Welcome to Corpus Christi! ¡Bienvenido! Mabuhay!


Welcome to Corpus Christi! ¡Bienvenido! Mabuhay!
Corpus Christi Catholic Community
3597 N. Sunridge Drive, Carson City, NV 89705 x (775) 267-3200
Pastor- Rev. Father James J. Setelik, Jr.
Welcome to Corpus Christi!
Office HoursWednesday-9:30-5,
Thursday & Friday 9-5
(Closed for Lunch)
Please call before coming to
the office.
Mass Schedule
Saturday (vigil): 4:00 pm
Sunday: 9:00 am, 11:30 am (Spanish)
Weekdays: Wednesday 9:00 am
Thursday 9:00 am
Friday 12:10 pm
Saturdays 3:00-3:30 pm or
by appointment
cada sábado de
3:00 a 3:30 pm
Preparation Class
required, call for an
6 months advance
preparation, call for an
Anointing of the Sick
By appointment, please call
the office
Holy Days of Obligation
Times Vary- Please check the
Parish Email-generaloffice@
Parish Website-
The Baptism of the Lord
January 12, 2014
Receptionist- Susan Zampirro
Pastoral Assistant (DRE, Youth Minister, Ministry Development,
Facilities Director, Art and Environment) - Karen Smeath
Gifts to God...Have You Given Yours?
Reflection of the Week
Gracious and generous God, we call upon
You in your mercy to watch over our parish
community and bless us with abundant love.
May our community reflect the desire to
share of our time, our talents, and our
treasure, willingly, lovingly, with others. You
call us to ministry and action, which is to say,
discipleship. May we be able to support
and sustain our parish through our
commitments and personal giving to our
Be our inspiration and our hope, O Lord!
As God has shared His Son with us,
may we generously and willingly share our
blessings with others.
The status of God’s beloved Son is not one he
clings to. It is one he shares. All of us are called to be
sons and daughters of God. In Jesus, we can all claim
God’s favor. The second reading makes this clear.
Here we read of the baptism of Cornelius and his
household. Peter’s speech recalls the anointing of
Jesus by the Holy Spirit and the great power that
swept through Israel and onto the doorstep of the
Gentile Cornelius.
As for his household, so for us. There is an end to
our work on earth, to our baptismal vocation and the
honorable work we do. But there is no end to the
saving life given to us through baptism. There is no
end to the life of the children of God; there is no end
to God’s compassion, which we know in Christ Jesus.
There is no end to our status as chosen and beloved
people of God. Because of Jesus’ life, death, and
resurrection, we are forever among those on whom
God’s favor rests.
Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Walk for Life—San Francisco
Saturday, January 25, 2014
There are a limited number of seats on the bus.
First come, First served.
$45 per seat—includes light snacks
and a bottle of water
Deadline for Ticket Purchase—November 28, 2013
Contact the office to get your seat.
Regular Collection/Colecta Semanal
Christmas Collection
Thank You Gracias!!!!
***Please, remember that we need a minimum of
$4,000 per week
to operate the parish!
***Necesitamos un mínimo de $4000.00 cada
semana para pagar por servicios optimales.
¿Ha donado cada semana generosamente?
Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 18,
6:30 p.m.
To discuss:
Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives by Pope
Benedict XVI
All Are Welcome!
Sunday’s Readings
Lecturas Dominicales
First Reading — Isaiah speaks of the Servant whom the
LORD upholds; he shall bring forth justice to the nations
(Isaiah 42:1-4, 6-7).
Psalm — The Lord will bless his people with peace (Psalm
Second Reading — Jesus was anointed by God with the Holy
Spirit; he went out healing and doing good
(Acts 10:34-38).
Gospel — A voice comes from heaven proclaiming Jesus as
the beloved Son, with whom God is well pleased (Matthew
Primera lectura — He aquí mi siervo a quien he dado mi
espíritu. Él les enseñará mi justicia a las naciones
(Isaías 42:1-4, 6-7).
Salmo — El Señor bendecirá a su pueblo con paz
(Salmo 29 [28]).
Segunda lectura — Dios ha proclamado la paz por Jesucristo,
el Señor de todos. Dios ha ungido a Jesús por el Espíritu Santo
y el poder (Hechos 10:34-38).
Evangelio — Cuando Jesús fue bautizado por Juan, el Espíritu
Santo descendió sobre él (Mateo 3:13-17).
The English translation of the Psalm Responses from Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981, 1997,
International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
1 Sm 1:1-8; Ps 116:12-19; Mk 1:14‑20
1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd;
Mk 1:21‑28
1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10;
Mk 1:29‑39
1 Sm 4:1-11; Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25;
Mk 1:40‑45
1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-19; Mk 2:1‑12
1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Ps 21:2-7; Mk
Is 49:3, 5-6; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-10; 1 Cor 1:13; Jn 1:29-34
The Baptism of the Lord
First Week in Ordinary Time; St. Hilary
St. Anthony
Blessed Virgin Mary;
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins
1 Sm 1:1-8; Sal 116 (115):12-19; Mc 1:14‑20
1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Sam 2:1, 4-8abcd; Mc
1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Sal 40 (39):2, 5, 7-10;
Mk 1:29‑39
1 Sm 4:1-11; Sal 44 (43):10-11, 14-15, 24-25;
Mc 1:40‑45
1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Sal 89 (88):16-19; Mc2:1‑12
1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a; Sal 21 (20):2-7;
Mc 2:13‑17
Is 49:3, 5-6; Sal 40 (39):2, 4, 7-10;
1 Cor 1:1-3; Jn 1:29-34
Domingo: El Bautismo del Señor
Primer Semana del Tiempo Ordinario;
San Hilario
San Antonio
Santa María Virgen;
Semana de Oración por la Unidad Cristiana
Through the centuries, artists and craftspeople have
depicted Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan River by John. At first
in mosaics and frescoes, and later in tapestries, stained glass,
and paintings, the scene is familiar. Jesus is standing
waist‑high in flowing water. Above him, standing on dry
land, John the Baptist pours water over Jesus. The first artists
to depict this were sketching from memory. This is exactly
how most people were baptized in the early days: as adults,
standing or kneeling in the water, with water poured over
their heads.
This method of baptizing, called immersion, is the
favored way today. An adult enters a font, or an infant is
lowered a bit into the water supported by a parent’s hand,
and water is poured or splashed over them. The treasures of
baptistry art attest that submersion, or plunging beneath the
water’s surface, is not really in our tradition, and that
“infusion,” the mere pouring of a few drops of water, yields
too narrow an understanding of what it means to be plunged
into Christ’s life. Jesus Christ has gone before us into the
water, and waits for us there with abundant gifts. No wonder
the tradition calls for abundant symbols!
Al escribir Tradiciones de nuestra fe me he encontrado
con muchas fiestas patronales en España, Latinoamérica y
Estados Unidos de América. Muchas de ellas mantienen su
carácter religioso mientras que otras son simplemente una
excusa para festejar, mejorar la economía local o hacer
política, pero no por estas razones deben ser descartadas.
Tomemos, por ejemplo, la fiesta de san Sebastián de las
Ovejas en la frontera entre Argentina y Chile. Esta fiesta es
más vieja que ambas naciones y su peregrinación pisa los dos
suelos. A lo largo del tiempo, esta fiesta ha sufrido por
razones políticas entre ambas naciones, pero a partir de 1980
las autoridades eclesiásticas, civiles y gubernamentales han
intentado revitalizar esta fiesta por varios motivos.
Las autoridades eclesiásticas la usan para renovar el
cristianismo añadiendo las enseñanzas y prácticas del
Concilio Vaticano II a las tradiciones antiguas. Las
autoridades civiles la utilizan para incrementar el comercio y
el turismo en la región. Los gobiernos de Chile y Argentina la
ven como un enlace benéfico entre ambas naciones.
Las fiestas patronales buscan integrar todos los aspectos
del ser humano, su política, economía, cultura, celebración y
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
—Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
This Week at /Esta Semana
Corpus Christi
Around the Diocese
Please add to our monthly “pray for” list…..
Sabrina Martinez, Jose Villalobos
Call the office if you wish to add someone to our prayer list
including; our military, members of our parish family and friends
who are sick or who have passed away recently.
Wednesday - January 15
9:00 am - Mother’s Day Intentions
Thursday - January 16
9:00 am - Father’s Day Intentions
Friday - January 17
12:10 pm - White and Reau Families by Tom White
Saturday - January 18– 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:00 pm– For the Conversion of those contemplating
Sunday January 19 - enero 19 - 2nd Sunday in
Ordinary Time/2º Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario
9:00 am - Catholic Daughters of America Court 2132
Catholic Breakfast Club
Catholic Professional & Business Group
Please join the Catholic Professional & Business Group
on Thursday, February 13, from 7-8:30 a.m. at the
Silver Legacy as they welcome Tom Brechja, president
and chief council of the Thomas More Society, Thom
Brechja shares his experiences in the legal battles for
religious freedom and the right to life. For additional
information or to make reservations you can visit
CatholicProfessionals.org or call 826-7039. The
breakfast is only $22 for members and $25 for nonmembers. Clergy and religious are free.
Catholic Professional & Business Group
Network with other Members
Integrate your spiritual & professional lives
Learn form interesting guest speakers
Eat, drink, and be holy.
11:30 am - People of the Parish
Minister Schedule/
Horario de los Ministerios
Saturday 4:00 p.m.
EM – Della Harmon, Sharon Lindgren, Charlie Muller
Lector - Phyllis Zink
Sunday 9:00 a.m.
EM – Jeff Smeath, Cindy Juchtzer, Lorie Courtney
Lector - Peter Stoelton
Sunday 11:30 a.m.
M.E. – Federico y Hallyma Davidson
Lectór - Federico Davidson
Our next Jacks Valley Elementary School
Food Drive is in February 8-9th. Thank you for all
your donations.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend
Married Couples
A Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is a gift for your
spouse. It’s a breath of fresh air, the rebirth of romance and new
beginnings. If you’d like to make your marriage even more special
than it already is—register now! The next weekend date is
February 14-16 in Sacramento, CA and March 7-9 in Modesto.
Early registration is highly recommended. For more information
visit our website at: http://www.sacramentowwme.org or
contact John & Angelica Angarita at
[email protected] or 866-825-2046
Friends for Life Dinner
February 21st
Inspirational speaker Chet McDoniel will headline the event.
Born with no arms, McDoniel offers a unique perspective on
how choosing to overcome barriers can inspire life. His message
of hope, happiness, and living a full life has inspired thousands
to life with a positive attitude. See the entry form more
Bishop Manogue Catholic High School Preview Days
We are currently accepting applications for the 2014-15
school year.
We are also offering an 8th Grade Preview day for
prospective students on Friday, February 7th. They allow
eighth graders to experience a typical day as a
Bishop Manogue student, attending classes and interacting
with faculty and current students.
See www.bishopmanogue.org for more info on both of these.
Corpus Christi Information
Respect Life
Please join Respect Life on Mondays at 1201 N.
Stewart from 1:30—2:30 p.m. to pray for the
conversion of everyone involved in abortion.
St. Benedict Society - Sunday
January 12th at 4:00 pm
Estáis llamados a proteger la vida! A respetar y defender el
misterio de la vida siempre y en todas partes, incluso la vida
de los niños no nacidos, proporcionando ayuda real y aliento
a las madres en situaciones difíciles. Estáis llamados a
trabajar y orar contra el aborto”.
— Beato Juan Pablo II, Homilía en Central Park, New York, 1995
“No olvides que Él, al que todo el universo no puede
contener, estuvo "escondido" en el seno de la Santísima
Virgen durante nueve meses. Una vez que te des cuenta de
esto, te llenarás de asombro por el doble misterio que Dios
te ha confiado: concebir a un ser humano hecho a imagen y
semejanza de Dios, y darlo a luz…”
Knights of Columbus - normally the 1st
Wednesday of each month - 7:00 pm
Catholic Daughters - usually the 3rd
Wednesday of each month - 6:45 pm excepting
July and August
Parish Potluck - Now on the 1st Sunday of
each month - February 2nd at 5:00 p.m.
Rosary held every
Wednesday and Thursday
after Daily Mass and
Friday at 11:20 am.
Alice von Hildebrand, Filósofa, “Carta a una recién casada”
“Don’t forget that He whom the whole universe cannot
contain, was "hidden" in the womb of the Holy Virgin for
nine months. Once you realize this, you will be awe-filled for
the double mystery that God has confided to you: to
conceive a human being made to God’s image and likeness,
and to give birth to him…”
Alice von Hildebrand, Philosopher, “Letter to a Young Girl”
Eucharistic Adoration is
the second Friday of each month
from 10:45—11:45 a.m.
February 14th
Altar Servers/Acólitos
Elivette Zambrano - Parish Office
Youth Ministry/ Grupo de Jóvenes
Terrie Juchtzer-Youth Minister (The Club)
Contact Parish Office
Hands of Christ/Ministry to Sick
Las Manos de Cristo/A Los Enfermos
Della Harmon
Convalescent Home Coordinator
Terrie Juchtzer
Adult Conversion Classes/
Los Sacramentos de los Adultos
Father Jim- Parish Office
Respect Life Committee/
El Comité de Respeto por la Vida
Lori Courtney - 885-6880
Catholic Daughters/Las Hijas Católicas
Anita Stoelton-Regent - 882-3791
Rosary Maker’s Guild/Maniobra de Rosarios
Cindy Pardini - Parish Office
Minister Scheduling/La Programación de Ministerios
Charlie Muller - 220-6242
Claudia Morales (en español)
St. Benedict Society/La Sociedad de San Benito
Jeff Smeath- Minister - 742-6199
Natural Family Planning/
La Planificación Familiar Natural
Mark & Gail Struble 841-4631
Hispanic Marriage Encounter/
Encuentro Matrimonial Hispano
Frederic y Hallyma Davidson
Pastoral Council/El Consejo Parroquial
Parish Office
Boy Scout/Girl Scout Information
Marty Schwedhelm 250-9564
Susan Zampirro 882-7523
Knights of Columbus
Ed DeCarlo - Grand Knight 400-6140

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