own families are concern for the elderly, and the young. As for investment in
our parish property; we recognize that maintenance is necessary, and less costly, in the long run. The
fact that at least half of the monies donated will come back to RA is simply good for RA, and good for all
us. Also, a youth minister would certainly be a “plus”.
So, pray for an open mind. Consider, decide, and act, on behalf of our parish. Let’s not just leave
it to the people in the other pews. Each of us knows what, and how, we can contribute. It’s between us,
and God. Every gift helps. God loves us, no matter what!
Thank you for your patience in listening. May God bless us, and our efforts, in responding to the
current “Generations of Faith” Appeal.
De Feligrés a Feligrés
Unos Pensamientos
Sobre La Campaña de Las Generaciones de Fe
Si Usted es como yo, lo último que desea es escuchar otra solicitud para contribuir dinero en la misa.
Sabemos que venimos a rezar y alejarnos de nuestras preocupaciones, o tal vez simplemente dejarle esas
preocupaciones a Dios. Sin embargo, ahora nos piden contribuir una vez más. Se requiere un gran
esfuerzo para superar la molestia cuando nuestros pensamientos tranquilos son interrumpidos por asuntos
prácticos. Pero con el tiempo se nos pasa, porqué amamos a nuestra fe, la Iglesia y a Resurrection
Ascension. De lo contrario, no estaríamos sentados en estas bancas semana tras semana. En más que una
ocasión, he tenido que pedirle al Señor que por favor me deje tener una mente abierta sobre este tema. (¡E
incluso hasta para El, no es siempre una tarea fácil!) Ahora me gustaría compartir con ustedes algunas de
las conclusiones que he alcanzado. Que podría ayudarle a tomar una decisión con cual se sienta cómodo
en términos de responder a esta solicitud de asistencia más reciente de nuestra diócesis.
 Realmente, no somos una audiencia cautiva. Asistimos a la misa por elección. Desde un punto de
vista práctico, el único momento en que todos estamos reunidos para recibir información sobre la
parroquia es cuando estamos en la misa.
 La Campaña de Las Generaciones de Fe está en marcha en nuestra diócesis y en la parroquia.
Algunas almas generosas ya han contestado esta solicitud. Todos los años contamos con la
absoluta colaboración de los mismos feligreses. Ahora necesitamos ampliar la participación de
todos ustedes, nuestros feligreses, porque todos somos miembros de la misma familia parroquial.
 En nuestras propias familias cada miembro tiene un papel que desempeñar, sea grande o pequeño.
Para cada uno de nosotros nuestro papel es único y cómo lo llevamos a cabo depende de muchos
factores. Pero la manera en que trabajamos juntos por el bien de todos determina la fuerza de
nuestra familia y de lo bien que funcione. No es diferente con nuestra familia parroquial.
Resurrection Ascension también necesita de la cooperación de todos sus miembros con el fin de
ayudar a que funcione sin problemas y eficientemente.
Pocos, si acaso algunos de nosotros, no están de acuerdo con los objetivos planteados en la Campaña
de Las Generaciones de Fe. Ciertamente, no sólo es lo justo que hacer, pero lo que queremos hacer de
todo corazón: el cuidado de nuestros sacerdotes enfermos y jubilados que nos han servido durante
muchos años, fortalecer el desarrollo del carácter y la fe en nuestros jóvenes que son el futuro de
nuestra Iglesia. Nosotros no somos ajenos a estos objetivos ya que las prioridades principales en
nuestras propias familias son la preocupación que tenemos por los ancianos y los jóvenes. En cuanto a
la inversión en la propiedad de nuestra parroquia: reconocemos que el mantenimiento es necesario y
rebaja los costos a plazo largo. El hecho de que al menos la mitad de los fondos donados van a volver
a Resurrection Ascension es simplemente algo bueno para el beneficio de nuestra parroquia y de todos
nosotros. Y restablecer el ministro de la juventud que sin duda sería muy positivo para nuestra
Por lo tanto, oren por tener una mente abierta. Considere, decida y actué en el nombre de nuestra
parroquia. No dejemos la colaboración con esta petición para las personas en las otras bancas. Cada
uno de nosotros sabe con qué y cómo podemos contribuir. Esto queda entre nosotros y Dios. ¡Cada
regalo ayuda y EL nos ama, no importa qué!
Gracias por su paciencia y por escuchar-. Que Dios nos bendiga.

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